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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Radiation Limits Raised 500% for Fukushima Plant Workers

from by qew


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April 19th, 2011
From Nihon Television News 24 (4/18/2011):
In order to stabilize the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, the government is planning to raise the radiation exposure limit for the workers from the current 250 milli-sievert/year.
The radiation exposure limit for workers at nuclear power plants is 100 milli-sievert/year, but the limit has been raised to 250 milli-sievert/year to deal with the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident. According to the government sources, the higher limit is being considered because it is getting increasingly difficult to have enough workers to work on the plant. Also, the radiation inside the Reactor buildings is high, and the annual limit of 250 milli-sieverts may not be high enough to achieve the goals laid out by the TEPCO road map.
The international standard allows 500 milli-sievert/year in an emergency work, but it hasn’t been decided how high the new limit will be. The government will carefully assess the timing of announcement, keeping in consideration the health concerns of the workers and the public opinion.
The work at the [Fukuhsima I] nuclear power plant requires skills and experience under harsh conditions, and securing workers has been a problem.

原子力発電所の作業員に認められる放射線量の限度は年間100ミリシーベルトだが、今回の事故に限り、250ミリシーベルトまで引き上げられている。 政府関係者によると、十分な作業員の数の確保が難しくなっていることや、原子炉建屋内の放射線量が高く、今回引き上げた250ミリシーベルトの上限では原 子炉 の安定化に向けたロードマップの実現に追いつかないことから、上限の引き上げを検討しているという。
原子力発電所内部の作業は、労働環境の厳しさに加えて、技能と経験が必要とされるため、作業員の人数の確保が大きな課題となっている。 brought this story to our attention.  The Japanese author makes a good point about the increase in radiation levels.
If I remember right, 500 milli-sievert/year is for an emergency work that lasts for a few days to a few weeks, and not for a few months to a year or more. Same thing for raising the radiation exposure limit for non-nuclear plant workers for an emergency; that emergency is not supposed to last for more than few weeks.
I also hear that the government is planning to raise the annual radiation exposure limit for pregnant women. Instead of evacuating the expecting mothers to safer, lower-radiation places, the government simply raises the exposure limit and tell them it’s safe, don’t worry. What a country.
Due to increased pressure in Reactor #1, speculation is on the rise again that radiation levels at Fukushima, and throughout the evacuation zone are much higher than being released by TEPCO and SPEEDI.
Questions have been raised about whether a fission process might haveoccured in active fuel releasing Tellerium-132.
There are many dangerous isotopes that could be released a nuclear fission reaction, and if these elements were displaced into the air currents, the current scope of devastation would increase exponentially.
The Japanese government announced this week that they would be searching the ocean floor for plutonium, our researched showed that Plutonium was also detected on 5 or more dates from 3/21 – 4/04.


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