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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Awakening - The Little Secret that will help you find the Big Secret by qew

We are all seeking answers- that is why we come to this website.

The Truth you are really looking for will not be found here directly, so it is important to not take your life so seriously.

The seeking that has led you here is an energy that needs to be redirected inwardly, and here is why-

Nothing is what it seems.

This is the first law of the Unknown. Doesn't matter what you think reality is because anything you THINK is a lie in relation to the Ultimate Truth.

That being said, the first thing you must do is let go of any ideas of what being awake is. Awakening does not occur as you learn book knowledge, secret knowledge, or any kind of knowledge.

You notice how some people, especially on this site, like to brag and boast that they are very Awake, yaddah yaddah yaddah...because they KNOW things other people don't know.

What does it mean? It's kind of like the child who says I know something you don't know, and I won't tell you. And most of time what they wouldn't tell us was just some made up lie, only produced in an attempt to gain control over us.

But they only have power when we allow them to, right?

Knowing the world is actually ran by reptilians from another planet, or that we descended from a genetic experiment of aliens, or that Planet X is a reality-

All of this Knowledge does not make you anymore Awake than you were before.

All that has happened is you are now believing another set of concepts instead of the ones you were given before.

This is a very important point-

You see, the decepetion lies here- when you "break" your old poaradigm, and feel the shift occur, you feel very liberated, almost like a "new born'.

That is why the Christians have even coined the term- it feels so good that when it occurs, people take this to be enlightenment or awakening.

It is not.

The true awakening occurs when you experience the fact that there is no You in the sense that you once thought.

In other words, you are quite mistaken about what you are, and it cannot be explained to you in words.

It is something that cannot be bought, sold, or learned in a book or on a website.

This is very important to realize.


Selling "wisdom" in the form of intellectual knowledge is a practice that has deceived millions over the millenia.

Wisdom is not knowing that Planet X is real or not. True wisdom is being able to love your family happily and with kindness, up until your last breath, no matter what.

Wisdom is not knowing if aliens are real or not. True wisdom is being able to love anyone no matter what their color, race, or nationality, nor no matter what they may have done to you in the past.

Wisdom is not knowing if Obama is really a US citizen or not. True wisdom is living like a saint in your own home, neighborhood, city, country and world.

True wisdom is nothing learned by the mind and is not defined by any terms or concepts- that is why it is so hard to come by. It can only be experienced in the now, the present moment.

You can tell how much wisdom one has by challenging him or her to a battle of wits and they do not even engage.

They already know that there is no possible way to win at that game, and it is not even worth playing.

Now if you do it with a koan, riddle or joke, then you can almost certainly expect something will happen.

And remember, even the Buddha was not recognized as a fully Enlighened being by a sage that encountered him shortly after his awakening.

That is a riddle all in itself!


So how does one find the real answers?

The best thing to do is just remember that you are what you think.

And if you can allow thinking to quiet down and become still, you will be able to hear the answers you are looking for.

Most feel that if they were to stop "controlling" their lives that they would turn into a zombie.

This is not the case. It is quite the opposite, actually. The more you quiet your mind, the more peaceful you become, and the better you are able to live you life.

Many never try, they will just continue to complain and say it will never work.

Well, if that is what you think, that is what you will be.

You see how this all goes around and around?

This is the nature of mind- all of life, really. It is a circle, a spiral, a merry go round.

Let go of the mind and everyhting will straighten itself out.


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