Posted by Alexander Higgins - March 18, 2011 at 1:33 am - Permalink - Source via Alexander Higgins Blog
Recently top US officials recently testified before congress Japan’s Fukushimi nuclear #4 is indeed breached and in full meltdown. Japan and Tepco immediately denied those statements claiming there is water in reactor #4, there is no meltdown underway and radiation levels are not at a level that would cause harm to human life.
After days of the US trying to decipher conflicting data and official reports out of Japan an employee from the Tokyo Electric and Power Company (TEPCO) plant has released photos and videos that prove that Japan has been lying about the crisis.
Since I am just a blogger, here is from an official new source the UK newspaper The Telegraph.
Japan nuclear plant: exposed to the elements – nuclear fuel in meltdown
Open to the elements after its walls were blown away, this is the dried-up storage pool where overheating fuel rods are threatening a nuclear meltdown at Japan’s stricken Fukushima power plant.

Visible in green within the shattered walls of Fukushima nuclear power plant, the storage pool is dried up, exposing nuclear fuel rods to the air. Photo: AP
By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter 10:20PM GMT 17 Mar 2011
Close-up pictures of the devastated No 4 reactor building show the gaping hole through which radiation is escaping into the atmosphere as the rods break down.
Photographs taken from an aircraft by an employee of the company which owns the power station showed for the first time the full extent of the damage to the reactor units, three of which suffered explosions following a failure of its cooling system.
In unit No 4, a whole wall is missing from the area where spent fuel rods are stored while they cool to a safe temperature.
Inside the building, a green-painted crane, which is normally used to move the fuel rods, caught the daylight flooding into the hall.
Beneath the crane, just out of shot, is the pool holding the fuel rods, which should contain water 45ft deep but which has now boiled dry.
Other pictures show the collapsed metal framework of another reactor unit’s roof twisted beyond recognition. Workers who volunteered to risk their lives to save the plant from meltdown spent another day frantically trying to get water into the storage pool by every means possible.
Attempts to dump thousands of gallons of sea water from helicopters appeared to meet with little success, and efforts to use a water cannon had to be abandoned at one stage because radiation levels outside the plant became unacceptably high.
Scientists in Sweden said that radioactive particles from the plant, blown across the Pacific by prevailing winds, would reach the west coast of America today, leading to a slight increase in background radiation.
Lars-Erik De Geer, research director at the Swedish Defence Research Institute, said the radioactive particles would eventually reach Europe and the whole of the northern hemisphere.
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