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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FBI using GPS to track activists. Good bye Freedom of...Everything. by qew

It's getting more clear everyday that WE are the terrorists. WE are the enemy. WE will not be allowed to fly, drive, take a train, go to a mall, gather in our parks or have a private phone conversation.

Where does it end?


[link to]

The Department of Homeland Security has released numerous standardized guidelines to law
 enforcement offices across the country which are meant to make it “easier” for police and 
others to identify a possible terrorist.

Watch out!

Anyone who talks frequently about the Constitution, or ill of the government

Anyone who supports the idea of a Constitutional Militia

Anyone who fights against anti-gun legislation, or owns many guns (man do we LOVE guns)

Anyone who supports state sovereignty and 10th Amendment issues

Anyone who supports Ron Paul (the ultimate sin according to the SPLC)

Anyone who believes the private Federal Reserve is destroying our economy

Anyone who talks about the “New World Order”, or global government (does this include men 
like George Soros, Joseph Biden, Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton,
Strobe Talbot, George McGovern, Mikhail Gorbachev, Richard Nixon, etc.?)

Anyone who discusses economic collapse as a reality in the U.S.

Anyone who speaks out against the IRS

Anyone who participates in “Hacktivism” (including those who leak documents embarrassing
 to government)

Anyone who participates in any form of activist group

Anyone who argues that the Left/Right political paradigm is a scam

Anyone who promotes Anarchist views

Anyone who distrusts FEMA (as if Katrina did not give us ample reasons)

Anyone who believes a truly independent investigation of 9/11 is rational and called for

Anyone who home schools their children

Anyone who flies a Gadsden Flag

Anyone who stores survival goods and food

Anyone who uses shortwave radios or HAMs

Anyone who watches movies like ‘Freedom to Fascism’, with anti-Fed messages

Anyone who operates private barter and trade networks

Anyone who stores gold and silver or uses them as an alternative to the dollar

Basically, ANYONE who dissents through independent political organization or protests
through non-participation in the corrupt system might as well be Al Qaeda…


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