Climate Religion – In The Begining There Was Agenda 21 - Follow the Money
We should consider new taxes, user chargers, emission permits, citizen funding all based on the polluter-pays principle. so said 1992 Rio Earth Summit, Conference Secretary-General Maurice Strong at the closing of the summit.
Agenda 21 is the United Nations plan for the 21st Century where among its 40 chapters nature is deemed to be above mankind, the concept of guilty until proven innocent will prevail, and the establishment of a one world government with a socialist agenda for every aspect of our lives by the use of the standard socialist control mechanisms.
Agenda 21 eventually grew in to the Climate Religion of Al Gore and the settled science of Barack Obama, nearly 20 years on the closing statement makes interesting reading:
”Nothing less that the future of our planet as the home for our species and others has been the object of our work. The World will not be the same after this Conference. The prospects for our Earth cannot, must not, be the same. We came here to alter those prospects—we cannot allow those prospects to have come through this process without having been decisively altered and changed to a more promising and sustainable future.”He then enumerated their progress:1. Each of the conventions, on climate change and biodiversity have been signed by more than 150 nations2. We must advance from Agenda 21 to the Earth Charter. We hope there will be an Earth Charter on the 50th anniversary of the United Nations in 1995.3. Agenda 21 – still stands as the most comprehensive, most far-reaching and if implemented, the most effective programme of international action ever sanctioned by the international community. It is not a final and complete action programme, but one which must continue to evolve.4. On finance—we are a long way from meeting the needs for full implementation of Agenda 21.5. On technology transfer—we have made recommendations6. On conventions, climate change—we have taken a historic first step. We must build quickly on climate change, biodiversity and desertification (forestry) conventions.7. On biodiversity—has not been accepted by at least one nation necessary for its full and effective implementation.8. There are prospects for change but the patterns of production and consumption that give rise to so many of the global risks we are dealing with have continued. 260,000 children have been born each day while we were here—mostly poor—born into a world of hunger and deprivation.We have established a new global partnership. You must translate Agenda 21 and the decisions that you have taken at the global level into your own national policies and practices.We should consider new taxes, user chargers, emission permits, citizen funding all based on the polluter-pays principle.The messages from the children delivered as we opened this session this morning, gathered during the 15,000 mile journey of Gaia.
The people behind Agenda 21 know that the idea of a monstrous one world government is palatable to a very small segment of the population, so for years they used corrupt scientists and junk science to push the scary fear stories of impending global environmental Armageddon, which naturally their plans could save us all from.
The measures to save the planet would need to be extreme to combat their manufactured crisis, then Climategate came along and the scary CO2 stories crashed and burned.
Make no mistake these people will never give up Agenda 21 in one form or another, the Climate Change scam will continue to be an intrinsic part of their plan as they move in to food shortage and over population fear stories, all of which will require the same remedial action as the great Climate Change scam.
this is AGW ground zero..this is where it started..agenda 21..this has all been planned many years this to the warmists..see how maurice thanks gaia at the end of his speech?
“We should consider new taxes, user chargers, emission permits, citizen funding all based on the polluter-pays principle. so said 1992 Rio Earth Summit, Conference Secretary-General Maurice Strong”
time to wake up are being played like a spinning top..