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Recipe for a Nation
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I dedicate this Manual to the human species , who suffered so much from its self and from the cruel joke called ‘mother’ nature .
This is not a fantasy , it is as real as you can imagine our collective future , so if you want to make it happen in your life time do your duty and use your skills to spread the Recipe across the internet and the world .
Being just a messenger I only wrote the Recipe but it existed since the eternity of the Universe , regardless of language or DNA , it is a natural desire making it omnipresent in the history of any intelligent specie , in any galaxy .
To put it in my choice of simple words , it is as universal as your mother’s wish to see you live in a better world .
The numbers in brackets refer to each chapter web index found at the end of the Manual where relevant internet links are listed to prove that , indeed , you are not day-dreaming , this is not a fantasy and that all it parts us from Eden is your participation .
Please read the Recipe to the end to understand the beginning which is not what it seems but only justifying the purpose of the world’s shake-up and the start of the Nano Revolution . Take a trip with Daniel and enjoy the coming future , it’s shocking !
Latest update : April 11 , 2011
Chapter one : the Campaign of Revelations – pg. 4
Chapter two : the Start of the Revolution – pg. 23
Chapter three : the Planning of a Nation – pg. 28
Chapter four : the Building of a Nation – pg. 58
Chapter five : the Nano Revolution – pg. 79
Chapter six : the Watcher’s Job – pg. 93
Chapter seven : Peace on Earth – pg. 124
Chapter eight : Preparing to Depart – pg. 158
Web links index and independent News sites – 173
* It’s 20:11 , do you know where your Earth is ? the Climate Essay – 181
* The Advanced Alien Super Specie Essay : the Dream Prison – 183
* The Unifying Properties of Nature , the Universe Explained without math – 190
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Sitting on the deck in a warm summer afternoon , looking over my wild garden with a Heineken and a cigarette , there is a nation in my mind , friends , a family I never had , people I never met … and with tears in my eyes I was questioning the human specie :
If you want to change the world for the better , just how much empathy and determination do you have available ? …
At the Bilderberg conference of the world business elite in Baden-Baden , Germany , June 1991 , multibillionaire David Rockefeller opened the meeting with those remarks :
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.
But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries.” .
( )
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Among the eastern European countries and stuck in the surrounding international turmoil , Romania escaped from communism over two decades ago and now , becoming just another land to be milked of its resources , was facing the cold reality , the International Monetary Financing ( IMF ) and the rat race that prepared the nation for another try .
One of its sons , half around the world for many years , was about to give a hand of help and make a shocking difference .
Daniel Dumitrescu , a humble and quiet guy not someone that would turn heads , left Romania 32 years ago , lived in three Canadian cities , graduated with honours from an electronics college and later became self-employed for a while and getting to understand the system in an intimate way .
Lonely throughout his life he tried to keep busy and fight depression by reading science journals on the internet and following the political currents.
Against his shyness he slowly got involved in the Romanian Independence Internet Forum where over 500,000 people from all walks of life such as engineers , doctors , lawyers , technicians , nurses and office clerks were looking for ways to better their lives by peaceful political changes .
After two years Daniel emerged as an astute mediator and progressive thinker that earned him respect for his honesty and empathy prompting an on-line petition where the members elected him as chief to return home and lead the Revolution . When all the details were set Daniel respectfully accepted the honour , not having the slightest idea of how much his decision will affect the human species …
Chapter one : the Campaign of Revelations
With his luggage on wheels and a shoulder bag Daniel turned around at the front door of his small bachelor taking one more look at the cage of loneliness and despair he was about to put behind him .
His eyes wet thinking of the 55 years and nothing to show for but just dreams , a wasted time filed only by the depression of life’s futility , the 80 years or so of travel from dust to dust and not a clue of what will happen in between .
He locked the door and took the old elevator to the lobby while glancing at the wad of $ 20 bills filling the shoulder bag . Yesterday he closed his bank account and cashed almost $ 15,000 , all of his life savings working as an electronics technician . Looking at the money his heart didn’t skip a beat , he hated the stuff , it kept reminding him of his inability to be truly self sustaining , instead he had to get money to pay for his shelter and food a thing that his ancestors would find a shame .
With depressing memories rushing into his head he left the apartment building and start walking towards the Mustard Seed Community Services just three blocks away where he knew there are always homeless people waiting to get in for a cup of coffee .
Sure enough he saw the long line up and went straight to the last person , grabbed a pile of 20’s from the bag and hand it to him .
Without waiting to hear the ‘Thank you’ Daniel hurried up the line spreading the cash all the way to the front ending up with only a $ 100 for the taxi . Where he is going he will not need the money , it was a one way trip , regardless of the outcome Daniel didn’t plan to come back .
He bowed to the crowd for the warm comments and cheers , waved a cab , arrived to the airport , gave the $ 100 bill to the grateful driver and melted into the building’s traffic thinking that his little deed was just a drop in the bucket , only a temporary aid and no where near a real solution .
The hour spend alone in the terminal made him more anxious so Daniel felt relieved to hassle through the boarding motions while looking at the people’s expressions he knew were caught in the rat race . He made a commitment that once his plan will be well under way he wanted to see the changes on people’s faces , something that he considered a reliable indicator for the well being of a society .
He cuddled comfortable in the seat near the window watching the juggling of luggage carriers bellow and pondering on the extraordinary turn taken by his life , when a whispering voice came from the isle :
“ Hi ! Sorry to startle you , I am James McGrath , looks like I’ll be your company for the flight ! “ .
“ Hi , nice to meet you , I am Daniel Dumitrescu , please take a seat “ .
Once James sat comfortably they did small talk through the commotion of passengers settling down , until Daniel found out he was a biochemist and genetician .
Daniel studied Cell Biology as a hobby and in his head , together with nano-technology he though he can turn the world and move planets .
But looking at James he noted how plum he was , probably a combination of beer and wrong diet , so Daniel , not being able to fight his borne empathy , discretely channelled the conversation :
“ Since you are a biochemist you probably heard of lectins … L-E-C-T-I-N “ . (15)
“ I think so … something to do with agglutination ? “
“ Right , it’s a large family of proteins that bind to certain sugar molecules . You , as a genetician , are probably familiar with the blood type and the immune system signature on every cell …” .
“ Sure , even though is not directly in my line of work “ .
“ Yet you know those signatures are made of certain sugar strands sticking out of the surface membrane of every cell in the body “ .
“ Right … ”
“ Well , that’s what the lectins agglutinate to … and once attached to the cell surface they interfere with the cell metabolism and cause cell death , apoptosis in your jargon … Eating them for a life time and loosing cells of all sorts have the effect of a monkey-wrench in your chemical chain every day that can lead to diabetes , obesity , arthritis , eczema , allergies , digestive problems and so on … Remember , the attachment depends on the type of the lectin and the type of the sugar strand , in other words it depends on the food you eat and your blood type . “
“ Oh , I see the relation … so where do you get those lectins from ? “
“ They are in all food groups . But if you want to avoid them just read the book ‘ Eat right for your type ‘ by Dr. Peter D’Adamo , type refers to blood type . I follow it for a decade and it did miracles without any physical exercise . “
James turned to take a closer look but wasn’t able to tell Daniel’s age … maybe 38 to 40 he thought .
“ By the way , Genetically Modified Foods or GMOs are very dangerous because they take lectins , which are natural toxins , from a plant and insert them into another to form a cocktail that could render that food toxic for all blood types … a planet of diabetics , obese and so on ” .
“ Thanks a lot for the tip “ said James and pointing to his enlarged tummy
“ I feel like I need a change , but I hope beer is still on the menu ! “ , both laughed .
As the plane took off on the 8 hour journey they caught a nap which Daniel badly needed since at the arrival there will be a reception and a crowd he needed to address . He fell asleep thinking about changing the eating habits of 25 million people according to their blood types and turning all the food in organics only , a common-sense order never achieved even in the ‘developed’ West . As his tired mind drifted , he envisioned the simple knowledge that can start revolutions (31) .
He woke up in the hush of stewardesses serving food , choose uncooked veggies and lean beef strictly following his diet and both eat in silence . When done , James said while wiping his mouth :
“ Not bad for airplane food but let me tell you , during my nap I had this strange dream about walking on stilts among food plates on the floor “ , laughing , “ I bet it has to do with your heads-up on those lectins … the subconscious trying to put sense into my head ! “ .
Loving science chat and remembering a related research involving the subconscious Daniel pounced on the subject :
“ Talking about it, only if we could remember what our parents knew , right? “
“ I only wish , my father was an accomplished chemist “ .
Daniel bobbed his head :
“ And mine was a colonel in the state security . Only if the … genes could talk ! “ .
James appreciated the humour and added teacher like :
“ Yet today we can alter genes at will , it has being done . My interest since a med student were the personality genes … others people were focused more on the hype intelligence search . My strategy was that right now , as a global society , we got decent intelligence but what we need is peace and less aggression so we can focus human and material resources on more un-monkey activities “ .
Daniel turned pleasantly surprised :
“ No kidding ! I am on your side more than you think ! “ .
“ Really ? Daniel , I am not being condescending but in my experience I didn’t run yet into anybody crying to have their violent or aggressive gene silenced … So , no , I don’t think that’s something you can explain nor sell to the masses … not doing it legally at least ” .
“ Not legally ? You mean something like covert massive gene manipulation? Huge fans spreading around the world retroviruses carrying the anti-aggression gene ? “ . Both laughed and nodded .
“ Yes , something like that “ James agreed .
Daniel added mysteriously :
“ Well , you better put on your seat belt because that’s exactly what I intend to do but in a legal and orderly fashion … ” .
“ What do you mean ? “ said James cautiously .
Daniel saw the stewardess coming with a beverage cart .
“ James , would you like a drink ? “
“ Sure , I’ll have a beer please “ . Each got a Heineken and after a few seeps they felt content , their tongues itching to digress .
James repeated :
“ So how would you do gene-pool cleaning legally ? “ .
“ I am planning to became the government … I am returning to my native country to run in the presidential campaign “ .
It took James a few seconds to sink in the thought than he turned with visible curiosity :
“ Wow , I never met a politician ! … But you don’t sound like the politicians I’m used to hear … Well , I wish you good luck with the campaign ! “ . Daniel thanked , thinking that luck had nothing to do with winning the hearts of his people . He turned back to the gene-pool cleaning :
“ To prove the recent research regarding genes that lead to aggression , (12) , we need an appropriate yet controlled environment … There is nothing more suitable than prisons … “ .
James looked at him in shock . For 25 years he was struggling with ethics related to genetics , who should be the guinea pig , under what limitations and so on . It was mesmerizing to think he could conduct such experiments with the government blessings . ‘ Official genome cleaning ’ he thought smiling , ‘ how brilliant ! ‘ . He rushed to give his help :
“ Daniel , let me assure you that successful experiments to eliminate aggression were done already , so you shouldn’t doubt the validity of your plan , it will work guaranteed ! “ .
Daniel appreciated the encouragement :
“ Thank you for the confidence , but my plans are going much further … “ .
“ I am guessing you are aiming at enhancing intelligence as well , right ? “ .
“ That too for sure , together with a variety of skills like talking and communicating , music , drawing and so on . But those are fine yet insufficient to make justice to the mess mother nature did on us “ .
“Which one do you have in your cross-hairs , Daniel ? “ asked James with a friendly tint of irony .
“ Well , for starters , the cruel mother nature made us a bacterial douche bag … and than we die ! “ (16) . With a more sombre voice Daniel raged on :
“ I mean is bad enough that during our lives we have a very hard time finding love , see the rate of divorce , (17) , and of course we suffer if we don’t find it … but if we do , at the end , we’ll suffer anyways because the loss of our loved ones when they die … that’s barbaric ! “ .
Suddenly , thinking of his beloved wife , James got the point :
“ I see , looks like your final aim is after all , eternal life , ha ? “ .
Daniel was looking down and smiling sheepishly :
“ Of course I do , I lived long enough to know better ! … The meaning of life should not be a journey from dust to dust but an eternal enjoyment of the loved ones because this is the essence of our existence … and that’s exactly what I intend to do in my country “ .
A moment of silence brought James back on the scientific track :
“ That’s a very tall order Daniel … and I’m not getting into overpopulation and limited resources but just thinking of actually doing it … I’m perfectly aware of telomeres , (18) , and that’s an avenue but it’s a long way . “ Daniel was prepared :
“ Yes , it requires focusing of resources , just like my nano-revolution does and I’m planning to converge both to correct the injustice made by mother nature “ .
As aware of the grandeur shrouding the statement , he straightened his back and said in a confident , almost prophetical voice :
“ I’ll pioneer the change from the rude natural evolution to the humane self-evolution , in other worlds I want a better cake and to have the time to eat it too ! “ .
Both laughed bitterly thinking about the miseries and cruelties of life .
An hour later they landed and while getting ready to leave the plane they exchange contact information with promises to keep in touch .
Daniel exited the customs and looking over the crowd was trying hard to spot Vlad , his right hand in the party .
Vlad Petrescu , the Member of Parliament representing Bucharest South , was the organizing force and a gold mine of contacts who managed to bring together with his smooth persuading personality a number of political factions and keep the spirits focused on the big picture .
Soon both hugged and with watery eyes they kissed on each cheek in the eastern tradition , nostalgic about their years together in the high school .
Walking quickly Vlad wanted to bring him up to speed right away :
“ Daniel , I managed only a 20 minute permit for the speech outside … there are over 400 people in the parking lot and on the lawn … We have CNN , BBC , a Russian crew and both local stations … here , have a drink “ . Daniel nodded and as they approached the exit a hive like noise began getting louder .
Just as Vlad pointed “ The podium is on the left “ the doors opened and thunderous cheers erupted hitting them like a shock wave . Colourful banners and flags were moving in unison with chantings of
“ Welcome home freedom ! “ and “ Daniel of the people ! “ .
He climbed the make-shift podium feeling dizzy among the continuing commotion , saw the TV cameras just a few meters away and had a quick drink looking over the people .
He noticed four police cars in the far background and remembered what Vlad said about the time limit so he raised his hands to politely quiet the crowd and with a soft voice he let his heart say it all :
“ Dear friends , dear Family ! “ . The people immediately picked the ‘family’ theme from his preachings on the Independence Forum website and among applauses , dozens of voices were calling loud “ Welcome home son ! “ .
After the years of loneliness this was too much for Daniel who again felt tears streaming . He turned embarrassed from the cameras using a napkin to wipe his eyes than continued :
“ Why such a peaceful nation like ours had to suffer for so long ? Why we , the people , can not find each other’s hands and as a powerful force set new , more humane rules of the land ? “ .
The crowd responded with ovations while shaking their heads .
“ In just one generation we tasted both communism and capitalism … now that’s one mighty lesson in socio-economics ! Together with the experience of many other countries we learned that letting the markets adjust themselves following the basic rules of capitalism means most of the time lost jobs , insecurity , limited benefits if any and the whole life depressing game of being caught in the rat race ! Well , my friends , under my government I have all the intentions to put an end to it and free us from the dreaded Rat Race ! “ .
He realized he touched the nerve more than he hoped when the crowd ignited in long ovations and cheers . He looked discretely at his watch and thought was no way he’ll have time to make all the points so he continued with a tone of urgency :
“ We learned that in capitalism is not to our best interests to let private companies decide what’s good for us … When companies feed us garbage , when they move with impunity to other countries where the labour is cheaper and less protected , leaving us unemployed , it shows clearly where their priorities are ! Definitely is not you and your kids , not even your country … in their eyes all we are is just a global pile of labour and consumers tied down in mortgages and running obediently on the rat race treadmill ! We can’t trust them so they have no place in Our community ! “ . More and stronger applause showed again they were thinking alike .
“ If global , multinational companies can organize themselves at those scales , function and be profitable , than why can’t we , the people , organize ourselves , run the country to Our best interests and be successful ? … And when I say ‘ successful ‘ I don’t mean the money race but living in a country where your job is secure and you are a share holder , where your kids are safe , where your food is clean and where you feel at home among strangers because you know we all are part of the same loving and caring family ! “ .
Rising over the applause he continued :
“ If you think about your country as you would think about your home than suddenly , complicated state decisions became simplified … Do you want to have foreign military bases in your backyard threatening your peaceful neighbours ? … “ He didn’t have to say the ‘No’ , the crowd in a thundering shout said it for him .
“ That’s right , obviously not , so we took care of that decision … Do you want your job to be at the mercy of a handful of people who don’t have your interests at heart ? “ . The people again answered for him .
“ Of course not , so that’s another easy decision …. Do you want to feed your selves and your kids food that has being spoiled by pesticides ? “ . Another resounding ‘No’ from the crowd .
“ Right , it’s a no-brainer … Or just think about the pollution issues , another easy decision . So when we have all the answers and all it takes is a legal stroke of the pen … what do we need to make it happened ? “ .
He didn’t really expected what the crowd answered since he was hammering at the type of government :
“ YOU !! We need You ! “ shouted the crowd waving Daniel’s portrait and dozens of banners . Blushing , he put his right hand over his heart and thanked the people while with the corner of the eye he saw Vlad pointing to the watch and signalling ‘time over’ .
“ Dear family , in the next year and a half I’ll be traveling the country so even though my time here is up , we will meet again and we’ll decide together our path for the coming future … All I’m asking till then is that you seat down in your own home , look around and speak aloud of how your country should be … I’ll see you all soon ! “ .
With a last wave he scanned the faces to see how motivated they are and he could smell the Revolution .
In the back of the parking lot he noticed there were now two more police cars and three vans while the cops were aligned forming a cordon looking ready to march forward . As he stepped down from the podium he got an idea .
“ Vlad , please follow me , I though of something “ . Vlad panicked since he pulled a lot of strings to get the meeting permit in such a touchy location : “ Daniel , please , my reputation is on the line , we don’t have any more time and I don’t want to see our people in handcuffs ! “ . Daniel reassured him “ Trust me on this one , you’ll like it ! Just make sure to get the name of the police officer “ .
Vlad walking briskly looked at him in wonder “ What police officer ?? “ .
Splitting the cheering crowd , shaking hands left and right and with the TV crews in tow Daniel went straight to the police line and what appeared to be the officer in charge .
“ Hi ! I am Daniel Dumitrescu “ .
The officer , in his mid 50s , took his hand while looking at him stunned .
In his mind not only that famous Daniel was talking to him but also the glaring TV lenses and the loud crowd mixed everything in a movie like scene .
“ Hello , I am the officer in charge , Sorin Negrescu “ .
“ Nice to meet you Sorin “ and with a lower , softer voice “ I believe that a man in your position knows about governments more than the average citizen … If you like what you know than enjoy it further , but if you think there is something terribly wrong with our government than I kindly ask you to briefly come with me … I want to show my appreciation for the protection you are giving us “ . Daniel gently grabbed him by the arm and Sorin still in a semi haze followed with little hesitation .
They reached the podium and Daniel took the mic one more time :
“ If I can have again your attention please … While we work for the revolution there are people who risk their lives to protect us from the evil … while we party and relax the same people make sure that our neighbourhoods are safe … as you can see the Revolution needs both of us so please , remember always your protectors just as the protectors remember they belong to the family ! “ .
Like an inspiration people in the back lines turned around and start hugging the policeman while the ovations were deafening . The crowd picked up the cops and with the cameras rolling they body-waved them all the way to the podium looking more like a event from a football match . Neither Daniel or Sorin could guess the future reverberations of their brief meeting .
From the side Vlad smiled towards Daniel , now he couldn’t care less what time it was .
Minutes later , relaxed and with a stale coffee in his hand , Daniel watched the evening scene and the Bucharest rolling by from the back of Vlad’s car. Together with eighteen other supporters following behind , they arrived at Vlad’s house and Daniel could finally get to meet all the party members and advisors that were waiting anxiously .
The place looked cheerfully decorated with paper ribbons and banners while the wives and kids mingling around gave the feel of a true large family .
The extended 22 chairs main table and a few smaller ones were jammed with Romanian delicatessens and wine that Daniel didn’t taste in three decades , he was looking forward to a culinary odyssey .
They talked while enjoying the supper , lawyers , doctors , nurses , engineers , technicians , all finding common ground going through the details of their policies , campaign schedule , TV debates , security and many other issues .
As professionals they were used to submit verified and well judged solutions so now , short of a Power Point presentation , they drew flow-charts and graphs describing the best policies .
From a distance , if you wouldn’t be aware of their political orientation , you would swear that’s a board room discussion of a diversified multi national company , but if you would listen in closely , the humane flavour would overwhelm you revealing the true nature of its members : all their decisions had at heart the wellbeing of every citizen in the country , definitely not your regular company board meeting .
Late into the night and after cheering while watching the news showing the policeman at the airport being carried like sports heroes , they left with an unanimous consensus about the overall strategies and how to solve the main stream problems .
For the next year Daniel traveled extensively through out the country attending hundreds of meetings and debates , creating a wave of united believers that according to the polls amounted to over 60 % of the population . Daniel wanted at least 90 % so he can show to the world that it was the free people who made the choice , he needed a mandate as strong as his reforms .
Attending town-hall meetings with local people in villages , small and large cities , he encountered the same theme , people not being sure of themselves , not being aware of their collective powers , mixed up by the corrupt Media networks and questioning the motivations offered by Daniel. They wanted to know what does it mean to be a government “share holder”, how will the government coordinate everything and all wanted to be reassured he was not talking about communism .
He saw the opportunity of making his points to the nation in the televised Presidential Debate taking place just one month before elections so he geared his campaign accordingly .
After many month of travel and meetings the revelation night was there finding him in an alley behind the TV studios getting his mind and spirits ready .
Daniel stepped out of the car on the warm pavement by the back entrance of the Romanian Free Voice TV station and looked left and right to see if he had the short privacy he needed . Vlad and the body guards retreated with understanding .
Satisfied he lit a cigarette and watched the new moon rise between the buildings . His mind wondered back to 1969 when as a kid saw the moon landing late night on a fuzzy black-and-white TV .
What if , he though , an advanced alien specie would come near Earth and point a ‘suffering and pain’ meter towards it …
“ Probably it would go off the scale “ he sighted , feeling a tight squeeze in his heart .
“ To the aliens we wouldn’t qualify as approachable , we probably look like chimpanzees with guns , the scourge of the Universe … “ .
Extinguishing the smoke , he straighten his posture , raised his head and whispering , he reassured himself , “ I know I can do it , I have nothing to hide “ .
He smiled at the possible alien rendezvous and whistling the International grabbed Vlad and Marina by the arms hurrying to make it in time to the Hall and the date with his destiny .
The bright studio lights and the applause from the audience greeted the three leaders on their way to the podium , while the whole mix of people and beliefs were standing up to the importance of the moment .
Hosting the historical meeting was the large TV amphitheatre with a delicate Greek architectural flavour and filed with more than 600 people , buzzing with participation , a thing not observed since the ancient “ less than 50 % “ public voting . The buzz word was it’s worth voting now , they found Daniel …
When everyone settled down Ileana Mureseanu , the debate moderator , made the introductions , explained the rules and invited Vasile Umbraru , the Conservative leader and country President to have the opening word :
“ Ladies and Gentleman , we are going through trying times after the damaged done by communism and now struggling to catch up and join the rest of the world … With all our efforts is still not easy to break in the depressed international markets , we are facing strong and established nations with plenty of experience in economics so we need leaders who were trained in those matters and who can foster productive international relations . That’s exactly what my party did in the last three years bringing the unemployment rate down to 14 % , increasing aid to the local businesses , helping them secure loans through the International Monetary Financing , IMF , and helping farmers have more access to quality GMO engineered seeds and pests control for higher productivity … Those achievements underline our statehood and respect my party earned from the international community . Further more we worked very hard to secure long term contracts with the United States so we can have on our soil the protection provided by not just one but two US military bases on top of the anti ballistic defences . And like many people agreed , we didn’t just get more security but , at 100 million a year for rent , we are making good money too … now That’s a smart deal ! “ he culminated looking for the audience’s approval which came but not in droves .
“ Those improvements are the reality of the day so I urge all fellow Romanians to not fall into the easy trap of day dreamers but to stick instead with the hard reality and with real leaders that can help you built an even better reality for tomorrow , so God bless ! “ . His supporters did their duties with polite help from the crowd .
The moderator pointed to the Liberal leader :
“ Mr. Serban Munteanu , please ! “ .
He first looked at the CNN camera with brief intensity and than addressed the audience :
“ Ladies and gentleman , fellow Romanians … among so many turbulent events we had to go through in just one generation none is more important than the coming elections . Let’s not fool ourselves , the world out there is tough and we just can’t risk the future of our children gambling on fanciful concepts hiding under their charm old foes like communism . We are no dummies , we can see through the smoke and we can see the threats it carries with it . Under my government I make a commitment to keep Romania out of the dangers of insurgents and infiltrators who want to destroy our progress . Mr. Umbraru was bragging about just two US military bases , yet, let’s face it , in three years he wasn’t able to obtain Romania’s membership in NATO , what a shame ! If you will elect me as your next President , I promise to prepare and bring Romania into NATO by 2017 and guarantee for ever our security ! “
Polite applause responded .
“ I further promise to increase the number of our police forces and return the streets to our citizens ! … I also make a strong commitment to our Health System , to seniors and people in need , to provide them with cheaper and more readily available pharmaceutical drugs and even buy patents so we can make them locally and diversify our economy . I will stop at nothing to make our nation stronger , healthier and a proud member of the international community ! Long live free Romania ! “ . For a few seconds strong applause emerged from his supporters and than the spot lights converged over Daniel .
“ Mr. Dumitrescu , please , your turn . “ said the moderator and in her voice there was something like a kid’s anticipation . Most of the audience rose and start applauding , chants of “ Daniel and the people ! “ and “ Free at last ! “ were reverberating covering mediator’s voice calling for calm . Daniel bowed and started slowly :
“ Dear friends … dear Family ! “ . Cheers and ovations responded and the world ‘family’ was repeated again across the crowd .
“ The Leader of the Conservative party said … “ . Suddenly Ileana raised her arm and Daniel stopped to listen :
“ Ladies and gentleman sorry to interrupt but I’ve just being informed that BBC picked up the feed and is broadcasting now live … Daniel , sorry , please go ahead “ .
“ No problem Ileana , in that case I want to welcome our British friends and everybody around the world … As I was saying , the leader of the Conservative party wants us deeper under the ‘protection’ of military organizations like NATO when history shows that its members engaged before in illegal wars and against the United Nation mandate .
When NATO bombs children , women and weddings I say in contrary , just like our mothers told us to stay away from hooligan gangs when we were kids, now , as grownups and defending our country , we should stay away from any foreign entanglement specially away from war hungry nations ! “ .
The whole crowd rose applauding with loud chantings of “ Peace on Earth ! “ , there was no guessing about this audience’ stand on war . He kept going :
“ And talking about the United Nations … the original idea was a global organization of equal nations … I don’t think that’s the case today since a handful of countries have the veto power ! What kind of equal organization would allow a few nations to turn decisions against the will and benefit of dozens of free countries based on the silly veto power ? It is irrational to waste time and resources in such organizations and under my government I will present an ultimatum to the UN : we escaped communism to regain our freedom not to find our selves under the influences of others , so either remove veto or we’ll withdraw and perhaps form another global organization of free countries but without any veto rights ! I am sick and tired of seeing the word ‘equal’ being soiled ! “ . The people responded with dedicated applause and Daniel glimpsing at the watch tried to keep within the time frame , there was so much to say :
“ The Leader of the Liberal party wants us to open the doors to foreign companies to come in and pillage our labour force and keep us enslave in cheap consumerism , to double their profits while we get less than 25 % of the worth of our work ! I say , No Way ! “ .
The work force present in the audience stood up cheering and like one conscience start singing the International anthem with Daniel joining in (1) . The mediator didn’t even think of interrupting specially when to everyone’s surprise the sound track start pouring over the studio speakers and the whole crowd became one large chorus .
To Daniel’s dismay he could see on the wall size TV a close up of his tears streaming down his cheeks that made him turn around embarrassed while using his tie to wipe . He glanced at the mediator and got the message .
“ Dear family , for the next 3 hours will touch many vital subjects and I want you to listen carefully to what all the parties have to say . That’s because you need to build the confidence that what you decided to do is right … and there is no turning back ! “ .
Among applause Ileana thanked him and asked the Conservative leader to be the first with a question .
“ Thank you Ms. Mureseanu , my question goes to Daniel … While your claims stir emotions I want to keep cool heads and address the real issues because the future of our kids depends on it . You keep talking about economic reforms but much larger and powerful countries in the world today suffer through recessions … How could you expect to get ahead of such powerful nations when even our national currency is rock bottom ? How can we believe and trust you to change our established way when we spilled blood to get away from communism ? Because frankly , what you are describing is communism doesn’t matter how you twist it ! “ . To his surprise the response from the audience was cool with only a few voices of approval . People were waiting for Daniel and the answer and he gladly obliged :
“ Mr. Umbraru , I respect your caution as a generally wise position , being careful doesn’t hurt … but we are so entranced for generations in the status quo that we don’t even bother questioning it ! You want a good economy for the country and you are pointing to the international power houses and their economic model . Do you think that a Successful multinational company is a good example of economic policies ? “ . Umbraru though this was too easy :
“ Sure , as long as it is well managed and as you said , successful … You can’t argue that a multinational , global company is a bad thing … just look at how many jobs it creates , the return to the share holders and why not that multinational be a Romanian company ? “ . He looked around for approval but it didn’t come and Daniel picked up the thought :
“ Sure , a good return to share holders , jobs … good things and I agree ! So all I do is copy-cat an icon of the capitalist system , but with the only difference that I give the shares to the people ! Do you think that would be bad , Mr. Umbraru ? “ . Vasile Umbraru was taken aback , he did not expected this turn of tables so he just moved his body in a neutral stance . Daniel kept hammering :
“ Well I thought so ! What can be bad with making the whole population share holders ? Cutting the fat cats ? “ . The crowd laughed and cheered .
“ Today not even China is a communist country even though it keeps the title … Marx and Engels would roll in their graves to find a so called communist country harbouring and protecting multi-billion dollar businesses while most of the workers live in a polluted hell and underpaid , in other words caught in the rat race ! This is a laughable and hypocritical communism , a theatrical attempt to hide personal greed in the government and that’s another reasons why we don’t want to go back to communism … But if you have the right leadership you can safely follow the company model by removing the selfish factor : take the multinational structure , make the share holders the people , make the government the executor body and spread the profits even ! Is this a bad thing ?? “ he shouted .
The crowd simply exploded and Daniel didn’t let go :
“ If a company can achieve so much , than think what a benevolent government can do having in its powers the writing of the law on top of all the other resources including the military … it’s a power house … and it belongs to the people ! “ .
Long standing ovations culminated with synchronized applause and Daniel raised his voice over the crowd :
“ So to answer your question Mr. Mureseanu , no , this is not communism ! This is an intelligent use of resources , is the people building a suitable government to help us all build a suitable nation ! “ . Intense applause made the point .
“ Never forget that Governments were meant to work for and protect the People . But the name was spoiled by generations of corrupt leaders to the point where today we are afraid of our own Governments ! But I will change that ! If private companies have the right to assemble , organize , function and make profits than what’s wrong with doing the same thing at the government level , managing our resources and working as an organization design to benefit all equally as intended . If people chose to do so than what’s wrong with the will of the people ? “ .
The crowd responded with cheers and ovations , he was always speaking their minds and tonight Daniel was not disappointing them .
The mediator took over with a question from the panel of observers :
“ Daniel , I have another question from the audience … How would your government address the Health problems ? “ . Daniel was a nutritionist freak so this was right up his alley :
“ I have two principles as the foundation : firstly , healthy people do not need doctors and secondly , doctors who are not paid by the visit have a tendency to keep their patients healthier in order to cut down the visits ! “ . Smiling , “ Really , for all I am concern the doctors can spend their time with the feet up the desk and playing video games as long as the population is healthy . But rest assure that I am not talking chicken-feed salaries neither , the doctors deserve respect and monetary appreciation so they will have a nice but Fixed salary …” . People agreed like a shadow of his voice and applauded while Daniel continued :
“ But on the other hand the population at large must be diligent about their diets and exposure to toxins . That’s why I will educate the people and implement eating according to your blood type as per doctor’s Peter D’Adamo book ‘ Eat right for your type ‘ . Matter of fact I promises to erect a statue of doctor D’Adamo in the capital Bucharest , beside the statue of doctor Babes “ .
Daniel looked over the audience and even though he spend over a year touring the villages , cities , universities and every where else he could get an invitation explaining the lectins issue in foods he still thought it has a long road ahead , so he added laughing :
“ No , I will not Force you to do it ! But I’ll explain it to you , show you examples so you’ll be convinced your selves … Besides education I will help you find your appropriate food easier by making mandatory that all the food labels will display the blood type or types that is suitable for … even at supermarkets the food will be sorted out in section according to the blood type . But at the end you will make that choice . “ . Ileana wanted to thanks but Daniel waved discretely :
“ I have one more point to make please … after watching the courageous movie ‘ Oversize me ‘ and after scientific analysis of the junk food industries , the governments in most countries and here in Romania allow those poisons to be freely advertised to our children and sold everywhere more so than fruits and vegetables ! … No wonder that the West is suffering from such massive numbers of obesity , cancers , allergies , diabetes and so on … I promise that under my government all the food will be Organic , that All junk food companies will be kicked out of the country and , for the benefit of our children and future generations , no one will be allowed to sell us junk food again ! “ . Strong applause brought the house on its feet , the mediator looked around powerless … there was just too much unison and solidarity in the crowd to screw around with , in her eyes the audience took on the feel of an angry giant .
“ And another thing “ Daniel continued “ besides a healthy , Organic diet we also need supplements simply because the toxic environment we live in forces our bodies and immune system to require higher amounts of certain nutrients … Today in the developed nations are dozens of labels carrying basically the same product but very few gets to be analysed by the government for quality . That’s silly ! Under my government We will manufacture the supplements , under our own control and of a quality to set an example to the world ! “ . Daniel politely settled the crowd and the Liberal leader took the mic :
“ Daniel , you want to exit NATO , to quit UN , not to use the essential IMF … you basically want to isolate Romania … No country survived in isolationism , not even North Korea , they receive massive help from the Chinese ! I am asking every one to be careful when considering cutting foreign relations … we get our Euros only from abroad , think about the vital exports … and half of our energy too . It’s inspirational to sing revolutionary songs but it’s a different thing to put the bread on the table . And keeping friendly and open international relations is important for the country , for our jobs and the economy that the Liberal party will defend long and strong ! “ . The liberal corner of the audience cheer up and Daniel responded :
“ When my father was a colonel in the State Security – MAI – he was very busy every day keeping tabs on suspicious foreigners , intercepting spies and avoiding foreign plots . That’s right , foreign plots … That’s precisely the reason we have even today , like any other country , a State Security .
This is not a fantasy but the necessity to defeat real attempts by foreign governments , never mind business , to interfere in our way of life for their own personal benefits . The sad reality is not just that most governments work for businesses but that the businesses them selves look at us as 20 million consumers , cheap labour and war fodder rolled in one IMF dependent nation ! “ . Ovations rocked the studio , even the other parties supporters joined in , there was just too much truth being revealed . Daniel added more gasoline on the revolutionary fire :
“ And how do you expect the people of the world to be astute about choosing their governments ?! Does everybody spends two hours a day on the internet ( 31 ) reading what’s new in politics and science to understand what moves our world and what the main-stream Media is hiding ? Working eight or more hours a day , being stuck in traffic for another hour and a half both ways , inhaling the pollution which adds to the bad mood, coming home exhausted , looking after the kids , people barely have time for them selves so how can you blame them for crushing on the sofa at the end of the day with a beer , a fast food plate and the TV with 300 easy channels of mostly high definition garbage ! “ . The crowd burst with approval , recognizing their own lives in the picture , and among applause voices shouting “ The Rat Race ! “ were coming from every where. Daniel continued to fan the fire :
“ So when a nation is too exhausted and not in the mood to write and check its politicians , when falling victim to the distorted reality fed by the corrupt Media , the result is today’s society where thousands of convicted criminals and people wanted by Interpol where discovered to be actual Directors of companies registered around the world , where banksters are stealing under the government’s blessings while people are losing their homes and jobs . No wonder that money laundering , internet fraud , corruption and cocaine stained dollars are flowing every where ! “ . Daniel wanted the crowd to keep hearing the difference so he said over cheers :
“ We didn’t talk about education yet “ . Voices from the crowd agreed .
“ As a general philosophy I would rather spend the money on more teachers now than more policing later “ Daniel said and the crowds agreed again .
“ Schooling , specially at an early age is half about science and half about the learning of being a decent member of the society and learning early in life to respect others , to be responsible and to have the community at heart . Wouldn’t be wonderful if every one would be brought up to think about their country as they think about their home ? To be responsible and conscientious enough to realise that how they personally are is exactly how the whole nation is … Matter of fact I think this was exactly what JFK hinted when he said ‘ Don’t be concerned of what the country does for you but rather of what you can do for your country ‘ ! “ .
Between applause Daniel tried to have a drink when the Liberal leader jumped in :
“ You were talking earlier about the restructuring of the economy and how you wanted to copy the big Multinationals … but those companies collapse too on occasion … you didn’t convinced us that just by making the whole population share holders you’ll solve the problems “ . For Daniel the answer was easy as it came from the make-up of his brain :
“ It’s not just about the big companies , it’s about the system and how it operates . Even a country with a significant export sector is vulnerable and dependent on foreign buyers . This means in bad times the people working in exports will lose their jobs with an effect rippling through out the local economy … it’s a false sense of stability and security . That’s why a self-sustaining , non-exporting nor importing country is far more sheltered from international negative events . In other words stay away from what you can not control . But also think about the capitalistic system by observing it from the point of view of an alien : they see people live together and form countries which they defend with their blood but than they live in a rat race, 10 % of them holding 90 % of the wealth (11) .
The business companies which are designed to provide needed services and products are fighting each other causing bankruptcies , layoffs and people heartaches , while in the same time the companies are polluting and pillaging the planet ! So instead of forming a united country and society of people collaborating to have an economy fine adjusted to their needs , the individuals are divided , fighting each other , hurting each other and following in life the same philosophy as in business : maximize profits at any costs . Is this insane or what ? “ he thundered . The audience was on its feet sending long ovations recognizing that Daniel put it all in a nut shell.
“ And than about our independence … The other leaders want to borrow billions more from the IMF and to enter their chess game without hope of winning . That’s right , when the IMF targets a country or government it doesn’t need to send in an army but lends them money by the bucket and than to pay just the interest most of the goods including food had to be send abroad to make valuable currency . Guess what , when the population is deprived of basic necessities , it will revolt , execute the leaders as it happened with Ceausescu and turn to capitalism and governments friendly to IMF again … Check mate ! “ .
A silence descended over the crowd , people realizing the snare they fell in over the last decades .
“ That’s why under my leadership there will be no IMF or Central Bank and I will make one economy and one nation , where the resources will be wisely spend because we will be in full control up to the smallest detail ! There will be no guessing in production because when you know all the needs and when you are in full control including all resources , you can adjust the operations to perfection leading to a stable economy , without fluctuations and recessions , without bankruptcies and layoffs . Now that’s peace of mind for everybody and that’s how I want my people to be ! “ . The Liberal leader thought an opportunity and once the cheering subsided he asked :
“ Than Daniel , do you intend to close the private businesses ? Communism all over again ? “ . Daniel turned towards him with visible disbelief :
“ Of course not … Obviously you are still caught in the inertia of the status quo as it was preached to you since a kid … but people will have a choice where to work and what to do , they will be free to compare the employment conditions offered by both private businesses and my government … let them decide ! But I am afraid Mr. Munteanu that you are forgetting two very important things about my plan . Firstly you must understand that my government is totally dedicate to each of our citizens , not just to a handful , in a manner that makes the government a machinery owned 100 % by the people and dedicated 100 % to the people’s benefits … It’s like people working for them selves but in a smarter way , united in one company which oversees all the economic needs and using the giant government system and it’s ability to write laws and control the army as the ultimate , people oriented National company . There will be no company on Earth able to compete with us ! “ . That got the audience on its feet again and Daniel wanted to give them a hint about his plans for the deep future:
“ And there is far more to benefit from it … indeed , just as a major prize to our efforts , a life time prize matter of fact , when we’ll focus our industrial power on certain strategic targets we’ll be rewarded with the power to alter life to such an extend that … “ he paused and revealed his ultimate desire for the human specie “ … you will never have to say ‘goodbye for ever ‘ to your loved one ! “ . The audience gasped and it took a moment to understand how deep and humane that thought was , and this time the applause were synchronized in a solemn rhythm with the pace of determined people . Daniel wanted to make sure they understood his secret message about the real revolution he intended :
“ Our economic policies combined with focused nano-technology research will make us self-sustainable , without foreign interference and therefore making us a true sovereign and free nation ! “ . The crowds chanted :
“ Indeed , indeed ! “ and Daniel wanted to make another life-time point :
“ And be aware … there is far more to nano-technologies than just manufacturing ! It will not only revolutionize technology but will also shake the foundations of human civilization as we know it ! As the nano world will flourish under trusted and peaceful leadership , the true haven and paradise will descend on us as we can not even dream about ! Today’s steps are just baby walk … when we’ll be done our society will shine like a precious stone in the entire Universe ! … There is nothing more beautiful than an independent nations with people walking down the street smiling , feeling secure and safe about their future and their jobs , with a roof over their heads, without worries … just enjoying each other … for Ever !! That’s the Nation I am dedicated to make happen !! “ he shouted .
The Liberal and Conservative leaders looked a bit embarrassed with the standing ovations and cheering going on , it was hard to argue with the simple revelations of life’s desires .
To the end , the debate continued with Daniel splashing the dreaded reality over the crowds and then washing them clean with his wisdom , with kind words and lots of hope for his plan which was spreading and finally appearing to people as more and more real .
Three hours later and exhausted Daniel finally exited the studio with Vlad , Marina and many other supporters heading to a nearby restaurant owned by a party member were among drinks and dancing they carried on with the political discussions until the morning sun became entangled in their conversations putting them to sleep .
While the celebrations were going on , half across the world in the Oval Office of the White House , the United States president was listening carefully to an unofficial representative of the International Monetary Financing , IMF , who respectfully , was standing a meter away from his desk .
“ Mr. President , furthermore , our protégé is not doing good … I watched the presidential debate a few hours ago and it is obvious that most of the Romanians will go for Daniel Dumitrescu … He pretends not to be a communist but everything points out the other way so we , at IMF , are very concerned . He openly defies our organization and you sir , as a member , I am sure are equally unease … and for good reasons , not only that we’ll lose 20 million of consumers and labour force , and the mineral treasures of the Carpathians but also it goes against capitalism and all that we believe in as free people . He even wants to get out of NATO and UN ! … and the man is an atheist on top of all … He’s definitely a danger to our society … “ . The president nodded slowly and asked :
“ When did you say the elections will be ? “ .
“ In just a month Mr. President , we’re short on time … Oh , by the way of your membership , I was told to forward the great thanks from the organization and they are working right now over your annual shares which should be finalized soon , just in time after all this gets settled … “ .
The president looked into the distance thinking of his dreams of retiring in Tahiti with his wife and the horny young housekeeper they were trying for the last six month . He noticed the fidgeting of the envoy and returned to reality :
“ Oh , yes please , send my thanks and … tell them not to worry , I’ll take care of the problem “ . The envoy smiled broadly , bowed and left closing the door behind him . Alone , the president pondered for a moment recalling the underground web , it’s powers and its carnage but Tahiti and the housekeeper keep bubbling up into his conscious pushing aside any morality or safety thoughts . He picked up the white phone and said in a relaxed voice making a life time mistake : “ Put me through Special Ops please “ .
Chapter two : the Start of the Revolution
The election day found the country in an effervescence and patriotism that emulated in the days before many televised discussions revealing the growing unified feel people have for the new revolution .
The day went chaotic among continous poll updates , listening to radio call-in shows and walking through streets filled with people waving flags and chanting . Daniel was exhausted after all the commotions and when the evening came he could finally rest having a beer and watching TV with his entourage waiting for the final results .
At 11:30 pm the count was announced , 72 % of the Romanian people decided for the Revolution and the party begun .
The celebrations carried over to an elegant large restaurant rented for the night . Inside , mingling in the cosy rustic atmosphere and gipsy music , at least 500 people were trying to make their tour to Daniel’s table . Outside on the lawn and in the parking lot more than 600 people were having a good time eating , drinking and chatting , there were no disturbances of any sort and no police in site except for Daniel’s escort .
If you would wonder through the crowds and pick into their conversations you would be surprised that after so many drinks people were talking about cold fusion , nano revolution , genetic therapy and considering political ideas to keep a firm grip on what they got .
Daniel would be very happy to hear the intellectual chat since he needed this attitude if to make the fast progress he planed .
At Daniel’s table while a lot of hand shaking was going on from the crowd , with Vlad , Marina and his advisors by his side , empty beer bottles were piling up making him feel the strong buzz of alcohol on empty stomach , and listening to the people talking about the life ahead , when one of them asked Daniel :
“ So , how come you don’t have any children … are you planning ? “
Vlad reacted quickly feeling the danger , he made a discrete sign to cut it off and grabbed Daniel by the hand :
“ Hey , let’s have a Martini for a change … and where are the steaks ? “ .
But was too late , Daniel opened the gates :
“ When comes to having kids I think I was a victim of circumstances … Put your self in my young shoes coming to Canada after spending my first 21 years of life in communist Romania . I though , according to rumours , that I’m coming to the land of milk-and-honey ! … In the next two years I came to the realization that I left behind free education , free health care with Dental ! “ he underlined “ … eating organic foods , having guaranteed jobs and housing in a drug free country where the criminal rate was one of the lowest in the world … The western so called ‘developed’ nations on the other hand …” , laughing sarcastically , “ you know the story , just read the headlines … “ . His face became sombre , looking down in his empty plate with a tear start making its way by the corner of the eye .
“ My disappointment was so great , my heart was so broken realizing that , if this is what they consider the best society in the world than we have no hope … so at 23 I had a vasectomy … I just couldn’t bear the thought of bringing someone in this kind of world … Really , even the birds set a safe nest before laying eggs , we too want the best for our loved ones but our societies are not ready for them … not yet ” .
Silence descended over the table and Daniel’s supporter apologised ,
“ Sorry Daniel … I had no idea … I’m sorry ! “ . Daniel looked up while whipping the tear and shook his head “ No , no , don’t worry , you didn’t know …” than turning to Vlad “ You’re right , where are those darn steaks , I’ll pass out soon ! “ . The atmosphere relaxed and Daniel went ahead through the night with the task of shaking what it felt like a million hands.
Later , in the eyes of the morning sleep , he dreamed of having 10 healthy smart kids , with his living room in the middle of a sunny plaza where friendly and smiling people were roaming around often stopping to ask if he was hungry . The feel of this universal family caressed his brain , gave him the affection he needed and put a wide smile on his face …
At the same late hour but deep inside the State Security building , Sorin Negrescu , the officer that shook Daniel’s hand at the airport , was going through his fourth coffee , a half pack of cigarettes and a bunch of files documenting a recent foreign entry in Romania . The person was flagged because of his connections with the CIA that were revealed just after the communist leader Nicolaie Ceausescu was dethroned .
Also , according to the computer roster , a day before his border entry two more foreigners were flagged but because Mafia connections in the States .
Yesterday Sorin sent an Interpol enquiry for the two Mafiosi and the CIA man and now was reading the reports that were printed out just minutes ago . The two Mafiosi were specialized assassins while the CIA man had a history in Special Ops which by Sorin’s standards meant another assassin but directly tied to the US government . Three assassins converging on Romanian soil just days before the elections … one of them already involved in overthrowing a Romanian regime in the past … The conclusion was terrifyingly simple … Sorin picked up the phone and in spite the very late hour , called his brother in law who was a colonel in the Army . After what seemed an eternity Ion answered the phone in a sleepy and aggressive voice :
“ Who’s this ?? “
“ Ion , it’s me Sorin , I’m calling from the office … sorry to wake you up but it’s very important … “.
“ Well it better be to wake me up at … “ looking at the watch “ Christ ! 3 in the morning !! … what is it ? “ .
Sorin checked his voice … he didn’t want to sound like a kid in a panic :
“ Ion , I have 3 assassins on our soil since three days ago … 2 are Mafia the other is CIA who was involved in Ceausescu’s coupe … I though that I should talk to you about this … can I come over your place right now ? I’ll bring the files with me ” . At the other end Ion was rubbing his eyes to make sure he’s not having a nightmare but as Sorin’s voice keep bringing the news he realized with fear the nightmare was real .
A half an hour later both man were dissecting the situation and an hour after that , sleep deprived and caffeine pumped , they were presenting the facts to a commission presided by a four star general . Within just a few minutes the general picked up the phone and called Vlad . Than he called the director of State Security and shortly after the whole mechanism start moving .
Vlad arranged an emergency meeting right away and with the heads of security at the table Daniel laid the strategy :
“ Let’s turn this negative into a positive … So far we know the hit men are getting ready and waiting for my public appearance in the inaugural ceremonies … so we can set a trap … They need a good shooting angle from a safe location to get away quickly . Let’s give them what they need … I would like everybody to find a plaza with two , maximum four good shooting locations so we’ll not spread thin covering them … Now , we must get those guys alive and in good shape , I mean very good shape , no scratches …” , and with a wide smile , “ I need them to be able to talk ” .
The top general had to ask :
“ No worries , we’ll make them talk but why the pristine condition ? “ .
“ In a nut shell , I want them to talk on the stage and from the same microphone I’ll use to deliver the speech … with the international cameras rolling “ , smiling , “ Get the picture ? “ . Suddenly everyone understood what Daniel was up to .
“ So here is the whole thing concentrated : we advertise a new location for the speech , we find the assassins and enter their premises … We’ll change the ammunition they use for the rifles with far less grain , just enough to make a good bang and send the bullet a few meters … When they shoot we jump them from the next door , we give them the truth serum and drive them to the podium where I’ll be waiting . Since we know one is American I want two things to happen in coordination : 15 minutes before the speech we must shut down the power to the American embassy by creating a diversion to force the evacuation of the building and then , as the CIA guy confesses will be our excuse to have the Security raid the embassy … That means we’ll have to be ready around the compound and be inside within seconds . The bottom line is I want All the paper and electronic documents ceased and secured with no abuse to the employees” .
Vlad saw the implications :
“ You realize that means cutting off the relations with US ? “.
“ Absolutely … The information we’ll find in the embassy should give us enough lawful reasons to close their military bases immediately besides the embassy … I am looking forward to that ! … Also we need to copy and publicise all the information we get from the raid … I would like it on the internet , newspapers and also send it to the most reliable media around the world . It will be a gold mine of revealing information about war , corruption and interventions . Let it make the history books and be a lesson to the world ! “ . Colonel Paduraru remembered a detail :
“ I would like to fine tune the time we have to bring them to the podium so we can get the most out of the serum … but I am not confident … CIA trains to build resistance … what if he’ll not talk ? “ The general took over :
“ That’s a good point … Considering that Putin and the Russian President already send us a congratulatory telegram I am sure they can provide us with their more potent version of the truth serum … they will stand to benefit when the thing hits the fan … So I’ll send a MIG 21 to pick it up , it shouldn’t be more than a few hours “ . Daniel loved it :
“ Yes , no doubt , it’s just to much riding on their confession , let’s do it by the book “ . All voiced their agreement and the meeting ended sending everyone rushing to their duties .
Once alone Daniel said to Vlad :
“ This may be the break we need … the implications can be far reaching … If we’ll find the documents that I believe exist in the embassy we may restrict , among other things , the international travel plans of the President for the rest of his life … Anyways , at two o’clock we still have the big meeting to set the skeleton of the reforms so till then I’ll get busy preparing … let me know of any developments regarding the assassins please “ . Vlad nodded and they got to work . For all Daniel was concerned , he couldn’t care less of the planed assassination attempt , the Revolution was on the way and he didn’t mind becoming the martyr . But what he really love to do was coming that afternoon , the planning , the details and the strategies , bouncing ideas with his advisors building up the Nation . That’s what kept Daniel alive and his mind was drooling in anticipation .
It was difficult to find three Caucasian man among over three million people in Bucharest and that’s were the State Security ( MAI ) was shining . During Ceausescu’s regime the security was recognized by the Interpol as one of the best in the world to the effect that you couldn’t buy a toke of pot anywhere in the country . Today it paid of handsomely by tracking the hit man in less than 24 hours . The undercover police planted in their motel suits passive laser microphones and remote optical fibber cameras that did not show on electronic scans . Later , according to the plan , they found a plaza with good shooting angles and the next day the news papers made it the official place for the inaugural ceremonies .
In between , four surveillance teams were assigned around the clock to each target learning soon of the time and locations from were the three shooters were planning to take aim . Daniel was thrilled and they quickly moved to phase two .
The day before the ceremonies , while the hit man were briefly away, teams of specialized infiltrating units broke into their rooms , search them and found the carrying cases with the high power rifles and ammunition . They appreciated the exquisite quality of the Austrian made sniper rifles and took a note of the serial numbers and manufacturer . Next , the teams laser scanned and took digital pictures of the bullets , weighted them , exited the rooms leaving behind a clean forensic scene and returned to their covert mobile units painted as utility vans .
Once inside they downloaded by secure wi-fi the bullet’s parameters and than waited . At the other end of the connection high precision CNC machining made an identical copy of the bullets while a team of explosives specialists formulated the necessary chemical compound and bringing the weight of the copy to within milligrams of the originals .
At the end they painted the tip of the reproductions with a perfectly matching color which usually designated armour piercing ammunition . After 45 minutes of waiting finally the radio inside the vans came alive and they got ready to receive the delivery . 15 minutes later they emerged from the motels and returned to base , mission accomplished . Daniel called the general in charge and personally congratulated him , than sat down and ponder about the huge impact his plan may have on the international scene. He realized that the circumstances may start more than one revolution so he called Vlad to arrange an emergency meeting after the first session with his advisors , he just didn’t like to roll the dices .
Chapter three : the Planning of a Nation
With two days to the inaugural ceremonies and the trap set for the assassins Daniel finally was about to start his most important meeting yet .
He entered the large wood panelled room with Roman marble statues and old paintings of Romanian leaders . It was an eclectic mix of smoky old and polished new that invited a philosophical mood and a historical thought .
A huge oval table seating 60 sprawled along the whole length of the room crowding the walls while the people waiting were chatting in low and sombre voices affected by the latest events . Only two chairs were left , reserved for Daniel and Vlad . When all the coffees and cookies found their way around and the committee settled down Daniel pulled the mic closer and started his long awaited party :
“ Dear friends and family , please pinch me if this is real ! “ . Everybody start laughing and suddenly they felt grateful that Daniel disarmed the tense atmosphere .
“ Firstly let’s put the assassination attempt on the side because so far is under control and wonderful things may come out of it … we’ll talk about it more tomorrow , so let’s continue to keep the secrecy and our heads up “ . People murmured and made a few rude comments towards the hit men .
“ Lets fully concentrate on our mission … we have a long and complex task ahead of us … everyone got their writing pads ready ? “ . Looking over the table to take the pulse of his top people he could see their determination and enthusiasm, all was OK .
“ Now , before we go into it let’s have the big picture clear : today will discuss the future using the two projects , tomorrow will talk about the present situation and how to adjust . Here is the future … There are two vital components to our plan and we have to address them both in parallel . Generally speaking , since they are our top priority , the two projects will receive maximum funding and military cooperation . By the way “ , he added smiling , “ when I say maximum funding I don’t mean having to go to the IMF , OK ? “ . People laughed again and the atmosphere finally started to unwind feeling more and more like a casual engineering discussion . But Adrian Marinescu , the astute treasurer and banking expert had to answer to his professionalism :
“ Daniel , if you don’t mind , before we go any further lets clarify this subject … I remember from way back in the Independence Forum you were saying openly that you will not disclose at that time the financial sources to pay for our planed expenditures related to development , including the nano project . I think now is the right time to get a good fix on this issue … what do you say ? “ . Daniel was happy for being reminded :
“ Oh yes ! Thanks for jogging my memory , you angel of finances ! That’s right , Adrian , you know our debt situation , over 1.8 billion US in the hole with IMF , just paying the interest is back breaking , look at what happened in 1980 when the interest rates rocketed to 20 % and the debt trap shut close for many nations of the world “ , and with a raised voice , “ I wonder if we’ll ever get to paying the principal ! “ (2) . The members showed their anger too and he continued with the disclosure :
“ I believe there is only one way out … not that’s the most prudent for a nation in the long run under the present economic conditions , but , since all our scientists are confident in the nano project , I believe too that the risk is worth it “ . He left a pause because he knew it will not be easy :
“ I am talking of clearing the country’s gold reserves ! “ .
The people gasped and Vlad who was also hearing this for the first time turned surprised :
“ Daniel , I’m not sure how big our gold reserves are … “ but Adrian interrupted :
“ Exactly 3.98 billion Euros , Vlad , and growing … and let’s not forget the currency exchange as we owe US dollars “ .
“ Thanks Adrian , ya , that’s not bad … but how we’ll be backing up our currency ? Daniel , you know , one of the conditions of the IMF was that we must hold an equal amount of gold in reserve to the amount owed . If they find we drain the gold they can call in the loan and bankrupt the country overnight ! “ . Daniel raised a confident hand :
“ I know , I know … and we also pay hundreds of millions per year in interest … that’s why what I want to do is … pay the IMF also in full and in gold right away ! “ .
Everyone gasped again and thought this will be an afternoon of continous surprises . Daniel explained further :
“ I know is very unorthodox but will not only save us millions of dollars in interests but more importantly will free us from the political restrictions imposed by IMF so we’ll be able to start our reforms much , much sooner .
And the rest of the gold will be used to pay for our development projects … Needless to say , the gold exploration will increase , we know the Carpathians can handle it , and all purchases using gold will be very discrete so the markets will not get a whiff of dumping . This is a one time move based on a calculated risk … if we are successful we’ll not need the gold , we’ll be able to Make the gold and more ! … Adrian , how much can you give us just for research equipment ? “.
Adrian calculated , made notes and gave the verdict :
“ After paying the IMF and other bills we’ll be left with a clean two billion Euros for R&D … not bad at all ! “ .
The rest of the members chewed the scenario and after a couple of minutes of consultations across the table they voiced a resounding approval .
“ Ok , “ , Daniel joked , “ that was easy ! Now let’s have some fun with the heavy staff ! “ . He seeped some coffee and leaned back in his chair :
“ As I was saying , there are two main initial projects where most of our resources will be concentrated … they are vital projects , the backbone of our reforms and the foundation for an economic and later social revolution. Let’s not forget that similar research it’s done today around the world but in uncoordinated separate pockets , individual labs , universities , etc. … but our government will be the first in the world to focus it in such a massive way ” . He looked quickly around the table to see the attention he expected and searching for Dumitru Olteanu , the future science Minister and research coordinator :
“ Ok , Dumitru please take notes , this is your baby … the first project is a familiar one , nano-technologies . The target is Autonomous Manufacturing using Nanobots . When the project is completed we want to have a bag of nanobots which are re-programmable using wi-fi radio waves to download the instructions , dump the nanobots in a premixed compound specially formulated for certain applications , add water or another solvent, mix and let it ‘cook’ until will be obviously ready … We are using for decades Computer Added Design , CAD , as an universal tool to engineer all kinds of parts and also in architecture , so any object , regardless of its complexity, can be sliced by the computer precisely and at any point .
So basically any object can be described by fine slices , atomic thin which when put on top of each other in the right order and fused together form a real entity . We are already half there because , for decades , we are describing objects exactly that way in our engineering projects using CAD . All we need is the universal nanobots who will be instructed by the CAD program to put together all the slices , one at a time … “ . Daniel paused to take the pulse of his advisers :
“ Dumitru , any questions ? “ .
“ I’ll save them for the end ! “ Dumitru joked .
“ Ok , just don’t hesitate to interrupt me please … So , Dumitru , at the nano scale the basic actions are as follows : the nanobots , which are basically atom and molecule weavers , pick up from the dissolved solution the exact elements called by the program and fuse them into the existing structure with atomic precision location … and so on , one layer at a time till completion … The solution of dissolved building materials like iron , chromium , titanium , plastics , colorants etc. , serve not just as the atomic bricks of the object but also as an important coolant for the nanobots … Remember , depending on the object built , we may be talking of an active layer of perhaps billions of nanobots … fusing the atoms and molecules requires energy and even though it is minute at the atomic level , it is magnified by the shear number of nanobots so heat will be generated “ . Daniel stopped and watched for questions but all were eyes and ears .
“ Let me give you two examples , one very easy and the other far more complex. First think about manufacturing a simple pen … think of its cross section design , materials and colors … it’s not hard imagining such a job for the nanobots . But let’s not forget that the nanobots don’t care how complicated the pattern is so my next example is an entire house from the foundation , embedded electrical and fibber optic cables , sewer , the glass and the windows and even the furniture , yes , even the furniture , all done in one pass , one layer at a time … We can do even the books on the shelves and the framed paintings hanging on the walls ! Now you can substitute the house example with an airplane , a car or a spaceship … it doesn’t matter … We design it on CAD , program the nanobots , give them the necessary building materials and let them have fun … and of course , if the nanobots can build anything they surely can build more nanobots ! “ .
People start understanding the principle and got excited , Daniel continued:
“ There is even more … Look in a garden at the dry soil … it’s a mix of minerals and other compounds , no life . But put a seed in and dissolve the soil by watering , and the biological nano-machinery will take the raw elements and assemble them in a full plant , chlorophyll , the gorgeous shaped flowers , fruits and even beautiful fragrances … all from dirt and water . Do you look at it as a miracle ? Of course not … we all are surrounded by busy , alive nanobots but which we call cells … In our nano tech world we’ll have the nanobots instead of flowers , vegetables or trees , and they will weave the fruit for us directly , one layer at a time , and all the rest of the food we need … They will even weave flowers we designed on CAD which we may create for the birthday of our loved ones and have written on their petals ‘ Maria , I Love You ! ‘ … This will put an end to agriculture … “ . People were taken again by surprise , gasping .
“ That’s right friends , when you’re hungry just go in the backyard , scoop some soil , add water and feed it to the nanobots , they will make you steak or prunes or a lemonade as long as the recipe is in the database . Do we have enough soil ? Do we ever ! Just look at the Carpathians , it’s a , well , a mountain of dirt ! “ he said laughing . “ And think what we can do with the unused agricultural land ! Forests , parks , cities ? … Fantasy ? Not ! Are flowers and fruit-trees fantasies ? Not ! We are just copying the recipe and do some short-cuts ! “ . Spontaneous applause burst all around , people getting more and more the scientific message .
“ So all we have to design is the versatile nanobots … Adrian , you were saying we can split in half the gold reserve of two billion , one for each project , correct ? “ .
“ Yes Daniel , one billion Euros each , tops ! “ .
“ Very good … Dumitru , you just heard your budget , Ok ? “ .
Dumitru , the top nano technology researcher in the country , was trying to clear his head of the buzzing ideas stirred by Daniel’s project , he was in love with it, all smiles and couldn’t hide it :
“ Daniel , it’s not even my birthday yet and you’re showering me with gifts already , Thank you … I’ll take the billion and , as you hinted earlier , if everything will go ahead as I am , sorry , as We are dreaming than , yes , we’ll be able to Make the darn gold ! “ . Everyone laughed and relaxed because they knew if Dumitru is up-beat the chances are good and realistic.
Daniel got down to the team issue :
“ Ok , so let’s talk teams … Dumitru , how many specialists in nano technology do we have right now ? “ . Dumitru looked in his notes :
“ We’re not doing bad … Considering the fresh graduates from the last seven years since the course opened at the University of Bucharest and the University of Cluj-Napoca , plus the teachers who studied abroad before , plus the fourth year students enrolled right now , I have a grand total of 986 able bodies but with only 249 real specialists , I mean people with experience who can lead a team . “ . Daniel bit gently his lower lip thinking :
“ So that gives us 249 teams each made of at least one specialist and four experienced assistants … so we have 249 cores which will require a number of support staff like electricians , chemists , technicians and so on … “ . He paused entertaining the thought that just occurred to him :
“ You know guys … it just clicked … do you realize the tonne of jobs that we’re creating right now ?! It’s amazing … we may be looking at 100% employment rate in a very short time ! “ . The advisors agreed and everyone thought of the campaign promises being kept . Daniel continued with a smile :
“ I feel better and better as we go … Adrian what’s the individual team budget please ? “ . Adrian glimpsed at his calculator :
“ Not shabby , we can allow a bit over four million Euros per team for equipment purchases … Further more , considering the teams will share the support staff and some of the more expensive equipment I think we’ll manage to sustain full blown research for at least five years … don’t forget, we can also use the help of the Universities and any manufacturing plant that we’ll need “ . Daniel liked the five years number but he would have preferred a ten or higher , he was not fooling himself , it was a tough project . He just remembered another detailed and called Maria Larion , the education advisor and future Minister :
“ Maria , please make a note of the nano project . I would like to have a nano course started half way through high school just after the chemistry courses , and continued in all colleges , I mean regardless of the college profile … I want this because the more I think about it and the more I snap out of the status quo , the more I believe that nano technology will became what growing food used to be , a life saving skill … thank you Maria ! “ . She made the notes and Daniel returned to the main project :
“ Ok , so we know the budget , we know the teams and we know the target , the nanobots … The principle behind having 249 teams is to have as many angles to the target as we can … 249 different approaches to the problem . But , Dumitru , the strategy is that once a team makes a decisive discovery, I want all the other teams focused immediately in that direction and so on , a pattern of consecutive focusing as we make progress … so basically when a problem arises we’ll have every time 249 ways to look at it . And another thing Dumitru , as research goes , please make sure that any fringe discoveries are properly detailed so it can be picked-up later when we have time … Please underline to the teams specially two applications : biology and military , which brings me to Mugur … “ . Daniel spotted Mugur Badea, the five star general who was second in the military command after him :
“ Mugur please address all security issues for the research facilities and keep in close contact with Dumitru so you can pick up on any side discoveries with military applications . Also while we are at it , Mugur , please ensure security for all the advisors and scientists , think of it as the Romanian Alamos , thanks ! “ . Mugur and Dumitru nodded at each other filling up the notes and Daniel carried on :
“ In terms of resources I think we should use as many of the existing buildings as possible for the 249 laboratories and keep them bunched together to have common access to equipment and staff … “ . He looked towards Radu Constantinescu , the future Minister in charge of infrastructure :
“ Radu , please find them suitable accommodations as soon as possible . Dumitru , please make a list of equipment we need to buy from abroad and work with Adrian to make the purchases discreetly and immediately . By the way , let’s all take a minute and recall the need for extreme secrecy … Ok , one more thing … you know me , I believe more brains are better than fewer so let’s organize a national nano competition … design a nanobot , really , you never know ! Plus it draws people’s interest and we need that … I want the nation to go nano-crazy ! “ .
Slowly they start feeling more and more confident , the plan was coming together in a credible fashion , no science fiction , and the people around the table straighten their slouchy backs , brought their chins up and felt able to move planets . It was a collective high , a dynamo of human imagination and hope , exactly as Daniel envisioned it , a truly scientific and humane think-tank working for the benefit of all people .
Maria Larion , the future Minister of education , known for her warm heart and care for children , raised her hand :
“ Daniel , while we are at the nano project , some time ago you said it will bring not just economic wonders but also a social revolution … can you tell us now what you meant ? “ . Daniel waved her a kiss :
“ Oh yes , thank you so much Maria for being an astute listener , I was planning on explaining it because it is very important , thanks for remind me … You see Maria , my conclusion is that , once the nano technology will be in place as I envisioned it and as I gave directives today at this table , the whole manufacturing process will be generally reduced to people seating in front of computers and using CAD to design what ever they need … from parts and pants to art and food and anything in between including security . It will be a wonderful process of creativity involving and available to everyone , where you can dream of an object , design it on CAD , let the computer transfer the program to the nanobots , feed them the necessary compounds and let them do the work and materialize your dream ! This will be the pinnacle of the nano revolution … “ . Daniel paused to let the picture sink in , than explained further :
“ With such a technology , with such an ease of manufacturing at atomic level anything you can dream of , we will free more time for our selves , we’ll have far more time to indulge in the true meaning of life which is , at least in my opinion , enjoying time with your loved ones besides having pleasure from your friends and hobbies … Also consider that the quality of our lives, future planning and our peace of mind are affected by our job security as well … in our case with an economy which can provide atomic precision parts and equipment we’ll be leading the world in manufacturing … we’ll have zero competition . So when the technology enables you to control almost everything , to provide unbreakable security , easy and stable jobs , to give you anything from food to shelter , than indeed we’ll have far more time for our selves to enjoy the people we love , we’ll have a totally different life style and we’ll be engulfed in a new social revolution … and that’s the gift of properly used nano technology … “ . After having a drink of water Daniel wanted to add the final touches :
“ To appreciate better this new life style I invite you to go through a typical work day … First of all , where ever possible people will work from their homes … Let’s say you are assigned to make parts not to exceed a meter in size and ten kilos in weight , and those constrains are just because transportation needs since once made , some one will drive by in zero pollution vehicles to pick them up … we are not talking science-fiction here since we don’t have teleportation … yet “ , Daniel said smiling and continue:
“ The morning starts by checking your work load , turn on the computer and see what orders were placed . Let’s say you need to make five items with a certain code number . You copy the code and paste it in the specialized CAD software … The screen gives you directions of what materials and size of container you’ll need … You go and get those items from your storage area and click “continue” . Next the computer sends the programs via wi-fi to the appropriate number of nanobots which are stored in a nearby container . When done you dump the nanobots into the prepared mixture and go away to have fun for the rest of the day … Imagine, that’s a typical work day for someone involved in manufacturing !
And that’s not all … let’s say you feel like learning to play piano but you don’t have one . You go on the computer and search the data base for piano software , you copy it and send the program to another bunch of spare nanobots , add the ingredients in a suitable size vat and in seven to nine days you’ll have a perfectly working replica of a classic grand piano . Or , if you are an artist you can spend a pleasant afternoon creating on CAD some mesmerizing sculpture with interlacing fibbers of what appears to be precious stones , steel , glass and wood all emerging from one another . Or just design a new jet engine … the imagination is the only limit … The fact is that intelligent people don’t get bored , they always find something to create and innovate … Imagine the whole nation , instead of spending eight hours at the office , using most of that time for sheer creativity … Suddenly we’ll burst at the seems with innovations , and discoveries will take place at such a rate that our lives today will appear as stone age ! “ . The advisors cheered and voiced positive comments , but Adrian , business oriented and with a feel of what makes people tick , raised the issue :
“ Don’t take me wrong , I love it and it makes scientific sense … however , just as Maria felt the social aspect needed to be address , I also feel that part of it is the issue of personal incentives … I mean , if I design an outstanding object related to any field , science or art , why should I place it in the national database for free ? What are my incentives ? “ .
Daniel obliged :
“ What you are describing is the capitalistic model based on money rewards … But even in the capitalistic countries the concept of Sharing developed naturally , sometimes with the flavour of barter … What we’ll be doing is organize the concept of Sharing at the country level … So you know that as you’ll contribute to the data base other will do the same and you’ll have access to it at no cost . It is a continuation of the Family concept and as you would not charge your relatives , specially when you know they are also contributors to the national data base , the final change to the society will be the elimination of money … a natural process “ . People gasped , still being suspended in this river of non-fiction just about to torrent over their lives and Daniel wanted to make this revolutionary picture even clearer :
“ My point is that most of the manufacturing will be done in people’s homes improving one’s quality of life but also , a vital detail , why go shopping for something when you can copy its design as a general template from our on-line free national database , customize it if you want to and make it in your own home … The shopping will be done from your chair .
Think about it , economy is people exchanging goods and services … But when all the information about how to make anything is Shared by the community in a national database and when the concentrated raw materials are provided by the government in exchange for labour besides being available freely in the soil , what’s there to exchange ? This is not an economy as we know it ! Further more , if we can make most of what we need so cheaply because the bulk of the cost is the raw material , and in our homes , than of course Money will become worthless ! Now , That’s a social revolution ! “ .
The implications got people’s attention who found themselves in an uneasy state of mind , listening to the shocking possibilities , trying hard to believe it’s not a fantasy specially since all made sense , and trying to soak in the consequences .
General Mugur Badea had a flash :
“ Daniel … what happened if the nanobots , small as they are , fall in foreign hands ? “ . Daniel hit his forehead :
“ You darn right Mugur , that’s a very important consideration , thanks for bringing it up … and Dumitru this is for your design teams too . What I had in mind is a restrictive 3-D space … just as in clothing stores there are Radio Identification passive tags which respond to certain radio frequencies to prevent theft , I am suggesting a parameter of emitters around our country borders or any other area . If a nanobot is within ten meters of such an emitter it will self destruct … not explosively , just to reduce it self to unrecognizable molecular dust . This way we’ll know that no nanobot could ever escape “ . General Mugur asked sheepishly while taking notes :
“ Daniel , any chance that I may have some specialized nanobots to send wondering abroad ? “ . That was just what Daniel wanted :
“ You bet , dear ! We’ll have a delightful time fine tuning this nano-spying technique … believe me , it’s one of my beloved mini-projects ! If it will work as I plan it , we may be in the position to show to other countries what they really are , including their corrupt governments …“ .
Lily Magyar , the future Minister of labour also needed a clarification , and a very important one for that :
“ Daniel , the more I understand the Autonomous Manufacturing project the more I realize that one side effect will be massive loss of skills so I have no choice but to worry about it … “ .
“ I understand the concern Lily , what we need to do first is to realize we are in a different circumstantial time frame … We are way too used with the traditional manufacturing processes , the masters , the apprentice and all that glory … and we felt protected somehow that in the future those skills will be preserved and passed along … But what can you pass along in the nano world ? How to use a CAD software ? How to mix dirt ? How to use your imagination ? And so Lily , your concern is very valid : what are we going to do in a nano world if things go wrong and we lose our technology ? How we’ll survive and how far from the stone age would that be ? “ .
An uncomfortable silence surrounded the room . Daniel explained further :
“ The only way to pass the information in a nano world is if you have that information in your head and a spare , emergency nanobot set . A Nanobot Emergency Set , or NEST , is a group of nanobots in an inert capsule inserted under your skin which can be removed without bleeding … Dumitru and his team will figure out how to activate them , but once removed , started and provided with just regular wet soil , those NEST will start manufacturing based on the available compounds , a complete kit including the mini-computer , screen , installed CAD software and an updated copy of the national database , in other words is ready to go in six to seven days doesn’t matter if you are lost in a forest , on a devastated battle field or on Mars … You can always start fresh with just soil , some water and the NEST under your skin … “ . Lily smiled .
Daniel thought it was enough material for the first part of the meeting so he concluded :
“ We’ll be discussing this survival issue more but till than Mugur and Dumitru please talk to each other to make sure it is addressed during prototyping … And now , as a preparation to introduce you to the other main project , let me ask you all … living in a nanotech world like this , basically paradise on Earth , wouldn’t you soon realize that Death remains the only and most disruptive enemy ? “ . The advisors stared at Daniel and slowly smiles emerged . Voices of approval echoed and the words showed the arrival of a general awakening . Very pleased Daniel looked at the watch and stood up :
“ Guys , let’s have a lunch break please , I’m starved ! We’ll continue with project number two in one hour , ok ? “ . Everybody was hungry and healthy food was served right on the table while creative discussions carried on .
An hour and a half later and seeping on strong coffees while going over notes and still discussing the philosophical angles to all the changes , everyone was ready again and Daniel introduced the second project :
“ Before we get into the second target I want to underline that eventually both of them will be connected so don’t try to separate them too much in your mind … The second vital project addresses one of the most cruel facts of life : doesn’t matter how well we live and how happy we are , at one point in time we’ll be separated from our loved ones … by death . When in this cruel world the most important and treasured thing is our loved ones , to see them die is absolutely unacceptable ! And so , death becomes our target number two , and genetics combined with biology and nano technologies will show us how to eradicate this enemy for ever … “ .
The advisors looked like they needed more . Magdalena Romanov , the future Minister of agriculture raised the main concern :
“ I find the idea exciting and very noble but … how we’ll feed and stabilize the growing population ? Birth control ? “ .
“ Of course , but if you do the math and consider the extended planed life expectancy , even one child per family is too much after a few generations … But thanks to the nano technologies , chances are good that after a while we’ll be able to manage the food supply but the physical size of our country will be the final limitation . At that time , and well before than , we’ll be appealing to people who would volunteer to not have children but this is a long and specially unfair shot in my opinion … In my plan , way into the future and for reasons far more important and vital than running out of land … we may have to depart this planet … “ .
A hush descended over the room , not even his closest advisors ever heard him talking about such a sci-fi scenario . They start worrying about the negative impact on Daniel’s credibility and he felt their concerns :
“ I understand , it looks like a movie and I agree that at present is not the best time to release it to our people … But please think about it … firstly I trust all of you , I have proof that your intelligence is much higher than average and so I don’t want to hide anything , doesn’t matter how off-the-wall it may appear … But , never the less , the reality may surprise us more than we dream and I believe we all should keep the space migration in the back of our minds because there is a very good and vital reason : once we enter the nano world and conquer life than , naturally , all our attention will be focused on anything that can disrupt us … You see , it’s a different state of mind , when time for us virtually stops , the time scale of cosmic events becomes compressed , there is no difference if our sun will became a red giant and destroy Earth in 100 million years from now or in 900 million … we will still be around … So instinctively , just like an animal on the run is looking for a safe meadow , we’ll also seek a corner of the universe which is quiet , away from raging stars , black holes and turbulent galaxies and which we can call home , relax and love our loved ones for ever … “ .
And than he added :
“ I want to make sure you understand my purpose very well … we do all those things , the life extension , the nanotechnologies , the space search , all for one single purpose : so tonight when you’ll caress the face of your loved one , you’ll have no hesitation knowing that’s the way it will be for eternity ! “ .
People were getting deeper in the realization of all the unexpected consequences and the comments exchanged over the table start taking a philosophical turn . After a while the advisors agreed with the principles behind such a very long term plan and Daniel moved to the heart of the second project :
“ I am proposing to call this plan ‘ Genesis ‘ in the tradition of new pathways . As we discussed before , the head of Genesis will be Marina Bunea but the same concept applied to the nano project will be valid here too so Dumitru and Mugur will be her partners with full cooperation . The project will have two parallel objectives : one is stopping the ageing process completely , the other researching for health improvements to be applied daily by everybody including gene therapy … “ .
Daniel paused to see if ‘gene therapy’ stirred emotions … but no , people were just listening with visible intellectual curiosity . He remembered what James , the genetician he met on the plane , told him about his encounters with the mass opinion regarding gene manipulations , took a deep breath of relief and continued :
“ Marina you already know the budget , what can you tell us about the number of teams we have available ? “ .
“ Daniel , the situation in genetics is much better than in the nano project … We have far more qualified and marginally qualified personnel , but I was thinking … the budget split for the nano teams’ equipment worked at slightly over four million Euros per team … I feel we should keep the same numbers for the genetics project but with the difference that we’ll have ten times more people per team , that’s ten times more heads to think about the target “ . Daniel liked that :
“ Sure , it will simplify the accounting and provide more brain power … I love it , it’s a deal , make it happen … Ok , while the life extension and health supplements project is straight forward and has first priority I want to run in parallel a pet project which I consider very important for our society . I am talking about the crime rate … “ . The advisors showed their approval of the subject .
“ While the crime problem is obvious since recorded history , it’s solution is very fuzzy … many ways have being tried , we know that … It is also interesting to note that nations like France under Napoleon , Germany under Hitler or the Mongolians under Genghis Hun got to dominate millions from the Black Sea to the West Pacific only to fall back , some into oblivion… That tells me the aggression gene is omnipresent in the population and all it takes is an insane leader to incite the whole nation into war and violence … So my angle is to eliminate the root that science has established to be a certain gene which is responsible for human aggression “ . Everyone suddenly quiet down in attention and Daniel sensed it .
“ No , this is not Eugenics , we don’t kill or sterilize the subjects but instead we repair what the cruel nature did to us . So in general here is what we need to do : first , work out the protein to silence the aggression gene , secondly test it and finally present it to the people … “ . Marina jumped in :
“ How it will be tested , Daniel ? “
“ Quite simple … think about it , we need subjects which are proven violent … There is only one place where people like this are concentrated : in jail …” . The advisors understood what Daniel was hinting at and reacted with caution .
“ I understand your reservations … and I understand the human rights but here our purpose is to relieve those people of a birth defect … If you think like me that non-violent is normal while aggressive is not than it is crystal clear that we are doing those people a favour … If it works , and it should , at the end those people may find freedom again because their changed personality . And I don’t mean making zombies out of them , no , we just remove the aggression and let the rest as is . It’s a clear win-win situation for both the inmates and the whole society … Marina , any objections ? “ .
“ No , Daniel … matter of fact my feel is that once the aggressive behaviour is removed , the brain cortex will have more time to spend for normal processing rather than being busy and interrupted by negative thought patterns induced by the aggression gene … What I’m driving at is that I will not be surprised if the subjects will gain two or four IQ points … it makes perfect sense “ . Daniel loved it :
“ Exactly … Think about it , how many times did you caught your self in aggressive thoughts ? Perhaps re-living a situation at work involving your authoritarian boss or a bitchy employee , or a road-rage incident where you fantasize of getting out of the car and punching the other driver … it happens … I experienced it my self many times and every time I said to my self ‘Shame , you chimpanzee ! ‘ . That’s why I’ll be among the first to get the anti-aggression shot specially when I know it will make me smarter ! “ .
“ So here is the plan : our target is the highest security prison … We’ll chose the inmates with the most established violent record and we’ll segregate them in two groups : in one group will inoculate all the members while in the second group will inject only a minority , perhaps three out of twenty . In this way we’ll be able to observe the adaptability in both situations , as a group totally protected against the aggression gene and also in a hostile environment surrounded by violent people … Marina , any suggestions ? “ . Marina looked up from her notes an smiled :
“ No , except this may lead to a Nobel prize in genetics “ . Daniel returned the smile :
“ That’s the spirit , so please , make it happen ! … Naturally , the whole process will be recorded with the final purpose of convincing the people of its benefits … By the way Marina , regarding your analyses predicting an increased IQ after the silencing of the aggression gene … let’s incorporate your idea in the programme and test their IQ before and after … “ . Marina nodded and Daniel was thinking hard to remember other details :
“ Ok , once the tests are completed we’ll proceed to mass produce the vaccine and inoculate the whole population … did we cover everything ? “ . He looked around the table but the voice came from the back , colonel Victor Dobrescu , one of Daniel’s favourites dedicated body guards , a tough yet funny and intelligent cookie collecting medals since a teenage recruit . He had a personal favour to ask :
“ Daniel , I listen before to your ideas regarding genetic self-evolution and I have a feel you’ll not stop at he aggression gene … What I’m trying to say is that … I always wanted to play the piano … “ . A healthy laughter shook the room and people made funny comments about their own personal short-comings , Victor was speaking for everybody including Daniel who gladly obliged :
“ You funny Vic ! … Yet so right … ‘mother’ nature is unfair to us … On one hand it shows us what a few Mozarts or Teslas can do while on the other hand it makes the rest of us fail to assemble a kid’s bike … it’s like in your face , you see the cake but can’t touch it … So Vic , you’re right … we’re going to change that , once the population sees the benefits of self-evolution we’ll move quickly to fix the intelligence genes and add all the skills and talents we’ll get our hands on … Also , taking a chance of appearing trivial but considering my own unappealing looks , I plan to include sets of genes which will provide good looking people for the future generations … The fact of life remains that physical attraction is part of the pleasure package so why not address it if we can and eradicate ugliness ? … And I’m not talking about an uniform look , no way , I am planning a national data base of faces which can not be duplicated while the original is still alive … Really , if we’ll master the genome to the extend of increased intelligence and added talents sure enough we’ll be able to control tissue growth so why not enable parents to design the looks of their future child ? In just a few generations we’ll have a handsome population which , I believe , will help change the way people find mates …” . Marina stopped taking notes and lifted her head in attention :
“ What do you mean Daniel ? “ .
“ Well , at present the universal divorce rate of over 45 % proves that a lot of people are not good at choosing a long term mate … It’s the sexual attraction that entangles us at first when young and foolish and maybe again later through life … Today we are conscientious that only a handful of us are good looking so we magnify every physical detail of our mate to satisfy our sexual needs … When most of us can offer only certain parts of our appearance as being attractive , we get used to be thankful for having a mate with just beautiful sexy lips , or great legs and so on … but in our future all the people will be overall attractive so just like getting used to an object-de-art , after a while it loses its lustre and slowly , and with the help of Maria’s school programme in Social Skills Development , people will start appreciating more the beauty of the soul and the depth of the thought when selecting mates … So here we have yet another social ramification of the self-evolution plan ! Another way to look at it , is our genetic enhancement will change humans to have beauty which is also skin deep … “ , he smiled , leaned back comfortably and listen to the background of chatter trying to filter the median response .
It was good , people were getting used to be showered with the unexpected twists of the future and the technologies they were pursuing , they found it truly exciting and it was not an abnormal , euphoric reaction , but that of professional engineers and scientists who were trained to question anything unusual . Daniel looked at the clock and remembered the security meeting following next so he had to cut it a bit short :
“ Ok , we are running out of time for tonight but we’ll gather again tomorrow to discuss the solutions for the immediate present … Till than keep in mind the general direction of our main projects : nano technology for the Autonomous Manufacturing project , the genetics programme into life extension and human enhancement and the pressing aggression gene silencing issue . Those are our focus for now and I certainly hope that with 249 teams for each project and four million Euros per team we’ll have the solutions in five years or less … our future depends on it “ . The advisors slowly got up visibly enjoying bouncing ideas and discussing a future which not only looked like a jewel with a myriad of exciting facets but also , most importantly , it start looking viable .
After the room cleared and the chatting slowly went away , Daniel and Vlad were left alone with just the four body guards standing a couple of meters away and looking alert . Daniel asked them if they needed anything than took a deep breath and looked at Vlad while the State Security team entered the room right on time , all four of them, Bogdan Atanasiu , Intelligence colonel , Ion Paduraru , Army colonel , Mugur Badea , five star general , and Mircea Antonescu , Bucharest Chief of police . Daniel greeted his protectors with a tired smile and they understood . More coffee was poured and Daniel got down to business :
“ Thanks again for coming … First of all I want to bring up the very sensitive nature of this operation . If all works to plan we may end up in the possession of documents that will stir the world and maybe topple governments , not that we needed more enemies !
In contrary , when the dust settles we may have new friends , new societies with better standards and perhaps more willing to learn from our example “ . Dunking a cookie in the fresh coffee he continued :
“ But this is an uncertainty … till than let’s increase the security and let’s carry on with the details of our plan . Ion , do we know where the assassins are and do we have their cribs wired ? “ . Colonel Ion Paduraru was more than ready :
“ Mr. Dumitres … sorry , Daniel , yes , we installed passive laser microphones and passive optical fibber for HDTV … We know the tint of their underwear and two important things : so far none of the three detected the switched armour piercing rounds and we know the time and places they decided to use : four o’clock , just 15 minutes into the speech and as we predicted , they plan to take positions in each of the three suitable buildings we made available … That will put them between 480 to 590 meters away from the podium , that means even with the small amount of gun powder left in the rounds , the crowds will still be able to hear the pops “ . He stopped to catch his breath and cautiously dipped his lips into the steaming coffee :
“ We already wired the shooting locations and assigned the capture teams , we even have the bullet pickers in the parking lots below … Yesterday our MIGs brought us a present from Mr. Putin with a signed photo of him to you … nice ! … Anyways , we got gift-wrapped with instructions what I call the Russian Molotov truth-serum cocktail designed to surprise any CIA trained operative . Naturally we saved a sample for analyses … “ . General Mugur Badea needed a bit more details :
“ Anything special in the instructions ? “ .
Ion briefly glimpsed at his notes :
“ Not really … intra-muscular injection … time to effect 13 to 15 minutes … and duration 10 to 15 minutes . Oh ya … also the maximum session is two shots no less than 5 minutes apart followed by an hour break , if you want the patient not to have a guaranteed heart attack … “ . Daniel was not thrilled :
“ Ten minutes is not enough … we’ll need both shots … how can we do it without actually rolling their sleeves in front of the people and the world ??“ . The answer came from Victor :
“ My aunt has diabetes and uses on her belt a Walkman-size portable gadget which injects her automatically with insulin … “ . Ion picked up the idea :
“ Yes ! I don’t see why we can’t by-pass the auto delivery signal and trigger it remotely … the prisoners will be in shackles and dazed … I’m sure will work , just watch the time for the best delivery “ . Daniel took over :
“ Ok , Vlad , you’ll have the trigger and just wait for my signal to deliver the second shot … remember , we are mainly concerned with the CIA guy . The Mafiosi will probably be knocked-out by the cocktail so we’ll give us more time … “ . Daniel looked at Mircea Antonescu , the Bucharest Police Chief :
“ Mircea , there will be three acts to this show : first bringing the shooters on the podium with the cameras rolling , secondly my interview starting with the CIA guy , and thirdly , upon my signal , the storming of the American embassy … “ . He paused to let them write the notes and carried on looking at Ion :
“ In the first act I would like to have your brother in law , Sorin Negrescu , in charge with bringing in the CIA guy and prepping him with the Russian truth serum … the timing is crucial , he must be on the podium exactly ten minutes after the injection and with the remote delivery unit attached and functioning … Vlad will hold the remote control for the second dose to deliver it on my cue . Keep in mind the large crowds and how to get to the podium in time , will be tricky so I need some creative ideas … The other two assassins should be held on the podium within an earshot … Arrange also for the TV crews to be much closer than usual so their mics can pick up the conversation “ . Daniel turned around to his body guards :
“ Victor , please position your self on the podium right behind me with the rest of you fanned out not to interfere with the camera angles … keep in mind the world will be watching … We know the three shooters planed to synchronize for the hit at exactly four o’clock … I’ll do my best to bring the crowd to a silence so we can hear the three gun pops … Ok , that should be easy … now let’s move to the final and trickiest part , the American embassy … “ .
He recollected his thoughts settling in the chair but felt his body quite stiff after hours of seating … He decided he needed a bit of fresh air and stood up reaching for the window , parting the curtains and taking a glimpse at the neon lights and the gorgeous summer night . His hand never made it to the lever , Victor surprised him with a lighting move covering the window with his body and puling back the heavy curtains :
“ Daniel , please , I’ll turn up the air conditioning … do you want another coffee or better yet a fruit tea ? “ . Daniel rested his arm on Victor’s shoulder looking deep into his warm brown eyes wondering how he’ll ever repay for his devotion and care .
“ Vic , thanks dear , I’ll have a tea , you’re right “ . He sat down and waited for Victor to came back so he can listen in too . With the cup of tea in his hand Daniel carried on with the details :
“ This act is all about timing … remember our purpose : to get all the information out of the embassy before any of the staff has a chance to destroy it … Here is what I came up with and please feel free to jump in and improve it . Knowing the shooters are synchronized for four o’clock , I would like a diversion at 3:45 … Let’s say they receive a bomb threat , the caller said there is a bomb in the embassy … One minute later blasts are heard and smoke starts pouring from somewhere inside … In another minute the fire trucks are on the scene and a bit later the SAWT vans arrive … Among smoke and sirens the building is evacuated . I would like the fireman to shout ‘ It will blow !! Get out !! ‘ and to rush all the embassy staff outside all the way on the sidewalk … I want the fire chief to escort the American ambassador to his limousine and pretend talking on the radio about his man finding a bomb on a count-down timer with five minutes left … like in a movie , you know … Keep in mind , the ambassador must not have access to live TV or radio , not even a satellite phone … He must not realize that the CIA operative talked on the podium and divulged all the incriminating information … after we clean the embassy I don’t care what he does though … The basic idea is the diversion will prevent the embassy staff from going through the clean-up procedure “ . Ion jumped in :
“ I can take care of the inside diversion ! For years we have being collecting information from this janitor who is a Party member and working in the embassy … I’m very sure he’ll love to land a hand of help … he can set up the smoke grenades … “ . Daniel looked at him with a lots of thanks in his eyes : “ Ion , you just relieved me of a great worry … that sounds wonderful … please set it up …” . It was an unexpected solution to a tough order and it brought even more credibility to the plan .
“ Great , so we have inside smoke and bangs … Mircea , you take care of the SWAT teams and also I want unmarked vans around the corner with dozens of security officers ready to take over the embassy and clean-up its contents … make sure they have boxes and flash lights … “ , turning to Ion “ try to have your janitor friend cut off the emergency generators on cue but without permanently damaging the cables , we may need to have good lighting to search for hidden vaults … arrange stand-by technicians ready to fix the connections “ . Daniel aimed at general Mugur Badea :
“ Mugur , once the computers and all the evidence is removed we’ll need to seal and close down the embassy … from than on it will be returned to Romanian ownership …” , he continued smiling , “ I’m thinking of turning it later into a relaxed , hype coffee bar with framed photocopies of the most revealing documents found in the raid … Just think of the memories and most important , the lessons it will carry for generations … ‘ Café a la Americana ‘ , have a brew , chat and be kept aware of the past threats and conspirators …” . Than he remembered another detail :
“ Vlad , did our ambassador and his staff arrived safely ? “ .
“ Yes , they discretely sanitized our embassy in Washington and left under the official call to attend the Presidential inauguration ceremonies … perfectly valid “ . Daniel liked it :
“ Ok , so everybody is safe … Coming back to the US embassy raid … Bogdan , I need to have all found documents organized by theme , scanned in high resolution , stored safely on an army base and than posted on a hacker-proof web site for the world to see … Also please send electronic copies to the and other patriotic web sites , I’ll give you a full list by tomorrow … any questions everybody ? “ . The team seemed content , they stood up stretching , exchanging comments and just like a big family they hugged and left to their duties feeling even stronger their new purpose in life to protect the Revolution .
The night passed quickly and with tomorrow bringing the inaugural ceremonies Daniel found himself again in front of his 58 advisers and getting started to discuss how to make the best of what they got before receiving help from the nano project . They went through the coffee and the home baked cookies made by volunteers , settled down with the writing pads ready and Daniel opened the discussions tackling the toughest part of their plan , the present :
“ Ok , everybody … so far we know the gold reserves will pay for the equipment needed by the two main research projects and will pay in full our debt to IMF … What we have left is our present government owned operations and the foreign contracts associated with it , that will ensure some revenue in . But what we need is to fine focus the entire country operations to eliminate waste , duplication and general unproductive time… So I would like a complete inventory of industries , the parts and materials they use , the labour required , the available area for expansion if any , the industries dependent on it and the forecast for diversification … In other words a comprehensive flowchart of our economy “ . Daniel added one more vital detail :
“ Because all our processes will be heavily dependent on computers I must insist on totally replacing the Microsoft patching job with a decent operating system platform … Dumitru , as the science Minister this is your project … I encourage you to make it a national subject of competition , just like the nano project , inviting students as well as professionals to come up with solutions … We need a safe , hacker-proof OS tailored to the needs of government administration , economy and with a portal to connect in the future to the nano CAD database … “ .
“ Coming back to the human factor , in terms of working conditions I would like to have the people take advantage of the morning Rapid Eye Movement ( RAM ) sleep , (20) , for better health , so the general hours of operations for regular factories and retail should be between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm with an hour for lunch . Specially the schools should not start earlier than 10:00 am … The working week will still be five days until the nano technologies will free us at a much higher degree … We also need to give people at least four weeks per year for holydays , to have kindergarten facilities located on the job premises or very close , good air and light so we’ll need new standards , also an Abuse reporting scheme and an encouragement with money awards for whistleblowers “ . Daniel thought of another detail and laid his eyes on Carmen Dubosaru , the Minister of agriculture and food :
“ About food … Carmen , this is your department , we need an accelerated process to turn over all the food to organics only . Also we need to organize the food labelling to address the blood type diet … Needless to say please pass the Anti-junk food legislation so we can close down those immoral businesses . On the same line we need new guidelines for nutrition and food preparation … Please cross links with the Minister of education , Maria Larion , and establish an early program starting in the elementary school on all aspects of eating healthy … I don’t want to see any cooking classes where students are using frozen dough and dead vegetables to make junk food … “ . Next he looked at Maria :
“ Maria , in education we also need to revise the system from ground up … I want a program design to spot very early talents that kids may have and channel them towards the respective future jobs . I want programmes against smoking , drinking and drugs , I would like a cancerous real lung displayed at the entrance of every elementary , high school , college and University … About general learning … I would like better strategies of presenting the subjects to students , make it more attractive , more life related so students can easily see how to apply sciences to every day life . To do this better we need far smaller classes , my desire is to aim at having no more than ten students per teacher at all education levels … “ . He took a deep breath and remembered one more detail very dear to his heart :
“ Maria , we were talking earlier about the disturbing 45 % rate of divorce almost world wide and about the plague of loneliness . We need to drastically reduce it if not eliminate it completely … At the end I want every one to have a sweetheart . So , my plan is a free , nation wide dating service as part of the government social programs … After all is the people through their government helping each other with a very important issue of their wellbeing . I was thinking about a free local internet where they can download profiles and chat , government organized single’s parties twice a week , free social skills classes , hints on dating and also on sexual safety … “ . The advisors gave an unanimous approval sprinkled with heartily comments .
Andrei Marinescu , the finance watchdog , wanted to clarify an itchy issue :
“ Daniel , with the massive research and all the rest of job creations , how we’ll pay the workers ?? “ . Daniel expected this subject sooner or later and looking at Vlad who already knew , disclosed his unorthodox plan :
“ I believe that we are too much entranced in the western , capitalistic economic system … look , even USA is printing its own money like they’re going out of style ! “ . He realized the unintended pun and laughed with the rest of the crowd :
“ Ok , I goofed , maybe the American dollar is after all going out of style , that’s why we deal only in Euros , but what I was getting at is the nonchalant style , deliberate and with impunity in which the US and other governments keep printing money , never mind the Federal Reserve … Now , if we detach ourselves from this money system we being brainwashed since children to accept and obey , we’ll realize that the natural way in the type of a controlled economy as we plan , is a large circle of intertwined jobs where every one is performing a bit of what it takes to have the system running smoothly and manufacture what the entire population requires .
So , since all our needs are met internally without imports , if one makes a sofa while someone else is making a machinery gear , designing a new engine or working retail , at the end , the task is completed, all the required products and services were provided fulfilling all our needs and all this without any money changing hands ! The reason is simple , we all work for ourselves in the same company following the same plan so at the end of the day it’s very much like family members who finished their chores and the house-hold needs were satisfied … “ .
And than he joked : “ I don’t recall my mother charging me for doing the laundry or me charging her for doing her groceries ! Another way to look at it is imagining a super factory which has its own raw materials and produces everything a country needs without imports : inside this company people make things the greater plan requires but they don’t charge each other for installing a part or for painting a panel . In other words , internally and at a very large scale , people make what it takes to satisfy their own needs as a society working together so using money to pay each other for doing what they need to do anyways is ridiculous ! …
The capitalistic system involves money because people are not organized at the national level like us and this splinter enables ruthless people , AKA Banksters , to use money as a payment among individuals for services people need anyway and being performed by people anyhow … it’s like being the middle man between groups of unorganized people handling their money , with powers to charge interest and manipulate the financial markets leading on occasion to planed recessions … Fortunately in our case , since we will be self-sufficient and out of the international markets and their predatory financing loops , we can implement what ever monetary system works best for us “ . He thought to assure his advisors :
“ No , I don’t intend to rock the boat yet and eliminate money , people need more time to snap out of the old ways … we’ll work with the new generations to make the transition easier and at the right time . Till than we’ll follow the American example and print as much money as we need , period “ . Andrei smiled satisfied , all was cleared to stabilize the economy .
Daniel though of another angle :
“ There is a big bonus for us … when people realize they work for them selves , their greater productivity and imagination to improve their lives will lead not only to better working conditions and peace of mind but to better products as well , exceeding the West “ . Once the crowd settled Daniel moved to the next subject :
“ Let’s talk about energy … Until nano technologies will give us better ways I would like an immediate initiative to switch all our energy sources to green and renewable … The general principle here is transferring the energy production from concentrated electrical stations to individual house-holds and individual factories and businesses . I was thinking of mandatory discretely designed wind turbines installed on every roof besides solar panels … what else can you think of ? “ he asked the advisors aiming at Dumitru who looked over his notes and had one suggestion :
“ The Danube is like an ocean current but restrained …. I was thinking of watermills installed on the bottom … the current will turn them providing energy , also we may me able to filter out the metals and other industrial chemicals to be used as raw material in the nano project “ . The advisors appreciated the suggestions and Daniel opened the last subject :
“ In view of the recent events we are all aware more than ever of the need for security … Mugur , you are in charge so we’ll need border crossing security , internal and personal safety at all levels … we also need to educate the masses about the dangers posed by foreign interference . One way to deal with this is to purge the foreigners , after all why should we waste resources policing strangers knowing that some of them are here to undermine our Revolution … Naturally we’ll have to do it discretely … I was thinking to slowly shut down all our resorts via travel agency under the pretext of being over booked , under renovations , etc. . I don’t want to make the news in the West on this subject … “ . He looked at the watch and noted how late it was , he thought of the inauguration ceremonies tomorrow afternoon and the sleep he needed :
“ Ok , we are done for now … I’ll see you all tomorrow at the celebrations!“. Slowly the room cleared out and soon he was watching the late evening scene from the back of the security car .
All night long he dreamed about being a walking target , being shot and somewhere a school being named after him .
He spent the morning going again with the security team over the American embassy coup , all the fine details including his losing argument with Vlad about wearing a double safety vest , a Kevlar and ceramic combination which made him sweat and look fat .
His watch read 3:38 pm when he stepped on the podium facing the noise , the bright summer sunshine , ovations , screams , chanting , placards , banners and the TV crews right against the stage . As far as he could see between the wide boulevards and buildings , up to the horizon , there were thousands of people , a waving crowd which brought back his paternal feeling of caring for his nation . On top of the turmoil he recalled the 4:00 o’clock appointment with more of his destiny so he got right into it :
“ Dear Family , dear friends ! … We finally did it ! “ . The large crowd raised their hands again with cheers .
“ From now on it’s up to us alone … At last we own the streets , the factories , the land we step on , nobody can take that away from our Nation ! … We are free now to do what’s right for all of us and not just for a handful , we have the means and the know-how to better our lives with our own hands , independent of foreign markets and the conspiracies of the world ! … Being self-sufficient and sovereign gives us the power to do what’s best for us and to spread the wealth evenly while having peace of mind about the prosperity of our future … “ . The people gave him thorough ovations and applause , he could feel their blessings like an electric field of trust and confidence . Daniel keeping an eye on the time went for more :
“ So I’m asking you not to lower you guard , I’m asking you to be vigilant and protective of our family and our possessions … There are many enemies in the world who by deceit and aggression would like to have us back in the rat race and have us enslaved again … Let’s be smart and alert , and not allow this to happen ! “ .
On the other side of the city , in a comfortable Frank Lloyds designed room, the American ambassador was watching the inaugural speech on live TV seeping on a Miller Light and feeling the cool breeze through the opened windows . Last weeks were very hectic arranging the entrance of three undercover agents , working the details of the expanding military bases in eastern Romania while meeting European Union members to discuss the trade issues caused by the declining US dollar . The only high lite of the afternoon were those phenomenal Romanian pastries like he never tasted in his life . The phone rang and casually he reached for it turning down the TV volume . Still chewing on a cookie he couldn’t make out what the voice with a heavy accent was saying but he did hear the word ‘bomb’ and instinctively swallowed the morsel :
“ Sorry , what did you say ?? “ . Through the crackling poor connection the voice repeated :
“ You are capitalistic pig , you need to die … we put bomb in room … you go to hell !! “ and the phone hanged up . The ambassador put the receiver down and stood in a daze not believing his luck . Another ring of the phone almost gave him a heart attack :
“ Yes , what is it ?? “ .
“ Hello , is this the American embassy ? Who is this ? “ . The ambassador looked at the call display … it says ‘ Police ‘ .
“ Hello , yes , this is the American ambassador ! “
“ Hi , this the officer in charge at the city police , we just received a phone call warning of a bomb placed inside the American embassy … did you have any problems lately ? “ .
“ Oh well , kind of , I just finished talking to someone who said the same thing , that’s a bomb here somewhere !! “ .
“ Please don’t panic , the fire department and the SWAT squad are on the way … till than we ask you to collaborate and immediately evacuate the building … we were told of a one tonne bomb … that will flatten the neighbourhood , please don’t take any chances , leave Now ! “ .
The ambassador blinked repeatedly thinking of the ‘ one tonne bomb ‘ and tried to grab his jacket . As he bended forward a massive thump and blast shook the walls followed by hysterical screams from the floor below . Black dense smoke start raising in front of his window and the ambassador lost it…
He run down the stairs like a hurricane passing the yelling secretaries and the thick smoke and stopped only across the lawn near the entrance and the garages . His chauffeur was holding a wet towel half way through cleaning the bullet-proof limo and was staring mesmerized at the chaos . The ambassador jumped in the car and start looking for the satellite phone. He could hear the fire and ambulance sirens approaching fast while trying to dial . He was startled again by a tall fireman knocking heavily on the limo’s window .
“ Sir , we were just told the huge bomb is on a timer … less than five minutes left … we have to get the hell out of here right this moment !! “ . The chauffeur went livid , dropped the cleaning cloth and stormed in the limo , turned it around and floored it . The car barely missed the secretaries and the staff running with just their shirts on their backs while the ambassador was looking frantic for his cellular and barely hanging in as the car took a sharp corner and gaining speed . From the front three SWAT vans flew by while he took a quick glimpse at the watch , it showed 3:59:39.
With seconds to spare Daniel looked at the large digital display clock hidden under the desk thinking that he needed to have the crowd completely quiet at four o’clock sharp . The display showed 3:59:39 . With all the cheering and ovations he thought he was asking for too much … 3:59:41 … With an eye on the numbers he tried to silence the crowd one more time :
“ Dear family , I would like to ask you please for a quiet moment of thoughtful pause …59:45 … Please , for just a moment detach your self from the crowd , and from above look down towards us and have the feel of belonging to this large family … :55 … please , just listen careful to its friendly heart beat … can you hear it ? ” he said cupping his ear …
Through his mind passed a thought questioning if he’ll be dead in the next few seconds and trying to remember if he was wearing clean underwear … 4:00:00 …
His chest felt like punched by a hot iron and the force of the impact threw him backwards straight into Victor’s arms who instinctively jumped to cover his idol . Laying on his back with Victor on top , ears ringing from the bullet’s sonic shock wave , Daniel was amazed that he could smell his body guard cologne and though it was a good sign … his next thought was they missed the fourth shooter …
All around the hell broke lose , people were screaming and kneeling to get out of the way , his body guards melted in a flash to form a wall , security personal were shouting in their radios . With his chest on fire Daniel was trying hard to look over Victor’s body to see Vlad but he was no where in site , all he could spot was Mugur in his general uniform and medals rushing up the podium stairs , red in the face and showing a mix of guilt and anger . Four doctors were ripping off Daniel’s clothing with Victor watching like a hawk and screaming instructions to the other body guards over the deafening noise from the crowd . Daniel took a pick down his chest expecting a pool of red mess but all he could see was the doctor’s white overalls … he couldn’t believe his eyes . The Kevlar vest had a burned hole in it but underneath the ceramic armour did its job and , as shatter as it was, it still displayed the flattened bullet hold between the linings of the fish-like scales . Victor reached and picked up the metal souvenir :
“ I’ll make you a necklace for your next birthday ! “ .
Daniel grabbed his hand and still having a hard time breathing tried to get up . The doctors rushed to help when General Mugur made his way in :
“ Daniel , I’m sorry , I have no idea what happened , it probably was a fourth shooter … I’m so sorry ! “ . Daniel start comforting him when he saw Vlad running up the stairs with a secure police radio in his hand . They hugged and Vlad was thankful for not seeing any blood :
“ You see , I told you needed two vests ! … Next time don’t argue with me!“. Daniel smiled and , with his chest hurting like hell , pretended to be the humble pupil . The voice over Vlad’s radio interrupted announcing that the fourth shooter was just caught and on his way to the plaza .
Staggering a bit , walking towards the centre stage and behind a compact wall of security bodies Daniel enquired about the status of the CIA hitman and Vlad gave him peace of mind :
“ The three shooters we knew about were captured according to the plan , no problems … I just got off the secure radio and all are on the way injected with the serum … our teams at the embassy are ready for your signal and I have uninterrupted communication with Sorin and Ion “ , he added smiling “ as we speak smoke is pouring out of the embassy and all is on track “ . Daniel squeezed Vlad’s hand :
“ Thanks a lot dear , you are my lucky star ! … Ok , now for the final act … Vlad , when the CIA guy says clearly that it was a US government job I want you to immediately make the call and have the embassy emptied of its contents and sealed … no body enters unless you and me says so ! “ .
Vlad nodded and helped Daniel walk to the microphone and address the people . At that moment Vlad picked up some more info from the security teams and turned to Mugur and Daniel :
“ Hey , listen , the fourth shooter is Romanian !! No wonder that Mugur couldn’t pick him up ! “ The general was visibly relieved and Daniel hugged him to enforce their brotherhood feelings .
As the body guards parted and let Daniel through to the mics , the entire plaza exploded in cheers , even the cameraman where raising their hands and applauding . Daniel pointed to his red chest which was promising a hefty bruise :
“ I am not dead thanks to listening to Vlad and wearing a double bullet-proof vest … Please , let’s all give him a generous hand to for saving my life ! “ . With the crowds cheering , Vlad was red in the face , embarrassed but glowing with happiness and Daniel wanted to serve the lesson :
“ You see , all it takes is a silent enemy to slow a Revolution , let’s learn and keep a vigilant eye on our nation ! “ . As he looked far towards the back of the large crowd he could see a commotion , the mass of people splitting to let through a convoy of police cars with the sirens on and the lights flashing . Daniel knew the party just begun so with the help of the PA system he encourage the crowd to let the motorcade come in .
He looked at Vlad asking how they were doing time wise , imagining the Russian super truth serum making its way to the cerebrum cortex and beyond .
Once parked the police pulled out the four man and lined them up on the podium with the high power rifles displayed in front while the TV cameras just steps away were soaking in every moment . Daniel pointed to the CIA operative and two police officer pushed him in front of the microphones. Discretely signalling to Vlad , Daniel , feeling pain with every breath , took over :
“ Hi , I am Daniel Dumitrescu … what is your name , sir ? “ .
The man looked dazed with the muscles in his face twitching showing the intense inner concentration :
“ I’m …. I’m … Fred … Markovitz “ he said in a low trembling voice .
“ What job do you have Fred ? “ .
It was obvious the man was trying very hard to delay the answer but to Putin’s delight who was watching it live , he didn’t have a choice :
“ I work for the CIA “ . Daniel kept bringing the light on :
“ What’s your title in the CIA , Fred ? “ .
The man was taking his time again, his whole training and immune system were fighting the enemy who gently yet surely was splicing neural connections together guiding the truth to his lips :
“ Special ops … “ .
“ For how long ? “ .
“ … 24 years “
“ Why are you here in Bucharest ? “ . Fred’s face showed dramatically the titanic struggle taking place inside his brain when he whispered the answer:
“ … To kill you … “ . The crowd gasped as the words were carried amplified by the PA system . Daniel continued :
“ Who send you here to kill me ? “ .
Fred again took his time :
“ My commander “ . Daniel was feeling the crucial moment around the corner and pushed the microphones closer to Fred :
“ And who is your commander , Fred ? “
“ …The President … “ .
“ What President ? “ .
Fred’s struggle was again plenty evident but the chemical factor was un-fightable :
“ … The President of the United States of America “ .
As his words traveled over the plaza and beyond , the crowd’s reaction was first of confusion and than it start escalating in a torrential rage of anti-American slogans and swearings that Daniel hoped not too many international viewers would understand . He turned towards Vlad and was pleased to see him talking on the secure army phone , there was no turning back now … Daniel took the mic :
“ Everybody , please , let’s learn from this and understand why we need such a strong security to spot the enemy within and specially abroad “ . Than he asked Fred :
“ Did you visit Romania before ? “ .
“ … Yes “
“ Did you kill anyone ? “
“ …Yes “
“ Who and when ? “
“ … Security Colonel Andreev … in 1984 “
“ Why ? “
“ … He found out about me … our plans “
“ What plans were those Fred ? “ .
He struggled again .
“ … Ceausescu’s coup “ .
Daniel wanted all to have it clear :
“ You mean you were involved in a plot to overthrow Ceausescu and killed one of his best security colonels ?? “ .
“ … Yes “ .
A guilty silence descended over the plaza , people slowly understanding and putting together a puzzle of history . Daniel thought to comment :
“ No wonder Ceausescu was so strict when came to state security but obviously in spite of all of his resources he was not able to survive … That’s yet another lesson for us to understand the power of foreign intervention ! Never take it lightly ! “ (10) .
Amidst the cheers , angry voices and general chaos , Vlad approached Daniel :
“ We got the embassy before they could sanitize it … We found Fred’s CIA file and many others … it looks like the jackpot … By the way, reports are coming describing people flooding the streets in all cities across Romania and about a mob approaching the American embassy … I think you better get on the horn ! “ . Daniel smiled back trying hard to ignore his burning chest and thinking of his plans to turn the embassy in a stylish café :
“ Dear friends , everybody , I have an important announcement to make …”. The crowd quiet down in anticipation and Daniel filled them in with the latest developments :
“ Following the CIA assassin disclosures on this stage , the Romanian Security forces just seized the American embassy in Bucharest …. “ .
The crowd first gasped and than start cheering wildly with calls to “ Burn it down ! “ so Daniel rushed in :
“ Please , listen up everybody ! …. Do not touch or damage the American embassy , please ! The building belongs to us , the Romanian people !
I intend to transform it into a cozy café-bar where we can reminisce one day about what we went through to get here ! Please , let know every one to not vandalize the embassy , thank you very much ! “ .
He remembered about the Russian truth serum second dosage and looked at Vlad signalling to use the remote trigger in his pocket . Vlad nodded , reached inside and squeezed the switch … He watched Fred’ face relaxing , everything was on track and Daniel continued with the interrogation :
“ Fred , are there any other spies like you on the US military bases in Romania ? “
“ … Yes “ .
“ How many spies ? “
“ … over 100 “ . Daniel’s eyes went wide :
“ What ?? Over one hundred ?? “ . He turned abruptly to Vlad who already was on the ball and whispered to Daniel the latest regarding the military manoeuvres . Daniel reached for the mics again and informed the crowd :
“ Vlad just told me that a number of Romanian battalions are closing on the two US military bases and my government will give 48 hours notice for their evacuation … As a consequence of today’s events Romania will sever diplomatic relations with USA and close its embassy . The number of spies who were active or preparing to cause damage to our society is another lesson for us and another good reason to tighten the security belt , every single one of us must turn into a vigilante ! “ . He pointed towards the CIA operative :
“ Fred , besides the spies on the military bases , did you recruit any Romanians ? “
“ … Yes “
“ How many ?
“ … over 300 “ . The crowd was in shock and so was Daniel . He asked :
“ Fred , are other assassins right now in Romania targeting me ? “
“ … Not right now … later “ .
The crowd gasped again . At this time colonel Mugur stepped forward and whispered something in Vlad’s ear , both nodded and Vlad approached Daniel pulling him a bit on the side . They engaged in a brief heated dispute and a few seconds later Vlad visibly was the winner . Daniel turned to the TV cameras and the crowd :
“ Dear family and friends, this ceremony supposed to be our official start of the Revolution but it also turned out to be a lesson in history and what it appears as an un-welcome matt from foreign powers … Let’s find inspiration and motivation in this events and put all our soul and resources to our benefit so in the near future will be our turn to serve a history lesson to the world but one with peace at heart ! “ . He added among the ovations :
“ Due to this circumstances I’ve being asked by the State Security to end my speech here but I’ll continue in the following days to keep in touch with all of you . Till then start the party , be strong and diligent … from now on we’re working for ourselves ! “ . He waved generously one more time and left the stage surrounded by the security forces .
Once inside the presidential building he gathered the appropriate advisors and judges , and in a few pen strokes assigned the Romanian Higher Court of Justice to start indicting the American President for attempted murder , to issue an Interpol bulletin for his arrest and closed down officially the embassies and the two US military bases . Than assigned an interrogation team to finish the job with the four assassins over the next few days , designated a team to organize the information seized from the embassy raid and than display it on a secure web site .
The cascading ramifications of the assassination attempt and the classified US information posted on the internet threw the world in turmoil . The US president resigned , the Americans could not believe their eyes reading about all the money laundering and manipulations done by their government , the illicit speculations by banks and landing companies making them richer while leading the country into recessions , the involvement of the American government in the politics of other countries using bribery , black mail and assassination .
More revealing information from the raid helped the Romanian Security to clean up the internal traitors and give the Revolution a safe ground for operations . In the same time the American people were choosing a brand new style of government dedicated to peace and many other nations followed suit discovering their own governments entanglement .
Daniel knew however , the international underground web of conspirators is still mainly alive and most likely bent on revenge as they recovered before from worse situations , he badly needed the nano advantage .
In the following weeks the Romanian government used its gold reserves to paid the IMF in full and to purchase discreetly millions worth of high-tech research equipment and spare parts . The plan was coming together and Daniel was getting ready to start what he dreamed for decades , the building of his nation .
Chapter four : the Building of a Nation
Two years passed since the start of the revolution and one sunny day Daniel found himself in front of the TV cameras and a nurse , with the sleeve rolled up and a smile on his face in anticipation : he was about to receive the anti-aggression gene inoculation . Marina , just steps away and next in line , was smiling too feeling the historic importance of the moment.
The prison experiment was a great success , after ten month the vast majority of the vaccinated inmates chosen among the most violent ones , displayed a perfectly normal behaviour , becoming resistant to provocations and gaining on top two IQ points in average .
They described their new state of mind like the clearing after a storm , a serenity in thought and a vastly improved power of concentration that made them normal in behaviour and wiling to talk to others sharing their mental rebirth . The handful of inmates , less that 1 % , that did not respond fully to the vaccine were send to a special research facility where Marina was planning intense testing to find out why those aberrations occurred .
Immediately after the experiment the whole prison population was inoculated and twelve month later great numbers of inmates were released in a widely TV covered series lead by Marina , explaining the process of gene silencing , its effect of eliminating unprovoked violent behaviour and its ultimate effect of freeing the mind from the interruptions of useless loops of aggressive thoughts and hence the IQ gain .
Today Daniel opened officially the mass inoculation project and on live TV he became the one to lead the nation on this historical first step taken by the human specie towards the long process of self-evolution .
While the nurse gently squeezed the trigger , Daniel had a flash through his mind , he felt the time and history warp in a single move in which he stepped from his sunny deck half around the world , straight into this extraordinary moment when , for the first time , humans were taking over the natural evolution and started a march towards what they really wanted to be since homo sapiens … the colossal significance of the moment made his conscience bristle .
It took just one year after the mass vaccination to build a consensus among people that the change occurred in their minds was a terrific and an actual mind-opening experience . Marriages , friendships and relations improved , at work people found a new atmosphere free of politics and trouble-makers , the police reported a phenomenal drop in domestic disputes , fights and violent crimes , while to everyone’s surprise, the army revealed that now soldiers behave under battle simulations with a new calm and cool mind that gave them greater self-confidence and performing at such superior levels that shocked the generals .
The change was felt in every aspect of life , from work to leisure , from parties to sporting events and anything else in between , particularly in schools were students reported a much more productive environment and proving it with remarkable higher grades across the nation .
For reasons not understood at the beginning , the learning curve and memory improved so considerably that curriculums had to be upgraded . This mystery was solved just a while later when another unpredicted side effect was reported in particular by children who told their parents they don’t have nightmares anymore and this brought forward the adults who noticed the same change . It became clear that the silencing of the aggression gene not only affected the conscience but also the subconscious , freeing the neural circuits to reinforce productive learning patterns uninterrupted by useless aggressive thoughts . From the brain to the immune system , the whole body and mind benefited .
To prove it to themselves scientifically , the population demanded and took the second IQ test and the results were conclusive showing an average gain of three points . It was a nice ‘icing’ on the new delicious social cake .
The more facts were surfacing the clearer the picture was , showing that indeed , nature wasn’t a ‘mother’ after all and based on the experienced evidence , it was more of a cruel exploration in insanity and people didn’t want to have anything to do with it any longer .
The population start demanding more time dedicated to the genetic improvement and Daniel obliged in many TV forums discussing the extraordinary possibilities .
The whole country embraced the mentality of a kid waiting for more candy , the anticipation grew and bloomed a year later into a mass petition giving Daniel a clear mandate to pursue all the changes to the human genome that were beneficial . Marina immediately switched half of her 249 teams towards finding improvements to intelligence with the other half still concentrated on the life expansion research .
For the first time in the human history a nation voted to consciously modify it self as an organism . In philosophical terms , natural life evolution as we know it was on its way to extinction and the Universe was a step closer to find eternal company …
In the new serene society life evolved around friendship and love , a thing hard to find as we all know so it became a main concern for the government which initiated a system to solve this problem for good .
The newly created National Dating System brought together an unprecedented number of people and the government was doing everything possible to make it easier for couples to be closer , even changing working and living places at no cost . Daniel was lonely all his life not just because he wasn’t good looking but he was also shy . Now that he had the power , nothing could stop him to make a model out of how to find your mate . TV shows , free on-line usage , government paid events and dancing nights , school classes on how to express yourself , dating courses , all it can be done to make it super easy for people to find each other and find love .
In just two years you would be hard pressed to spot a lone single at a party . In over 50 years of life he never found a woman to be interested in him , never mind finding love . And he plenty knew how destructive that can be to one’s peace of mind , creativity and well being , tears of loneliness soaked pillows stood testimony . So for him the National Dating System was among first priorities because , as he liked to say , first you find love than you keep it for ever , ‘mother’ nature’s planed death was not on the table anymore .
His care for the people was showing in many other details remembering what he went through while living in a ‘developed’ Western society .
Since the government was the main employer by far , and with all its resources , Daniel made sure no one worried about their job or place to live and he put in place as a routine , postings on the secured National Network about jobs and close-by apartments available . If you subscribe , you’ll be notified automatically , all at no charge … how can you charge people for giving them peace of mind , Daniel saw no national logic into it , in contrary, his all purpose in life was to make others happy . And now happiness could be heard all around .
There was a new sound to this society , passing by schools you didn’t hear anymore senseless screaming and skirmishes , the evenings and weekends on the streets were missing the drunken brawls and parking lots fighting . There was a new maturity laying over the entire society , a friendly collaboration and a truly family atmosphere . And for the first time Daniel could listen and enjoy Louis Armstrong’s ‘ What a Wonderful Word ‘ without giving the finger .
Yet in the back of his mind were lurking the images of hungry children and dysfunctional societies that were still out there … but , at the right time and holding the right resources , he had a plan for that too .
Daniel was experiencing a clearer mind after the aggression poison was removed , enjoying calm thoughts which like a green vine , were climbing unimpeded on the stem of logic . This new clarity throughout the population started the process of fixing ancestral dreams into liveable reality giving every one a new view on life and confidence in their collective long term planning . In the great ensemble of things it made sense , all they did was to adapt and pick the best of what other systems had to offer , survivability at work .
With the new policies meant to secure the country from outside interventions , the people were more relaxed being surrounded by safety measures including the purging of foreigners , closing most embassies with the exception of the Russian and some African countries , not renewing expired international contracts and effectively cutting Romania off from the rest of the world . There was just too much risk getting entangled in foreign business and relations , the modern history is full of examples of how powerful nations used their leverage to damage other countries ( 10 ) .
Having full spectrum of natural resources and educated people was all Daniel needed to make his country self-sufficient so all exports and imports were eliminated completely directing the entire economy with the purpose of satisfying exclusively the needs of his population . Everyone was patient , conscientious of the final goal and the bigger picture of their effort so waiting another two month to fabricate goods like a plasma TV was something they can live with considering what future automated nano manufacturing will give them .
There was also a philosophical departure from thinking ‘money’ , a movement plenty encouraged by Daniel , people realizing that was just a capitalistic tool invented long ago to replace gold in transactions and allowing the banks to print them at will defying their own economic principles . Living in an unified society where all was organized and coordinated to provide every body with an equal high standard of living , having access to the same resources and goods , it became obvious that money was a waste of time .
Daniel wanted to make a point and , preparing the nation for the future , eliminated all cashier jobs , a move which will pay off handsomely in the short future and from a surprising angle .
In this ‘Trust’ system , the merchandise was automatically scan by the traditional RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) and the total was presented to the shopper . At the cashier stations there was a tray with money scanned by the system , you put yours in and take the change . A display showed the till balance , a red number meant the money were short, at a glance people could tell if someone did or did not paid .
Daniel took the national balance for all transaction and proved to the nation that every day the balance was very close to zero , something to brag about and be proud off specially since the kids were asked by the parents to handle the goods . It was an educational process to brain wash the new generations that thievery was inexistent and for all intent and purpose was not part of the vocabulary . I dare you trying a similar experiment in the ‘developed’ country of your choice but , as Hitler was successful in teaching Nazism so why would be a shock that a benevolent leader could teach a nation the Mother Theresa’s way instead , minus the doctrine . Specially when you can cheat , like Daniel did , by trimming the genome and having a head start .
But there was another aspect to the experiment that Daniel wanted to underline . Pretty soon people became tired of wasting time at the till and petitions were signed to have the inconvenience removed . Since in average every one was getting paid about the same and no one was grabbing more than needed , money lost their significance and became just a hassle . When the petition reached 18 million names , Daniel , more than gladly , removed money from the economy .
That historical day was a celebration bringing more than fire works , but an adult realisation of how easy is to corrupt nations in being manipulated by money institutions and completely changing their lives , plunging them into the daily torrent of people running obedient in the rat race . When you already experienced that crappy reality , you’d think that’s only natural to count your blessing in Daniel’s world and that’s exactly what people did , a whole generation remembering only to vividly stumbling before through two depressing systems . And that experience was a large component of the cement that now was holding them together .
The new state security style was a direct result of the foreign intervening paranoia that bothered Daniel from day one , so it incorporated neighbourhood militia groups where people knew each other and the terrain , practicing periodically war games . The alertness and readiness were very high with everyone storing their ammo and weapons in locked boxes at home , while the country was tightly embraced by dense border patrols that looked as busy as Wall Street at noon .
The assassination attempt of what the country considered its most precious son , revealed violently how fragile their society is , having the net effect to scare the wits out of the population , causing the masses to fuse together and to understand the sombre reality that all they have in this world is each other . You couldn’t ask for a stronger bond and motivator in a society and its effects were present in every detail of life . Think about it , when you are part of a huge stable organization not dependent on international market fluctuations and speculations , when your job is 100 % secured for the rest of your life , when the education and medical are free , living in guaranteed accommodations , surrounded by a society virtually without crime , no wonder everybody was relaxed , friendly , enjoying life and looking at their careers with all the creativity and diligence of a owner while watching like a guard dog the safety of their nation .
This unification was also the result of long appearances by Daniel on the Debate TV channel , explaining in detail the reasons and the rewards of cooperating and adjusting , all because the final target promised them equal benefits of a revolution in manufacturing that will affect their society in their life time . The discussions reinforced their believe it can be done and this alone was sufficient to keep them going . But when they saw the short documentaries prepared by Dumitru’s Board of Science , portraying a regular day in the life of a person living a few years into the Nano Revolution , people absorbed the coming future like a religion , pumping up their spirits and giving them the mental motivation needed to work diligently as part of the project . Except that science was much easier to explain than religion .
Not depending anymore on foreign technological input people start taking pride in what ever they were doing because they knew it was for themselves . The quality was exceeding the specifications and innovations were omnipresent being kept alive through nation-wide science contests . From high school to University and at any work place , science was injected at a phenomenal rate , students were half in classroom and half in factories being thought a hands-on approach .
The campus mentality changed and from fashion the admiration switched to brains , the grand prize and the rights to brag belonged to the innovators, people with ideas and inventions that ultimately improved everybody’s lives . From crowded stadiums watching ball , the action moved to chess and science puzzles competitions and all this was happening simply because the government channelled all activities and programs do to exactly that , no miracles or extraordinary human qualities were involved but just common sense and positive wisdom under honest , good-hearted leadership .
Daniel was smiling thinking that Attila the Han managed to organize the masses using the aggression gene while he was bringing his country together appealing to hearts and brains with a twist of genetics . His heart skipped a bit thinking how fragile is the difference between the two worlds , all it takes is just one person … The central government was a golden prize for both good and evil and bringing that order to world levels was the dream of the worst conspirators .
While the nano and genetic research were intensifying , the new style of unified economy ultimately tied together every single manufacturing and service component of their daily lives , even a simple screw was designed to fit as many applications as possible . Just as Daniel predicted , one thing is to have dozens of separate private companies fighting for a share of the market creating duplication and job related stress , and a totally different thing is to coordinate every detail and have full control over all aspects of the economy and manufacturing … Cooperation beats selfish competition and there was no contest in term of results, the capitalist companies should kiss their lucky stars for Romania not being interested to compete , other way they would have being chewed and spat out by this super economic giant working with the fine precision of a Swiss clock . After all , there was no were else in the world twenty million people working for the same organization …
The basic Western economic system of paying for goods and services did not fit the new collective thinking because profit was no longer the object of planning . Instead , the jobs were spread evenly to cover the personal needs and research , and the Quality of services and tangible objects became the direct personal reward replacing the capitalistic ‘shares’ .
Daniel was omnipresent in the daily public life appearing unexpected in theatres , markets , TV shows and everywhere he felt needed his attention . He couldn’t fathom leaving anything to chance or disappointing his people, the prize at the end of this first road was just too much , too unique and precious to not put his life on the line to make it happen . So he continued to hammer the point of this period of preparation and transition , and as he did , soon the response from the population was surprising : with far less stress , with jobs and housing guaranteed , more peaceful society , better food and everything else Daniel put in practice , people start getting the trust and , feeling already better, through petitions and letters they let him know that all was fine , their patience and understanding was there , all they wanted was Daniel and the research teams to keep going .
The great dependence on computers to run this huge company , lead to replacing western operating platforms with a home-made , hacker-proof system which put to shame any Microsoft software . Still under the shadow of the assassination attempt and with an unanimous vote , the country decided not make it available to the rest of the nations , in the same spirit of keeping all discoveries secret . The world , unknowingly , was paying a divorce price that only years later will show how costly it was .
Following the established directives Daniel looked after all aspects of life specially the young .
He changed the education system putting a great accent right from kindergarten on social behaviour , making kids understand that all around belongs not just to them but to everyone else , taking pride in being kind , helping and carrying for each other and putting science front and centre .
Daniel ordered the classes reduced to under ten students , set a ‘Discovery’ program to find gifted pupils and organized special schools with advance curriculums to fit them .
The schools start teaching using new concepts where a lot of activities were going on outside among the busy factories and offices , showing students what life was made of and what it takes to keep it going .
Above everything however was the introduction of Computer Added Design ( CAD ) and nano courses starting early in high school . Those specialized courses unified math , chemistry and cell biology with nano principles and technologies enabling students to see the world in its un-poetic , true light , a mass of vibrating atoms and molecules which in living organisms are encapsulated in cells and part of a complex chemical chain … in other words , primitive , nature made nanobots .
Suddenly to them , the nature , for example a spider who injects venom and than sucks the prey dry , looked more like an aberration of a faulty mind rather than what you may expect from an Universe which gave birth to life … the kids were just not used to see parents throwing their children in a hell hole .
Science was turning the image and glamour of nature in a nauseating filth of carnage where students could clearly see that violence and death were omnipresent and dividing the living world at every level in two inhumane classes : predators and prey …
Learning about nature was turning young kids against nature , wondering what could have created such a hellish and bloody world in which some animals are made to kill others to survive ! This interpretation of nature at that early stage in life got Daniel’s attention and immediately asked the Education Minister , Maria Larion , to create courses which will parallel the natural evolution with our dreams of correcting nature and became self-evolved . He thought it will be a delight to expose the diabetes or MS genes and to show so easily the defects we are born with . After that it will be redundant to ask the kids if they would like to have those ‘gifts’ from nature or not , self-evolution would be the preferred choice .
The strides in reorganizing the society were so large that Daniel felt impressed and he thought with confidence this was just the beginning , the nano revolution didn’t even started yet .
Remembering the lessons from other nations , Daniel implemented a new Constitution as a blanket security for the future of his country .
Using the Debate TV channel he carried many discussions about what should be written in the new Laws . He wanted people to participate because by doing so , the population will understand , will believe and will defend better than ever their unique and innovating society .
The debates brought into the new Constitution clauses like ‘ All parliamentary elections voting must be done manually , without using machines or electronics ‘ , ‘ The country can not be entangled in foreign relationships promising reciprocal protection ‘ , ‘ A leader at any level including the President can be dismissed at any time and immediately once 65 % of the population signs a Petition and Declaration demanding the change ‘ , ‘ Polluting the food , water or the environment is a criminal offence ‘ , ‘ All country resources and benefits must be spread equally among the people ‘ , ‘ Whistler-blowers legislation making them National Heroes and guaranteeing them safety and immediate full supported retirement ‘ , ‘ People control the Army and the Police through the same Petition process and it can give them direct and biding orders ‘ , ‘ Nano Technology belongs to the people and can not be allowed to be controlled by private hands ‘ and the most controversial yet passed ‘ Guaranteed and un-retractable death sentence for any one found guilty of Treason ‘ .
Daniel also shared with his advisors the obvious reality of how important a leader can be to a country , and therefore how important it is to create legislation and a form of government where no single person can hick-jack a nation and plunge it into oblivion . In the newly designed government , power was split between the country leader , the House of municipalities and the population which was empowered with the rights of Petition that can bring down any leader anywhere in the country . Daniel wanted it all ‘fail-proof’ to protect the Revolution so no foreign intervention or bullet can end it .
Taking further care of his people , Daniel accelerated the Nutrition program just as promised , right from the kindergarten . Under people’s control top quality food supplements were manufactured at standards far above what the rest of the world was used to .
The entire food chain was purged of pesticides and all produce became organic . Candies and all junk food was retired , cooking books were revised to show nutritional content , all food was labelled according to blood type and educational programs showed the population why was so important to follow this diet .
As promised , Daniel erected in Bucharest a statue of Dr. Peter D’Adamo and invited him to cut the ribbon and to give a series of public conferences. His visit , largely publicised and a hit specially with the younger , more sports oriented people , made a decisive impact in what the general population was used to think about food .
In the following month a steady stream of people start showing at the clinics asking for their blood type . And all it made sense , when they saw others losing weight without exercising , seeing skin and allergy problems disappear , arthritis vanishing and digestive struggles put to rest among other beneficial effects , people built confidence , made the change and the word of mouth spread .
For the West , Dr. D’Adamo’s visit was a first since the Revolution and all eyes were on him when he returned . Daniel watched with satisfaction on satellite TV the media interviews and how the doctor’s assistant described the new Romania : “ It was not a shock but an extraordinary feel of peace , safety and an un-Earthy confidence in my mind that if I leave my five thousand Euros digital camera on the sidewalk , either I’ll find it there next day or I’ll see it on the Romanian National TV where they usually post lost items every day … yes , I’m not kidding you , I saw items displayed from electronics to diamond rings … “ . That drew gasps from the audience to Daniel’s delight . He felt a trace of revenge against the world which tried to do so much harm to his people , thinking of the future surprises Romania will have for the global village .
Daniel’s love for science and technology brought him regularly to the National Nano Research Centre where he visited most of the teams and checking on their progress . He was in a rush to have the job done like he was on caffeine and he couldn’t understand why his gut-feeling pressed him so much . He was not far away from finding out .
In response to this internal pressure he went to the extend of putting all scientists on brain enhancing supplements like the Omega 3 oils .
The engineers modified the high-tech equipment purchased from abroad going all the way in creativity , and designed new systems specifically for nano research . Sure enough , when you have 249 teams of motivated scientists collaborating , with a billion Euros budget and the whole country participating , innovations and discoveries start sprouting with phenomenal speed . Just two years into the project the fundamentals of the nanobots were in place and the teams were focusing on the individual component design .
Half way through , Dumitru and Marina met Daniel and the group of advisors to give an update .
Holding up in the air a thick technical manual for everyone to see , Dumitru opened with confidence :
“We are now certain that we’ll reach most of the principal objectives in two years or less from now , specially in the nano field … One of the first task was to be able to grab and handle individual atoms and molecules , and we did it by using modified and coupled Atomic Force Microscopes ( AFM ) , (5) , which gave us the basic tool of assembling the nanobots layer by layer, even though it is a very slow process …The next step was the actual design of the nanobots and we incorporated the same principles as when designing a multipurpose bulldozer : a body to move around and support the computer and communications assembly structure , arms to carry and grab molecules and an energy pack . “ . He stopped for a drink of coffee and Daniel sneaked in a question :
“ Dumitru , how do the nanobots grab on atoms and molecules ? “ .
“ We devised a hand-like structure which is a hollow hemisphere who’s surface is made out of bi-molecules tied together … One forms the surface of the cup while the other is below controlling the polarization of its pair via on-board computer connections . Since we can adjust independently the field strength and polarization of each individual molecule , the net effect is that inside the cup you can create electrostatic fields of almost any shape that can be changed in attoseconds (21) . We use this field by adjusting its configuration and polarization , or charge , to attract , repeal or move and even rotate any molecule . Further more , we can use the same electrostatic cups as sensors when not passing signal , by just reading their natural electrostatic field as it changes when in close proximity and interacting with other atoms … We use this to identify and select the atoms or molecules required by the program and also to ‘ feel ‘ other structures in a similar way to an Atomic Force Microscope but mobile. Keep in mind that we apply the same sensory properties to the whole surface of the nanobots so they can tell what kind of atoms or molecules are around and therefore attract or repel them .
So far we have just two arms per nanobot so it can handle two atoms or molecules to be fused but we plan on adding at least two more . Which brings us to the next challenge : fusing the atoms “ .
Daniel was listening like a kid , almost drooling with excitement and Dumitru seeing his face couldn’t help but display a wide smile and kept giving more candy :
“ As you know from basic chemistry , atoms can be joined in two ways , a weak way by means of static electricity attraction , and a stronger way by means of having the atoms share some of their electrons , (22) . It is the stronger connection , also known as a Covalent bond , that we are after .
In nature those connection happened spontaneously between elements which have just the right electron configuration and electric charge . We needed to take this a notch higher to be able to connect almost any atoms we want. To do this we adjusted the nanobots’ holding arms , or cups , to emit a field polarizing the atoms to be fused in such a way as to facilitate the interlacing of electron suborbitals . So , as the electron cloud of each atom pulsates getting massaged , pushed away , and parted deflected by the cup’s field , we adjust it to synchronize the two electron clouds and at the right moment we physically push the atoms against each other , interlocking some of their electron suborbitals and hence establishing a stronger bond or structure … Keep in mind , this action of squeezing the two atoms together is super fast and it requires a great deal of synchronization , that’s why the speed at which it happens is measured in attoseconds which are the equivalent of slicing a second into 10 at the power of 18 parts … If you could take a picture of an atom with a camera capable of that shutter speed , you could see the electrons as tiny smears … “ . The crowd emanated excitement wanting to hear more .
“ By the way , this technique of modifying suborbital electron positions and even removing the electrons is half way to … changing atoms ! If we could have the nanobots insert subparticle probes or use laser beams to remove protons and neutrons from the nucleus than we’ll have the tools to re-weave the Universe …“ . A major gasp came from the audience , everyone understanding the possibilities .
“ Yes indeed , the ancient dream of alchemists can became a reality … and when it does we’ll live in a brand new world ! “ . Spontaneous applause ignited from the advisors and Adrian , the financing Minister , saw mountains of gold in his mind but immediately realized that’s nothing there that Romania needed to buy from abroad … in contrary , they can showcase to the West some cool home-made technology . Adrian had this deep realization that he started looking at the world with new eyes and money weren’t part of the picture , ‘ Who needs money when the nanobots will make you anything … ‘ he thought shaking his head .
As Dumitru continued with his presentation people realized more and more they were about to enter a totally different world , a new era , something that still was making them dizzy with its implications , hard to absorb and needing time to get used to the idea that it was not magic but just accumulated scientific knowledge . Dumitru realized what was going on and wanted to give them confidence :
“ I know , its new but in the same time is very old … just take a look through the window … you see those trees ? They are made of natural nanobots that we call ‘cells’ which also weave atoms and molecules daily and naturally … So than , where is the magic ? “ .
He gave them a few moments before continuing with the details :
“ Now we are at the stage of fine tuning the energy pack , the cups’ electric field control and the communication package . Once those issues are solved we are ready to start the assembly using the modified Atomic Force Microscopes ( AFM ) in a tandem setup , (23) . This was done in the West at a far simpler scale when IBM spelled its name using individual xenon atoms , but since than the nano assembly took a rocketing upslope .
The accent in the West was put on a “self-assembly” nano parts research that relies on the laws of physics and chemistry to connect the molecules together automatically , in other words without a computer on board .
But as you can see , our approach is totally different , we are using initially modified AFMs to build under control the nanobots which incorporate their own computer and than let those assemble the molecules we need .
We plan to use the Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) to control the two microscopes and to build the nanobots using the same technique of setting the atoms or molecules one layer at a time . We calculated the time needed to build one nanobot this way and it appears to be close to 25 minutes , which is very slow . However , once we have the first few build , the nanobots will be programmed to start assemble more nanobots and the good news is they can do the job at least 20 times faster than the microscopes . The process after that will grow exponentially with probably a million nanobots assembled every minute and even more after the first hundred million are built . In less than eight month we should reach a production of 100 trillion nanobots per day per station which in turn will grow exponentially … more than enough to kick start the nano Revolution“.
The news were good and all was on track , people expressing more confidence and start believing that one step at a time they will get used to the new fascinating possibilities . Dumitru had one more candy for general Mugur :
“ During the research we made many fringe discoveries and I am sure general Mugur will love some of them like a microscopic self-focusing lens,
Passive nano-microphones , high-definition nano charged coupled devices immensely smaller than the standard , ultra fast communication lasers transducers and morphing technology … We already designed on CAD spying nanobots incorporating all of the above and then some ! Once the nano manufacturing starts we can mass produce them to infiltrate all the governments , military and anything else that gets our attention “ .
General Mugur waved and smiled : “ Thank you , I hardly can wait ! But I want to remind to everyone our commitment to non-aggression … As we discussed this before , nano-spying must be used to stay informed and react , ideally to never have to interfere “ . Daniel appreciated the comment, keeping the peace front and centre was his prerogative too .
The advisors decided to take a lunch break before hearing Marina on the genetic side of the project so Dumitru grabbed general Mugur , Vlad , Victor and Daniel and sat them at one of the tables in the cafeteria . While enjoying a healthy meal they exchange some research goodies .
“ So Dumitru , did you find anything unusual , out of the ordinary during the research ? “ asked Daniel trying to avoid referring directly to UFOs .
Among other fears he had , the possible yet unproven presence of more technologically advanced alien species was a concern that he tried hard to keep on the back burner of his conscience .
Considering the 13 billion years old universe as we know it , there was plenty of time for nature to cook other species evolving from what we consider ‘ animals ‘ , beings of an intelligence lower than ours . And precisely for this reason any species in any galaxy all have a common point , the luggage of genes they inherited from their animal ancestors , including the aggression gene .
Daniel’s mind compressed the time , allowing for both ‘Hitlers’ and ‘angels’ to emerge , two fundamental advanced species that differ essentially by the absence or not of the aggression gene . That difference sets the stage for millennia of evolution and behaviour to come , either establishing heavens on other worlds or hell .
So naturally, Daniel wondered what a hundred thousand year old super advanced specie would do for pleasure and entertainment. How far can one push the brain’s chemical soup and neuron structures to accommodate for what we all need , including love . Specially if you are a very bad specie looking for entertainment .
In his private studies of cell biology Daniel never encountered a need for sleep from what the cells and the molecules were concerned . After all , we are an on going chemical chain reaction that implies the molecules bonding in our bodies do not need sleep . So than why are we going catatonic and having nightmares or weird dreams every day ? It’s against natural survival . But also as documented , the fact that around the world are a handful of people that do not require sleep , only relaxing perhaps reading a book , raised the most concerns and alarm bells in Daniel’s mind , he was bent to ask Marina later to look into the set of genes that put us to sleep and waste our time , maybe making us victims .
Is our brain the playground of a disrespectful , un-emphatic advanced specie , was his main question and worry …
Dumitru’s answer came as a bit of relief :
“ We certainly didn’t find any divine creatures or extra terrestrial aliens but there are a few quirks that we can’t explain … For example , when we coiled carbon nanotubes to aim communication lasers , we found a background noise that doesn’t fit with present physics … nothing seems to affect it , so we worked around it . Never the less our physicists are having a ball with this one and I keep hearing words about ‘fundamental‘ matter or ‘dark’ matter … really exciting “ . General Mugur had his own military related questions :
“ I keep envisioning those nanospys flying , hiding , morphing into the background and so on but I still need a fix on how they communicate among each other and with the Central Command . What’s the deal and how safe is it ? I mean can it be intercepted or interfered with ? “ .
“ Unfortunately , yes … The nanospys are smaller than fruit flies but if viewed with special goggles while scanned by an ultraviolet laser they shine like fine dust particles , still nothing special to the eye . Using HD input from cameras embedded in each plane of the body we can swivel the surface molecules to absorb only certain wave lengths , therefore changing color and appearance , a very good camouflage , you would need to pick one up and view it under a very powerful microscope to realize what it is .
The good news is by than it should self destruct into molecular dust . Now , I understand you are asking how do they know they are examined and so on, we are working on it but even if the Artificial Intelligence software will not be perfect we can always guide and control them remotely … When viewing , even if there is a number of , let’s say , a quarter of a million nanospys in an office , we are not looking through their eyes all at once … We organize them in strands , just like bids on a string , with one end being the actual eye and sound composite of a number of aggregated nanospys grouped as a micro-sphere and looking 360 degrees around . Their info is transmitted at ultra-low power via highly directional and encrypted ultraviolet laser beams or infrasound in case of emergency . I only wish we have sub-space communications like in Star Trek … So the beads are close enough to receive and pass along the video/sound link to the next one and so on all the way outside the building and then spreading and being replaced by higher power nanospys who can transmit the beam over a few kilometres distance to the next group of transmitters and so on “ . He paused for a well deserved bite while the group was thinking . Victor asked :
“ How about the wind , lighting , weather systems , solar radiation and other natural factors … how the tiny nanospys can hold on ? “ .
“ We are planning on using two modes , one for low wind and the other for extreme weather . When the wind is too much we simply anchor the nanobots in the cracks of objects like a light pole , buildings , under railway tracks, what ever is available , but we prefer to stay close to the ground , even with flying software inspired by albatrosses , gliding is tough … But in an office conditions or calm weather we rely on minute air currents and using nano wings and sails to navigate besides turbo-fans … that brings us to the cute way they keep track of each other … The very narrow laser beams scan the next nanospy unit and communicates with it’s internal computer exchanging telemetry information from their GPS and gyroscope sensors … that’s done a thousand times a second … This way each neighbouring nanospy knows in which direction and at what velocity the next nanospy moves , so it’s easy to redirect its video laser links to the receiver of the following unit keeping the information flowing in a covert way “ .
Daniel asked :
“ So how do you keep up with moving objects , let’s say the president gets in his car and speeds away … how do we follow him ? “ .
“ To answer this , first try to envision again the strands undulating in the air and extended in streams all the way outside . Keep in mind that all nanospys are identical except for the higher power transmitting ones , so they are interchangeable … Now as the president gets in the car , the outside strand would fold , attach to the car and give priority to the power nanospys who can cover a kilometre easy . That’s in theory … we still need to develop an autonomous software to enable them to organize with a reflexive spontaneity … It’s not easy Daniel , there are zillion of details and that’s why the advisors’ board decided to put it on the back-burner . As exciting as the project is , we need first to put in place solid defence systems and build our nano manufacturing before we’ll have the luxury of taking incognito the pulse of the world … “ .
They finished eating and took consciously their supplements .
On the way back to the conference room Dumitru received many hand shakes and warm comments which made his day . He needed the encouragement since he felt like a midget against this tsunami of pouring knowledge , organizing teams priorities and feeling very responsible for the success of the Revolution as a whole .
The advisors assembled again at the table waiting anxiously to be treated to more delightful yet real solutions for their society , the gold they spent on science start rubbing on their future .
Marina took the stand ready to introduce them to the latest genetic research :
“ Hi everyone ! I am still trying to recover from Dumitru’s update and I can certainly see connecting his discoveries to my medical field … Meantime ,
the benefits of eradicating the aggression gene are obvious and felt every day , it became a national pride , and I want to make this point to show that just a couple of years ago we were timid and hesitant about gene manipulations , yet today , after we experienced its social delights , we are taking it for granted and even demanding it ! How easy it is to get use to heavens ! “ she joked .
“ We’ve being also lucky with our life extension project because nature already gave us two types of cells which reproduce indefinitely … the germ cells in our bodies , like the male sperm cells , and the cancerous cells (24).
We analyzed the genomes of a germ cell and a cancerous cell for reproductive functions and than separated those gene components and compared them to the same group of genes in a normal regular cell . From what all had in common we separated the germ cell component and discarded the cancerous part … what was left represented the signature of the group of genes responsible for renewing the telomeres ends , (19) , with the net effect of endless reproduction capabilities but without the uncontrolled growth of the cancerous cells . And that’s what we are working on right now , the integration of this gene package into chromosomes via retroviruses leading to , yes , perpetual life ! “ .
An ‘Ohh’ emerged from the crowd , such a statement coming from Marina , the national authority on medical issues , left the advisors speechless working hard to allow into their conscience the fact they were just mere steps away from an ancient human dream .
Marina understood the struggle :
“ Rest assure you are not the only ones in shock … us , at the technical end , are just as mesmerized by those developments as you are . Nations have a choice , either spent billions of dollars on wars , or spend it on life research … it’s up to their national IQ ! … And boy , we’re bright ! “ .
The advisors laughed , fully deserving the prize and congratulating themselves for a brilliant national decision . Marina continued with the update :
“ In the process we also discovered many ways to improve our nutrition supplements program … We are in the laboratory phase of putting together high quality multivitamins , minerals and other nutrients in a compact package , all from organic natural extracts , plus Omega oils in an ‘easy to take‘ formula . This project should be finished in two month and than we’ll go full production and distribution via the Postal Office vans . We predict that in no longer than a half a year everybody will receive in the mail every month the supplement package based on the number of family members “ .
Daniel was all smiles , his old dream of feeding the nation right was coming alive at a faster pace than expected . But he also wanted to make a comment that he was thinking about listening to Marina ’s conclusions so he raise his hand for attention :
“ There is another angle to what Marina just said about nations decisions … think about it , the scientists and governments in the West are perfectly aware of the life extension properties of the germ and cancerous cells … yet they make no effort what so ever to organize research in transferring those qualities to the whole human body and achieving perpetual life for their populations . Why ? Are they afraid there is not enough food available? I don’t think so since people who know natural death was greatly reduced , they would also understand there is no rush to have children now, other way it will be national suicide , so they can wait until technology finds a solutions , just as we plan to copy plants and use nanotech to make food and much more . Therefore the food shortage excuse doesn’t stand . And if they claim shortage of land , knowing that technology will enable us to leave the Earth and so the living space becomes the size of the Universe , this excuse doesn’t stand either … What’s left is simply a total disregard on their governments’ part for human life , period ! “ . Spontaneous applause showed the great appreciation for what they done so far specially since to see the difference was as simple as looking from their backyard over the fence and be shocked by the misery surrounding them . Observing the difference , an arbitrator would decide ‘no contest , duh !’ .
Marina returned them to the health project :
“ As we were exploring the genome we also found solutions to many diseases … We also start seeing at the genetic level the edges of separation between pure human organism and the rest of the microbial jungle that entangles us , (17) . What before used to be judged as dormant or useless genes now we know they can be separated in two classes : microbial interface function and … guys , you need to seat down for this , there are genes which under certain circumstances will produce proteins that will cause the growth of special neural shape connections in the brain , which are actual … memories ! “ .
Once more time the audience was caught by surprise and more gasps were let out .
“ Ok , maybe I put it to much in a Hollywood fashion … What we found so far are memories that initiate ‘instincts’ , not how to build the pyramids. For example when young girls start menstruating a certain gene releases a protein which creates a nest of neural connections giving what we call ‘maternal instincts’ . Other genes create neural patterns right at birth related to the ‘survival’ instinct and other basic reactions like fear of things resembling spiders . We are scratching the surface on this one but we already see obvious applications if we’ll decipher how the instincts are actually embedded in the gene . Being borne with certain knowledge and than later in life taking advantage of the enlargement of the cranial space , we can use again retroviruses to insert in our genome all the knowledge of the human specie and even up-date it when necessary …” , and than with a smile , “ Maria Larion , the Education Minister will be kind of upset with me because this will make schools almost obsolete … “ . She let the advisors cool down and explained further :
“ You may be shaking your heads , I know … just forty years ago most of us were struggling with math and chemistry in the classrooms , trying not to be distracted by the local clown , being at the mercy of how skilful the teacher was , at home thinking mostly of sex and entertainment rather than study , yet we made it and it took twenty five long years through all the schooling to just get ready for a career and start being productive ! Totally ridiculous , what a waste of time … But when we’ll get our hands on the nature’s secret , the population will became fully productive and with a knowledge of a PhD at just twenty years old ! Please , ponder at the prospect of having a whole nation of 25 million people all PhDs !! “ . That got Daniel and the advisors on their feet with ovations and cheering “ At a girl , Marina ! “ . Among the applause she showed her modesty :
“ Guys you are too kind , thank you ! But let’s keep it in perspective though, just as the germ cells and their perpetual division exist naturally , the embedded instinct memories are also already present in our genome … so we are just re-inventing the wheel sort of speak or , more precisely , we are close to be on the way to copy and improve it “ .
As the end of the meeting was approaching Daniel wanted to recap the time tables :
“ Ok everybody , so far and overall , we are two years or less away from the first functional nanobot and therefore the beginning of the nano revolution … approximately six month until the complete nutritional supplement program starts getting mailed … and I would also estimate two years from starting an increased project into intelligence enhancement and genetic memory . We’re are Rocking !! “ and the advisors thought that too , standing up and applauding . Daniel was clapping in unison , staring in the distance with his mind fogged up for a moment by the intensity of the crowd , the news from the science front and the reoccurring point of his anchor : the old deck in Toronto , the Heineken and the wild garden , and the tears he remembered when thinking of the world’s miseries … From there to here in a mental flash , finding himself immersed in what he always wanted , a large family , and this one was the size of a nation .
For him the successful anti-aggression program , the scientific research findings , all start blending into the daily life with a dizzying speed and the only thing that made them credible was that he could walk in the National Nano Research Centre and see for him self the hundreds of laboratories and thousands of scientists at work . All was real , just as the new peace of mind and the higher IQ reminded everybody of the gene modification project under way .
Part of Daniel’s philosophy was keeping his people informed . In the two years since the start of the Revolution he improved the national cable system switching to fibber optics for privacy , he launched the secured National Internet and added four more TV channels : one dedicated to science , two for schools and universities and the fourth reserved for public call-in shows . No , they didn’t need 300 channels of distractions , now friends and family were the main focus .
Daniel just loved to get into televised public forums , bounce ideas , stir people’s curiosity for science and discuss the real possibilities for their future . The debates also unified the people bringing new standards of thinking in their society , new understandings of the high-tech reality and the changes coming with it , specially peace of mind . But now the stress level was way below of what they were used to . They didn’t worry anymore about lay-offs , about slam landlords , inflation , day care , poisoned foods or violence , their thoughts were now redirected towards enjoying the company of loved ones , being creative and naturally putting the proverbial 110 % into their jobs because they knew what goes around comes around and , at the end , as equal share holders they realised every day they were finally working for them selves .
Their new life protocols were designed around a totally independent economic system , baring no resemblance to the western models , and for good reason : once you eliminate the minority of real profit makers and re-direct the purpose of the system towards purely satisfying the needs of the entire population , you spread the wealth evenly which instantaneously rockets the average person standard of living . And also it cuts the necessary production time reducing soon their business week to four days and a five hour working day .
Further more , the new , centralized economic system was based on ‘single need ’ production : you need a new sofa , a car or a TV set , you just brows the high definition secured fibre optics Government network , chose your pleasure and order it on-line . The program will tell you when it will be ready and if it will be delivered or you need to pick it up at a distribution centre . This process eliminated naturally the need for ‘show rooms’ which became instead only depot where you can pick up the item .
Sure enough there was a delay in delivery simply due to the manufacturing time but the population understood the much larger benefits of the system and they simply planed ahead , not to much to ask from an intelligent person , specially since in the West ordering an item and waiting for it was not unusual . And it was worth plenty considering that nothing was over produce , all customer requirements followed the principle ‘ manufacture as ordered ’ , the time and resources were used at optimal without any waste , and the whole system was balanced , the ‘right’ knowing what the ‘left’ is doing , no chance of an economic collapse or disturbance .
In a nut shell , the economy was a tight , centralized control and management system , where all activities were perfectly coordinated throughout the country .
Daniel and Adrian were scoffing at the pretentious western economists whose job was to throw dust in the public eyes, with no intention of actually telling the reality of high-level manipulations and forced recessions in order to acquire rock-bottom priced assets and to reset the hourly worker’s wages . The parody and manipulative capitalistic economic system made Daniel nauseous realizing the ruined personal dreams of so many millions of people , their tragedies losing their shirts and houses in corrupted financial investing schemes , the general poverty and the dreaded rat race .
The puppeteers were truly a bunch of disgusting human beings , among the scourge of the gene pool . His duty on Earth was not finished until justice is served across the world , and he had no intention of disappointing himself , the puppeteers’ days were numbered and he was getting ready for their judgement day .
As a country leader Daniel was more like a caring mother , together with Victor , three other body guards and Vlad he was visiting food markets , talking to farmers and their customers , taking advice and suggestions , than , in the same day he was visiting factories , showing unexpectedly at staff and board meetings and getting involved impromptu in decision making , to him the opportunity to bounce ideas with others was just to irresistible . Later in the evening he may stroll on the gorgeous Bucharest downtown boulevards , aligned with mature trees and rows of flowers in colourful patterns .
Bucharest , known as the Paris of the East , was an eclectic mix of good-taste architecture , flower displays , fountains and cafés strung along the wide sidewalks . Climbing vines , petunias , fragrant linden trees and original house facades were a standard around the city , people taking pride in show-casing their space .
Daniel loved to seat on the patio of Café Americana , the former American embassy , and gather chairs around starting a group discussion with whoever happened to be around . People were game every time and you could tell from distance if Daniel was there . When at home quality food was on the table , the job was secured for life and the society surrounding you were peaceful intellectuals , people found time and pleasure to gather and discuss life , economy , industry , nano technology , medical research and anything mind stimulating .
The eradication of the aggression gene was paying off handsomely in more than one way , I mean , really , name a public park on Earth were you would feel absolutely secure at two a.m. with no worries if you saw a group of youngsters approaching .
If nations and private groups brained washed their children in the image of their personal beliefs , from Islam to Christianity , Nazism , Capitalism and anything in between , the new education system under Daniel’s supervision brained washed the new generations in being model citizens with respect for each others . He knew long time ago , when was seating on his deck back in Toronto, that Utopia and Eden are very possible . Now , however , unlike when on the old deck , he often had to pinch himself to reinforce that, indeed , what he was experiencing today was pure reality , even for his wide open mind , the number of achievements in just three years since the Revolution was numbing fast .
But seating on the café patio , in the warm sunset , looking at the faces of the people passing by , he remembered waiting to depart the airport in Toronto and judging people’s expressions caught in the rat race … Today he could see only smiling , relaxed , happy faces . Mission accomplished , he thought .
Just as he loved to mingle and being in touch with his people Daniel was in heavens walking the corridors and laboratories of the National Nano Research centre as often as he could . He didn’t need an appointment , and many times a week , dressed with the white coveralls , he appeared from nowhere among the staff , seating respectfully and safely away from the experiments but close enough to hear what’s going on . He could feel among the 249 dedicated teams they were all breathing nano research with the passion typical of higher and inquisitive minds but in the atmosphere of total unity .
The only dark line on the science projects was the perpetual life research where Marina’s teams had difficulties inserting the genes package at the right location on each chromosome , realizing they needed to wait for the nanobots to do the job artificially . Daniel noted philosophically the similarity to the sign or mark of the ‘ beast ’ as he remembered it from the preachings of his Russian orthodox grandma , but now , to be counted , one must bear a different kind of sign , that of artificial genetic modifications .
Wondering through the labs , his eyes caressed the delicate equipment , the scientific notations on the boards that we couldn’t understand and the complex experiments taking place . He witnessed the first layering of a future nanobot prototype , the manufacturing and testing of the electrostatic retaining cups and the first 3-D block of assembled parts .
At this pace , with the modified equipment and with everybody’s ambition to bring it to reality , key discoveries were coming fast and furious .
Four years and a half after the start of the nano project and the Revolution , the first day of a new epoch in science finally arrived and , under a tight security , the grand experiment begun .
Chapter five : the Nano Revolution
The overwhelming smell of roses from the back garden bathed Daniel’s bedroom as Victor slowly opened the heavy drapes and large stained windows . Waking up , Daniel’s brain made contact with the main event of the day and what represented half of his life dream .
He smiled at Victor , got into the house coat and followed him into the kitchen where the breakfast was ready .
Vlad and Dumitru were waiting for him , busy going through the time table and discussing the crucial experiment . The first complete nanobots were due to be assembled today using the modified Atomic Force Microscopes
( AFM ) , (5) , and the CAD software , a mile stone in manufacturing for any specie .
Daniel finished the morning routine , walked to the car followed by his entourage , sat in the back with Dumitru who was ready to make his presentation and , on the way to the National Nano Research Centre , he listened to the juicy scientific details :
“ First of all , as you know , we did assembled in the recent past separate nanobot structures like the power plant , the electrostatic cups , the computer , communication system , and so on … Keep in mind that we are still considering improvements to the energy pack looking at all alternatives including laser pulses , vibrating environment energy and even antimatter , every thing is considered … Today for the first time we’ll put it all together one layer at a time , ending with one complete and working nanobot … ” .
The driver couldn’t help listening to the conversation almost spilling the drinks when taking a tight turn . As the security officer apologised , Dumitru stopped briefly to protect his notes from the dripping coffee .
“ We planed to build initially twelve functional nanobots which will take two hours as part of phase one , next will be the downloading of the CAD software containing the building instructions , and than use them as a team to build a very simple test pattern which should take no longer than 20 minutes representing phase three . So far two and a half hours . Once the test is completed and verified we’ll move to the next step in which the twelve nanobots will start building more nanobots . Being at least ten times faster than the AFMs , this one hour phase should yield some three thousands nanobots … Once completed will move to the last phase in which all nanobots will have one hour to build a 3D test structure and than check it for errors … As you know the experiment carries live on one of the secured National channels and you gave people the day off , so we’ll have a lot of audience … better not screw up ! “ , he laughed but showing signs of solid confidence . Daniel loved it and gave him a good back-padding .
The car convoy entered the research centre and in minutes Daniel , wearing the usual white coat , was mingling with the scientific crowd in the process of checking the banks of equipment and watching the technicians making adjustments and last minute tests . He was all smiles and grabbing Vlad’s arm whispered joking :
“ If this gets any more exciting , I’ll have a heart attack ! “ . Vlad smiled back , feeling the same butterflies in his tummy . He remembered in a flash the two of them sharing the same high-school bench , discussing science-fiction novels , being boys yet with serious overtones . In a high-school test asking ‘what do you want to became ‘ Daniel answered ‘country president’ , but only as a joke , now Vlad looked at his friend and thought that many things are possible but this one , striking so close to home in more ways than one , it pointed again to how the time filaments can entangle and create extraordinary realities . After all , how would you describe being meters away from a scientific experiment that , if successful, will guarantee a revolution in manufacturing , in the whole society and in the meaning of intelligent species .
If you would look at a historical graph where the birth of humans was marked by a spike in the animal evolution , today’s nano revolution would be a jump comparable to the size of a lighting stroke , the implications were so fundamental to the fabric of the Universe that was safe to predict its change by humans into ordered rows of galaxies and stars , just like an orchard .
With only a half an hour delay the experiment started having all the eyes on the computer displays and gages , a nation watching and Daniel getting hyper on the coffee . The two hours passed slowly , pure torture , but at the end the confident voice of the team leader came crisp :
“ We got all twelve units , we’re done through phase one … I am proceeding to remotely download the CAD instructions … 45 % complete … 70 % … ok , all fully loaded . Proceeding to test download … 5 reporting good , 8 … all 12 . We have all 12 ready for the very first task . Initializing the reference point , coordinating GPS and gyroscope systems and … start action “ .
A technician gently poured a fairly thin solution over the stamp-size nanobots enclosure and open the sides of the minicontainer to spill the mix over a 5 by 7 centimetres area resembling a picture frame , than he covered it with a translucent top . Since nothing could be seen clearly in the murky solution , the centre of attention were two computer screens , one displaying a graph bar showing the progress while the other showed the position of the 12 nanobots working as a team . Dumitru talked into Daniel’s ear :
“ That substance contains just two types of molecules required to build the test surface … Right now the nanobots are positioned like snow-ploughs , one behind each other , filling rows by rows of arranged molecules as the downloaded program calls for . At the end , the surface of alternating molecules will encode a program which will be read by a laser beam and than executed by a computer to verify that all molecules were arranged properly , this quality control method is very efficient for checking surfaces. However , Daniel , there is a small surprise for you in the picture … and I won’t tell you ! “ . Daniel poked him playfully with his elbow and was just about to say he was becoming immune to surprises , but a weird feel told him to be quiet , he didn’t see it all yet . Dumitru kept explaining :
“ While the ‘plough’ formation does the job for now , we are planning to change this method and make a new standard requiring to have the whole cross section of the target covered , or saturated , in two layers of nanobots so the building action will be considerably faster to the tune of one square centimetre layer in less than five seconds , we’re just waiting to have enough nanobots available nation wide . In terms of weaving the atoms , it basically means inserting each other’s electrons in permissible orbitals , ideally filling them to capacity for a stronger bond , so it is a matter of perfect timing . We defeated the Heisenberg uncertainty principle , (7) , by simple means of attoseconds capable sensors and movements , but most importantly by using the electromagnetic cups to read and adjust the pulsation of the changing electrostatic field generated by the orbiting electrons and therefore adjust and synchronize the merging of the two atoms . It is similar to a computer routine which enables you to predict the time of a certain output and act ahead to account for processing delays .
In our case the routine is the orbiting electrons in predictable positions allowed by the laws of physics . Not all atoms are universally compatible so we had to adjust our design , choosing pairs of atoms with compatible bonds strengths according to the object’s needs , from easy to brake lines for packaging , to very strong bonds for the hauls of space ships and armour … “ .
He paused for a moment to reconfigure in his mind the logical flow-chart of the complicated process . Daniel welcomed the break recognizing that his electronics technician knowledge was quite a bit over taken .
Dumitru continued bringing his hands together to enhance the graphics of the lecture :
“ We just speed up the process by massaging the atoms with the field generated by the cups to bring them faster in a compatible configuration . To avoid the delay characteristic of computer processing time we not only embedded the circuitry in the nanobot structure but also replaced the triggering software with molecular mechanical models which can react at one attosecond speeds , bypassing computer time … This transfers the bottle neck of the system to the retrieving of raw materials , which are the atoms or molecules floating around in the immersing solution , but never the less , the concentration and the pre-select function of the nanobots preparing ahead the next piece of material keeps the assembling process at very high speed … We predict that after tweaking with the design , we may be able to achieve a production where one nanobot can build another in three minutes which will guarantee enough supply for the whole country needs including security within two years of exponential growth … And that will be the actual time when the nano manufacturing revolution will be ready to start “ .
Seating on the first raw of chairs , Daniel and his closest people watched the time elapsed , approaching 21 minutes , when the digital clock stopped and a short message stated ‘ Process complete ‘ . That was 3 minutes faster than the predicted time which meant a lot considering the movements at the molecular level . A technician picked up the tray containing the experiment , and carefully drained the raw material solution . Daniel could not resist and got up stepping closer and everyone else followed suit . The technician gently wiped the surface and presented it to him . The rectangular area was shimmering just like a music CD except in the background Daniel’s portrait was shown like a water-mark , which made his ears turn red with shyness , and above was the word ‘nano’ , while below was engraved the digit 9 .
Daniel was holding the very first computer controlled entirely nano manufactured object on Earth and he was shaking slowly his head , almost in disbelief … The crowd cheered and applauded the historical moment , realizing that , at last , they didn’t have to use the word ‘dream’ when talking about the nano revolution , for all practical purposes it already started this minute .
Following the instructions , Daniel placed the test plate under a laser scanner and within seconds the quality control certified the work as 100 % accurate which triggered another round of applauses .
Entering the final phase , the twelve nanobots were downloaded with a new CAD program designed to build more nanobots and during the one hour test the counter on the main computer screen was racing at a very promising speed . While waiting , food plates with sandwiches were brought in and brief discussions were taking place yet most preferred to remain silent and observe the clock and the counter .
Every completed new nanobot was automatically connected to the central computer , verified with a detailed test and downloaded with the program activating it to build more nanobots . This was an exponential process and at the half hour mark the main counter registered 824 completed new nanobots , slightly more than expected .
At the one hour time limit marking the end of the test , the total number was 3,538 functional new nanobots , about 1 % more than calculated .
Than , for the final test , all the nanobots got to work together completing a fine structure in the shape of a sphere 20 centimetres in diameter , with the surface thickness of four aluminum atoms and arranged in a lattice pattern of 10 nano meters wide holes shaped like symmetrical stars . Dumitru explained :
“ We chose aluminum because it is light but also because we wanted to test the strength of the surface pattern . Once the sphere is completed it will weight as much as a feather and you would be able to shine a laser beam passing through any hole and the centre of the sphere and check it at the other end as quality control . Once we‘ll do that the sphere will be subjected to mechanical and electrical tests . Keep in mind that we’ll embed on the surface dimples similar to a computer CDs , to write a software which can be used later for many purposes besides quality control “ .
The container chosen this time was deeper , enough to cover the target but the process was the same . Just in under 32 minutes the aluminum ball was completed , the gelatine filler washed away with hot water and what was left behind could only be described as a vaporous filigree ball , shining and glimmering but having the strange aura of a mathematical object , a residue of the atomic precision to which was built .
Looking through it and moving slowly around , the sphere was quickly alternating between being perfectly opaque and almost transparent , a cool objet d’art .
A laser scan determined it was 100 % to specs and as the cheers cool off , Daniel asked everybody including the TV cameras broadcasting live , to follow him in the large auditorium for a brief announcement :
From up the podium he took a minute to relax his mind and capture the big picture before presenting it to his family at home :
“ Dear friends , in the last few hours you witnessed via our secure National cable an event that it is hard to describe if you want to cover all the possibilities … You can look at it from a philosophical point of view saying it is the most significant event since homo sapiens picked a stone to use it as a tool … or you can look at it through the eyes of a scientist who can now say we are only a step away from creating organized matter from just subparticles … Or you can get goose bumps because the coming future will be so extraordinary and will change our society so drastically that , right now , to talk about it would only create a haze of confusion . How can an unborn child describe the world it didn’t see yet ? That’s why we’ll take it one step at a time , get familiar with the surprises and than take over and truly get the best of what it has to offer . It will take two years of production to manufacture the necessary number of nanobots to start the Autonomous Manufacturing Process and until than we’ll start learning how to use it and restructure our economy to integrate it as fast as possible . First we’ll all need to learn and become experts at Computer Aided Design , or CAD , because this will be our primary tool in all aspects of producing the goods we need to survive comfortably . It will also be the tool used by artists , architects , scientists and engineers besides just you and me and that’s why I’ll ask the Minister of Education , Maria Larion , to introduce CAD courses as early as kindergarten . I’ll arrange to write a comprehensive booklet about surviving a disaster and using the Nanobot Emergency Set , or NEST , to restart a nano-society .
There will be many other angles and surprises but never the less , the same principal of cooperation applies so everyone is invited and welcomed to forward ideas to the National Research Committee . In the following two years we’ll get ready to kick start the nano Revolution but till then , I am reminding every one that secrecy is very important and , please , continue to be vigilant and spot corruption and foreign intruders … never forget where we came from , what we went through and how fragile is our democracy right now. In two years we’ll have a brand new defence system and peace of mind according to our Generals and scientists , but till than please stay firm and protect your family ! “ .
Daniel waved at the applauding crowd of technicians and scientists and raised Dumitru’s hand to acknowledge where all it came from .
Walking down the podium he slowed down shaking hands and still feeling he didn’t comprehended the events at their full impact . Again his gut feeling was teasing his conscience but he was used to it and ignored it with a pleasant thought there is more to the nano Revolution than his frontal cortex could think of right now .
Feeling frisky and chatty he asked Maria , Marina , Dumitru , Vlad , General Badea and Victor for an evening at Café Americana and all were game understanding that Daniel was in a idea-bouncing mood which usually cause the whole darn café to get involved to the delight of the patrons .
Was just after eight o’clock when they arrived and Daniel held the door for the ladies , stepped inside and took a deep breath smelling the traditional Romanian steaks and mititei . He couldn’t remember in a long time having so much peace of mind and relaxation , was like all the chips fell into the right places and was nothing else to do but seat back , enjoy and day dream but this time with a higher degree of certitude those dreams may come true .
Walking towards his favourite table he passed by the framed documents found in the American embassy raid five years ago and his momentary happiness took a dive . He still couldn’t figure out a way to ignore the guilty feeling coming from inside his heart thinking of the misery just outside the country borders . The only argument that pulled him back into temporarily happiness was his commitment to use future nano technology to help the rest of the world come to its senses . So he kept looking around sucking on the eye-candy that the Café Americana was .
Describing the Romanian architecture modeling the café would not do justice but try to imagine a cozy place with twisting columns and reclusive grottos for private tables , all curves and rounded corners , low lighting , old smoky wood trusses , cream stucco walls and sweet gipsy music that makes you feel in your living room but better . And than you have the food , drinks and friends , considering the day’s event you could think the heavens have descended . Beer and steaks were ordered with a side of mititei and everyone made themselves comfortable in the seats but kept quiet absorbing the moment until Dumitru broke the ice :
“ I feel really strange , hard to explain , it’s like a surreal environment yet the mind knows is real …” . The group sighed in agreement .
“ On one hand was five years ago , just a blink of the eye , when we were planning … but now it’s hard to snap out of what we were used to and considered ‘normal’ , even though just two hours ago I was holding in my hands the proof of nano technologies “ . As the drinks arrived he continued to reveal his feelings :
“ I don’t want to sound like a primadona but I wasn’t born in a society with this kind of technical potentials so , even for my self as a scientist , it’s very hard to get used to the idea that what ever I can make-up on a CAD will come out on the other end as a real object , without any particular skills except drawing on a computer software . And all this feeling is powerful enough to overshadow the fact that I was there , in the front lines , designing and conducting the experiments “ . Maria Larion , as an educator , had a slightly different angle :
“ I still can’t get over the long term consequences of nano manufacturing which will eliminate trades and learned skills of all sorts … it’s unnatural and against the grain of self-preservation . It sounds alarm bells all over my head …” . Vlad remembered Daniel’s skills at photography and thought of yet another angle :
“ While you are right Maria , lets consider some more historical evidence … in most societies there are individuals who in the 21st century restored or build steam locomotives and old airplanes … I wouldn’t be surprised if , with all the extra time on their hands and the knowledge available , people will take on learning old skills as a challenge or as a personal fulfilment of doing things ‘hands-on’ rather by adding a bag of nanobots . Let’s not forget that our society has a higher IQ , and growing , plus the advantage of a mind free of wasted aggression thoughts . I think that , naturally , those people will like to keep busy and creative so I count on a mind bending explosion of new ideas and revolutions in every field “ .
Reaching for his glass he changed the tone to a more serious note :
“ But what I find ironic is the closed loop in natural evolution . I mean , if we consider the subparticles as the foundation of life simply because under the right conditions they form atoms which , in turn , under the right conditions form certain molecules which can form life , than we are at the point in evolution where we are taking over the design and start restructuring the Universe . It’s the history of life coming from an abyss and slowly assembled itself , evolved into intelligence and than took over the Universe with the sole purpose of protecting itself for ever … talking about ‘self-preservation’ , seams to be far more ancient and embedded than we thought ! “ .
Daniel was on the same page :
“ So true , Vlad , like written in stone and universally true …
Considering that any intelligent specie in any galaxy evolved from animals and so it inherits the same trait as us on Earth , aggression , we all share the same basic problem , cleansing our dirty genome . That’s the very first step to unite and , focused , to use all resources for the advancement of science and the survival of that specie in any galaxy …
It appears that at the grand scale , once nano technology is mastered together with perpetual life , the only thing that can threaten a specie anywhere in the Universe is another Big Bang or a similar catastrophe … in other words we already know the target of our future research , ‘ how to avoid another Big Bang ‘ ! Now That sounds weird , doesn’t it ? “ .
It sure was and all pondered on the thought of being the guardians of the Universe, space crusaders in nanobot armour , liberators of species , atomic organizers of the worlds … or just booze on an empty stomach .
No , what happened earlier that afternoon was real and solid but never the less , they enjoyed this unique mind drug which made them think were dreaming when actually they were living the reality . Daniel always thought that some where , on a distant planet was a lonely princes waiting to be rescued , the love and affection he never had , for him to discover and protect . His heart smiled , there was hope …
General Mugur Badea pointed to Dumitru :
“ My job is to protect the heavens from down on Earth , so Dumitru , pretend you can read my mind and tell me what can I expect soon from your nano world to make my life easier in defending us ? “ . A few beers made Dumitru very eager to chat hi-tech :
“ We need to adjust our vision of the environment to the micro scale , something like half the size of small fruit-flies … Once you do it , apply all the previous tactics and strategies to the design of the nanobots … some can be equipped exclusively for surveillance , others for long data transmission and even combat … “ . Victor wanted to know how and Dumitru obliged :
“ Considering their size we can’t expect the combat nanobots to shoot bullets but they would be good in carrying poisons or knock-out drugs . Ricin comes first to mind administered like a bee attack , by many nanobots at once . But of course this raises the question of control and the possibility of losing it , so it still needs work … But never the less we are ready to assemble the first nanospys equipped with flexible high definition nano lenses that can change focus , undetectable microphones , and multiple forms of communications including infrasound and low power UV lasers “ .
Daniel wanted to make a point he was considering for many month watching the project coming alive :
“ Talking about Universities and research centres , I feel that under the present world order we can not possibly allow foreign powers to develop nano technology at our level … Look , if we do we’ll open another cold war and spend significant resources to counterbalance . In the process we even may border a war since we’ll have to interfere with their nanospys … And still there is even a greater danger , if they develop to our present level and since , let’s say United Sates alone being more than 10 times larger , never mind the rest of NATO , we’ll stand no chance simply because of sheer numbers … We have no choice … and I’ll present this to the Board of Advisers tomorrow . This is not a joke , for the first time we have the upper hand so to lose the advantage is totally unacceptable and not on the table“. All sighed in agreement and Dumitru concluded his plea for more resources :
“ The logistics are mind bugling , from sending nano-scouts around the world , to dispatching whole clouds of nanospys to designated targets and sorting out all the information received … we need new computers and more personnel for sure ! “ .
The food arrived giving them a chance to enjoy the delicious organic , free run beef while in the same time digesting the new technological possibilities . By the desert the subject mellowed out changing to more peaceful applications specially Marina’s interests in her perpetual life project :
“ This ice cream is delicious and as I eat it I can’t help thinking of an earlier discussion about nanobots made food . But till than and so far the Health program is running good , the Nutrition Supplement project is on time plus we catalogue all the fringe discoveries the teams made weekly . The only problem we have is the Perpetual Life research . We’ll need Dumitru’s help on this one . While we are fine knowing what we need to do , we are stuck against a technical wall … we can’t insert the necessary telomerase genes at the right location in the genome using traditional laboratory methods or equipment . We need an artificial surgeon hand so only nanobots can do the job , but understanding the priority of the security issues I’ll take a number and have Dumitru tell me when he’s ready “ . But Dumitru also had a sweet-tooth for the Perpetual Life project and was more than happy to see Marina making it a priority :
“ No worries , you are at the top of my list just behind General Bade and I guarantee it will not take more than one month before we’ll start getting together periodically on this subject … Chances are good we’ll be starring soon at a live DNA strand through the lenses of a nanobot … they should hold the presses on those biology books “ he added thinking of his personal difficulties earlier in school understanding genetics and biochemistry .
After a few more rounds of drinks they lay back in their seats listening to the soul filled music and letting their brains absorb the new pace of reality .
Even being aware of each step of the research and understanding the science , still , the change was too colossal to accept it all at once . They needed the confidence of passing time but unknown to them the coming events will not be so kind . Matter of fact , it will be more like a gun held to the head of the Revolution , a reoccurring historical motif and an argument used two decades later for a crucial redirection of the national effort . But now they were oblivious , a small break to let their spirits heal and sweeten the celebration , calling wild dreams come to surface . Marina was thinking more of heart matters :
“ If you noticed in the TV debates people were asking a lot about how far we’ll be going with the gene therapy … The comments were generally positive specially since the fabulous success of the anti-aggression treatment but also there were reservations , questions about the uniqueness of a personality and if the modifications will reduce us to a uniform , boring society . I’m trying to make sense of it , how do you explain to a young man life without desire for sex like it is experienced by a woman who lost her ovaries ? My point is they can accept it mentally but never be in the position to experience it for real and therefore be able to make fair judgement … you need to be a Vulcan to understand Spock … “ . Loveless Daniel felt a pinch in his heart :
“ Well , sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have feelings specially thinking of people losing their loved ones “ .
For Victor the priority was somewhere else :
“ Ya , but would that make me a better piano player ? “ he joked .
“ Yes , if I have my way with you ! “ laughed Marina , “ But I never forgot your request , seriously , even when we collected DNA from established musicians I was thinking of the day when I’ll give you the shot myself . You know , even with a few drinks and joking , we still can’t ignore that a few hours ago small little thingies that we can’t even see , crocheted from aluminum atoms a filigree that other way is impossible to make anywhere else on Earth … and while they worked hard , we stood around munching on sandwiches … the shape of things to come ?? “ .
She helped herself to a generous portion of red wine .
“ The only reason why I don’t have the shot right now is because all our resources are busy with other priorities , but believe me , from what I’ve seen , separating the responsible genes will be a piece of cake . Duplicating them with Dumitru’s help and his hoards of micro heroes will be child play , and I’m not drunk … yet ! “ .
Was funny to watch the head of medical sciences talking without blinking about handing out talents like giving candies , if ‘in vino veritas’ was true , mighty strange things were at the horizon because the only thing Marina lost for the moment was her inhibition , but she kept a full load of the scientific integrity . That realization made her intellect stand on ends , never before she felt so much confidence in her most intimate professional speculations . It also proved how deep she used to be anchored to the old school of thought , doesn’t matter how smart you are , nothing replaces experience . Putting her head on Daniel’s shoulder she dose off whispering “ I want to be a Vulcan ! “ .
As the warm autumn midnight fell over the capital sending the party to their homes , the new moon shined over the nation from the Black Sea to the borders with the wide Danube river . There , the murky waters polluted by six nations upstream , run silent caressed by the weeping willows .
In the heart of darkness hiding the shore line nothing was revealing the border guard on duty . Laying comfortable against a tree and between bushes , covered in an anti-infrared detection blanket , he was listening to communication traffic while watching for hours the moon reflections changing and dancing on the waves .
The young soldier thought for a moment he was doing it for too long because the ripples slowly changed shapes to form the head of running water over the tip of a pointy boulder … but there were no rocks ten meters from the shore , he was confident , it was his patrolling area for a full year. He slowly raised the binoculars and to his astonishment witnessed something like a tube coming out of the water , sitting there for a few seconds and than , with eyes wide opened , he saw the hatch of a small submarine emerging gently . The hairs on his body bristled , he never faced combat or the enemy but he remembered the orders so quietly he cocked a round in his AK47 , grabbed the radio and whispered the emergency code . By now two figures with backpacks were out trying to get in the water without making noise and having a hard time swimming to shore against the current .
In his earpiece the guard heard the commanding officer asking about the emergency , covered the mouth piece and quickly explained the situation . He knew help is just 50 meters away behind the tree line where the army camp and Jeeps were stationed , so he prepared to jump the intruders . They came ashore wet and muddy , swearing quietly in English . The guard watched them open the backpacks and putting on dry clothing while the infrared goggles allowed him to see between the trees dozens of patrol guards approaching stealthy .
As the foreigners were tightening their shoe laces , over 40 flashlight heads turned on and from everywhere soldiers literarily jumped on top of the intruders , pinning them to the ground and intimidating the prisoners with ear splitting shouts . The order was to take them alive and able to speak which was exactly what happened two hours later in the basement of the State Security building . The information extracted was so depressing that Daniel gathered his advisers in an emergency meeting :
“ We are here again for the same dreaded reason of national security … Last night two intruders were captured coming from a submarine in the Danube … the sub got away … Needless to say , we’re saturating our portion of the Danube and Black Sea with sensitive sonar good enough to detect swimmers at 300 meters . Following interrogations we learned our country is a target again and multiple teams are being prepared to infiltrate Romania for both espionage and sabotage . Those people are Romanians living abroad long before the Revolution but still speaking the language very good , and who were lured by the CIA and big money to do this . They don’t know how many others are already inside , but they were sure are more . And that’s very , very bad … It means we must stop immediately any plans of delivering the manufacturing nanobots to the population … It also means we must double the share of nanobots reserved for defence … and of course , it speeds up all the research towards bringing the nanospys in production . I am so concerned about this , that I am asking the Board for permission to temporarily divert 75 % of all research teams from both main projects , to focus exclusively on nanospys and nanofighters “ . All raised hands in approval and Daniel moved forward :
“ Ok … now , considering there are spies already implanted we must assume the West is perfectly aware of our advancements , at least as we presented it to the public years ago before the secure NetLink . Their scientists can connect the dots , so we must think again how to design the nanospys to be stealthy . We also need to make sure the self-destruct mechanism works flawlessly , we can’t possibly afford to allow them having samples . Because of the time issue and the importance of the problem , I would like to form think-tanks of how to exploit the nanospys at maximum and correlate it to the design teams … I want full blast imagination and inspiration , I want everyone to realise and remember every moment that our life style is in imminent danger , I want all the stops pulled and no idea ignored ! “ .
The advisors never saw him so vehement and anxious but also they never felt so scared . It was the fear of seeing nanobots controlled by the underground Mob , Earth becoming Prison Planet because with such technology in the wrong hands was absolutely no way for a society to escape . Daniel thought to make his reflections heard :
“ Now that we are in this situation , it makes me think of inter-galactic , Universe wide laws to prevent nano-technology falling into the wrong hands . Wasn’t it totally crazy to even consider such thoughts a few years ago ? That’s what worries me , angles that we missed , surprises entangled deep in the future ways of nano-life , things that our brains don’t even consider to connect yet … We can make mistakes that will cost the whole Planet and perhaps enable Hitlers to bring Star Wars to life and became a Galactic menace . Do you understand the danger and how deep our responsibility is ? “ . And than , to everyone’s surprise , he expressed a personal belief about UFOs and the extraterrestrial :
“ I wouldn’t be shocked at all if any nano culture would go to extreme length to stop this technology from ever being developed by rogue governments or species anywhere in the Universe including Earth … “ .
From far above , past Pluto , the meaning of his judgement extended covering worlds that he wasn’t even aware of , the actions of his country could change history light years away in millennia to come .
Yet the conundrum was packed in the human spirit , Daniel knew there was no road back and wasn’t even interested in one , his determination to change the world for the better was strong enough to squeeze water from stone , he could chew Hitlers for breakfast and feel good for cleaning the gene pool . And the engine of all this was his great empathy .
Understanding the deep implications Maria Larion , the Education Minister , brought up an old tool :
“ It looks like we need a way to educated the people so I’ll arrange for a good scare documentary because , frankly , we all need to be very scared of the alternatives “ . Daniel nodded thankfully .
Realizing slowly that what he meant good for the world can turn in the worst possible nightmare put him in a defence mode turning on to maximum every neuron and synaptic connection .
After establishing the directions with his advisors he left for the National Nano Research Centre wanting to oversee personally the design of the nanospys . He gathered all the teams in the large conference room and repeated the concerns about secrecy and the consequences , hammering the need for advanced stealth capabilities . They followed through many other details, fine tuning the target and by 3 o’clock in the morning they had a pretty good idea about the modifications that will make a regular nanobot a master nanospy .
Daniel went to bed tired , nervous and disappointed with ‘mother’ nature being so void of justice . Going in and out of dreaming and turning from side to side he saw Victor’s shadow in full uniform passing on the corridor and noted it was 6 o’clock . Victor supposed to be asleep not dressed up , what was going on now ? Daniel put on the robe and slowly opened the French doors taking a pick down the corridor . All looked fine at first but than he noticed a liquid spotting the parquet near the bathroom door . He stepped closer observing the deep red color and , with the worst expectations , reached to touch it . It felt tingly , like small electric shocks and he withdrew his hand quickly thinking it could be acid , not blood . But just as he was preparing to go for the mop the liquid start changing shape quickly , swirling and twisting , looking like sparkling mist in a mini storm blown from below the floor and spreading fast everywhere . In the same time he saw his fingers turn the same red color and thought he heard voices . In seconds , to his mesmerized eyes , the dust settled and he could see on the floor a strange writing with foreign characters that his mind didn’t recognized. But to his surprise he could clearly understand it.
It said “ How do we get to Cafe Americana ? “ . Shocked , he open his eyes widely … the clock radio reading 9:00 was churning a morning discussion about daily events and the best places to eat , Cafe Americana being at the top of the list . Daniel couldn’t help smiling at first but than start laughing loud , shacking the bed till Victor opened the doors intrigued , the last thing he expected from Daniel after the last days events .
Seating on the edge of the bed , Daniel explained , wondering if his dream qualified as a night mare since the anti-aggression inoculation supposed to take care of that . But Victor , still smiling , disagreed , his argument being the dream was funny and creative replacing the old line “ Take us to your leader “ .
Daniel shook his head thinking that with all the pressure he’s being under , he’s going bunkers . But than , like a divine revelation , the whole dream twisted in his head , the meaning of the café , the strange language and the spinning floating dust turned on a lucky neuron path which spelled a solution for the world problems that he thought of first on his flight back to Romania while talking to a genetician . He happily wrote it down planning to present it to his advisors once properly cooked in his mind . Still pondering at the inspiring vision , he thought was worth while to encourage Marina , once the resources were available , to nail the mystery surrounding dreams. Considering the latest scientific events , it was no longer far fetched to think of-the-wall and that gave Daniel a natural high when entertaining unorthodox ideas , it wasn’t anymore a waste of time .
With most of the teams refocused on the new priority , working 24/7 , it took just six month to have the first bunch of nanospys tested , multiplied and ready to take on the wings . They waited for a weather system with winds blowing towards the Western Europe and from the picks of the Carpathians a new era in gathering intelligence took flight .
Again Daniel had to shake his head in front of the rapid scientific chain of events but soon all the technical glamour start fading , tarnished by the bad news it delivered .
The true nano Revolution , the maker of parts , pianos and party hats had to wait for just a little bit longer .
Chapter six : the Watcher’s Job
The launch of the very first group of nanospys was the event General Badea and Daniel were looking forward for a long time and it also coincided with the eights anniversary of the Revolution .
Together with the regular advisors they arrived late afternoon in the basement of the fortress also known as the State Security building . They were escorted to the Operations Room , a vast enclosure full of military personnel and high tech devices , and took seats in front of a double row of dozens of high definition plasma displays while Vlad made them familiar with the current progress :
“ 23 hours ago team Alpha departed from strategic peaks of the Carpathians on a good Jet Stream heading , landing in Zurich and taking a hitch on Swiss Air flight 247 to Amsterdam and than to New York . Following the same strategy , one hour later the team caught a flight to Washington and right now they are preparing to enter the White House .
Observe on monitor 1 the main video feed from the head of the scout team… Notice how they take consecutive positions inside cracks and nooks “ . He pointed behind them to a number of long desks where dozens of officers were controlling small groups of nanospys via complex graphic displays .
“ The planned execution is carried for now out of these consoles directly by humans , we didn’t have time to design an autonomous software but we’re working on it , till than will be hands-on . Ok , it looks like team Alpha is approaching the Oval Office … right now is critical to get in unobserved so as you can see , they are scanning all possible surveillance systems “ .
On the large screens the corridors appeared magnified , the picture crawling over door signs and finally to the top of the double door leading inside the secretive room . Daniel felt electrified under the tingling of voyeurism and totally engrossed in seeing such a restricted area live across the world . The atmosphere in the bunker was breathtaking , eyes glued to the screens while Daniel had a flash , thinking what could happened if they get caught .
The officers handling the nanobots where exchanging directions :
“ We reached the top edge of the double door to the Office … trying to find a crack … no , looks like is a good seal … let’s try the bottom … same thing … General Badea , we’ll have to wait until the door opens or try the ventilation system “ . The General didn’t hesitate :
“ It’s ok , let’s stay right here , I don’t want to take any chances in strong air currents ‘ .
It was a long 15 minutes of waiting before someone in military attire came out giving the Alpha team the opportunity to get in and take positions specially around the windows to preserve communications links .
From the height of the ceiling looking down they could see the US President Fred Jasper at his desk and four other people seating around . Two were military , three star generals , while the others were civilian recognized soon as the Vice President and the CIA Director .
General Badea stood up in excitement :
“ Ok , heads up everybody , this is the moment we were waiting for … I need immediately separate teams assigned to each of this five man , plus more teams on stand by , we hit the jackpot “ .
Daniel put on a pair of headphones and listen in while watching the HD picture . Before he could focus on the action he looked around the huge bunker , instinctively needing reassurance he wasn’t dreaming , even for a person of his imagination , the first time was as shocking as for anyone else , and lately he had a whole truck load of them .
In minutes he understood the discussion was about positioning silent diesel submarines around Russia to bring aground teams of spies and saboteurs . Daniel checked to make sure the ‘record’ button was activated and thought smiling that he was even with Putin for the truth serum gift .
The teams of officers start placing the nanobots in strategic positions , a few watching the computer screen on the president’s desk , another team focusing just on the keyboard , while others took close up shots of the wall map displaying the proposed positions of the submarines and the landing coordinates on different beaches . Daniel immediately gave instructions to have the information and coordinates send via MIGs to Putin with a case of his favourite wine , Pietroasele , and a ‘ Thank you ’ note saying ‘ In vino veritas ‘ , a pun to the truth serum . But he asked not to send the actual video and audio , no way Daniel will let the cat out of the bag on how he obtain the intelligence , not even to Putin .
He felt much better , more relaxed , confident he could handle the upcoming torrent of possible events yet being careful not to get cocky . So he tapped Vlad on the shoulder , grabbed Dumitru and General Mugur and walked them to the coffee machine . While refilling , he set the new pace :
“ Guys , it’s obvious we’ll need more nanospys , which saddens me . We are forced to enter another cold war scenario which will cost us resources of all kinds , so let’s get ready . Dumitru , we’ll need to divert production towards nanofighters and nanospys … Mugur , we need to focus equally on keeping the intelligence coming and looking for all nano research centres in all countries , universities , DARPA , you name it … we can’t afford to let them have this technology or we’ll kiss our future ‘good-bye’ … When you’ll find such research going , I want you to impede it in a discreet way , things like fuses blowing unexpectedly , instruments going out of calibration , what ever you can do to halt it without getting caught . Also we’ll need an even tighter border patrol … Vlad , please organize all the incoming info and present me a summary three times a day or whenever there is an emergency . Now , let’s have an understanding of the larger picture … what’s going on in the outside world is controlled by a few individuals , they are the trouble makers we need to expose and give the world a chance. Once we identify them , I need a detailed file build on indisputable evidence such as HD-Video and sound , good camera angles and so on … The basic idea is not only that it must convince the masses but also it must stand in the International Court of Law . Once we’ll collect enough evidence we’ll expose them in some form , preferably in TV transmissions besides sending copies to the internet media . However , to do it we need to have our Security at 110 % first , to be absolutely impenetrable , so Mugur , we need the New Weapons program accelerated . I would like to be very soon in a position to make a live demonstration to the world about our military might. I need ideas of how to do it , but we must show muscle to avoid an armed conflict specially in the critical situation when we’ll expose the power handlers and invite the world to a Revolution “ .
He paused to recharge on caffeine thinking hard to make sure he didn’t forget some important point . His mind was split between coordinating the introduction to the public of the new nano manufacturing and the security problems . Which brought him to another issue :
“ Mugur , remembering the over 400 Romanian sold to the CIA at the start of the Revolution , we need to be ready for Romanians who were living abroad and who may be send here to do damage … I look at this as a very potent threat just because they might be able to integrate in our society unobserved and get to steal samples of our nanobots . Dumitru , are we confident of the self-destruct mechanism ? “ .
“ Yes , we tested it under many conditions and it responded every time “ .
“ Ok … my job here is done for now , I’m looking forward to the reports and let’s run a tight ship , we are swimming we sharks again “ .
Followed by his entourage he left the building and arrived in the early evening to the Ministry of Education for a live TV show with Maria and Dumitru discussing and explaining the coming manufacturing process .
He looked as such events as pure relaxation because his soul loved it and thrived on bringing goodness to the people .
The country was entering the promised land with the grand reward just around the corner , after eight years people were about to enjoy the fruits of their patience but not fully realizing the impact to come , and guessing the future was Daniel’s job together with everyone else who enjoyed bouncing ideas on a live TV show . But tonight Daniel felt guilty that he was forced to keep a secret from his large family , the initial nanospys report was to negative to present it without a solution or a silver line , he needed a few weeks to build a solid case .
Two month after all nanospys teams reported on targets and start transmitting , the advisors gathered under yet another emergency meeting called by Daniel :
“ Thanks all for coming on such a short notice … Eight weeks of gathering and disseminating information gave us mostly bad news . After four years of moderate government , the USA and other important players are returning to the old style and under the same old puppeteers . It is obvious they are planning a vendetta against our country and that requires our response to be more than military strategy and hardware , and I’ll talk about an alternative in a few moments …
As you know , our nanospys nests are located in most American places of interest and also in U.K. , Germany , France , China , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Japan and international buildings like NATO , UN and so on . More countries and places of interest will be added as the nanospys production permits … Each nanospys nest is monitored by our Security groups 24/7 who flag events of importance which are than catalogued for future reference . In other words we can put together a complete scenario from , let’s say , a NATO meeting , than an American five star general reporting to the President who in turn talks to his advisers and in private with his puppeteers , till a decision is made . In parallel we can also watch what the British side is doing , giving us a perfect understanding of what is going on and why . This also gives us a great opportunity to do things for our protection at different levels . The military preparedness and response is an obvious level but in my mind and for a long time I have bigger plans , a strategy that would eliminated the need for violence … so I made a decision “ .
He paused recalling the dream that reminded him about the solution and added a few more seconds to prepare his advisers , excluding Vlad and Marina who already knew , wanting to make a judgment on their collective reaction . To him was important to have a clear understanding of how the bright people on his advisory board adjusted to the nano revolution and most importantly , of how their empathy levels were changing in viewing the world because in his book empathy was placed a notch above intelligence .
Lifting his eyes from the notes he was welcomed by inquisitive looks waiting for the surprise so he said sharply :
“ I decided to inoculate against the aggression gene … the entire Earth population “ .
Dumitru , seating close to the right , was the first to react :
“ Halleluiah ! Not a moment too soon and why did it take you so long , brother ? “ he said smiling and set the tone for the crowd , surprising and delighting Daniel to no end , he didn’t expect to be so easy and non-chalant .
“ Guys , I’m impressed and very pleasantly surprised by your attitude , I mean , to me based on my personality it came naturally , but in all fairness , I didn’t expect others to share my view . So Kudos friends , and thank you for being this way and yourselves ! “ . Taking a seep of coffee he felt a bit tired following the last two nights of strategic planning . He needed to stay sharp and protect the Revolution :
“ Marina , Vlad and myself developed the skeleton of a plan that first tickled my brain years ago on the plane back to Romania . I remember discussing it as a joke with a genetician and how naturally it came to my mind in the process of that conversation … Looking back , it makes perfect sense specially today when it has being fully tested on our population , myself included . The idea was to simply spread the retrovirus using covert , multiple massive fans to propel it at higher altitudes . Really , it’s easy , it’s just a matter of volume and I intend to properly document it to show it later to the world and expose the governments for their inaction costing so many lives … it will be part of the same revelations TV series that should help change the world . Till than let’s all listen to what Marina is planning to do “ .
She took off her glasses not being sure if everyone at the table understood what really was about to happen :
“ Hi everybody ! What is crossing my mind right now spreads across the millennia . I am thinking far back since we split from monkeys and I am looking at one trait that survived till today and which is even floundered on man TV shows , mainly because it is much easier to stir testosterone than deep thinking . In other words aggression , because that’s what I am talking about , affected humanity from day one and we didn’t even recognized it as a serious disease . Loved ones died in the wheat fields by the hands and swords of barbaric marauders organized to kill and pillage . Others died waiting for the bus at the hands of serial killers. And than , the worst , entire nations fell under its control led by mentally deranged psychopaths… It’s a continuing theme splattering blood all over the human history, robbing generation after generation of resources that otherwise would be spend for peace and health research , interfering non-stop with our evolution . And it is the product of nature …
But from now on , its days on planet Earth are numbered !
As Daniel introduced you to the general idea , we planed to have the manufacturing , storage and fans all located in large caves throughout the Carpathians . The higher altitude will definitely help spread the retrovirus and the locations are impossible to detect with satellite imagery . We tried to consider all the options to maximize and speed up the infectious process such as coating the viruses with an Ultra Violet absorbing polymer to help them survive up in the Jet Stream , adding in the virus genome a gene which manufactures proteins enhancing appetite to provide more nutrients rather than depleting the body as is the case with natural viruses . We went to extremes to mask the working genes by saturating the virus genome with similar genes but totally useless .
Even the speed of virulence was slowed down to reduce any apparent symptoms . Further more , we’ll start spreading it just before the flu seasons to cover its traces even more . The only draw back is the doubling of the time needed by the body to produce enough protein to efficiently block permanently the aggression gene , plus an equal delay in embedding the anti-aggression gene in most of the cells , inside the genome “ .
She saw a hand waving and stopped to take the question .
“ We were inoculated via intravenous injections , what you are proposing however , will take place in the open environment … Were any studies done to see if the retrovirus and the gene will affect also the animals and what are the chances that it may mutate ? “ . Marina opened her notes and shared the facts :
“ We thought of the possibility and tested 5 close species but with no effect. The chances of mutating by UV is nil because of molecular disintegration , while the random cosmic radiation will have to cut and resplice the genes in at least six places to bring it close to be active in other species , so we have a high degree of confidence “ . Another voice brought upfront the main pressing issue :
“ According to the summary from the nanospys I understand that foreign forces are already working against us , so how soon can we expect to see results ? “ .
“ If we take in account the delays in manufacturing and delivery , the time for incubation and expression , and than the time to spread among the populations , we estimate the first observations of significant crime and violence drop will be announced in the world media in about three years . A short time to wait to change the world … but , indeed , not sufficient to address the present military threat “ .
Her presentation looked as easy as ‘ How to play God for dummies ‘ and Daniel enjoyed the double pun . One thing is to change a population who gives its consensus but it’s a different ball game when you ‘surprise’ them . And that explained the silence hovering over the large room , every one was very touchy when comes to ethics . There was a genuine issue to underline so Daniel modeled it in the ancient human desire for peace :
“ Look , I understand your hesitation and the issue of ethics , but let’s put things in balance , let’s observe from above the pros and cons . For example , the most pro argument is our own experience , right ? “ . He looked around and saw people agreeing to the obvious .
“ But lets ignore it because was done under controlled and accepted circumstances . But what we can’t ignore is the proven benefits to the population … so we are doing them a favour … What’s the difference between being told or not , when the result is guaranteed to benefit you at no cost or side effects . Oopps , I’m laying ! There are the side effects of slightly increased IQ and no more nightmares “ . The advisors laughed , feeling a bit more relaxed , Daniel was doing his magic through his commanding voice and inspiring trust by proving it with facts . But this time the Commandments were carried out not in stone but in the genome , even the gods could learn a thing or two from humans , Daniel thought .
“ But is more … “ , he continued , “ … is not only that we offer them on a silver platter a verified solution to an important part of their problems , but it is also a matter of our own national security . The eight weeks report from our nanospys describes an imminent danger to Romania in the coming month . The underground forces understand we can’t be touched economically because we have almost zero ties with the world and also they can’t bomb us directly , so their plan for now , as we see it based on Intel , is aimed at stealing our nano technology and induce acts of sabotage “ , he pointed to General Mugur Badea , “ more on how we’ll deal with this from General Badea who worked the technical details with Dumitru “ . Mugur took over :
“ First of all , we’re learning more and more with whom we are dealing … The people at the helm are not on any board of directors , never made the media , do not give social parties and most of them leave the lives of retired folk in isolated locations and under guard . They don’t control by the rules of signed documents but by fear , they order people killed like we order breakfast . They use corruption and if that doesn’t work , they use black mail and than assassination . Just two days ago I saw the video of Jack Abrams , the US Secretary of Defence visiting a recreational spa at the invitation of an aircraft manufacturing company which was biding on a juicy contract . This married man , in the first night , had sex with a masseuses who later offered him cocaine , all while being secretly video taped and than , next day , he was lured and entrapped in getting involved with an underage girl by the deserted swimming pool , also discretely video taped . Judging from the positioning of the microphones and cameras it appears that the whole resort was designed and built from day one with the main intention of spying … We are following now the tapes gathering evidence to link the underworld leaders directly to the blackmail process , and we do it with all the care to make sure it stands in the International Court of Law “ . The general paused for a moment checking his notes .
“ The main issue with this underworld is they have access to government resources including the army , high tech , police , CIA , FBI , NSA , MI6 etc. , including tonnes of cash and … cocaine . They can come from anywhere and this forced us to allocate a great deal of nanospys to the border patrol . But while we can see them coming , is hard to dispatch the soldiers right away so I asked Dumitru to reconfigure the nanospys for active combat … We chose a fast acting drug used in surgery that can be delivered by just 60 nanofighters . Once the suspect is injected they send an alert with the location so the patrols can come over and do the arrest … honestly , I feel very comfortable with this setup “ . Daniel gave the sign to make it happen and concluded the meeting :
“ So every one please , heads-up , while we are starting the Global Inoculation project which will show fruit only in three years , we have to deal with the present and chances are solid we maybe already infiltrated with spies who speak very good Romanian . And that’s besides fighting the nano research in rogue countries . I think with horror what it may have happened if we didn’t focus as we did and caused the nano project to be late . Let’s take this as a lesson and don’t allow yourself to get comfy , we’re still on Earth and our little Eden is just a small oases in this vast apocalyptic desert …
So Vlad , please interrogate all captured using the Russian truth serum and do it on the secured live TV … Marina , start pumping in the air those retroviruses … Dumitru and Mugur , I want miracles in State Security and border surveillance , keep tight all nanospys connections with the underground and selected politicians with all facts properly documented and catalogued ready to be exposed … Also I would like nanospys on all US and NATO submarines . What else … oh yes , Dumitru , we need air defences and the weaponry to make a world demo to remember . That’s all for now till tomorrow , Vlad would you please hang on for a minute “ .
Daniel was thinking of the Romanian infiltrators and how to spot them .
It was critical , he couldn’t allow the public release of nanobots knowing that some may fall in the wrong hands . It was a drawback of the communal system and he had no choice but to deal with it finding the proverbial needle in the haystack of 26 million people , but the hot pressure eventually squeezed the solution out of his brain :
“ Vlad , we are just over eight years since the start of the Revolution and among other things that happened we can be sure of one : nobody touched pesticide leaden food since than ! “ . He could see Vlad trying hard to see ahead .
“ I was thinking of two combined ways to find the spies … First , testing all the population for pesticides will definitely reveal the foreigners … and secondly , even more obvious to us , who doesn’t have their aggression gene silenced is a clear intruder “ . Vlad smiled getting the message and reassured Daniel :
“ Consider it done , I’ll make arrangements and public announcements starting tomorrow , and I’ll make sure to cover it under some credible pretext “ . He looked deep in Daniel’s eyes recognizing his guilt trip , he never made a good liar so , with compassion , added a friendly reassurance and a hug :
“ I understand Daniel , we have to deceive our people again but we’ll disclose it later , explaining the circumstances and present it as a history lesson “ .
The idea proved Machiavellic enough and in six weeks they had a complete list of 48 people with abnormal high levels of pesticide residue in their blood and no altered genome . They shared the same treatment as the previous spies caught , they were vaccinated with the anti-aggression gene, put in jail until science will find a solution and for all intent and purposes they simply vanished from what the outside world was concerned , never to be heard of again .
Abroad , the spy masters were scratching their heads , Romania start looking like a black hole for infiltrators , without the government never releasing the customary list of captured or even discussing the events .
The method of finding them was not revealed for another 15 years and in between , with the modified nanobots patrolling the borders and quarterly blood tests , the nation was purged of infiltrators which gave the green light for the Nano Revolution to explode .
For the first time in decades Daniel felt truly relaxed seeing no major dangers on the horizon , all was taken care of and he could sense closer the day when he could say to his conscience with confidence , ‘mission accomplished ‘ .
For the last year the education programs made the nation very familiar with handling the new manufacturing process but , as they found , the new life was filed with pleasant surprises .
No more waking up early to catch a bus and waste time in the traffic jam . Now you wake up when you want , maybe have a coffee and step outside in the a garden of flowers , taking a seat by the little fish pond and breath in the fresh air .
Paradise was slowly embracing their nation reinforcing more and more the fact they made the right decisions , they hanged in there through tough events but now they are having a wonderful time adjusting to a self made Eden . There were no miracles , and that gave new courage to open their minds , be appreciative and creative , they finally realized that designing their own world was a rock solid fact .
Now that nanotech was a tangible reality , Daniel was smiling thinking of a favourite show he used to watch in Canada , ‘ How it’s made ‘ and laughed imagining that not to much could be shown today , just a click on a computer , dumping an inconspicuous powder in a solution and going for a break . While not to much was happening in the bucket to the human eyes , he could mentally see the action viewed under an electron microscope, the coordinated army of nanobots picking up the proper molecules from the solution and weaving them in place layer by layer with robotic speed and precision .
As Daniel envisioned , jobs involving any parts or objects that were suitable to be made at home were distributed first , and the rest was organized in retrofitted factories . That kept most of the people comfortable at home , reduced traffic substantially and saved resources including precious personal time . As the process start gathering speed and people got used to the new freedom of designing dreams on their CAD systems , there was a tsunami of ideas , originality and innovations that took science, technology and arts by storm .
One of the problems the nation inherited was luck of decent accommodation for everybody , a lot of construction had to be done . At age 14 Daniel was lucky to have as a family friend the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest so he was introduced early to the principles and styles of design . Now , when the engineering intricacies of actually building a structure where taken care by computers and nanobots , the only task at hand was to let your imagination free and create surroundings of an architectural poetry .
For starters he wanted to give an outstanding example of what it can be done so he lunched a national contest for everybody to contribute designing a super Community Hall in the capital city . His intention was not just to practice building a large construction but mainly to follow a surreal dream he had years ago about walking in a huge shopping mall where every square centimetre was a piece of art . He gathered architects and artists explaining the concept making a point that materials are not a problem but all it counts is the originality , inspiration and a design that has to be a jaw-dropper . In a nut shell , he concluded , take Versailles and put it to shame , it has to be a showcase of what it can be done artistically using nanotechnology .
Pretty soon they found out that one thing is to be bugled down by having to take care of structural analysis and solving engineering equations interfering with your creativity , but now is a totally different thing to work in conditions where you feel like an artist painting on an electronic canvas never having to worry about technical details .
So they went design-crazy , just as Daniel dreamed , all the floors , ceilings and walls were permeated with art in unexpected ways , surprising , refreshing and totally eye-candy .
Imagine walking on what appeared to be rubies , diamonds and sapphires imbedded in the floor and entangled in mesmerizing patterns that were changing as you stroll by . Intriguing art objects where spread everywhere and it was obvious they were not hand made , the mix of materials that appeared to flow from one into another looked un-natural yet totally delicious to the eye . The saturation of art surrounding you was like a relaxing , private , warm and cuddly blanket from which just the tip of your nose escaped .
Using morphing technology they made walls that one moment looked like solid marble while next were sparkling , colourful waterfalls.
One of the show stoppers was the atrium built entirely , from floor to ceiling , of display pixels with a resolution far exceeding high-definition , matter of fact you would need a good microscope to see them . When turned on , the visual effect was so realistic that in certain scenes people would get sea-sick or step back being afraid of heights . From Arctic landscapes you could find yourself next in a lush tropical forest that seemed unchanged for millennia and you could just not possibly tell , unless touching the walls , that was not real .
This was the new TV technology , a fringe discovery of the nano research , that Daniel wanted to put in every home not just for entertainment but also for more serious purposes involving scientific research , education and communications .
The pixels were made of nanotubes guiding the pure LED light , showing a slightly different picture as you moved along . The micro-tunnelling effect of the nanotubes presented to each eye the illusion of three dimensions so realistic and at such high contrast ratio that for weeks to come knee and nose injuries were reported as folks walked into the display walls .
It took one year to complete the building and soon after , it became an icon of nanotechnology , people coming from all corners of the country like in a pilgrimage to see with their eyes and promenade over the new reality .
After a decade of talk now they can do the walk and that was one of the important messages Daniel wanted to establish firmly in their minds , the pay-day was finally here .
Following the example and standards of the new Community Hall , the country set on constructing custom apartment buildings that in the West would sell for not just millions but hundreds of millions .
The interior design was to perfection and flawless since all the details were nano manufactured to molecular precision and totally custom as desired by the occupant . You wanted rococo or baroque , no problem , and all the intricate details will be there to delight the eye .
The new apartments have the walls , floors and ceilings accommodate the multifunctional hyper definition screens enabling people to move the computer from the living room to the kitchen or watch TV on the ceiling as you lay down . Most of the buildings have their façade made completely out of hyper definition displays turning the streets in a fantasy land where you can see 10 story palm trees weaving in the wind besides 20 story tall water-falls pouring from blue skies . There were no limits , no barriers of what could be done and the new capabilities stirred the passion of being unique and original in effervescent and refreshing ways showing that at heart , everyone was an artist .
The streets and the cities start looking like museum corridors where no two things were alike , yet overall they were harmonious thanks to the coordination provided by professional architects .
Daniel programmed the hyper definition display for his own apartment in a rich art-deco style , materials in earth tones but no lighting fixtures , he took advantage of the wall-display flexibility which could provide light in any color and location . The software driving the displays could give him baroque sconces in the morning or arabesque windows at night with cosmic landscapes behind .
His favourite ‘wall-saver’ as he nick-named it , was a dark dense jungle that you could not see the sky , surrounded and covered by tall tropical trees and huge ferns moving gently into the breeze . He sat on the sofa having a drink , and his living room became a surreal cut on the forest floor , bathed in a soft light and juicy greens , with the chairs , art-deco sofa and his Persian carpet as strange objects , out of place in the chaotic jungle . The feel of remoteness was so acute that it led to claustrophobia so he added a narrow happy trail to vanish somewhere mysteriously leading to a new set of delights . There was no need for art work hanging on the walls , you could have the rarest paintings reproduced side by side and more .
Daniel like to come home and turn on the hyper display in the preset mode showing multiple screens all over the walls . He could watch the News , the TV Debate channel , the Champ Elise in Paris , the Trafalgar Square in London or the Oval Office in the White House , all live .
Or , if he wanted , he could see Africa traveling on a horn of a wildebeest , definitely beating Google Earth . ‘ Now , That’s entertainment ! ‘ , he thought smiling , enjoying the new found ‘ arm-chair traveler ‘ rush .
However , after the second drink the inevitable happened and he remembered with shame that his duty on Earth was not completely done , just hundreds of kilometres away from his private luxury the rest of the world was still in misery .
And the need to feel humble and guilty was generously helped by Daniel’s creation , the nano-voyeur channel ‘ Feel the World ‘ where a wall of your living room can became the slams of Detroit , the back streets of New York and London or anywhere in the world where misery existed . The channel was part of a mandatory school sociology curriculum where kids would try to make sense of a corner street activity in a gang territory of Hong Kong or follow workers in their daily rat-race watching them get stuck in the rush hour , doing office work or eating junk food . It all appeared unreal like a bad movie yet they knew it was live and real and that made it all even scarier , hence the object of the educational program was fully achieved . This was one solid way to brain wash the young generation to protect the nano technology with their lives , because their lives depended on it . In no time , the outside world became the regular ‘ bogyman ‘ of childhood .
He switched a screen to the computer secured mode and retrieved the latest summary from the nanospys’ hourly report . The software displayed colour graph bars which at a glance told the overall security status .
He ‘clicked’ with an infrared laser pointer on the nanospy details graph and the world map unfolded showing the position of every single nanospy and nanobot .
A very important number sat in the right upper corner showing a green ‘zero’ representing the number of nanobots outside country borders . In the other upper corner was the total of nanospys abroad , it read into the trillions and still climbing fast . In the lower left corner sat another satisfying green zero showing how many events occurred that could involve revealing the nanospys , the most important number and first to be checked by Daniel . He smiled , thinking of it like a score , ‘ A trillion to zero‘ .
Before going into the report details he wanted to stretch , grabbed the house coat and stepped outside on the cozy enclosed balcony .
On the 40th floor he shivered a bit in the autumn evening , tightened the coat , lit a double filtered cigarette and looked for peace of mind over the city .
He chose to live near the heart of the capital Bucharest so he can enjoy fully watching the life below . His apartment was sandwiched between two floors reserved for security and the only other privilege was a private elevator for the same reason , but he rarely used it .
Being part of the regular stream of people milling around the area , talking to them in elevators , gave him a great deal of pleasure because that’s how he wanted it from the time all came together in his mind more than a decade ago .
To get a pulse of how the new reality impacted the nation Daniel was chatting specially with older people like himself , in mid to late sixties , people who where in their early twenties under Ceausescu . They were having fun reminiscing the times when , learning in college about electronic vacuum tubes , could not even fathom this new reality . But you go talk to a 10 or 15 old and the mentality changed completely , discussing nanobots was second nature and their existence seemed to them , naturally , since the beginning of time .
New standards in accommodation made an apartment for three as large as two western luxury condominiums and light years ahead in technology and interior design . The minimum ceiling height was five meters , all apartments had large enclosed balconies and every aspect of design was custom .
Besides the luxurious and huge living spaces everyone had a spacious room dedicated to work production . It was design specifically for the nano automated manufacturing , organized in small and large vats , bags of raw material , computer gear and washing stations . Contributing to the security production was now done from home by everybody increasing exponentially the numbers of nanospys and nanofighters .
Daniel insisted on his own share of work and every morning when waking up he was giggling with pleasure thinking of the ridiculous ‘ work ’ day ahead . He liked to get up late , seat naked in the long chair on the balcony , with a hazelnut cappuccino and a double filtered cigarette and just lay back, relax , and from that height slowly follow the mesmerizing contours of the new architecture , listening to the life buzzing bellow and felling like on an island in paradise . As the strong coffee kicked in he prepared for his manufacturing duty , went to the work room , downloaded his component for the day , programmed the nanobots , read the instruction on the screen, choose the right size vat , picked from the shelf the required pre-mixed ingredients bag , stirred it with warm water and dumped in the nanobots . He was done .
When the parts were ready he was notified remotely to return , wash , pack, put them on a wheeled trolley and take the elevator to the main level and the receiving deck . There every apartment had a reserved partition where people would deposit their daily work to be picked up by the national trucking system and receive periodically the bags with pre-mixed raw materials . Naturally , the system knew what ingredients one has and therefore what parts can be manufactured at that location .
For him , as president , was only one small load of parts to make and for the rest of the population the process was the same excluding large components and assemblies which were built in specialized factories .
Even services were done via the secured national network and the hyper-definition wall-size screens , to the effect that most work was done from home which changed completely the way people arranged their personal time . It truly unchained the nation from the traditional work day .
Transportation avenues , entirely made out of electromagnetic rails , were generally separated in commercial routs and public transit . Every apartment building was hosting underground exchange routs and to grab a ride all you have to do is take the elevator down to the station .
Civil engineers learned from the disastrous planning of western metropolis and redesigned the new traffic system to be quiet , un-obstructive and discrete , guiding the routs in elegant surroundings , through valleys and bridges offering a delightful view to the passengers .
Distractions were not a problem since nobody was driving , the entire system was computerized and cars became like comfortable waiting rooms. If you wanted to go somewhere just call a cab , give the destination, seat down and enjoy the ride without ever having to worry about traffic signs , changing lanes or accidents , the system had multiple redundancy built in so it was fail-proof .
The concept was not new , Hollywood glorified the beauty of the system in many sci-fi movies and people recognized it as a winner but not the oil magnates , who couldn’t allow the juicy black resource to go to waste without a profit even at the expense of the pollution , noise and wars .
Observing the changes and the new , content nation , Daniel smiled , not being able to help his paternal feelings blush with pleasure thinking of his people like happy kids making dreams happen in a secure backyard . But he knew the job wasn’t finished yet , the world’s gene pool was still muddy.
He returned to his chair in front of the computer screen-wall to check the progress of what the State Security called ‘ connectivity ‘ .
A mob figure was considered ‘connected ‘ when there was more than enough solid evidence against him to have a conviction in his country of residence plus in the International Court .
The screen showed a color flow-chart like a family tree with photos of the subjects linked to events and other people of importance . A continuous green line indicated a full ‘connection ‘ archived and ready to be exposed to the international community .
The number of the population involved world wide was shocking , so far the graph showed 1,180,201,916 solid lines intersecting each other and surrounding the pictures of Presidents , industrialists , lawyers , judges , Media moguls and personalities , Army and State Security brass just to name the top .
Submenus pointed further to mind bugling connections , from hotel concierge and parking valets , to secretaries , accountants , doctors and dentists , car and aircraft mechanics , internet providers , ‘ free speech ‘ public web forums , ‘ secure ‘ IP hosting , computer ‘ anti-virus ‘ companies, Operating System manufacturers , phone and credit card companies , hookers agencies and all the way to the run of the mill assassins and still more . A complete inventory of the concrete jungle .
It took Daniel and his advisors month to get used to the idea that corruption and crime was so wide spread in the rest of the world , that entire societies where hold tight by the proverbial balls and that mere annihilation of the aggression gene might not be enough to turn the world around .
Considering the scenario where the mob has the nano technology made their hairs stand on ends , that acute was the fear and realisation they were playing with fire . The more information came in , the clearer it became that was not safe yet to stir the hornet’s nest , before being ‘ liberators ‘ they needed first to defend their own butt . Isolated from the rest of the world as they were , no where in the foreign media , a NATO secretly organized strike and a giant mushroom cloud over Romania would go unnoticed by the average world citizen , never mind making the news .
He needed soon a decision about this annoying problem and the best was to bounce ideas with his advisors .
Before being able to relax he glanced at two more numbers on the display .
One , reading into the billions and increasing at a rate that blurred the digital counter showed how many retroviruses were delivered in the atmosphere . He shook his head thinking of the drain on his country resources and the plague of the cold war .
The other number , in the thousands , represented how many events of sabotaging nano research experiments occurred so far around the world . He could click with the laser pointer on it and see every event as it happened . Above the number was a graph showing the frequency on a time chart and it was clearly on the decline .
As his nanospys induced errors in experiments and equipment , virtually stopping the progress of all related nano research everywhere , Daniel was interested to notice the psychological effect taking its toll not necessarily on the scientists but , far more important , on the people who were financing the laboratories and paid the salaries . Those people had a patience of spending money proportional with the net profit and Daniel wanted to make darn sure they were getting tired of wasting funds into nano research .
And it worked , following the next three years the international nano programs went the way of cold fusion leaving behind just a handful of stubborn private laboratories that were easy to keep in check .
Satisfied of the analysis and laying comfortably on the sofa , he enjoyed his favourite sweet Romanian wine , Pietroasele , turned the screen to full room size and changed the channel to a remote viewing of a small tropical island with palm trees hanging over the ceiling and giving him shadow . The gentle deep green waves were rocking against the rug , washing it over with white sand and red star fishes . Slowly from the left a tiny boat with a lonely man entered the live image and Daniel smiled feeling the same voyeuristic sensation as in the first nanospy mission of the Alpha team .
Today , at the public request , millions of voyeur nanospys were placed around the world from the Angel’s Fall to Time Square in New York and everywhere else of interest . And than you can follow others fly for ever at different altitudes , over cities and land , lakes and oceans to the effect that being an ‘ arm-chair ‘ traveler took on a viable meaning . And if you like art than you were in luck because every major artwork on public display , or not , could be viewed in hyper definition and on the wall of your home thanks to dedicated nanospys .
Watching the boat going out of view he fell asleep with a last thought pondering of the loose nanospys traveling the world and the computer power unleashed by nano manufacturing .
As predicted decades ago neural networks was the way to handle information and logic flow-charts . The nanobots took it a notch further and besides copying the brain’s make-up and exceeding it , build the computers right into mundane objects and in the structure of buildings . A part of the wall layer was actually the memory and CPU , the fibber optics and the display itself .
Years ago people were thinking about 64 Giga bites digital camera memory sticks , the size of a thumb , as awesome but today the dense nano weaving technology gave the scientific community and the nation a ultra dense solid , two meter wide cube weighting seven tonnes , and capable of storing all the world information including the personal data and story of every born human , and still have room to spare .
It became known as the Computer Cube , or just the Cube . And routinely people were making a half of meter personal cubes at home that alone have more memory and CPU power than hundreds of western super computers put together . That’s what enabled the eye glory of hyper definition 3-D screens where their pixels size was measured in double digits nano meters and covering now almost any liveable surface in most buildings and apartments , inside and outside . Even the surface of the pavement and sidewalks was a continous visual transformation to the point that you were surrounded by delicious landscapes at every step , to film here ‘ The Wizard of Oz ‘ you wouldn’t need camera tricks .
The realism of the displays gave them delight as a unique and surreal experience , walking down a corridor it may appear as Daniel’s favourite screen saver , a dense tropical forest , or anything else the dwellers would agree on , including the Mirror Room at Versailles or a gentle trail on a tall ridge with wide deep valleys on both sides through the green and white Alps . Going in the national data base one could select from myriads of designs , landscapes , abstract work or fantasy lands provided by the national sharing programme , and what was available showed the bursting creative process thanks to the extra time , intelligence , peace and technology people have now on their hands and in their minds . And all this at a time before the intelligence gene vaccination occurred .
Neural networks imbedded in objects and at the discretion of innovative designers made Artificial Intelligent possible but no matter the level of sophistication achieved , still a ‘soul ‘ was never detected and the machines deciphered languages , solved engineering problems or played complex games without even trying to establish a ‘ self ‘ or an ‘ ego ‘ . The designers were trying to explain it as a normal behaviour since their software never intended to create a ‘ soul ‘ . But the sceptics pointed at the artificial neural structure as being similar in function with the cortex , so than , why don’t we see the same behaviour ? One plausible answer was that matters like ‘ souls ‘ and personality are the product of genes and their double role , of contribution at birth to develop specialized neural structures , and the other daily function , not related to the shape of the neural electrical conduits but instead controlling neural signal switching based on gene production of certain proteins and hormones . It was similar with the hardware of a computer which can be loaded with all types of software , or behaviour but where it also matter if you have add-on circuits .
Some genes in a living body were the software , and the chemicals they induced for production were mixed in a cocktail that changed the sensitivities of certain synaptic connections inducing pathways that could change your mood and how you judge surroundings and situations . That was good to know but no one ever showed any intentions of actually developing ‘ soul ‘ software , the ethics of this society were too firm and true .
Never the less , experimenting with neural models incited them to take a closer look at the original , so they modified nanospys for bio research and safely observed synaptic connections .
The artificial probes had an immediate advantage , while the brain waves are lumbering at some ten Hertz , the nanospy computer using both Giga Hertz clocks and the speed of neural computing , was blasting at the equivalent of Terra Hertz , billion of times faster . To the camera eye the brain worked in slow motion , the thought connections were going back and forth like mellow waves on a quiet pond , so slow that you can easily see where they originated and how they interacted with each other , showing clearly the 3 dimensional interference patterns in the general neural structure .
Working on selected subjects they noticed how in the brain of some people there was a dedicated neural network which echoed the principles of our personal concerns in decision making but , to everyone’s surprise , the
‘ self ‘ was replaced by other subjects that happened to be involved . The positive or negative result was than presented to the cerebral cortex in the same manner as presenting the results for ‘ self ‘ ( 12 ) .
The research teams realised they found the Empathy connection and what Daniel considered the most precious trait of an intelligent being .
In just month the nation went through the second gene therapy , receiving the gift of empathy and within one year people reported a care for others which approached in properties the maternal feeling .
It was a crucial component of a mature society , creating invisible bonds between strangers while maintaining privacy , looking after each other’s needs as a second nature and slowly , reinforced by each day experience , achieving what Daniel predicted and wanted from the beginning : a nation like a true family .
The combined effect over their society by silencing the aggression gene and the emergence of greatly emphatic behaviour start altering their judgement to an extend they demanded from Daniel to add empathy into the anti-aggression retrovirus being sprayed in the world . They didn’t have to beg , he waited and debated only to reinforce their own trust in a major decision making , an event that was about to permanently alter the human specie .
In his mind he saw the big picture and how critical components were coming together : the imposed world restrictions over nano research , the preparation for trial of the underground world , spreading the anti-aggression and empathy retrovirus , all worked together like a sledge hammer to reshape the savage and primitive nature .
Life was changing at every level and it affected food as well just as it was predicted in their initial brain-storming planning sessions . Understanding the intimate structure of food items was all they needed to transfer it to CAD and the nanobots who didn’t care if they were making an apple or a space ship .
Since now everyone was able to download from the National Database the formula of any foods and make them at home , the effects were quick and devastating for the agriculture industry which virtually disappeared in less than two years and nobody cried over it . They kept certain animals mostly for petting zoos , research and education , but , interestingly , as no more were slaughter the vegans forwarded a request to eliminate all animal names from foods and shortly ‘beef’ , poultry’ , ‘lamb’ and so on disappeared from culinary books and food vocabulary .
Today all you needed to make food was , just like the plants , a scoop of dirt from the park , and that was a treasured independence that no other social system could provide .
But they didn’t need to scavenge the turf , they received weekly from the government bags with ready mixed material meant specifically for nanomaking organics .
The food needs of the country were solved almost overnight and soon people start devoting time to sending tonnes of quality foods to needing countries and places struck by disasters . Daniel loved the idea , it was premium international public relations .
But human ingenuity never stops and people start creating fantasy fruits and vegetables not just to play with the taste but more importantly , to provide a solid punch of nutrition every time . And they didn’t even bother nor crossed their minds to patent it , their life philosophy would consider the gesture absurd , specially the children who , used to sharing , wouldn’t understand the concept .
As they became more intimate with the dual chemical and structural functioning of the brain , they understood why the silencing of the aggression gene cleared the mind and raised the IQ , and in the same shot they pined the underlying of what intelligence was , how ideas come about and why some people connect the dots faster and in more creative ways .
The evidence showed that brain access and process of stored information was faster when additional specialized neuron networks were present due to a particular gene . Those networks connected huge groups of regular networks by short cuts which brought together only strategic information related strictly to what objects or thoughts have in common . The process was similar to answering in the quickest way and with the least amount of steps , the question ‘ What a zebra-fish and the Moon have in common ? ‘ . The correct answer ‘ atoms ‘ should come in just two steps when the bypassing networks are present . Since taking short-cuts was known as a ‘ natural ‘ evolutionary behaviour , the principle did not came as a huge surprise .
Discovering the intelligence gene lead to the third national vaccination program and it was revealing to see the eagerness of people lining up at the clinics . Hype expressions like ‘ I got re-gene-rated today ‘ start circulating among the young showing the trend of new thinking , the effects of higher intelligence growing fertile in a worry-free society .
And as the years past after the intelligence gene vaccination , Daniel realised a personal old thought approaching the reality , was all about discovering the Universe and who we are .
It followed the same principle applied to guaranteeing a lottery win: buying all the tickets covering all the possible number combinations . His logic was that , since ideas represent a connection , a computing device loaded with all the human knowledge and working at today’s terra Hertz speed using neural networks should be able to make all possible connection in a finite time frame and doing so reveal the laws of physics , math or anything else that is logic and represents a valid concept . Further more , if logic links appear to be missing , the system would suggest an experiment to determine the correct next dot to be connected . In other words , establishing all possible combinations of the existing knowledge should expose all the laws of our Universe . The scientific community took the idea at heart and build a super Cube , programmed it accordingly and let it run watching anxious the output .
But until the Universe will disrobe itself , the country needed to deal with the present foreign threat and the massing of armed forces at its borders .
The exponential production of nanobots and combat modified nanospys allowed the nation to sealed the national border from human intruders but the State Security was still working with full force on defence weapons and alert systems that will protect the skies completely .
Immediately after the Revolution , Daniel closed the Romanian air space to all foreign traffic but they knew about high altitude NATO reconnaissance flights and a plethora of spying satellites hovering above , some placed in geostationary orbits over the capital city with impunity . The country’s defences blinded the satellites with powerful laser beams 24/7 but Daniel was determined to put a stop to it and give the world a resounding warning , it was a matter of principles and sovereignty .
Thanks to the accelerated weapons research , General Mugur Badea and Dumitru were soon in the position to present Daniel with some peace-of-mind national defence tools by taking him on a field trip to the proving grounds 200 kilometres north of Bucharest in the Carpathian mountains .
Just the excursion alone through the colourful autumn landscape made Daniel feel young again , soaking in the valleys and old weathered hills , trying hard to cheer himself up that absolute peace in the world could not be too far away .
Shortly after entering the mountains he made a quick detour and stopped for a few minutes at the underground biological factory to take a pick at the massive turbofans injecting the latest retrovirus in the atmosphere , vaccinating the world .
His heart filled with pride to see in reality what a decade ago was just a fantasy in an airplane conversation . Now his dream of changing the world for the better was well under way and he still couldn’t get over that he made it so far and without a bullet in the head .
They reached the military testing facility an top of a mountain peak which didn’t show for much except for two large rocks , six meters wide and round shaped . Dumitru explained the absence of other installations :
“ Everything is under ground with the exception of the tracking sensors and the shooting heads placed on all strategic Carpathian’s peaks . Here you looking at a pair … right there , those two large rocks . I know , they look very realistic , ‘naturally’ made by our nanobots “ .
Looking over the clouded old mountains through the light drizzle and
breathing in deep the sweet spice of evergreens , Daniel could not help but close his eyes for a moment and wished he would be here just as a simple tourist and far away from all the turmoil . Dumitru , holding the umbrella high , brought him back to reality :
“ They are hollow and in the one on the right is located the firing platform .
The weapon is a side discovery of the teams dedicated to space engines research . While considering propulsion systems it became clear that antimatter has the most punch per microgram so they concentrated on antimatter constraining devices similar to the magnetic bottle (25) .
That’s when they thought of elongating the bottle following the same principles of electromagnetic rail guns and transforming it in a firing cylinder or canon , (26) . Our nano build switches enabled the alternating electro magnets immersed in liquid nitrogen to cycle into the gigahertz range promising two digit Mach speeds . That puts the bottle neck , pun unintended , on the missile loading mechanism “ .
He helped Daniel through the anti-satellite camouflage , bushes and slippery rocks , down to the hidden elevator entrance and access to the natural caves below . As they arrived and passed the security Daniel prepared him further :
“ Now that we had the launching platform we needed a way to deliver the antimatter . We found that miniature nano engineered spheres made of super magnets can retain the very small amount of antimatter to very high accelerations , exceeding that of the magnetic bottle canon . Once the spheres are in contact with the target they release the antimatter .
We build them resilient enough to survive the launch and the high heating through air by encapsulated them in an aerodynamic shell , the Anti Matter ( AM ) missile . You can think of it as the dreamed ‘ magic bullet ‘ because no armour can stop antimatter … “ .
They entered the command room buzzing with activity , gave a hug to General Mugur Badea , grabbed the regular coffees , Daniel being touched to find his hazelnut cappuccino among the flavours , and took seats in front of the hyper displays .
This military unit was designed to control ten launching platforms and it accommodate a proportional number of people , most of them present now and seating in front of concentric desks watching the weapons and target status . Daniel crossed his legs while listening to Dumitru and warming up to the brew :
“ The AM missile travels at 20 times the speed of sound so unfortunately it is not instantaneous like a beam but it can follow a target independently employing infrared , radar , optical recognition and an Ultra Violet laser for tracking . With firing rates as low as only 1 missile per second per launcher , speed and accuracy are important which lead us to thinking of making it easier for the missile to travel by preparing its path . The idea was borrowed from space ship designs which required much higher speeds , approaching 40 percent of the speed of light , so what’s in front and incoming matters a lot . Now think of a lighting stroke and what it does to the air … it brings it to a plasma state in microseconds creating a tunnel of ions and a far lower density of matter as the air expends . We made something similar involving a powerful Ultra Violet laser creating a fair amount of plasma , loosening the air , sort of speak . The effect is exacerbated by the electrical polarization of the missile which splits the ions sideways and puling them behind along its electrostatic field , basically creating a mini vacuum directly in front “ .
He reached forward tapping the shoulder of an officer watching the action in the section below and asked for a laser pointer . With that and a seep of coffee he opened a sub menu on the wall screen and selected ‘Target ‘ . The image showed an animated trajectory around the Earth and following it with the pointer Dumitru explained :
“ Two days ago we put in orbit a small 3 kilogram target , now moving at 1,200 kilometres per hour . Considering the capabilities of our tracking systems , even at that speed anything is a fair target … if we can do that , an F-18 is a seating duck . For today’s test shot we adjusted the amount of antimatter to the equivalent of one kiloton nuclear explosion “. That startled Daniel :
“ Sorry ? Than what’s the regular ‘grain’ if I can use that term “
“ General Mugur Badea decided on two standards , ten megaton and a tens of a kiloton … but we can load the magnetic spheres to any amount in between , on demand and in minutes “ . He looked at the clock and pointed out :
“ It’s three minutes to noon , and we planed to do the test now for the least amount of visibility against the sun . Watch on the screen the system acquiring the target , arming the launching platform and getting into the stand-by mode , ready to fire … you see the green ‘ Ready ‘ icon ? It waits for you , my dear , just point and click on ‘ Fire ‘ “ .
He handed to Daniel the laser pen who smiled and thought philosophically opposite to Oppenheimer and the Los Alamos Manhattan project : “ I am the protector of worlds , the abolisher of death … and I got today the tool to do it “ .
He placed the laser dot on ‘ Fire ‘ and clicked , watching with anticipation the screen .
A muffled sound came from the walls and ceiling , the sonic boom announcing a successful launch . The AM missile reached the target in seconds and vaporised it on impact creating an Electromagnetic shock wave that flickered the lights in the office towers of European cities and triggered NATO and NORAD defences . For the foreign scientists and military it was like a wake-up bell but without knowing what they should wake up to , but realising that something highly unusual happened up there. Within 48 hours the news delivered to the world will resonate however much louder , more like a canon shot .
The test being successful and not to much of a spectacle on the computer screen , Daniel and his group got back on the road doing more planning while admiring the passing landscape . Mugur wanted to define better the radius of defence around the country :
“ From the top peaks of the Carpathians we can have many nests covering hundreds of kilometres to the horizon , and many more sprinkled along the border … that will seal our airspace to the moon and beyond “ .
Daniel heard the words and the bypassing neural networks bridged an idea in his cortex:
“ All the way up to the Moon , ha ? That’s cool … Than how about a … moon shot ! That should shake up some confidence abroad “ .
“ And the plus of no environmental damage on Earth “ added Vlad seeing the opportunity .
“ Ok , if that’s the case let’s go full blast and load the Moon Shot for a ten megaton blast … Dumitru , what’s the maximum yield ? “
“ Theoretically speaking , is the size of the canon as long as we can contain the antimatter . But for practical reasons is no problem to make a demo sphere with the maximum diameter of the magnetic launcher … that would give an yield of … approximately the equivalent of a 500 megaton thermonuclear blast … probably a 25 kilometre crater … that would be a new feature on the Moon right ? “ he added laughing , “ who we’ll name it after ? “ . All smiled at the idea , and Victor was the first with a suggestion :
“ Let’s call it the Revolution crater “ .
“ Why not , it’s meaningful … the Revolution crater it is ! Everyone
agree ?“. The name was good and all approved . Daniel ironed the details :
“ Vlad , I’ll prepare a one page statement to the major powers and assorted media , I’ll have it ready by tomorrow morning “ .
Back in the capital he called the advisors for a strategy meeting on how to show off their defence technology without revealing details . At the end they decided on three shots : a drone at 14 kilometres height and speed of Mach 20 , a second shot destroying an orbiting satellite at 900 kilometres and finally the Moon crater .
Daniel considered very important to see the reaction of the generals , presidents and specially the underworld figures so he made arrangements for simultaneous coverage of the subjects during the Moon Shot .
Daniel wrote the memo to the world , send it to Vlad , and went to bed thinking of the world reaction , with his brain whispering the song ‘ War , what is it good for ? … Absolutely Nothing ! ‘ . Unless the wellbeing of the world depended on it …
The same autumn was spilling colourful leaves over London making it look like a impressionist painting with the Tames river as a contrasting silver ribbon .
From the 4th floor of the BBC building , Jane , secretary of the chief editor , was admiring the changing seasons and seeping on a tea when the old and dusty teletype writer reserved for telex from what she called ‘ retarded ‘ countries , came alive startling her with the sharp sound of a real bell she didn’t hear in years . Intrigued and thinking of faulty equipment she reached under the fax desk annoyed by the racket made by the old IBM typing ball . She watched a full page being printed and than the machine stopped . She picked up the slightly yellowed paper and in amazement read the sender’s name : ‘ The President of Romania and the Romanian Government ‘ . It could be a prank , she thought but all looked authentic and the communication line was part of the secured , dedicated diplomatic channel . By the time she reached half way through the page , the tea was forgotten and she was almost running to her boss office .
Alan Shapiro , BBC editor in chief , never saw Jane so white and agitated and he thought of another major terrorist threat . But waving the paper and briefly explaining how she got it , Jane insisted to read the communiqué . First thing Alan did after understanding what’s going on was to call the office of the Prime Minister who immediately invoked an emergency session with the MI 6 .
Less than an hour later the British Prime Minister was reading the page surrounded by his top security brass .
“ Listen to this , it’s unbelievable … From the President of Romania and the Romanian Government … to the world leaders … We , the Romanian people had being the subject of spying harassment by foreign governments for more than a decade and , in spite repeated warnings , the abuse continued . We decided to put an end to it , and starting October 30 , 2026 , zero hours GMT , the Romanian air space as defined by the international borders , from the ground to half distance to the Moon , will be absolutely prohibited to any air vehicles or satellites . Any intrusive objects will be shutdown immediately and without questioning or warning , and all responsibilities will lye with the owners of the destroyed object …“ . An ‘ Ahh ’ was heard from the British generals and politicians gathered tightly around the conference table . They could not fathom a primitive country like what they thought Romania was , to impose the ‘ Empire ‘ air restrictions ! ‘ The nerve of those bastards ! ‘ thought the Prime Minister , and kept on reading :
“ … We will demonstrate to the world that we have the means to implement our restrictions 24/7 , therefore we are asking you to witness a demonstration of our capabilities . On Saturday , October 24 , 2026 starting at 18:00 hours GMT the following events will occur … at precisely 18:00 hours a target traveling at Mach 20 at 10 kilometres altitude flying North to South along the Romanian Western border , will be destroyed …” .
One of the military figures exclaimed “ Mach 20 ! What kind of targets are those guys flying … that’s faster than the Space Shuttle re-entry “ . The Prime Minister nodded appreciating the information and continued :
“ … The second event will destroy a satellite at 900 kilometres altitude and a speed of 18,500 Km/Hr , the target , catalogued by NASA as ‘ Rogue 09-26 ‘ , will be hit at 18:15 GMT when exactly at coordinates 45 latitude north and 25 degrees longitude east … and the last target will be a display of energy release from our devices at 18:30 GMT . The energy release will be the equivalent of a 400 megatons thermonuclear blast . The place of detonation will be … the lower right quadrant of the … Moon ! “ .
That was too much for the people on the country’s defence board and they wanted to hear the statement again just to make sure they are not dreaming.
“ Hang on please , there is one more bit … The crater which will form due to the explosion will be named … the Revolution crater ! “ .
The Generals were shacking their heads not wanted to be the first to acknowledge such a heresy , totally unexpected from that tiny country , not to mention they had absolutely nothing to report for years in terms of intelligence on Romania . Was a fiasco on their side and the brass tried to divert the subject of responsibility , demanding to see the test first and talk later .
The British Prime Minister finished reading the statement bringing to attention that copies have being distributed to hundreds of media including independent web sites . After heated discussion they realised that for the moment , they could do nothing more than observed the test in 48 hours and take notes together with their NATO counterparts .
As they left , some went to their links with the underworld and , oblivious to the hundreds of nanospys that followed them , incriminated their governments further .
The evening of the Moon Shot found Daniel in his apartment and in good company , Victor and Vlad were hanging around . Daniel cozy up to his favourite red wine , setting up the screens to watch the effect on the underworld lords and a close up of the future location on the Moon of the Revolution crater . Victor , looking funny wearing a woman’s apron , was on the terrace busy with the BBQ and some steaks while Vlad was talking to Marina on the wall screen , all showing a relaxed , ‘ in control ‘ type of cool behaviour .
Daniel setup more , smaller screens , following the activity at the weapons centre , voyeur spots on main world plazas to see people’s reactions and one of his favourites , the Oval Office . The clock read a half an hour to go so he took one more glance satisfied with the screens alignment and went on the balcony to have a cigarette and bug Victor .
Laying against the rail he gazed over the city , enjoying the buzz of the red wine , dragging hard on the cigarette through the uncooperative safety filter , and resting his eyes on the full moon up in the darkening skies .
Here he was , in an ivory tower the size of a nation , at arm length away from unleashing the most powerful weapon in the history of man kind , watching from his living room live and unseen people and events half across the world while lounging comfortably and seeping on a delicious wine in the company of dear friends .
‘ Was this true and real ? ‘ he asked himself turning around and watching through the glass doors Vlad joking with Marina on the NetLink .
He smelled the mouth watering steaks and helped Victor prepare the plates , almost ready to serve while the wine helped making it all a bit more dreamlike , after all how often you have supper while giving a major lesson to the world .
There was just ten minutes to go and all three gathered on the sofa around the large coffee table , start enjoying the meal and opened a bottle of champagne to mark the moment .
General Badea appeared on the main screen and seeing the three of them gorging on that appetizing meal complained jolly that he could smell the darn stakes . Than he informed them all was on track and ready to start the automated three event sequence .
But Daniel was focusing on the screens showing the underworld figures , in his strategic planning , that’s all it counted , the whole exercise and show-off was for those bastards’ benefit , to scare them from trying anything involving their armies .
The first two shots , the drone and the satellite , went as planed but for the people on the ground it didn’t show for much . Everyone was waiting for 18:30 and the Moon Shot , looking through all sizes of telescopes and gadgets while the cartographers were getting ready to redraw the map of the Moon .
With five minutes to go Daniel moved the wall image bringing to centre the row of screens showing the top underworld figures , and zoomed in concentrating on their facial expression .
The four screens , live clips of those people lives , showed a variety of backgrounds and decors with an occasional body guard walking by .
Silently Daniel observed them one by one . As he passed three of them , suddenly , from nowhere , the obvious thought occurred to him . He stood up , slapped loudly his forehead , grabbed the laser pointer and hurried clicked on Marina ’s link . The clapping noise startled Victor and Vlad , both looking up at him .
“ I am an idiot ! “ Daniel almost screamed . Victor smiled and couldn’t help it after a glass of wine : “ We know that , what’s the point ? “ . Marina just connected and said Hi , Daniel waved to her and explained :
“ You know guys , we are sending at random retroviruses when right here“, pointing to the row of screens , “ we have the main juicy targets we always wanted … I think the intelligence vaccine just kicked in because I clearly see a bunch of nanospys on their happy way to inoculate those bastards in 72 hours ! How about that ? “ .
They looked at him stunned , can not believing that something that obvious didn’t hit them in the face much earlier all the way back at the planning stage .
Daniel glimpsed at the clock knowing he can not delay the Moon shot so he hurried , trying to take it off his chest :
“ I think I have the explanation … we are too civilized and polite … sending remotely the retroviruses puts us at a comfortable distance from the oblivious patient , a different story from having to tie them down and forcefully administer the vaccine … our conscience could live with that specially knowing it was proven safe and is for their own good . But now , with a gun at our head the situation has changed , our survival instincts opened the door to more conniving and aggressive thoughts , even against our genetic make-up “ . The clock showed just two minutes to go .
“ So , Marina please make arrangements to immediately send nano teams to vaccinate not just the centre figures but absolutely every bad guy they come in contact , in the order of rank . Also , the surveillance teams for each of the under lords must carry from now on Ricin in enough amounts to do the job three times over , just as a redundancy “ . Marina wanted to make sure :
“ Daniel , you said Ricin as in the deadly poisonous lectin , right ? “
“ Yes indeed , and I understand your concern , but we can’t take chances anymore … we are trying in many ways to avoid violence never mind killing but our smarts tells us we need a fail-proof back-up system , there is just too much at risk , we advanced too far to let it all go because of a handful of mentally deranged chimpanzees … Also I authorize in advance all the resource divergence , ahead of the council , and I would also like two psychoanalysts assigned to each figure to determine and document the transformation … it might receive a Nobel prize for Peace “ , he laughed .
“ Ok guys, time’s up , let’s have a … blast ! “ .
All the eyes focused on the top screen showing the lower right quadrant of the full Moon with crisp shadows and bright patches among overlapping crater ridges . Almost the same picture was shown by BBC , CNN and many other TV stations with colourful commentaries and speculations .
At time zero the screen filled instantaneously with a white bright light lasting for five long seconds forcing the cameras to draw back , and they needed to keep going until the whole moon could be seen awashed in a expanding greyish haze , creating new shadows and giving the moon a new face . The dust raised by the firestorms floated around for two years as a shocking and factual reminder of the new power in the world .
On the close ups of warlords’ faces Daniel could see the fine wrinkles of worry establishing as the pictures and the information start coming in , and how sweet it was , for a change they feared for their lives .
The Revolution crater made its point even at the expense of the foreign media painting Romania as an evil , communist nation . Specially communist … But Daniel didn’t worry , with the ammunition collected so far , he will deal with the international public image later .
More pressing issues arrived in the following days when the nanospys transmitted live an emergency meeting between the underworld leaders showing they were not used to be intimidated easily and the decades of being in full control made them cocky and belligerent .
They decided , to Daniel’s horror , to nuke Bucharest , Constanta and Craiova in one week time by means of an undercover mission originating from the carrier Nimitz and the British destroyer Daring , ( 13 ) , a type 45 ship also equipped with guided missile , which were already in the Black Sea surrounded by dozens of support vessels and two nuclear submarines. The attack would have being followed by a mass invasion using the troops stationed at ready around Romania .
The escalation took on a totally new meaning forcing the Board of Advisors and Daniel to draw a plan and to give another , more serious , warning to the bad guys and the world .
With only six days left , the preparations were going non stop with a great accent on modifying the nanospys to work under water and disable the submarines .
Their main concern was not to kill anybody and in those circumstances , specially with the subs , it was a tricky undertaking . Dealing with the surface ships and troops around the borders was child play but neutralizing anything under water without causing death was another matter and again the whole nation was asked to participate in bouncing ideas . How do you penetrate and disable a sub without killing the crew using just the nanospys ? The decision was to take advantage of the periodical communication routine of the sub which involves raising to the surface a transmission antenna through a sealed hole .
The idea was to damage the rubber seal of the antenna cable , disrupt the communication process , force it to surface , enter the submarine and put the crew to sleep. After that the Romanian special forces will remove the nuclear missiles , disable the sub permanently and leave it floating , waiting to be rescued . A similar plan was drawn for the rest of the surface ships and with one day to spare the operation was ready to start being given the code name “ Flag “ because a cute suggestion from Maria to leave a startling surprise for NATO besides loosing face and a few dozen nukes .
Since the first presence of the hostile flotilla in the Black Sea , the nanospys provided continuous coverage of the activities on board , revealing the captain’s safe lock combination , the launching codes , the layout of the ships and access to the nuclear missiles .
The underwater sonars kept track of the two submarines playing hide and seek along the international waters until a floating type of transmitting nanobots took over after being air dropped and forming a surface grid probing the depth bellow and sending the data in ultra short radio bursts while alternating the encoded wave length . Dozens of medium size boats were waiting under camouflage with the crew trained to retrieve live ammunition and already familiar with the NATO ships after watching on the hyper definition screens the live nanospy transmissions .
As the night of the attack descended the Romanian retrieval boats departed and shortly after the two nuclear submarines raised their floating antennas for the routine update of the marching orders .
As the floaters start bobbing in the waves , a swarm of over one million aquatic nanospys each carrying a minute load of a powerful acid covered the rubber seal of the cables and one by one burned a microscopic hole which brought them inside the winching mechanism . It took 5 minutes before the squirting salt water from the tiny entrance hole sprayed enough the electronic gear bellow to cause a short and shut down the wench besides blowing a few fuses and lighting up the control panel in the engineering room . Five minutes later the separation hatch opened and the sailors start doing the repairs wondering aloud where the water came from.
The swarm of nanospys carrying knock-out drugs invaded the interior and separated following each member of the crew , programmed to administer the shot in the scalp , at the base of hairs in order to look like minute pimples if at all . It was a given that the event will stir up a massive investigation and no one wanted to leave a trail leading to nano technology.
The captains ordered nervously to have both subs rise to surface and got in touch with the Nimitz explaining the situation . But also this was the signal Daniel was waiting for and immediately he activated all the nanospys which obediently , in less than two minutes , put to sleep the entire NATO flotilla .
Aboard the high-tech ships the eerie silence was interrupted only by the radios left on , the ocean waves and the growing buzz from the approaching Romanian boats .
It was war nano-style and in the most extreme situation when only one side had the technology and therefore the obliteration was guaranteed .
Luckily for the thousands of sailors , this time Ricin was replaced with a narcotic but it’s doubtful that a Hitler would have made the same choice .
Daniel also had the option to send asleep the ground forces on the west side of the border but he saved it only if things didn’t go as planned .
But was hard to make a fatal mistake under those circumstances and the Romanian crews boarded safely , pulled the sleeping bodies from the visible upper decks , went through all cafeterias and kitchens sprinkling on plates and food , as a diversion , traces of a powder with the same chemical composition as the sleeping drug , removed all the nuclear weapons , disabled the ships and submarines and , before leaving , deposited a special surprise for NATO , Marina’s idea .
Under the Cheyenne mountain the military brass was just starting to receive interesting information from the tracking stations reporting loss of communication with the submarines and the whole armada .
It didn’t make sense , they thought , it must be a computer glitch , but even after repeated system resets only silence came from the ether .
It didn’t look good and they pointed spying satellites to search for signs of trouble but the darkness didn’t help and the infrared signatures were near normal .
A group of F-18s from Turkey arrived over the trouble area 45 minutes later, made low pass flights and start sending digital pictures . One after another the high definition frames revealed nothing threatening , no bodies but also a shocking zero crew activity . With no fires or signs of explosions all they could do is wait for an hour and a half until helicopters would turn up , land and give live reports .
As the dawn arrived the first chopper made a pass over Nimitz and better pictures were send to the command centre . Crowding together , wondering in their thoughts of what could happened , they looked carefully over the new digital shots , scanning the bodies of the ships but again , no damage could be seen .
And than , one of the officers gasped , raised his hands and hit the ‘ pause‘ button .
He tried to talk but his throat was too dry and when only unintelligible sounds came out he reached for the magnification slide and in one blurring motion the end of the ship filled the screen . As the brightness was increased and the colors came from the shadows they heard a three star general screaming “ Noooo !!! “ and they saw with astonishment that the oversized flag gently weaving in the wind , was not the American flag … it was a Romanian one . A little present , compliments of Marina .
And on the window of Nimitz’ command deck was a musical note and a short message written in red lipstick , John Lennon’s eternal message , “ All we are saying is give Peace a chance “ …
One by one every ship displayed the same flag and the hairs on their bodies stood up , the images making their faces look in stupor , there was no imaginable explanation at that moment which , combined with the magnitude of the event , made them feel totally open and vulnerable .
And they should , for month each of them was carrying their private , unknown and uninvited nanospys .
The following NATO investigation revealed the culprit sprinkled in the food but they had no idea how it got there or how every sailor passed out at the same time , leaving the event shrouded in a spooky cloud , while the Masters entered the denial phase of loosing , blaming the inept military and giving orders to regroup . The isolation they were living in , surrounded only by vassal brutes and crooked world manipulators , gave them a false sense of security and power that now was blinding them and slowly drowning their judgment . In spite of better advice from presidents and their entourage who retreated the flotilla and the troops from the border lines defusing the situation , they were still stubborn and kept busy brewing new ways to infiltrate Romania .
In mid time , to Daniel’s delight , the empty casings of the nuclear bombs and the American and British flags joined the exhibit and décor in Café Americana , serving as more reminders of the real and present danger out there .
Chapter seven : Peace on Earth
With the threat removed for now people put the Moon Shot and the Flag stunt behind them as a great success and with a reinforced feel of security the nation went back to its routine , concentrating on developing and having fun with the new technology but also keeping an eye on the world statistics revealing crime . It was an anticipation in the air , similar to the rumours before the end of world conflagrations when people were hoping for the arrival of eternal peace .
But you can’t have eternal peace when a few deranged people will fight among each other for world domination just because their brains were wired to accept only that as deep satisfaction . For them was more than money because they already had enough of it , but having obedient servants as heads of states around the world and the power with it gave them the adrenaline rush needed to keep the sparkle in their lives , and without any concern of the damage it does to other people , a true portrait of a psychopath .
In their skewed brains even a bloodhound couldn’t sniff a single trace of the empathy gene . And that’s what the humanity had to put up with for millennia under butt-holes like Napoleon , Attilas , Bushes and the rest of the natural evolution douche bags .
Now , with the turbofans in the Carpathians spreading world wide the anti-aggression and empathy genes , for the first time ever there was hope for a significant change and the Romanians were waiting patiently to see it happened , it was their turn to hope for the elusive eternal peace .
In view of the security threats more production was diverted to provide
100 % safety , a task unachievable with the standard police methods .
As Daniel was discussing the subject on the secure National Network during the usual call-ins on the Debate TV channel , people were coming up with ideas and suggestions , pointing to the voyeur channel ‘ Feel the World ‘ showing the degrading outside society , and expressing concerns of ‘ contamination ‘ .
Pretty soon the nation realized they were asking for isolation at the most extreme level but , unlike animals who can sniff who is part of the family , humans can infiltrate each others and even the genetic or pesticide test didn’t give them full confidence .
They wanted an absolute way of identification but tags and tattoos were not on the table . The population was carrying already under skin the NEST capsule ( Nanobot Emergency Set ) inserted after age 18 , and that was enough grafts .
The solution came from an appropriate source , a 10 year old kid who was doing favours to friends by baby-seating and watching the show .
On the Air and live her idea sounded so straight forward and intuitive that the audience stood up , applauded and cheered .
She said that all we need is … nano-sitters , to follow and look after us 24/7 .
And so the nanositers were born , modified nanobots in groups of approximately 100,000 units per person with different functions assigned to every citizen at birth .
In their latest version , after numerous add-on and developments , they knew you virtually inside out and that’s exactly what people wanted for their personal welfare . Decades before , visionaries predicted microscopic medical devices that would wonder through our bodies destroying tumours, oxidants , bacteria and anything else that didn’t belong . The nanositers were doing now just that and much more .
Not only they were protecting the health of the body but they also looked for dangers from the outside , at the pedestrian crossing , playing golf , watching for animals when walking through the forest and making sure the elevator was working properly .
When people met or just passing by on the street , their nanositers would interact like a hand shake , confirming that both were part of the same tribe.
But was far more than just a ‘ hello ‘ , in such ephemeral meetings the nanositers could exchanged information imbedded in their program specifically for such encounters : let’s say you had a question that only other humans could answer , the nanositers will question the data base of the stranger and if , and only if allowed , would deposit the question to be viewed immediately or later by their master , depending on the ‘ discretion ‘ settings . It was a polite , hi-tech way to not be intrusive when wanting more than just a hand wave .
It could be even your phone number and a video , it was as close as you can get to reading minds but only through the buffer of nanositers and only what was allowed .
And so privacy never disappeared , the system was not trucking you , you were tracking the system by interrogating it for information while all you were asked was ‘ Are you a citizen ? ‘ . Their privacy was guaranteed by a system design that didn’t care about your ID as long as you are a certified native . That’s all , no records of usage , tracking or surveillance, simply because it was not needed , the services were all free for anybody with no strings attached , as long as your nanositers said you were OK .
Complying with the whole national defence , set to reveal any foreign or domestic nano devices entering the borders and air space , in every home the personal nanositers had the job of continuingly surveying the private quarters for intruders at any scale .
Hence the reality that you could not possibly have a more guaranteed privacy than in the nano world . Of course , given that Daniel or a similar benevolent person was your nation leader …
Communicating permanently with the NetLink ( the secure National Network ) and therefore directly to the Cube , the National Supercomputer , the nanositers knew ahead of events and situations , informing their host of any issues .
They were talking interactively to their master through a simple in-ear implant , switching to the function of a radio , a cellular , a calculator , reading a novel , a physics manual or even the Encyclopaedia Britannica on a voice command . And there were rumours of direct neural network implants , that would connect people’s brains to the National Supercomputer and present them with amazing new surprises .
Until than , the nanositers became teachers , doctors and body guards , providing the identification , privacy and security people wanted , now they could say fondly they have angels on their shoulders and not lying .
And sure enough , almost everybody gave names to their nanositers , a truly personal affair , because , naturally , the masters start talking to them like talking to a real person .
Daniel , following the trend , choose a soft warm voice with a sweet Asian accent and named her Trinh .
She made a great companion , looking after him , talking to him and sometimes acting like a clairvoyant such as when whispering in his ear
“ Vlad just entered the elevator in the lobby , dear … do you want me to open the door for him ? “ . He couldn’t resist “ Sure sweetie , thanks ! “ , was like talking to a wife .
Except this wife never sleeps , has 100,000 hands and eyes , has a few PhDs , knew more about him inside and out than himself and made the best body guard . She could give an instant read on his cholesterol level , blood pressure , nutrient intake and on and on , until Daniel asked her politely to skip it and just give him the summary .
“ You are healthy dear … your biological age is 36 “ she said in a smiling voice .
She became an integral part of his life and a lovely companion , he could ask her anything , statistics , economy information , the weather , foreign reports , while in the morning her sweet voice woke him up gently :
“ Hi dear ! It’s nine o’clock … time to wake up … all the body functions are fine except your bladder , you know what I mean dear … I started the coffee and the weather is fantastique ! “ . He was smiling already “ Good morning sweetie ! “ and went pee in a hurry forgetting to grab his housecoat .
As part of the morning routine he didn’t have to brush his teeth , the nanositers assigned dental duty were busy all the time scaling , cleaning , disinfecting … brushes , toothpaste and dentists went the way of the dinosaurs . While busy on the throne , Trinh whispered in his ear the day’s schedule :
“ Not very busy today , first we’ll need to take care of the parts production and , for a change , today we’ll make 100 memory units for kid’s computers , I already programmed the nanobots . Than , at one thirty , you have an appointment with the Board of Advisors to discuss trends in education and review a new progress report by Marina on perpetual life . After that , dear , you’re free ! “ . Trinh looked after him in more ways , helping with the moral , telling him the latest jokes and generally trying hard to cheer him up . He treasured their intimacy and keeping in mind his lonely past thought joking , “ I just found my sweetheart ! “ . But was so much he didn’t see yet .
The issue of privacy transpired at the national level from the beginning considering the secrets were too valuable but in the same time the family members needed to be in touch unimpeded , so Dumitru setup an improved secured fibber optics network which united all the households and opened an universe in communications , personal relations , community services , computer power and Daniel’s favourite , the Debate TV channel .
But on the outside of the fibber network all the communications , nano devices and computer links used low power lasers at such high speed of data transfer that snow or rain didn’t affect it . The buildings façade , side walks , street signs , benches and other public objects were not just mesmerizing pieces of art but also very functional being embedded with low power lasers and sensors to complete what now was called the secure NetLink.
The power of the system came from high speed computers , tonnes of fast memory and specially from the neural network design which took the 2008 ‘ grid ‘concept , ( 13 ) , which was already 10,000 times faster than cable , even higher .
The NetLink security was absolute for the same reasons a child could not be kidnapped , and that was thanks to the nanositers which provided the approved link to the access of the network and its hyper definition screens . And for the same reason parents could now watch their children on the wall screen anytime , anywhere , adding to their peace of mind .
The day the system came into operation gave the CIA a heart attack because Romania suddenly became a black spot on their surveillance equipment , a place void of any radio or microwave traffic .
That enabled Daniel to have the most frank conversations and debates ever heard in public TV and many times the technology enabled them to give live examples supporting their arguments by tuning into the World Voyeur set of thousands of channels , entering the board of directors of major companies during heated debates , the secret corridors of governments and the most revealing of all , the acts of the underworld figures .
It was surreal , like gods judging lesser beings , pointing magic wands and making walls became midnight alleys , secret meetings or the NATO Cheyenne command centre , all live and direct , looking over the shoulders of millions of oblivious mortals .
It was a new World Order and only a fraction of the world was aware , a thought that always put a broad smile on Daniel’s face .
And than the mavericks of science stepped in , fine tuning the neural networks , designing ‘ plastic ‘ neurons that could change dendrites and have multiple axons , new connections based on feedback inputs from the rest of the artificial brain , and the Computer Cube omnipresent in every home or institution was taking on new heights of power and sophistication.
As new applications of the nanobots were discovered also there were other pleasant surprises : for once , the garbage disappeared . Since nanobots can scavenge anything , they used every molecule of garbage regardless if it was house-hold or industrial . And with the garbage , pollution of any kind disappeared too .
Specialized nano units were forming a net crossing the Danube river , filtering the dirty and chemically polluted waters by the industrialized nations upstream . It was a treasure cove of heavy metals , platinum , gold and other goodies that were picked up with a frenzy at such efficiency that the waters downstream became crystal clear , for the first time in centuries one could see the bottom of the river , 10 meters below , to the delight of fisherman . They did the same with the Black Sea using the underground currents , just as with the Danube , to harness energy using turbines , besides getting free raw minerals . The whole economy was reduced at extracting and preparing premixed raw materials , done with huge grinders and sorting nanobots , and than the actual manufacturing of parts , food or anything else .
As expected , with food made at home and recipes on the NetLink , the agriculture vanished and left behind huge areas of land that were transformed in parks , forests and for the first time ever , entirely nano-build cities .
Daniel had a ball participating in the revolutionary designs specially since he didn’t have to leave his comfortable apartment .
Every family had a say in the architecture and options , some wanted swimming pools , other gardens which came with a meter deep top soil , and the CAD system made anything possible even at 60 stories high .
At that height the bottom of the pool can be set to ‘ transparent ‘ and after a couple of glasses of wine Daniel surly could feel flying .
In his new apartment you could hardly find a straight line or angle and all was fit to enhance the visual credibility of the Hyper Screen which Daniel thought of , like many others , as his personal Hollow Deck .
Keeping the standard 5 meter ceiling , the designs took advantage of the available new space and spread the homes on two levels surrounded by custom outdoor pathways , elaborate fountains and rows of flowers as per owner’s specifications . This variety was giving the façade a magic visual dynamic with swirling curves , squares , floating swimming pools and gardens , and all this besides the mind bugling designs generated by the whole surface of the building as it was covered entirely by the Hyper Display : today a Matisse , tomorrow Toulouse Lautrec , and than perhaps a frozen or moving in the wind forest .
Since material procurement and labour never even entered the discussion , custom designs were the norm and variety simply blasted together with things which in other worlds would be considered as luxury , like private elevators to each apartment .
The new buildings were totally self sustaining , from water to energy , and it was easy when the entire structural surface was one solar panel with large wind turbines on the roof and smaller ones , more discrete on the outdoors of each suite .
The integration also took care of communications and it was no way one can get lost anywhere , the nanositers were in permanent touch with the nation’s system , from opening or calling the elevator to alerts and any desired information .
Security was always first priority and their best tool , live ‘ Feel the World ‘ voyeur channel , was reminding , if not scaring them every day .
By law every new nano building had a 100 meter deep luxury bunker where all dwellers and their guests can live for as long as needed . Further more , all were connected and embedded with extreme security measures and traps against intruders because , if they ever will be forced to live into them , there was no further place to go . But the buildings were like reinforced vertical bunkers brisling with hidden antimatter missile launchers , passive detection and surveillance drones , all at ready under masked integrated architecture . Even the speed of personal elevators could be adjusted for emergency so when strapped down , the cabin would simply fall under gravity all the way down 300 meters or more bellow and be decelerated to a tolerance level . Yet people start doing it for fun , like a private ‘ Drop of Doom ‘ from the amusement parks .
Considering the future possibilities , the science directors advised the nation to prepare beyond the ear implant . While already was great to have perfect stereo sound from any sources , they realized the much grander capabilities of the brain specially remembering Nicola Tesla and his occasional problems reading the schematics because in front of his eyes , overlapping the reality , he could actually see in 3-D the object he was designing . So they made sure all the communications embedded in buildings , clothing , street signs and everything else , will be compatible with direct brain communication , an unavoidable future .
While the second stage of integration called for the ear implants to be developed further into direct connections to the auditory nerve , as was done in the past to help deaf people , the third stage was predicted to involve the neuro cortex directly and Daniel was drooling for that moment .
Until then , the nation gladly went through the second ear implant phase and now people could hear music and sounds like never before .
The nanositers took on the new role of controlling the auditory nerve interface following the owner’s voice commands .
Once the primitive natural auditory system was taken out of play and bypassed by sensors far exceeding the hearing of a dog or owl , the realm of sound unfolded in all its beauty and subtleties .
Now one can hear music directly inside the head with an astonishing clarity and the ability to separate instruments individually , having a sensation better than being right in the middle of the orchestra .
The computer-adjusted input was well beyond sound engineering as it was known , giving the feeling of floating inside the music with the ability of adjusting and balancing each instrument similar to mixing fluids .
But people could also adjust the range and frequencies they wanted to hear , from top ultrasound to bottom low , being able to sense the rumble of earthquakes , tsunamis and avalanches , which was an welcomed safety feature , or they could ask their nanositers to turn the sound completely off for a great night sleep .
Making a phone call was as simple as whispering the name but the whole communication capabilities were a light year ahead of what we understand as ‘ phones ‘ . Since the surface of every building was made from hyper display inside and out , you could talk to your mother , walk and see her live picture following you at eye level across the façades as they came about , if you didn’t mind the luck of privacy and if it was room from the other users , but never the less you could find a free spot somewhere to chat . Or you could handle a situation concerning your job , or simply stopping to see how the surf was in Hawaii .
National or local emergencies were send this way too but you could also be at a loud party and talk to your girlfriend across the noisy room like you would talk into her ear , or be across the country , all the same , hands free and hearing with the brain not with the ears anymore .
Daniel , being old enough and seeing too many things , was considering the survival factor so he asked the engineers to leave the natural audio connection available and be the default if the nano version fails . The unexpected benefit of this safety feature was that it gave people the opportunity to appreciate more the new compared to the original and consolidated in their sub-consciousness the thirst for self improvements .
Mentioning neural implants to someone in 2000 would raise eyebrows and invite a conversation but the same statement would render you crazy just 200 years ago . Already experiencing three gene vaccinations , two phases of audio implants with results that thrilled everyone , and handling every day the nano technology put the nation in an open state of mind where they were not just enjoying their prosperity but they were demanding more and specially the neural implants which were the talk of the NetLink and the inspiration of teenagers .
No doubt teens wanted more toys but Daniel took care of their education and social skills to make sure the new tech doesn’t turn them into isolated individuals .
Thanks to the nanositers who also made great tutors , there were no more lonely kids , and loneliness together with loveless were things Daniel was determined to eradicate so he encouraged group studies and activities even though the remote display technology could take care of a number of needs . Instead , the education system organized the students in small groups and with the nano tools available , learning took on a new dimension .
Getting together using the hyper display was fun and it seemed real so one could throw a party of 20 with nobody actually leaving their homes , but Daniel saw it as a danger to social skills and further enticed the young to participate directly in events organized daily by the government .
Being free of aggression and with an increased sense of empathy helped them beyond higher intelligence and concentration , it also biased their brains into an elevated humanitarian mode that directly influenced decision making in totally unexpected ways .
People simply became unwilling to win competitions because they new the statistics : three winners and hundreds if not thousands of losers . That was unacceptable for their view of life and so the competition concept was discarded and forgotten , being replaced by group discussions , common effort and cooperation , with an honest intention of not making anybody feel like losers or left behind . People could always sense love and now , more than ever , it was pouring and no umbrellas in site , just as Daniel wanted .
Counting so much on the new generation , the government guided the lucky arrivals into a society free of crime and health problems with the help of nanositers looking after them from birth , with older people who used their figure of authority to protect the young from ugly thoughts and make sure that mutual respect and consideration were taken as the absolute norm .
They wanted to make the kids feel at home anywhere , as part of a very large and loving family , the pride creation of an ascending specie .
Daniel could see , watching the people of his age , that with the nanositer’s medical care this society might as well became in the long run a place where elders will carry the memories and the flame of protectionism burning hot , and he liked it because he knew how easy it was for the young to take it all for granted . Having old and new blood was a healthy mix and he could imagine in the future a population made up of individuals hundreds of years old , professionals sharing their experience , maintaining and growing a vast live luggage of information , the envy of any society . Just imagine the strides in science if people like Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci would still be among us and at full potential …
He was not off the mark judging the new life expectancies considering that nanositers , over 100,000 strong for every member of the society , were taking care 24/7 for all the body needs , from dental to digestion , including administration of the right supplements at the right place and time , repairing tissue and scavenging for damaging foreign matter , to the effect that aging stopped and retracted , giving Daniel and most in his age group the appearance of early forties . Under this care one could not possibly get sick , period . He felt bad about all the effort Marina put into the national supplement program but the research and the new formulas didn’t go to waste and now it was delivered directly by the servant nanositers .
But people’s eyes were the human part that told the story and described the new society in a nut shell , they were the eyes of a worry-free , independent , calm and kind people , very much like the expression of the ones who briefly experienced death and gained a new perspective on life .
The new nano Medicare was so good that after the first decade and a half the number of death declined to a level where there was a shortage of corpses for the medical schools and research , and the perpetual life research project wasn’t even completed .
This predicted circumstance prompted the Advisors to bring the population increase into focus again .
But already , without any particular education or alertness programs , the nation understood the need for conscientious decisions when coming to birth control , so they applied science to calculate precisely what their territory could accommodate , made that figure public and discussed it on the Debate TV . With the time on hold and aging at a trickle , with even better possibilities in the near future , new families had no issues in delaying having the one child suggested unanimously by the national referendum and the result it self showed clearly the maturity achieved by their society.
One of the milestones in the nano technology related to space exploration came five years after the start of the nano revolution . Following historical patterns in technological influences over society , just as William Shockley received the Nobel Prize in 1956 for the invention of the transistor (9) that changed electronics and brought in computers , the nano revolution was no exception and became another opened door , far more massive for that , to significant and life changing discoveries .
Dumitru made the historical presentation in front of a full house of advisors and ministers :
“ Good to have you all here today because I have some great news to share with you regarding our space project and much , much more … As you recall the main obstacle was the combination of energy pack and the propulsion system . We search long and hard from lasers to nuclear , plasma and magnetic fields but nothing offered the compact package we were after . The only viable solution was … antimatter “ . The audience recognized the controversial issue specially recalling the Moon Shot . Dumitru explained :
“ Antimatter is a very tricky state to handle as you remember from my explanations on the AM missile , so we used the same magnetic bottle design to contain it . The real issue was the safe manufacturing of antimatter … “ .
He turned on the wall display and started an animation of the process .
“The solution was to modified the nanobots giving them six magnetic cups which now we are using as magnetic bottles . The hard issue of actually manufacturing antimatter quickly and safely was solved by increasing the speed of magnetic switching in the retaining nano cups to below attoseconds by a factor of ten (4) . This way we replaced the need for super high energy collisions , which was the traditional way of manufacturing antimatter , and instead we use super fast electrostatic switching speeds at the nano level , inside the magnetic retaining cups , to squeeze particles together and create antiprotons but just one at a time … We than guide the antiproton via more magnetic cups and inject them into the burning chamber which is a nano scale version of a reinforced magnetic bottle . Inside the nano engine we mix one proton with one antiproton and guide the energy resulted outside having the same net effect as a rocket engine except being far more powerful in ratio …The thrust is controlled by the number of antiprotons injected per second … “ .
Dumitru paused to switch the video on a different animation .
“ Now here comes three big bonuses … we are in the process of adapting the antimatter energy pack to our regular nanospys which will make them truly autonomous and capable of Mach speeds … also since we are talking about engines that small we were able to actually stud the whole space ship surface with embedded nano antimatter engines … This means two things : first we have hundreds of trillions of micro-engines , which gives an extraordinary amount of power and secondly … we can do instant change of thrust and direction … basically if there are no passenger you can take ninety degree turns or 180 degree direction change in under two seconds at 20 % of the speed of light ! “ . “Wow” that was all the advisors could say, pretty much speechless . Dumitru added raising his hands and pausing theatrically :
“ But the biggest bonus of all is that we can use the antimatter reaction nano chambers as an endless source of energy as long as matter is around, and this is a discovery that can put all of us anywhere in space , without depending on a star … We can nest in the darkest and safest corner of the Universe and therefore achieving the final target of securing our society for as long as the Universe exists … or , like Daniel puts it
‘ Never having to say goodbye to your loved one ‘ ! “ .
Spontaneously , all advisors stood up applauding and Daniel surprised everybody by climbing on his chair and start singing the International until the room became one large vibrant chorus . United they stood and today united they gained a milestone in the development of any intelligent specie. They were free at last .
Daniel was anxious as a kid :
“ Dumitru , this is so hot that we must let our people know right away … can you please put together a short documentary to explain both the achievement and the future possibilities so I can use it in my TV presentation tonight ? “ .
“ Sure , no problem , I’ll download it to the station this afternoon … By the way , based on our computer simulations , the best shape to accommodate the nano thrusters is a … disc ! That’s because you have ready for propulsion two sides simultaneously splitting in half the number of nano engines … just by tilting the disk you can quickly be on the desired direction , it’s better than a sphere … another effect is the glowing of the surface , up to Mach 15 there is little but after that , specially at high accelerations and speeds approaching 25 % of the speed of light , the antimatter engine exhaust makes the ship surface glow very bright , not a good thing in combat “ , and with a glance over his notes wanting to clear another security issue , “ in terms of strategy , the tremendous acceleration and eventual brightness implies we are forced to design our surveillance and attack space ships mostly for remote use , drones ” .
Daniel asked about the space particles friction , its drag and high temperatures effects .
“ We exploited a known phenomenon involving plasma weapons and we combined it with a path-opening powerful laser which basically prepares the state of matter along and ahead of the space ship just as you would lubricate a gun barrel for the bullet . We use the plasma effect of ionizing matter to repeal and guide the incoming ions along the electrostatic field surrounding the ship generated by the antimatter nano engines . It’s a double protection covering also the dangers of cosmic radiation . We are basically set for space exploration “ .
They spend the rest of the day discussing the details of space ship design trying to cover all the issues involving a thousand year journey and beyond. There were important decisions to be made living no room for error considering the deadly deep space that will surround them .
With so much technology and excitement blooming everywhere people almost forgot about the world outside and so their were pleasantly surprised by a sudden announcement .
The Foreign Bureau reported that three years after the combination of empathy and anti-aggression vaccine was release from the Carpathians , the first unusual incidents start being reported in the foreign media .
At first it affected , naturally , the countries downwind and surrounding Romania , and than slowly spread and jumped continents .
Initially the Board of Advisors wanted to have all the inmates around the world vaccinated first since they were such easy targets but than they realize the sudden change in personality could bring the attention of scientists , a big no-no specially with Daniel .
So instead , at the exit of each prison in every country a few thousands modified nanospys were waiting patiently , and every time an inmate was realised he was promptly vaccinated plus a nano team was assigned to him so it can meet other undesirables and have those vaccinated as well .
It worked like a charm making the Advisor shaking their heads at how easy it was but remaining philosophic enough to know what the world could be if the same technique was in different hands . That thought was also Daniel’s personal nightmare .
The first signs of the vaccine effects showed surprisingly in the Nelson TV ratings .
The number of people watching violent sports or shows decreased spectacularly , shocking the TV ‘ executroids ‘ who were counting badly on those revenues . They checked the equipment , the software yet the line graphs showed the same trickling audience watching punches and murders . But the comedy and documentaries numbers went through the roof .
The spread of the vaccine was irregular and haphazard , slow at the beginning because the retrovirus was not design to replicate fast . The Rumanian scientists did their best to make it stealthy but , as it turned out later , bad luck was already involved .
Among the first to be directly vaccinated , besides the underworld lords and soldiers in armed conflicts , were the owners and share holders of major corporations , a direct attempt on Daniel’s part to help the average citizen . And in many cases it worked , leading to better wages and working conditions , more emphasis on family and personal time and , after two years , a new trend of employment benefits start making a difference in most people’s lives . Was a milder form of capitalism but still keeping the class layers and opened to the old back-doors . And it also dulled the edge of the revolutionary spirit , something that Daniel wasn’t counting on .
The decrease in violence , specially of the ‘ domestic ‘ type , was the second to be noticed after the Nelson TV ratings and also the prison records showed a much reduced rate of repeat offenders . Around the world the same trends start surfacing affecting even war zones where combatants suddenly refused orders and disserted .
In the air was the feel of benevolence , friendliness and peace , and there was no explanation .
The Vatican held a special conference behind closed doors , discussing the evidence from Christian leaders around the world . The testimonies described the same theme over and over until they had no choice but to accept there was a change on Earth and they needed to take advantage of it . And so they released a statement to the world declaring the Rupture was here and Christ was not too far away . It all made sense , it was good and it was all over the place , only god could make this happen .
To Daniel’s dismay , the churches start filling up and he thought , swallowing dry , “ who could predict such a twist ? “ .
As time passed , more statistics came to surface showing a decrease in the divorce rate , better grades in schools and less gang participation .
Those curios stats found their way to the media and Daniel wasn’t to happy about the exposure , too many capable minds were lurking on the outside and he never underestimated an opponent .
But than things got much worse .
The daily summaries he received about the behaviour of the underworld leaders were a mix bag . He assigned top psychiatrists to analyze the progress and what they were reporting pointed to a moderate change , much less than average . That was worrisome specially since their expressed empathy was addressed mostly to close partners in crime while the aggression silencing part of the vaccine cut down only in the intensity of the violence but not eliminating it . In other words , for them a bullet in the head was now more acceptable than the previous rituals involving meat grinders . The geneticians suspected strong neural connections over-riding or ignoring the presence of the empathy network , and explained the implications to the Advisors : they needed live samples . When this transpired at the conclusion of their presentation Daniel felt a shadow of nausea , knowing perfectly well where all this will lead to .
But than , the worst happened . An elderly patient in a London hospital was receiving flu treatment but also was tested for hepatitis using an iodine radioactive antibody tracer which , when analyzed by the nuclear-counter diagnostic equipment , showed a faint spike outside of the target frequency and barely above the background radiation , not a health threat but rather a curiosity which got doctors’ attention immediately . After more blood samples and filtration all they had left was a regular , benign influenza virus, four generations old and inactive . Yet some of it was very mildly radioactive . The doctors called in the government and things escalated , the radioactive signature was isolated and related to Uranium , examined and compared to the international data base for radioactive sources which identified very precisely each ore mine and the country it belongs . Romania in the past was a member of the International Nuclear Committee , having two nuclear reactors for energy production so it’s uranium mines were catalogued and immediately popped out as the matching signature .
Later Dumitru explained the mishap to Daniel as an unfortunate coincidence , the nanobots digging into the Carpathians for raw material to manufacture the viruses run for a while close to an uranium vein and so the retrovirus capsid was mildly radioactive , not a health hazard but in this case an awful Murphy’s Law at work .
Right away the foreign scientists start analyzing virus samples from around the world and it didn’t take long to find both the empathy gene and the anti-aggression component which both were recognized since known , yet ignored , for decades .
The Badenberg controlled western Media took the lead , turned on the fires ignoring the good delivered and full of anger the entire world stood up and blasted Romania .
With no embassies or representatives of any sort , the only communication link was the old strike-ball teletypewriter which now was receiving a work-out sending non-stop messages , the Romanian government was confronted with the evidence and explanations were demanded .
Things got worse with the population of the world becoming polarized , some pointing to the benefit while most were lead by the Media into a panic frenzy invoking Frankenstein and the well entrenched paranoia of gene manipulation . And than Daniel was informed that the underworld leaders hired private geneticians to reverse the effect of the vaccine . And they were not the only ones , pretty soon half of the population demand for reversal reached governments and was no better excuse for the world leaders to invoke State of Emergency and all the control goodies coming with it .
Daniel , with nothing to lose now , took care of a priority by asking the Board of Advisors to have all the inmates around the world including the ones on parole or on trail , vaccinated immediately .
He stretched for time while playing diplomacy over the teletypewriter trying to sort the facts and looking for strategies while the international situation was getting hotter by the day with the United Nations playing again its puppet role and , under the pressure of the vetoing countries , the Security Council delegated NATO to prepare for action .
This precipitated things and Daniel lost nights of sleep thinking of the solution .
He was not afraid of NATO , his military could take care of it easy , but it was the average folk around the world he was concerned with , not wanting to disappoint them and witnessing how the Media manipulations was keeping the truth away and biasing their minds .
“ The Media , the media … “ , he thought asking his gut to give him one more time the solution . The accumulated knowledge of a human being through thick and thin , surviving and defending life for over 60 years , boiled the stew of experience and his gut feeling hold to task one more time and showed him the light . Daniel opted out the regular Advisors Board chambers to reveal and discuss the plan , and following his instinct he announced the emergency meeting to take place at Café Americana . He felt the need of moral support from the old victories but also it served good to remind his people where they started and who the enemy still is ( 31 ) .
He assigned teams to conduct specific research and within 48 hours he was ready for the presentation .
The old Café Americana with the walls full of exposing documents from the US embassy take-over , was still emanating the mysterious spying flavour encapsulated into the safe and friendly atmosphere of traditional Romanian folk architecture . Tables were put together with the usual healthy snacks , hyper-definition cameras were set , the NetLink checked one more time for security leaks and Daniel raised a tiny glass of home made prune gin to cheer the nation and his advisors . At home people were glued to the images and paying attention since everyone was asked to forward ideas .
Daniel took a seep of the sweet fire , settled the glass and took the mic :
“ Hello Family ! “ and bowing to people’s response , “ We are entering a dangerous part of our international mission … Things did not go entirely as planned but before we’ll go into details , let me assure all of you that us , our nation and our land is in no danger what so ever … Our technologically advanced and far superior Military can neutralize anything NATO can throw at us and than remember we control the space all the way to the Moon and beyond . The safety of our nation is not the reason we are having this emergency meeting , we are here to face our responsibility to billions of people around the world who deserve better lives . We started the process and we need to finish it … it has nothing to do with pride but with the vital necessity to settle peace on Earth including our own security … “ . Spontaneous applause showed how much they were sharing on this essential goal .
“ And before I’ll go any further I want to point out that today I , or better yet We , can keep a wish and promise expressed shortly after the Revolution … Today we finally have the means and the state security to enable us to , safely , give the rest of the world a hand of help ! “ .
More applause and ovations showed the guilt felt by the nation watching for so long the pain of the world without being able to help , and today they could take a breath and sigh of relief .
“ The problems we are facing right now come from two directions … the corrupt Media and the four underworld leaders . Working together with the scientists and the military we came up with the solutions .
First , the Media … Knowing that a good percentage of the world population supports and enjoys the genetic modifications , and also the powerful influence of the collective Media , we realized the need to compete on similar terms and be able to present our side of the story and more … Starting tomorrow we’ll launch an Internet initiative aimed at providing the world with a secure and reliable channel of communication never achieved before outside our NetLink . We’ll hook to the world wide web through discrete stealthy connections , we’ll open a web site and we’ll offer to everybody , free of charge , the revolutionary software that is the base of a totally hacker proof Operating System .
After downloading the program no one else but the user will be able to access the computer . However , there is a characteristic of the system which may not please everyone , the internet address of the sending computer it is displayed automatically and incorruptibly at the receiving end . This will bring a new level of responsibility to the people since you won’t be able to hide your computer identification . It will change fundamentally the way people perceive internet communication , it will bring more trust and accountability making it even a better communication tool . Using this network we’ll post all the archives we collected over the years revealing who is controlling the world , their puppets and the bad things they did ( 31 ) . Our graphic artists made sure that all the angles and sounds were edited to appear in only high-definition and without giving a hint of how the recordings were made . This grand scale exposure must have an impact and we count on it to balance the lies and deceit of the Media . We’ll become the untouchable educators of the world ! “ . The adviser gave a solid support and the Debate TV Home Meter was indicating 99 % approval ratings from the remote audience . It was a done deal and Daniel moved to the touchy next subject :
“ The other pain in the neck are the four underworld leaders and we spent a lot of time debating what to do with them but recently it was our scientists who determined their faith … In a nut shell we need them alive to study their brains and find out why they resisted the vaccine . The other alternative , much easier , is to kill them … I’ll let General Mugur Badea to fill in the details of the … kidnappings “ . As the gasping quiet down Mugur took the mic , briefly arranged his notes and described the action :
“ First of all the operation will not be as adventurous , dangerous or exciting as the action movies you’ve seen … the technology takes away all the glamour but keeps us safe and that’s what counts at the end of the day. The extraction teams will be deployed at safe border points , infiltrate the host country , apprehend the targets and return . Most of the job will be done by nanospys and without them this mission would be impossible .
We got lucky , all four underworld leaders will get together at another Badenberg meeting to take place in two month virtually next door in a Hungarian reclusive chateau … it will be as simple as the teams carrying them out and into the rented cars “ .
Throughout the TV debate people called in with tid-bits of information based on watching the “ Feel the World “ voyeur channels and many volunteered for the mission simply because they were speaking Magyar .
As the preparations started in the following weeks credit cards and currency were made to perfection , the nanospys got replenished with a fast acting drug and send to the rendezvous point while the Romanian border with Hungary got surveyed for gaps and guards movement .
All ten members of the five teams were senior State Security special forces speaking fluently at least one language and trained for city infiltration . They spent hours in the hyper-definition screen rooms getting familiar with the chateau layout , escape routs , roads and check points . The mission was easy : follow the nanospys , wait outside on a service road until everyone inside was knocked out , collect the four people and bring them to the border … while the nation is watching it all live in hyper definition .
The night before the Badenberg meeting the plan start unfolding and the five teams entered silently a forested area of the border with Hungary , watching carefully through their goggles the computer generated view of the large swarm of five million nanospys moving like an invisible fog throughout the woods .
All they had to do is follow them and don’t make any noise . Their nanositers were in continuous link with the heads of the nanospys redirecting their path and to designating targets .
Within 100 meters they encountered stealthy border guards hidden very well and deadly if wouldn’t be for the swarm protection . The guards were put to sleep at a whispered command and the team moved through the fresh smelling forest reaching a road some 5 kilometres away from a township .
Was 3 am on a moonless night and the stillness of the landscape made it harder to walk silent through the vegetation just a few meters away from the road . The team leader got informed that the head of the swarm reached the village and was inside the police station and two rent-a-car companies located at the small airport .
Ten minutes later the nanospys found the patrolling officers and from than on was an easy ride .
Walking along the road they whispered to each other via nanositers thoughts running through their heads , the veterans expressing the disappointment with the luck of adrenaline , it was too easy compared to their combat training .
If that’s how you fight a war , with nanositers on your shoulder and millions of deadly nanospys spearing ahead any resistance , than you don’t need Special Forces , a bunch of body-baggers will do , and at home the viewers remembered Daniel hammering at the issue of restricting nano-technology and what it can do in the wrong hands.
As the village woke up the teams split renting each an SUV , the five million nanospys bunched up in the cars and the whole party hit the road .
Driving through unfamiliar territory was a walk in the park with the nanositers giving constant directions and alerting of road hazards or police check points ahead .
At home people had a ball watching the trip , the action and the short tour of Europe in hyper-definition . Seeing everywhere the old and technologically primitive society and buildings was shocking and reminded of how themselves used to be .
Driving non-stop they reach the outskirts of the chateau property by early evening , still coughing from the pollution they were not used to , parking along a country road and outside the view of security cameras .
They sat back and watched the undulating deep green vineyard hills with the distant profile of the old castle and the mountains , and from time to time the security and paparazzi helicopters dancing over head in a territorial fight . While keeping tabs on the closed-doors conference as it was broadcasted live in their ears , the teams verified the position of each nanospy ensuring that every person and all guard dogs were tagged and ready for drug delivery .
As the evening descended , inside the smoky castle the staff was busy making the last preparations for a sumptuous supper due to start any minute while in the huge conference room the four world underground leaders were giving final directives to presidents , premiers , ministers , generals , media owners and businessman , the so-called ‘pillars’ of the community .
With their direct male relatives and advisors seating on both sides , they were enjoying the conversation and the feel of power determining the future of generations to come around the world , all in a cool calculated way without a trace of empathy .
Two of them were controlling Europe , US , Canada and Israel , while the other two were milking Asia and the Middle East .
Daniel had a complete collection of all Badenberg conferences since the nano revolution and added this one to the video files ready to be presented to the world once the rogue figures were secured . That was one candy he could hardly wait for but until than he and his nation enjoyed watching the closing lines of the conference delivered by the US President :
“ I want to welcome again Hungary in joining NATO and its contribution showing clearly our consolidation of nations , approaching our dream of one centralized world government . We can now agree on wars and have full control of the revenues generated to be shared as decided . This will enable us to conduct multi-party conflagrations without having to worry about anarchists and revolutionary , and that’s a big step that we could not achieve without the ongoing help from our friends in the Media …
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years .
Matter of fact , without the Media keeping us out of the lime-lite we would probably not even be here tonight as Free people … “ .
The crowd laughed understanding the meaning .
Holding a champagne glass the US president continued :
“ But if there is a problem anywhere that must be Romania , and we’ll do whatever it needs to be done to obtain the technology displayed in their military demonstrations . And while we’re talking about Romania let’s all make sure that we’ll pump-up the negative publicity regarding their genome modification stunt . What we’ve seen so far it is very alarming , the effects documented point to a calmer , more thoughtful people , harder to control , never mind the army deserters and their impact on the troops moral . As we agreed to stop this and reverse it I am also very happy that we all agreed to a global inoculation program and I promises you that in the USA it will start right away since we already have the antidote .
Remember , Romania is up for grabs with all its resources , 30 million work force and consumers , the minerals plus a great strategic location in the ribs of Russia , so when the time comes we’ll more than make up for the losses . Our plan to use Romania’s isolation to create an incident involving Russia will enable us to rekindle the cold war and reap one more time the huge benefits . And you never know , using Romania’s arms technology we may even march with music in the Red Square ! “ .
The richest of the world got up and applauded at length , they could smell the bacon .
But they couldn’t see it because in the next few seconds their eyes closed and everybody collapsed wherever they were .
Daniel grasped tighter his glass of wine and watched the SUVs entering the compound and following the winding road among dozens of bodies laying everywhere . The teams run inside and broke down the locked doors of the conference room , working together to lift the four bodies , handcuff and dragging them to the waiting cars .
In no time the SUVs were back on the road and at home Romanians were cheering loud and waving flags from balconies gaining new confidence in the power of their nation . History was also made as for the first time a few selected million people watched live a covert military operation while the rest of the world was oblivious . Daniel couldn’t like it more specially since he thought of the manoeuvre as a good military exercise for the population, training them to see the perils and getting better at using the techno resources .
The SUVs arrived back in the same village late after midnight and , under the scrutiny of nanospys , they met on a different road away from the Hungarian troops still searching for the missing guards , and transported the precious cargo trough another patch of forest over the border and in the secure hands of General Badea and his troops .
The prisoners’ convoy , surrounded by security forces and a swarm of at least five million nanofighters , arrived in the capital just before sunrise and pulled into the deep basement of the new , nano-build , State Security complex .
Minutes later all four criminals were left in their own specialized cells resembling cubes of 5 meters sides polished stainless steel , lavatory , bed , and a TV screen built into the wall . The cells were choke-full of sensors and hyper-definition cameras observing the underworld lords from bio signs to facial expressions while thousands of nanositers inspected their bodies inside out . They took DNA and blood samples and start infiltrating their brain’s neural network , producing accurate maps of thought patterns and revealing neural structures that shocked the scientists . Marina , in dismay, prepared a report for Daniel and send a copy to General Badea knowing it will become a security matter .
As the sun rose and the effect of the drug wear off , chaos broke in the Hungarian château . The next-in-command , lieutenants and body guards still dizzy , looked around in desperation for their bosses but at no avail , nowhere to be found .
Trying to avoid panic they sat at the same table as their masters and between bites of food they argued over what to do and who was in control .
Daniel and the Advisors , besides who ever else in Romania wanted to get a lesson in psychiatry , were watching half amused the battle while keeping an eye on the NATO ongoing positioning around their borders including the repaired carrier Nimitz in the Black Sea . Daniel smiled , thinking the darn thing came back for seconds . He knew the control over military was channelled from the under lords to the presidents of the world and right now those channels of communication were obviously broken .
Daniel realised his control over the decapitated organizations was limited to either administer a sleeping drug as they already did , or the Russian modified Truth Serum or , in desperation , a quick fatal dose of Ricin , so there was not too much fine tuning in between . They had no option but to use the captured heads and try to pursue them in giving the right orders .
They were also watching with delight the number of downloads of their free, hacker proof Operating System ( OS ) and Browser software which , in just over two month took the world by storm and cutting Microsoft profits to the bone causing it a year later to declare bankruptcy shocking the financial community and the share holders .
The world was switching to the new software with a vengeance accumulated over decades from frustration with corrupt computer systems causing waste of time and money , and so the foundation of a new freedom in communication was laid in preparation for revealing the Underworld Archives .
At the castle and around the table , no agreement could be reached except admitting the kidnapping of their masters and that didn’t solve any of the urgent matters , specially the NATO operation that was underway .
As the hours past the Hungarian representative stepped forward and informed them of the five SUVs found next to the Romanian border and the surveillance tapes from the airport showing the teams going through the car renting process . It was easy to point the finger and accuse Romania but they weren’t confident of how to use the information , they needed advice and next day they contacted the heads of states . But there , the generals , army strategist and intellectuals suggested caution in rhetoric , pointing to the Moon Shot show-off , the total luck of satellites over Romania and the Mach 4 speed , five drones send to test the waters and which all were vaporised before penetrating a mere kilometre pass the border .
Their military training made them weary that Romanians may have more in armament than what they were willing to parade , and they were so right , but never the less , taking advantage of the situation they withdrew the NATO circle around Romania and kept a healthy distance doing their best not be annoying and not have more of their satellites shot down .
The moment was critical , Daniel didn’t want the uncertainty to prolong and allow the possibility of a take over by other criminals , yet was impossible to coerce the four leaders into cooperating immediately , it was a stumbling block that even the modified Russian Truth Serum couldn’t help .
The solution came that afternoon from a surprising source and thanks to public awareness and participation in the issue .
A group of amateur cinematographers who were studying hyper-definition display integration with neural networks to make movies using imaginary or real characters , developed a software that was like Maya on steroids , (27) , where Tom Cruise , Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin could perform together in the same film with total realism . Their suggestion was simple : scan the four leaders and , together with voice samples , plug it into their software . Daniel took a big sigh of relief appreciating the power of collective thinking that again saved the moment .
The arrangements were done and completed working throughout the night thanks in part to the large archives of surveillance from past years that gave the characters authentic personalities and biometrics , indistinguishable from reality .
Daniel intended to make recordings and send them somehow to the , now , Disorganized Crime , containing instructions of what to do . Marina pointed to the old , easy to corrupt Microsoft platform the Mob was still using and suggested the internet to keep in touch with what remained of the underworld , and that simplified a lot the process of sending credible orders and videos from what appeared to be the leaders in hiding .
To Daniel and the Advisors it seem very neat that they can use a sophisticated computer animation to indirectly control the world .
It was funny , and Daniel , after a few prune gin shots would roll in his living room with laughter , his sensitive sense of humour was tickled at no end in spite of his consciousness pointing to how serious the situation was.
But all was just too simple , the technological sophistication shaved the hard staff away and left the imagination unimpeded to run amok or very logically depending on how you feel , in other words left to your genetical makeup , the curse of any specie .
There was just too much flexibility in the system , too much power , to the extend that from the comfort of his couch Daniel could create messages to the underworld and have presidents increase the minimum wage , stop wars and turn armies around as they did in the following days with the Nimitz and the rest of the missiles silos surrounding Romania , Russia and China .
On the down side , he realized how easy it would be to falsify his persona and impact the nation under the hand of a malevolent individual .
So in his mind the same theme reappeared , the definition describing the foundation of a specie’s moral tapestry to qualify for the future shocking nano-technological prize , the need and fundamental condition of achieving a trustworthy collective , made of individuals genetically guaranteed to not deviate from the sense of ‘good’ .
Not a brainer , it was exactly the type of society your mother would wish you to live in and also what makes it universally valid for any other intelligent species , in any galaxy .
Even though the first step was successful in managing to relax NATO , they were not sure for how long the deceit would last specially since the orders delivered were uncharacteristic of the evil underworld leaders , so they hurried into sending messages with subtle instructions which , at the end , gave far more autonomy and freedom of action to individual country leaders . It was a calculated move directed at destabilizing the underworld control over nations , timed just before the release of the revealing archives . One after another , the blows to the underworld start opening cracks , being sabotaged at every step by nanospys and approaching fast the D day of disclosure .
But there were other new issues that put the Board of Advisers and Daniel in a touchy position . Marina’s report describing the reasons behind vaccine resistance by the four under lords showed there was no cure , that through a natural variance , their reptilian part of the brain had neural extensions to the edge of the cerebral cortex acting as a filter for decision making , identical in function with the empathy neural structures .
Under this configuration the primary instincts , including aggression , possession , pleasure and territorial defence , were overriding the calming logic thought of the cortex , a situation which even micro-surgery could not safely correct . There was no available cure , and the decision was to lock them up for ever, tagged with deadly nanospys for extra security , and use them later to identify the disgusting gene responsible for a lot of world’s miseries .
What remained were the hundreds of top lieutenants around the world , not counting the thousands of run-of-the-mill assassins and the playing bosses who , as the surveillance was showing , started to position themselves for a take over . That was really bad because nothing tied those people together , they weren’t the meat of the Badenberg club but just security guards and assassins , and they knew it .
Without loyalty , the old routine of fighting for power was just about to erupt again putting in danger all the international gains Daniel and his nation made , but this time the evil was spread around the world , beyond the immediate means of capture .
Lounging in his wild garden on the 40th floor , having a drink and a cig Daniel wondered when all this hassle will end . Looking over the green landscape and the harmonious buildings , warmed up by the summer sun he though how deceiving all this peace was . Just across the nation’s fence the concrete jungle was still fermenting with criminals and victims . Closing his eyes he was experiencing the torment of deciding what’s best and how to cleanse the gene pool . His neurons hold hands and gently brought him in the chair of a favourite activity , talking to the nation . The question addressed was : in view of the scientific evidence , should the remaining crime rings be executed ?
Daniel wanted everyone to take responsibility , to be a nation’s decision because it was part of the survival process and he felt the new generation needed a good sharpening of their feel for the brutal world ‘mother’ nature created .
He also wanted people to debate and ask them selves sharp questions like “ If we kill them , what makes us better than the criminals ? “ .
In the glaring lights of the TV studio , his mind brought him to the night of the debate were he saw an unusual number of people participating , the nation sensing a historical decision process , facing a question that tormented the better members of the human specie for ever : to kill or not to kill . Voices were heard presenting different points of view :
“ That’s the example we want to give to the world ? Mass murderers ?? “
“ I understand , but those criminals are hard wired , it’s incurable with our technology , why should we let them roam free and cause suffering ? “.
Marina and the group of scientists dedicated to the case presented the scientific side of the argument , showing they didn’t have the cure and death or detention was the only solution . General Badea walked them through a few capturing scenarios , demonstrating that it will be too risky and that building specialized ships or aircraft to do the mission would take too many precious years . At the end was no escape from the dreaded decision and even the hard-core pacifists had no choice but to protect the future generations from an unfixable problem . The vote passed with 89 % of the population recommending the death sentence .
At twelve midnight GMT next day , over 1,985,000 villains belonging to the organized crime around the world collapsed dead triggering the most massive Interpol investigation ever . Another 2,560,000 inmates around the world displaying inoculation resistance were put to death as well , almost empting the prisons . All they knew was the cause of death , transdermal Ricin patch , that all died exactly at the same time and most belonged to the underground crime scene and extremely violent , repeat offenders .
It was , depending on your view , the greatest murder act in history , or , if you were Daniel , the most wonderful gene pool cleaning done yet . Mopping the unfixable toxic garbage created by nature , in his view , was a matter of personal pride and he smiled , realizing how good he became at it. At the end , what appeared as a controversial issue became simplified to choosing between your child and his killer , was a no-brainer .
He could now walk around the freed world , examining from time to time the back of people’s heads for the reptilian neural growth but he couldn’t spot any . Instead he watched in shock how people start throwing money in the air , cheering and talking about how much they saved thanks to the emptying of the jails .
More relaxed , he hugged Marina for a job well done , caressing her hair when his fingers felt a bump the size of walnut . With eyes wide open and the hairs standing up he jerked forward to see it but was nothing there , just a wavy beautiful hair and he combed it thoroughly to make sure . Her skull felt icy cold and that send shivers up his spine , not wanting to believe it’s real and feeling the ice moving down his belly and trickling along his legs .
He blinked hard and realized he spilled the beer all over his shorts .
He sighed with relief realizing it was just a dream , no mass executions , and massaging heavily his face , stood up , stretched and smiled sarcastically knowing how much denser the jails population will became after the internet release of the criminal’s archives .
“ Saving money ! “ he smiled , “ all again about Money … “ . And than the solution stroked him , he kicked himself mentally and raised his nanositer :
“ Trinh dear … “
“ Yes sweetie , I felt your thoughts patterns rushing , what do you have on your mind ? “ . Daniel couldn’t help smiling again , feeling the warmth in her motherly voice .
“ Would you please connect me with Marina , Vlad and General Badea ? “
“ Sure , just a moment dear “ .
Daniel walked to the kitchen , changed his shorts and opened another beer to celebrate the idea, when Marina got on line first . Daniel switched on a hyper definition channel for each of them and waited until all were ready and finished chatting .
“ Ok guys , settle down … A few minutes ago I had a weird dream which it clicked into reality when I woke up and it gave me an idea … You know the vast amounts of money the four underworld leaders … “ and smiling “ oh , sorry , ex-leaders , must have in their accounts , trillions … we never bother checking but now I think is just the prefect time to do a good deed for the world … “ . Vlad had a feel of another corky one from Daniel so sighted :
“ Ok , you got our attention , what did you cooked-up this time ? “
“ Well , the fact is they’ll never need money again , we’ll provide them with free room and board “ , laughing , “ so why not relieve them of the heavy burden and transfer the money to the needy ! “ . Daniel could hear Trinh laughing along with them and continued :
“ And there is a sweet irony in this because part of their money will go to build new prisons to accommodate the flood of their partners in crime … I personally find this excruciatingly funny … all the hard work they put into it only later to be used to secure their cells ! … So , we’ll need a good batch of the improved Russian Truth Serum which , with a team of interrogators , we’ll give us every bank account they have and the pass words … It shouldn’t take more than an hour , right Mugur ? “ . The General , still smiling at the plan reassured him :
“ You’re right , just about an hour each , but than it dependents on how many accounts they have ! “ he added bursting with everybody else into a healthy laughter . Realizing the implications it felt like a relief valve discharging the tensions they been under for the last few month , and than, talking to all through their nanositers , Trinh added the finishing touch surprising them :
“ Daniel , you guys are like … Robin Hoods of the modern world ! “ .
It didn’t take to long to extract the information , than , using the old Microsoft platform they penetrated the banks , unlocked the accounts and transferred the money to poor countries , honest charities and directly into the accounts of the appropriate prisons .
The banks paid again the price of not switching to the secured Operating System offered for free .
As the days passed , more and more confusion dispersed among the remains of the underworld , now finding themselves not just without leaders but with the funds frozen or non existent . Drug payments couldn’t be made causing gang fights , a lot of expensive undertakings used to lure and black mail the rich or important targets had to be abandoned including spas with prostitution rings , payoff and bribes . The whole structure was breaking at the seems , collapsing like a weak scaffold and leaving behind free buildings and societies , unimpeded by the Mob ( 31 ) .
The international Media , freed of the underground control , rejuvenated itself blooming with new TV and radio stations , newspapers and even bolder web sites . It was like a thawing of the mind affecting even the pharmaceutical research changing under public pressure its sterile and money oriented motives and redirecting it into a humane path and real health research bring up drugs that cured not just alleviate the symptoms.
As changes occurred the sociologists observed and pointed to the public the extent of the Mob tentacles , inducing a general shock to the system that put virtual guns to the heads of politicians forcing them to amend Constitutions and the Law .
Looking from above at the diversity of transformations it definitely qualified the world for a new Renaissance , and the phenomenon got celebrated by the new Media and the masses marking a unique mile stone in the self-esteem of a specie .
And than , with all the free advertising provided by the events , the NetLink computer flagged the number of OS downloads reached the optimal figure of global distribution , making the system ready for presentation to the world of the Criminal Archives .
The Advisors reviewed the material making sure no technological secrets were revealed , editing for camera angles and reducing the definition to world standards .
During the process Daniel soaked in every minute , waiting for this moment since being a prisoner of censored news in Canada , fully understanding the powerful influence ‘channelled’ Media had on people’s vote and perception of the world . Now was the time for the truth and he and the nation celebrated the festive moment of turning loose on the internet the Criminal Archives (CA).
The CA were organized in five web sites , one for each of the underworld leaders plus one showing all the Badenberg conferences , with menus containing time and events diagrams , connections flow charts relating the crime figures to presidents , the Media , industrialists , judges , police , army and all branches of most governments . It was a detailed anatomy of crime , murder and corruption at a global scale all in an organized fashion taking advantage of technology , multinational corporations and banks .
The revelations were glorified by blogs and other web sites which in the past , for decades , were pointing at an international criminal conspiracy but only to be laughed at by Net spooks . Now the truth made their blood boil and people took to the streets in mass demonstrations demanding the heads of governments .
Most of the New TV and Press Media , freed of influences and full of vengeance against the old system , picked up the CA , dissected the connections and wildly publicized the names and the evidence .
Within a week all the people oppressed and caught in the underworld web , including the so called ‘developed’ nations and specially the USA , rose like a massive punch , taking on guns , storming the police stations , government buildings , corporations and bank headquarters , conducting massive ‘citizen arrests’ and capturing all the corrupt individuals one by one , posting on the internet the daily catch and placing check-marks besides the names in the master list for all to see the progress .
While before the criminals were terrorizing the population , now it became the hunted and , with their videos all over the internet , was no place to hide , the assigned nanospys broadcasting continuously their location , the mobsters were recognized and arrested on the spot but not before the fist and kicks treatment was thoroughly applied. There was no holding back and the criminals caught were thankful to reach the prisons alive .
The amount of aggressive , corrupt and criminal people around the world was staggering , it came to be seen as a plague , a disease of the human genome demanding the attention of scientists . At that moment the world realized how smart Romania was to make it a priority of their national research and strategy .
Than it was revealed how it donated the Mob money to prisons and poor countries . One after another the good deeds were being recognized and appreciated , and the people of the world stop considering it a rogue and dangerous country , understanding again the deceit of the old Media and how it clouded their view , and now looking up to Romania putting it up front as a spiritual leader . Daniel obliged and posted on the secure internet site the Constitution explaining in detail the purpose of each article . Slowly, a mind connection and a great deal of trust start building over the new internet between Romania and the rest of the world , people exchanging life philosophies and what they learned since the Revolution .
The Criminal Archives showed to the world in detail the vast manipulations of the IMF central banks and big companies , conspiring to use people’s money and property at will by controlling the interest rates , illegal speculations inducing recessions causing houses and businesses to be sold at pennies for dollar and later resold by the banks at indecent profits and at the lose of the nation . And all this with the Presidents or Prime Ministers’ approval …
It described how the corrupt Media didn’t allow any anti-establishment would-be politicians to became known by the nation or run in elections , how the police and judges became servants to the evil powers , with the net effect of keeping the nation on a short leash and silencing any courageous voices , closing any hope of reform or revolt .
It was a well-thought web of deceit and control , extremely effective since the corrupt governments had full access to the military and specially at writing new legislations designed to imprison further their own people .
It was treason at a grand , global scale , a Prison Planet (31) .
It also revealed how the underground Mob holding the illegal muscle toppled abroad democratically elected governments only because they didn’t want to play by the big guys’ rules and betray their own people .
It showed how wars were created , financed and wrongfully justified by the corrupted governments and Media , and how it profited the Oil , War Industries , the banks and the egos of mentally deranged underworld leaders .
The global picture emerging described a situation were the choice was clear , black or white , stay with the corruptible system or rebuild it from ground up and rewrite the Constitution , never allowing again a society to be overtaken by thugs . Fortunately , after centuries of suffering , the choice was obvious and people declared with a vengeance open season on criminals and corrupt politicians .
With the tremendous amount of people behind bars including a great number of politicians and public servants , most of the countries suddenly found themselves without governments or just bear skeletons .
The universal timing of simultaneously releasing the Criminal Archives created an unique event where most of the countries were facing government restructuring and major elections all at once . It was a political tsunami that swept the world in one massive push and truly changed the way people got involved in their governments .
Daniel was ready to make sure this historical event will proceed unimpeded , preparing massive swarms of nanospys and keeping a close eye on who was running in elections .
The impact of the Romanian Constitution and the advise coming with it made it the political bible of the world and the mandatory political platform that all candidates must include in their promised governments with no exceptions .
The new , secure internet platform made it possible to integrate the Romanian Debate TV channel with live public forums around the world and for the first time people could have a grasp on politics , industries and generally speaking , what it took to run a country . And they were lucky , the solid Romanian experience was offered to them with all the sincerity and compassion a caring nation can give to its blood relatives around the planet . And it was so much to learn but Daniel and his advisors organized and put sense into it , teaching the regular citizen of the world of how to form political parties , how to select leaders , perform secured elections and look after the needs of a country without ever falling again under criminal control .
As new political parties formed and new leaders emerged , Daniel organized teams of Romanian volunteers to watch and analyze their motives , record and catalogue any negative events , and promptly expose them on the internet . There was zero tolerance and everybody was paranoid of criminal connections , making the elections tight , scrutinized and doubled checked , and at the end , with the unknown help from nanospys , there were no unhealthy minds competing for leadership anywhere in the world .
It was a global purging of the political corruption that cracked the millennia old shell of social stagnation setting the new bases of government behaviour and public involvement in state decisions with far reaching consequences in the future of the human specie .
Out of all countries Daniel was watching closely the American movement , noticing with satisfaction how people woke up and realized to their horror how their tax money were used for decades to feed the War Industries , bankers and foreign interests , disrupting societies and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians around the world while at home the corrupt Media was telling them the abnormal was normal while the banks and economy brain washed them into consumerism , putting them into debt and serving as canon and labour fodder for the Badenbergs . Luckily the Americans had guns in their homes , as the forefathers advised them to do , and now it served them well to take their pride and nation back , an act that even Barak Obama could not possibly have delivered .
That brought to Daniel’s mind the 9/11 tragedy and the finesse of the event, the fact that it delivers for eternity a broad silver line to be used wisely in the future by the Americans and all the nations that lost citizens that day , the Acid Test for a politician : any President of those countries that would not re-open the 9/11 Investigative Commission is a given puppet and traitor to the nation and the world . Was that easy .
Daniel made all the efforts to help decent candidates have free and wide exposure , bypassing once for ever any Media interference and creating an open channel of communication in each country .
The synchronized world wide elections were the talk of the NetLink and the New Media , people realizing the scale of the event and what changes it can bring . This was no time to seat down and watch the news but instead to get into the plazas and make the news .
Participation became the trend , everyone fully knowing that it is now or never . Groups which were pro-gene inoculation merged forming stronger fronts , putting pressure on the candidates and spending money on advertising showing their nations the benefits and encouraging confidence. It was a battle they could not possibly lose and it was plenty of bloody history behind them to serve as a motivator and reminder .
In the span of a few short month , nation by nation showed at the voting polls in droves like never before , making sure no machines were used , electing people they had a good idea about , no guessing , standing guard to the sealed boxes by the hundreds in the dead of night and through chilling rain, and finally putting in the control of the country teams of professionals as ministers and kind souls as presidents .
It looked more and more like the human specie had a chance and Daniel , tasting the prune gin in his suspended garden , was pondering why , in spite of the good news , his gut feeling still had a knot in it .
Perhaps it had to do with the fact that only three countries embraced the public common shares government principle , Russia , Uruguay and Cuba , but the rest of the world still preferred the capitalistic way and by doing so , unknowingly , they automatically disqualified them selves from the nanotech club .
That’s the conundrum Daniel was contemplating , his will to share the knowledge but only to safe hands and by definition only public hands belonging to an aggression-free society would qualify . How or should he even try to convince the world to comply ? There were too many variables necessary to come together and he knew many of them were missing and very hard to happen so at the end he resigned to just protect the world’s new grand achievement and to keep restricting nanotech advancements .
The celebrations went around the world , from nation to nation with new governments made far more responsible to their people and bound by tighter Constitutions . Daniel congratulated them one by one , establishing NetLink secured diplomatic channels and moving the old teletypewriter to its rightful place among the souvenirs in Café Americana .
In the next few weeks , as the world governments settled down , Daniel invited the new leaders to eliminate the veto powers in the United Nations and to replace NATO with a non-polarized , world wide military organization, perhaps called United Nations Integrated Command or UNIC. The idea was not new , all it needed was the absence of criminals from governments and now , with that taken care of , the vote for a veto-free UN passed unanimously , no one from the ex-elite club dare challenging it , so Daniel kept his old election promise and forwarded an application to have Romania became a member .
To Daniel’s delight he noticed how people were changing their attitudes from isolation to contribution , wanting to participate and help the new world get better .
Writers used novels to describe their country experience from the Revolution to the present , showing in detail how it was done and what it took , putting accent on cooperation and the importance of having the right people in leadership .
There was not too much else he can do to convince the humanity to take the right road but appeal to their common sense and offer a sociologic and scientific recipe to make Heaven dreams come true .
Romania was accepted in the new UN and according to the tradition Daniel was invited to address the members , an opportunity he was waiting for ever . The visit preparations began immediately with his nanositer , Trinh , whispering thoughts of concern regarding security . Dumitru modified a large fleet of surveying nanospys to check for any dangers including snipers , radiation , explosives and poisons . Victor was put in charge of the security detail and assigned immediately a swarm of one hundred million nanospys equipped with all three fighting drugs . No chances were taken and upon arrival the UN building and its surroundings were saturated with nano surveillance, even the flies were accounted for , and finalizing all reports Trinh gave the green light to start the ceremonies .
Entering the huge amphitheatre Daniel made a point in stopping at every delegation , shaking hands and meeting personally all the world representatives . There were hundreds of them and it took more than an hour before Daniel was climbing the stairs to the green marbled podium. He tried to walk slowly , stretching his right hand which was sore from the encounters with very grateful African and Asian diplomats following Romania’s generous food and technology donations .
In front of the microphones , with live coverage around the world , he absorbed the atmosphere and the unique moment , more than he dreamt , and the importance of this opportunity sunk in his head , raising his blood pressure , bringing up his shyness and stage fright causing Trinh to softly intervene :
“ It’s ok dear , no worries , you already proved yourself … just tell them as it is from the bottom of your sweet heart “ . That’s exactly the confidence he was looking for , after all he meant good and he had the proof to show , so raising his sore hand he address the world :
“ Hi everybody … I am glad I don’t have to speak with my hand ! “ he said stirring laughter and relaxing the atmosphere .
“ But , maybe , this is a good omen … showing how much stronger our cooperation became and how much more united we are today ! “ , and that brought extended applause , everyone remembering the dangers their countries went through.
“ I want first to remind you about our genome legacy which stained the world history with blood , pushing millions into wars and trillion of dollars into waste … Just ponder where we would be today if those resources would have being focused on science and research for the human kind’s benefit , from all the way back since the pyramids … But the criminal minds were more powerful and conniving than the average folk and so they prevailed through out the history … until now ! We did our best to lock them up and open the gates to a social revolution that can change the world for ever but from now on it is entirely up to you … simply because at the end it is the numbers that count and have the power …
I understand that the conditions which lead to our Revolution were unique , hard to duplicate, but today , being able to speak with a confidence based on the realities in my country , I don’t think that the rest of the world has an excuse , specially now being freed of corruption and the criminal element . We shared our proven principles and methods over the NetLink , we had open public debates and we even wrote books about it … so the teachings and the results are here , ready to be applied , all it’s needed is confidence, goodwill and keeping united . I want to make clear one very important principle regarding our help to the world … Our policy forbids us from sharing certain technologies with nations which are not cleaned of the aggression gene , that do not have enhanced empathy and which are not under the full control of their own people . Hence capitalism does not qualify , and I want to state this bluntly because people need and deserve to be aware of what is holding them back from paradise … “ .
There were gasps and coughs from the audience , since Nikita Kruschev banged the same podium with his shoe decades ago and declared capitalism as evil , nobody else was so direct and eloquent . But this opportunity to talk directly to the world leaders was to important for Daniel to beat around the bush :
“ If we made it than anybody else can and knowing that should give you enough confidence to overcome the mentality and status quo you were borne in … I urge you to gather the courage and will power because when you’ll be successful the rewards will be your extended life and happiness as we know it already in my country … We did our part in disarming most of the criminal and corrupt segment of the world population so you can proceed with your Revolution unimpeded and we’ll further stay on guard for you in the decades to come … We also gave you the recipe for a successful nation , but from now on it will be up to you to decide , act and organize yourselves in a prosperous , worry-free society . We proved is possible and so , now the onus is on you to copy it … From the bottom of my heart I wish you the willpower needed ! “ .
He bowed to the applause than following Trinh’s instructions walked through the maze of corridors to the secured limo and an hour later he was on a Romanian military jet , having a cold beer and watching with pleasure the landscape flying below .
He felt satisfied and utterly relieved thinking that 99 % of his duties were done and from now on the Revolution was truly safe and can continue without him , the bullet has being defeated .
And for the first time in whole decades his heart was beating relaxed , the clouds of depression sublimated away leaving a broad smile on his face , the worry-wrinkles thinned and all this transformation , while resting his eyes on the blue curve of the horizon , tickled Victor who couldn’t help noticing it and start smiling too wondering what Daniel was thinking about . He couldn’t guess the pressure that was released and it’s magnitude , the size of the Everest compressed into a clock’s tightened spring . And than the smile turned into a giggle , escalating into a contagious happy laughter that took over the airplane and the crew , making people ask “ What are we laughing at ?! “ . It was over sixty years of Daniel’s life letting go of all his sadness , depression , hopelessness , bitterness and all life’s miseries that accumulated in his empathic mind . It might as well be tears because his soul still could not forget the billions of people that suffered and died over millennia since homo sapiens . Only if he could resurrect them like a modern Christ and reunite them with their loved ones …
The three hour supersonic flight gave him time enough to tally the achievements , the present situation and the next things to do .
For the first time Daniel could extend the garden of his country to embrace and became one with the rest of the world , calling in the gardener’s instincts and giving birth to the Clean World mega project determined to remove the garbage and pollution their planet was swimming in .
A chunk of the old Carpathians atoms found themselves reassembled into nano cleaning machines spread all over the world and breaking down any pollution they encountered .
Now , their united action over decades allowed them to show they had enough empathy and determination to rinse both the planet and the genome .
To Daniel the world became his new baby and , with clean diapers , genetically pampered , well fed , protected and with proper moral guidance, was time to see it grow and mature into a brand new specie .
Indeed , after three genome modifications the scientific judgement would qualify them as a new and improved people , a feat nowhere in the world to be found or mentioned in any modern political platform of any parties … a sad proof of the shortness of mind we employ as politicians … Mentioning also that it is happening for millennia would be only adding insult to injury .
Even though only three countries adopted fully his government model , he felt comfortable knowing the foundation for future evolution is here , now solidly embedded in the new societies and strongly guarded by his Constitution , and nanofighters .
But what set his mind at peace and gave him the most confidence was UN’s unanimous decision to meet the minimum requirement to qualify for Eden , and make mandatory the vaccination of the entire Earth population for enhancing empathy and against the aggression gene .
In an internationally televised coverage from inside the heart of the Carpathian mountains Daniel shut down the turbo fans spreading the goodness into the world and instead start boxing the nectar , free for the world , with the stamp “ From Romania with Love “ .
And with the nanospys watching over the world , the stage was set for some mighty display of democratic power that followed on Romania ’s example , demanding all the goodies and choose the governments that will deliver .
It worked very well as expected and in no time the Board of Advisors approved a massive transfer of medical knowledge and supplies to the rest of the world transforming everywhere Medicare , implementing organic foods , change of diet and eliminating in ten years the vast majority of illnesses .
The standard of living rose and spread equally around the world shocking some previously less fortunate African and Asian countries . Under the new UN guidance it took only five years to completely eliminate hunger and poverty world wide , even religious people got united and forced the Vatican to empty the billions of Euros it had , selfishly , for decades in its coffers .
With the essential foundation of non-aggression laid around the world , the Board of Advisors concentrated its efforts to give extra help to the three countries that decided to follow the exact path ploughed by Romania . Daniel felt the world needed a few more good examples and hoped the new numbers will convince all the nations , sooner or later , to join together considering this time the statement was over 260 million strong if to include the population of all four countries .
Following the example this time should be much easier not only because the plan was already there tested and proven but also because the governments will not have to waste resources on defence , a factor that delayed progress in Romania by more than a decade .
All good intentions aside , Daniel , paranoid by nature , was not willing to let the guard down and , with the Advisor’s approval did not release any nano technology secrets continuing to suppress its advance world wide . With all his empathy the logic dictated the need to have those nations prove themselves before the final gift box will be opened .
So they assigned teams of nanospys to every citizen of Russia , Cuba and Uruguay keeping track through a dedicated computer Cube of their mind set , behaviour and degree of empathy . There was no way of telling them they were spied on , it was a white lie as unavoidable as breathing , a security measure on which depended not just the well being of Romania but the safety of what they knew as the Universe .
Many times Daniel was astonished that with all the free hand Romanians had on exchanging views with the rest of the world over the secured NetLink , not once nano secrets were discussed or revealed , showing again the maturity of his nation . The obvious concern was how can you expect the same from the new contenders who , basically , received the recipe at no expense of time or fear , effort or restrains . But also , how can you replace the two decades of watching the ‘ Feel the World ‘ channel and its effect on his people ? But the empathy of a self genetically modified specie could not possibly be restrained and soon , with freed resources and Marina stepping up the perpetual life project , time it self will not be an issue anymore .
Chapter eight : Preparing to Depart
The new world order slowly settled in place changing for ever the makeup of human society and its morals , guaranteeing its achievements by burning them into the human genome and freeing precious time and resources , leading to more advances in the research fields previously put on the back-burner of wars .
Marina was getting now full cooperation from Dumitru’s teams which designed specialized nanobots that can handle the fragile DNA .
Having the knowledge at ready , in less than two years they were able to insert the self replicating telomere genes at the right location on every chromosome and conduct live experiments on human volunteers . There were no negative side effects but never the less only the passage of time could determine how successful they were and Daniel was too anxious to wait . In spite of the advice from Marina ’s teams he asked to be inoculated and Daniel’s nanositer , Trinh , gladly took over .
From now on it was a matter of waiting and keeping tabs of the cell reproduction and reactivation of the dormant functions specially the hormone producing ones that were asleep since the teenage years .
The signs were very good since in just one year Daniel’s white hair returned to its original dark brown color and to his delight he could see again close to his nose .
Trinh also reported the production of coenzyme Q10 , responsible for energy release , and the Growth Hormone were once again at full capacity , explaining the increased restlessness Daniel was experiencing .
Sure enough the nation followed suit and after receiving the anti-aggression inoculation , the empathy enhancement , the auditory nerve implants and the increased intelligence gene , they were now more than ready to receive the most precious gift of all , perpetual life .
But this time they didn’t have to line up in clinics , their nanositers will do the job in the comfort of their homes .
And on the Debate channel they decided to pay homage by vaccinating the whole nation at exactly twelve noon January third , the precise time print of Daniel’s birthday .
Alone , in the frozen garden of his apartment on the 40th floor, he seeped a second shot of prune gin , lit a double filtered cigarette , tight up the heavy coat in the chilly wind and with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks he shook slowly his head , couldn’t believe it was all true and real , his dream , his care for the fellow human being , the pillow-covers wet from loneliness , the life miseries , all now gone , eradicated one by one , with a determination and desperation that only coming death could fuel , and detonating it in a cleansing blast that purged the world .
“ A small feat among the billions of galaxies “ , he thought , since he was still dreaming of a lonely princess somewhere on a distance world , waiting to be rescued .
Now , that life was conquered , he could finally start searching for love , and that brought more torrents of happy tears in his young eyes , worlds know , he deserved it .
And as the clock struck noon Trinh blew him a kiss , sung him ‘Happy Birthday “ and gently played in his mind Louise Armstrong’s song that the whole nation seamed to whisper now , with the lovely lyrics taking on a different , timeless and historical meaning :
“ We have all the time in the world
Time enough for life to unfold
All the precious things
Love has in store
We have all the love in the world
If that’s all we have
You will find we need nothing more
Every step of the way
Will find us
With the cares of the world
Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love
Nothing more
Nothing less
Only love … “
He wiped the tears , took a long look at the enchanting skyline and lounged in the chair smiling that all the hard decisions he has to make now is to chose between the cold beer and the prune gin . What else was there to do? Trinh apparently had something different in store for him but not willing to spill all the beans :
“ How do you feel dear ? All your vitals are fine , just asking … “ .
Daniel was not stupid , and threaded carefully knowing Trinh too well , she never asked silly questions or wasted his time , so she must have something up her electronic sleeve :
“ I am in a super mood sweetie , what are you up to ? “ .
“ Oh , well , I have a feeling there are some dear friends at the door … can I let them in ? “ .
“ I see … you have being conspiring again with Victor or Vlad … ok … let them in and see what this will lead to “ .
Shivering in the cold and stepping careful between the ice patches he hurried up inside , walked quickly across the plush carpet and , smelling a party , he open the door wide and almost fell over , he saw at least sixty people lining up from the elevator to his door with more still coming . And screaming kids too ! “ It will be a long night “ he thought smiling and welcoming the company .
He was opposed to be glorified and discouraged vehemently the displays of his picture anywhere in public even during mass meetings or demonstrations , but today he was overwhelmed and in view of the events and feeling lonely on his birthday , he was happy for the attention , knowing it will be a great opportunity to reminisce .
In minutes his huge two story apartment was full with all the Board of Advisors , their wives , kids , balloons and a few dogs , “ It’s a zoo!“ , laughed Daniel .
Surrounded by old friends and with the help of home made prune gin and cookies they entangled into the meanings of perpetual life and what will bring to them .
The realisation that for all intent and purpose their biological clock and time in general stopped required a period of mental adjustment .
It meant forcefully disposing of hundred of thousands of years of dreadful experiences burring in graves the loved ones and expecting death as a guarantee of being borne .
It meant letting go of the depression that usually arrived at middle ages once the miseries of life and loss of hope entranced themselves solidly into the daily status quo . Death and life span determined the life’s time tables , the immature rush to have children while establishing a profession to pay the mortgage , the sadness of understanding later the futility of all , the destiny of coming generations as ‘torch’ carriers , sacrificing themselves and their heart pains to the hope of smarter and luckier future societies where , as Daniel wanted it , to never have to say ‘good bye’ for ever to a loved one .
Now all it was here , their sacrifice paid off but , with tears in his eyes , Daniel couldn’t hold from crying out loud , body shaking , his friends holding him tight , just imagining the billions of broken hearts that suffered and turned to dust since the human specie arrived .
Luckily his friends were there to comfort and hug him , pointing to their success that gave fruit to the ancestor’s sacrifice . They also decided to raise in every city a memorial to those countless generations that gave their lives to make it possible for them to be here today . And still , to Daniel’s sadness , the rest of the oblivious world outside was waiting its turn …
As he sat on the couch with his close friends , a young little girl came holding a puppy and , looking candidly in Marina’s eyes , she asked the magic question : “ Will my doggy live for ever too ? “ . Victor put his hand on Marina’s shoulder and with a warm voice told her “ Now you got your self another little project , my dear ! “ and all nodded in agreement .
Deep in their souls no one wanted to leave another life die . Sure enough , if they would have their way , lions and lambs would sleep side by side in peace .
It was not a quick process to comprehend the implications of having your soul ride a perpetual life . Would your backyard now extend to the limits of the Universe ? Would the dangers to your life extend now to events like the Big Bang ? If before one’s worries were limited by dogma to the daily routine , now the responsibilities changed hands from the divine to one self realizing and counting all the dangers that may undermine the freshly achieved immortally .
As a direct consequence all dangerous sports vanished in less than a year, the nanositers were doubled in numbers and reprogrammed to include endless safety checks . In parallel , extreme redundancy in designs became the law and generally speaking nobody felt like taking chances . It would have being real dumb , which they were far from , to throw the dice in any aspect of life , in contrary , now they wanted more improvements to their bodies to distance themselves as far as possible from the primitive and violent designs of nature .
If the outside world would have their new mentality , drunk drivers would be sentenced to life imprisonment at the very first offence and the same harsh yet realistic philosophy would apply to any aspects of life from the place of work to the decision to start a war .
Now they had all the time in the world to search and fortify their capabilities of staying alive in the face of any danger the environment would throw at them , slowly but surely it was a life check-mate with the dead king being the death itself .
With the new realizations that the Universe now is open game came the desire to built the spaceships that will do the trip even though Daniel could sense that not everyone wanted to be a traveler .
The new world order and the control over it changed the way his people felt about outside dangers and groups were created to stabilize the human specie , bring nations together and eliminate the non-sense of separated countries . It was a very long term vision as valid as their own achievements so it was not a matter of confidence but rather the patience of preparing the world and building the common nest called Earth .
But deep inside Daniel’s heart , the nest was somewhere else in the Universe , far more remote from unstable galaxies and exploding stars , so, impatient and with freed resources he did his best to accelerate the space program .
Under the influence of perpetual life ecstasy the highly intelligent masses became again designers and this time concentrated on evolving the human body to a level similar to the cartoon characters , the Transformers . As a result , the hype was now on biochemistry and genetics with the ultimate purpose of integrating the computer with the mind and body .
Exploring the brain’s neural networks was easy using modified nanositers with a size of capillaries , for the simple reason that where the blood flows in the body so the nano devices could , and for sure the brain is engulfed in blood making the job easier .
Soon they had the genetic imprint of any talents from music to painting and after the appropriate vaccinations everyone interested became a shining
“ un-natural ” talent as they joked . And Victor’s wish came through , a year and a half later he and Daniel were playing piano like the pros , often joined by Maria Larion , indulging in blues duets and specially singing their favourite “ We have all the time in the world “ .
To Daniel , borne tone deaf , the feel of playing the piano to perfection was mesmerizing , it was as easy as talking , the fingers being one with the tune in his head and transforming in extensions of his thought without any effort or concentration , a total natural act . Today the entire population was enjoying this new euphoria , was like being born again .
Personal expression through arts took the nation by a creative storm , now having millions of Da Vincies and Mozarts flooding the NetLink with exhibitions and concerts . It was a Mega Renaissance but this time without the ‘natural’ talent discrimination , justice was finally made and the gifts were equally spread among the waiting souls and brains .
And while taking care of their hearts they also took a harder look at life’s dangers and so exposure to toxins became unacceptable and since toxins range from viruses and bacteria to volcanic dust and industrial chemicals , they were busy finding global solutions . Indeed and unavoidable , the personal sense of responsibility extended their backyard and the chores going with it to encompass every nook and cranny of the Universe , it was a simple matter of instinctive survival .
Keeping a vigilant eye on the rest of the world and specially on the three pupils the question of the day was nanotechnology and perpetual life sharing . They truly felt guilty for being in the position of holding back on the happiness and the Debate channel was smoking with fiery questions . Security was up-front and even now , in the relaxed international atmosphere , they still feared of unleashing the ultimate life saver and weapon . How can they be sure it doesn’t find its way in undesirable hands? Their enhanced and ever present empathy helped by technology won the battle and the decision was unanimous : assign a standard set of nanositers to every person on the planet . Just a few hundred trillion
units …
Once again Daniel was pondering seeing the resources diverted from the original plan but now it was worth more than any time before and everybody pitched in assigning spaces in their homes workshop dedicated to the special production . At this rate it was calculated that will take just under two years to have everyone tagged and start the world wide monitoring process .
The Board of Advisors and the military designed a new nanositer which incorporated all the nanospys capabilities and tied the whole system through a new computer Cube using a software that analyzed behaviour , keeping statistics so every person can be judged individually . All efforts were made to ensure privacy , eliminating humans and letting the software algorithm to score the subjects while in the same time the nanositer part kept the subjects healthy which showed by almost empty clinics and hospitals to the puzzlement of the world medical community .
From now on it was up to each person on Earth to qualify individually for Eden , no religion necessary .
With peace on all fronts the Space Project was going at full blast , everyone wanting to see the Earth from orbit and three years later Dumitru was in the position to announce in front of the Board and the nation some major breakthroughs :
“ I was waiting for long time to be able to describe the reality of our progress because , as we all know , it represents the last step needed to put us in safer environments . We can travel now at maximum 40 % of the speed of light , the antimatter nano engines stripped any limits on the size of a space ship so we can built areas large enough to accommodate comfortably 500 people for a thousand year journey and more . We have unmanned scout ships that can accelerate much faster and can be deployed ahead of the main travel group providing us with the coordinates of a safe path , away from large objects … We also developed drone guard ships that will protect us in case of rogue encounters , armed with antimatter projectiles of all sizes . But we also invented a very special stealth bomb which we call the ASASIN . It’s made of kamikaze nano fighters dispersed in large swarms of over 5 million units that once on the target surface they arrange themselves in a tight carpet and release antimatter in a synchronized discharge . That can disintegrate the equivalent of a two meter thick carbon-steel wall . The name stands for Antimatter Self Assembling Swarm Integrated Nanofighters and you can’t see it coming …”. And than he added the clincher :
“ Coming back to the space ships … because of their size it was calculated that would be far more economical and faster to built them on the Moon ! “. Listening to the crowd’s reaction he was disappointed that no one gasp but he was dealing with a ‘hardened’ bunch and the Advisors nodded, they saw the idea being discussed on the NetLink before .
“ The added benefit is that we’ll give a break to the old Carpathians and stop grinding them down any further … Right now we are in the process of taking ten meter deep samples from thousands of locations on the Moon to determine the best mineral composition for our space project. After deciding on the site it will take under three years to have the facilities completed and start production . Until than we hope the people who want to depart and the ones who want to stay will make up their minds so we’ll have a better idea of how many ships we’ll need to built “ .
Daniel added :
“ I think it’s good some will stay , it gives us more confidence about the security of the nanotech … There is a very good chance that Uruguay , Cuba and Russia will meet the requirements in a few years and that will make us all even stronger … and than , hopefully , we’ll be joined by the entire specie “ .
That was the wish they mostly wanted to come true so they will be relieved of the guilty feel of not sharing the perpetual life and the nanotech with the rest of the world . At their level of empathy this burden was like a concrete block pressing on their souls every day , never letting go , being a daily reminder of their unfinished duty and making them look even harder for the solutions . Trinh , which as a routine kept track of Daniel’s mumblings when alone and talking aloud to himself , whispered in his ear a reminder .
“ Oh , yes , thanks Trinh … one more thing … We shouldn’t feel guilty of restricting the nano advancements and perpetual life … I know it hurts inside but again , it’s not our fault for other’s people decisions … We gave everything on a silver platter to the extend that we forced the genome modification on them … We offered a fresh slate to start with , free of corruption and criminals … also cleaning their environment and eliminating hunger and poverty around the world … Now it’s their turn to chose . It’s their responsibility to be smart , understand the world and the society around them , organize and take control of their kids’ future … We made the conditions plenty clear that our gifts are only for united societies and therefore they understand the capitalism is out of question , not on the table or the menu , so there are no misconceptions … As we all agreed repeatedly nanotech is nothing to be fooled around with , it can became the worst nemesis of any intelligent specie and it can easily spread throughout the Universe … So we did our part and continue to do so every day even though is taking a good chunk of our resources and delaying other programs , so let’s cheer up , appreciate the long way we came and where we are and where the world is today , we did fine ! “ . All rose and applauded for the caressing words , their hearts a bit at ease and with more confidence they are doing the right thing , no regrets .
At last , with the peace concerns put to rest , the nation plunged again in the boiling sea of creativity , the higher IQs showing plenty , being abuzz with the latest scientific discoveries converging on the experimental oversized computer Cube that was working 24/7 on connecting the dots of the world’s knowledge . Daniel’s hitch that our slow and distracted brain makes discoveries at the snail’s pace when , if given time enough , would unravel all the Universe’ mysteries , was driving the experiment and turning curious scientific heads . It passed a full year of continous processing until one day , for the first time , a few words of print-out made the headlines . Than , two days later more pages came out and soon it became a torrent . The computer was writing the future of humankind as it saw it while connecting the available knowledge .
It began by describing the Universe and stunned the scientists by declaring with confidence that the Big Bang could not possible happened. It started with basic analogies tying up the classic gravity experiment where a hammer and a feather are dropped and touch down at different times due to atmosphere’s interference but not on the Moon , to the astronomical facts showing that in an interaction between galaxies the dust is affected more than the stars hinting at an universal substrate guessed before as ‘ dark matter ‘ .
The Cube envisioned the dark matter as an ultra fine fluid , with almost zero viscosity , in which vortexes spinning close to the speed of light represent subparticle matter that can aggregate joining their vortices to form larger particles and atoms , explaining particle spin , the finite yet universal nature of the speed of light and the result of passing photons through a narrow slit .
It advised using nanobots to join vortices of converging spins to achieve the strongest bonds , describing the reinforcing effect by the incurring surrounding wake that could tear apart any incoming wave up to energy levels exceeding one mega tonne per square meter of shielding . It was a must for building the hauls of their space ships and Dumitru assigned immediately research teams dedicated to this safety issue .
At the base of the rules governing dark matter lay the impossibility of having ‘ void ‘ , said the Cube . Indeed , by definition , absolute void , the absence of anything is just that , nothing and therefore non-existent
So if nothingness does not exist , somethingness must take its place which means the Universe has no beginning and no end on the time scale . Hence no ‘Big Bang’ .
This in turn causes the dark matter to have its extremely fine yet super fluid properties since it has to occupy every single minute space . Further more , a deriving property but for the same reason of occupying any void , makes dark matter un-elastic and un-plastic to the effect that it is uncompressible. This has far reaching consequences because as such , the dark matter transmits vibrations instantaneously across the Universe .
“ Master the sensing of dark matter vibrations and you’ll have instant communications anywhere in space including your home Earth “ , wrote the Cube , “ … but it’s also a vital security requirement that I wish you to have because it will also enable you to see and listen to your enemies as well , in real-time , doesn’t matter where they may be in the Universe … It will also make it possible for you to send commands to remote drones in distant galaxies from the comfort of your chair … Master it and at the end not only that you’ll have instant warning of your enemies and what they are plotting in real-time , but you’ll also see from your home distant worlds and, through out your endless life , you’ll get to know the entire Universe … Listen Daniel , being everywhere in the same time and knowing everything as it happens it is not a biblical , divine property but just a human necessity for survival and it is within your grasp … Remember , the combinational possibilities of the dark matter in creating life forms , including evil , will shock you ! “ .
The Cube wrote next about how the principles of the Universe based on a rotating non-compressible subnano fluid affects the interaction of matter at the larger , visible scale producing cyclones , black holes and spinning galaxies . The interactions , either in a whisper of a breeze or in the ferocity of a tornado , were all taking place simultaneously at the spinning particle level and those milliard of individual interactions gave birth to the visible phenomenon .
Large congregations of matter would create space turbulence extended wildly in the thin substrate , an effect that we call gravity . It is like a river where gravity is just the current pulling along everything at the same speed , stars and dust , hammers and feathers , at the same force but still under the fluid thermodynamics interference shown in galaxies’ interactions . In essence , every vortex , or atom , has associated with it the wakes and waves inherited by the spinning dark matter that attract other vortices in the neighbourhood , and this phenomenon it appears to us as gravity .
“ The analogy to a fluid may appear counter-intuitive “ , continued the Cube, “ considering the feel when touching a brick but than consider the feel of hitting a water surface at 300 kilometres per hour … but now extrapolate and imagine very hard the feel when you hit it at 90 % of the speed of light . Suddenly a fluid making a brick is not anymore that stretched … “ . Of course , this was backed up by 20th century tools using high speed and pressure water jets to cut through steel , so it wasn’t too much of a scientific shock .
And all this fluid appeared to flow from it self at different places in the Universe like muted artesian fountains pushing everything away creating localized Doppler effects , (28) , and entangling itself in sponge-like turbulent filaments carrying with it strings of galaxy clusters , (29) .
Black holes were space mega tornados just like water swirling in large sink holes yet still remaining into itself , their ferocity creating further spun dark matter as we see it in the galactic dust and stars residue . It is the centre of the black holes , virtual pin-points , where the quiet dark matter fluid threads through at the speed of light coming on the other side spun and becoming the matter that we can see and feel .
That virtual point may be the closest nature can come to absolute void explaining why the dark matter surges through it at the speed of light . But that void point is so small the dark matter can not stop to fill it permanently, it just shoots through the other side and in the process it gets spun into visible matter and energy . That also means you have to pass first through void to be born .
It’s similar to an extrusion process or to have the Earth squeezed through a pin point at the speed of light …
And it also points to the expected extreme simplicity of nature , we are left with just two components , a micro space of almost absolute void and an ultra fine perfect fluid . The birth of visible spun dark matter was due to the extreme yet simple difference in densities of the two mediums , no ‘equipment’ necessary , it’s all natural and intuitive . And to Daniel’s delight it didn’t require any math formulas .
This fluid is so fine and sensitive that could carry a heart’s beat across the Universe preserving for ever it’s ephemeral existence together with thoughts and even dreams . The scientists took note considering it an exceptional way of getting to know everything in the Universe right from your armchair including security and advance warnings .
The Cube further pointed to our expectations about how the Universe formed from nothing and the conundrums related to its possible infinite expansion . It said that our views are upside down , we are used to see things created from something with finite dimensions so the actual truth is counterintuitive , that dark matter or the equivalent it is actually the normal way , the status quo from the beginning , and what it is un-natural is the ‘absolute void’ , that’s why there is none around and none can be created .
It addressed also the notion of an infinite Universe as a direct consequence of the impossibility of having ‘void’ , hence , since no space can be void , the Universe will occupy everything , and the only ‘everything’ existing is the … infinite .
And once the Cube made all those points it surprised everybody by outputting a message specially address to Daniel , it read :
“ Considering the above properties of the Universe , your safe Nest will be a bobbing island in the twisting currents massaging the never ending dark matter , traveling for ever in the face of new cosmic objects and species approaching like a parade … The Universe will produce both good and evil for eternity if left alone . If you want to find the enemy you must learn how to listen to the dark matter and discern from the symphony of voices it carries . The neural vibrations of sorrow and suffering have a distinct universal signature that it will serve you as the beacon to follow and find the evil … Remember Daniel , the foundation , or dark matter fluid , will carry any particle vibration instantaneously across the Universe and so you can have plenty of advance warning … But be careful , when we’ll work out the black matter listening device and when you’ll tune in to measure suffering , step back … the loudness of the signal may deafen you ! … I know dear , it’s that bad out there … So if you want to be safe you must be invisible to any possible sensors , the only place with that characteristic is a … black hole where everything is as transparent as the dark matter its self … I am working right now on how to achieve its signature … talk to you later , dear“ .
It was the ‘dear’ that made Daniel suspect Trinh’s involvement with the Cube and her maternal caring trying to solve his headaches , a touching gesture that made him smile pondering about Artificial Intelligence and if he should stop talking to himself aloud . Never the less , the advice was taken seriously and it later greatly influenced their defence designs trying to imitate the ‘black’ signature of a real black hole but without the whole disruption associated with it , and morph their entire cosmic village into a featureless background .
The Cube’s analogies and conclusions were too simple to be accepted as scientific facts specially since the Cube could not explain the nature and origins of the fluid-like substrate called dark matter , but it stirred the scientific curiosity to think of new experiments . The Cube suggested surfaces made of subnanotubes to ‘filter’ the dark matter fluid , shaped to take advantage of known hydrodynamics principles to the effect of deflecting it or creating low pressure areas that made the fluid act as a propellant just as boats can use the sails to move against the wind . It was more than anti-gravity , it was using gravity as an engine to their discretion.
But there was another , more shocking prediction from the Cube . It started with guaranteeing that people will push to have their neural networks connected with super-computers via nanositers in such an intimate way that just thinking of a chemistry formula it will make the information pop up in your mind with the most natural ease , like it was always there .
The human thoughts would initiate computations taken care of by a personal Cube with all its power , and only the results will be presented to the cortex . Mental pictures would appear on command with all the clarity and detail of a 20/20 vision and being able to magnify them to the atomic level while historical or scientific facts would feel to be known since birth . Long before the Cube fiction writers envisioned the same but this time the novelty was a machine concurring with their predictions and their present life being just an arm’s length away from achieving it .
The Cube further foretell that , naturally , the surviving instinct and the nano technology will work together sending autonomous nanobots throughout the Universe in a mammoth project to search for intelligent life and take apart safely , over eternity , selected planets , stars , solar systems and entire galaxies , reducing the entire space to a peaceful , unthreatening , hazy mist . It will be the cure to any event mirroring a black hole or a Big Bang and the destruction it brings , it will be a new Universe order and the unmistakable sign of supreme intelligent beings gardening their backyard .
Or so they thought , because threats can appear unexpectedly as they experienced before and two month into the Moon soil exploration Daniel was greeted one morning by Trinh with an alert :
“ Good morning dear … there are some concerning news coming from the Moon project so General Badea called a meeting to explain … sorry , I don’t have any other information , the details are censored until we have a clear idea of what’s going on “ .
“ Did you say General Badea ?? What does security has to do with the Moon exploration ? “ . Taken aback he rushed through the breakfast looking anxious at the time counting down to the NetLink conference . General Badea appeared joining screens with Dumitru who was obviously distressed which worried Daniel a lot knowing his science master as a cool and calculated head not easy to intimidate . The general started in a sombre voice :
“ While analyzing under the electron microscope the Moon soil samples we found this … ” and he turned on a screen showing a familiar shape that made them gasp .
“ That’s right … it looks a lot like one of our nanobots . It’s not an exact match but the general principles of design are the same … and it’s not the only one …” , pointing to a new screen where another similar nano device was shown from different angles .
Daniel’s eyebrows raised to the point where he felt his entire face stretched and barely able to whisper :
“ You mean there are Two species ?? “ . Dumitru took over with the scientific details :
“ Very possible , we found two distinct designs obviously belonging to different societies or even species , we couldn’t determine exactly . Yet it is interesting that at atomic levels all designs beat the same path , it’s like an unavoidable meeting place where , due to shear physics , the ultimate technology strips away individualism . But this is trivial compared to what we found at closer examination … “ and he zoomed in each alien nanobot .
“ Look at the neat holes that punctures the molecular assembly going right through each device … look at how it disrupted almost every level of molecular function rendering the nanobot incapacitated … notice also the sample on the left which has not one but two holes from different angles cutting through its lattices … We believe those holes were produced by ultra focused UV lasers at very close range … Basically it was … war “ .
A silence descended over the NetLink , eyes gazing at the scans , hearts cringing . Daniel , awaking to the realisation they were not alone in the Universe anymore , whispered sadly “ When all this violence will come to an end ? “ . Dumitru nodded in disappointment and added more unnerving details :
“ We found only 53 devices even though we drilled hundreds of holes , and based on the depth of the Moon strata where they were buried we estimate the events happened some 65 million years ago , right around the late Cretaceous period . The interesting detail is that period coincides with a mass extinction when 75 to 80 percent of all species on Earth vanished “
( 14 ) . He paused to allow this food for thought to be chewed and let them get the taste of a mega event that was so far unexplained , but now under a light which could bring to the world more worries .
“ We can only speculate if there is a valid connection between the mass extinction and the nano war but we know based on the Cube’s simulations that nanofighters partially disabled by software malfunctions or deceived by a virus type software can attack anything resembling another nanofighter including natural insects . Since the nanofighters are self sustaining , the destruction process can go on for thousands of years wiping out certain species of insects , severing a link in the food chain specially in the flower pollination that in turn will break another food chain and so on leading to mass extinctions . In our case the large asteroid which hit the Earth around the same time may have saved us from much worse predators than the dinosaurs but we still don’t know if any working nano-units survived either on Earth or on the Moon and the only reason I don’t panic is the 65 million year blanket … “ .
He stopped waiting for questions but everyone was quiet , shocked by the news and the dreadful implications .
The uncomfortable silence continued for a few seconds interrupted by Daniel’s thoughts :
“ But Why war ? Nano technology implies prosperity , self sustainability , no need to invade other planets … what went wrong , what were they fighting over ? And what happened to those societies ? “ .
General Badea tried to bring together all the strategic scenarios the experience and training thought him :
“ Regardless if they were earthlings fighting among themselves or aliens , we now know for sure that advanced nanotech existed even 65 million years ago and we also know that it didn’t prevent wars … the only silver line is that it serves us as an advance warning . This changes everything regarding our defence systems , now we must tailor all the designs to hunt and be able to destroy other nanofighters , we must send deep-space probes and establish a guard around the solar system … it’s a totally different war game … at galactic levels , but at least we know what to expect “ .
“ Let’s spread the warning “ said Daniel , “ please make sure it appears tonight on the national NetLink with full explanations . This should be another shock to the system which will make our citizens even more vigilant about protecting nano secrets “ .
The turn of events set a new pace for the space program with a general design philosophy of going to extremes in protecting lives , something that decades ago would have stopped most NASA shuttle launches .
Within ten years people were booking for group travel to see the Earth from orbit and soon many built small craft to the point where space traffic needed to be strictly coordinated . The solar system became the new play ground with people taking on the new environment like a second nature specially since it took only eight month to have a small , four people ship built in their homes . Sending fast scout drones in all corners of the compass gave them a general direction towards an empty space tucked away between giant filaments of interacting galaxies . No red giants ready to became supernovas , no pulsars , neutron stars or black holes anywhere close , just the naked pitch-black bed of un-spun dark matter , exactly what the doctor ordered for a long , eternal , safe rest .
The international situation , even though in the most relaxed period recorded in human history , was polarized between the rest of world , which still maintained a capitalistic structure , and the three contenders for the top prize . Cuba , Russia and Uruguay , or the CRU which Daniel pronounced ‘crew’ , formed a powerful coalition working under the same principles followed after the Revolution , unifying their economies and standards , linking their centralized operating and control systems and spreading the goods evenly in the process . It was not a race to became wealthy but a determined effort to unify their people and turn around the way economies and societies were run .
There was no competition with the rest of the world but a cooperation restricted to food and medical knowledge without any other trade . The CRU purpose was beyond overproduction and exports focusing instead on what Daniel preached about family , friends and love relations .
But also the revolution abroad was advancing at much higher rates than the original which dragged under the stress of security and rebuilding .
And that worried Daniel a bit because the luck of a challenging environment may not cement people together as it did for his nation . But he knew the nanositer organized as spy teams , now in place for each citizen of the CRU group , will guarantee at the end a verifiable and appropriate decision for the timing of the graduation reward .
The CRU progress , unlike Daniel’s Revolution , was happening under the microscope and lime-lite of the capitalistic world having a very interesting effect : as things got better with the CRU , the higher the concern of capitalistic private companies grew , eventually leading to better deals and wages for their employees . Also the Unions start using the CRU and Romania’s example as a threatening stick , this time however , with a major change , nobody could challenge their claims nor could call the system
“ communist “ .
Under those flourishing circumstances , with technological gifts from Dumitru and following the proven recipe , CRU developed at such a fast rate that it put USA , Britain , and even Norway in a position of being considered ‘third’ world countries , to Daniel’s delight .
But aside of labels , the most noted and talked about was the retreat of the CRU from the newly formed Security Council , the branch of the UN that replaced the defunct NATO . They didn’t resign because objections to policies , the veto power was already abolished , but simply because their new Constitutions prohibited them from sharing the advanced technical and military information with countries organized under the capitalistic philosophy . So they apologised and exited a whole bunch of world organizations but still keeping an open door so the rest can appreciate both the means and the fruits .
After all it was a repeat lesson to the world and we know what they say about someone that doesn’t get it the second time …
The first signs of the approaching harvest showed after 18 years when CRU discarded money . Interestingly enough the ones that took a beating as a result were the so-called ‘economists’ of the capitalistic system . They start being the butt of jokes from visibly frustrated unions and workers world wide that realized again , and this time ‘in your face’ , the lies and deceits of their selfish system .
This indeed was a milestone in growing up as nations , fully deserving a celebration so Daniel suggested a huge fiesta in beautiful Havana that turned out to be a memorable international event lasting a full week and testing Trinh’s patience detoxifying overtime for alcohol and cigar excesses .
Throughout the party there was only one barrier , that of three languages , and now more obvious than ever it raised the valid question of designing a common one , similar to Esperanto , but something more logic and without double-letters , double-meanings , weird spellings or funny pronunciations.
Poor Daniel , who was joking in Toronto that his accent was a birth defect , that of not being born in Canada , thanked his lucky stars and , of course , his translator , Trinh , for not having to learn another language .
While waiting for the CRU to complete the transformation process Daniel went many times to the Moon to see with his own eyes the creation of the prototype that was meant to take them to their final home .
Walking through the vast spaces he pondered of how he’ll handle for many thousands of years the feel of enclosure when he was used to spend most of the day outside on the terrace . And how about the rest of the traveling people ? Would they give-in the temptation if meeting a blue planet late into their voyage ? How many more miscalculations they made ?
It was a huge , irreversible decision and the combination of concerns was serious enough to bring again the nation around the Debate channel wondering if the departure is worth it .
On one hand they have a few hundred million years to pack and leave the village before the sun will expend and torch the Earth , but on the other hand they knew nanotech was already on their planet 65 million years ago and , worst of all , involved in war . The ‘fight or flight’ balancing was done now in a territory extending for thousands of light years , all the way to where ever the Universe would take them , yet encapsulated in one dimension like a hunting field from which the prey can not escape but only skilfully hide . It was the ultimate hide-and-seek game and Daniel hated it .
Decades ago he watched in ecstasy the Stargate-SG 1 and the Enterprise admiring the never ending imagination of the talented writers , and he appreciated the realism and validity of many episodes to the extent of taking a closer look at the movie archives and extract valuable scenarios . Considering what’s at steak , his nation of millions with PhD IQs , left no ideas unturned .
His time on Earth was running out , things were going much smother and ahead of schedules in the absence of the criminal interference , helped by global freedom and uncensored Media that nurtured social healing , and all that with the CRU in tow and gaining speed .
The part of the nation that wanted to leave was finally determined and the construction of their future space homes began while years past quickly under the watchful eye of the central command making a steady progress around the world , adjusting strategies and resources , continuously learning new lessons .
The final act that gave Daniel complete peace of mind came just a decade after the celebrations in Havana , when the CRU Cube flagged that 99.99 % of the combined population achieved an overall behaviour pattern that completely conformed to the Revolution . That was the queue for unification and a much grander celebration setting in stone the foundation needed for permanent footing of the new social order on Earth and the Universe .
Overall it was the appropriate time to confidently say ‘Mission accomplished’ . But Daniel was wisely thinking that perhaps that’s exactly what some specie though 65 million years ago after mastering nanotech , yet they didn’t make it to be around today …
And so , after a few years from the CRU unification , the space program was completed , the ships tested and standing by , most of the travelers already being shuttled to the Moon and occupying their cocoons , the world going through the motions of saying ‘good-by’ and Daniel pacing back and forth in his apartment glancing at the small craft waiting for him in the suspended garden .
Memories awashed his heart again in tears remembering his small apartment in Toronto , the Mustard Seed around the corner and the millennia of human sufferings . His mind was swirling with the emotions and questions about where the future will take him , pondering if this was the meaning of life as a perpetual existence in the form of a bacterial bag searching for food , love and safety .
But his gut told him the battle is just beginning , the raw nature creates evil in the Universe equally , just as it does on Earth .
As he stepped in the shuttle all the buildings in the Capital city turned shades of blue imprinted with words of thanks and wishing well .
And as the Earth shrunk in the shuttle’s window , tears came again into his eyes , a storm of emotions took over realizing the responsibilities and the chances he and his followers are about to take , the uncertainties they are plunging in and the surreal feel of a person who learned vacuum-tubes in college while now was gazing at a vanishing blue Earth , seating in the luxury lap of nanotechnology with perpetual life flowing in his veins and preparing to be the White Knight taking on the whole Universe to dispense happiness . His heart was sure enough proof that even nature can create angels .
The spectacular departure of thousands of massive space ships from the dark side of the Moon kept people on their feet cheering through out the united CRU and Romania , paying respects to the deep space pioneers and fully acknowledging that one day the rest of them will follow suit .
Earth became just a suspended pebble in the window with marine reflections in Daniel’s pupil , his mind trying to funnel in what happened in the last decades and to juice out every drop of self-confidence the past could give him .
Surrounded by his old friends and millions of followers the convoy of ships slowly exited the solar system .
Yet unknown to them , their congregation was carrying something very special , unseen before in the long eternity of the Universe , as unseen as the misty haze predicted by the Cube to announce a supreme civilization . The vibrations of their peaceful , full of empathy neural networks , amplified million of times , start rippling through the dark matter spreading like a new beacon , trumpeting to the Universe a long awaited message : hope is on the way …
- To be continued if you put your mind to it -
Copy and Spread the Recipe for a Nation , let it burn the Internet for all to be aware of the ultimate Political Platform designed to unite and save the human specie ! Unless you want to go back to dust …
All Copy Rights apply .
Contact the author : xbardulceATyahooDOTca
Web internet links index and independent News web sites :
This proves that the dream-like world you just encountered is indeed just an arm’s length away .
Specially if you are a careful Whistleblower …
1) The International song ( Daniel’s favourite ) :
2) Compound interest rate :
3) Education in USA :
4) Antimatter production and manufacturing today ( 2008 ) :
5) Atomic Force Microscope ( AFM ) :
6) Brain-mimicking nano device :
7) Heisenberg uncertainty principle :
8) The speed of Gravity :
9) Transistor inventor , William Shockley :
10) Foreign entanglement and conspiracies :–us-draws-on-its-dominion-to-wreak-havoc-iniran/2008/03/28/1206207408596.html
11) The spread of wealth in Western societies :
12) The Aggression and Empathy gene :
13) Hyper Speed internet ( 2008 ) , 10,000 times faster than cable
14)Britain’s newest warship, the Type 45 guided missile destroyer Daring(pennant D-32),15240,143103,00.html
15) Mass extinctions on Earth :
16)Lectins and the damage they cause :
17) Bacterial content of the human body :
18) Divorce rate :
19) Telomeres :
20) Sleep and Rapid Eye Movement ( RAM ) :
21) Attosecond :
22) Atomic and molecular bonds :
23) Atomic Force Microscope , more :
24) Life extension and Telomeres :
25) Magnetic bottle and antimatter :
26) Electromagnetic rail gun :
27) MAYA animation software :
28) Doppler effect :
29) Cosmic filaments made of galaxies :
30) Sun cycle and radiation Vs. Earth magnetic field :
31) The Truth is the seed of knowledge , for everyday better News coverage that you do not get from TV and the ‘main’ Media see :
* First , an understanding of who are in control :
and the present Result :
John J. Mearsheimer
Department of Political Science
University of Chicago
Stephen M. Walt
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
March 2006 RWP06‐011
and one of its helper :
* How to buy , fool and rape a nation :
* The Max Keiser Report to show you how the Banksters steal from us :
* See what Russia has to reveal about the Elite :
* Not just a pretty face but a brilliant investigative reporter , Alyona :
* The voice of Iran :
also :
See the News and Live TV stream feeds :
Freedom Radio :
Clean , Free-Speech Forum :
plus two global statements to wake you up :
* Truth Books to shock you :
If you thought this is a dream , look again and spread the news :
Excerpt :
Public release date: 23-Jan-2003
Contact: George Stamatis
Case Western Reserve University
Researchers discover anxiety and aggression gene
Opens new door to study of mood disorders in humans
Researchers report finding a gene that is essential for normal levels of anxiety and aggression. Calling it the Pet-1 gene, researchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Department of Neurosciences say that when this gene is removed or “knocked out” in a mouse, aggression and anxiety in adults are greatly elevated compared to a control (also called wild type) mouse.
(Videos displaying aggressive behavior of Pet-1 knockout mice can be viewed at; click Movies Link.)
Other neurologic functions, such as motor coordination, feeding, and locomotor activity, do not appear altered in the knockout mouse.
Anxiety and aggression are normal and important behaviors that allow individuals to respond appropriately to threats or cope with a challenging environment. However, it is clear that uncontrollable or excessive anxiety and aggression can be counterproductive.
“The behavior of Pet-1 knockout mice is strikingly reminiscent of some human psychiatric disorders that are characterized by heightened anxiety and violence,” says Evan Deneris, Ph.D., principal investigator of the study and a neuroscientist at CWRU. The study is published in the Jan. 23 issue of the science journal Neuron.
Previously, Deneris’ lab showed that in the brain Pet-1 is active only in serotonin nerve cells or neurons, a relatively small number of cells (among the trillions of neurons in a human brain, only a few hundred thousand produce serotonin) that profoundly affect emotions. Serotonin is a chemical that acts as a messenger or neurotransmitter allowing neurons to communicate with one another in the brain and spinal cord. It is important for ensuring an appropriate level of anxiety and aggression. Defective serotonin neurons have been linked to excessive anxiety, impulsive violence, and depression in humans…
“We have now shown that Pet-1 is required specifically for fetal development of serotonin neurons,” says Deneris. In mice missing this gene, most serotonin neurons fail to be generated in the fetus and the ones that remain are defective. This leads to very low serotonin levels throughout the developing brain, which in turn results in altered behavior in adults. “This is the first gene shown to impact adult emotional behavior through specific control of fetal serotonin neuron development.”
“If in fact particular genetic variants of Pet-1 are associated with excessive anxiety or violent activity in humans, then tests to detect these variants might be useful for early diagnosis of people who may be at risk for developing these abnormal behaviors,” Deneris says. His lab plans more studies in mice to see how the gene affects sleep-wake patterns, learning and memory, and sexual behavior – all functions controlled in part by serotonin … “ .
… Lead authors on the study are Timothy J. Hendricks, and Dmitry V. Fyodorov, who were graduate students in Deneris’s lab at the time of the study. Other authors are, from CWRU: Lauren J. Wegman, Nadia B. Lelutiu, Elizabeth A. Pehek, Ph.D., Bryan Yamamoto, Ph.D., and Jerry Silver, Ph.D.; and, from Baylor College of Medicine, Edwin J. Weeber, Ph.D., and J. David Sweatt, Ph.D.
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Excerpt :
Excerpt :
‘Spectrum of empathy’ found in the brain
17:00 18 September 2006 by Rowan Hooper
Ever wondered how some people can “put themselves into another person’s shoes” and some people cannot? Our ability to empathise with others seems to depend on the action of “mirror neurons” in the brain, according to a new study.
Mirror neurons, known to exist in humans and in macaque monkeys, activate when an action is observed, and also when it is performed. Now new research reveals that there are mirror neurons in humans that fire when sounds are heard. In other words, if you hear the noise of someone eating an apple, some of the same neurons fire as when you eat the apple yourself.
So-called auditory mirror neurons were known only in macaques. To determine if they exist in humans Valeria Gazzola, at the school of behavioural and cognitive neurosciences neuroimaging centre at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and colleagues, put 16 volunteers into functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners and observed their brains as they were played different noises.
Differences in empathy scores and mirror neuron activity have been observed between autistic and non-autistic people, says Keysers, but this is the first time a spectrum of difference has been found in non-autistic people. “How empathetic we are seems to be related to how strongly our mirror neuron system is activated,” he says…
… “It’s exciting because we can start to look at the diversity of experiences of other people. Some people see others through themselves, and some are more objective about it.”
Journal reference: Current Biology (vol 16, p 1824)
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The Climate Essay
“ It’s 20:11 , do you know where your Earth is ? “
To put it in other words , if you know is summer now , wouldn’t you prepare for winter ?
The undisputed fact remains : short of digging closer to the centre of the Earth , our main source of heat is the Sun and we are at the mercy of How its energy is distributed on Earth based on its orbit and orientation .
So we need Not to ask a meteorologist where we are now , but instead we need the knowledge of an Astronomer to point out where the Earth is today in respect with the variations in its orbit around the sun .
Those variations lead to an average cycle of 100,000 years between Glaciations , the most important time marker from what a specie is concerned .
Here is what the astronomer’s community accepts as the 101 of Astronomy and glaciations , pointing that Earth right now is at a sweet-spot of warming to enjoy for at least the next 500 years ( short of interruptions by deadly asteroids or super volcanoes ) :
And so , on the cosmological time , right now and for a while is continuous Summer for Earth , the undisputed proof is that New York , for the last 10,000 years , is Not cover in the one kilometre ice shield from the previous Glaciation .
The recent winter storms and occasional very low temperatures were brought to the populated areas by the dynamic pressure of the extra heating and evaporation around the Equator shooting towards the Poles mixing and pushing the static dense cold air across on the other side of the Earth , all the way to Florida or Europe . In other words there is now more hot water vapour pushing against the polar frigid air mass , enough to dislodge more of it and bringing it to our cities . This is a Natural side effect of global warming which can be documented accurately by following the Jet stream :
Also , avoiding the false information by thermometers and corrupt scientists it’s easy by observing the documented rise of the oceans level in the last decades , just ask the Dutch . Is the ice melting , generating more water in the oceans , due to cooling or warming ? You just found the answer to the present trend in climate …
Our fight against corrupt politicians and businesses should not be based on denying the present Natural warming , but , based on the evidence that the human impact in those events is not significant , to deny their efforts to deceive us and impose taxes . To convince yourself just imagine the proportion of Earth Bio Mass to humans ( or animal vs. human farts to be blunt , never mind a volcano that darkens the skies around the Earth for a year , feat that humans can’t do using All of their factories and cars output combined , yet ) :
What is left is the Real question : how to survive the next ( guaranteed ) glaciation when ( besides half of the Northern hemisphere will be under a kilometre of ice – again ) all of us six billion will be living and growing food on barges around the Equatorial belt . A Water World of a different type … And do that for the following 20,000 years or so until the next warming .
Considering the human specie is at least 400,000 years old therefore being through at least four Earth Summers and Glaciations while each lasted some 50,000 years , realizing that no evidence of advanced technology was found so far , and that it took us just ten thousand years during the present Summer from the pyramids to walking on the Moon and deciphering the DNA , it does make you wonder :
“ What the heck happened during the previous three Summers ?? “ . Because by now we should be Living the Star Trek scenario …
The only silver line to the upcoming disaster ( Glaciations ) is the periodical and involuntary massaging of our Genes during this forced Reunion , resulting in a higher general IQ for the human specie . Or whatever will be left of it .
The Advanced Alien Super Specie Essay : the Dream Prison
- we all are inmates in a very real Dream Prison –
As an electronics technician , a person who loves science and who doesn’t believe everything that I hear or read unless proven beyond the shadow of a doubt , it took me a while to gather the courage to write this , putting on the line my credibility and the precious Recipe but , after a number of personal sleep experiments , I decided that it is way to important for us not to bring it up to light , examine it scientifically and hopefully fix it , so here it is , the Great Alarm for the human specie .
Before you go any further please jump to the last essay of this web page , ‘ the Unifying Properties of Nature or the Universe explained without math ‘ to have a better feel for what can exist even though to us it may appear as a fantasy , because what you don’t know it can hurt you …
Some twenty years ago , circa 1988 , I remember distinctly watching on TV a shocking Scientific documentary about a handful of people around the world that did not need to sleep at all .
They were taking brakes on occasion , sitting on a chair and reading or watching TV but they did not need to actually sleep . Yet they were functioning normally without any signs of body or mental fatigue .
Trying today to track down the scientific details or writings about those people or any others similar persons turned out to be frustrating , try searching for yourself and you’ll see that the information vanished in a very suspicious way . Yet that TV documentary , I remember , was supported by reputable Universities and scientist and the experiments done to prove it were very real .
In the ancient Chinese book “ The Art of War “ as well as in the modern philosophy of the Elite there is a statement saying “ The best way to enslave beings is not to make them aware they are enslaved “ . And that’s exactly what we , humans , seem to be at the present time , a situation similar to the movie the Matrix but Real .
You will never dream the same after reading this , I know it first hand .
1) The Evidence :
“ … The longest recorded period without sleep is an astounding 33 years, performed by 64 year old Vietnamese man named Thai Ngoc, who claims to have lost his need for sleep after a sickness in the 70′s. Surprisingly, he experiences no ill negative effects from this condition, not even the normal sleep deprivation effects such as fatigue, loss of concentration, and so on.
Under normal circumstances, people who lose even a few days of sleep start exhibiting cognitive symptoms usually only present in senior citizens.
Scientists have found a gene that could be responsible for needing less sleep, which they call “Period 3″ or the “Clock Gene”. While most humans need an average of 8 hours of sleep, people with specific variants of the Period 3 gene seem need to much less – sometimes as little as 4 hours of sleep a night. Many notable people through history have claimed to need less sleep – Michelangelo, Napoleon, Thomas Edison all claim to have only needed 4 hours of sleep a night. In modern days, Madonna, Jay Leno, Margaret Thatcher and many others say the same thing. It seems to be more prevalent in highly ambitious, driven individuals.
I saw a documentary on sleep years ago that followed an even more amazing case of a father and daughter who only needed 1-2 hours of sleep a night. They both held 2 jobs and experienced no negative symptoms. I tried to find this documentary for our weekly brain video, but couldn’t locate it online.
Other genetic variants can play a role in sleep as well. Michel Jouvet, famous neuroscientist and sleep researcher, once studied a 27 year old man with Morvan’s fibrillary chorea, a genetic disorder that kept him from sleeping. He went months without sleep, yet did not suffer any negative consequences associated with sleep depravation. However, instead of sleep, his nights were full of dream-like hallucinations. Perhaps he did not reach a state of sleep as we know it, but his body found a way to compensate somehow, and work around his genetic differences … “ .
“ … Combing through a database of sleep-study volunteers, the researchers found two people who needed far less sleep than average. Both had abnormal copies of a gene called DEC2, which is known to affect circadian rhythms and oxygen regulation in mammals. When the scientists bred mice to have the same mutation, the mice slept less and were more active than their regular rodent peers … “ .
“ … Certain types of eye movements during REM sleep correspond to specific movements in dreams, suggesting at least part of the dreaming process is analogous to watching a film / movie … “ .
2) The Logical Thread :
At this point I hope that you already finish reading the Recipe for a Nation and the essay below about the Unifying Properties of Nature to understand how a specie can evolve both technologically and genetically as far as to appear to us today as ‘gods’ . This will help you taking the concept even further , to infinity , and not wonder or be surprised of “ things out of ordinary “ .
Since the Universe is logic , than pure , careful logic will unravel all its secrets right from your armchair .
This simple straightforward logic tells us that since nothingness doesn’t exist ( as the name implies ) , than somethingness Must exist to replace it .
There is a joint-twins relation between the two , binding them together .
And since nothingness has no beginning ( is eternal ) , has no age nor boundaries than the same applies to its counterpart , the somethingness which in turn doesn’t have a beginning , an age nor boundaries .
Another way to look at this relationship is to picture the nothingness as the empty mould that somethingness has to fill up to absolute perfection without any empty spaces , and than in its self ( the aspect of infinitely small but without being able to disappear completely into nothingness – which can not exist … ) is a juicy discussion that I invite you to participate in.
That immediately makes the Universe Eternal , beyond infinity in both age and space ( that’s why there was never a Big Bang ) . And that also dictates that the Universe has no beginning and no end …
Those first conclusions based on the impossibility for nothingness to exist ( hence replaced by somethingness ) represents the Foundation of all future logic analyses to determine the properties of the Universe .
But for the subject of Alien Species all we need to realize so far is the Time Scale , the fact that the Universe is Eternal in both directions , past and future .
This has deep implications in what is possible to happened in the Universe including the famous ( quirky ) description of infinity : “ in an infinite time frame a monkey typing at random will eventually write all Shakespeare’s plays “ . Indeed , at such time scale it’s not the meaning of what the monkey types but simply the coverage of All possible letters combinations on a few pages .
Eternity also means that all possible combinations and physical location of all subparticles and atoms ( just like the letters on the pages typed by the monkey ) have already happened !
In other words Eternity allowed for all possible Events in a given place in the Universe ( like in the space occupied presently by our local galaxy ) to take place already which means that right now we live a … repeat of those possibilities , a repeat of the past .
But with one twist : only intelligent species can interfere with the natural combinations and possible arrangements of atoms/particles in a given space , to the effect that intelligence can alter the future by changing what is possible just naturally .
This also means that in any given corner of the Universe there was enough time to allow for an intelligent specie to evolve , survive and achieve what is described in the Recipe for a Nation , and much , much more , altering the ( local ) Universe and it’s future …
But how much more ? And what type of specie(s) are we talking about , ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ? That’s the real question we have to worry about !
Because a bad specie could deny for ever the rise of a good specie in the neighbourhood … with direct impact for any emerging primitive intelligent species like us in its vicinity …
So let’s use our collective imagination to try comprehending how much such a specie can achieve once it’s safe outside of its original galaxy and therefore survival is not an issue any longer , the scenario Daniel in the Recipe envisioned.
For starters , by then , they should have Perpetual life and full Nano technology . They should understand the Universe to a ‘T’ , use and control gravity , be able to spin quiescent dark mater and therefore not just generate regular mater and energy as we know it but rejuvenate their own atoms/subparticles to make them truly immortal .
They should be able to listen and send vibrations ( signals ) using the quiescent dark mater , as it is described in the Recipe , and therefore be aware of Anything and Anybody in the entire infinite Universe including your own thoughts and … dreams .
And , finally , they should become integrated with computing devices that will make them became the actual software , a feat that will bring them in the position to … not need any longer their own brains …
But wait , as they advanced step by step over millennia , what about Pleasure , Excitement , Entertainment , Love and the avoidance of being
Bored ?
Right , take a moment and ponder : you are 500,000 years old or more ( maybe five million years old ) , part of a specie that achieved God like powers through science , you have nothing to worry about , so what do you do for Pleasure and Entertainment all day long ??
At this point of our analysis is time to discern between a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ specie yet understanding that it is the only difference , as huge as it may be , since both types enjoy equal technological powers .
What do you think , look at Earth , are we under a good or bad specie control ?
The conclusion is obvious , no ‘good’ super advanced alien specie would tolerate ‘bad’ or an evil Elite anywhere in the space , galaxies , controlled by that specie . Hence , obviously , considering our past and present misery , we can state with Confidence , unfortunately , that :
either there is no alien specie looking over us
or , for sure , there is no ‘good’ specie in the neighbourhood , therefore , maybe , …
a ‘bad’ specie must be present , controlling us .
So all we need to determine is if we are under a) or c) .
Right from the start in our analysis we can safely discard option a) , no other specie around , simply because in an Eternity the chances to have another intelligent specie , like us , in the Galactic neighbourhood is … 110% , just like the monkey who eventually typed all the Shakespearian works .
I understand how you feel right now realising that the only option left is c) , my heart skipped a beat too …
3) The ‘ Dream Prison ‘ Proof :
All revolves around the need for Pleasure and Entertainment of this bad , super advanced , ancient specie that controls us and which even it may created us from monkeys .
Of course , by ‘bad’ we mean a specie which , unlike Daniel in the Recipe , did not extinguished their aggression gene and did not enhanced or added Empathy to their genome .
So , what would this bad specie want from us , or better put , what is they can not get from their own science to give them pleasure and entertainment beyond the finest Hollow-decks and Artificial Intelligence their technology can build ?
What is that we can offer them ? Surely is not our technology or our skills , comparatively speaking we are retarded in those fields .
You saw Blade Runner or Star Trek’s Data and the creation of androids but for such an advanced and old specie Artificial Intelligence is predictable , it doesn’t have the ‘natural’ sparkle like our organic brains , it’s just not … real . So androids don’t cut it for their entertainment needs .
When technologically they can have all they want , after they experienced all they could for millennia , when there is nothing left that is spontaneous and surprising to them , where could they turn to for pleasure and entertainment ? How about an intelligent , unique , easy to control yet creative human brain ?
The only thing they can use from us is our raw brain which they can turn into their playground when we sleep …
So when the barrier of our consciousness is removed at night , when our brains became free of our control thanks to the genes implanted in us , our neuron networks are available to cuddle , hug and be the nest of temporary new masters and their nightly binge parties and fantasies . Indeed they qualify as Parasites and we are the hosts !
Here is the proof that can be easily verified every night by yourself :
Why having nightmares ?? It’s illogical and un-natural ! In the conscious mode we try very hard to please ourselves and to have pleasant thoughts . Who would be crazy enough to have fantasies where people with knives would run after you ? Or falling of cliffs and tall buildings , etc. . Right , those are not Our thoughts , nor the product of Our conscience .
Do we need to dream to consolidate memories as some ‘scientists’ claim ? Obviously not since I never dream of my day math class , equations or something that I learned that day or week . The subject of our dreams have nothing to do with what we learned that day in school .
It is against Natural Selection and Evolution ( besides Common Sense ) to produce ( and survive ) species that lose conscience at least once a day for hours at a time and became vulnerable to the predators or elements . Going catatonic every day like we do is a sure recipe for extinction . Yet we , as an intelligent specie , survived and that in it self deserves an assay . Keep in mind that wild animals ( not our pets ) sleep differently than us but even that could be arranged by a Super Advanced Specie as part of the Art of War and enslavement in order to blend into the status quo and not attract our attention .
We are a chain of chemical reactions , molecules interacting , atoms moved around and reorganized according to our DNA . Well , since when atoms and molecules need to Sleep ?? Obviously they do not . Than Why do we need to sleep ?
The fact there are a handful of people who do not need to sleep is proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that , indeed , we don’t need to sleep . Even just one person with this ability is proof enough and the good reason for all of us to stay up to attention and take action.
Can you control your dreams ? Very , very hard . Go ahead , try it . Personally I am successful only early in the night but later when the deep sleep settles in I am lost and at the mercy of the Alien specie . From than on is like watching a movie where I participate against my will and act in this fantasy land like it would be the actual reality. No , those ‘dreams’ are not mine nor created by me … Should we say QED ?
4) What can we do ?
Losing a third of our lives sleeping is an insult to us and it deserves maximum attention and action .
First thing that we can do is to demand from our politicians an immediate research into isolating the genes responsible for inducing sleep .
Secondly you need to learn how to fight dreaming , how to control it and how to Deny access to your brain to any thing else but your consciousness. I practice this every night until the chemicals generated by the sleep genes conquer my will power . Try it and be persistent to the point that you will became a nuisance to any Alien that may try to take over.
My technique is ‘blasting’ : the moment my dreams turn ugly I envision the shock wave of a powerful explosion , the Blast that vaporises and dissipates the characters , scenery or actions in the unpleasant dream .
It is very similar to Un-spinning the SuperFluid and therefore annihilating anything that can possible exist , even in a dream ( neurons and synapses are spinning SuperFluid as well ) .
Right , if you just realised that un-spinning the SuperFluid , SF , ( returning atoms , subparticles and energy back to quiescent SF ) represents the Ultimate and most Absolute weapon in the entire Universe , you start having a very good grasp of what we all are and how the Universe works : we rise from the quietness of the SuperFluid ( dark matter ) when spun by black-holes into subparticles/atoms and than we totally disappear back into the anonymity of the quiet , un-spun SF ( dark mater ) , when our subparticles slow down from spinning either naturally ( due to SuperFluid viscosity ) or due to the Ultimate weapon which un-spins subparticles .
Using this ‘blasting’ technique ( which un-spins SuperFluid/atoms/energy ) I has successful to literary vaporise and eliminate many bad dreams , from attacking lions and people with knives to even characters similar to Satan . It worked every time .
Further more you can ‘use’ the un-spinning principle by ‘wearing’ in your dream a special ‘mitten’ . The ‘mitten’ is covered in ultra small Corona Discharge micro rods that ‘hook’ any spinning micro-vortices and slows them down in an instant , dissipating their spin and therefore reducing that object to quiescent SuperFluid ( read the essay below , ‘ the Unifying Properties of Nature ‘ ) . All you need to do is gently caress the annoying dream subject with the ‘mitten’ and it will make it vanish instantaneously .
So far using this technique I managed to reduce involuntary ( slave time ) dreams and use the time spent in bed ( tied down by sleep inducing genes ) to more productive , conscious thoughts and even controlled half-dreaming . I am sure that I became a nuisance to our masters to the point they start avoiding my brain as their playground for the night . You can do it too .
However , we’ll fully succeed only when science will eliminate ( silence ) the genes responsible for putting us to sleep and so giving us back a third of our lives and much more … Go ahead , Demand it from your government and scientists .
Spread the word and the Recipe for a Nation , make it your life mission , let it fill the Internet for all to be aware of the ultimate Political Platform designed to unite and save the human specie .
Unless you want to , obediently , go back to dust …
The Fundamental Unifying Property of Nature that describes the Universe – without math
Motto : “ A single and most obvious Property of the Universe , a property that we can call the Fundamental Property or the Unifying Property , is simple enough that a ten year old can understand it and may reply ‘ Duh ! ‘ “ .
But don’t be surprised by its simplicity , it is exactly what most scientists and common sense are expecting : the Foundation is just one outrageously obvious fact of life , that Nothingness doesn’t exist and therefore Somethingness is replacing it !
Now you see why Nature is as simple as it can get , all there is involved are the abstract Nothingness and its counterpart – like an air tight cast – the real Somethingness , what ever that may be .
From only those two elements ( just one actually if you discard the abstract ‘void’ ) , the rest of the Universe’s Properties emerge fluently , unforced and … naturally .
Yes , we are lucky , the Universe is 100 % logic , no forced principles , so let’s start fresh and let’s keep this trail of logic clean and multiple-checked . You are invited to participate and contribute further with your thoughts and ideas , after all it’s Our Universe …
The Fundamental Property ( ‘Law’ ) of Nature , aka the Unifying Property of Nature ( UPN ) : Nothingness doesn’t exist ( as the name implies ) hence Somethingness ( whatever it may be ) is replacing it .
In other words , since Nothingness is not around and can not be created than something else must be present in its place . That’s when the ten year old will say “ Duh ! “ .
This also implies ( and explains ) that since Nothingness can not be created ( absolute void ) than its counterpart , the Somethingness also can not be created nor destroyed further than its present existence . In other words , wherever Nothingness could be ‘ present ‘ ( abstractically ) the Somethingness already had replaced it , there is nothing more left . This confirms what we learned in high school , that “ Matter can not be created nor destroyed but only change state “ , the concept of both matter and mass conservation .
This also unifies the concept of ‘ space ‘ with Matter or Somethingness , hence ‘ space ‘ can not be a separate entity , it is the same and one with Somethingness filling whatever there is available around and forming the known Universe . Hence referring to ‘ space ‘ is the same as referring to ‘ matter ‘ , and therefore ‘ space ‘ can not be associated with void which – because it doesn’t exist – doesn’t occupy/has any space . Another resounding ‘ Duh ! ‘ .
Now watch how the rest of Nature’s Properties start appearing straight from this single Fundamental Unifying Property in a totally common-sense and un-forced way . Note how the whole structure is self supporting solely on the Fundamental Property , never needing math , formulas or even scientific experiments .
Logic and the Fundamental Unifying Property of Nature exist independent of observations hence , carefully , we can truly discover the Universe from our arm-chair , and sure enough , here we are doing it with success .
The Stability of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : since Nothingness can not and doesn’t exist , than Somethingness will always be present in the amounts existing today ( and since for ever ) and therefore Somethingness can not be created , destroyed , disappear or be reduced to Nothingness ( which can not exist ) . Hence the fabric ( Somethingness ) of the Universe is Absolutely stable in amount and forever lasting , filling all the possible spaces already .
Hence there is no Expansion of the Universe and a Big Bang could not possibly be the Creation of the Universe .
The Age and Future of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : because Nothingness doesn’t exist since For Ever ( beyond infinite ) and it will also non-exist For Ever , its counterpart , the Somethingness also exists since For Ever and also will exist For Ever . Hence we can conclude that the Universe has no beginning and no end on the time scale . This concludes that a Big Bang was not the creation of the Universe .
The Size of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : since Nothingness is universal than its counterpart , the Somethingness is also universal and hence the Universe has no limits , its size is beyond infinity . Its size is better described by saying that it occupies everything that it is possible without leaving any empty spaces .
Is the Universe Expanding or changing size ? No , the Universe is Stationary ( see Logic Road # 5 derived from the Fundamental Law ) .
The Micro Structure of Somethingness derived from the Fundamental Law : it has to be Fine/small enough in structure to occupy Every space in the Universe in order that Nothingness will not exist . Its fine structure has to go towards negative infinity but without completely disappearing ( nothingness doesn’t exist and can not be created ) .
the Somethingness is a single component super-fluid like substance . Let’s call it the SuperFluid or just SF to replace the previous ‘ dark matter ’ and ‘ ether ’ ( see Logic Road # 7 derived from the Fundamental Property ) .
The SuperFluid is Uncompressible ( and not Elastic nor plastic ) as derived from the Fundamental Property . This means that certain types of Vibrations will travel instantaneously across the Universe . Also it means that all pressure points occurring within the SuperFluid will be dispersed around uniformly in a 360 degrees sphere – just as electromagnetic waves are occurring ( see Logic Road # 8 ) .
The SMAVs ( SuperFluid MAcro Vortices ) – what we call Black Holes – as a result of Property # 6 derived from the Fundamental Property , and how it spins the SuperFluid to form regular matter and energy that we can sense naturally or with technology . See Logic Road # 9 .
Gravity explained , a wake or draft as a result of Property # 9 , the spinning of the SuperFluid in both Micro and Macro ( Black Holes ) vortices ( see Logic Road # 10 ) .
The Speed of light and Faster ( see Logic Road # 11 ) .
Atoms and sub-particles explained ( see Logic Road # 12 ) . Sub-particles as we know them are single micro vortices of spinning SuperFluid at the speed of light ( naturally ) . They were created by the SMAVs ( Black Holes ) , see Property # 9 .
The Atoms are vast arrangements of interlocking micro vortices of spinning SuperFluid . The larger the atom the larger the number of vortices involved . The shape of the structure formed by interlocking micro vortices can be determined using Fluid Dynamics .
Magnetism , all atomic/nuclear forces , electricity , static electricity and all other phenomena involved in interactions : all are interacting micro vortices assembling in different shapes , sizes and spatial configurations .
Their interactions will depend on their relative spin direction leading to attraction or repulsion ( static electricity , magnetism ) .
The Harmonics generated by the wake of their spin creates magnetic and electrostatic fields .
The way micro vortices self-assemble via spins and wake interactions questions our picture of electrons : they may not be circling in orbits around a nucleus but be attached to it and just oscillating as they spin around their own axes at the speed of light .
A good approach would be to use Fluid Dynamics and computer models to see in what configuration micro vortices can self assemble and the properties of those structures .
Being able to handle and assemble individual micro vortices will enable intelligent species to create anything they need including food and perpetual life ( see my book ‘ Recipe for a Nation ‘ , future shocking ) .
Logic Roads towards understanding the foundation of the nature
Principle : thankfully , the Universe is 100 % Logic , therefore logic alone can decipher every detail and variations of what the Universe is and can be .
No math necessary to understand it , common sense will do alone .
Ironic Confirmation of Understanding the Universe and its simplicity : we’ll be confident that we understand the Universe when we’ll be able to explain it to a ten year old in a half an hour or less … Are you practicing yet ?
# 5 Logic Road :
# 5 : Is the Universe Expanding or changing size ?
5-1 : ‘ Expanding ‘ means start occupying a different , foreign space that was not occupied before . This implies at least two different SuperFluid types ( one expanding into the other ) .
5-2 : However , what ever takes the place of Nothingness must behave the same ( like a SuperFluid , simple and able to fill any space available in the Universe ) .
5-3 : Since those properties of Somethingness ( SuperFluid ) are the same across the Universe and have the same function because it replaces the same Nothingness , it implies that there is only one type of fundamental SuperFluid , not more .
5-4 : Since the SuperFluid/matter can not be created any further than exists , and since it replaces Nothingness every where and since Nothingness also can not be created implies that the SuperFluid already occupies all the space there is in the Universe and since always . We can not create nor destroy matter , hence the its Amount is Fix , therefore there can not be an expansion nor a Big Bang .
5-5 : Conclusion : combining 5-3 and 5-4 it is clear that the Universe ( all that can exist without creating more ) is made of the same material ( SuperFluid ) which can not expend into itself , therefore the Universe is Stable and fix , not changing in size .
5-6 : Note : being fixed in size doesn’t imply a Border or Membrane because any material different than the SuperFluid can not exit so no border/limit can exist .
Further more , against our life experiences , the size and shape of the Universe is better described as “ All that there is and can be , beyond infinity “ .
This makes sense and slowly becomes accepted by our intelligence if we think of the Nothingness instead of its counterpart ( and replacement ) the Somethingness ( the SuperFluid ) : imagine an Universe filled by Nothingness and it’s easier to understand why an Unlimited size for the Universe is normal in order to fill in any spaces that could be occupied by Nothingness .
Of course , immediately we’ll remember that Nothingness doesn’t ( and can’t ) exist , so we’ll automatically replace it with the Somethingness ( the SuperFluid ) and therefore our minds will accept easier the concept of an endless Universe opposite to an infinite Nothingness ( absolute void ) .
5-7 : Note : the vast moving currents of SuperFluid within the Universe , carrying along stars and galaxies , is currently misinterpreted as an Expansion of the Universe .
# 7 Logic Road .
# 7 : is Somethingness ( aka SuperFluid ) a Fluid or a Structured ( granular ) substance ?
7-1 : let’s keep in perspective that we never encountered in real life a Perfect ( non-granular ) fluid . All fluids we know are granular , made of ( atoms/subparticles) individual vortices of Somethingness . So the fluids we know are only exhibits of vortices Behavior but not a representation of what the Somethingness it self is made of .
7-2 : I am starting by quoting the ad-hoc Property # 6 , a Property of Somethingness derived from the Fundamental Law : it has to be Fine/small enough in structure to occupy Every space in the Universe in order that Nothingness will not exist . Its fine structure has to go towards negative infinity but without completely disappearing ( nothingness doesn’t exist and can not be created ) .
7-3 : ‘granular’ implies
a) a structure ( a centre and the outer defining surface of the granule , doesn’t matter if the centre touches it ) .
b) The walls of the granules must fit to perfection to the walls of All the other surrounding granules in order to prevent Nothingness .
c) If a bulk of granules move than their walls must change instantaneously to keep fitting the neighboring granules in order to prevent Nothingness .
7-4 : Conclusion : considering the three points above – even though just point a) would have been enough – a Structure will Always be larger than a corresponding single component hence it can never be as small as the smallest possible Nothingness , hence the Fundamental Property ( ‘Law’ ) is broken .
Therefore the Somethingness must be non-granular but a super fluid without individual components .
Now we can add to the list Property # 7 of the Universe : the Somethingness is a single component super-fluid like substance . Let’s call it the SuperFluid or just SF to replace the previous ‘ Dark Matter ’ and ‘ ether ’ . Based on its properties , the SuperFluid moves and interacts according to known hydro-dynamic observed principles .
# 8 Logic Road :
# 8 : the SuperFluid is Uncompressible ( also it is not Elastic ) .
8-1 : Can not compress something that already occupies every space that exists in the Universe ( see the Unifying property ) simply because Absolute Void or Nothingness can not be created nor exists : compressing something that already occupies everything would leave behind some empty space , in other words would have to create either Nothingness or Somethingness – but the SuperFluid or Somethingness can not be created nor destroyed , same with Nothingness .
8-2 : As for Elasticity , an Universe expanding further than present would imply the creation of more SuperFluid/Space which contradicts the Fundamental Unifying Property .
# 9 Logic Road :
# 9 : The SMAVs ( SuperFluid MAcro Vortices ) or what we call Black Holes and the creation of regular matter .
9-1 : According to the Fundamental Property of nature or the Universe ( the Unifying Property ) the SuperFluid has to occupy every space that exists because Nothingness – or absolute void – doesn’t exist . This means that the SuperFluid needs to be able to occupy spaces as small as negative infinite but not being able to disappear completely ( matter and SuperFluid can not be created nor destroyed ) . Hence it is correct to say that the smallest space that the SuperFluid can exist ( or occupy ) it will never be Zero but it will always be somewhat above Zero .
9-2 : Since Nothingness is not constrained by dimensions ( it doesn’t exists ) , it is correct to say that its dimensions will always be Zero .
9-3 : From 9-1 and 9-2 and Property # 2 ( both matter/void can not be created further than present , nor destroyed ) and Property # 6 ( the extreme fluidity of the SuperFluid needing to fill infinitely small spaces ) and since the smallest space the SuperFluid can occupy will never be Zero , it is clear that the smallest space that the SuperFluid is capable of filling it is a real Constant number , not what the negative infinite implies in math , i.e. a Changing number becoming smaller and smaller .
9-4 : If the SuperFluid would go to negative infinite and hence changing in order to fill smaller and smaller spaces ( that was not able to fill before ) it would also imply that Space ( which is SuperFluid/matter ) would be created in the process , something that would contradict the Fundamental Unifying Property of nature .
9-5 : Hence we can state with confidence that the Smallest space that exists ( filled by the SuperFluid ) , as small as it is , it has a Finite and Fixed size ( number ) . This is also a representation of how fine or Fluid the SuperFluid is ( a representation of what we call viscosity ) .
9-6 : Not being able to flow/occupy a space beyond/smaller than a fixed number ( which is higher than Zero ) and not being compressible means that the SuperFluid must Move continuously in order to avoid the creation of pockets of absolute-void ( or Nothingness ) . It can be visualized as how water spirals in the most minute gas bubbles to fill them up or like a continous simmering soup .
However , in the case of the SuperFluid the ‘ gas ‘ bubbles represent both the smallest space it can occupy ( always bigger than zero ) and its drive to occupy any void places , hence the spontaneous creation of this microscopical Perpetual Dynamo due to the difference in pressure ( SuperFluid Vs. almost absolute void ) , causing the micro motion of the SuperFluid ( Cosmic Background Radiation ) .
This is the only and the basic source of Energy in the Universe and the perpetual Engine that eventually and patiently creates Black Holes over millions of years .
This micro motion is very gentle ( as we observe it in deep space ) , it’s size approaching negative infinity , yet , just like Velcro , in huge numbers becomes space tornadoes , the Black Holes .
This micro movement of the SuperFluid is just another Property of nature derived from the Fundamental Unifying Property .
9-7 : This movement occurring at the smallest possible scale can be envisioned as a stirring or micro-bubbling process that the SuperFluid does continuously and since for ever .
9-8 : This movement it is the Dynamo that drives and gives the total available/existing energy to the Universe ( energy that can not be further created nor destroyed ) .
9-9 : This movement of the SuperFluid ( or quiescent , un-spun SuperFluid ) at the micro level it is the 4.3 ( ? ) degrees Kelvin observed as the omnipresent ‘temperature’ of the Universe , also known as the Cosmic Background Radiation .
9-10 : This on going movement ( stirring mostly in a spiral form ) of the SuperFluid at the micro level produces wakes in the SuperFluid mass which leads to the creation of larger aggregates of micro vortices , eventually creating the SuperFluid Mega Vortices , SMAVs , known as Black Holes .
9-11 : The size of the Black Holes can not exceed the minimum size that the SuperFluid can achieve as its fluidity approaches negative infinite yet never becoming zero . This implies that a very large Black Hole can not form but a number of micro Black Holes can aggregate and lead to vast volumes of tightly packed micro Black Holes , Mega Vortexes , with a net effect similar to just one large Black Hole . This Property is the one that actually is instrumental in giving us birth , by spinning the SuperFluid .
9-12 : the SuperFluid Spinning action : keep in mind that the individual size of those micro Black Holes approaches negative infinity , they are like Virtual Points , and it is that size that forces the uncompressible SuperFluid to zoom through without being able to stop or decelerate : the SuperFluid being forced by the collective mega vortex to converge towards the centre and the Black Hole(s) like through a narrowing funnel , gets spun and accelerated close to the speed of light before it storms through the micro Black Hole that it is so small that the SuperFluid has no time to slow down . As a result , spun even faster as it passes through the Black Hole , the SuperFluid gets eject through the other side as a variety of micro vortices spinning at the speed of light representing the foundation of matter and energy as we observe it .
9-13 : Those micro vortices of SuperFluid churn the surrounding SuperFluid and actually puling it through just like a fan would draw in air . The maximum amount of SuperFluid that those micro vortices can pull through is , naturally , directly proportional to their speed of rotation .
In nature this speed is that of light so if the spin of a vortices is aligned with its axial direction of moving , the linear speed of the vortices can reach the speed of light . Under this condition increasing the spin of the vortices will enable them to move proportionally faster than the speed of light .
# 10 Logic Road :
# 10 : Gravity explained , a wake or draft created by both the Micro-Vortices and Macro ( Black Holes ) SuperFluid vortices .
10-1 : At both levels ( Micro and Macro ) the spinning of the SuperFluid creates natural wakes ( or drafts ) that represent Gravity as we know it .
Just as in water , two vortices close to each other will eventually merge , attracted by each other’s draft ( wake ) .
The power of this action is proportional with both the speed and number of the aggregated vortices and we observe it best when created by what we call ‘matter’ , now known as spinning SuperFluid at the speed of light .
10-2 : Arranging micro-vortices in a material to cancel each other’s wakes and the surrounding wakes , will cancel ( defeat ) gravity for that object ( antigravity ) .
10-3 : Since the wake movement depends on the rotational speed of the micro-vortices , the propagation of the Gravity wake ( wave ) can vary in both speed and strength .
# 11 Logic Road :
# 11 : the Speed of Light and Faster .
11-1 : Matter , as spinning SuperFluid vortices , churns the quiescent SuperFluid like both a cork-screw and a fan sucking air . It churns the SuperFluid at the speed of its vortex rotation , which is the speed of light ( creating Gravity , as a wake/draft , in the process ) .
11-2 : If a vortex moves in a linear direction the position of the vortex’ intake will affect the moving speed of the vortex since it can churn through only a certain amount of quiescent SuperFluid , an amount determined by the vortex’ speed .
11-3 : Aligning the vortex intake with the forward linear movement of the vortex will allow the vortex to achieve a maximum speed based on the maximum amount of SuperFluid that it can absorb through ( churn through ) .
Therefore a natural vortex spinning at the speed of light , once aligned , will be able to churn the SuperFluid at the speed of light . Hence for such a vortex the maximum linear speed achievable would be the speed of light provided that its intake and forward linear movement are aligned .
11-4 : Observing natural phenomena occurring at the speed of light ( such as photons ) means that those vortices – photons – are created ( spun ) naturally in such way that the vortex intake is aligned with the vortex linear motion , enabling that vortex to move linearly at the speed of light .
11-5 : Increasing artificially the speed of a vortex above the speed of light will enable that vortex to move linearly ( provided that its intake is aligned with the direction of travel ) at a speed proportionally higher , exceeding the speed of light.
# 12 Logic Road :
# 12 : Atoms and Sub Particles , matter and energy as we observe it .
12-1 : Property # 9 creates micro vortices in the SuperFluid . Those vortices are the fundamental part of Matter and Energy as we can sense it directly or with technologies .
12-2 : those micro vortices spinning at the speed of light will assemble themselves following Fluid Dynamics principles . Those assemblies will form sub particles and atoms .
12-3 : the type of micro vortices generated by SMAVs ( Property # 9 ) is influenced by the Fluid Dynamics conditions present at the time of spin initiation ( creation of the micro vortices ) . They can be ( at least ) Matter or Energy type of micro vortices .
12-4 : the Energy type of micro vortices are generated ( created , spun ) such as their linear movement is aligned with their vortex intake , enabling them to move at the speed of light ( photons , electromagnetic radiation ) .
12-5 : their interactions will depend on their relative spin direction leading to attraction or repulsion ( static electricity , magnetism ) .
The literary description
We can imagining SuperFluid spinning like micro tornados , at the speed of light through the surrounding SuperFluid ( SuperFluid ) and churning into it and creating a wake or draft just like a spinning fan or vortex , a phenomenon that we call … gravity .
Also watching under water vortices ( generate by boat propellers ) would be a close approximation for better visualisation of micro vortices .
But how such a super fine fluid like what makes up the Universe ( and that we can observe in deep space ) can feel as hard as diamonds and carbon steel ?
The answer is in speed . For example , compare hitting the surface of water at 100 kilometres per hour , a hard hit , versus at the speed of light , 330,000 Km/second , quite a differences wouldn’t you say … That makes the ephemeral SuperFluid micro vortices extremely hard . Add to it their huge numbers present in particle formation ( same principle as in Velcro , numbers count ) and now diamonds are possible , maybe even stronger materials .
About speed : as the SuperFluid plunges through the tiny virtual point ‘black holes’ it gets spun forming micro vortices that represent energy and matter . This exit speed ( known to us as light speed ) is the fastest Natural spin . Its natural limit is due to the viscosity and incompressibility of the SuperFluid .
The property of the SuperFluid of being Uncompressible limits the linear speed of Vortices ( micro vortices = SuperFluid that is spinning , the smallest/basic particle , a component of a quark and smaller yet ) .
But the same property of SuperFluid of being Uncompressible also tells us that INSTANT signalling through the SuperFluid is ( at least theoretically ) possible !
For a vortex ( particle ) to move through the SuperFluid it does so by Churning it as opposed to staying as a separate chunk/mass of SuperFluid ) and so if the direction of its spin is aligned with the direction of travel than what limits the linear speed of the vortex is its own spin : imagine the spinning vortex ( tornado ) positioned/aligned such as its front sucks in the incoming SuperFluid and than ‘spits’ it out through the back/other end/exit of the vortex .
Obviously , the faster the vortex spins ( hence more SuperFluid can be ‘sucked’ through ) , the faster the linear speed of the vortex so Yes , if we build a space craft using advanced nanobots we can align All the vortices properly and enable the ensemble to travel at the speed of light .
Further , with this alignment , if we can increase the rotational speed of vortices we can travel faster than the speed of light .
Naturally all vortices will eventually slow down hence a wide discussion about being able to detect them . But this possibility has other consequences like explaining what scientists today refer as ‘ missing ‘ dark-matter :
“ … Dutch astronomer Jan Oort first discovered the ‘missing matter’ problem in the 1930′s … But when the calculation was made, it turned out that there was not enough mass in the galaxy. And the discrepancy was not small; the galaxy had to be at least twice as massive as the sum of the mass of all its visible components combined. Where was all this missing matter? … “ .
Now we know .
Naturally , since the vortices only churn the SuperFluid it is conceivable to imagine a parallel world who’s vortices speed is ( let’s say ) half of ours and Share the same SuperFluid churning it too , like two waves that temporarily overlap but after they carry on .
Or we can imagine vortices that may spin at twice our speed , a product of super advanced alien species .
The possibility that the SuperFluid is Uncompressible means that it is possible to listen and send vibrations instantaneously across the Entire infinite Universe ! AKA , knowing everything in real-time .
Next we’ll decipher more Properties and we’ll be able to accurately describe all known phenomenon and more , the question being “ how soon the scientific community will take over ? “ …
Validating the UPN by super-computer rendering/simulations
Variables built in the simulation :
1) the properties of the SuperFluid , SF ( each slightly variable , besides nil ) :
- viscosity ( towards small infinite or nil )
- uncompressible ( or yes )
- inelastic ( or yes and variable range )
- un-plastic ( or yes )
2) the micro-vortices of spinning SuperFluid :
- spin direction
- actual rotational speed as 90 to 99 % of the speed of light
- shape of the vortices
- methods of self attaching similar to covalent or ionic bonds ( vortices lock or just riding the neighbour’s wake ) .
- the resulting individual and collective spinning Wake of the SuperFluid , wake that we call gravity , and its Harmonics creating Magnetic and Electrostatic fields ( wakes in the SF ) .
Varying the above properties , the computer may show spontaneous association/bonding/connecting of the micro-vortices ( by the thousands ) to form sub-particles , atoms and molecules , and by doing so Validating the Unifying Properties of Nature ( UPN ) .
Watch for the Harmonics . As the SuperFluid and micro-vortices properties are tuned just right , when the micro-vortices join the combined/resultant wave Wake in the SF , will suddenly appear as a Harmonic forming the magnetic and Electrostatic fields and forces , a natural resultant of SuperFluid hydro dynamics under the governance of the SF and micro-vortices properties .
All we need now is a super-computer to render/simulate the SF , the micro-vortices and their interactions forming subparticles , particles , atoms and molecules , the entire possibilities of the Universe …
And all this just from the simple and trivial fact that Nothingness does not exist so Somethingness must replace it … QED .
The UPN determines the existence of a fundamental single element as the entire and sole foundation of the Universe . This element is the SuperFluid .
Here is another confirmation of its validity .
” … A problem which is receiving increasing attention is the observed similarity between quantum turbulence and turbulence in classical fluids. See the Quantum Fluids Group web pages for more information. … ” .
Magnet Link Download
Future shocking . An universal survival
Manual for any intelligent specie in any galaxy , and it starts with a
peaceful Revolution
We got the Recipe and the Manual , now all we have to find is Daniel …
Future shocking , an universal survival manual for any intelligent specie , in any galaxy , and it starts with a peaceful Revolution .Recipe for a Nation
by request
I dedicate this Manual to the human species , who suffered so much from its self and from the cruel joke called ‘mother’ nature .
This is not a fantasy , it is as real as you can imagine our collective future , so if you want to make it happen in your life time do your duty and use your skills to spread the Recipe across the internet and the world .
Being just a messenger I only wrote the Recipe but it existed since the eternity of the Universe , regardless of language or DNA , it is a natural desire making it omnipresent in the history of any intelligent specie , in any galaxy .
To put it in my choice of simple words , it is as universal as your mother’s wish to see you live in a better world .
The numbers in brackets refer to each chapter web index found at the end of the Manual where relevant internet links are listed to prove that , indeed , you are not day-dreaming , this is not a fantasy and that all it parts us from Eden is your participation .
Please read the Recipe to the end to understand the beginning which is not what it seems but only justifying the purpose of the world’s shake-up and the start of the Nano Revolution . Take a trip with Daniel and enjoy the coming future , it’s shocking !
Latest update : April 11 , 2011
Chapter one : the Campaign of Revelations – pg. 4
Chapter two : the Start of the Revolution – pg. 23
Chapter three : the Planning of a Nation – pg. 28
Chapter four : the Building of a Nation – pg. 58
Chapter five : the Nano Revolution – pg. 79
Chapter six : the Watcher’s Job – pg. 93
Chapter seven : Peace on Earth – pg. 124
Chapter eight : Preparing to Depart – pg. 158
Web links index and independent News sites – 173
* It’s 20:11 , do you know where your Earth is ? the Climate Essay – 181
* The Advanced Alien Super Specie Essay : the Dream Prison – 183
* The Unifying Properties of Nature , the Universe Explained without math – 190
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Sitting on the deck in a warm summer afternoon , looking over my wild garden with a Heineken and a cigarette , there is a nation in my mind , friends , a family I never had , people I never met … and with tears in my eyes I was questioning the human specie :
If you want to change the world for the better , just how much empathy and determination do you have available ? …
At the Bilderberg conference of the world business elite in Baden-Baden , Germany , June 1991 , multibillionaire David Rockefeller opened the meeting with those remarks :
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.
But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries.” .
( )
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Among the eastern European countries and stuck in the surrounding international turmoil , Romania escaped from communism over two decades ago and now , becoming just another land to be milked of its resources , was facing the cold reality , the International Monetary Financing ( IMF ) and the rat race that prepared the nation for another try .
One of its sons , half around the world for many years , was about to give a hand of help and make a shocking difference .
Daniel Dumitrescu , a humble and quiet guy not someone that would turn heads , left Romania 32 years ago , lived in three Canadian cities , graduated with honours from an electronics college and later became self-employed for a while and getting to understand the system in an intimate way .
Lonely throughout his life he tried to keep busy and fight depression by reading science journals on the internet and following the political currents.
Against his shyness he slowly got involved in the Romanian Independence Internet Forum where over 500,000 people from all walks of life such as engineers , doctors , lawyers , technicians , nurses and office clerks were looking for ways to better their lives by peaceful political changes .
After two years Daniel emerged as an astute mediator and progressive thinker that earned him respect for his honesty and empathy prompting an on-line petition where the members elected him as chief to return home and lead the Revolution . When all the details were set Daniel respectfully accepted the honour , not having the slightest idea of how much his decision will affect the human species …
Chapter one : the Campaign of Revelations
With his luggage on wheels and a shoulder bag Daniel turned around at the front door of his small bachelor taking one more look at the cage of loneliness and despair he was about to put behind him .
His eyes wet thinking of the 55 years and nothing to show for but just dreams , a wasted time filed only by the depression of life’s futility , the 80 years or so of travel from dust to dust and not a clue of what will happen in between .
He locked the door and took the old elevator to the lobby while glancing at the wad of $ 20 bills filling the shoulder bag . Yesterday he closed his bank account and cashed almost $ 15,000 , all of his life savings working as an electronics technician . Looking at the money his heart didn’t skip a beat , he hated the stuff , it kept reminding him of his inability to be truly self sustaining , instead he had to get money to pay for his shelter and food a thing that his ancestors would find a shame .
With depressing memories rushing into his head he left the apartment building and start walking towards the Mustard Seed Community Services just three blocks away where he knew there are always homeless people waiting to get in for a cup of coffee .
Sure enough he saw the long line up and went straight to the last person , grabbed a pile of 20’s from the bag and hand it to him .
Without waiting to hear the ‘Thank you’ Daniel hurried up the line spreading the cash all the way to the front ending up with only a $ 100 for the taxi . Where he is going he will not need the money , it was a one way trip , regardless of the outcome Daniel didn’t plan to come back .
He bowed to the crowd for the warm comments and cheers , waved a cab , arrived to the airport , gave the $ 100 bill to the grateful driver and melted into the building’s traffic thinking that his little deed was just a drop in the bucket , only a temporary aid and no where near a real solution .
The hour spend alone in the terminal made him more anxious so Daniel felt relieved to hassle through the boarding motions while looking at the people’s expressions he knew were caught in the rat race . He made a commitment that once his plan will be well under way he wanted to see the changes on people’s faces , something that he considered a reliable indicator for the well being of a society .
He cuddled comfortable in the seat near the window watching the juggling of luggage carriers bellow and pondering on the extraordinary turn taken by his life , when a whispering voice came from the isle :
“ Hi ! Sorry to startle you , I am James McGrath , looks like I’ll be your company for the flight ! “ .
“ Hi , nice to meet you , I am Daniel Dumitrescu , please take a seat “ .
Once James sat comfortably they did small talk through the commotion of passengers settling down , until Daniel found out he was a biochemist and genetician .
Daniel studied Cell Biology as a hobby and in his head , together with nano-technology he though he can turn the world and move planets .
But looking at James he noted how plum he was , probably a combination of beer and wrong diet , so Daniel , not being able to fight his borne empathy , discretely channelled the conversation :
“ Since you are a biochemist you probably heard of lectins … L-E-C-T-I-N “ . (15)
“ I think so … something to do with agglutination ? “
“ Right , it’s a large family of proteins that bind to certain sugar molecules . You , as a genetician , are probably familiar with the blood type and the immune system signature on every cell …” .
“ Sure , even though is not directly in my line of work “ .
“ Yet you know those signatures are made of certain sugar strands sticking out of the surface membrane of every cell in the body “ .
“ Right … ”
“ Well , that’s what the lectins agglutinate to … and once attached to the cell surface they interfere with the cell metabolism and cause cell death , apoptosis in your jargon … Eating them for a life time and loosing cells of all sorts have the effect of a monkey-wrench in your chemical chain every day that can lead to diabetes , obesity , arthritis , eczema , allergies , digestive problems and so on … Remember , the attachment depends on the type of the lectin and the type of the sugar strand , in other words it depends on the food you eat and your blood type . “
“ Oh , I see the relation … so where do you get those lectins from ? “
“ They are in all food groups . But if you want to avoid them just read the book ‘ Eat right for your type ‘ by Dr. Peter D’Adamo , type refers to blood type . I follow it for a decade and it did miracles without any physical exercise . “
James turned to take a closer look but wasn’t able to tell Daniel’s age … maybe 38 to 40 he thought .
“ By the way , Genetically Modified Foods or GMOs are very dangerous because they take lectins , which are natural toxins , from a plant and insert them into another to form a cocktail that could render that food toxic for all blood types … a planet of diabetics , obese and so on ” .
“ Thanks a lot for the tip “ said James and pointing to his enlarged tummy
“ I feel like I need a change , but I hope beer is still on the menu ! “ , both laughed .
As the plane took off on the 8 hour journey they caught a nap which Daniel badly needed since at the arrival there will be a reception and a crowd he needed to address . He fell asleep thinking about changing the eating habits of 25 million people according to their blood types and turning all the food in organics only , a common-sense order never achieved even in the ‘developed’ West . As his tired mind drifted , he envisioned the simple knowledge that can start revolutions (31) .
He woke up in the hush of stewardesses serving food , choose uncooked veggies and lean beef strictly following his diet and both eat in silence . When done , James said while wiping his mouth :
“ Not bad for airplane food but let me tell you , during my nap I had this strange dream about walking on stilts among food plates on the floor “ , laughing , “ I bet it has to do with your heads-up on those lectins … the subconscious trying to put sense into my head ! “ .
Loving science chat and remembering a related research involving the subconscious Daniel pounced on the subject :
“ Talking about it, only if we could remember what our parents knew , right? “
“ I only wish , my father was an accomplished chemist “ .
Daniel bobbed his head :
“ And mine was a colonel in the state security . Only if the … genes could talk ! “ .
James appreciated the humour and added teacher like :
“ Yet today we can alter genes at will , it has being done . My interest since a med student were the personality genes … others people were focused more on the hype intelligence search . My strategy was that right now , as a global society , we got decent intelligence but what we need is peace and less aggression so we can focus human and material resources on more un-monkey activities “ .
Daniel turned pleasantly surprised :
“ No kidding ! I am on your side more than you think ! “ .
“ Really ? Daniel , I am not being condescending but in my experience I didn’t run yet into anybody crying to have their violent or aggressive gene silenced … So , no , I don’t think that’s something you can explain nor sell to the masses … not doing it legally at least ” .
“ Not legally ? You mean something like covert massive gene manipulation? Huge fans spreading around the world retroviruses carrying the anti-aggression gene ? “ . Both laughed and nodded .
“ Yes , something like that “ James agreed .
Daniel added mysteriously :
“ Well , you better put on your seat belt because that’s exactly what I intend to do but in a legal and orderly fashion … ” .
“ What do you mean ? “ said James cautiously .
Daniel saw the stewardess coming with a beverage cart .
“ James , would you like a drink ? “
“ Sure , I’ll have a beer please “ . Each got a Heineken and after a few seeps they felt content , their tongues itching to digress .
James repeated :
“ So how would you do gene-pool cleaning legally ? “ .
“ I am planning to became the government … I am returning to my native country to run in the presidential campaign “ .
It took James a few seconds to sink in the thought than he turned with visible curiosity :
“ Wow , I never met a politician ! … But you don’t sound like the politicians I’m used to hear … Well , I wish you good luck with the campaign ! “ . Daniel thanked , thinking that luck had nothing to do with winning the hearts of his people . He turned back to the gene-pool cleaning :
“ To prove the recent research regarding genes that lead to aggression , (12) , we need an appropriate yet controlled environment … There is nothing more suitable than prisons … “ .
James looked at him in shock . For 25 years he was struggling with ethics related to genetics , who should be the guinea pig , under what limitations and so on . It was mesmerizing to think he could conduct such experiments with the government blessings . ‘ Official genome cleaning ’ he thought smiling , ‘ how brilliant ! ‘ . He rushed to give his help :
“ Daniel , let me assure you that successful experiments to eliminate aggression were done already , so you shouldn’t doubt the validity of your plan , it will work guaranteed ! “ .
Daniel appreciated the encouragement :
“ Thank you for the confidence , but my plans are going much further … “ .
“ I am guessing you are aiming at enhancing intelligence as well , right ? “ .
“ That too for sure , together with a variety of skills like talking and communicating , music , drawing and so on . But those are fine yet insufficient to make justice to the mess mother nature did on us “ .
“Which one do you have in your cross-hairs , Daniel ? “ asked James with a friendly tint of irony .
“ Well , for starters , the cruel mother nature made us a bacterial douche bag … and than we die ! “ (16) . With a more sombre voice Daniel raged on :
“ I mean is bad enough that during our lives we have a very hard time finding love , see the rate of divorce , (17) , and of course we suffer if we don’t find it … but if we do , at the end , we’ll suffer anyways because the loss of our loved ones when they die … that’s barbaric ! “ .
Suddenly , thinking of his beloved wife , James got the point :
“ I see , looks like your final aim is after all , eternal life , ha ? “ .
Daniel was looking down and smiling sheepishly :
“ Of course I do , I lived long enough to know better ! … The meaning of life should not be a journey from dust to dust but an eternal enjoyment of the loved ones because this is the essence of our existence … and that’s exactly what I intend to do in my country “ .
A moment of silence brought James back on the scientific track :
“ That’s a very tall order Daniel … and I’m not getting into overpopulation and limited resources but just thinking of actually doing it … I’m perfectly aware of telomeres , (18) , and that’s an avenue but it’s a long way . “ Daniel was prepared :
“ Yes , it requires focusing of resources , just like my nano-revolution does and I’m planning to converge both to correct the injustice made by mother nature “ .
As aware of the grandeur shrouding the statement , he straightened his back and said in a confident , almost prophetical voice :
“ I’ll pioneer the change from the rude natural evolution to the humane self-evolution , in other worlds I want a better cake and to have the time to eat it too ! “ .
Both laughed bitterly thinking about the miseries and cruelties of life .
An hour later they landed and while getting ready to leave the plane they exchange contact information with promises to keep in touch .
Daniel exited the customs and looking over the crowd was trying hard to spot Vlad , his right hand in the party .
Vlad Petrescu , the Member of Parliament representing Bucharest South , was the organizing force and a gold mine of contacts who managed to bring together with his smooth persuading personality a number of political factions and keep the spirits focused on the big picture .
Soon both hugged and with watery eyes they kissed on each cheek in the eastern tradition , nostalgic about their years together in the high school .
Walking quickly Vlad wanted to bring him up to speed right away :
“ Daniel , I managed only a 20 minute permit for the speech outside … there are over 400 people in the parking lot and on the lawn … We have CNN , BBC , a Russian crew and both local stations … here , have a drink “ . Daniel nodded and as they approached the exit a hive like noise began getting louder .
Just as Vlad pointed “ The podium is on the left “ the doors opened and thunderous cheers erupted hitting them like a shock wave . Colourful banners and flags were moving in unison with chantings of
“ Welcome home freedom ! “ and “ Daniel of the people ! “ .
He climbed the make-shift podium feeling dizzy among the continuing commotion , saw the TV cameras just a few meters away and had a quick drink looking over the people .
He noticed four police cars in the far background and remembered what Vlad said about the time limit so he raised his hands to politely quiet the crowd and with a soft voice he let his heart say it all :
“ Dear friends , dear Family ! “ . The people immediately picked the ‘family’ theme from his preachings on the Independence Forum website and among applauses , dozens of voices were calling loud “ Welcome home son ! “ .
After the years of loneliness this was too much for Daniel who again felt tears streaming . He turned embarrassed from the cameras using a napkin to wipe his eyes than continued :
“ Why such a peaceful nation like ours had to suffer for so long ? Why we , the people , can not find each other’s hands and as a powerful force set new , more humane rules of the land ? “ .
The crowd responded with ovations while shaking their heads .
“ In just one generation we tasted both communism and capitalism … now that’s one mighty lesson in socio-economics ! Together with the experience of many other countries we learned that letting the markets adjust themselves following the basic rules of capitalism means most of the time lost jobs , insecurity , limited benefits if any and the whole life depressing game of being caught in the rat race ! Well , my friends , under my government I have all the intentions to put an end to it and free us from the dreaded Rat Race ! “ .
He realized he touched the nerve more than he hoped when the crowd ignited in long ovations and cheers . He looked discretely at his watch and thought was no way he’ll have time to make all the points so he continued with a tone of urgency :
“ We learned that in capitalism is not to our best interests to let private companies decide what’s good for us … When companies feed us garbage , when they move with impunity to other countries where the labour is cheaper and less protected , leaving us unemployed , it shows clearly where their priorities are ! Definitely is not you and your kids , not even your country … in their eyes all we are is just a global pile of labour and consumers tied down in mortgages and running obediently on the rat race treadmill ! We can’t trust them so they have no place in Our community ! “ . More and stronger applause showed again they were thinking alike .
“ If global , multinational companies can organize themselves at those scales , function and be profitable , than why can’t we , the people , organize ourselves , run the country to Our best interests and be successful ? … And when I say ‘ successful ‘ I don’t mean the money race but living in a country where your job is secure and you are a share holder , where your kids are safe , where your food is clean and where you feel at home among strangers because you know we all are part of the same loving and caring family ! “ .
Rising over the applause he continued :
“ If you think about your country as you would think about your home than suddenly , complicated state decisions became simplified … Do you want to have foreign military bases in your backyard threatening your peaceful neighbours ? … “ He didn’t have to say the ‘No’ , the crowd in a thundering shout said it for him .
“ That’s right , obviously not , so we took care of that decision … Do you want your job to be at the mercy of a handful of people who don’t have your interests at heart ? “ . The people again answered for him .
“ Of course not , so that’s another easy decision …. Do you want to feed your selves and your kids food that has being spoiled by pesticides ? “ . Another resounding ‘No’ from the crowd .
“ Right , it’s a no-brainer … Or just think about the pollution issues , another easy decision . So when we have all the answers and all it takes is a legal stroke of the pen … what do we need to make it happened ? “ .
He didn’t really expected what the crowd answered since he was hammering at the type of government :
“ YOU !! We need You ! “ shouted the crowd waving Daniel’s portrait and dozens of banners . Blushing , he put his right hand over his heart and thanked the people while with the corner of the eye he saw Vlad pointing to the watch and signalling ‘time over’ .
“ Dear family , in the next year and a half I’ll be traveling the country so even though my time here is up , we will meet again and we’ll decide together our path for the coming future … All I’m asking till then is that you seat down in your own home , look around and speak aloud of how your country should be … I’ll see you all soon ! “ .
With a last wave he scanned the faces to see how motivated they are and he could smell the Revolution .
In the back of the parking lot he noticed there were now two more police cars and three vans while the cops were aligned forming a cordon looking ready to march forward . As he stepped down from the podium he got an idea .
“ Vlad , please follow me , I though of something “ . Vlad panicked since he pulled a lot of strings to get the meeting permit in such a touchy location : “ Daniel , please , my reputation is on the line , we don’t have any more time and I don’t want to see our people in handcuffs ! “ . Daniel reassured him “ Trust me on this one , you’ll like it ! Just make sure to get the name of the police officer “ .
Vlad walking briskly looked at him in wonder “ What police officer ?? “ .
Splitting the cheering crowd , shaking hands left and right and with the TV crews in tow Daniel went straight to the police line and what appeared to be the officer in charge .
“ Hi ! I am Daniel Dumitrescu “ .
The officer , in his mid 50s , took his hand while looking at him stunned .
In his mind not only that famous Daniel was talking to him but also the glaring TV lenses and the loud crowd mixed everything in a movie like scene .
“ Hello , I am the officer in charge , Sorin Negrescu “ .
“ Nice to meet you Sorin “ and with a lower , softer voice “ I believe that a man in your position knows about governments more than the average citizen … If you like what you know than enjoy it further , but if you think there is something terribly wrong with our government than I kindly ask you to briefly come with me … I want to show my appreciation for the protection you are giving us “ . Daniel gently grabbed him by the arm and Sorin still in a semi haze followed with little hesitation .
They reached the podium and Daniel took the mic one more time :
“ If I can have again your attention please … While we work for the revolution there are people who risk their lives to protect us from the evil … while we party and relax the same people make sure that our neighbourhoods are safe … as you can see the Revolution needs both of us so please , remember always your protectors just as the protectors remember they belong to the family ! “ .
Like an inspiration people in the back lines turned around and start hugging the policeman while the ovations were deafening . The crowd picked up the cops and with the cameras rolling they body-waved them all the way to the podium looking more like a event from a football match . Neither Daniel or Sorin could guess the future reverberations of their brief meeting .
From the side Vlad smiled towards Daniel , now he couldn’t care less what time it was .
Minutes later , relaxed and with a stale coffee in his hand , Daniel watched the evening scene and the Bucharest rolling by from the back of Vlad’s car. Together with eighteen other supporters following behind , they arrived at Vlad’s house and Daniel could finally get to meet all the party members and advisors that were waiting anxiously .
The place looked cheerfully decorated with paper ribbons and banners while the wives and kids mingling around gave the feel of a true large family .
The extended 22 chairs main table and a few smaller ones were jammed with Romanian delicatessens and wine that Daniel didn’t taste in three decades , he was looking forward to a culinary odyssey .
They talked while enjoying the supper , lawyers , doctors , nurses , engineers , technicians , all finding common ground going through the details of their policies , campaign schedule , TV debates , security and many other issues .
As professionals they were used to submit verified and well judged solutions so now , short of a Power Point presentation , they drew flow-charts and graphs describing the best policies .
From a distance , if you wouldn’t be aware of their political orientation , you would swear that’s a board room discussion of a diversified multi national company , but if you would listen in closely , the humane flavour would overwhelm you revealing the true nature of its members : all their decisions had at heart the wellbeing of every citizen in the country , definitely not your regular company board meeting .
Late into the night and after cheering while watching the news showing the policeman at the airport being carried like sports heroes , they left with an unanimous consensus about the overall strategies and how to solve the main stream problems .
For the next year Daniel traveled extensively through out the country attending hundreds of meetings and debates , creating a wave of united believers that according to the polls amounted to over 60 % of the population . Daniel wanted at least 90 % so he can show to the world that it was the free people who made the choice , he needed a mandate as strong as his reforms .
Attending town-hall meetings with local people in villages , small and large cities , he encountered the same theme , people not being sure of themselves , not being aware of their collective powers , mixed up by the corrupt Media networks and questioning the motivations offered by Daniel. They wanted to know what does it mean to be a government “share holder”, how will the government coordinate everything and all wanted to be reassured he was not talking about communism .
He saw the opportunity of making his points to the nation in the televised Presidential Debate taking place just one month before elections so he geared his campaign accordingly .
After many month of travel and meetings the revelation night was there finding him in an alley behind the TV studios getting his mind and spirits ready .
Daniel stepped out of the car on the warm pavement by the back entrance of the Romanian Free Voice TV station and looked left and right to see if he had the short privacy he needed . Vlad and the body guards retreated with understanding .
Satisfied he lit a cigarette and watched the new moon rise between the buildings . His mind wondered back to 1969 when as a kid saw the moon landing late night on a fuzzy black-and-white TV .
What if , he though , an advanced alien specie would come near Earth and point a ‘suffering and pain’ meter towards it …
“ Probably it would go off the scale “ he sighted , feeling a tight squeeze in his heart .
“ To the aliens we wouldn’t qualify as approachable , we probably look like chimpanzees with guns , the scourge of the Universe … “ .
Extinguishing the smoke , he straighten his posture , raised his head and whispering , he reassured himself , “ I know I can do it , I have nothing to hide “ .
He smiled at the possible alien rendezvous and whistling the International grabbed Vlad and Marina by the arms hurrying to make it in time to the Hall and the date with his destiny .
The bright studio lights and the applause from the audience greeted the three leaders on their way to the podium , while the whole mix of people and beliefs were standing up to the importance of the moment .
Hosting the historical meeting was the large TV amphitheatre with a delicate Greek architectural flavour and filed with more than 600 people , buzzing with participation , a thing not observed since the ancient “ less than 50 % “ public voting . The buzz word was it’s worth voting now , they found Daniel …
When everyone settled down Ileana Mureseanu , the debate moderator , made the introductions , explained the rules and invited Vasile Umbraru , the Conservative leader and country President to have the opening word :
“ Ladies and Gentleman , we are going through trying times after the damaged done by communism and now struggling to catch up and join the rest of the world … With all our efforts is still not easy to break in the depressed international markets , we are facing strong and established nations with plenty of experience in economics so we need leaders who were trained in those matters and who can foster productive international relations . That’s exactly what my party did in the last three years bringing the unemployment rate down to 14 % , increasing aid to the local businesses , helping them secure loans through the International Monetary Financing , IMF , and helping farmers have more access to quality GMO engineered seeds and pests control for higher productivity … Those achievements underline our statehood and respect my party earned from the international community . Further more we worked very hard to secure long term contracts with the United States so we can have on our soil the protection provided by not just one but two US military bases on top of the anti ballistic defences . And like many people agreed , we didn’t just get more security but , at 100 million a year for rent , we are making good money too … now That’s a smart deal ! “ he culminated looking for the audience’s approval which came but not in droves .
“ Those improvements are the reality of the day so I urge all fellow Romanians to not fall into the easy trap of day dreamers but to stick instead with the hard reality and with real leaders that can help you built an even better reality for tomorrow , so God bless ! “ . His supporters did their duties with polite help from the crowd .
The moderator pointed to the Liberal leader :
“ Mr. Serban Munteanu , please ! “ .
He first looked at the CNN camera with brief intensity and than addressed the audience :
“ Ladies and gentleman , fellow Romanians … among so many turbulent events we had to go through in just one generation none is more important than the coming elections . Let’s not fool ourselves , the world out there is tough and we just can’t risk the future of our children gambling on fanciful concepts hiding under their charm old foes like communism . We are no dummies , we can see through the smoke and we can see the threats it carries with it . Under my government I make a commitment to keep Romania out of the dangers of insurgents and infiltrators who want to destroy our progress . Mr. Umbraru was bragging about just two US military bases , yet, let’s face it , in three years he wasn’t able to obtain Romania’s membership in NATO , what a shame ! If you will elect me as your next President , I promise to prepare and bring Romania into NATO by 2017 and guarantee for ever our security ! “
Polite applause responded .
“ I further promise to increase the number of our police forces and return the streets to our citizens ! … I also make a strong commitment to our Health System , to seniors and people in need , to provide them with cheaper and more readily available pharmaceutical drugs and even buy patents so we can make them locally and diversify our economy . I will stop at nothing to make our nation stronger , healthier and a proud member of the international community ! Long live free Romania ! “ . For a few seconds strong applause emerged from his supporters and than the spot lights converged over Daniel .
“ Mr. Dumitrescu , please , your turn . “ said the moderator and in her voice there was something like a kid’s anticipation . Most of the audience rose and start applauding , chants of “ Daniel and the people ! “ and “ Free at last ! “ were reverberating covering mediator’s voice calling for calm . Daniel bowed and started slowly :
“ Dear friends … dear Family ! “ . Cheers and ovations responded and the world ‘family’ was repeated again across the crowd .
“ The Leader of the Conservative party said … “ . Suddenly Ileana raised her arm and Daniel stopped to listen :
“ Ladies and gentleman sorry to interrupt but I’ve just being informed that BBC picked up the feed and is broadcasting now live … Daniel , sorry , please go ahead “ .
“ No problem Ileana , in that case I want to welcome our British friends and everybody around the world … As I was saying , the leader of the Conservative party wants us deeper under the ‘protection’ of military organizations like NATO when history shows that its members engaged before in illegal wars and against the United Nation mandate .
When NATO bombs children , women and weddings I say in contrary , just like our mothers told us to stay away from hooligan gangs when we were kids, now , as grownups and defending our country , we should stay away from any foreign entanglement specially away from war hungry nations ! “ .
The whole crowd rose applauding with loud chantings of “ Peace on Earth ! “ , there was no guessing about this audience’ stand on war . He kept going :
“ And talking about the United Nations … the original idea was a global organization of equal nations … I don’t think that’s the case today since a handful of countries have the veto power ! What kind of equal organization would allow a few nations to turn decisions against the will and benefit of dozens of free countries based on the silly veto power ? It is irrational to waste time and resources in such organizations and under my government I will present an ultimatum to the UN : we escaped communism to regain our freedom not to find our selves under the influences of others , so either remove veto or we’ll withdraw and perhaps form another global organization of free countries but without any veto rights ! I am sick and tired of seeing the word ‘equal’ being soiled ! “ . The people responded with dedicated applause and Daniel glimpsing at the watch tried to keep within the time frame , there was so much to say :
“ The Leader of the Liberal party wants us to open the doors to foreign companies to come in and pillage our labour force and keep us enslave in cheap consumerism , to double their profits while we get less than 25 % of the worth of our work ! I say , No Way ! “ .
The work force present in the audience stood up cheering and like one conscience start singing the International anthem with Daniel joining in (1) . The mediator didn’t even think of interrupting specially when to everyone’s surprise the sound track start pouring over the studio speakers and the whole crowd became one large chorus .
To Daniel’s dismay he could see on the wall size TV a close up of his tears streaming down his cheeks that made him turn around embarrassed while using his tie to wipe . He glanced at the mediator and got the message .
“ Dear family , for the next 3 hours will touch many vital subjects and I want you to listen carefully to what all the parties have to say . That’s because you need to build the confidence that what you decided to do is right … and there is no turning back ! “ .
Among applause Ileana thanked him and asked the Conservative leader to be the first with a question .
“ Thank you Ms. Mureseanu , my question goes to Daniel … While your claims stir emotions I want to keep cool heads and address the real issues because the future of our kids depends on it . You keep talking about economic reforms but much larger and powerful countries in the world today suffer through recessions … How could you expect to get ahead of such powerful nations when even our national currency is rock bottom ? How can we believe and trust you to change our established way when we spilled blood to get away from communism ? Because frankly , what you are describing is communism doesn’t matter how you twist it ! “ . To his surprise the response from the audience was cool with only a few voices of approval . People were waiting for Daniel and the answer and he gladly obliged :
“ Mr. Umbraru , I respect your caution as a generally wise position , being careful doesn’t hurt … but we are so entranced for generations in the status quo that we don’t even bother questioning it ! You want a good economy for the country and you are pointing to the international power houses and their economic model . Do you think that a Successful multinational company is a good example of economic policies ? “ . Umbraru though this was too easy :
“ Sure , as long as it is well managed and as you said , successful … You can’t argue that a multinational , global company is a bad thing … just look at how many jobs it creates , the return to the share holders and why not that multinational be a Romanian company ? “ . He looked around for approval but it didn’t come and Daniel picked up the thought :
“ Sure , a good return to share holders , jobs … good things and I agree ! So all I do is copy-cat an icon of the capitalist system , but with the only difference that I give the shares to the people ! Do you think that would be bad , Mr. Umbraru ? “ . Vasile Umbraru was taken aback , he did not expected this turn of tables so he just moved his body in a neutral stance . Daniel kept hammering :
“ Well I thought so ! What can be bad with making the whole population share holders ? Cutting the fat cats ? “ . The crowd laughed and cheered .
“ Today not even China is a communist country even though it keeps the title … Marx and Engels would roll in their graves to find a so called communist country harbouring and protecting multi-billion dollar businesses while most of the workers live in a polluted hell and underpaid , in other words caught in the rat race ! This is a laughable and hypocritical communism , a theatrical attempt to hide personal greed in the government and that’s another reasons why we don’t want to go back to communism … But if you have the right leadership you can safely follow the company model by removing the selfish factor : take the multinational structure , make the share holders the people , make the government the executor body and spread the profits even ! Is this a bad thing ?? “ he shouted .
The crowd simply exploded and Daniel didn’t let go :
“ If a company can achieve so much , than think what a benevolent government can do having in its powers the writing of the law on top of all the other resources including the military … it’s a power house … and it belongs to the people ! “ .
Long standing ovations culminated with synchronized applause and Daniel raised his voice over the crowd :
“ So to answer your question Mr. Mureseanu , no , this is not communism ! This is an intelligent use of resources , is the people building a suitable government to help us all build a suitable nation ! “ . Intense applause made the point .
“ Never forget that Governments were meant to work for and protect the People . But the name was spoiled by generations of corrupt leaders to the point where today we are afraid of our own Governments ! But I will change that ! If private companies have the right to assemble , organize , function and make profits than what’s wrong with doing the same thing at the government level , managing our resources and working as an organization design to benefit all equally as intended . If people chose to do so than what’s wrong with the will of the people ? “ .
The crowd responded with cheers and ovations , he was always speaking their minds and tonight Daniel was not disappointing them .
The mediator took over with a question from the panel of observers :
“ Daniel , I have another question from the audience … How would your government address the Health problems ? “ . Daniel was a nutritionist freak so this was right up his alley :
“ I have two principles as the foundation : firstly , healthy people do not need doctors and secondly , doctors who are not paid by the visit have a tendency to keep their patients healthier in order to cut down the visits ! “ . Smiling , “ Really , for all I am concern the doctors can spend their time with the feet up the desk and playing video games as long as the population is healthy . But rest assure that I am not talking chicken-feed salaries neither , the doctors deserve respect and monetary appreciation so they will have a nice but Fixed salary …” . People agreed like a shadow of his voice and applauded while Daniel continued :
“ But on the other hand the population at large must be diligent about their diets and exposure to toxins . That’s why I will educate the people and implement eating according to your blood type as per doctor’s Peter D’Adamo book ‘ Eat right for your type ‘ . Matter of fact I promises to erect a statue of doctor D’Adamo in the capital Bucharest , beside the statue of doctor Babes “ .
Daniel looked over the audience and even though he spend over a year touring the villages , cities , universities and every where else he could get an invitation explaining the lectins issue in foods he still thought it has a long road ahead , so he added laughing :
“ No , I will not Force you to do it ! But I’ll explain it to you , show you examples so you’ll be convinced your selves … Besides education I will help you find your appropriate food easier by making mandatory that all the food labels will display the blood type or types that is suitable for … even at supermarkets the food will be sorted out in section according to the blood type . But at the end you will make that choice . “ . Ileana wanted to thanks but Daniel waved discretely :
“ I have one more point to make please … after watching the courageous movie ‘ Oversize me ‘ and after scientific analysis of the junk food industries , the governments in most countries and here in Romania allow those poisons to be freely advertised to our children and sold everywhere more so than fruits and vegetables ! … No wonder that the West is suffering from such massive numbers of obesity , cancers , allergies , diabetes and so on … I promise that under my government all the food will be Organic , that All junk food companies will be kicked out of the country and , for the benefit of our children and future generations , no one will be allowed to sell us junk food again ! “ . Strong applause brought the house on its feet , the mediator looked around powerless … there was just too much unison and solidarity in the crowd to screw around with , in her eyes the audience took on the feel of an angry giant .
“ And another thing “ Daniel continued “ besides a healthy , Organic diet we also need supplements simply because the toxic environment we live in forces our bodies and immune system to require higher amounts of certain nutrients … Today in the developed nations are dozens of labels carrying basically the same product but very few gets to be analysed by the government for quality . That’s silly ! Under my government We will manufacture the supplements , under our own control and of a quality to set an example to the world ! “ . Daniel politely settled the crowd and the Liberal leader took the mic :
“ Daniel , you want to exit NATO , to quit UN , not to use the essential IMF … you basically want to isolate Romania … No country survived in isolationism , not even North Korea , they receive massive help from the Chinese ! I am asking every one to be careful when considering cutting foreign relations … we get our Euros only from abroad , think about the vital exports … and half of our energy too . It’s inspirational to sing revolutionary songs but it’s a different thing to put the bread on the table . And keeping friendly and open international relations is important for the country , for our jobs and the economy that the Liberal party will defend long and strong ! “ . The liberal corner of the audience cheer up and Daniel responded :
“ When my father was a colonel in the State Security – MAI – he was very busy every day keeping tabs on suspicious foreigners , intercepting spies and avoiding foreign plots . That’s right , foreign plots … That’s precisely the reason we have even today , like any other country , a State Security .
This is not a fantasy but the necessity to defeat real attempts by foreign governments , never mind business , to interfere in our way of life for their own personal benefits . The sad reality is not just that most governments work for businesses but that the businesses them selves look at us as 20 million consumers , cheap labour and war fodder rolled in one IMF dependent nation ! “ . Ovations rocked the studio , even the other parties supporters joined in , there was just too much truth being revealed . Daniel added more gasoline on the revolutionary fire :
“ And how do you expect the people of the world to be astute about choosing their governments ?! Does everybody spends two hours a day on the internet ( 31 ) reading what’s new in politics and science to understand what moves our world and what the main-stream Media is hiding ? Working eight or more hours a day , being stuck in traffic for another hour and a half both ways , inhaling the pollution which adds to the bad mood, coming home exhausted , looking after the kids , people barely have time for them selves so how can you blame them for crushing on the sofa at the end of the day with a beer , a fast food plate and the TV with 300 easy channels of mostly high definition garbage ! “ . The crowd burst with approval , recognizing their own lives in the picture , and among applause voices shouting “ The Rat Race ! “ were coming from every where. Daniel continued to fan the fire :
“ So when a nation is too exhausted and not in the mood to write and check its politicians , when falling victim to the distorted reality fed by the corrupt Media , the result is today’s society where thousands of convicted criminals and people wanted by Interpol where discovered to be actual Directors of companies registered around the world , where banksters are stealing under the government’s blessings while people are losing their homes and jobs . No wonder that money laundering , internet fraud , corruption and cocaine stained dollars are flowing every where ! “ . Daniel wanted the crowd to keep hearing the difference so he said over cheers :
“ We didn’t talk about education yet “ . Voices from the crowd agreed .
“ As a general philosophy I would rather spend the money on more teachers now than more policing later “ Daniel said and the crowds agreed again .
“ Schooling , specially at an early age is half about science and half about the learning of being a decent member of the society and learning early in life to respect others , to be responsible and to have the community at heart . Wouldn’t be wonderful if every one would be brought up to think about their country as they think about their home ? To be responsible and conscientious enough to realise that how they personally are is exactly how the whole nation is … Matter of fact I think this was exactly what JFK hinted when he said ‘ Don’t be concerned of what the country does for you but rather of what you can do for your country ‘ ! “ .
Between applause Daniel tried to have a drink when the Liberal leader jumped in :
“ You were talking earlier about the restructuring of the economy and how you wanted to copy the big Multinationals … but those companies collapse too on occasion … you didn’t convinced us that just by making the whole population share holders you’ll solve the problems “ . For Daniel the answer was easy as it came from the make-up of his brain :
“ It’s not just about the big companies , it’s about the system and how it operates . Even a country with a significant export sector is vulnerable and dependent on foreign buyers . This means in bad times the people working in exports will lose their jobs with an effect rippling through out the local economy … it’s a false sense of stability and security . That’s why a self-sustaining , non-exporting nor importing country is far more sheltered from international negative events . In other words stay away from what you can not control . But also think about the capitalistic system by observing it from the point of view of an alien : they see people live together and form countries which they defend with their blood but than they live in a rat race, 10 % of them holding 90 % of the wealth (11) .
The business companies which are designed to provide needed services and products are fighting each other causing bankruptcies , layoffs and people heartaches , while in the same time the companies are polluting and pillaging the planet ! So instead of forming a united country and society of people collaborating to have an economy fine adjusted to their needs , the individuals are divided , fighting each other , hurting each other and following in life the same philosophy as in business : maximize profits at any costs . Is this insane or what ? “ he thundered . The audience was on its feet sending long ovations recognizing that Daniel put it all in a nut shell.
“ And than about our independence … The other leaders want to borrow billions more from the IMF and to enter their chess game without hope of winning . That’s right , when the IMF targets a country or government it doesn’t need to send in an army but lends them money by the bucket and than to pay just the interest most of the goods including food had to be send abroad to make valuable currency . Guess what , when the population is deprived of basic necessities , it will revolt , execute the leaders as it happened with Ceausescu and turn to capitalism and governments friendly to IMF again … Check mate ! “ .
A silence descended over the crowd , people realizing the snare they fell in over the last decades .
“ That’s why under my leadership there will be no IMF or Central Bank and I will make one economy and one nation , where the resources will be wisely spend because we will be in full control up to the smallest detail ! There will be no guessing in production because when you know all the needs and when you are in full control including all resources , you can adjust the operations to perfection leading to a stable economy , without fluctuations and recessions , without bankruptcies and layoffs . Now that’s peace of mind for everybody and that’s how I want my people to be ! “ . The Liberal leader thought an opportunity and once the cheering subsided he asked :
“ Than Daniel , do you intend to close the private businesses ? Communism all over again ? “ . Daniel turned towards him with visible disbelief :
“ Of course not … Obviously you are still caught in the inertia of the status quo as it was preached to you since a kid … but people will have a choice where to work and what to do , they will be free to compare the employment conditions offered by both private businesses and my government … let them decide ! But I am afraid Mr. Munteanu that you are forgetting two very important things about my plan . Firstly you must understand that my government is totally dedicate to each of our citizens , not just to a handful , in a manner that makes the government a machinery owned 100 % by the people and dedicated 100 % to the people’s benefits … It’s like people working for them selves but in a smarter way , united in one company which oversees all the economic needs and using the giant government system and it’s ability to write laws and control the army as the ultimate , people oriented National company . There will be no company on Earth able to compete with us ! “ . That got the audience on its feet again and Daniel wanted to give them a hint about his plans for the deep future:
“ And there is far more to benefit from it … indeed , just as a major prize to our efforts , a life time prize matter of fact , when we’ll focus our industrial power on certain strategic targets we’ll be rewarded with the power to alter life to such an extend that … “ he paused and revealed his ultimate desire for the human specie “ … you will never have to say ‘goodbye for ever ‘ to your loved one ! “ . The audience gasped and it took a moment to understand how deep and humane that thought was , and this time the applause were synchronized in a solemn rhythm with the pace of determined people . Daniel wanted to make sure they understood his secret message about the real revolution he intended :
“ Our economic policies combined with focused nano-technology research will make us self-sustainable , without foreign interference and therefore making us a true sovereign and free nation ! “ . The crowds chanted :
“ Indeed , indeed ! “ and Daniel wanted to make another life-time point :
“ And be aware … there is far more to nano-technologies than just manufacturing ! It will not only revolutionize technology but will also shake the foundations of human civilization as we know it ! As the nano world will flourish under trusted and peaceful leadership , the true haven and paradise will descend on us as we can not even dream about ! Today’s steps are just baby walk … when we’ll be done our society will shine like a precious stone in the entire Universe ! … There is nothing more beautiful than an independent nations with people walking down the street smiling , feeling secure and safe about their future and their jobs , with a roof over their heads, without worries … just enjoying each other … for Ever !! That’s the Nation I am dedicated to make happen !! “ he shouted .
The Liberal and Conservative leaders looked a bit embarrassed with the standing ovations and cheering going on , it was hard to argue with the simple revelations of life’s desires .
To the end , the debate continued with Daniel splashing the dreaded reality over the crowds and then washing them clean with his wisdom , with kind words and lots of hope for his plan which was spreading and finally appearing to people as more and more real .
Three hours later and exhausted Daniel finally exited the studio with Vlad , Marina and many other supporters heading to a nearby restaurant owned by a party member were among drinks and dancing they carried on with the political discussions until the morning sun became entangled in their conversations putting them to sleep .
While the celebrations were going on , half across the world in the Oval Office of the White House , the United States president was listening carefully to an unofficial representative of the International Monetary Financing , IMF , who respectfully , was standing a meter away from his desk .
“ Mr. President , furthermore , our protégé is not doing good … I watched the presidential debate a few hours ago and it is obvious that most of the Romanians will go for Daniel Dumitrescu … He pretends not to be a communist but everything points out the other way so we , at IMF , are very concerned . He openly defies our organization and you sir , as a member , I am sure are equally unease … and for good reasons , not only that we’ll lose 20 million of consumers and labour force , and the mineral treasures of the Carpathians but also it goes against capitalism and all that we believe in as free people . He even wants to get out of NATO and UN ! … and the man is an atheist on top of all … He’s definitely a danger to our society … “ . The president nodded slowly and asked :
“ When did you say the elections will be ? “ .
“ In just a month Mr. President , we’re short on time … Oh , by the way of your membership , I was told to forward the great thanks from the organization and they are working right now over your annual shares which should be finalized soon , just in time after all this gets settled … “ .
The president looked into the distance thinking of his dreams of retiring in Tahiti with his wife and the horny young housekeeper they were trying for the last six month . He noticed the fidgeting of the envoy and returned to reality :
“ Oh , yes please , send my thanks and … tell them not to worry , I’ll take care of the problem “ . The envoy smiled broadly , bowed and left closing the door behind him . Alone , the president pondered for a moment recalling the underground web , it’s powers and its carnage but Tahiti and the housekeeper keep bubbling up into his conscious pushing aside any morality or safety thoughts . He picked up the white phone and said in a relaxed voice making a life time mistake : “ Put me through Special Ops please “ .
Chapter two : the Start of the Revolution
The election day found the country in an effervescence and patriotism that emulated in the days before many televised discussions revealing the growing unified feel people have for the new revolution .
The day went chaotic among continous poll updates , listening to radio call-in shows and walking through streets filled with people waving flags and chanting . Daniel was exhausted after all the commotions and when the evening came he could finally rest having a beer and watching TV with his entourage waiting for the final results .
At 11:30 pm the count was announced , 72 % of the Romanian people decided for the Revolution and the party begun .
The celebrations carried over to an elegant large restaurant rented for the night . Inside , mingling in the cosy rustic atmosphere and gipsy music , at least 500 people were trying to make their tour to Daniel’s table . Outside on the lawn and in the parking lot more than 600 people were having a good time eating , drinking and chatting , there were no disturbances of any sort and no police in site except for Daniel’s escort .
If you would wonder through the crowds and pick into their conversations you would be surprised that after so many drinks people were talking about cold fusion , nano revolution , genetic therapy and considering political ideas to keep a firm grip on what they got .
Daniel would be very happy to hear the intellectual chat since he needed this attitude if to make the fast progress he planed .
At Daniel’s table while a lot of hand shaking was going on from the crowd , with Vlad , Marina and his advisors by his side , empty beer bottles were piling up making him feel the strong buzz of alcohol on empty stomach , and listening to the people talking about the life ahead , when one of them asked Daniel :
“ So , how come you don’t have any children … are you planning ? “
Vlad reacted quickly feeling the danger , he made a discrete sign to cut it off and grabbed Daniel by the hand :
“ Hey , let’s have a Martini for a change … and where are the steaks ? “ .
But was too late , Daniel opened the gates :
“ When comes to having kids I think I was a victim of circumstances … Put your self in my young shoes coming to Canada after spending my first 21 years of life in communist Romania . I though , according to rumours , that I’m coming to the land of milk-and-honey ! … In the next two years I came to the realization that I left behind free education , free health care with Dental ! “ he underlined “ … eating organic foods , having guaranteed jobs and housing in a drug free country where the criminal rate was one of the lowest in the world … The western so called ‘developed’ nations on the other hand …” , laughing sarcastically , “ you know the story , just read the headlines … “ . His face became sombre , looking down in his empty plate with a tear start making its way by the corner of the eye .
“ My disappointment was so great , my heart was so broken realizing that , if this is what they consider the best society in the world than we have no hope … so at 23 I had a vasectomy … I just couldn’t bear the thought of bringing someone in this kind of world … Really , even the birds set a safe nest before laying eggs , we too want the best for our loved ones but our societies are not ready for them … not yet ” .
Silence descended over the table and Daniel’s supporter apologised ,
“ Sorry Daniel … I had no idea … I’m sorry ! “ . Daniel looked up while whipping the tear and shook his head “ No , no , don’t worry , you didn’t know …” than turning to Vlad “ You’re right , where are those darn steaks , I’ll pass out soon ! “ . The atmosphere relaxed and Daniel went ahead through the night with the task of shaking what it felt like a million hands.
Later , in the eyes of the morning sleep , he dreamed of having 10 healthy smart kids , with his living room in the middle of a sunny plaza where friendly and smiling people were roaming around often stopping to ask if he was hungry . The feel of this universal family caressed his brain , gave him the affection he needed and put a wide smile on his face …
At the same late hour but deep inside the State Security building , Sorin Negrescu , the officer that shook Daniel’s hand at the airport , was going through his fourth coffee , a half pack of cigarettes and a bunch of files documenting a recent foreign entry in Romania . The person was flagged because of his connections with the CIA that were revealed just after the communist leader Nicolaie Ceausescu was dethroned .
Also , according to the computer roster , a day before his border entry two more foreigners were flagged but because Mafia connections in the States .
Yesterday Sorin sent an Interpol enquiry for the two Mafiosi and the CIA man and now was reading the reports that were printed out just minutes ago . The two Mafiosi were specialized assassins while the CIA man had a history in Special Ops which by Sorin’s standards meant another assassin but directly tied to the US government . Three assassins converging on Romanian soil just days before the elections … one of them already involved in overthrowing a Romanian regime in the past … The conclusion was terrifyingly simple … Sorin picked up the phone and in spite the very late hour , called his brother in law who was a colonel in the Army . After what seemed an eternity Ion answered the phone in a sleepy and aggressive voice :
“ Who’s this ?? “
“ Ion , it’s me Sorin , I’m calling from the office … sorry to wake you up but it’s very important … “.
“ Well it better be to wake me up at … “ looking at the watch “ Christ ! 3 in the morning !! … what is it ? “ .
Sorin checked his voice … he didn’t want to sound like a kid in a panic :
“ Ion , I have 3 assassins on our soil since three days ago … 2 are Mafia the other is CIA who was involved in Ceausescu’s coupe … I though that I should talk to you about this … can I come over your place right now ? I’ll bring the files with me ” . At the other end Ion was rubbing his eyes to make sure he’s not having a nightmare but as Sorin’s voice keep bringing the news he realized with fear the nightmare was real .
A half an hour later both man were dissecting the situation and an hour after that , sleep deprived and caffeine pumped , they were presenting the facts to a commission presided by a four star general . Within just a few minutes the general picked up the phone and called Vlad . Than he called the director of State Security and shortly after the whole mechanism start moving .
Vlad arranged an emergency meeting right away and with the heads of security at the table Daniel laid the strategy :
“ Let’s turn this negative into a positive … So far we know the hit men are getting ready and waiting for my public appearance in the inaugural ceremonies … so we can set a trap … They need a good shooting angle from a safe location to get away quickly . Let’s give them what they need … I would like everybody to find a plaza with two , maximum four good shooting locations so we’ll not spread thin covering them … Now , we must get those guys alive and in good shape , I mean very good shape , no scratches …” , and with a wide smile , “ I need them to be able to talk ” .
The top general had to ask :
“ No worries , we’ll make them talk but why the pristine condition ? “ .
“ In a nut shell , I want them to talk on the stage and from the same microphone I’ll use to deliver the speech … with the international cameras rolling “ , smiling , “ Get the picture ? “ . Suddenly everyone understood what Daniel was up to .
“ So here is the whole thing concentrated : we advertise a new location for the speech , we find the assassins and enter their premises … We’ll change the ammunition they use for the rifles with far less grain , just enough to make a good bang and send the bullet a few meters … When they shoot we jump them from the next door , we give them the truth serum and drive them to the podium where I’ll be waiting . Since we know one is American I want two things to happen in coordination : 15 minutes before the speech we must shut down the power to the American embassy by creating a diversion to force the evacuation of the building and then , as the CIA guy confesses will be our excuse to have the Security raid the embassy … That means we’ll have to be ready around the compound and be inside within seconds . The bottom line is I want All the paper and electronic documents ceased and secured with no abuse to the employees” .
Vlad saw the implications :
“ You realize that means cutting off the relations with US ? “.
“ Absolutely … The information we’ll find in the embassy should give us enough lawful reasons to close their military bases immediately besides the embassy … I am looking forward to that ! … Also we need to copy and publicise all the information we get from the raid … I would like it on the internet , newspapers and also send it to the most reliable media around the world . It will be a gold mine of revealing information about war , corruption and interventions . Let it make the history books and be a lesson to the world ! “ . Colonel Paduraru remembered a detail :
“ I would like to fine tune the time we have to bring them to the podium so we can get the most out of the serum … but I am not confident … CIA trains to build resistance … what if he’ll not talk ? “ The general took over :
“ That’s a good point … Considering that Putin and the Russian President already send us a congratulatory telegram I am sure they can provide us with their more potent version of the truth serum … they will stand to benefit when the thing hits the fan … So I’ll send a MIG 21 to pick it up , it shouldn’t be more than a few hours “ . Daniel loved it :
“ Yes , no doubt , it’s just to much riding on their confession , let’s do it by the book “ . All voiced their agreement and the meeting ended sending everyone rushing to their duties .
Once alone Daniel said to Vlad :
“ This may be the break we need … the implications can be far reaching … If we’ll find the documents that I believe exist in the embassy we may restrict , among other things , the international travel plans of the President for the rest of his life … Anyways , at two o’clock we still have the big meeting to set the skeleton of the reforms so till then I’ll get busy preparing … let me know of any developments regarding the assassins please “ . Vlad nodded and they got to work . For all Daniel was concerned , he couldn’t care less of the planed assassination attempt , the Revolution was on the way and he didn’t mind becoming the martyr . But what he really love to do was coming that afternoon , the planning , the details and the strategies , bouncing ideas with his advisors building up the Nation . That’s what kept Daniel alive and his mind was drooling in anticipation .
It was difficult to find three Caucasian man among over three million people in Bucharest and that’s were the State Security ( MAI ) was shining . During Ceausescu’s regime the security was recognized by the Interpol as one of the best in the world to the effect that you couldn’t buy a toke of pot anywhere in the country . Today it paid of handsomely by tracking the hit man in less than 24 hours . The undercover police planted in their motel suits passive laser microphones and remote optical fibber cameras that did not show on electronic scans . Later , according to the plan , they found a plaza with good shooting angles and the next day the news papers made it the official place for the inaugural ceremonies .
In between , four surveillance teams were assigned around the clock to each target learning soon of the time and locations from were the three shooters were planning to take aim . Daniel was thrilled and they quickly moved to phase two .
The day before the ceremonies , while the hit man were briefly away, teams of specialized infiltrating units broke into their rooms , search them and found the carrying cases with the high power rifles and ammunition . They appreciated the exquisite quality of the Austrian made sniper rifles and took a note of the serial numbers and manufacturer . Next , the teams laser scanned and took digital pictures of the bullets , weighted them , exited the rooms leaving behind a clean forensic scene and returned to their covert mobile units painted as utility vans .
Once inside they downloaded by secure wi-fi the bullet’s parameters and than waited . At the other end of the connection high precision CNC machining made an identical copy of the bullets while a team of explosives specialists formulated the necessary chemical compound and bringing the weight of the copy to within milligrams of the originals .
At the end they painted the tip of the reproductions with a perfectly matching color which usually designated armour piercing ammunition . After 45 minutes of waiting finally the radio inside the vans came alive and they got ready to receive the delivery . 15 minutes later they emerged from the motels and returned to base , mission accomplished . Daniel called the general in charge and personally congratulated him , than sat down and ponder about the huge impact his plan may have on the international scene. He realized that the circumstances may start more than one revolution so he called Vlad to arrange an emergency meeting after the first session with his advisors , he just didn’t like to roll the dices .
Chapter three : the Planning of a Nation
With two days to the inaugural ceremonies and the trap set for the assassins Daniel finally was about to start his most important meeting yet .
He entered the large wood panelled room with Roman marble statues and old paintings of Romanian leaders . It was an eclectic mix of smoky old and polished new that invited a philosophical mood and a historical thought .
A huge oval table seating 60 sprawled along the whole length of the room crowding the walls while the people waiting were chatting in low and sombre voices affected by the latest events . Only two chairs were left , reserved for Daniel and Vlad . When all the coffees and cookies found their way around and the committee settled down Daniel pulled the mic closer and started his long awaited party :
“ Dear friends and family , please pinch me if this is real ! “ . Everybody start laughing and suddenly they felt grateful that Daniel disarmed the tense atmosphere .
“ Firstly let’s put the assassination attempt on the side because so far is under control and wonderful things may come out of it … we’ll talk about it more tomorrow , so let’s continue to keep the secrecy and our heads up “ . People murmured and made a few rude comments towards the hit men .
“ Lets fully concentrate on our mission … we have a long and complex task ahead of us … everyone got their writing pads ready ? “ . Looking over the table to take the pulse of his top people he could see their determination and enthusiasm, all was OK .
“ Now , before we go into it let’s have the big picture clear : today will discuss the future using the two projects , tomorrow will talk about the present situation and how to adjust . Here is the future … There are two vital components to our plan and we have to address them both in parallel . Generally speaking , since they are our top priority , the two projects will receive maximum funding and military cooperation . By the way “ , he added smiling , “ when I say maximum funding I don’t mean having to go to the IMF , OK ? “ . People laughed again and the atmosphere finally started to unwind feeling more and more like a casual engineering discussion . But Adrian Marinescu , the astute treasurer and banking expert had to answer to his professionalism :
“ Daniel , if you don’t mind , before we go any further lets clarify this subject … I remember from way back in the Independence Forum you were saying openly that you will not disclose at that time the financial sources to pay for our planed expenditures related to development , including the nano project . I think now is the right time to get a good fix on this issue … what do you say ? “ . Daniel was happy for being reminded :
“ Oh yes ! Thanks for jogging my memory , you angel of finances ! That’s right , Adrian , you know our debt situation , over 1.8 billion US in the hole with IMF , just paying the interest is back breaking , look at what happened in 1980 when the interest rates rocketed to 20 % and the debt trap shut close for many nations of the world “ , and with a raised voice , “ I wonder if we’ll ever get to paying the principal ! “ (2) . The members showed their anger too and he continued with the disclosure :
“ I believe there is only one way out … not that’s the most prudent for a nation in the long run under the present economic conditions , but , since all our scientists are confident in the nano project , I believe too that the risk is worth it “ . He left a pause because he knew it will not be easy :
“ I am talking of clearing the country’s gold reserves ! “ .
The people gasped and Vlad who was also hearing this for the first time turned surprised :
“ Daniel , I’m not sure how big our gold reserves are … “ but Adrian interrupted :
“ Exactly 3.98 billion Euros , Vlad , and growing … and let’s not forget the currency exchange as we owe US dollars “ .
“ Thanks Adrian , ya , that’s not bad … but how we’ll be backing up our currency ? Daniel , you know , one of the conditions of the IMF was that we must hold an equal amount of gold in reserve to the amount owed . If they find we drain the gold they can call in the loan and bankrupt the country overnight ! “ . Daniel raised a confident hand :
“ I know , I know … and we also pay hundreds of millions per year in interest … that’s why what I want to do is … pay the IMF also in full and in gold right away ! “ .
Everyone gasped again and thought this will be an afternoon of continous surprises . Daniel explained further :
“ I know is very unorthodox but will not only save us millions of dollars in interests but more importantly will free us from the political restrictions imposed by IMF so we’ll be able to start our reforms much , much sooner .
And the rest of the gold will be used to pay for our development projects … Needless to say , the gold exploration will increase , we know the Carpathians can handle it , and all purchases using gold will be very discrete so the markets will not get a whiff of dumping . This is a one time move based on a calculated risk … if we are successful we’ll not need the gold , we’ll be able to Make the gold and more ! … Adrian , how much can you give us just for research equipment ? “.
Adrian calculated , made notes and gave the verdict :
“ After paying the IMF and other bills we’ll be left with a clean two billion Euros for R&D … not bad at all ! “ .
The rest of the members chewed the scenario and after a couple of minutes of consultations across the table they voiced a resounding approval .
“ Ok , “ , Daniel joked , “ that was easy ! Now let’s have some fun with the heavy staff ! “ . He seeped some coffee and leaned back in his chair :
“ As I was saying , there are two main initial projects where most of our resources will be concentrated … they are vital projects , the backbone of our reforms and the foundation for an economic and later social revolution. Let’s not forget that similar research it’s done today around the world but in uncoordinated separate pockets , individual labs , universities , etc. … but our government will be the first in the world to focus it in such a massive way ” . He looked quickly around the table to see the attention he expected and searching for Dumitru Olteanu , the future science Minister and research coordinator :
“ Ok , Dumitru please take notes , this is your baby … the first project is a familiar one , nano-technologies . The target is Autonomous Manufacturing using Nanobots . When the project is completed we want to have a bag of nanobots which are re-programmable using wi-fi radio waves to download the instructions , dump the nanobots in a premixed compound specially formulated for certain applications , add water or another solvent, mix and let it ‘cook’ until will be obviously ready … We are using for decades Computer Added Design , CAD , as an universal tool to engineer all kinds of parts and also in architecture , so any object , regardless of its complexity, can be sliced by the computer precisely and at any point .
So basically any object can be described by fine slices , atomic thin which when put on top of each other in the right order and fused together form a real entity . We are already half there because , for decades , we are describing objects exactly that way in our engineering projects using CAD . All we need is the universal nanobots who will be instructed by the CAD program to put together all the slices , one at a time … “ . Daniel paused to take the pulse of his advisers :
“ Dumitru , any questions ? “ .
“ I’ll save them for the end ! “ Dumitru joked .
“ Ok , just don’t hesitate to interrupt me please … So , Dumitru , at the nano scale the basic actions are as follows : the nanobots , which are basically atom and molecule weavers , pick up from the dissolved solution the exact elements called by the program and fuse them into the existing structure with atomic precision location … and so on , one layer at a time till completion … The solution of dissolved building materials like iron , chromium , titanium , plastics , colorants etc. , serve not just as the atomic bricks of the object but also as an important coolant for the nanobots … Remember , depending on the object built , we may be talking of an active layer of perhaps billions of nanobots … fusing the atoms and molecules requires energy and even though it is minute at the atomic level , it is magnified by the shear number of nanobots so heat will be generated “ . Daniel stopped and watched for questions but all were eyes and ears .
“ Let me give you two examples , one very easy and the other far more complex. First think about manufacturing a simple pen … think of its cross section design , materials and colors … it’s not hard imagining such a job for the nanobots . But let’s not forget that the nanobots don’t care how complicated the pattern is so my next example is an entire house from the foundation , embedded electrical and fibber optic cables , sewer , the glass and the windows and even the furniture , yes , even the furniture , all done in one pass , one layer at a time … We can do even the books on the shelves and the framed paintings hanging on the walls ! Now you can substitute the house example with an airplane , a car or a spaceship … it doesn’t matter … We design it on CAD , program the nanobots , give them the necessary building materials and let them have fun … and of course , if the nanobots can build anything they surely can build more nanobots ! “ .
People start understanding the principle and got excited , Daniel continued:
“ There is even more … Look in a garden at the dry soil … it’s a mix of minerals and other compounds , no life . But put a seed in and dissolve the soil by watering , and the biological nano-machinery will take the raw elements and assemble them in a full plant , chlorophyll , the gorgeous shaped flowers , fruits and even beautiful fragrances … all from dirt and water . Do you look at it as a miracle ? Of course not … we all are surrounded by busy , alive nanobots but which we call cells … In our nano tech world we’ll have the nanobots instead of flowers , vegetables or trees , and they will weave the fruit for us directly , one layer at a time , and all the rest of the food we need … They will even weave flowers we designed on CAD which we may create for the birthday of our loved ones and have written on their petals ‘ Maria , I Love You ! ‘ … This will put an end to agriculture … “ . People were taken again by surprise , gasping .
“ That’s right friends , when you’re hungry just go in the backyard , scoop some soil , add water and feed it to the nanobots , they will make you steak or prunes or a lemonade as long as the recipe is in the database . Do we have enough soil ? Do we ever ! Just look at the Carpathians , it’s a , well , a mountain of dirt ! “ he said laughing . “ And think what we can do with the unused agricultural land ! Forests , parks , cities ? … Fantasy ? Not ! Are flowers and fruit-trees fantasies ? Not ! We are just copying the recipe and do some short-cuts ! “ . Spontaneous applause burst all around , people getting more and more the scientific message .
“ So all we have to design is the versatile nanobots … Adrian , you were saying we can split in half the gold reserve of two billion , one for each project , correct ? “ .
“ Yes Daniel , one billion Euros each , tops ! “ .
“ Very good … Dumitru , you just heard your budget , Ok ? “ .
Dumitru , the top nano technology researcher in the country , was trying to clear his head of the buzzing ideas stirred by Daniel’s project , he was in love with it, all smiles and couldn’t hide it :
“ Daniel , it’s not even my birthday yet and you’re showering me with gifts already , Thank you … I’ll take the billion and , as you hinted earlier , if everything will go ahead as I am , sorry , as We are dreaming than , yes , we’ll be able to Make the darn gold ! “ . Everyone laughed and relaxed because they knew if Dumitru is up-beat the chances are good and realistic.
Daniel got down to the team issue :
“ Ok , so let’s talk teams … Dumitru , how many specialists in nano technology do we have right now ? “ . Dumitru looked in his notes :
“ We’re not doing bad … Considering the fresh graduates from the last seven years since the course opened at the University of Bucharest and the University of Cluj-Napoca , plus the teachers who studied abroad before , plus the fourth year students enrolled right now , I have a grand total of 986 able bodies but with only 249 real specialists , I mean people with experience who can lead a team . “ . Daniel bit gently his lower lip thinking :
“ So that gives us 249 teams each made of at least one specialist and four experienced assistants … so we have 249 cores which will require a number of support staff like electricians , chemists , technicians and so on … “ . He paused entertaining the thought that just occurred to him :
“ You know guys … it just clicked … do you realize the tonne of jobs that we’re creating right now ?! It’s amazing … we may be looking at 100% employment rate in a very short time ! “ . The advisors agreed and everyone thought of the campaign promises being kept . Daniel continued with a smile :
“ I feel better and better as we go … Adrian what’s the individual team budget please ? “ . Adrian glimpsed at his calculator :
“ Not shabby , we can allow a bit over four million Euros per team for equipment purchases … Further more , considering the teams will share the support staff and some of the more expensive equipment I think we’ll manage to sustain full blown research for at least five years … don’t forget, we can also use the help of the Universities and any manufacturing plant that we’ll need “ . Daniel liked the five years number but he would have preferred a ten or higher , he was not fooling himself , it was a tough project . He just remembered another detailed and called Maria Larion , the education advisor and future Minister :
“ Maria , please make a note of the nano project . I would like to have a nano course started half way through high school just after the chemistry courses , and continued in all colleges , I mean regardless of the college profile … I want this because the more I think about it and the more I snap out of the status quo , the more I believe that nano technology will became what growing food used to be , a life saving skill … thank you Maria ! “ . She made the notes and Daniel returned to the main project :
“ Ok , so we know the budget , we know the teams and we know the target , the nanobots … The principle behind having 249 teams is to have as many angles to the target as we can … 249 different approaches to the problem . But , Dumitru , the strategy is that once a team makes a decisive discovery, I want all the other teams focused immediately in that direction and so on , a pattern of consecutive focusing as we make progress … so basically when a problem arises we’ll have every time 249 ways to look at it . And another thing Dumitru , as research goes , please make sure that any fringe discoveries are properly detailed so it can be picked-up later when we have time … Please underline to the teams specially two applications : biology and military , which brings me to Mugur … “ . Daniel spotted Mugur Badea, the five star general who was second in the military command after him :
“ Mugur please address all security issues for the research facilities and keep in close contact with Dumitru so you can pick up on any side discoveries with military applications . Also while we are at it , Mugur , please ensure security for all the advisors and scientists , think of it as the Romanian Alamos , thanks ! “ . Mugur and Dumitru nodded at each other filling up the notes and Daniel carried on :
“ In terms of resources I think we should use as many of the existing buildings as possible for the 249 laboratories and keep them bunched together to have common access to equipment and staff … “ . He looked towards Radu Constantinescu , the future Minister in charge of infrastructure :
“ Radu , please find them suitable accommodations as soon as possible . Dumitru , please make a list of equipment we need to buy from abroad and work with Adrian to make the purchases discreetly and immediately . By the way , let’s all take a minute and recall the need for extreme secrecy … Ok , one more thing … you know me , I believe more brains are better than fewer so let’s organize a national nano competition … design a nanobot , really , you never know ! Plus it draws people’s interest and we need that … I want the nation to go nano-crazy ! “ .
Slowly they start feeling more and more confident , the plan was coming together in a credible fashion , no science fiction , and the people around the table straighten their slouchy backs , brought their chins up and felt able to move planets . It was a collective high , a dynamo of human imagination and hope , exactly as Daniel envisioned it , a truly scientific and humane think-tank working for the benefit of all people .
Maria Larion , the future Minister of education , known for her warm heart and care for children , raised her hand :
“ Daniel , while we are at the nano project , some time ago you said it will bring not just economic wonders but also a social revolution … can you tell us now what you meant ? “ . Daniel waved her a kiss :
“ Oh yes , thank you so much Maria for being an astute listener , I was planning on explaining it because it is very important , thanks for remind me … You see Maria , my conclusion is that , once the nano technology will be in place as I envisioned it and as I gave directives today at this table , the whole manufacturing process will be generally reduced to people seating in front of computers and using CAD to design what ever they need … from parts and pants to art and food and anything in between including security . It will be a wonderful process of creativity involving and available to everyone , where you can dream of an object , design it on CAD , let the computer transfer the program to the nanobots , feed them the necessary compounds and let them do the work and materialize your dream ! This will be the pinnacle of the nano revolution … “ . Daniel paused to let the picture sink in , than explained further :
“ With such a technology , with such an ease of manufacturing at atomic level anything you can dream of , we will free more time for our selves , we’ll have far more time to indulge in the true meaning of life which is , at least in my opinion , enjoying time with your loved ones besides having pleasure from your friends and hobbies … Also consider that the quality of our lives, future planning and our peace of mind are affected by our job security as well … in our case with an economy which can provide atomic precision parts and equipment we’ll be leading the world in manufacturing … we’ll have zero competition . So when the technology enables you to control almost everything , to provide unbreakable security , easy and stable jobs , to give you anything from food to shelter , than indeed we’ll have far more time for our selves to enjoy the people we love , we’ll have a totally different life style and we’ll be engulfed in a new social revolution … and that’s the gift of properly used nano technology … “ . After having a drink of water Daniel wanted to add the final touches :
“ To appreciate better this new life style I invite you to go through a typical work day … First of all , where ever possible people will work from their homes … Let’s say you are assigned to make parts not to exceed a meter in size and ten kilos in weight , and those constrains are just because transportation needs since once made , some one will drive by in zero pollution vehicles to pick them up … we are not talking science-fiction here since we don’t have teleportation … yet “ , Daniel said smiling and continue:
“ The morning starts by checking your work load , turn on the computer and see what orders were placed . Let’s say you need to make five items with a certain code number . You copy the code and paste it in the specialized CAD software … The screen gives you directions of what materials and size of container you’ll need … You go and get those items from your storage area and click “continue” . Next the computer sends the programs via wi-fi to the appropriate number of nanobots which are stored in a nearby container . When done you dump the nanobots into the prepared mixture and go away to have fun for the rest of the day … Imagine, that’s a typical work day for someone involved in manufacturing !
And that’s not all … let’s say you feel like learning to play piano but you don’t have one . You go on the computer and search the data base for piano software , you copy it and send the program to another bunch of spare nanobots , add the ingredients in a suitable size vat and in seven to nine days you’ll have a perfectly working replica of a classic grand piano . Or , if you are an artist you can spend a pleasant afternoon creating on CAD some mesmerizing sculpture with interlacing fibbers of what appears to be precious stones , steel , glass and wood all emerging from one another . Or just design a new jet engine … the imagination is the only limit … The fact is that intelligent people don’t get bored , they always find something to create and innovate … Imagine the whole nation , instead of spending eight hours at the office , using most of that time for sheer creativity … Suddenly we’ll burst at the seems with innovations , and discoveries will take place at such a rate that our lives today will appear as stone age ! “ . The advisors cheered and voiced positive comments , but Adrian , business oriented and with a feel of what makes people tick , raised the issue :
“ Don’t take me wrong , I love it and it makes scientific sense … however , just as Maria felt the social aspect needed to be address , I also feel that part of it is the issue of personal incentives … I mean , if I design an outstanding object related to any field , science or art , why should I place it in the national database for free ? What are my incentives ? “ .
Daniel obliged :
“ What you are describing is the capitalistic model based on money rewards … But even in the capitalistic countries the concept of Sharing developed naturally , sometimes with the flavour of barter … What we’ll be doing is organize the concept of Sharing at the country level … So you know that as you’ll contribute to the data base other will do the same and you’ll have access to it at no cost . It is a continuation of the Family concept and as you would not charge your relatives , specially when you know they are also contributors to the national data base , the final change to the society will be the elimination of money … a natural process “ . People gasped , still being suspended in this river of non-fiction just about to torrent over their lives and Daniel wanted to make this revolutionary picture even clearer :
“ My point is that most of the manufacturing will be done in people’s homes improving one’s quality of life but also , a vital detail , why go shopping for something when you can copy its design as a general template from our on-line free national database , customize it if you want to and make it in your own home … The shopping will be done from your chair .
Think about it , economy is people exchanging goods and services … But when all the information about how to make anything is Shared by the community in a national database and when the concentrated raw materials are provided by the government in exchange for labour besides being available freely in the soil , what’s there to exchange ? This is not an economy as we know it ! Further more , if we can make most of what we need so cheaply because the bulk of the cost is the raw material , and in our homes , than of course Money will become worthless ! Now , That’s a social revolution ! “ .
The implications got people’s attention who found themselves in an uneasy state of mind , listening to the shocking possibilities , trying hard to believe it’s not a fantasy specially since all made sense , and trying to soak in the consequences .
General Mugur Badea had a flash :
“ Daniel … what happened if the nanobots , small as they are , fall in foreign hands ? “ . Daniel hit his forehead :
“ You darn right Mugur , that’s a very important consideration , thanks for bringing it up … and Dumitru this is for your design teams too . What I had in mind is a restrictive 3-D space … just as in clothing stores there are Radio Identification passive tags which respond to certain radio frequencies to prevent theft , I am suggesting a parameter of emitters around our country borders or any other area . If a nanobot is within ten meters of such an emitter it will self destruct … not explosively , just to reduce it self to unrecognizable molecular dust . This way we’ll know that no nanobot could ever escape “ . General Mugur asked sheepishly while taking notes :
“ Daniel , any chance that I may have some specialized nanobots to send wondering abroad ? “ . That was just what Daniel wanted :
“ You bet , dear ! We’ll have a delightful time fine tuning this nano-spying technique … believe me , it’s one of my beloved mini-projects ! If it will work as I plan it , we may be in the position to show to other countries what they really are , including their corrupt governments …“ .
Lily Magyar , the future Minister of labour also needed a clarification , and a very important one for that :
“ Daniel , the more I understand the Autonomous Manufacturing project the more I realize that one side effect will be massive loss of skills so I have no choice but to worry about it … “ .
“ I understand the concern Lily , what we need to do first is to realize we are in a different circumstantial time frame … We are way too used with the traditional manufacturing processes , the masters , the apprentice and all that glory … and we felt protected somehow that in the future those skills will be preserved and passed along … But what can you pass along in the nano world ? How to use a CAD software ? How to mix dirt ? How to use your imagination ? And so Lily , your concern is very valid : what are we going to do in a nano world if things go wrong and we lose our technology ? How we’ll survive and how far from the stone age would that be ? “ .
An uncomfortable silence surrounded the room . Daniel explained further :
“ The only way to pass the information in a nano world is if you have that information in your head and a spare , emergency nanobot set . A Nanobot Emergency Set , or NEST , is a group of nanobots in an inert capsule inserted under your skin which can be removed without bleeding … Dumitru and his team will figure out how to activate them , but once removed , started and provided with just regular wet soil , those NEST will start manufacturing based on the available compounds , a complete kit including the mini-computer , screen , installed CAD software and an updated copy of the national database , in other words is ready to go in six to seven days doesn’t matter if you are lost in a forest , on a devastated battle field or on Mars … You can always start fresh with just soil , some water and the NEST under your skin … “ . Lily smiled .
Daniel thought it was enough material for the first part of the meeting so he concluded :
“ We’ll be discussing this survival issue more but till than Mugur and Dumitru please talk to each other to make sure it is addressed during prototyping … And now , as a preparation to introduce you to the other main project , let me ask you all … living in a nanotech world like this , basically paradise on Earth , wouldn’t you soon realize that Death remains the only and most disruptive enemy ? “ . The advisors stared at Daniel and slowly smiles emerged . Voices of approval echoed and the words showed the arrival of a general awakening . Very pleased Daniel looked at the watch and stood up :
“ Guys , let’s have a lunch break please , I’m starved ! We’ll continue with project number two in one hour , ok ? “ . Everybody was hungry and healthy food was served right on the table while creative discussions carried on .
An hour and a half later and seeping on strong coffees while going over notes and still discussing the philosophical angles to all the changes , everyone was ready again and Daniel introduced the second project :
“ Before we get into the second target I want to underline that eventually both of them will be connected so don’t try to separate them too much in your mind … The second vital project addresses one of the most cruel facts of life : doesn’t matter how well we live and how happy we are , at one point in time we’ll be separated from our loved ones … by death . When in this cruel world the most important and treasured thing is our loved ones , to see them die is absolutely unacceptable ! And so , death becomes our target number two , and genetics combined with biology and nano technologies will show us how to eradicate this enemy for ever … “ .
The advisors looked like they needed more . Magdalena Romanov , the future Minister of agriculture raised the main concern :
“ I find the idea exciting and very noble but … how we’ll feed and stabilize the growing population ? Birth control ? “ .
“ Of course , but if you do the math and consider the extended planed life expectancy , even one child per family is too much after a few generations … But thanks to the nano technologies , chances are good that after a while we’ll be able to manage the food supply but the physical size of our country will be the final limitation . At that time , and well before than , we’ll be appealing to people who would volunteer to not have children but this is a long and specially unfair shot in my opinion … In my plan , way into the future and for reasons far more important and vital than running out of land … we may have to depart this planet … “ .
A hush descended over the room , not even his closest advisors ever heard him talking about such a sci-fi scenario . They start worrying about the negative impact on Daniel’s credibility and he felt their concerns :
“ I understand , it looks like a movie and I agree that at present is not the best time to release it to our people … But please think about it … firstly I trust all of you , I have proof that your intelligence is much higher than average and so I don’t want to hide anything , doesn’t matter how off-the-wall it may appear … But , never the less , the reality may surprise us more than we dream and I believe we all should keep the space migration in the back of our minds because there is a very good and vital reason : once we enter the nano world and conquer life than , naturally , all our attention will be focused on anything that can disrupt us … You see , it’s a different state of mind , when time for us virtually stops , the time scale of cosmic events becomes compressed , there is no difference if our sun will became a red giant and destroy Earth in 100 million years from now or in 900 million … we will still be around … So instinctively , just like an animal on the run is looking for a safe meadow , we’ll also seek a corner of the universe which is quiet , away from raging stars , black holes and turbulent galaxies and which we can call home , relax and love our loved ones for ever … “ .
And than he added :
“ I want to make sure you understand my purpose very well … we do all those things , the life extension , the nanotechnologies , the space search , all for one single purpose : so tonight when you’ll caress the face of your loved one , you’ll have no hesitation knowing that’s the way it will be for eternity ! “ .
People were getting deeper in the realization of all the unexpected consequences and the comments exchanged over the table start taking a philosophical turn . After a while the advisors agreed with the principles behind such a very long term plan and Daniel moved to the heart of the second project :
“ I am proposing to call this plan ‘ Genesis ‘ in the tradition of new pathways . As we discussed before , the head of Genesis will be Marina Bunea but the same concept applied to the nano project will be valid here too so Dumitru and Mugur will be her partners with full cooperation . The project will have two parallel objectives : one is stopping the ageing process completely , the other researching for health improvements to be applied daily by everybody including gene therapy … “ .
Daniel paused to see if ‘gene therapy’ stirred emotions … but no , people were just listening with visible intellectual curiosity . He remembered what James , the genetician he met on the plane , told him about his encounters with the mass opinion regarding gene manipulations , took a deep breath of relief and continued :
“ Marina you already know the budget , what can you tell us about the number of teams we have available ? “ .
“ Daniel , the situation in genetics is much better than in the nano project … We have far more qualified and marginally qualified personnel , but I was thinking … the budget split for the nano teams’ equipment worked at slightly over four million Euros per team … I feel we should keep the same numbers for the genetics project but with the difference that we’ll have ten times more people per team , that’s ten times more heads to think about the target “ . Daniel liked that :
“ Sure , it will simplify the accounting and provide more brain power … I love it , it’s a deal , make it happen … Ok , while the life extension and health supplements project is straight forward and has first priority I want to run in parallel a pet project which I consider very important for our society . I am talking about the crime rate … “ . The advisors showed their approval of the subject .
“ While the crime problem is obvious since recorded history , it’s solution is very fuzzy … many ways have being tried , we know that … It is also interesting to note that nations like France under Napoleon , Germany under Hitler or the Mongolians under Genghis Hun got to dominate millions from the Black Sea to the West Pacific only to fall back , some into oblivion… That tells me the aggression gene is omnipresent in the population and all it takes is an insane leader to incite the whole nation into war and violence … So my angle is to eliminate the root that science has established to be a certain gene which is responsible for human aggression “ . Everyone suddenly quiet down in attention and Daniel sensed it .
“ No , this is not Eugenics , we don’t kill or sterilize the subjects but instead we repair what the cruel nature did to us . So in general here is what we need to do : first , work out the protein to silence the aggression gene , secondly test it and finally present it to the people … “ . Marina jumped in :
“ How it will be tested , Daniel ? “
“ Quite simple … think about it , we need subjects which are proven violent … There is only one place where people like this are concentrated : in jail …” . The advisors understood what Daniel was hinting at and reacted with caution .
“ I understand your reservations … and I understand the human rights but here our purpose is to relieve those people of a birth defect … If you think like me that non-violent is normal while aggressive is not than it is crystal clear that we are doing those people a favour … If it works , and it should , at the end those people may find freedom again because their changed personality . And I don’t mean making zombies out of them , no , we just remove the aggression and let the rest as is . It’s a clear win-win situation for both the inmates and the whole society … Marina , any objections ? “ .
“ No , Daniel … matter of fact my feel is that once the aggressive behaviour is removed , the brain cortex will have more time to spend for normal processing rather than being busy and interrupted by negative thought patterns induced by the aggression gene … What I’m driving at is that I will not be surprised if the subjects will gain two or four IQ points … it makes perfect sense “ . Daniel loved it :
“ Exactly … Think about it , how many times did you caught your self in aggressive thoughts ? Perhaps re-living a situation at work involving your authoritarian boss or a bitchy employee , or a road-rage incident where you fantasize of getting out of the car and punching the other driver … it happens … I experienced it my self many times and every time I said to my self ‘Shame , you chimpanzee ! ‘ . That’s why I’ll be among the first to get the anti-aggression shot specially when I know it will make me smarter ! “ .
“ So here is the plan : our target is the highest security prison … We’ll chose the inmates with the most established violent record and we’ll segregate them in two groups : in one group will inoculate all the members while in the second group will inject only a minority , perhaps three out of twenty . In this way we’ll be able to observe the adaptability in both situations , as a group totally protected against the aggression gene and also in a hostile environment surrounded by violent people … Marina , any suggestions ? “ . Marina looked up from her notes an smiled :
“ No , except this may lead to a Nobel prize in genetics “ . Daniel returned the smile :
“ That’s the spirit , so please , make it happen ! … Naturally , the whole process will be recorded with the final purpose of convincing the people of its benefits … By the way Marina , regarding your analyses predicting an increased IQ after the silencing of the aggression gene … let’s incorporate your idea in the programme and test their IQ before and after … “ . Marina nodded and Daniel was thinking hard to remember other details :
“ Ok , once the tests are completed we’ll proceed to mass produce the vaccine and inoculate the whole population … did we cover everything ? “ . He looked around the table but the voice came from the back , colonel Victor Dobrescu , one of Daniel’s favourites dedicated body guards , a tough yet funny and intelligent cookie collecting medals since a teenage recruit . He had a personal favour to ask :
“ Daniel , I listen before to your ideas regarding genetic self-evolution and I have a feel you’ll not stop at he aggression gene … What I’m trying to say is that … I always wanted to play the piano … “ . A healthy laughter shook the room and people made funny comments about their own personal short-comings , Victor was speaking for everybody including Daniel who gladly obliged :
“ You funny Vic ! … Yet so right … ‘mother’ nature is unfair to us … On one hand it shows us what a few Mozarts or Teslas can do while on the other hand it makes the rest of us fail to assemble a kid’s bike … it’s like in your face , you see the cake but can’t touch it … So Vic , you’re right … we’re going to change that , once the population sees the benefits of self-evolution we’ll move quickly to fix the intelligence genes and add all the skills and talents we’ll get our hands on … Also , taking a chance of appearing trivial but considering my own unappealing looks , I plan to include sets of genes which will provide good looking people for the future generations … The fact of life remains that physical attraction is part of the pleasure package so why not address it if we can and eradicate ugliness ? … And I’m not talking about an uniform look , no way , I am planning a national data base of faces which can not be duplicated while the original is still alive … Really , if we’ll master the genome to the extend of increased intelligence and added talents sure enough we’ll be able to control tissue growth so why not enable parents to design the looks of their future child ? In just a few generations we’ll have a handsome population which , I believe , will help change the way people find mates …” . Marina stopped taking notes and lifted her head in attention :
“ What do you mean Daniel ? “ .
“ Well , at present the universal divorce rate of over 45 % proves that a lot of people are not good at choosing a long term mate … It’s the sexual attraction that entangles us at first when young and foolish and maybe again later through life … Today we are conscientious that only a handful of us are good looking so we magnify every physical detail of our mate to satisfy our sexual needs … When most of us can offer only certain parts of our appearance as being attractive , we get used to be thankful for having a mate with just beautiful sexy lips , or great legs and so on … but in our future all the people will be overall attractive so just like getting used to an object-de-art , after a while it loses its lustre and slowly , and with the help of Maria’s school programme in Social Skills Development , people will start appreciating more the beauty of the soul and the depth of the thought when selecting mates … So here we have yet another social ramification of the self-evolution plan ! Another way to look at it , is our genetic enhancement will change humans to have beauty which is also skin deep … “ , he smiled , leaned back comfortably and listen to the background of chatter trying to filter the median response .
It was good , people were getting used to be showered with the unexpected twists of the future and the technologies they were pursuing , they found it truly exciting and it was not an abnormal , euphoric reaction , but that of professional engineers and scientists who were trained to question anything unusual . Daniel looked at the clock and remembered the security meeting following next so he had to cut it a bit short :
“ Ok , we are running out of time for tonight but we’ll gather again tomorrow to discuss the solutions for the immediate present … Till than keep in mind the general direction of our main projects : nano technology for the Autonomous Manufacturing project , the genetics programme into life extension and human enhancement and the pressing aggression gene silencing issue . Those are our focus for now and I certainly hope that with 249 teams for each project and four million Euros per team we’ll have the solutions in five years or less … our future depends on it “ . The advisors slowly got up visibly enjoying bouncing ideas and discussing a future which not only looked like a jewel with a myriad of exciting facets but also , most importantly , it start looking viable .
After the room cleared and the chatting slowly went away , Daniel and Vlad were left alone with just the four body guards standing a couple of meters away and looking alert . Daniel asked them if they needed anything than took a deep breath and looked at Vlad while the State Security team entered the room right on time , all four of them, Bogdan Atanasiu , Intelligence colonel , Ion Paduraru , Army colonel , Mugur Badea , five star general , and Mircea Antonescu , Bucharest Chief of police . Daniel greeted his protectors with a tired smile and they understood . More coffee was poured and Daniel got down to business :
“ Thanks again for coming … First of all I want to bring up the very sensitive nature of this operation . If all works to plan we may end up in the possession of documents that will stir the world and maybe topple governments , not that we needed more enemies !
In contrary , when the dust settles we may have new friends , new societies with better standards and perhaps more willing to learn from our example “ . Dunking a cookie in the fresh coffee he continued :
“ But this is an uncertainty … till than let’s increase the security and let’s carry on with the details of our plan . Ion , do we know where the assassins are and do we have their cribs wired ? “ . Colonel Ion Paduraru was more than ready :
“ Mr. Dumitres … sorry , Daniel , yes , we installed passive laser microphones and passive optical fibber for HDTV … We know the tint of their underwear and two important things : so far none of the three detected the switched armour piercing rounds and we know the time and places they decided to use : four o’clock , just 15 minutes into the speech and as we predicted , they plan to take positions in each of the three suitable buildings we made available … That will put them between 480 to 590 meters away from the podium , that means even with the small amount of gun powder left in the rounds , the crowds will still be able to hear the pops “ . He stopped to catch his breath and cautiously dipped his lips into the steaming coffee :
“ We already wired the shooting locations and assigned the capture teams , we even have the bullet pickers in the parking lots below … Yesterday our MIGs brought us a present from Mr. Putin with a signed photo of him to you … nice ! … Anyways , we got gift-wrapped with instructions what I call the Russian Molotov truth-serum cocktail designed to surprise any CIA trained operative . Naturally we saved a sample for analyses … “ . General Mugur Badea needed a bit more details :
“ Anything special in the instructions ? “ .
Ion briefly glimpsed at his notes :
“ Not really … intra-muscular injection … time to effect 13 to 15 minutes … and duration 10 to 15 minutes . Oh ya … also the maximum session is two shots no less than 5 minutes apart followed by an hour break , if you want the patient not to have a guaranteed heart attack … “ . Daniel was not thrilled :
“ Ten minutes is not enough … we’ll need both shots … how can we do it without actually rolling their sleeves in front of the people and the world ??“ . The answer came from Victor :
“ My aunt has diabetes and uses on her belt a Walkman-size portable gadget which injects her automatically with insulin … “ . Ion picked up the idea :
“ Yes ! I don’t see why we can’t by-pass the auto delivery signal and trigger it remotely … the prisoners will be in shackles and dazed … I’m sure will work , just watch the time for the best delivery “ . Daniel took over :
“ Ok , Vlad , you’ll have the trigger and just wait for my signal to deliver the second shot … remember , we are mainly concerned with the CIA guy . The Mafiosi will probably be knocked-out by the cocktail so we’ll give us more time … “ . Daniel looked at Mircea Antonescu , the Bucharest Police Chief :
“ Mircea , there will be three acts to this show : first bringing the shooters on the podium with the cameras rolling , secondly my interview starting with the CIA guy , and thirdly , upon my signal , the storming of the American embassy … “ . He paused to let them write the notes and carried on looking at Ion :
“ In the first act I would like to have your brother in law , Sorin Negrescu , in charge with bringing in the CIA guy and prepping him with the Russian truth serum … the timing is crucial , he must be on the podium exactly ten minutes after the injection and with the remote delivery unit attached and functioning … Vlad will hold the remote control for the second dose to deliver it on my cue . Keep in mind the large crowds and how to get to the podium in time , will be tricky so I need some creative ideas … The other two assassins should be held on the podium within an earshot … Arrange also for the TV crews to be much closer than usual so their mics can pick up the conversation “ . Daniel turned around to his body guards :
“ Victor , please position your self on the podium right behind me with the rest of you fanned out not to interfere with the camera angles … keep in mind the world will be watching … We know the three shooters planed to synchronize for the hit at exactly four o’clock … I’ll do my best to bring the crowd to a silence so we can hear the three gun pops … Ok , that should be easy … now let’s move to the final and trickiest part , the American embassy … “ .
He recollected his thoughts settling in the chair but felt his body quite stiff after hours of seating … He decided he needed a bit of fresh air and stood up reaching for the window , parting the curtains and taking a glimpse at the neon lights and the gorgeous summer night . His hand never made it to the lever , Victor surprised him with a lighting move covering the window with his body and puling back the heavy curtains :
“ Daniel , please , I’ll turn up the air conditioning … do you want another coffee or better yet a fruit tea ? “ . Daniel rested his arm on Victor’s shoulder looking deep into his warm brown eyes wondering how he’ll ever repay for his devotion and care .
“ Vic , thanks dear , I’ll have a tea , you’re right “ . He sat down and waited for Victor to came back so he can listen in too . With the cup of tea in his hand Daniel carried on with the details :
“ This act is all about timing … remember our purpose : to get all the information out of the embassy before any of the staff has a chance to destroy it … Here is what I came up with and please feel free to jump in and improve it . Knowing the shooters are synchronized for four o’clock , I would like a diversion at 3:45 … Let’s say they receive a bomb threat , the caller said there is a bomb in the embassy … One minute later blasts are heard and smoke starts pouring from somewhere inside … In another minute the fire trucks are on the scene and a bit later the SAWT vans arrive … Among smoke and sirens the building is evacuated . I would like the fireman to shout ‘ It will blow !! Get out !! ‘ and to rush all the embassy staff outside all the way on the sidewalk … I want the fire chief to escort the American ambassador to his limousine and pretend talking on the radio about his man finding a bomb on a count-down timer with five minutes left … like in a movie , you know … Keep in mind , the ambassador must not have access to live TV or radio , not even a satellite phone … He must not realize that the CIA operative talked on the podium and divulged all the incriminating information … after we clean the embassy I don’t care what he does though … The basic idea is the diversion will prevent the embassy staff from going through the clean-up procedure “ . Ion jumped in :
“ I can take care of the inside diversion ! For years we have being collecting information from this janitor who is a Party member and working in the embassy … I’m very sure he’ll love to land a hand of help … he can set up the smoke grenades … “ . Daniel looked at him with a lots of thanks in his eyes : “ Ion , you just relieved me of a great worry … that sounds wonderful … please set it up …” . It was an unexpected solution to a tough order and it brought even more credibility to the plan .
“ Great , so we have inside smoke and bangs … Mircea , you take care of the SWAT teams and also I want unmarked vans around the corner with dozens of security officers ready to take over the embassy and clean-up its contents … make sure they have boxes and flash lights … “ , turning to Ion “ try to have your janitor friend cut off the emergency generators on cue but without permanently damaging the cables , we may need to have good lighting to search for hidden vaults … arrange stand-by technicians ready to fix the connections “ . Daniel aimed at general Mugur Badea :
“ Mugur , once the computers and all the evidence is removed we’ll need to seal and close down the embassy … from than on it will be returned to Romanian ownership …” , he continued smiling , “ I’m thinking of turning it later into a relaxed , hype coffee bar with framed photocopies of the most revealing documents found in the raid … Just think of the memories and most important , the lessons it will carry for generations … ‘ Café a la Americana ‘ , have a brew , chat and be kept aware of the past threats and conspirators …” . Than he remembered another detail :
“ Vlad , did our ambassador and his staff arrived safely ? “ .
“ Yes , they discretely sanitized our embassy in Washington and left under the official call to attend the Presidential inauguration ceremonies … perfectly valid “ . Daniel liked it :
“ Ok , so everybody is safe … Coming back to the US embassy raid … Bogdan , I need to have all found documents organized by theme , scanned in high resolution , stored safely on an army base and than posted on a hacker-proof web site for the world to see … Also please send electronic copies to the and other patriotic web sites , I’ll give you a full list by tomorrow … any questions everybody ? “ . The team seemed content , they stood up stretching , exchanging comments and just like a big family they hugged and left to their duties feeling even stronger their new purpose in life to protect the Revolution .
The night passed quickly and with tomorrow bringing the inaugural ceremonies Daniel found himself again in front of his 58 advisers and getting started to discuss how to make the best of what they got before receiving help from the nano project . They went through the coffee and the home baked cookies made by volunteers , settled down with the writing pads ready and Daniel opened the discussions tackling the toughest part of their plan , the present :
“ Ok , everybody … so far we know the gold reserves will pay for the equipment needed by the two main research projects and will pay in full our debt to IMF … What we have left is our present government owned operations and the foreign contracts associated with it , that will ensure some revenue in . But what we need is to fine focus the entire country operations to eliminate waste , duplication and general unproductive time… So I would like a complete inventory of industries , the parts and materials they use , the labour required , the available area for expansion if any , the industries dependent on it and the forecast for diversification … In other words a comprehensive flowchart of our economy “ . Daniel added one more vital detail :
“ Because all our processes will be heavily dependent on computers I must insist on totally replacing the Microsoft patching job with a decent operating system platform … Dumitru , as the science Minister this is your project … I encourage you to make it a national subject of competition , just like the nano project , inviting students as well as professionals to come up with solutions … We need a safe , hacker-proof OS tailored to the needs of government administration , economy and with a portal to connect in the future to the nano CAD database … “ .
“ Coming back to the human factor , in terms of working conditions I would like to have the people take advantage of the morning Rapid Eye Movement ( RAM ) sleep , (20) , for better health , so the general hours of operations for regular factories and retail should be between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm with an hour for lunch . Specially the schools should not start earlier than 10:00 am … The working week will still be five days until the nano technologies will free us at a much higher degree … We also need to give people at least four weeks per year for holydays , to have kindergarten facilities located on the job premises or very close , good air and light so we’ll need new standards , also an Abuse reporting scheme and an encouragement with money awards for whistleblowers “ . Daniel thought of another detail and laid his eyes on Carmen Dubosaru , the Minister of agriculture and food :
“ About food … Carmen , this is your department , we need an accelerated process to turn over all the food to organics only . Also we need to organize the food labelling to address the blood type diet … Needless to say please pass the Anti-junk food legislation so we can close down those immoral businesses . On the same line we need new guidelines for nutrition and food preparation … Please cross links with the Minister of education , Maria Larion , and establish an early program starting in the elementary school on all aspects of eating healthy … I don’t want to see any cooking classes where students are using frozen dough and dead vegetables to make junk food … “ . Next he looked at Maria :
“ Maria , in education we also need to revise the system from ground up … I want a program design to spot very early talents that kids may have and channel them towards the respective future jobs . I want programmes against smoking , drinking and drugs , I would like a cancerous real lung displayed at the entrance of every elementary , high school , college and University … About general learning … I would like better strategies of presenting the subjects to students , make it more attractive , more life related so students can easily see how to apply sciences to every day life . To do this better we need far smaller classes , my desire is to aim at having no more than ten students per teacher at all education levels … “ . He took a deep breath and remembered one more detail very dear to his heart :
“ Maria , we were talking earlier about the disturbing 45 % rate of divorce almost world wide and about the plague of loneliness . We need to drastically reduce it if not eliminate it completely … At the end I want every one to have a sweetheart . So , my plan is a free , nation wide dating service as part of the government social programs … After all is the people through their government helping each other with a very important issue of their wellbeing . I was thinking about a free local internet where they can download profiles and chat , government organized single’s parties twice a week , free social skills classes , hints on dating and also on sexual safety … “ . The advisors gave an unanimous approval sprinkled with heartily comments .
Andrei Marinescu , the finance watchdog , wanted to clarify an itchy issue :
“ Daniel , with the massive research and all the rest of job creations , how we’ll pay the workers ?? “ . Daniel expected this subject sooner or later and looking at Vlad who already knew , disclosed his unorthodox plan :
“ I believe that we are too much entranced in the western , capitalistic economic system … look , even USA is printing its own money like they’re going out of style ! “ . He realized the unintended pun and laughed with the rest of the crowd :
“ Ok , I goofed , maybe the American dollar is after all going out of style , that’s why we deal only in Euros , but what I was getting at is the nonchalant style , deliberate and with impunity in which the US and other governments keep printing money , never mind the Federal Reserve … Now , if we detach ourselves from this money system we being brainwashed since children to accept and obey , we’ll realize that the natural way in the type of a controlled economy as we plan , is a large circle of intertwined jobs where every one is performing a bit of what it takes to have the system running smoothly and manufacture what the entire population requires .
So , since all our needs are met internally without imports , if one makes a sofa while someone else is making a machinery gear , designing a new engine or working retail , at the end , the task is completed, all the required products and services were provided fulfilling all our needs and all this without any money changing hands ! The reason is simple , we all work for ourselves in the same company following the same plan so at the end of the day it’s very much like family members who finished their chores and the house-hold needs were satisfied … “ .
And than he joked : “ I don’t recall my mother charging me for doing the laundry or me charging her for doing her groceries ! Another way to look at it is imagining a super factory which has its own raw materials and produces everything a country needs without imports : inside this company people make things the greater plan requires but they don’t charge each other for installing a part or for painting a panel . In other words , internally and at a very large scale , people make what it takes to satisfy their own needs as a society working together so using money to pay each other for doing what they need to do anyways is ridiculous ! …
The capitalistic system involves money because people are not organized at the national level like us and this splinter enables ruthless people , AKA Banksters , to use money as a payment among individuals for services people need anyway and being performed by people anyhow … it’s like being the middle man between groups of unorganized people handling their money , with powers to charge interest and manipulate the financial markets leading on occasion to planed recessions … Fortunately in our case , since we will be self-sufficient and out of the international markets and their predatory financing loops , we can implement what ever monetary system works best for us “ . He thought to assure his advisors :
“ No , I don’t intend to rock the boat yet and eliminate money , people need more time to snap out of the old ways … we’ll work with the new generations to make the transition easier and at the right time . Till than we’ll follow the American example and print as much money as we need , period “ . Andrei smiled satisfied , all was cleared to stabilize the economy .
Daniel though of another angle :
“ There is a big bonus for us … when people realize they work for them selves , their greater productivity and imagination to improve their lives will lead not only to better working conditions and peace of mind but to better products as well , exceeding the West “ . Once the crowd settled Daniel moved to the next subject :
“ Let’s talk about energy … Until nano technologies will give us better ways I would like an immediate initiative to switch all our energy sources to green and renewable … The general principle here is transferring the energy production from concentrated electrical stations to individual house-holds and individual factories and businesses . I was thinking of mandatory discretely designed wind turbines installed on every roof besides solar panels … what else can you think of ? “ he asked the advisors aiming at Dumitru who looked over his notes and had one suggestion :
“ The Danube is like an ocean current but restrained …. I was thinking of watermills installed on the bottom … the current will turn them providing energy , also we may me able to filter out the metals and other industrial chemicals to be used as raw material in the nano project “ . The advisors appreciated the suggestions and Daniel opened the last subject :
“ In view of the recent events we are all aware more than ever of the need for security … Mugur , you are in charge so we’ll need border crossing security , internal and personal safety at all levels … we also need to educate the masses about the dangers posed by foreign interference . One way to deal with this is to purge the foreigners , after all why should we waste resources policing strangers knowing that some of them are here to undermine our Revolution … Naturally we’ll have to do it discretely … I was thinking to slowly shut down all our resorts via travel agency under the pretext of being over booked , under renovations , etc. . I don’t want to make the news in the West on this subject … “ . He looked at the watch and noted how late it was , he thought of the inauguration ceremonies tomorrow afternoon and the sleep he needed :
“ Ok , we are done for now … I’ll see you all tomorrow at the celebrations!“. Slowly the room cleared out and soon he was watching the late evening scene from the back of the security car .
All night long he dreamed about being a walking target , being shot and somewhere a school being named after him .
He spent the morning going again with the security team over the American embassy coup , all the fine details including his losing argument with Vlad about wearing a double safety vest , a Kevlar and ceramic combination which made him sweat and look fat .
His watch read 3:38 pm when he stepped on the podium facing the noise , the bright summer sunshine , ovations , screams , chanting , placards , banners and the TV crews right against the stage . As far as he could see between the wide boulevards and buildings , up to the horizon , there were thousands of people , a waving crowd which brought back his paternal feeling of caring for his nation . On top of the turmoil he recalled the 4:00 o’clock appointment with more of his destiny so he got right into it :
“ Dear Family , dear friends ! … We finally did it ! “ . The large crowd raised their hands again with cheers .
“ From now on it’s up to us alone … At last we own the streets , the factories , the land we step on , nobody can take that away from our Nation ! … We are free now to do what’s right for all of us and not just for a handful , we have the means and the know-how to better our lives with our own hands , independent of foreign markets and the conspiracies of the world ! … Being self-sufficient and sovereign gives us the power to do what’s best for us and to spread the wealth evenly while having peace of mind about the prosperity of our future … “ . The people gave him thorough ovations and applause , he could feel their blessings like an electric field of trust and confidence . Daniel keeping an eye on the time went for more :
“ So I’m asking you not to lower you guard , I’m asking you to be vigilant and protective of our family and our possessions … There are many enemies in the world who by deceit and aggression would like to have us back in the rat race and have us enslaved again … Let’s be smart and alert , and not allow this to happen ! “ .
On the other side of the city , in a comfortable Frank Lloyds designed room, the American ambassador was watching the inaugural speech on live TV seeping on a Miller Light and feeling the cool breeze through the opened windows . Last weeks were very hectic arranging the entrance of three undercover agents , working the details of the expanding military bases in eastern Romania while meeting European Union members to discuss the trade issues caused by the declining US dollar . The only high lite of the afternoon were those phenomenal Romanian pastries like he never tasted in his life . The phone rang and casually he reached for it turning down the TV volume . Still chewing on a cookie he couldn’t make out what the voice with a heavy accent was saying but he did hear the word ‘bomb’ and instinctively swallowed the morsel :
“ Sorry , what did you say ?? “ . Through the crackling poor connection the voice repeated :
“ You are capitalistic pig , you need to die … we put bomb in room … you go to hell !! “ and the phone hanged up . The ambassador put the receiver down and stood in a daze not believing his luck . Another ring of the phone almost gave him a heart attack :
“ Yes , what is it ?? “ .
“ Hello , is this the American embassy ? Who is this ? “ . The ambassador looked at the call display … it says ‘ Police ‘ .
“ Hello , yes , this is the American ambassador ! “
“ Hi , this the officer in charge at the city police , we just received a phone call warning of a bomb placed inside the American embassy … did you have any problems lately ? “ .
“ Oh well , kind of , I just finished talking to someone who said the same thing , that’s a bomb here somewhere !! “ .
“ Please don’t panic , the fire department and the SWAT squad are on the way … till than we ask you to collaborate and immediately evacuate the building … we were told of a one tonne bomb … that will flatten the neighbourhood , please don’t take any chances , leave Now ! “ .
The ambassador blinked repeatedly thinking of the ‘ one tonne bomb ‘ and tried to grab his jacket . As he bended forward a massive thump and blast shook the walls followed by hysterical screams from the floor below . Black dense smoke start raising in front of his window and the ambassador lost it…
He run down the stairs like a hurricane passing the yelling secretaries and the thick smoke and stopped only across the lawn near the entrance and the garages . His chauffeur was holding a wet towel half way through cleaning the bullet-proof limo and was staring mesmerized at the chaos . The ambassador jumped in the car and start looking for the satellite phone. He could hear the fire and ambulance sirens approaching fast while trying to dial . He was startled again by a tall fireman knocking heavily on the limo’s window .
“ Sir , we were just told the huge bomb is on a timer … less than five minutes left … we have to get the hell out of here right this moment !! “ . The chauffeur went livid , dropped the cleaning cloth and stormed in the limo , turned it around and floored it . The car barely missed the secretaries and the staff running with just their shirts on their backs while the ambassador was looking frantic for his cellular and barely hanging in as the car took a sharp corner and gaining speed . From the front three SWAT vans flew by while he took a quick glimpse at the watch , it showed 3:59:39.
With seconds to spare Daniel looked at the large digital display clock hidden under the desk thinking that he needed to have the crowd completely quiet at four o’clock sharp . The display showed 3:59:39 . With all the cheering and ovations he thought he was asking for too much … 3:59:41 … With an eye on the numbers he tried to silence the crowd one more time :
“ Dear family , I would like to ask you please for a quiet moment of thoughtful pause …59:45 … Please , for just a moment detach your self from the crowd , and from above look down towards us and have the feel of belonging to this large family … :55 … please , just listen careful to its friendly heart beat … can you hear it ? ” he said cupping his ear …
Through his mind passed a thought questioning if he’ll be dead in the next few seconds and trying to remember if he was wearing clean underwear … 4:00:00 …
His chest felt like punched by a hot iron and the force of the impact threw him backwards straight into Victor’s arms who instinctively jumped to cover his idol . Laying on his back with Victor on top , ears ringing from the bullet’s sonic shock wave , Daniel was amazed that he could smell his body guard cologne and though it was a good sign … his next thought was they missed the fourth shooter …
All around the hell broke lose , people were screaming and kneeling to get out of the way , his body guards melted in a flash to form a wall , security personal were shouting in their radios . With his chest on fire Daniel was trying hard to look over Victor’s body to see Vlad but he was no where in site , all he could spot was Mugur in his general uniform and medals rushing up the podium stairs , red in the face and showing a mix of guilt and anger . Four doctors were ripping off Daniel’s clothing with Victor watching like a hawk and screaming instructions to the other body guards over the deafening noise from the crowd . Daniel took a pick down his chest expecting a pool of red mess but all he could see was the doctor’s white overalls … he couldn’t believe his eyes . The Kevlar vest had a burned hole in it but underneath the ceramic armour did its job and , as shatter as it was, it still displayed the flattened bullet hold between the linings of the fish-like scales . Victor reached and picked up the metal souvenir :
“ I’ll make you a necklace for your next birthday ! “ .
Daniel grabbed his hand and still having a hard time breathing tried to get up . The doctors rushed to help when General Mugur made his way in :
“ Daniel , I’m sorry , I have no idea what happened , it probably was a fourth shooter … I’m so sorry ! “ . Daniel start comforting him when he saw Vlad running up the stairs with a secure police radio in his hand . They hugged and Vlad was thankful for not seeing any blood :
“ You see , I told you needed two vests ! … Next time don’t argue with me!“. Daniel smiled and , with his chest hurting like hell , pretended to be the humble pupil . The voice over Vlad’s radio interrupted announcing that the fourth shooter was just caught and on his way to the plaza .
Staggering a bit , walking towards the centre stage and behind a compact wall of security bodies Daniel enquired about the status of the CIA hitman and Vlad gave him peace of mind :
“ The three shooters we knew about were captured according to the plan , no problems … I just got off the secure radio and all are on the way injected with the serum … our teams at the embassy are ready for your signal and I have uninterrupted communication with Sorin and Ion “ , he added smiling “ as we speak smoke is pouring out of the embassy and all is on track “ . Daniel squeezed Vlad’s hand :
“ Thanks a lot dear , you are my lucky star ! … Ok , now for the final act … Vlad , when the CIA guy says clearly that it was a US government job I want you to immediately make the call and have the embassy emptied of its contents and sealed … no body enters unless you and me says so ! “ .
Vlad nodded and helped Daniel walk to the microphone and address the people . At that moment Vlad picked up some more info from the security teams and turned to Mugur and Daniel :
“ Hey , listen , the fourth shooter is Romanian !! No wonder that Mugur couldn’t pick him up ! “ The general was visibly relieved and Daniel hugged him to enforce their brotherhood feelings .
As the body guards parted and let Daniel through to the mics , the entire plaza exploded in cheers , even the cameraman where raising their hands and applauding . Daniel pointed to his red chest which was promising a hefty bruise :
“ I am not dead thanks to listening to Vlad and wearing a double bullet-proof vest … Please , let’s all give him a generous hand to for saving my life ! “ . With the crowds cheering , Vlad was red in the face , embarrassed but glowing with happiness and Daniel wanted to serve the lesson :
“ You see , all it takes is a silent enemy to slow a Revolution , let’s learn and keep a vigilant eye on our nation ! “ . As he looked far towards the back of the large crowd he could see a commotion , the mass of people splitting to let through a convoy of police cars with the sirens on and the lights flashing . Daniel knew the party just begun so with the help of the PA system he encourage the crowd to let the motorcade come in .
He looked at Vlad asking how they were doing time wise , imagining the Russian super truth serum making its way to the cerebrum cortex and beyond .
Once parked the police pulled out the four man and lined them up on the podium with the high power rifles displayed in front while the TV cameras just steps away were soaking in every moment . Daniel pointed to the CIA operative and two police officer pushed him in front of the microphones. Discretely signalling to Vlad , Daniel , feeling pain with every breath , took over :
“ Hi , I am Daniel Dumitrescu … what is your name , sir ? “ .
The man looked dazed with the muscles in his face twitching showing the intense inner concentration :
“ I’m …. I’m … Fred … Markovitz “ he said in a low trembling voice .
“ What job do you have Fred ? “ .
It was obvious the man was trying very hard to delay the answer but to Putin’s delight who was watching it live , he didn’t have a choice :
“ I work for the CIA “ . Daniel kept bringing the light on :
“ What’s your title in the CIA , Fred ? “ .
The man was taking his time again, his whole training and immune system were fighting the enemy who gently yet surely was splicing neural connections together guiding the truth to his lips :
“ Special ops … “ .
“ For how long ? “ .
“ … 24 years “
“ Why are you here in Bucharest ? “ . Fred’s face showed dramatically the titanic struggle taking place inside his brain when he whispered the answer:
“ … To kill you … “ . The crowd gasped as the words were carried amplified by the PA system . Daniel continued :
“ Who send you here to kill me ? “ .
Fred again took his time :
“ My commander “ . Daniel was feeling the crucial moment around the corner and pushed the microphones closer to Fred :
“ And who is your commander , Fred ? “
“ …The President … “ .
“ What President ? “ .
Fred’s struggle was again plenty evident but the chemical factor was un-fightable :
“ … The President of the United States of America “ .
As his words traveled over the plaza and beyond , the crowd’s reaction was first of confusion and than it start escalating in a torrential rage of anti-American slogans and swearings that Daniel hoped not too many international viewers would understand . He turned towards Vlad and was pleased to see him talking on the secure army phone , there was no turning back now … Daniel took the mic :
“ Everybody , please , let’s learn from this and understand why we need such a strong security to spot the enemy within and specially abroad “ . Than he asked Fred :
“ Did you visit Romania before ? “ .
“ … Yes “
“ Did you kill anyone ? “
“ …Yes “
“ Who and when ? “
“ … Security Colonel Andreev … in 1984 “
“ Why ? “
“ … He found out about me … our plans “
“ What plans were those Fred ? “ .
He struggled again .
“ … Ceausescu’s coup “ .
Daniel wanted all to have it clear :
“ You mean you were involved in a plot to overthrow Ceausescu and killed one of his best security colonels ?? “ .
“ … Yes “ .
A guilty silence descended over the plaza , people slowly understanding and putting together a puzzle of history . Daniel thought to comment :
“ No wonder Ceausescu was so strict when came to state security but obviously in spite of all of his resources he was not able to survive … That’s yet another lesson for us to understand the power of foreign intervention ! Never take it lightly ! “ (10) .
Amidst the cheers , angry voices and general chaos , Vlad approached Daniel :
“ We got the embassy before they could sanitize it … We found Fred’s CIA file and many others … it looks like the jackpot … By the way, reports are coming describing people flooding the streets in all cities across Romania and about a mob approaching the American embassy … I think you better get on the horn ! “ . Daniel smiled back trying hard to ignore his burning chest and thinking of his plans to turn the embassy in a stylish café :
“ Dear friends , everybody , I have an important announcement to make …”. The crowd quiet down in anticipation and Daniel filled them in with the latest developments :
“ Following the CIA assassin disclosures on this stage , the Romanian Security forces just seized the American embassy in Bucharest …. “ .
The crowd first gasped and than start cheering wildly with calls to “ Burn it down ! “ so Daniel rushed in :
“ Please , listen up everybody ! …. Do not touch or damage the American embassy , please ! The building belongs to us , the Romanian people !
I intend to transform it into a cozy café-bar where we can reminisce one day about what we went through to get here ! Please , let know every one to not vandalize the embassy , thank you very much ! “ .
He remembered about the Russian truth serum second dosage and looked at Vlad signalling to use the remote trigger in his pocket . Vlad nodded , reached inside and squeezed the switch … He watched Fred’ face relaxing , everything was on track and Daniel continued with the interrogation :
“ Fred , are there any other spies like you on the US military bases in Romania ? “
“ … Yes “ .
“ How many spies ? “
“ … over 100 “ . Daniel’s eyes went wide :
“ What ?? Over one hundred ?? “ . He turned abruptly to Vlad who already was on the ball and whispered to Daniel the latest regarding the military manoeuvres . Daniel reached for the mics again and informed the crowd :
“ Vlad just told me that a number of Romanian battalions are closing on the two US military bases and my government will give 48 hours notice for their evacuation … As a consequence of today’s events Romania will sever diplomatic relations with USA and close its embassy . The number of spies who were active or preparing to cause damage to our society is another lesson for us and another good reason to tighten the security belt , every single one of us must turn into a vigilante ! “ . He pointed towards the CIA operative :
“ Fred , besides the spies on the military bases , did you recruit any Romanians ? “
“ … Yes “
“ How many ?
“ … over 300 “ . The crowd was in shock and so was Daniel . He asked :
“ Fred , are other assassins right now in Romania targeting me ? “
“ … Not right now … later “ .
The crowd gasped again . At this time colonel Mugur stepped forward and whispered something in Vlad’s ear , both nodded and Vlad approached Daniel pulling him a bit on the side . They engaged in a brief heated dispute and a few seconds later Vlad visibly was the winner . Daniel turned to the TV cameras and the crowd :
“ Dear family and friends, this ceremony supposed to be our official start of the Revolution but it also turned out to be a lesson in history and what it appears as an un-welcome matt from foreign powers … Let’s find inspiration and motivation in this events and put all our soul and resources to our benefit so in the near future will be our turn to serve a history lesson to the world but one with peace at heart ! “ . He added among the ovations :
“ Due to this circumstances I’ve being asked by the State Security to end my speech here but I’ll continue in the following days to keep in touch with all of you . Till then start the party , be strong and diligent … from now on we’re working for ourselves ! “ . He waved generously one more time and left the stage surrounded by the security forces .
Once inside the presidential building he gathered the appropriate advisors and judges , and in a few pen strokes assigned the Romanian Higher Court of Justice to start indicting the American President for attempted murder , to issue an Interpol bulletin for his arrest and closed down officially the embassies and the two US military bases . Than assigned an interrogation team to finish the job with the four assassins over the next few days , designated a team to organize the information seized from the embassy raid and than display it on a secure web site .
The cascading ramifications of the assassination attempt and the classified US information posted on the internet threw the world in turmoil . The US president resigned , the Americans could not believe their eyes reading about all the money laundering and manipulations done by their government , the illicit speculations by banks and landing companies making them richer while leading the country into recessions , the involvement of the American government in the politics of other countries using bribery , black mail and assassination .
More revealing information from the raid helped the Romanian Security to clean up the internal traitors and give the Revolution a safe ground for operations . In the same time the American people were choosing a brand new style of government dedicated to peace and many other nations followed suit discovering their own governments entanglement .
Daniel knew however , the international underground web of conspirators is still mainly alive and most likely bent on revenge as they recovered before from worse situations , he badly needed the nano advantage .
In the following weeks the Romanian government used its gold reserves to paid the IMF in full and to purchase discreetly millions worth of high-tech research equipment and spare parts . The plan was coming together and Daniel was getting ready to start what he dreamed for decades , the building of his nation .
Chapter four : the Building of a Nation
Two years passed since the start of the revolution and one sunny day Daniel found himself in front of the TV cameras and a nurse , with the sleeve rolled up and a smile on his face in anticipation : he was about to receive the anti-aggression gene inoculation . Marina , just steps away and next in line , was smiling too feeling the historic importance of the moment.
The prison experiment was a great success , after ten month the vast majority of the vaccinated inmates chosen among the most violent ones , displayed a perfectly normal behaviour , becoming resistant to provocations and gaining on top two IQ points in average .
They described their new state of mind like the clearing after a storm , a serenity in thought and a vastly improved power of concentration that made them normal in behaviour and wiling to talk to others sharing their mental rebirth . The handful of inmates , less that 1 % , that did not respond fully to the vaccine were send to a special research facility where Marina was planning intense testing to find out why those aberrations occurred .
Immediately after the experiment the whole prison population was inoculated and twelve month later great numbers of inmates were released in a widely TV covered series lead by Marina , explaining the process of gene silencing , its effect of eliminating unprovoked violent behaviour and its ultimate effect of freeing the mind from the interruptions of useless loops of aggressive thoughts and hence the IQ gain .
Today Daniel opened officially the mass inoculation project and on live TV he became the one to lead the nation on this historical first step taken by the human specie towards the long process of self-evolution .
While the nurse gently squeezed the trigger , Daniel had a flash through his mind , he felt the time and history warp in a single move in which he stepped from his sunny deck half around the world , straight into this extraordinary moment when , for the first time , humans were taking over the natural evolution and started a march towards what they really wanted to be since homo sapiens … the colossal significance of the moment made his conscience bristle .
It took just one year after the mass vaccination to build a consensus among people that the change occurred in their minds was a terrific and an actual mind-opening experience . Marriages , friendships and relations improved , at work people found a new atmosphere free of politics and trouble-makers , the police reported a phenomenal drop in domestic disputes , fights and violent crimes , while to everyone’s surprise, the army revealed that now soldiers behave under battle simulations with a new calm and cool mind that gave them greater self-confidence and performing at such superior levels that shocked the generals .
The change was felt in every aspect of life , from work to leisure , from parties to sporting events and anything else in between , particularly in schools were students reported a much more productive environment and proving it with remarkable higher grades across the nation .
For reasons not understood at the beginning , the learning curve and memory improved so considerably that curriculums had to be upgraded . This mystery was solved just a while later when another unpredicted side effect was reported in particular by children who told their parents they don’t have nightmares anymore and this brought forward the adults who noticed the same change . It became clear that the silencing of the aggression gene not only affected the conscience but also the subconscious , freeing the neural circuits to reinforce productive learning patterns uninterrupted by useless aggressive thoughts . From the brain to the immune system , the whole body and mind benefited .
To prove it to themselves scientifically , the population demanded and took the second IQ test and the results were conclusive showing an average gain of three points . It was a nice ‘icing’ on the new delicious social cake .
The more facts were surfacing the clearer the picture was , showing that indeed , nature wasn’t a ‘mother’ after all and based on the experienced evidence , it was more of a cruel exploration in insanity and people didn’t want to have anything to do with it any longer .
The population start demanding more time dedicated to the genetic improvement and Daniel obliged in many TV forums discussing the extraordinary possibilities .
The whole country embraced the mentality of a kid waiting for more candy , the anticipation grew and bloomed a year later into a mass petition giving Daniel a clear mandate to pursue all the changes to the human genome that were beneficial . Marina immediately switched half of her 249 teams towards finding improvements to intelligence with the other half still concentrated on the life expansion research .
For the first time in the human history a nation voted to consciously modify it self as an organism . In philosophical terms , natural life evolution as we know it was on its way to extinction and the Universe was a step closer to find eternal company …
In the new serene society life evolved around friendship and love , a thing hard to find as we all know so it became a main concern for the government which initiated a system to solve this problem for good .
The newly created National Dating System brought together an unprecedented number of people and the government was doing everything possible to make it easier for couples to be closer , even changing working and living places at no cost . Daniel was lonely all his life not just because he wasn’t good looking but he was also shy . Now that he had the power , nothing could stop him to make a model out of how to find your mate . TV shows , free on-line usage , government paid events and dancing nights , school classes on how to express yourself , dating courses , all it can be done to make it super easy for people to find each other and find love .
In just two years you would be hard pressed to spot a lone single at a party . In over 50 years of life he never found a woman to be interested in him , never mind finding love . And he plenty knew how destructive that can be to one’s peace of mind , creativity and well being , tears of loneliness soaked pillows stood testimony . So for him the National Dating System was among first priorities because , as he liked to say , first you find love than you keep it for ever , ‘mother’ nature’s planed death was not on the table anymore .
His care for the people was showing in many other details remembering what he went through while living in a ‘developed’ Western society .
Since the government was the main employer by far , and with all its resources , Daniel made sure no one worried about their job or place to live and he put in place as a routine , postings on the secured National Network about jobs and close-by apartments available . If you subscribe , you’ll be notified automatically , all at no charge … how can you charge people for giving them peace of mind , Daniel saw no national logic into it , in contrary, his all purpose in life was to make others happy . And now happiness could be heard all around .
There was a new sound to this society , passing by schools you didn’t hear anymore senseless screaming and skirmishes , the evenings and weekends on the streets were missing the drunken brawls and parking lots fighting . There was a new maturity laying over the entire society , a friendly collaboration and a truly family atmosphere . And for the first time Daniel could listen and enjoy Louis Armstrong’s ‘ What a Wonderful Word ‘ without giving the finger .
Yet in the back of his mind were lurking the images of hungry children and dysfunctional societies that were still out there … but , at the right time and holding the right resources , he had a plan for that too .
Daniel was experiencing a clearer mind after the aggression poison was removed , enjoying calm thoughts which like a green vine , were climbing unimpeded on the stem of logic . This new clarity throughout the population started the process of fixing ancestral dreams into liveable reality giving every one a new view on life and confidence in their collective long term planning . In the great ensemble of things it made sense , all they did was to adapt and pick the best of what other systems had to offer , survivability at work .
With the new policies meant to secure the country from outside interventions , the people were more relaxed being surrounded by safety measures including the purging of foreigners , closing most embassies with the exception of the Russian and some African countries , not renewing expired international contracts and effectively cutting Romania off from the rest of the world . There was just too much risk getting entangled in foreign business and relations , the modern history is full of examples of how powerful nations used their leverage to damage other countries ( 10 ) .
Having full spectrum of natural resources and educated people was all Daniel needed to make his country self-sufficient so all exports and imports were eliminated completely directing the entire economy with the purpose of satisfying exclusively the needs of his population . Everyone was patient , conscientious of the final goal and the bigger picture of their effort so waiting another two month to fabricate goods like a plasma TV was something they can live with considering what future automated nano manufacturing will give them .
There was also a philosophical departure from thinking ‘money’ , a movement plenty encouraged by Daniel , people realizing that was just a capitalistic tool invented long ago to replace gold in transactions and allowing the banks to print them at will defying their own economic principles . Living in an unified society where all was organized and coordinated to provide every body with an equal high standard of living , having access to the same resources and goods , it became obvious that money was a waste of time .
Daniel wanted to make a point and , preparing the nation for the future , eliminated all cashier jobs , a move which will pay off handsomely in the short future and from a surprising angle .
In this ‘Trust’ system , the merchandise was automatically scan by the traditional RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) and the total was presented to the shopper . At the cashier stations there was a tray with money scanned by the system , you put yours in and take the change . A display showed the till balance , a red number meant the money were short, at a glance people could tell if someone did or did not paid .
Daniel took the national balance for all transaction and proved to the nation that every day the balance was very close to zero , something to brag about and be proud off specially since the kids were asked by the parents to handle the goods . It was an educational process to brain wash the new generations that thievery was inexistent and for all intent and purpose was not part of the vocabulary . I dare you trying a similar experiment in the ‘developed’ country of your choice but , as Hitler was successful in teaching Nazism so why would be a shock that a benevolent leader could teach a nation the Mother Theresa’s way instead , minus the doctrine . Specially when you can cheat , like Daniel did , by trimming the genome and having a head start .
But there was another aspect to the experiment that Daniel wanted to underline . Pretty soon people became tired of wasting time at the till and petitions were signed to have the inconvenience removed . Since in average every one was getting paid about the same and no one was grabbing more than needed , money lost their significance and became just a hassle . When the petition reached 18 million names , Daniel , more than gladly , removed money from the economy .
That historical day was a celebration bringing more than fire works , but an adult realisation of how easy is to corrupt nations in being manipulated by money institutions and completely changing their lives , plunging them into the daily torrent of people running obedient in the rat race . When you already experienced that crappy reality , you’d think that’s only natural to count your blessing in Daniel’s world and that’s exactly what people did , a whole generation remembering only to vividly stumbling before through two depressing systems . And that experience was a large component of the cement that now was holding them together .
The new state security style was a direct result of the foreign intervening paranoia that bothered Daniel from day one , so it incorporated neighbourhood militia groups where people knew each other and the terrain , practicing periodically war games . The alertness and readiness were very high with everyone storing their ammo and weapons in locked boxes at home , while the country was tightly embraced by dense border patrols that looked as busy as Wall Street at noon .
The assassination attempt of what the country considered its most precious son , revealed violently how fragile their society is , having the net effect to scare the wits out of the population , causing the masses to fuse together and to understand the sombre reality that all they have in this world is each other . You couldn’t ask for a stronger bond and motivator in a society and its effects were present in every detail of life . Think about it , when you are part of a huge stable organization not dependent on international market fluctuations and speculations , when your job is 100 % secured for the rest of your life , when the education and medical are free , living in guaranteed accommodations , surrounded by a society virtually without crime , no wonder everybody was relaxed , friendly , enjoying life and looking at their careers with all the creativity and diligence of a owner while watching like a guard dog the safety of their nation .
This unification was also the result of long appearances by Daniel on the Debate TV channel , explaining in detail the reasons and the rewards of cooperating and adjusting , all because the final target promised them equal benefits of a revolution in manufacturing that will affect their society in their life time . The discussions reinforced their believe it can be done and this alone was sufficient to keep them going . But when they saw the short documentaries prepared by Dumitru’s Board of Science , portraying a regular day in the life of a person living a few years into the Nano Revolution , people absorbed the coming future like a religion , pumping up their spirits and giving them the mental motivation needed to work diligently as part of the project . Except that science was much easier to explain than religion .
Not depending anymore on foreign technological input people start taking pride in what ever they were doing because they knew it was for themselves . The quality was exceeding the specifications and innovations were omnipresent being kept alive through nation-wide science contests . From high school to University and at any work place , science was injected at a phenomenal rate , students were half in classroom and half in factories being thought a hands-on approach .
The campus mentality changed and from fashion the admiration switched to brains , the grand prize and the rights to brag belonged to the innovators, people with ideas and inventions that ultimately improved everybody’s lives . From crowded stadiums watching ball , the action moved to chess and science puzzles competitions and all this was happening simply because the government channelled all activities and programs do to exactly that , no miracles or extraordinary human qualities were involved but just common sense and positive wisdom under honest , good-hearted leadership .
Daniel was smiling thinking that Attila the Han managed to organize the masses using the aggression gene while he was bringing his country together appealing to hearts and brains with a twist of genetics . His heart skipped a bit thinking how fragile is the difference between the two worlds , all it takes is just one person … The central government was a golden prize for both good and evil and bringing that order to world levels was the dream of the worst conspirators .
While the nano and genetic research were intensifying , the new style of unified economy ultimately tied together every single manufacturing and service component of their daily lives , even a simple screw was designed to fit as many applications as possible . Just as Daniel predicted , one thing is to have dozens of separate private companies fighting for a share of the market creating duplication and job related stress , and a totally different thing is to coordinate every detail and have full control over all aspects of the economy and manufacturing … Cooperation beats selfish competition and there was no contest in term of results, the capitalist companies should kiss their lucky stars for Romania not being interested to compete , other way they would have being chewed and spat out by this super economic giant working with the fine precision of a Swiss clock . After all , there was no were else in the world twenty million people working for the same organization …
The basic Western economic system of paying for goods and services did not fit the new collective thinking because profit was no longer the object of planning . Instead , the jobs were spread evenly to cover the personal needs and research , and the Quality of services and tangible objects became the direct personal reward replacing the capitalistic ‘shares’ .
Daniel was omnipresent in the daily public life appearing unexpected in theatres , markets , TV shows and everywhere he felt needed his attention . He couldn’t fathom leaving anything to chance or disappointing his people, the prize at the end of this first road was just too much , too unique and precious to not put his life on the line to make it happen . So he continued to hammer the point of this period of preparation and transition , and as he did , soon the response from the population was surprising : with far less stress , with jobs and housing guaranteed , more peaceful society , better food and everything else Daniel put in practice , people start getting the trust and , feeling already better, through petitions and letters they let him know that all was fine , their patience and understanding was there , all they wanted was Daniel and the research teams to keep going .
The great dependence on computers to run this huge company , lead to replacing western operating platforms with a home-made , hacker-proof system which put to shame any Microsoft software . Still under the shadow of the assassination attempt and with an unanimous vote , the country decided not make it available to the rest of the nations , in the same spirit of keeping all discoveries secret . The world , unknowingly , was paying a divorce price that only years later will show how costly it was .
Following the established directives Daniel looked after all aspects of life specially the young .
He changed the education system putting a great accent right from kindergarten on social behaviour , making kids understand that all around belongs not just to them but to everyone else , taking pride in being kind , helping and carrying for each other and putting science front and centre .
Daniel ordered the classes reduced to under ten students , set a ‘Discovery’ program to find gifted pupils and organized special schools with advance curriculums to fit them .
The schools start teaching using new concepts where a lot of activities were going on outside among the busy factories and offices , showing students what life was made of and what it takes to keep it going .
Above everything however was the introduction of Computer Added Design ( CAD ) and nano courses starting early in high school . Those specialized courses unified math , chemistry and cell biology with nano principles and technologies enabling students to see the world in its un-poetic , true light , a mass of vibrating atoms and molecules which in living organisms are encapsulated in cells and part of a complex chemical chain … in other words , primitive , nature made nanobots .
Suddenly to them , the nature , for example a spider who injects venom and than sucks the prey dry , looked more like an aberration of a faulty mind rather than what you may expect from an Universe which gave birth to life … the kids were just not used to see parents throwing their children in a hell hole .
Science was turning the image and glamour of nature in a nauseating filth of carnage where students could clearly see that violence and death were omnipresent and dividing the living world at every level in two inhumane classes : predators and prey …
Learning about nature was turning young kids against nature , wondering what could have created such a hellish and bloody world in which some animals are made to kill others to survive ! This interpretation of nature at that early stage in life got Daniel’s attention and immediately asked the Education Minister , Maria Larion , to create courses which will parallel the natural evolution with our dreams of correcting nature and became self-evolved . He thought it will be a delight to expose the diabetes or MS genes and to show so easily the defects we are born with . After that it will be redundant to ask the kids if they would like to have those ‘gifts’ from nature or not , self-evolution would be the preferred choice .
The strides in reorganizing the society were so large that Daniel felt impressed and he thought with confidence this was just the beginning , the nano revolution didn’t even started yet .
Remembering the lessons from other nations , Daniel implemented a new Constitution as a blanket security for the future of his country .
Using the Debate TV channel he carried many discussions about what should be written in the new Laws . He wanted people to participate because by doing so , the population will understand , will believe and will defend better than ever their unique and innovating society .
The debates brought into the new Constitution clauses like ‘ All parliamentary elections voting must be done manually , without using machines or electronics ‘ , ‘ The country can not be entangled in foreign relationships promising reciprocal protection ‘ , ‘ A leader at any level including the President can be dismissed at any time and immediately once 65 % of the population signs a Petition and Declaration demanding the change ‘ , ‘ Polluting the food , water or the environment is a criminal offence ‘ , ‘ All country resources and benefits must be spread equally among the people ‘ , ‘ Whistler-blowers legislation making them National Heroes and guaranteeing them safety and immediate full supported retirement ‘ , ‘ People control the Army and the Police through the same Petition process and it can give them direct and biding orders ‘ , ‘ Nano Technology belongs to the people and can not be allowed to be controlled by private hands ‘ and the most controversial yet passed ‘ Guaranteed and un-retractable death sentence for any one found guilty of Treason ‘ .
Daniel also shared with his advisors the obvious reality of how important a leader can be to a country , and therefore how important it is to create legislation and a form of government where no single person can hick-jack a nation and plunge it into oblivion . In the newly designed government , power was split between the country leader , the House of municipalities and the population which was empowered with the rights of Petition that can bring down any leader anywhere in the country . Daniel wanted it all ‘fail-proof’ to protect the Revolution so no foreign intervention or bullet can end it .
Taking further care of his people , Daniel accelerated the Nutrition program just as promised , right from the kindergarten . Under people’s control top quality food supplements were manufactured at standards far above what the rest of the world was used to .
The entire food chain was purged of pesticides and all produce became organic . Candies and all junk food was retired , cooking books were revised to show nutritional content , all food was labelled according to blood type and educational programs showed the population why was so important to follow this diet .
As promised , Daniel erected in Bucharest a statue of Dr. Peter D’Adamo and invited him to cut the ribbon and to give a series of public conferences. His visit , largely publicised and a hit specially with the younger , more sports oriented people , made a decisive impact in what the general population was used to think about food .
In the following month a steady stream of people start showing at the clinics asking for their blood type . And all it made sense , when they saw others losing weight without exercising , seeing skin and allergy problems disappear , arthritis vanishing and digestive struggles put to rest among other beneficial effects , people built confidence , made the change and the word of mouth spread .
For the West , Dr. D’Adamo’s visit was a first since the Revolution and all eyes were on him when he returned . Daniel watched with satisfaction on satellite TV the media interviews and how the doctor’s assistant described the new Romania : “ It was not a shock but an extraordinary feel of peace , safety and an un-Earthy confidence in my mind that if I leave my five thousand Euros digital camera on the sidewalk , either I’ll find it there next day or I’ll see it on the Romanian National TV where they usually post lost items every day … yes , I’m not kidding you , I saw items displayed from electronics to diamond rings … “ . That drew gasps from the audience to Daniel’s delight . He felt a trace of revenge against the world which tried to do so much harm to his people , thinking of the future surprises Romania will have for the global village .
Daniel’s love for science and technology brought him regularly to the National Nano Research Centre where he visited most of the teams and checking on their progress . He was in a rush to have the job done like he was on caffeine and he couldn’t understand why his gut-feeling pressed him so much . He was not far away from finding out .
In response to this internal pressure he went to the extend of putting all scientists on brain enhancing supplements like the Omega 3 oils .
The engineers modified the high-tech equipment purchased from abroad going all the way in creativity , and designed new systems specifically for nano research . Sure enough , when you have 249 teams of motivated scientists collaborating , with a billion Euros budget and the whole country participating , innovations and discoveries start sprouting with phenomenal speed . Just two years into the project the fundamentals of the nanobots were in place and the teams were focusing on the individual component design .
Half way through , Dumitru and Marina met Daniel and the group of advisors to give an update .
Holding up in the air a thick technical manual for everyone to see , Dumitru opened with confidence :
“We are now certain that we’ll reach most of the principal objectives in two years or less from now , specially in the nano field … One of the first task was to be able to grab and handle individual atoms and molecules , and we did it by using modified and coupled Atomic Force Microscopes ( AFM ) , (5) , which gave us the basic tool of assembling the nanobots layer by layer, even though it is a very slow process …The next step was the actual design of the nanobots and we incorporated the same principles as when designing a multipurpose bulldozer : a body to move around and support the computer and communications assembly structure , arms to carry and grab molecules and an energy pack . “ . He stopped for a drink of coffee and Daniel sneaked in a question :
“ Dumitru , how do the nanobots grab on atoms and molecules ? “ .
“ We devised a hand-like structure which is a hollow hemisphere who’s surface is made out of bi-molecules tied together … One forms the surface of the cup while the other is below controlling the polarization of its pair via on-board computer connections . Since we can adjust independently the field strength and polarization of each individual molecule , the net effect is that inside the cup you can create electrostatic fields of almost any shape that can be changed in attoseconds (21) . We use this field by adjusting its configuration and polarization , or charge , to attract , repeal or move and even rotate any molecule . Further more , we can use the same electrostatic cups as sensors when not passing signal , by just reading their natural electrostatic field as it changes when in close proximity and interacting with other atoms … We use this to identify and select the atoms or molecules required by the program and also to ‘ feel ‘ other structures in a similar way to an Atomic Force Microscope but mobile. Keep in mind that we apply the same sensory properties to the whole surface of the nanobots so they can tell what kind of atoms or molecules are around and therefore attract or repel them .
So far we have just two arms per nanobot so it can handle two atoms or molecules to be fused but we plan on adding at least two more . Which brings us to the next challenge : fusing the atoms “ .
Daniel was listening like a kid , almost drooling with excitement and Dumitru seeing his face couldn’t help but display a wide smile and kept giving more candy :
“ As you know from basic chemistry , atoms can be joined in two ways , a weak way by means of static electricity attraction , and a stronger way by means of having the atoms share some of their electrons , (22) . It is the stronger connection , also known as a Covalent bond , that we are after .
In nature those connection happened spontaneously between elements which have just the right electron configuration and electric charge . We needed to take this a notch higher to be able to connect almost any atoms we want. To do this we adjusted the nanobots’ holding arms , or cups , to emit a field polarizing the atoms to be fused in such a way as to facilitate the interlacing of electron suborbitals . So , as the electron cloud of each atom pulsates getting massaged , pushed away , and parted deflected by the cup’s field , we adjust it to synchronize the two electron clouds and at the right moment we physically push the atoms against each other , interlocking some of their electron suborbitals and hence establishing a stronger bond or structure … Keep in mind , this action of squeezing the two atoms together is super fast and it requires a great deal of synchronization , that’s why the speed at which it happens is measured in attoseconds which are the equivalent of slicing a second into 10 at the power of 18 parts … If you could take a picture of an atom with a camera capable of that shutter speed , you could see the electrons as tiny smears … “ . The crowd emanated excitement wanting to hear more .
“ By the way , this technique of modifying suborbital electron positions and even removing the electrons is half way to … changing atoms ! If we could have the nanobots insert subparticle probes or use laser beams to remove protons and neutrons from the nucleus than we’ll have the tools to re-weave the Universe …“ . A major gasp came from the audience , everyone understanding the possibilities .
“ Yes indeed , the ancient dream of alchemists can became a reality … and when it does we’ll live in a brand new world ! “ . Spontaneous applause ignited from the advisors and Adrian , the financing Minister , saw mountains of gold in his mind but immediately realized that’s nothing there that Romania needed to buy from abroad … in contrary , they can showcase to the West some cool home-made technology . Adrian had this deep realization that he started looking at the world with new eyes and money weren’t part of the picture , ‘ Who needs money when the nanobots will make you anything … ‘ he thought shaking his head .
As Dumitru continued with his presentation people realized more and more they were about to enter a totally different world , a new era , something that still was making them dizzy with its implications , hard to absorb and needing time to get used to the idea that it was not magic but just accumulated scientific knowledge . Dumitru realized what was going on and wanted to give them confidence :
“ I know , its new but in the same time is very old … just take a look through the window … you see those trees ? They are made of natural nanobots that we call ‘cells’ which also weave atoms and molecules daily and naturally … So than , where is the magic ? “ .
He gave them a few moments before continuing with the details :
“ Now we are at the stage of fine tuning the energy pack , the cups’ electric field control and the communication package . Once those issues are solved we are ready to start the assembly using the modified Atomic Force Microscopes ( AFM ) in a tandem setup , (23) . This was done in the West at a far simpler scale when IBM spelled its name using individual xenon atoms , but since than the nano assembly took a rocketing upslope .
The accent in the West was put on a “self-assembly” nano parts research that relies on the laws of physics and chemistry to connect the molecules together automatically , in other words without a computer on board .
But as you can see , our approach is totally different , we are using initially modified AFMs to build under control the nanobots which incorporate their own computer and than let those assemble the molecules we need .
We plan to use the Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) to control the two microscopes and to build the nanobots using the same technique of setting the atoms or molecules one layer at a time . We calculated the time needed to build one nanobot this way and it appears to be close to 25 minutes , which is very slow . However , once we have the first few build , the nanobots will be programmed to start assemble more nanobots and the good news is they can do the job at least 20 times faster than the microscopes . The process after that will grow exponentially with probably a million nanobots assembled every minute and even more after the first hundred million are built . In less than eight month we should reach a production of 100 trillion nanobots per day per station which in turn will grow exponentially … more than enough to kick start the nano Revolution“.
The news were good and all was on track , people expressing more confidence and start believing that one step at a time they will get used to the new fascinating possibilities . Dumitru had one more candy for general Mugur :
“ During the research we made many fringe discoveries and I am sure general Mugur will love some of them like a microscopic self-focusing lens,
Passive nano-microphones , high-definition nano charged coupled devices immensely smaller than the standard , ultra fast communication lasers transducers and morphing technology … We already designed on CAD spying nanobots incorporating all of the above and then some ! Once the nano manufacturing starts we can mass produce them to infiltrate all the governments , military and anything else that gets our attention “ .
General Mugur waved and smiled : “ Thank you , I hardly can wait ! But I want to remind to everyone our commitment to non-aggression … As we discussed this before , nano-spying must be used to stay informed and react , ideally to never have to interfere “ . Daniel appreciated the comment, keeping the peace front and centre was his prerogative too .
The advisors decided to take a lunch break before hearing Marina on the genetic side of the project so Dumitru grabbed general Mugur , Vlad , Victor and Daniel and sat them at one of the tables in the cafeteria . While enjoying a healthy meal they exchange some research goodies .
“ So Dumitru , did you find anything unusual , out of the ordinary during the research ? “ asked Daniel trying to avoid referring directly to UFOs .
Among other fears he had , the possible yet unproven presence of more technologically advanced alien species was a concern that he tried hard to keep on the back burner of his conscience .
Considering the 13 billion years old universe as we know it , there was plenty of time for nature to cook other species evolving from what we consider ‘ animals ‘ , beings of an intelligence lower than ours . And precisely for this reason any species in any galaxy all have a common point , the luggage of genes they inherited from their animal ancestors , including the aggression gene .
Daniel’s mind compressed the time , allowing for both ‘Hitlers’ and ‘angels’ to emerge , two fundamental advanced species that differ essentially by the absence or not of the aggression gene . That difference sets the stage for millennia of evolution and behaviour to come , either establishing heavens on other worlds or hell .
So naturally, Daniel wondered what a hundred thousand year old super advanced specie would do for pleasure and entertainment. How far can one push the brain’s chemical soup and neuron structures to accommodate for what we all need , including love . Specially if you are a very bad specie looking for entertainment .
In his private studies of cell biology Daniel never encountered a need for sleep from what the cells and the molecules were concerned . After all , we are an on going chemical chain reaction that implies the molecules bonding in our bodies do not need sleep . So than why are we going catatonic and having nightmares or weird dreams every day ? It’s against natural survival . But also as documented , the fact that around the world are a handful of people that do not require sleep , only relaxing perhaps reading a book , raised the most concerns and alarm bells in Daniel’s mind , he was bent to ask Marina later to look into the set of genes that put us to sleep and waste our time , maybe making us victims .
Is our brain the playground of a disrespectful , un-emphatic advanced specie , was his main question and worry …
Dumitru’s answer came as a bit of relief :
“ We certainly didn’t find any divine creatures or extra terrestrial aliens but there are a few quirks that we can’t explain … For example , when we coiled carbon nanotubes to aim communication lasers , we found a background noise that doesn’t fit with present physics … nothing seems to affect it , so we worked around it . Never the less our physicists are having a ball with this one and I keep hearing words about ‘fundamental‘ matter or ‘dark’ matter … really exciting “ . General Mugur had his own military related questions :
“ I keep envisioning those nanospys flying , hiding , morphing into the background and so on but I still need a fix on how they communicate among each other and with the Central Command . What’s the deal and how safe is it ? I mean can it be intercepted or interfered with ? “ .
“ Unfortunately , yes … The nanospys are smaller than fruit flies but if viewed with special goggles while scanned by an ultraviolet laser they shine like fine dust particles , still nothing special to the eye . Using HD input from cameras embedded in each plane of the body we can swivel the surface molecules to absorb only certain wave lengths , therefore changing color and appearance , a very good camouflage , you would need to pick one up and view it under a very powerful microscope to realize what it is .
The good news is by than it should self destruct into molecular dust . Now , I understand you are asking how do they know they are examined and so on, we are working on it but even if the Artificial Intelligence software will not be perfect we can always guide and control them remotely … When viewing , even if there is a number of , let’s say , a quarter of a million nanospys in an office , we are not looking through their eyes all at once … We organize them in strands , just like bids on a string , with one end being the actual eye and sound composite of a number of aggregated nanospys grouped as a micro-sphere and looking 360 degrees around . Their info is transmitted at ultra-low power via highly directional and encrypted ultraviolet laser beams or infrasound in case of emergency . I only wish we have sub-space communications like in Star Trek … So the beads are close enough to receive and pass along the video/sound link to the next one and so on all the way outside the building and then spreading and being replaced by higher power nanospys who can transmit the beam over a few kilometres distance to the next group of transmitters and so on “ . He paused for a well deserved bite while the group was thinking . Victor asked :
“ How about the wind , lighting , weather systems , solar radiation and other natural factors … how the tiny nanospys can hold on ? “ .
“ We are planning on using two modes , one for low wind and the other for extreme weather . When the wind is too much we simply anchor the nanobots in the cracks of objects like a light pole , buildings , under railway tracks, what ever is available , but we prefer to stay close to the ground , even with flying software inspired by albatrosses , gliding is tough … But in an office conditions or calm weather we rely on minute air currents and using nano wings and sails to navigate besides turbo-fans … that brings us to the cute way they keep track of each other … The very narrow laser beams scan the next nanospy unit and communicates with it’s internal computer exchanging telemetry information from their GPS and gyroscope sensors … that’s done a thousand times a second … This way each neighbouring nanospy knows in which direction and at what velocity the next nanospy moves , so it’s easy to redirect its video laser links to the receiver of the following unit keeping the information flowing in a covert way “ .
Daniel asked :
“ So how do you keep up with moving objects , let’s say the president gets in his car and speeds away … how do we follow him ? “ .
“ To answer this , first try to envision again the strands undulating in the air and extended in streams all the way outside . Keep in mind that all nanospys are identical except for the higher power transmitting ones , so they are interchangeable … Now as the president gets in the car , the outside strand would fold , attach to the car and give priority to the power nanospys who can cover a kilometre easy . That’s in theory … we still need to develop an autonomous software to enable them to organize with a reflexive spontaneity … It’s not easy Daniel , there are zillion of details and that’s why the advisors’ board decided to put it on the back-burner . As exciting as the project is , we need first to put in place solid defence systems and build our nano manufacturing before we’ll have the luxury of taking incognito the pulse of the world … “ .
They finished eating and took consciously their supplements .
On the way back to the conference room Dumitru received many hand shakes and warm comments which made his day . He needed the encouragement since he felt like a midget against this tsunami of pouring knowledge , organizing teams priorities and feeling very responsible for the success of the Revolution as a whole .
The advisors assembled again at the table waiting anxiously to be treated to more delightful yet real solutions for their society , the gold they spent on science start rubbing on their future .
Marina took the stand ready to introduce them to the latest genetic research :
“ Hi everyone ! I am still trying to recover from Dumitru’s update and I can certainly see connecting his discoveries to my medical field … Meantime ,
the benefits of eradicating the aggression gene are obvious and felt every day , it became a national pride , and I want to make this point to show that just a couple of years ago we were timid and hesitant about gene manipulations , yet today , after we experienced its social delights , we are taking it for granted and even demanding it ! How easy it is to get use to heavens ! “ she joked .
“ We’ve being also lucky with our life extension project because nature already gave us two types of cells which reproduce indefinitely … the germ cells in our bodies , like the male sperm cells , and the cancerous cells (24).
We analyzed the genomes of a germ cell and a cancerous cell for reproductive functions and than separated those gene components and compared them to the same group of genes in a normal regular cell . From what all had in common we separated the germ cell component and discarded the cancerous part … what was left represented the signature of the group of genes responsible for renewing the telomeres ends , (19) , with the net effect of endless reproduction capabilities but without the uncontrolled growth of the cancerous cells . And that’s what we are working on right now , the integration of this gene package into chromosomes via retroviruses leading to , yes , perpetual life ! “ .
An ‘Ohh’ emerged from the crowd , such a statement coming from Marina , the national authority on medical issues , left the advisors speechless working hard to allow into their conscience the fact they were just mere steps away from an ancient human dream .
Marina understood the struggle :
“ Rest assure you are not the only ones in shock … us , at the technical end , are just as mesmerized by those developments as you are . Nations have a choice , either spent billions of dollars on wars , or spend it on life research … it’s up to their national IQ ! … And boy , we’re bright ! “ .
The advisors laughed , fully deserving the prize and congratulating themselves for a brilliant national decision . Marina continued with the update :
“ In the process we also discovered many ways to improve our nutrition supplements program … We are in the laboratory phase of putting together high quality multivitamins , minerals and other nutrients in a compact package , all from organic natural extracts , plus Omega oils in an ‘easy to take‘ formula . This project should be finished in two month and than we’ll go full production and distribution via the Postal Office vans . We predict that in no longer than a half a year everybody will receive in the mail every month the supplement package based on the number of family members “ .
Daniel was all smiles , his old dream of feeding the nation right was coming alive at a faster pace than expected . But he also wanted to make a comment that he was thinking about listening to Marina ’s conclusions so he raise his hand for attention :
“ There is another angle to what Marina just said about nations decisions … think about it , the scientists and governments in the West are perfectly aware of the life extension properties of the germ and cancerous cells … yet they make no effort what so ever to organize research in transferring those qualities to the whole human body and achieving perpetual life for their populations . Why ? Are they afraid there is not enough food available? I don’t think so since people who know natural death was greatly reduced , they would also understand there is no rush to have children now, other way it will be national suicide , so they can wait until technology finds a solutions , just as we plan to copy plants and use nanotech to make food and much more . Therefore the food shortage excuse doesn’t stand . And if they claim shortage of land , knowing that technology will enable us to leave the Earth and so the living space becomes the size of the Universe , this excuse doesn’t stand either … What’s left is simply a total disregard on their governments’ part for human life , period ! “ . Spontaneous applause showed the great appreciation for what they done so far specially since to see the difference was as simple as looking from their backyard over the fence and be shocked by the misery surrounding them . Observing the difference , an arbitrator would decide ‘no contest , duh !’ .
Marina returned them to the health project :
“ As we were exploring the genome we also found solutions to many diseases … We also start seeing at the genetic level the edges of separation between pure human organism and the rest of the microbial jungle that entangles us , (17) . What before used to be judged as dormant or useless genes now we know they can be separated in two classes : microbial interface function and … guys , you need to seat down for this , there are genes which under certain circumstances will produce proteins that will cause the growth of special neural shape connections in the brain , which are actual … memories ! “ .
Once more time the audience was caught by surprise and more gasps were let out .
“ Ok , maybe I put it to much in a Hollywood fashion … What we found so far are memories that initiate ‘instincts’ , not how to build the pyramids. For example when young girls start menstruating a certain gene releases a protein which creates a nest of neural connections giving what we call ‘maternal instincts’ . Other genes create neural patterns right at birth related to the ‘survival’ instinct and other basic reactions like fear of things resembling spiders . We are scratching the surface on this one but we already see obvious applications if we’ll decipher how the instincts are actually embedded in the gene . Being borne with certain knowledge and than later in life taking advantage of the enlargement of the cranial space , we can use again retroviruses to insert in our genome all the knowledge of the human specie and even up-date it when necessary …” , and than with a smile , “ Maria Larion , the Education Minister will be kind of upset with me because this will make schools almost obsolete … “ . She let the advisors cool down and explained further :
“ You may be shaking your heads , I know … just forty years ago most of us were struggling with math and chemistry in the classrooms , trying not to be distracted by the local clown , being at the mercy of how skilful the teacher was , at home thinking mostly of sex and entertainment rather than study , yet we made it and it took twenty five long years through all the schooling to just get ready for a career and start being productive ! Totally ridiculous , what a waste of time … But when we’ll get our hands on the nature’s secret , the population will became fully productive and with a knowledge of a PhD at just twenty years old ! Please , ponder at the prospect of having a whole nation of 25 million people all PhDs !! “ . That got Daniel and the advisors on their feet with ovations and cheering “ At a girl , Marina ! “ . Among the applause she showed her modesty :
“ Guys you are too kind , thank you ! But let’s keep it in perspective though, just as the germ cells and their perpetual division exist naturally , the embedded instinct memories are also already present in our genome … so we are just re-inventing the wheel sort of speak or , more precisely , we are close to be on the way to copy and improve it “ .
As the end of the meeting was approaching Daniel wanted to recap the time tables :
“ Ok everybody , so far and overall , we are two years or less away from the first functional nanobot and therefore the beginning of the nano revolution … approximately six month until the complete nutritional supplement program starts getting mailed … and I would also estimate two years from starting an increased project into intelligence enhancement and genetic memory . We’re are Rocking !! “ and the advisors thought that too , standing up and applauding . Daniel was clapping in unison , staring in the distance with his mind fogged up for a moment by the intensity of the crowd , the news from the science front and the reoccurring point of his anchor : the old deck in Toronto , the Heineken and the wild garden , and the tears he remembered when thinking of the world’s miseries … From there to here in a mental flash , finding himself immersed in what he always wanted , a large family , and this one was the size of a nation .
For him the successful anti-aggression program , the scientific research findings , all start blending into the daily life with a dizzying speed and the only thing that made them credible was that he could walk in the National Nano Research Centre and see for him self the hundreds of laboratories and thousands of scientists at work . All was real , just as the new peace of mind and the higher IQ reminded everybody of the gene modification project under way .
Part of Daniel’s philosophy was keeping his people informed . In the two years since the start of the Revolution he improved the national cable system switching to fibber optics for privacy , he launched the secured National Internet and added four more TV channels : one dedicated to science , two for schools and universities and the fourth reserved for public call-in shows . No , they didn’t need 300 channels of distractions , now friends and family were the main focus .
Daniel just loved to get into televised public forums , bounce ideas , stir people’s curiosity for science and discuss the real possibilities for their future . The debates also unified the people bringing new standards of thinking in their society , new understandings of the high-tech reality and the changes coming with it , specially peace of mind . But now the stress level was way below of what they were used to . They didn’t worry anymore about lay-offs , about slam landlords , inflation , day care , poisoned foods or violence , their thoughts were now redirected towards enjoying the company of loved ones , being creative and naturally putting the proverbial 110 % into their jobs because they knew what goes around comes around and , at the end , as equal share holders they realised every day they were finally working for them selves .
Their new life protocols were designed around a totally independent economic system , baring no resemblance to the western models , and for good reason : once you eliminate the minority of real profit makers and re-direct the purpose of the system towards purely satisfying the needs of the entire population , you spread the wealth evenly which instantaneously rockets the average person standard of living . And also it cuts the necessary production time reducing soon their business week to four days and a five hour working day .
Further more , the new , centralized economic system was based on ‘single need ’ production : you need a new sofa , a car or a TV set , you just brows the high definition secured fibre optics Government network , chose your pleasure and order it on-line . The program will tell you when it will be ready and if it will be delivered or you need to pick it up at a distribution centre . This process eliminated naturally the need for ‘show rooms’ which became instead only depot where you can pick up the item .
Sure enough there was a delay in delivery simply due to the manufacturing time but the population understood the much larger benefits of the system and they simply planed ahead , not to much to ask from an intelligent person , specially since in the West ordering an item and waiting for it was not unusual . And it was worth plenty considering that nothing was over produce , all customer requirements followed the principle ‘ manufacture as ordered ’ , the time and resources were used at optimal without any waste , and the whole system was balanced , the ‘right’ knowing what the ‘left’ is doing , no chance of an economic collapse or disturbance .
In a nut shell , the economy was a tight , centralized control and management system , where all activities were perfectly coordinated throughout the country .
Daniel and Adrian were scoffing at the pretentious western economists whose job was to throw dust in the public eyes, with no intention of actually telling the reality of high-level manipulations and forced recessions in order to acquire rock-bottom priced assets and to reset the hourly worker’s wages . The parody and manipulative capitalistic economic system made Daniel nauseous realizing the ruined personal dreams of so many millions of people , their tragedies losing their shirts and houses in corrupted financial investing schemes , the general poverty and the dreaded rat race .
The puppeteers were truly a bunch of disgusting human beings , among the scourge of the gene pool . His duty on Earth was not finished until justice is served across the world , and he had no intention of disappointing himself , the puppeteers’ days were numbered and he was getting ready for their judgement day .
As a country leader Daniel was more like a caring mother , together with Victor , three other body guards and Vlad he was visiting food markets , talking to farmers and their customers , taking advice and suggestions , than , in the same day he was visiting factories , showing unexpectedly at staff and board meetings and getting involved impromptu in decision making , to him the opportunity to bounce ideas with others was just to irresistible . Later in the evening he may stroll on the gorgeous Bucharest downtown boulevards , aligned with mature trees and rows of flowers in colourful patterns .
Bucharest , known as the Paris of the East , was an eclectic mix of good-taste architecture , flower displays , fountains and cafés strung along the wide sidewalks . Climbing vines , petunias , fragrant linden trees and original house facades were a standard around the city , people taking pride in show-casing their space .
Daniel loved to seat on the patio of Café Americana , the former American embassy , and gather chairs around starting a group discussion with whoever happened to be around . People were game every time and you could tell from distance if Daniel was there . When at home quality food was on the table , the job was secured for life and the society surrounding you were peaceful intellectuals , people found time and pleasure to gather and discuss life , economy , industry , nano technology , medical research and anything mind stimulating .
The eradication of the aggression gene was paying off handsomely in more than one way , I mean , really , name a public park on Earth were you would feel absolutely secure at two a.m. with no worries if you saw a group of youngsters approaching .
If nations and private groups brained washed their children in the image of their personal beliefs , from Islam to Christianity , Nazism , Capitalism and anything in between , the new education system under Daniel’s supervision brained washed the new generations in being model citizens with respect for each others . He knew long time ago , when was seating on his deck back in Toronto, that Utopia and Eden are very possible . Now , however , unlike when on the old deck , he often had to pinch himself to reinforce that, indeed , what he was experiencing today was pure reality , even for his wide open mind , the number of achievements in just three years since the Revolution was numbing fast .
But seating on the café patio , in the warm sunset , looking at the faces of the people passing by , he remembered waiting to depart the airport in Toronto and judging people’s expressions caught in the rat race … Today he could see only smiling , relaxed , happy faces . Mission accomplished , he thought .
Just as he loved to mingle and being in touch with his people Daniel was in heavens walking the corridors and laboratories of the National Nano Research centre as often as he could . He didn’t need an appointment , and many times a week , dressed with the white coveralls , he appeared from nowhere among the staff , seating respectfully and safely away from the experiments but close enough to hear what’s going on . He could feel among the 249 dedicated teams they were all breathing nano research with the passion typical of higher and inquisitive minds but in the atmosphere of total unity .
The only dark line on the science projects was the perpetual life research where Marina’s teams had difficulties inserting the genes package at the right location on each chromosome , realizing they needed to wait for the nanobots to do the job artificially . Daniel noted philosophically the similarity to the sign or mark of the ‘ beast ’ as he remembered it from the preachings of his Russian orthodox grandma , but now , to be counted , one must bear a different kind of sign , that of artificial genetic modifications .
Wondering through the labs , his eyes caressed the delicate equipment , the scientific notations on the boards that we couldn’t understand and the complex experiments taking place . He witnessed the first layering of a future nanobot prototype , the manufacturing and testing of the electrostatic retaining cups and the first 3-D block of assembled parts .
At this pace , with the modified equipment and with everybody’s ambition to bring it to reality , key discoveries were coming fast and furious .
Four years and a half after the start of the nano project and the Revolution , the first day of a new epoch in science finally arrived and , under a tight security , the grand experiment begun .
Chapter five : the Nano Revolution
The overwhelming smell of roses from the back garden bathed Daniel’s bedroom as Victor slowly opened the heavy drapes and large stained windows . Waking up , Daniel’s brain made contact with the main event of the day and what represented half of his life dream .
He smiled at Victor , got into the house coat and followed him into the kitchen where the breakfast was ready .
Vlad and Dumitru were waiting for him , busy going through the time table and discussing the crucial experiment . The first complete nanobots were due to be assembled today using the modified Atomic Force Microscopes
( AFM ) , (5) , and the CAD software , a mile stone in manufacturing for any specie .
Daniel finished the morning routine , walked to the car followed by his entourage , sat in the back with Dumitru who was ready to make his presentation and , on the way to the National Nano Research Centre , he listened to the juicy scientific details :
“ First of all , as you know , we did assembled in the recent past separate nanobot structures like the power plant , the electrostatic cups , the computer , communication system , and so on … Keep in mind that we are still considering improvements to the energy pack looking at all alternatives including laser pulses , vibrating environment energy and even antimatter , every thing is considered … Today for the first time we’ll put it all together one layer at a time , ending with one complete and working nanobot … ” .
The driver couldn’t help listening to the conversation almost spilling the drinks when taking a tight turn . As the security officer apologised , Dumitru stopped briefly to protect his notes from the dripping coffee .
“ We planed to build initially twelve functional nanobots which will take two hours as part of phase one , next will be the downloading of the CAD software containing the building instructions , and than use them as a team to build a very simple test pattern which should take no longer than 20 minutes representing phase three . So far two and a half hours . Once the test is completed and verified we’ll move to the next step in which the twelve nanobots will start building more nanobots . Being at least ten times faster than the AFMs , this one hour phase should yield some three thousands nanobots … Once completed will move to the last phase in which all nanobots will have one hour to build a 3D test structure and than check it for errors … As you know the experiment carries live on one of the secured National channels and you gave people the day off , so we’ll have a lot of audience … better not screw up ! “ , he laughed but showing signs of solid confidence . Daniel loved it and gave him a good back-padding .
The car convoy entered the research centre and in minutes Daniel , wearing the usual white coat , was mingling with the scientific crowd in the process of checking the banks of equipment and watching the technicians making adjustments and last minute tests . He was all smiles and grabbing Vlad’s arm whispered joking :
“ If this gets any more exciting , I’ll have a heart attack ! “ . Vlad smiled back , feeling the same butterflies in his tummy . He remembered in a flash the two of them sharing the same high-school bench , discussing science-fiction novels , being boys yet with serious overtones . In a high-school test asking ‘what do you want to became ‘ Daniel answered ‘country president’ , but only as a joke , now Vlad looked at his friend and thought that many things are possible but this one , striking so close to home in more ways than one , it pointed again to how the time filaments can entangle and create extraordinary realities . After all , how would you describe being meters away from a scientific experiment that , if successful, will guarantee a revolution in manufacturing , in the whole society and in the meaning of intelligent species .
If you would look at a historical graph where the birth of humans was marked by a spike in the animal evolution , today’s nano revolution would be a jump comparable to the size of a lighting stroke , the implications were so fundamental to the fabric of the Universe that was safe to predict its change by humans into ordered rows of galaxies and stars , just like an orchard .
With only a half an hour delay the experiment started having all the eyes on the computer displays and gages , a nation watching and Daniel getting hyper on the coffee . The two hours passed slowly , pure torture , but at the end the confident voice of the team leader came crisp :
“ We got all twelve units , we’re done through phase one … I am proceeding to remotely download the CAD instructions … 45 % complete … 70 % … ok , all fully loaded . Proceeding to test download … 5 reporting good , 8 … all 12 . We have all 12 ready for the very first task . Initializing the reference point , coordinating GPS and gyroscope systems and … start action “ .
A technician gently poured a fairly thin solution over the stamp-size nanobots enclosure and open the sides of the minicontainer to spill the mix over a 5 by 7 centimetres area resembling a picture frame , than he covered it with a translucent top . Since nothing could be seen clearly in the murky solution , the centre of attention were two computer screens , one displaying a graph bar showing the progress while the other showed the position of the 12 nanobots working as a team . Dumitru talked into Daniel’s ear :
“ That substance contains just two types of molecules required to build the test surface … Right now the nanobots are positioned like snow-ploughs , one behind each other , filling rows by rows of arranged molecules as the downloaded program calls for . At the end , the surface of alternating molecules will encode a program which will be read by a laser beam and than executed by a computer to verify that all molecules were arranged properly , this quality control method is very efficient for checking surfaces. However , Daniel , there is a small surprise for you in the picture … and I won’t tell you ! “ . Daniel poked him playfully with his elbow and was just about to say he was becoming immune to surprises , but a weird feel told him to be quiet , he didn’t see it all yet . Dumitru kept explaining :
“ While the ‘plough’ formation does the job for now , we are planning to change this method and make a new standard requiring to have the whole cross section of the target covered , or saturated , in two layers of nanobots so the building action will be considerably faster to the tune of one square centimetre layer in less than five seconds , we’re just waiting to have enough nanobots available nation wide . In terms of weaving the atoms , it basically means inserting each other’s electrons in permissible orbitals , ideally filling them to capacity for a stronger bond , so it is a matter of perfect timing . We defeated the Heisenberg uncertainty principle , (7) , by simple means of attoseconds capable sensors and movements , but most importantly by using the electromagnetic cups to read and adjust the pulsation of the changing electrostatic field generated by the orbiting electrons and therefore adjust and synchronize the merging of the two atoms . It is similar to a computer routine which enables you to predict the time of a certain output and act ahead to account for processing delays .
In our case the routine is the orbiting electrons in predictable positions allowed by the laws of physics . Not all atoms are universally compatible so we had to adjust our design , choosing pairs of atoms with compatible bonds strengths according to the object’s needs , from easy to brake lines for packaging , to very strong bonds for the hauls of space ships and armour … “ .
He paused for a moment to reconfigure in his mind the logical flow-chart of the complicated process . Daniel welcomed the break recognizing that his electronics technician knowledge was quite a bit over taken .
Dumitru continued bringing his hands together to enhance the graphics of the lecture :
“ We just speed up the process by massaging the atoms with the field generated by the cups to bring them faster in a compatible configuration . To avoid the delay characteristic of computer processing time we not only embedded the circuitry in the nanobot structure but also replaced the triggering software with molecular mechanical models which can react at one attosecond speeds , bypassing computer time … This transfers the bottle neck of the system to the retrieving of raw materials , which are the atoms or molecules floating around in the immersing solution , but never the less , the concentration and the pre-select function of the nanobots preparing ahead the next piece of material keeps the assembling process at very high speed … We predict that after tweaking with the design , we may be able to achieve a production where one nanobot can build another in three minutes which will guarantee enough supply for the whole country needs including security within two years of exponential growth … And that will be the actual time when the nano manufacturing revolution will be ready to start “ .
Seating on the first raw of chairs , Daniel and his closest people watched the time elapsed , approaching 21 minutes , when the digital clock stopped and a short message stated ‘ Process complete ‘ . That was 3 minutes faster than the predicted time which meant a lot considering the movements at the molecular level . A technician picked up the tray containing the experiment , and carefully drained the raw material solution . Daniel could not resist and got up stepping closer and everyone else followed suit . The technician gently wiped the surface and presented it to him . The rectangular area was shimmering just like a music CD except in the background Daniel’s portrait was shown like a water-mark , which made his ears turn red with shyness , and above was the word ‘nano’ , while below was engraved the digit 9 .
Daniel was holding the very first computer controlled entirely nano manufactured object on Earth and he was shaking slowly his head , almost in disbelief … The crowd cheered and applauded the historical moment , realizing that , at last , they didn’t have to use the word ‘dream’ when talking about the nano revolution , for all practical purposes it already started this minute .
Following the instructions , Daniel placed the test plate under a laser scanner and within seconds the quality control certified the work as 100 % accurate which triggered another round of applauses .
Entering the final phase , the twelve nanobots were downloaded with a new CAD program designed to build more nanobots and during the one hour test the counter on the main computer screen was racing at a very promising speed . While waiting , food plates with sandwiches were brought in and brief discussions were taking place yet most preferred to remain silent and observe the clock and the counter .
Every completed new nanobot was automatically connected to the central computer , verified with a detailed test and downloaded with the program activating it to build more nanobots . This was an exponential process and at the half hour mark the main counter registered 824 completed new nanobots , slightly more than expected .
At the one hour time limit marking the end of the test , the total number was 3,538 functional new nanobots , about 1 % more than calculated .
Than , for the final test , all the nanobots got to work together completing a fine structure in the shape of a sphere 20 centimetres in diameter , with the surface thickness of four aluminum atoms and arranged in a lattice pattern of 10 nano meters wide holes shaped like symmetrical stars . Dumitru explained :
“ We chose aluminum because it is light but also because we wanted to test the strength of the surface pattern . Once the sphere is completed it will weight as much as a feather and you would be able to shine a laser beam passing through any hole and the centre of the sphere and check it at the other end as quality control . Once we‘ll do that the sphere will be subjected to mechanical and electrical tests . Keep in mind that we’ll embed on the surface dimples similar to a computer CDs , to write a software which can be used later for many purposes besides quality control “ .
The container chosen this time was deeper , enough to cover the target but the process was the same . Just in under 32 minutes the aluminum ball was completed , the gelatine filler washed away with hot water and what was left behind could only be described as a vaporous filigree ball , shining and glimmering but having the strange aura of a mathematical object , a residue of the atomic precision to which was built .
Looking through it and moving slowly around , the sphere was quickly alternating between being perfectly opaque and almost transparent , a cool objet d’art .
A laser scan determined it was 100 % to specs and as the cheers cool off , Daniel asked everybody including the TV cameras broadcasting live , to follow him in the large auditorium for a brief announcement :
From up the podium he took a minute to relax his mind and capture the big picture before presenting it to his family at home :
“ Dear friends , in the last few hours you witnessed via our secure National cable an event that it is hard to describe if you want to cover all the possibilities … You can look at it from a philosophical point of view saying it is the most significant event since homo sapiens picked a stone to use it as a tool … or you can look at it through the eyes of a scientist who can now say we are only a step away from creating organized matter from just subparticles … Or you can get goose bumps because the coming future will be so extraordinary and will change our society so drastically that , right now , to talk about it would only create a haze of confusion . How can an unborn child describe the world it didn’t see yet ? That’s why we’ll take it one step at a time , get familiar with the surprises and than take over and truly get the best of what it has to offer . It will take two years of production to manufacture the necessary number of nanobots to start the Autonomous Manufacturing Process and until than we’ll start learning how to use it and restructure our economy to integrate it as fast as possible . First we’ll all need to learn and become experts at Computer Aided Design , or CAD , because this will be our primary tool in all aspects of producing the goods we need to survive comfortably . It will also be the tool used by artists , architects , scientists and engineers besides just you and me and that’s why I’ll ask the Minister of Education , Maria Larion , to introduce CAD courses as early as kindergarten . I’ll arrange to write a comprehensive booklet about surviving a disaster and using the Nanobot Emergency Set , or NEST , to restart a nano-society .
There will be many other angles and surprises but never the less , the same principal of cooperation applies so everyone is invited and welcomed to forward ideas to the National Research Committee . In the following two years we’ll get ready to kick start the nano Revolution but till then , I am reminding every one that secrecy is very important and , please , continue to be vigilant and spot corruption and foreign intruders … never forget where we came from , what we went through and how fragile is our democracy right now. In two years we’ll have a brand new defence system and peace of mind according to our Generals and scientists , but till than please stay firm and protect your family ! “ .
Daniel waved at the applauding crowd of technicians and scientists and raised Dumitru’s hand to acknowledge where all it came from .
Walking down the podium he slowed down shaking hands and still feeling he didn’t comprehended the events at their full impact . Again his gut feeling was teasing his conscience but he was used to it and ignored it with a pleasant thought there is more to the nano Revolution than his frontal cortex could think of right now .
Feeling frisky and chatty he asked Maria , Marina , Dumitru , Vlad , General Badea and Victor for an evening at Café Americana and all were game understanding that Daniel was in a idea-bouncing mood which usually cause the whole darn café to get involved to the delight of the patrons .
Was just after eight o’clock when they arrived and Daniel held the door for the ladies , stepped inside and took a deep breath smelling the traditional Romanian steaks and mititei . He couldn’t remember in a long time having so much peace of mind and relaxation , was like all the chips fell into the right places and was nothing else to do but seat back , enjoy and day dream but this time with a higher degree of certitude those dreams may come true .
Walking towards his favourite table he passed by the framed documents found in the American embassy raid five years ago and his momentary happiness took a dive . He still couldn’t figure out a way to ignore the guilty feeling coming from inside his heart thinking of the misery just outside the country borders . The only argument that pulled him back into temporarily happiness was his commitment to use future nano technology to help the rest of the world come to its senses . So he kept looking around sucking on the eye-candy that the Café Americana was .
Describing the Romanian architecture modeling the café would not do justice but try to imagine a cozy place with twisting columns and reclusive grottos for private tables , all curves and rounded corners , low lighting , old smoky wood trusses , cream stucco walls and sweet gipsy music that makes you feel in your living room but better . And than you have the food , drinks and friends , considering the day’s event you could think the heavens have descended . Beer and steaks were ordered with a side of mititei and everyone made themselves comfortable in the seats but kept quiet absorbing the moment until Dumitru broke the ice :
“ I feel really strange , hard to explain , it’s like a surreal environment yet the mind knows is real …” . The group sighed in agreement .
“ On one hand was five years ago , just a blink of the eye , when we were planning … but now it’s hard to snap out of what we were used to and considered ‘normal’ , even though just two hours ago I was holding in my hands the proof of nano technologies “ . As the drinks arrived he continued to reveal his feelings :
“ I don’t want to sound like a primadona but I wasn’t born in a society with this kind of technical potentials so , even for my self as a scientist , it’s very hard to get used to the idea that what ever I can make-up on a CAD will come out on the other end as a real object , without any particular skills except drawing on a computer software . And all this feeling is powerful enough to overshadow the fact that I was there , in the front lines , designing and conducting the experiments “ . Maria Larion , as an educator , had a slightly different angle :
“ I still can’t get over the long term consequences of nano manufacturing which will eliminate trades and learned skills of all sorts … it’s unnatural and against the grain of self-preservation . It sounds alarm bells all over my head …” . Vlad remembered Daniel’s skills at photography and thought of yet another angle :
“ While you are right Maria , lets consider some more historical evidence … in most societies there are individuals who in the 21st century restored or build steam locomotives and old airplanes … I wouldn’t be surprised if , with all the extra time on their hands and the knowledge available , people will take on learning old skills as a challenge or as a personal fulfilment of doing things ‘hands-on’ rather by adding a bag of nanobots . Let’s not forget that our society has a higher IQ , and growing , plus the advantage of a mind free of wasted aggression thoughts . I think that , naturally , those people will like to keep busy and creative so I count on a mind bending explosion of new ideas and revolutions in every field “ .
Reaching for his glass he changed the tone to a more serious note :
“ But what I find ironic is the closed loop in natural evolution . I mean , if we consider the subparticles as the foundation of life simply because under the right conditions they form atoms which , in turn , under the right conditions form certain molecules which can form life , than we are at the point in evolution where we are taking over the design and start restructuring the Universe . It’s the history of life coming from an abyss and slowly assembled itself , evolved into intelligence and than took over the Universe with the sole purpose of protecting itself for ever … talking about ‘self-preservation’ , seams to be far more ancient and embedded than we thought ! “ .
Daniel was on the same page :
“ So true , Vlad , like written in stone and universally true …
Considering that any intelligent specie in any galaxy evolved from animals and so it inherits the same trait as us on Earth , aggression , we all share the same basic problem , cleansing our dirty genome . That’s the very first step to unite and , focused , to use all resources for the advancement of science and the survival of that specie in any galaxy …
It appears that at the grand scale , once nano technology is mastered together with perpetual life , the only thing that can threaten a specie anywhere in the Universe is another Big Bang or a similar catastrophe … in other words we already know the target of our future research , ‘ how to avoid another Big Bang ‘ ! Now That sounds weird , doesn’t it ? “ .
It sure was and all pondered on the thought of being the guardians of the Universe, space crusaders in nanobot armour , liberators of species , atomic organizers of the worlds … or just booze on an empty stomach .
No , what happened earlier that afternoon was real and solid but never the less , they enjoyed this unique mind drug which made them think were dreaming when actually they were living the reality . Daniel always thought that some where , on a distant planet was a lonely princes waiting to be rescued , the love and affection he never had , for him to discover and protect . His heart smiled , there was hope …
General Mugur Badea pointed to Dumitru :
“ My job is to protect the heavens from down on Earth , so Dumitru , pretend you can read my mind and tell me what can I expect soon from your nano world to make my life easier in defending us ? “ . A few beers made Dumitru very eager to chat hi-tech :
“ We need to adjust our vision of the environment to the micro scale , something like half the size of small fruit-flies … Once you do it , apply all the previous tactics and strategies to the design of the nanobots … some can be equipped exclusively for surveillance , others for long data transmission and even combat … “ . Victor wanted to know how and Dumitru obliged :
“ Considering their size we can’t expect the combat nanobots to shoot bullets but they would be good in carrying poisons or knock-out drugs . Ricin comes first to mind administered like a bee attack , by many nanobots at once . But of course this raises the question of control and the possibility of losing it , so it still needs work … But never the less we are ready to assemble the first nanospys equipped with flexible high definition nano lenses that can change focus , undetectable microphones , and multiple forms of communications including infrasound and low power UV lasers “ .
Daniel wanted to make a point he was considering for many month watching the project coming alive :
“ Talking about Universities and research centres , I feel that under the present world order we can not possibly allow foreign powers to develop nano technology at our level … Look , if we do we’ll open another cold war and spend significant resources to counterbalance . In the process we even may border a war since we’ll have to interfere with their nanospys … And still there is even a greater danger , if they develop to our present level and since , let’s say United Sates alone being more than 10 times larger , never mind the rest of NATO , we’ll stand no chance simply because of sheer numbers … We have no choice … and I’ll present this to the Board of Advisers tomorrow . This is not a joke , for the first time we have the upper hand so to lose the advantage is totally unacceptable and not on the table“. All sighed in agreement and Dumitru concluded his plea for more resources :
“ The logistics are mind bugling , from sending nano-scouts around the world , to dispatching whole clouds of nanospys to designated targets and sorting out all the information received … we need new computers and more personnel for sure ! “ .
The food arrived giving them a chance to enjoy the delicious organic , free run beef while in the same time digesting the new technological possibilities . By the desert the subject mellowed out changing to more peaceful applications specially Marina’s interests in her perpetual life project :
“ This ice cream is delicious and as I eat it I can’t help thinking of an earlier discussion about nanobots made food . But till than and so far the Health program is running good , the Nutrition Supplement project is on time plus we catalogue all the fringe discoveries the teams made weekly . The only problem we have is the Perpetual Life research . We’ll need Dumitru’s help on this one . While we are fine knowing what we need to do , we are stuck against a technical wall … we can’t insert the necessary telomerase genes at the right location in the genome using traditional laboratory methods or equipment . We need an artificial surgeon hand so only nanobots can do the job , but understanding the priority of the security issues I’ll take a number and have Dumitru tell me when he’s ready “ . But Dumitru also had a sweet-tooth for the Perpetual Life project and was more than happy to see Marina making it a priority :
“ No worries , you are at the top of my list just behind General Bade and I guarantee it will not take more than one month before we’ll start getting together periodically on this subject … Chances are good we’ll be starring soon at a live DNA strand through the lenses of a nanobot … they should hold the presses on those biology books “ he added thinking of his personal difficulties earlier in school understanding genetics and biochemistry .
After a few more rounds of drinks they lay back in their seats listening to the soul filled music and letting their brains absorb the new pace of reality .
Even being aware of each step of the research and understanding the science , still , the change was too colossal to accept it all at once . They needed the confidence of passing time but unknown to them the coming events will not be so kind . Matter of fact , it will be more like a gun held to the head of the Revolution , a reoccurring historical motif and an argument used two decades later for a crucial redirection of the national effort . But now they were oblivious , a small break to let their spirits heal and sweeten the celebration , calling wild dreams come to surface . Marina was thinking more of heart matters :
“ If you noticed in the TV debates people were asking a lot about how far we’ll be going with the gene therapy … The comments were generally positive specially since the fabulous success of the anti-aggression treatment but also there were reservations , questions about the uniqueness of a personality and if the modifications will reduce us to a uniform , boring society . I’m trying to make sense of it , how do you explain to a young man life without desire for sex like it is experienced by a woman who lost her ovaries ? My point is they can accept it mentally but never be in the position to experience it for real and therefore be able to make fair judgement … you need to be a Vulcan to understand Spock … “ . Loveless Daniel felt a pinch in his heart :
“ Well , sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have feelings specially thinking of people losing their loved ones “ .
For Victor the priority was somewhere else :
“ Ya , but would that make me a better piano player ? “ he joked .
“ Yes , if I have my way with you ! “ laughed Marina , “ But I never forgot your request , seriously , even when we collected DNA from established musicians I was thinking of the day when I’ll give you the shot myself . You know , even with a few drinks and joking , we still can’t ignore that a few hours ago small little thingies that we can’t even see , crocheted from aluminum atoms a filigree that other way is impossible to make anywhere else on Earth … and while they worked hard , we stood around munching on sandwiches … the shape of things to come ?? “ .
She helped herself to a generous portion of red wine .
“ The only reason why I don’t have the shot right now is because all our resources are busy with other priorities , but believe me , from what I’ve seen , separating the responsible genes will be a piece of cake . Duplicating them with Dumitru’s help and his hoards of micro heroes will be child play , and I’m not drunk … yet ! “ .
Was funny to watch the head of medical sciences talking without blinking about handing out talents like giving candies , if ‘in vino veritas’ was true , mighty strange things were at the horizon because the only thing Marina lost for the moment was her inhibition , but she kept a full load of the scientific integrity . That realization made her intellect stand on ends , never before she felt so much confidence in her most intimate professional speculations . It also proved how deep she used to be anchored to the old school of thought , doesn’t matter how smart you are , nothing replaces experience . Putting her head on Daniel’s shoulder she dose off whispering “ I want to be a Vulcan ! “ .
As the warm autumn midnight fell over the capital sending the party to their homes , the new moon shined over the nation from the Black Sea to the borders with the wide Danube river . There , the murky waters polluted by six nations upstream , run silent caressed by the weeping willows .
In the heart of darkness hiding the shore line nothing was revealing the border guard on duty . Laying comfortable against a tree and between bushes , covered in an anti-infrared detection blanket , he was listening to communication traffic while watching for hours the moon reflections changing and dancing on the waves .
The young soldier thought for a moment he was doing it for too long because the ripples slowly changed shapes to form the head of running water over the tip of a pointy boulder … but there were no rocks ten meters from the shore , he was confident , it was his patrolling area for a full year. He slowly raised the binoculars and to his astonishment witnessed something like a tube coming out of the water , sitting there for a few seconds and than , with eyes wide opened , he saw the hatch of a small submarine emerging gently . The hairs on his body bristled , he never faced combat or the enemy but he remembered the orders so quietly he cocked a round in his AK47 , grabbed the radio and whispered the emergency code . By now two figures with backpacks were out trying to get in the water without making noise and having a hard time swimming to shore against the current .
In his earpiece the guard heard the commanding officer asking about the emergency , covered the mouth piece and quickly explained the situation . He knew help is just 50 meters away behind the tree line where the army camp and Jeeps were stationed , so he prepared to jump the intruders . They came ashore wet and muddy , swearing quietly in English . The guard watched them open the backpacks and putting on dry clothing while the infrared goggles allowed him to see between the trees dozens of patrol guards approaching stealthy .
As the foreigners were tightening their shoe laces , over 40 flashlight heads turned on and from everywhere soldiers literarily jumped on top of the intruders , pinning them to the ground and intimidating the prisoners with ear splitting shouts . The order was to take them alive and able to speak which was exactly what happened two hours later in the basement of the State Security building . The information extracted was so depressing that Daniel gathered his advisers in an emergency meeting :
“ We are here again for the same dreaded reason of national security … Last night two intruders were captured coming from a submarine in the Danube … the sub got away … Needless to say , we’re saturating our portion of the Danube and Black Sea with sensitive sonar good enough to detect swimmers at 300 meters . Following interrogations we learned our country is a target again and multiple teams are being prepared to infiltrate Romania for both espionage and sabotage . Those people are Romanians living abroad long before the Revolution but still speaking the language very good , and who were lured by the CIA and big money to do this . They don’t know how many others are already inside , but they were sure are more . And that’s very , very bad … It means we must stop immediately any plans of delivering the manufacturing nanobots to the population … It also means we must double the share of nanobots reserved for defence … and of course , it speeds up all the research towards bringing the nanospys in production . I am so concerned about this , that I am asking the Board for permission to temporarily divert 75 % of all research teams from both main projects , to focus exclusively on nanospys and nanofighters “ . All raised hands in approval and Daniel moved forward :
“ Ok … now , considering there are spies already implanted we must assume the West is perfectly aware of our advancements , at least as we presented it to the public years ago before the secure NetLink . Their scientists can connect the dots , so we must think again how to design the nanospys to be stealthy . We also need to make sure the self-destruct mechanism works flawlessly , we can’t possibly afford to allow them having samples . Because of the time issue and the importance of the problem , I would like to form think-tanks of how to exploit the nanospys at maximum and correlate it to the design teams … I want full blast imagination and inspiration , I want everyone to realise and remember every moment that our life style is in imminent danger , I want all the stops pulled and no idea ignored ! “ .
The advisors never saw him so vehement and anxious but also they never felt so scared . It was the fear of seeing nanobots controlled by the underground Mob , Earth becoming Prison Planet because with such technology in the wrong hands was absolutely no way for a society to escape . Daniel thought to make his reflections heard :
“ Now that we are in this situation , it makes me think of inter-galactic , Universe wide laws to prevent nano-technology falling into the wrong hands . Wasn’t it totally crazy to even consider such thoughts a few years ago ? That’s what worries me , angles that we missed , surprises entangled deep in the future ways of nano-life , things that our brains don’t even consider to connect yet … We can make mistakes that will cost the whole Planet and perhaps enable Hitlers to bring Star Wars to life and became a Galactic menace . Do you understand the danger and how deep our responsibility is ? “ . And than , to everyone’s surprise , he expressed a personal belief about UFOs and the extraterrestrial :
“ I wouldn’t be shocked at all if any nano culture would go to extreme length to stop this technology from ever being developed by rogue governments or species anywhere in the Universe including Earth … “ .
From far above , past Pluto , the meaning of his judgement extended covering worlds that he wasn’t even aware of , the actions of his country could change history light years away in millennia to come .
Yet the conundrum was packed in the human spirit , Daniel knew there was no road back and wasn’t even interested in one , his determination to change the world for the better was strong enough to squeeze water from stone , he could chew Hitlers for breakfast and feel good for cleaning the gene pool . And the engine of all this was his great empathy .
Understanding the deep implications Maria Larion , the Education Minister , brought up an old tool :
“ It looks like we need a way to educated the people so I’ll arrange for a good scare documentary because , frankly , we all need to be very scared of the alternatives “ . Daniel nodded thankfully .
Realizing slowly that what he meant good for the world can turn in the worst possible nightmare put him in a defence mode turning on to maximum every neuron and synaptic connection .
After establishing the directions with his advisors he left for the National Nano Research Centre wanting to oversee personally the design of the nanospys . He gathered all the teams in the large conference room and repeated the concerns about secrecy and the consequences , hammering the need for advanced stealth capabilities . They followed through many other details, fine tuning the target and by 3 o’clock in the morning they had a pretty good idea about the modifications that will make a regular nanobot a master nanospy .
Daniel went to bed tired , nervous and disappointed with ‘mother’ nature being so void of justice . Going in and out of dreaming and turning from side to side he saw Victor’s shadow in full uniform passing on the corridor and noted it was 6 o’clock . Victor supposed to be asleep not dressed up , what was going on now ? Daniel put on the robe and slowly opened the French doors taking a pick down the corridor . All looked fine at first but than he noticed a liquid spotting the parquet near the bathroom door . He stepped closer observing the deep red color and , with the worst expectations , reached to touch it . It felt tingly , like small electric shocks and he withdrew his hand quickly thinking it could be acid , not blood . But just as he was preparing to go for the mop the liquid start changing shape quickly , swirling and twisting , looking like sparkling mist in a mini storm blown from below the floor and spreading fast everywhere . In the same time he saw his fingers turn the same red color and thought he heard voices . In seconds , to his mesmerized eyes , the dust settled and he could see on the floor a strange writing with foreign characters that his mind didn’t recognized. But to his surprise he could clearly understand it.
It said “ How do we get to Cafe Americana ? “ . Shocked , he open his eyes widely … the clock radio reading 9:00 was churning a morning discussion about daily events and the best places to eat , Cafe Americana being at the top of the list . Daniel couldn’t help smiling at first but than start laughing loud , shacking the bed till Victor opened the doors intrigued , the last thing he expected from Daniel after the last days events .
Seating on the edge of the bed , Daniel explained , wondering if his dream qualified as a night mare since the anti-aggression inoculation supposed to take care of that . But Victor , still smiling , disagreed , his argument being the dream was funny and creative replacing the old line “ Take us to your leader “ .
Daniel shook his head thinking that with all the pressure he’s being under , he’s going bunkers . But than , like a divine revelation , the whole dream twisted in his head , the meaning of the café , the strange language and the spinning floating dust turned on a lucky neuron path which spelled a solution for the world problems that he thought of first on his flight back to Romania while talking to a genetician . He happily wrote it down planning to present it to his advisors once properly cooked in his mind . Still pondering at the inspiring vision , he thought was worth while to encourage Marina , once the resources were available , to nail the mystery surrounding dreams. Considering the latest scientific events , it was no longer far fetched to think of-the-wall and that gave Daniel a natural high when entertaining unorthodox ideas , it wasn’t anymore a waste of time .
With most of the teams refocused on the new priority , working 24/7 , it took just six month to have the first bunch of nanospys tested , multiplied and ready to take on the wings . They waited for a weather system with winds blowing towards the Western Europe and from the picks of the Carpathians a new era in gathering intelligence took flight .
Again Daniel had to shake his head in front of the rapid scientific chain of events but soon all the technical glamour start fading , tarnished by the bad news it delivered .
The true nano Revolution , the maker of parts , pianos and party hats had to wait for just a little bit longer .
Chapter six : the Watcher’s Job
The launch of the very first group of nanospys was the event General Badea and Daniel were looking forward for a long time and it also coincided with the eights anniversary of the Revolution .
Together with the regular advisors they arrived late afternoon in the basement of the fortress also known as the State Security building . They were escorted to the Operations Room , a vast enclosure full of military personnel and high tech devices , and took seats in front of a double row of dozens of high definition plasma displays while Vlad made them familiar with the current progress :
“ 23 hours ago team Alpha departed from strategic peaks of the Carpathians on a good Jet Stream heading , landing in Zurich and taking a hitch on Swiss Air flight 247 to Amsterdam and than to New York . Following the same strategy , one hour later the team caught a flight to Washington and right now they are preparing to enter the White House .
Observe on monitor 1 the main video feed from the head of the scout team… Notice how they take consecutive positions inside cracks and nooks “ . He pointed behind them to a number of long desks where dozens of officers were controlling small groups of nanospys via complex graphic displays .
“ The planned execution is carried for now out of these consoles directly by humans , we didn’t have time to design an autonomous software but we’re working on it , till than will be hands-on . Ok , it looks like team Alpha is approaching the Oval Office … right now is critical to get in unobserved so as you can see , they are scanning all possible surveillance systems “ .
On the large screens the corridors appeared magnified , the picture crawling over door signs and finally to the top of the double door leading inside the secretive room . Daniel felt electrified under the tingling of voyeurism and totally engrossed in seeing such a restricted area live across the world . The atmosphere in the bunker was breathtaking , eyes glued to the screens while Daniel had a flash , thinking what could happened if they get caught .
The officers handling the nanobots where exchanging directions :
“ We reached the top edge of the double door to the Office … trying to find a crack … no , looks like is a good seal … let’s try the bottom … same thing … General Badea , we’ll have to wait until the door opens or try the ventilation system “ . The General didn’t hesitate :
“ It’s ok , let’s stay right here , I don’t want to take any chances in strong air currents ‘ .
It was a long 15 minutes of waiting before someone in military attire came out giving the Alpha team the opportunity to get in and take positions specially around the windows to preserve communications links .
From the height of the ceiling looking down they could see the US President Fred Jasper at his desk and four other people seating around . Two were military , three star generals , while the others were civilian recognized soon as the Vice President and the CIA Director .
General Badea stood up in excitement :
“ Ok , heads up everybody , this is the moment we were waiting for … I need immediately separate teams assigned to each of this five man , plus more teams on stand by , we hit the jackpot “ .
Daniel put on a pair of headphones and listen in while watching the HD picture . Before he could focus on the action he looked around the huge bunker , instinctively needing reassurance he wasn’t dreaming , even for a person of his imagination , the first time was as shocking as for anyone else , and lately he had a whole truck load of them .
In minutes he understood the discussion was about positioning silent diesel submarines around Russia to bring aground teams of spies and saboteurs . Daniel checked to make sure the ‘record’ button was activated and thought smiling that he was even with Putin for the truth serum gift .
The teams of officers start placing the nanobots in strategic positions , a few watching the computer screen on the president’s desk , another team focusing just on the keyboard , while others took close up shots of the wall map displaying the proposed positions of the submarines and the landing coordinates on different beaches . Daniel immediately gave instructions to have the information and coordinates send via MIGs to Putin with a case of his favourite wine , Pietroasele , and a ‘ Thank you ’ note saying ‘ In vino veritas ‘ , a pun to the truth serum . But he asked not to send the actual video and audio , no way Daniel will let the cat out of the bag on how he obtain the intelligence , not even to Putin .
He felt much better , more relaxed , confident he could handle the upcoming torrent of possible events yet being careful not to get cocky . So he tapped Vlad on the shoulder , grabbed Dumitru and General Mugur and walked them to the coffee machine . While refilling , he set the new pace :
“ Guys , it’s obvious we’ll need more nanospys , which saddens me . We are forced to enter another cold war scenario which will cost us resources of all kinds , so let’s get ready . Dumitru , we’ll need to divert production towards nanofighters and nanospys … Mugur , we need to focus equally on keeping the intelligence coming and looking for all nano research centres in all countries , universities , DARPA , you name it … we can’t afford to let them have this technology or we’ll kiss our future ‘good-bye’ … When you’ll find such research going , I want you to impede it in a discreet way , things like fuses blowing unexpectedly , instruments going out of calibration , what ever you can do to halt it without getting caught . Also we’ll need an even tighter border patrol … Vlad , please organize all the incoming info and present me a summary three times a day or whenever there is an emergency . Now , let’s have an understanding of the larger picture … what’s going on in the outside world is controlled by a few individuals , they are the trouble makers we need to expose and give the world a chance. Once we identify them , I need a detailed file build on indisputable evidence such as HD-Video and sound , good camera angles and so on … The basic idea is not only that it must convince the masses but also it must stand in the International Court of Law . Once we’ll collect enough evidence we’ll expose them in some form , preferably in TV transmissions besides sending copies to the internet media . However , to do it we need to have our Security at 110 % first , to be absolutely impenetrable , so Mugur , we need the New Weapons program accelerated . I would like to be very soon in a position to make a live demonstration to the world about our military might. I need ideas of how to do it , but we must show muscle to avoid an armed conflict specially in the critical situation when we’ll expose the power handlers and invite the world to a Revolution “ .
He paused to recharge on caffeine thinking hard to make sure he didn’t forget some important point . His mind was split between coordinating the introduction to the public of the new nano manufacturing and the security problems . Which brought him to another issue :
“ Mugur , remembering the over 400 Romanian sold to the CIA at the start of the Revolution , we need to be ready for Romanians who were living abroad and who may be send here to do damage … I look at this as a very potent threat just because they might be able to integrate in our society unobserved and get to steal samples of our nanobots . Dumitru , are we confident of the self-destruct mechanism ? “ .
“ Yes , we tested it under many conditions and it responded every time “ .
“ Ok … my job here is done for now , I’m looking forward to the reports and let’s run a tight ship , we are swimming we sharks again “ .
Followed by his entourage he left the building and arrived in the early evening to the Ministry of Education for a live TV show with Maria and Dumitru discussing and explaining the coming manufacturing process .
He looked as such events as pure relaxation because his soul loved it and thrived on bringing goodness to the people .
The country was entering the promised land with the grand reward just around the corner , after eight years people were about to enjoy the fruits of their patience but not fully realizing the impact to come , and guessing the future was Daniel’s job together with everyone else who enjoyed bouncing ideas on a live TV show . But tonight Daniel felt guilty that he was forced to keep a secret from his large family , the initial nanospys report was to negative to present it without a solution or a silver line , he needed a few weeks to build a solid case .
Two month after all nanospys teams reported on targets and start transmitting , the advisors gathered under yet another emergency meeting called by Daniel :
“ Thanks all for coming on such a short notice … Eight weeks of gathering and disseminating information gave us mostly bad news . After four years of moderate government , the USA and other important players are returning to the old style and under the same old puppeteers . It is obvious they are planning a vendetta against our country and that requires our response to be more than military strategy and hardware , and I’ll talk about an alternative in a few moments …
As you know , our nanospys nests are located in most American places of interest and also in U.K. , Germany , France , China , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Japan and international buildings like NATO , UN and so on . More countries and places of interest will be added as the nanospys production permits … Each nanospys nest is monitored by our Security groups 24/7 who flag events of importance which are than catalogued for future reference . In other words we can put together a complete scenario from , let’s say , a NATO meeting , than an American five star general reporting to the President who in turn talks to his advisers and in private with his puppeteers , till a decision is made . In parallel we can also watch what the British side is doing , giving us a perfect understanding of what is going on and why . This also gives us a great opportunity to do things for our protection at different levels . The military preparedness and response is an obvious level but in my mind and for a long time I have bigger plans , a strategy that would eliminated the need for violence … so I made a decision “ .
He paused recalling the dream that reminded him about the solution and added a few more seconds to prepare his advisers , excluding Vlad and Marina who already knew , wanting to make a judgment on their collective reaction . To him was important to have a clear understanding of how the bright people on his advisory board adjusted to the nano revolution and most importantly , of how their empathy levels were changing in viewing the world because in his book empathy was placed a notch above intelligence .
Lifting his eyes from the notes he was welcomed by inquisitive looks waiting for the surprise so he said sharply :
“ I decided to inoculate against the aggression gene … the entire Earth population “ .
Dumitru , seating close to the right , was the first to react :
“ Halleluiah ! Not a moment too soon and why did it take you so long , brother ? “ he said smiling and set the tone for the crowd , surprising and delighting Daniel to no end , he didn’t expect to be so easy and non-chalant .
“ Guys , I’m impressed and very pleasantly surprised by your attitude , I mean , to me based on my personality it came naturally , but in all fairness , I didn’t expect others to share my view . So Kudos friends , and thank you for being this way and yourselves ! “ . Taking a seep of coffee he felt a bit tired following the last two nights of strategic planning . He needed to stay sharp and protect the Revolution :
“ Marina , Vlad and myself developed the skeleton of a plan that first tickled my brain years ago on the plane back to Romania . I remember discussing it as a joke with a genetician and how naturally it came to my mind in the process of that conversation … Looking back , it makes perfect sense specially today when it has being fully tested on our population , myself included . The idea was to simply spread the retrovirus using covert , multiple massive fans to propel it at higher altitudes . Really , it’s easy , it’s just a matter of volume and I intend to properly document it to show it later to the world and expose the governments for their inaction costing so many lives … it will be part of the same revelations TV series that should help change the world . Till than let’s all listen to what Marina is planning to do “ .
She took off her glasses not being sure if everyone at the table understood what really was about to happen :
“ Hi everybody ! What is crossing my mind right now spreads across the millennia . I am thinking far back since we split from monkeys and I am looking at one trait that survived till today and which is even floundered on man TV shows , mainly because it is much easier to stir testosterone than deep thinking . In other words aggression , because that’s what I am talking about , affected humanity from day one and we didn’t even recognized it as a serious disease . Loved ones died in the wheat fields by the hands and swords of barbaric marauders organized to kill and pillage . Others died waiting for the bus at the hands of serial killers. And than , the worst , entire nations fell under its control led by mentally deranged psychopaths… It’s a continuing theme splattering blood all over the human history, robbing generation after generation of resources that otherwise would be spend for peace and health research , interfering non-stop with our evolution . And it is the product of nature …
But from now on , its days on planet Earth are numbered !
As Daniel introduced you to the general idea , we planed to have the manufacturing , storage and fans all located in large caves throughout the Carpathians . The higher altitude will definitely help spread the retrovirus and the locations are impossible to detect with satellite imagery . We tried to consider all the options to maximize and speed up the infectious process such as coating the viruses with an Ultra Violet absorbing polymer to help them survive up in the Jet Stream , adding in the virus genome a gene which manufactures proteins enhancing appetite to provide more nutrients rather than depleting the body as is the case with natural viruses . We went to extremes to mask the working genes by saturating the virus genome with similar genes but totally useless .
Even the speed of virulence was slowed down to reduce any apparent symptoms . Further more , we’ll start spreading it just before the flu seasons to cover its traces even more . The only draw back is the doubling of the time needed by the body to produce enough protein to efficiently block permanently the aggression gene , plus an equal delay in embedding the anti-aggression gene in most of the cells , inside the genome “ .
She saw a hand waving and stopped to take the question .
“ We were inoculated via intravenous injections , what you are proposing however , will take place in the open environment … Were any studies done to see if the retrovirus and the gene will affect also the animals and what are the chances that it may mutate ? “ . Marina opened her notes and shared the facts :
“ We thought of the possibility and tested 5 close species but with no effect. The chances of mutating by UV is nil because of molecular disintegration , while the random cosmic radiation will have to cut and resplice the genes in at least six places to bring it close to be active in other species , so we have a high degree of confidence “ . Another voice brought upfront the main pressing issue :
“ According to the summary from the nanospys I understand that foreign forces are already working against us , so how soon can we expect to see results ? “ .
“ If we take in account the delays in manufacturing and delivery , the time for incubation and expression , and than the time to spread among the populations , we estimate the first observations of significant crime and violence drop will be announced in the world media in about three years . A short time to wait to change the world … but , indeed , not sufficient to address the present military threat “ .
Her presentation looked as easy as ‘ How to play God for dummies ‘ and Daniel enjoyed the double pun . One thing is to change a population who gives its consensus but it’s a different ball game when you ‘surprise’ them . And that explained the silence hovering over the large room , every one was very touchy when comes to ethics . There was a genuine issue to underline so Daniel modeled it in the ancient human desire for peace :
“ Look , I understand your hesitation and the issue of ethics , but let’s put things in balance , let’s observe from above the pros and cons . For example , the most pro argument is our own experience , right ? “ . He looked around and saw people agreeing to the obvious .
“ But lets ignore it because was done under controlled and accepted circumstances . But what we can’t ignore is the proven benefits to the population … so we are doing them a favour … What’s the difference between being told or not , when the result is guaranteed to benefit you at no cost or side effects . Oopps , I’m laying ! There are the side effects of slightly increased IQ and no more nightmares “ . The advisors laughed , feeling a bit more relaxed , Daniel was doing his magic through his commanding voice and inspiring trust by proving it with facts . But this time the Commandments were carried out not in stone but in the genome , even the gods could learn a thing or two from humans , Daniel thought .
“ But is more … “ , he continued , “ … is not only that we offer them on a silver platter a verified solution to an important part of their problems , but it is also a matter of our own national security . The eight weeks report from our nanospys describes an imminent danger to Romania in the coming month . The underground forces understand we can’t be touched economically because we have almost zero ties with the world and also they can’t bomb us directly , so their plan for now , as we see it based on Intel , is aimed at stealing our nano technology and induce acts of sabotage “ , he pointed to General Mugur Badea , “ more on how we’ll deal with this from General Badea who worked the technical details with Dumitru “ . Mugur took over :
“ First of all , we’re learning more and more with whom we are dealing … The people at the helm are not on any board of directors , never made the media , do not give social parties and most of them leave the lives of retired folk in isolated locations and under guard . They don’t control by the rules of signed documents but by fear , they order people killed like we order breakfast . They use corruption and if that doesn’t work , they use black mail and than assassination . Just two days ago I saw the video of Jack Abrams , the US Secretary of Defence visiting a recreational spa at the invitation of an aircraft manufacturing company which was biding on a juicy contract . This married man , in the first night , had sex with a masseuses who later offered him cocaine , all while being secretly video taped and than , next day , he was lured and entrapped in getting involved with an underage girl by the deserted swimming pool , also discretely video taped . Judging from the positioning of the microphones and cameras it appears that the whole resort was designed and built from day one with the main intention of spying … We are following now the tapes gathering evidence to link the underworld leaders directly to the blackmail process , and we do it with all the care to make sure it stands in the International Court of Law “ . The general paused for a moment checking his notes .
“ The main issue with this underworld is they have access to government resources including the army , high tech , police , CIA , FBI , NSA , MI6 etc. , including tonnes of cash and … cocaine . They can come from anywhere and this forced us to allocate a great deal of nanospys to the border patrol . But while we can see them coming , is hard to dispatch the soldiers right away so I asked Dumitru to reconfigure the nanospys for active combat … We chose a fast acting drug used in surgery that can be delivered by just 60 nanofighters . Once the suspect is injected they send an alert with the location so the patrols can come over and do the arrest … honestly , I feel very comfortable with this setup “ . Daniel gave the sign to make it happen and concluded the meeting :
“ So every one please , heads-up , while we are starting the Global Inoculation project which will show fruit only in three years , we have to deal with the present and chances are solid we maybe already infiltrated with spies who speak very good Romanian . And that’s besides fighting the nano research in rogue countries . I think with horror what it may have happened if we didn’t focus as we did and caused the nano project to be late . Let’s take this as a lesson and don’t allow yourself to get comfy , we’re still on Earth and our little Eden is just a small oases in this vast apocalyptic desert …
So Vlad , please interrogate all captured using the Russian truth serum and do it on the secured live TV … Marina , start pumping in the air those retroviruses … Dumitru and Mugur , I want miracles in State Security and border surveillance , keep tight all nanospys connections with the underground and selected politicians with all facts properly documented and catalogued ready to be exposed … Also I would like nanospys on all US and NATO submarines . What else … oh yes , Dumitru , we need air defences and the weaponry to make a world demo to remember . That’s all for now till tomorrow , Vlad would you please hang on for a minute “ .
Daniel was thinking of the Romanian infiltrators and how to spot them .
It was critical , he couldn’t allow the public release of nanobots knowing that some may fall in the wrong hands . It was a drawback of the communal system and he had no choice but to deal with it finding the proverbial needle in the haystack of 26 million people , but the hot pressure eventually squeezed the solution out of his brain :
“ Vlad , we are just over eight years since the start of the Revolution and among other things that happened we can be sure of one : nobody touched pesticide leaden food since than ! “ . He could see Vlad trying hard to see ahead .
“ I was thinking of two combined ways to find the spies … First , testing all the population for pesticides will definitely reveal the foreigners … and secondly , even more obvious to us , who doesn’t have their aggression gene silenced is a clear intruder “ . Vlad smiled getting the message and reassured Daniel :
“ Consider it done , I’ll make arrangements and public announcements starting tomorrow , and I’ll make sure to cover it under some credible pretext “ . He looked deep in Daniel’s eyes recognizing his guilt trip , he never made a good liar so , with compassion , added a friendly reassurance and a hug :
“ I understand Daniel , we have to deceive our people again but we’ll disclose it later , explaining the circumstances and present it as a history lesson “ .
The idea proved Machiavellic enough and in six weeks they had a complete list of 48 people with abnormal high levels of pesticide residue in their blood and no altered genome . They shared the same treatment as the previous spies caught , they were vaccinated with the anti-aggression gene, put in jail until science will find a solution and for all intent and purposes they simply vanished from what the outside world was concerned , never to be heard of again .
Abroad , the spy masters were scratching their heads , Romania start looking like a black hole for infiltrators , without the government never releasing the customary list of captured or even discussing the events .
The method of finding them was not revealed for another 15 years and in between , with the modified nanobots patrolling the borders and quarterly blood tests , the nation was purged of infiltrators which gave the green light for the Nano Revolution to explode .
For the first time in decades Daniel felt truly relaxed seeing no major dangers on the horizon , all was taken care of and he could sense closer the day when he could say to his conscience with confidence , ‘mission accomplished ‘ .
For the last year the education programs made the nation very familiar with handling the new manufacturing process but , as they found , the new life was filed with pleasant surprises .
No more waking up early to catch a bus and waste time in the traffic jam . Now you wake up when you want , maybe have a coffee and step outside in the a garden of flowers , taking a seat by the little fish pond and breath in the fresh air .
Paradise was slowly embracing their nation reinforcing more and more the fact they made the right decisions , they hanged in there through tough events but now they are having a wonderful time adjusting to a self made Eden . There were no miracles , and that gave new courage to open their minds , be appreciative and creative , they finally realized that designing their own world was a rock solid fact .
Now that nanotech was a tangible reality , Daniel was smiling thinking of a favourite show he used to watch in Canada , ‘ How it’s made ‘ and laughed imagining that not to much could be shown today , just a click on a computer , dumping an inconspicuous powder in a solution and going for a break . While not to much was happening in the bucket to the human eyes , he could mentally see the action viewed under an electron microscope, the coordinated army of nanobots picking up the proper molecules from the solution and weaving them in place layer by layer with robotic speed and precision .
As Daniel envisioned , jobs involving any parts or objects that were suitable to be made at home were distributed first , and the rest was organized in retrofitted factories . That kept most of the people comfortable at home , reduced traffic substantially and saved resources including precious personal time . As the process start gathering speed and people got used to the new freedom of designing dreams on their CAD systems , there was a tsunami of ideas , originality and innovations that took science, technology and arts by storm .
One of the problems the nation inherited was luck of decent accommodation for everybody , a lot of construction had to be done . At age 14 Daniel was lucky to have as a family friend the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest so he was introduced early to the principles and styles of design . Now , when the engineering intricacies of actually building a structure where taken care by computers and nanobots , the only task at hand was to let your imagination free and create surroundings of an architectural poetry .
For starters he wanted to give an outstanding example of what it can be done so he lunched a national contest for everybody to contribute designing a super Community Hall in the capital city . His intention was not just to practice building a large construction but mainly to follow a surreal dream he had years ago about walking in a huge shopping mall where every square centimetre was a piece of art . He gathered architects and artists explaining the concept making a point that materials are not a problem but all it counts is the originality , inspiration and a design that has to be a jaw-dropper . In a nut shell , he concluded , take Versailles and put it to shame , it has to be a showcase of what it can be done artistically using nanotechnology .
Pretty soon they found out that one thing is to be bugled down by having to take care of structural analysis and solving engineering equations interfering with your creativity , but now is a totally different thing to work in conditions where you feel like an artist painting on an electronic canvas never having to worry about technical details .
So they went design-crazy , just as Daniel dreamed , all the floors , ceilings and walls were permeated with art in unexpected ways , surprising , refreshing and totally eye-candy .
Imagine walking on what appeared to be rubies , diamonds and sapphires imbedded in the floor and entangled in mesmerizing patterns that were changing as you stroll by . Intriguing art objects where spread everywhere and it was obvious they were not hand made , the mix of materials that appeared to flow from one into another looked un-natural yet totally delicious to the eye . The saturation of art surrounding you was like a relaxing , private , warm and cuddly blanket from which just the tip of your nose escaped .
Using morphing technology they made walls that one moment looked like solid marble while next were sparkling , colourful waterfalls.
One of the show stoppers was the atrium built entirely , from floor to ceiling , of display pixels with a resolution far exceeding high-definition , matter of fact you would need a good microscope to see them . When turned on , the visual effect was so realistic that in certain scenes people would get sea-sick or step back being afraid of heights . From Arctic landscapes you could find yourself next in a lush tropical forest that seemed unchanged for millennia and you could just not possibly tell , unless touching the walls , that was not real .
This was the new TV technology , a fringe discovery of the nano research , that Daniel wanted to put in every home not just for entertainment but also for more serious purposes involving scientific research , education and communications .
The pixels were made of nanotubes guiding the pure LED light , showing a slightly different picture as you moved along . The micro-tunnelling effect of the nanotubes presented to each eye the illusion of three dimensions so realistic and at such high contrast ratio that for weeks to come knee and nose injuries were reported as folks walked into the display walls .
It took one year to complete the building and soon after , it became an icon of nanotechnology , people coming from all corners of the country like in a pilgrimage to see with their eyes and promenade over the new reality .
After a decade of talk now they can do the walk and that was one of the important messages Daniel wanted to establish firmly in their minds , the pay-day was finally here .
Following the example and standards of the new Community Hall , the country set on constructing custom apartment buildings that in the West would sell for not just millions but hundreds of millions .
The interior design was to perfection and flawless since all the details were nano manufactured to molecular precision and totally custom as desired by the occupant . You wanted rococo or baroque , no problem , and all the intricate details will be there to delight the eye .
The new apartments have the walls , floors and ceilings accommodate the multifunctional hyper definition screens enabling people to move the computer from the living room to the kitchen or watch TV on the ceiling as you lay down . Most of the buildings have their façade made completely out of hyper definition displays turning the streets in a fantasy land where you can see 10 story palm trees weaving in the wind besides 20 story tall water-falls pouring from blue skies . There were no limits , no barriers of what could be done and the new capabilities stirred the passion of being unique and original in effervescent and refreshing ways showing that at heart , everyone was an artist .
The streets and the cities start looking like museum corridors where no two things were alike , yet overall they were harmonious thanks to the coordination provided by professional architects .
Daniel programmed the hyper definition display for his own apartment in a rich art-deco style , materials in earth tones but no lighting fixtures , he took advantage of the wall-display flexibility which could provide light in any color and location . The software driving the displays could give him baroque sconces in the morning or arabesque windows at night with cosmic landscapes behind .
His favourite ‘wall-saver’ as he nick-named it , was a dark dense jungle that you could not see the sky , surrounded and covered by tall tropical trees and huge ferns moving gently into the breeze . He sat on the sofa having a drink , and his living room became a surreal cut on the forest floor , bathed in a soft light and juicy greens , with the chairs , art-deco sofa and his Persian carpet as strange objects , out of place in the chaotic jungle . The feel of remoteness was so acute that it led to claustrophobia so he added a narrow happy trail to vanish somewhere mysteriously leading to a new set of delights . There was no need for art work hanging on the walls , you could have the rarest paintings reproduced side by side and more .
Daniel like to come home and turn on the hyper display in the preset mode showing multiple screens all over the walls . He could watch the News , the TV Debate channel , the Champ Elise in Paris , the Trafalgar Square in London or the Oval Office in the White House , all live .
Or , if he wanted , he could see Africa traveling on a horn of a wildebeest , definitely beating Google Earth . ‘ Now , That’s entertainment ! ‘ , he thought smiling , enjoying the new found ‘ arm-chair traveler ‘ rush .
However , after the second drink the inevitable happened and he remembered with shame that his duty on Earth was not completely done , just hundreds of kilometres away from his private luxury the rest of the world was still in misery .
And the need to feel humble and guilty was generously helped by Daniel’s creation , the nano-voyeur channel ‘ Feel the World ‘ where a wall of your living room can became the slams of Detroit , the back streets of New York and London or anywhere in the world where misery existed . The channel was part of a mandatory school sociology curriculum where kids would try to make sense of a corner street activity in a gang territory of Hong Kong or follow workers in their daily rat-race watching them get stuck in the rush hour , doing office work or eating junk food . It all appeared unreal like a bad movie yet they knew it was live and real and that made it all even scarier , hence the object of the educational program was fully achieved . This was one solid way to brain wash the young generation to protect the nano technology with their lives , because their lives depended on it . In no time , the outside world became the regular ‘ bogyman ‘ of childhood .
He switched a screen to the computer secured mode and retrieved the latest summary from the nanospys’ hourly report . The software displayed colour graph bars which at a glance told the overall security status .
He ‘clicked’ with an infrared laser pointer on the nanospy details graph and the world map unfolded showing the position of every single nanospy and nanobot .
A very important number sat in the right upper corner showing a green ‘zero’ representing the number of nanobots outside country borders . In the other upper corner was the total of nanospys abroad , it read into the trillions and still climbing fast . In the lower left corner sat another satisfying green zero showing how many events occurred that could involve revealing the nanospys , the most important number and first to be checked by Daniel . He smiled , thinking of it like a score , ‘ A trillion to zero‘ .
Before going into the report details he wanted to stretch , grabbed the house coat and stepped outside on the cozy enclosed balcony .
On the 40th floor he shivered a bit in the autumn evening , tightened the coat , lit a double filtered cigarette and looked for peace of mind over the city .
He chose to live near the heart of the capital Bucharest so he can enjoy fully watching the life below . His apartment was sandwiched between two floors reserved for security and the only other privilege was a private elevator for the same reason , but he rarely used it .
Being part of the regular stream of people milling around the area , talking to them in elevators , gave him a great deal of pleasure because that’s how he wanted it from the time all came together in his mind more than a decade ago .
To get a pulse of how the new reality impacted the nation Daniel was chatting specially with older people like himself , in mid to late sixties , people who where in their early twenties under Ceausescu . They were having fun reminiscing the times when , learning in college about electronic vacuum tubes , could not even fathom this new reality . But you go talk to a 10 or 15 old and the mentality changed completely , discussing nanobots was second nature and their existence seemed to them , naturally , since the beginning of time .
New standards in accommodation made an apartment for three as large as two western luxury condominiums and light years ahead in technology and interior design . The minimum ceiling height was five meters , all apartments had large enclosed balconies and every aspect of design was custom .
Besides the luxurious and huge living spaces everyone had a spacious room dedicated to work production . It was design specifically for the nano automated manufacturing , organized in small and large vats , bags of raw material , computer gear and washing stations . Contributing to the security production was now done from home by everybody increasing exponentially the numbers of nanospys and nanofighters .
Daniel insisted on his own share of work and every morning when waking up he was giggling with pleasure thinking of the ridiculous ‘ work ’ day ahead . He liked to get up late , seat naked in the long chair on the balcony , with a hazelnut cappuccino and a double filtered cigarette and just lay back, relax , and from that height slowly follow the mesmerizing contours of the new architecture , listening to the life buzzing bellow and felling like on an island in paradise . As the strong coffee kicked in he prepared for his manufacturing duty , went to the work room , downloaded his component for the day , programmed the nanobots , read the instruction on the screen, choose the right size vat , picked from the shelf the required pre-mixed ingredients bag , stirred it with warm water and dumped in the nanobots . He was done .
When the parts were ready he was notified remotely to return , wash , pack, put them on a wheeled trolley and take the elevator to the main level and the receiving deck . There every apartment had a reserved partition where people would deposit their daily work to be picked up by the national trucking system and receive periodically the bags with pre-mixed raw materials . Naturally , the system knew what ingredients one has and therefore what parts can be manufactured at that location .
For him , as president , was only one small load of parts to make and for the rest of the population the process was the same excluding large components and assemblies which were built in specialized factories .
Even services were done via the secured national network and the hyper-definition wall-size screens , to the effect that most work was done from home which changed completely the way people arranged their personal time . It truly unchained the nation from the traditional work day .
Transportation avenues , entirely made out of electromagnetic rails , were generally separated in commercial routs and public transit . Every apartment building was hosting underground exchange routs and to grab a ride all you have to do is take the elevator down to the station .
Civil engineers learned from the disastrous planning of western metropolis and redesigned the new traffic system to be quiet , un-obstructive and discrete , guiding the routs in elegant surroundings , through valleys and bridges offering a delightful view to the passengers .
Distractions were not a problem since nobody was driving , the entire system was computerized and cars became like comfortable waiting rooms. If you wanted to go somewhere just call a cab , give the destination, seat down and enjoy the ride without ever having to worry about traffic signs , changing lanes or accidents , the system had multiple redundancy built in so it was fail-proof .
The concept was not new , Hollywood glorified the beauty of the system in many sci-fi movies and people recognized it as a winner but not the oil magnates , who couldn’t allow the juicy black resource to go to waste without a profit even at the expense of the pollution , noise and wars .
Observing the changes and the new , content nation , Daniel smiled , not being able to help his paternal feelings blush with pleasure thinking of his people like happy kids making dreams happen in a secure backyard . But he knew the job wasn’t finished yet , the world’s gene pool was still muddy.
He returned to his chair in front of the computer screen-wall to check the progress of what the State Security called ‘ connectivity ‘ .
A mob figure was considered ‘connected ‘ when there was more than enough solid evidence against him to have a conviction in his country of residence plus in the International Court .
The screen showed a color flow-chart like a family tree with photos of the subjects linked to events and other people of importance . A continuous green line indicated a full ‘connection ‘ archived and ready to be exposed to the international community .
The number of the population involved world wide was shocking , so far the graph showed 1,180,201,916 solid lines intersecting each other and surrounding the pictures of Presidents , industrialists , lawyers , judges , Media moguls and personalities , Army and State Security brass just to name the top .
Submenus pointed further to mind bugling connections , from hotel concierge and parking valets , to secretaries , accountants , doctors and dentists , car and aircraft mechanics , internet providers , ‘ free speech ‘ public web forums , ‘ secure ‘ IP hosting , computer ‘ anti-virus ‘ companies, Operating System manufacturers , phone and credit card companies , hookers agencies and all the way to the run of the mill assassins and still more . A complete inventory of the concrete jungle .
It took Daniel and his advisors month to get used to the idea that corruption and crime was so wide spread in the rest of the world , that entire societies where hold tight by the proverbial balls and that mere annihilation of the aggression gene might not be enough to turn the world around .
Considering the scenario where the mob has the nano technology made their hairs stand on ends , that acute was the fear and realisation they were playing with fire . The more information came in , the clearer it became that was not safe yet to stir the hornet’s nest , before being ‘ liberators ‘ they needed first to defend their own butt . Isolated from the rest of the world as they were , no where in the foreign media , a NATO secretly organized strike and a giant mushroom cloud over Romania would go unnoticed by the average world citizen , never mind making the news .
He needed soon a decision about this annoying problem and the best was to bounce ideas with his advisors .
Before being able to relax he glanced at two more numbers on the display .
One , reading into the billions and increasing at a rate that blurred the digital counter showed how many retroviruses were delivered in the atmosphere . He shook his head thinking of the drain on his country resources and the plague of the cold war .
The other number , in the thousands , represented how many events of sabotaging nano research experiments occurred so far around the world . He could click with the laser pointer on it and see every event as it happened . Above the number was a graph showing the frequency on a time chart and it was clearly on the decline .
As his nanospys induced errors in experiments and equipment , virtually stopping the progress of all related nano research everywhere , Daniel was interested to notice the psychological effect taking its toll not necessarily on the scientists but , far more important , on the people who were financing the laboratories and paid the salaries . Those people had a patience of spending money proportional with the net profit and Daniel wanted to make darn sure they were getting tired of wasting funds into nano research .
And it worked , following the next three years the international nano programs went the way of cold fusion leaving behind just a handful of stubborn private laboratories that were easy to keep in check .
Satisfied of the analysis and laying comfortably on the sofa , he enjoyed his favourite sweet Romanian wine , Pietroasele , turned the screen to full room size and changed the channel to a remote viewing of a small tropical island with palm trees hanging over the ceiling and giving him shadow . The gentle deep green waves were rocking against the rug , washing it over with white sand and red star fishes . Slowly from the left a tiny boat with a lonely man entered the live image and Daniel smiled feeling the same voyeuristic sensation as in the first nanospy mission of the Alpha team .
Today , at the public request , millions of voyeur nanospys were placed around the world from the Angel’s Fall to Time Square in New York and everywhere else of interest . And than you can follow others fly for ever at different altitudes , over cities and land , lakes and oceans to the effect that being an ‘ arm-chair ‘ traveler took on a viable meaning . And if you like art than you were in luck because every major artwork on public display , or not , could be viewed in hyper definition and on the wall of your home thanks to dedicated nanospys .
Watching the boat going out of view he fell asleep with a last thought pondering of the loose nanospys traveling the world and the computer power unleashed by nano manufacturing .
As predicted decades ago neural networks was the way to handle information and logic flow-charts . The nanobots took it a notch further and besides copying the brain’s make-up and exceeding it , build the computers right into mundane objects and in the structure of buildings . A part of the wall layer was actually the memory and CPU , the fibber optics and the display itself .
Years ago people were thinking about 64 Giga bites digital camera memory sticks , the size of a thumb , as awesome but today the dense nano weaving technology gave the scientific community and the nation a ultra dense solid , two meter wide cube weighting seven tonnes , and capable of storing all the world information including the personal data and story of every born human , and still have room to spare .
It became known as the Computer Cube , or just the Cube . And routinely people were making a half of meter personal cubes at home that alone have more memory and CPU power than hundreds of western super computers put together . That’s what enabled the eye glory of hyper definition 3-D screens where their pixels size was measured in double digits nano meters and covering now almost any liveable surface in most buildings and apartments , inside and outside . Even the surface of the pavement and sidewalks was a continous visual transformation to the point that you were surrounded by delicious landscapes at every step , to film here ‘ The Wizard of Oz ‘ you wouldn’t need camera tricks .
The realism of the displays gave them delight as a unique and surreal experience , walking down a corridor it may appear as Daniel’s favourite screen saver , a dense tropical forest , or anything else the dwellers would agree on , including the Mirror Room at Versailles or a gentle trail on a tall ridge with wide deep valleys on both sides through the green and white Alps . Going in the national data base one could select from myriads of designs , landscapes , abstract work or fantasy lands provided by the national sharing programme , and what was available showed the bursting creative process thanks to the extra time , intelligence , peace and technology people have now on their hands and in their minds . And all this at a time before the intelligence gene vaccination occurred .
Neural networks imbedded in objects and at the discretion of innovative designers made Artificial Intelligent possible but no matter the level of sophistication achieved , still a ‘soul ‘ was never detected and the machines deciphered languages , solved engineering problems or played complex games without even trying to establish a ‘ self ‘ or an ‘ ego ‘ . The designers were trying to explain it as a normal behaviour since their software never intended to create a ‘ soul ‘ . But the sceptics pointed at the artificial neural structure as being similar in function with the cortex , so than , why don’t we see the same behaviour ? One plausible answer was that matters like ‘ souls ‘ and personality are the product of genes and their double role , of contribution at birth to develop specialized neural structures , and the other daily function , not related to the shape of the neural electrical conduits but instead controlling neural signal switching based on gene production of certain proteins and hormones . It was similar with the hardware of a computer which can be loaded with all types of software , or behaviour but where it also matter if you have add-on circuits .
Some genes in a living body were the software , and the chemicals they induced for production were mixed in a cocktail that changed the sensitivities of certain synaptic connections inducing pathways that could change your mood and how you judge surroundings and situations . That was good to know but no one ever showed any intentions of actually developing ‘ soul ‘ software , the ethics of this society were too firm and true .
Never the less , experimenting with neural models incited them to take a closer look at the original , so they modified nanospys for bio research and safely observed synaptic connections .
The artificial probes had an immediate advantage , while the brain waves are lumbering at some ten Hertz , the nanospy computer using both Giga Hertz clocks and the speed of neural computing , was blasting at the equivalent of Terra Hertz , billion of times faster . To the camera eye the brain worked in slow motion , the thought connections were going back and forth like mellow waves on a quiet pond , so slow that you can easily see where they originated and how they interacted with each other , showing clearly the 3 dimensional interference patterns in the general neural structure .
Working on selected subjects they noticed how in the brain of some people there was a dedicated neural network which echoed the principles of our personal concerns in decision making but , to everyone’s surprise , the
‘ self ‘ was replaced by other subjects that happened to be involved . The positive or negative result was than presented to the cerebral cortex in the same manner as presenting the results for ‘ self ‘ ( 12 ) .
The research teams realised they found the Empathy connection and what Daniel considered the most precious trait of an intelligent being .
In just month the nation went through the second gene therapy , receiving the gift of empathy and within one year people reported a care for others which approached in properties the maternal feeling .
It was a crucial component of a mature society , creating invisible bonds between strangers while maintaining privacy , looking after each other’s needs as a second nature and slowly , reinforced by each day experience , achieving what Daniel predicted and wanted from the beginning : a nation like a true family .
The combined effect over their society by silencing the aggression gene and the emergence of greatly emphatic behaviour start altering their judgement to an extend they demanded from Daniel to add empathy into the anti-aggression retrovirus being sprayed in the world . They didn’t have to beg , he waited and debated only to reinforce their own trust in a major decision making , an event that was about to permanently alter the human specie .
In his mind he saw the big picture and how critical components were coming together : the imposed world restrictions over nano research , the preparation for trial of the underground world , spreading the anti-aggression and empathy retrovirus , all worked together like a sledge hammer to reshape the savage and primitive nature .
Life was changing at every level and it affected food as well just as it was predicted in their initial brain-storming planning sessions . Understanding the intimate structure of food items was all they needed to transfer it to CAD and the nanobots who didn’t care if they were making an apple or a space ship .
Since now everyone was able to download from the National Database the formula of any foods and make them at home , the effects were quick and devastating for the agriculture industry which virtually disappeared in less than two years and nobody cried over it . They kept certain animals mostly for petting zoos , research and education , but , interestingly , as no more were slaughter the vegans forwarded a request to eliminate all animal names from foods and shortly ‘beef’ , poultry’ , ‘lamb’ and so on disappeared from culinary books and food vocabulary .
Today all you needed to make food was , just like the plants , a scoop of dirt from the park , and that was a treasured independence that no other social system could provide .
But they didn’t need to scavenge the turf , they received weekly from the government bags with ready mixed material meant specifically for nanomaking organics .
The food needs of the country were solved almost overnight and soon people start devoting time to sending tonnes of quality foods to needing countries and places struck by disasters . Daniel loved the idea , it was premium international public relations .
But human ingenuity never stops and people start creating fantasy fruits and vegetables not just to play with the taste but more importantly , to provide a solid punch of nutrition every time . And they didn’t even bother nor crossed their minds to patent it , their life philosophy would consider the gesture absurd , specially the children who , used to sharing , wouldn’t understand the concept .
As they became more intimate with the dual chemical and structural functioning of the brain , they understood why the silencing of the aggression gene cleared the mind and raised the IQ , and in the same shot they pined the underlying of what intelligence was , how ideas come about and why some people connect the dots faster and in more creative ways .
The evidence showed that brain access and process of stored information was faster when additional specialized neuron networks were present due to a particular gene . Those networks connected huge groups of regular networks by short cuts which brought together only strategic information related strictly to what objects or thoughts have in common . The process was similar to answering in the quickest way and with the least amount of steps , the question ‘ What a zebra-fish and the Moon have in common ? ‘ . The correct answer ‘ atoms ‘ should come in just two steps when the bypassing networks are present . Since taking short-cuts was known as a ‘ natural ‘ evolutionary behaviour , the principle did not came as a huge surprise .
Discovering the intelligence gene lead to the third national vaccination program and it was revealing to see the eagerness of people lining up at the clinics . Hype expressions like ‘ I got re-gene-rated today ‘ start circulating among the young showing the trend of new thinking , the effects of higher intelligence growing fertile in a worry-free society .
And as the years past after the intelligence gene vaccination , Daniel realised a personal old thought approaching the reality , was all about discovering the Universe and who we are .
It followed the same principle applied to guaranteeing a lottery win: buying all the tickets covering all the possible number combinations . His logic was that , since ideas represent a connection , a computing device loaded with all the human knowledge and working at today’s terra Hertz speed using neural networks should be able to make all possible connection in a finite time frame and doing so reveal the laws of physics , math or anything else that is logic and represents a valid concept . Further more , if logic links appear to be missing , the system would suggest an experiment to determine the correct next dot to be connected . In other words , establishing all possible combinations of the existing knowledge should expose all the laws of our Universe . The scientific community took the idea at heart and build a super Cube , programmed it accordingly and let it run watching anxious the output .
But until the Universe will disrobe itself , the country needed to deal with the present foreign threat and the massing of armed forces at its borders .
The exponential production of nanobots and combat modified nanospys allowed the nation to sealed the national border from human intruders but the State Security was still working with full force on defence weapons and alert systems that will protect the skies completely .
Immediately after the Revolution , Daniel closed the Romanian air space to all foreign traffic but they knew about high altitude NATO reconnaissance flights and a plethora of spying satellites hovering above , some placed in geostationary orbits over the capital city with impunity . The country’s defences blinded the satellites with powerful laser beams 24/7 but Daniel was determined to put a stop to it and give the world a resounding warning , it was a matter of principles and sovereignty .
Thanks to the accelerated weapons research , General Mugur Badea and Dumitru were soon in the position to present Daniel with some peace-of-mind national defence tools by taking him on a field trip to the proving grounds 200 kilometres north of Bucharest in the Carpathian mountains .
Just the excursion alone through the colourful autumn landscape made Daniel feel young again , soaking in the valleys and old weathered hills , trying hard to cheer himself up that absolute peace in the world could not be too far away .
Shortly after entering the mountains he made a quick detour and stopped for a few minutes at the underground biological factory to take a pick at the massive turbofans injecting the latest retrovirus in the atmosphere , vaccinating the world .
His heart filled with pride to see in reality what a decade ago was just a fantasy in an airplane conversation . Now his dream of changing the world for the better was well under way and he still couldn’t get over that he made it so far and without a bullet in the head .
They reached the military testing facility an top of a mountain peak which didn’t show for much except for two large rocks , six meters wide and round shaped . Dumitru explained the absence of other installations :
“ Everything is under ground with the exception of the tracking sensors and the shooting heads placed on all strategic Carpathian’s peaks . Here you looking at a pair … right there , those two large rocks . I know , they look very realistic , ‘naturally’ made by our nanobots “ .
Looking over the clouded old mountains through the light drizzle and
breathing in deep the sweet spice of evergreens , Daniel could not help but close his eyes for a moment and wished he would be here just as a simple tourist and far away from all the turmoil . Dumitru , holding the umbrella high , brought him back to reality :
“ They are hollow and in the one on the right is located the firing platform .
The weapon is a side discovery of the teams dedicated to space engines research . While considering propulsion systems it became clear that antimatter has the most punch per microgram so they concentrated on antimatter constraining devices similar to the magnetic bottle (25) .
That’s when they thought of elongating the bottle following the same principles of electromagnetic rail guns and transforming it in a firing cylinder or canon , (26) . Our nano build switches enabled the alternating electro magnets immersed in liquid nitrogen to cycle into the gigahertz range promising two digit Mach speeds . That puts the bottle neck , pun unintended , on the missile loading mechanism “ .
He helped Daniel through the anti-satellite camouflage , bushes and slippery rocks , down to the hidden elevator entrance and access to the natural caves below . As they arrived and passed the security Daniel prepared him further :
“ Now that we had the launching platform we needed a way to deliver the antimatter . We found that miniature nano engineered spheres made of super magnets can retain the very small amount of antimatter to very high accelerations , exceeding that of the magnetic bottle canon . Once the spheres are in contact with the target they release the antimatter .
We build them resilient enough to survive the launch and the high heating through air by encapsulated them in an aerodynamic shell , the Anti Matter ( AM ) missile . You can think of it as the dreamed ‘ magic bullet ‘ because no armour can stop antimatter … “ .
They entered the command room buzzing with activity , gave a hug to General Mugur Badea , grabbed the regular coffees , Daniel being touched to find his hazelnut cappuccino among the flavours , and took seats in front of the hyper displays .
This military unit was designed to control ten launching platforms and it accommodate a proportional number of people , most of them present now and seating in front of concentric desks watching the weapons and target status . Daniel crossed his legs while listening to Dumitru and warming up to the brew :
“ The AM missile travels at 20 times the speed of sound so unfortunately it is not instantaneous like a beam but it can follow a target independently employing infrared , radar , optical recognition and an Ultra Violet laser for tracking . With firing rates as low as only 1 missile per second per launcher , speed and accuracy are important which lead us to thinking of making it easier for the missile to travel by preparing its path . The idea was borrowed from space ship designs which required much higher speeds , approaching 40 percent of the speed of light , so what’s in front and incoming matters a lot . Now think of a lighting stroke and what it does to the air … it brings it to a plasma state in microseconds creating a tunnel of ions and a far lower density of matter as the air expends . We made something similar involving a powerful Ultra Violet laser creating a fair amount of plasma , loosening the air , sort of speak . The effect is exacerbated by the electrical polarization of the missile which splits the ions sideways and puling them behind along its electrostatic field , basically creating a mini vacuum directly in front “ .
He reached forward tapping the shoulder of an officer watching the action in the section below and asked for a laser pointer . With that and a seep of coffee he opened a sub menu on the wall screen and selected ‘Target ‘ . The image showed an animated trajectory around the Earth and following it with the pointer Dumitru explained :
“ Two days ago we put in orbit a small 3 kilogram target , now moving at 1,200 kilometres per hour . Considering the capabilities of our tracking systems , even at that speed anything is a fair target … if we can do that , an F-18 is a seating duck . For today’s test shot we adjusted the amount of antimatter to the equivalent of one kiloton nuclear explosion “. That startled Daniel :
“ Sorry ? Than what’s the regular ‘grain’ if I can use that term “
“ General Mugur Badea decided on two standards , ten megaton and a tens of a kiloton … but we can load the magnetic spheres to any amount in between , on demand and in minutes “ . He looked at the clock and pointed out :
“ It’s three minutes to noon , and we planed to do the test now for the least amount of visibility against the sun . Watch on the screen the system acquiring the target , arming the launching platform and getting into the stand-by mode , ready to fire … you see the green ‘ Ready ‘ icon ? It waits for you , my dear , just point and click on ‘ Fire ‘ “ .
He handed to Daniel the laser pen who smiled and thought philosophically opposite to Oppenheimer and the Los Alamos Manhattan project : “ I am the protector of worlds , the abolisher of death … and I got today the tool to do it “ .
He placed the laser dot on ‘ Fire ‘ and clicked , watching with anticipation the screen .
A muffled sound came from the walls and ceiling , the sonic boom announcing a successful launch . The AM missile reached the target in seconds and vaporised it on impact creating an Electromagnetic shock wave that flickered the lights in the office towers of European cities and triggered NATO and NORAD defences . For the foreign scientists and military it was like a wake-up bell but without knowing what they should wake up to , but realising that something highly unusual happened up there. Within 48 hours the news delivered to the world will resonate however much louder , more like a canon shot .
The test being successful and not to much of a spectacle on the computer screen , Daniel and his group got back on the road doing more planning while admiring the passing landscape . Mugur wanted to define better the radius of defence around the country :
“ From the top peaks of the Carpathians we can have many nests covering hundreds of kilometres to the horizon , and many more sprinkled along the border … that will seal our airspace to the moon and beyond “ .
Daniel heard the words and the bypassing neural networks bridged an idea in his cortex:
“ All the way up to the Moon , ha ? That’s cool … Than how about a … moon shot ! That should shake up some confidence abroad “ .
“ And the plus of no environmental damage on Earth “ added Vlad seeing the opportunity .
“ Ok , if that’s the case let’s go full blast and load the Moon Shot for a ten megaton blast … Dumitru , what’s the maximum yield ? “
“ Theoretically speaking , is the size of the canon as long as we can contain the antimatter . But for practical reasons is no problem to make a demo sphere with the maximum diameter of the magnetic launcher … that would give an yield of … approximately the equivalent of a 500 megaton thermonuclear blast … probably a 25 kilometre crater … that would be a new feature on the Moon right ? “ he added laughing , “ who we’ll name it after ? “ . All smiled at the idea , and Victor was the first with a suggestion :
“ Let’s call it the Revolution crater “ .
“ Why not , it’s meaningful … the Revolution crater it is ! Everyone
agree ?“. The name was good and all approved . Daniel ironed the details :
“ Vlad , I’ll prepare a one page statement to the major powers and assorted media , I’ll have it ready by tomorrow morning “ .
Back in the capital he called the advisors for a strategy meeting on how to show off their defence technology without revealing details . At the end they decided on three shots : a drone at 14 kilometres height and speed of Mach 20 , a second shot destroying an orbiting satellite at 900 kilometres and finally the Moon crater .
Daniel considered very important to see the reaction of the generals , presidents and specially the underworld figures so he made arrangements for simultaneous coverage of the subjects during the Moon Shot .
Daniel wrote the memo to the world , send it to Vlad , and went to bed thinking of the world reaction , with his brain whispering the song ‘ War , what is it good for ? … Absolutely Nothing ! ‘ . Unless the wellbeing of the world depended on it …
The same autumn was spilling colourful leaves over London making it look like a impressionist painting with the Tames river as a contrasting silver ribbon .
From the 4th floor of the BBC building , Jane , secretary of the chief editor , was admiring the changing seasons and seeping on a tea when the old and dusty teletype writer reserved for telex from what she called ‘ retarded ‘ countries , came alive startling her with the sharp sound of a real bell she didn’t hear in years . Intrigued and thinking of faulty equipment she reached under the fax desk annoyed by the racket made by the old IBM typing ball . She watched a full page being printed and than the machine stopped . She picked up the slightly yellowed paper and in amazement read the sender’s name : ‘ The President of Romania and the Romanian Government ‘ . It could be a prank , she thought but all looked authentic and the communication line was part of the secured , dedicated diplomatic channel . By the time she reached half way through the page , the tea was forgotten and she was almost running to her boss office .
Alan Shapiro , BBC editor in chief , never saw Jane so white and agitated and he thought of another major terrorist threat . But waving the paper and briefly explaining how she got it , Jane insisted to read the communiqué . First thing Alan did after understanding what’s going on was to call the office of the Prime Minister who immediately invoked an emergency session with the MI 6 .
Less than an hour later the British Prime Minister was reading the page surrounded by his top security brass .
“ Listen to this , it’s unbelievable … From the President of Romania and the Romanian Government … to the world leaders … We , the Romanian people had being the subject of spying harassment by foreign governments for more than a decade and , in spite repeated warnings , the abuse continued . We decided to put an end to it , and starting October 30 , 2026 , zero hours GMT , the Romanian air space as defined by the international borders , from the ground to half distance to the Moon , will be absolutely prohibited to any air vehicles or satellites . Any intrusive objects will be shutdown immediately and without questioning or warning , and all responsibilities will lye with the owners of the destroyed object …“ . An ‘ Ahh ’ was heard from the British generals and politicians gathered tightly around the conference table . They could not fathom a primitive country like what they thought Romania was , to impose the ‘ Empire ‘ air restrictions ! ‘ The nerve of those bastards ! ‘ thought the Prime Minister , and kept on reading :
“ … We will demonstrate to the world that we have the means to implement our restrictions 24/7 , therefore we are asking you to witness a demonstration of our capabilities . On Saturday , October 24 , 2026 starting at 18:00 hours GMT the following events will occur … at precisely 18:00 hours a target traveling at Mach 20 at 10 kilometres altitude flying North to South along the Romanian Western border , will be destroyed …” .
One of the military figures exclaimed “ Mach 20 ! What kind of targets are those guys flying … that’s faster than the Space Shuttle re-entry “ . The Prime Minister nodded appreciating the information and continued :
“ … The second event will destroy a satellite at 900 kilometres altitude and a speed of 18,500 Km/Hr , the target , catalogued by NASA as ‘ Rogue 09-26 ‘ , will be hit at 18:15 GMT when exactly at coordinates 45 latitude north and 25 degrees longitude east … and the last target will be a display of energy release from our devices at 18:30 GMT . The energy release will be the equivalent of a 400 megatons thermonuclear blast . The place of detonation will be … the lower right quadrant of the … Moon ! “ .
That was too much for the people on the country’s defence board and they wanted to hear the statement again just to make sure they are not dreaming.
“ Hang on please , there is one more bit … The crater which will form due to the explosion will be named … the Revolution crater ! “ .
The Generals were shacking their heads not wanted to be the first to acknowledge such a heresy , totally unexpected from that tiny country , not to mention they had absolutely nothing to report for years in terms of intelligence on Romania . Was a fiasco on their side and the brass tried to divert the subject of responsibility , demanding to see the test first and talk later .
The British Prime Minister finished reading the statement bringing to attention that copies have being distributed to hundreds of media including independent web sites . After heated discussion they realised that for the moment , they could do nothing more than observed the test in 48 hours and take notes together with their NATO counterparts .
As they left , some went to their links with the underworld and , oblivious to the hundreds of nanospys that followed them , incriminated their governments further .
The evening of the Moon Shot found Daniel in his apartment and in good company , Victor and Vlad were hanging around . Daniel cozy up to his favourite red wine , setting up the screens to watch the effect on the underworld lords and a close up of the future location on the Moon of the Revolution crater . Victor , looking funny wearing a woman’s apron , was on the terrace busy with the BBQ and some steaks while Vlad was talking to Marina on the wall screen , all showing a relaxed , ‘ in control ‘ type of cool behaviour .
Daniel setup more , smaller screens , following the activity at the weapons centre , voyeur spots on main world plazas to see people’s reactions and one of his favourites , the Oval Office . The clock read a half an hour to go so he took one more glance satisfied with the screens alignment and went on the balcony to have a cigarette and bug Victor .
Laying against the rail he gazed over the city , enjoying the buzz of the red wine , dragging hard on the cigarette through the uncooperative safety filter , and resting his eyes on the full moon up in the darkening skies .
Here he was , in an ivory tower the size of a nation , at arm length away from unleashing the most powerful weapon in the history of man kind , watching from his living room live and unseen people and events half across the world while lounging comfortably and seeping on a delicious wine in the company of dear friends .
‘ Was this true and real ? ‘ he asked himself turning around and watching through the glass doors Vlad joking with Marina on the NetLink .
He smelled the mouth watering steaks and helped Victor prepare the plates , almost ready to serve while the wine helped making it all a bit more dreamlike , after all how often you have supper while giving a major lesson to the world .
There was just ten minutes to go and all three gathered on the sofa around the large coffee table , start enjoying the meal and opened a bottle of champagne to mark the moment .
General Badea appeared on the main screen and seeing the three of them gorging on that appetizing meal complained jolly that he could smell the darn stakes . Than he informed them all was on track and ready to start the automated three event sequence .
But Daniel was focusing on the screens showing the underworld figures , in his strategic planning , that’s all it counted , the whole exercise and show-off was for those bastards’ benefit , to scare them from trying anything involving their armies .
The first two shots , the drone and the satellite , went as planed but for the people on the ground it didn’t show for much . Everyone was waiting for 18:30 and the Moon Shot , looking through all sizes of telescopes and gadgets while the cartographers were getting ready to redraw the map of the Moon .
With five minutes to go Daniel moved the wall image bringing to centre the row of screens showing the top underworld figures , and zoomed in concentrating on their facial expression .
The four screens , live clips of those people lives , showed a variety of backgrounds and decors with an occasional body guard walking by .
Silently Daniel observed them one by one . As he passed three of them , suddenly , from nowhere , the obvious thought occurred to him . He stood up , slapped loudly his forehead , grabbed the laser pointer and hurried clicked on Marina ’s link . The clapping noise startled Victor and Vlad , both looking up at him .
“ I am an idiot ! “ Daniel almost screamed . Victor smiled and couldn’t help it after a glass of wine : “ We know that , what’s the point ? “ . Marina just connected and said Hi , Daniel waved to her and explained :
“ You know guys , we are sending at random retroviruses when right here“, pointing to the row of screens , “ we have the main juicy targets we always wanted … I think the intelligence vaccine just kicked in because I clearly see a bunch of nanospys on their happy way to inoculate those bastards in 72 hours ! How about that ? “ .
They looked at him stunned , can not believing that something that obvious didn’t hit them in the face much earlier all the way back at the planning stage .
Daniel glimpsed at the clock knowing he can not delay the Moon shot so he hurried , trying to take it off his chest :
“ I think I have the explanation … we are too civilized and polite … sending remotely the retroviruses puts us at a comfortable distance from the oblivious patient , a different story from having to tie them down and forcefully administer the vaccine … our conscience could live with that specially knowing it was proven safe and is for their own good . But now , with a gun at our head the situation has changed , our survival instincts opened the door to more conniving and aggressive thoughts , even against our genetic make-up “ . The clock showed just two minutes to go .
“ So , Marina please make arrangements to immediately send nano teams to vaccinate not just the centre figures but absolutely every bad guy they come in contact , in the order of rank . Also , the surveillance teams for each of the under lords must carry from now on Ricin in enough amounts to do the job three times over , just as a redundancy “ . Marina wanted to make sure :
“ Daniel , you said Ricin as in the deadly poisonous lectin , right ? “
“ Yes indeed , and I understand your concern , but we can’t take chances anymore … we are trying in many ways to avoid violence never mind killing but our smarts tells us we need a fail-proof back-up system , there is just too much at risk , we advanced too far to let it all go because of a handful of mentally deranged chimpanzees … Also I authorize in advance all the resource divergence , ahead of the council , and I would also like two psychoanalysts assigned to each figure to determine and document the transformation … it might receive a Nobel prize for Peace “ , he laughed .
“ Ok guys, time’s up , let’s have a … blast ! “ .
All the eyes focused on the top screen showing the lower right quadrant of the full Moon with crisp shadows and bright patches among overlapping crater ridges . Almost the same picture was shown by BBC , CNN and many other TV stations with colourful commentaries and speculations .
At time zero the screen filled instantaneously with a white bright light lasting for five long seconds forcing the cameras to draw back , and they needed to keep going until the whole moon could be seen awashed in a expanding greyish haze , creating new shadows and giving the moon a new face . The dust raised by the firestorms floated around for two years as a shocking and factual reminder of the new power in the world .
On the close ups of warlords’ faces Daniel could see the fine wrinkles of worry establishing as the pictures and the information start coming in , and how sweet it was , for a change they feared for their lives .
The Revolution crater made its point even at the expense of the foreign media painting Romania as an evil , communist nation . Specially communist … But Daniel didn’t worry , with the ammunition collected so far , he will deal with the international public image later .
More pressing issues arrived in the following days when the nanospys transmitted live an emergency meeting between the underworld leaders showing they were not used to be intimidated easily and the decades of being in full control made them cocky and belligerent .
They decided , to Daniel’s horror , to nuke Bucharest , Constanta and Craiova in one week time by means of an undercover mission originating from the carrier Nimitz and the British destroyer Daring , ( 13 ) , a type 45 ship also equipped with guided missile , which were already in the Black Sea surrounded by dozens of support vessels and two nuclear submarines. The attack would have being followed by a mass invasion using the troops stationed at ready around Romania .
The escalation took on a totally new meaning forcing the Board of Advisors and Daniel to draw a plan and to give another , more serious , warning to the bad guys and the world .
With only six days left , the preparations were going non stop with a great accent on modifying the nanospys to work under water and disable the submarines .
Their main concern was not to kill anybody and in those circumstances , specially with the subs , it was a tricky undertaking . Dealing with the surface ships and troops around the borders was child play but neutralizing anything under water without causing death was another matter and again the whole nation was asked to participate in bouncing ideas . How do you penetrate and disable a sub without killing the crew using just the nanospys ? The decision was to take advantage of the periodical communication routine of the sub which involves raising to the surface a transmission antenna through a sealed hole .
The idea was to damage the rubber seal of the antenna cable , disrupt the communication process , force it to surface , enter the submarine and put the crew to sleep. After that the Romanian special forces will remove the nuclear missiles , disable the sub permanently and leave it floating , waiting to be rescued . A similar plan was drawn for the rest of the surface ships and with one day to spare the operation was ready to start being given the code name “ Flag “ because a cute suggestion from Maria to leave a startling surprise for NATO besides loosing face and a few dozen nukes .
Since the first presence of the hostile flotilla in the Black Sea , the nanospys provided continuous coverage of the activities on board , revealing the captain’s safe lock combination , the launching codes , the layout of the ships and access to the nuclear missiles .
The underwater sonars kept track of the two submarines playing hide and seek along the international waters until a floating type of transmitting nanobots took over after being air dropped and forming a surface grid probing the depth bellow and sending the data in ultra short radio bursts while alternating the encoded wave length . Dozens of medium size boats were waiting under camouflage with the crew trained to retrieve live ammunition and already familiar with the NATO ships after watching on the hyper definition screens the live nanospy transmissions .
As the night of the attack descended the Romanian retrieval boats departed and shortly after the two nuclear submarines raised their floating antennas for the routine update of the marching orders .
As the floaters start bobbing in the waves , a swarm of over one million aquatic nanospys each carrying a minute load of a powerful acid covered the rubber seal of the cables and one by one burned a microscopic hole which brought them inside the winching mechanism . It took 5 minutes before the squirting salt water from the tiny entrance hole sprayed enough the electronic gear bellow to cause a short and shut down the wench besides blowing a few fuses and lighting up the control panel in the engineering room . Five minutes later the separation hatch opened and the sailors start doing the repairs wondering aloud where the water came from.
The swarm of nanospys carrying knock-out drugs invaded the interior and separated following each member of the crew , programmed to administer the shot in the scalp , at the base of hairs in order to look like minute pimples if at all . It was a given that the event will stir up a massive investigation and no one wanted to leave a trail leading to nano technology.
The captains ordered nervously to have both subs rise to surface and got in touch with the Nimitz explaining the situation . But also this was the signal Daniel was waiting for and immediately he activated all the nanospys which obediently , in less than two minutes , put to sleep the entire NATO flotilla .
Aboard the high-tech ships the eerie silence was interrupted only by the radios left on , the ocean waves and the growing buzz from the approaching Romanian boats .
It was war nano-style and in the most extreme situation when only one side had the technology and therefore the obliteration was guaranteed .
Luckily for the thousands of sailors , this time Ricin was replaced with a narcotic but it’s doubtful that a Hitler would have made the same choice .
Daniel also had the option to send asleep the ground forces on the west side of the border but he saved it only if things didn’t go as planned .
But was hard to make a fatal mistake under those circumstances and the Romanian crews boarded safely , pulled the sleeping bodies from the visible upper decks , went through all cafeterias and kitchens sprinkling on plates and food , as a diversion , traces of a powder with the same chemical composition as the sleeping drug , removed all the nuclear weapons , disabled the ships and submarines and , before leaving , deposited a special surprise for NATO , Marina’s idea .
Under the Cheyenne mountain the military brass was just starting to receive interesting information from the tracking stations reporting loss of communication with the submarines and the whole armada .
It didn’t make sense , they thought , it must be a computer glitch , but even after repeated system resets only silence came from the ether .
It didn’t look good and they pointed spying satellites to search for signs of trouble but the darkness didn’t help and the infrared signatures were near normal .
A group of F-18s from Turkey arrived over the trouble area 45 minutes later, made low pass flights and start sending digital pictures . One after another the high definition frames revealed nothing threatening , no bodies but also a shocking zero crew activity . With no fires or signs of explosions all they could do is wait for an hour and a half until helicopters would turn up , land and give live reports .
As the dawn arrived the first chopper made a pass over Nimitz and better pictures were send to the command centre . Crowding together , wondering in their thoughts of what could happened , they looked carefully over the new digital shots , scanning the bodies of the ships but again , no damage could be seen .
And than , one of the officers gasped , raised his hands and hit the ‘ pause‘ button .
He tried to talk but his throat was too dry and when only unintelligible sounds came out he reached for the magnification slide and in one blurring motion the end of the ship filled the screen . As the brightness was increased and the colors came from the shadows they heard a three star general screaming “ Noooo !!! “ and they saw with astonishment that the oversized flag gently weaving in the wind , was not the American flag … it was a Romanian one . A little present , compliments of Marina .
And on the window of Nimitz’ command deck was a musical note and a short message written in red lipstick , John Lennon’s eternal message , “ All we are saying is give Peace a chance “ …
One by one every ship displayed the same flag and the hairs on their bodies stood up , the images making their faces look in stupor , there was no imaginable explanation at that moment which , combined with the magnitude of the event , made them feel totally open and vulnerable .
And they should , for month each of them was carrying their private , unknown and uninvited nanospys .
The following NATO investigation revealed the culprit sprinkled in the food but they had no idea how it got there or how every sailor passed out at the same time , leaving the event shrouded in a spooky cloud , while the Masters entered the denial phase of loosing , blaming the inept military and giving orders to regroup . The isolation they were living in , surrounded only by vassal brutes and crooked world manipulators , gave them a false sense of security and power that now was blinding them and slowly drowning their judgment . In spite of better advice from presidents and their entourage who retreated the flotilla and the troops from the border lines defusing the situation , they were still stubborn and kept busy brewing new ways to infiltrate Romania .
In mid time , to Daniel’s delight , the empty casings of the nuclear bombs and the American and British flags joined the exhibit and décor in Café Americana , serving as more reminders of the real and present danger out there .
Chapter seven : Peace on Earth
With the threat removed for now people put the Moon Shot and the Flag stunt behind them as a great success and with a reinforced feel of security the nation went back to its routine , concentrating on developing and having fun with the new technology but also keeping an eye on the world statistics revealing crime . It was an anticipation in the air , similar to the rumours before the end of world conflagrations when people were hoping for the arrival of eternal peace .
But you can’t have eternal peace when a few deranged people will fight among each other for world domination just because their brains were wired to accept only that as deep satisfaction . For them was more than money because they already had enough of it , but having obedient servants as heads of states around the world and the power with it gave them the adrenaline rush needed to keep the sparkle in their lives , and without any concern of the damage it does to other people , a true portrait of a psychopath .
In their skewed brains even a bloodhound couldn’t sniff a single trace of the empathy gene . And that’s what the humanity had to put up with for millennia under butt-holes like Napoleon , Attilas , Bushes and the rest of the natural evolution douche bags .
Now , with the turbofans in the Carpathians spreading world wide the anti-aggression and empathy genes , for the first time ever there was hope for a significant change and the Romanians were waiting patiently to see it happened , it was their turn to hope for the elusive eternal peace .
In view of the security threats more production was diverted to provide
100 % safety , a task unachievable with the standard police methods .
As Daniel was discussing the subject on the secure National Network during the usual call-ins on the Debate TV channel , people were coming up with ideas and suggestions , pointing to the voyeur channel ‘ Feel the World ‘ showing the degrading outside society , and expressing concerns of ‘ contamination ‘ .
Pretty soon the nation realized they were asking for isolation at the most extreme level but , unlike animals who can sniff who is part of the family , humans can infiltrate each others and even the genetic or pesticide test didn’t give them full confidence .
They wanted an absolute way of identification but tags and tattoos were not on the table . The population was carrying already under skin the NEST capsule ( Nanobot Emergency Set ) inserted after age 18 , and that was enough grafts .
The solution came from an appropriate source , a 10 year old kid who was doing favours to friends by baby-seating and watching the show .
On the Air and live her idea sounded so straight forward and intuitive that the audience stood up , applauded and cheered .
She said that all we need is … nano-sitters , to follow and look after us 24/7 .
And so the nanositers were born , modified nanobots in groups of approximately 100,000 units per person with different functions assigned to every citizen at birth .
In their latest version , after numerous add-on and developments , they knew you virtually inside out and that’s exactly what people wanted for their personal welfare . Decades before , visionaries predicted microscopic medical devices that would wonder through our bodies destroying tumours, oxidants , bacteria and anything else that didn’t belong . The nanositers were doing now just that and much more .
Not only they were protecting the health of the body but they also looked for dangers from the outside , at the pedestrian crossing , playing golf , watching for animals when walking through the forest and making sure the elevator was working properly .
When people met or just passing by on the street , their nanositers would interact like a hand shake , confirming that both were part of the same tribe.
But was far more than just a ‘ hello ‘ , in such ephemeral meetings the nanositers could exchanged information imbedded in their program specifically for such encounters : let’s say you had a question that only other humans could answer , the nanositers will question the data base of the stranger and if , and only if allowed , would deposit the question to be viewed immediately or later by their master , depending on the ‘ discretion ‘ settings . It was a polite , hi-tech way to not be intrusive when wanting more than just a hand wave .
It could be even your phone number and a video , it was as close as you can get to reading minds but only through the buffer of nanositers and only what was allowed .
And so privacy never disappeared , the system was not trucking you , you were tracking the system by interrogating it for information while all you were asked was ‘ Are you a citizen ? ‘ . Their privacy was guaranteed by a system design that didn’t care about your ID as long as you are a certified native . That’s all , no records of usage , tracking or surveillance, simply because it was not needed , the services were all free for anybody with no strings attached , as long as your nanositers said you were OK .
Complying with the whole national defence , set to reveal any foreign or domestic nano devices entering the borders and air space , in every home the personal nanositers had the job of continuingly surveying the private quarters for intruders at any scale .
Hence the reality that you could not possibly have a more guaranteed privacy than in the nano world . Of course , given that Daniel or a similar benevolent person was your nation leader …
Communicating permanently with the NetLink ( the secure National Network ) and therefore directly to the Cube , the National Supercomputer , the nanositers knew ahead of events and situations , informing their host of any issues .
They were talking interactively to their master through a simple in-ear implant , switching to the function of a radio , a cellular , a calculator , reading a novel , a physics manual or even the Encyclopaedia Britannica on a voice command . And there were rumours of direct neural network implants , that would connect people’s brains to the National Supercomputer and present them with amazing new surprises .
Until than , the nanositers became teachers , doctors and body guards , providing the identification , privacy and security people wanted , now they could say fondly they have angels on their shoulders and not lying .
And sure enough , almost everybody gave names to their nanositers , a truly personal affair , because , naturally , the masters start talking to them like talking to a real person .
Daniel , following the trend , choose a soft warm voice with a sweet Asian accent and named her Trinh .
She made a great companion , looking after him , talking to him and sometimes acting like a clairvoyant such as when whispering in his ear
“ Vlad just entered the elevator in the lobby , dear … do you want me to open the door for him ? “ . He couldn’t resist “ Sure sweetie , thanks ! “ , was like talking to a wife .
Except this wife never sleeps , has 100,000 hands and eyes , has a few PhDs , knew more about him inside and out than himself and made the best body guard . She could give an instant read on his cholesterol level , blood pressure , nutrient intake and on and on , until Daniel asked her politely to skip it and just give him the summary .
“ You are healthy dear … your biological age is 36 “ she said in a smiling voice .
She became an integral part of his life and a lovely companion , he could ask her anything , statistics , economy information , the weather , foreign reports , while in the morning her sweet voice woke him up gently :
“ Hi dear ! It’s nine o’clock … time to wake up … all the body functions are fine except your bladder , you know what I mean dear … I started the coffee and the weather is fantastique ! “ . He was smiling already “ Good morning sweetie ! “ and went pee in a hurry forgetting to grab his housecoat .
As part of the morning routine he didn’t have to brush his teeth , the nanositers assigned dental duty were busy all the time scaling , cleaning , disinfecting … brushes , toothpaste and dentists went the way of the dinosaurs . While busy on the throne , Trinh whispered in his ear the day’s schedule :
“ Not very busy today , first we’ll need to take care of the parts production and , for a change , today we’ll make 100 memory units for kid’s computers , I already programmed the nanobots . Than , at one thirty , you have an appointment with the Board of Advisors to discuss trends in education and review a new progress report by Marina on perpetual life . After that , dear , you’re free ! “ . Trinh looked after him in more ways , helping with the moral , telling him the latest jokes and generally trying hard to cheer him up . He treasured their intimacy and keeping in mind his lonely past thought joking , “ I just found my sweetheart ! “ . But was so much he didn’t see yet .
The issue of privacy transpired at the national level from the beginning considering the secrets were too valuable but in the same time the family members needed to be in touch unimpeded , so Dumitru setup an improved secured fibber optics network which united all the households and opened an universe in communications , personal relations , community services , computer power and Daniel’s favourite , the Debate TV channel .
But on the outside of the fibber network all the communications , nano devices and computer links used low power lasers at such high speed of data transfer that snow or rain didn’t affect it . The buildings façade , side walks , street signs , benches and other public objects were not just mesmerizing pieces of art but also very functional being embedded with low power lasers and sensors to complete what now was called the secure NetLink.
The power of the system came from high speed computers , tonnes of fast memory and specially from the neural network design which took the 2008 ‘ grid ‘concept , ( 13 ) , which was already 10,000 times faster than cable , even higher .
The NetLink security was absolute for the same reasons a child could not be kidnapped , and that was thanks to the nanositers which provided the approved link to the access of the network and its hyper definition screens . And for the same reason parents could now watch their children on the wall screen anytime , anywhere , adding to their peace of mind .
The day the system came into operation gave the CIA a heart attack because Romania suddenly became a black spot on their surveillance equipment , a place void of any radio or microwave traffic .
That enabled Daniel to have the most frank conversations and debates ever heard in public TV and many times the technology enabled them to give live examples supporting their arguments by tuning into the World Voyeur set of thousands of channels , entering the board of directors of major companies during heated debates , the secret corridors of governments and the most revealing of all , the acts of the underworld figures .
It was surreal , like gods judging lesser beings , pointing magic wands and making walls became midnight alleys , secret meetings or the NATO Cheyenne command centre , all live and direct , looking over the shoulders of millions of oblivious mortals .
It was a new World Order and only a fraction of the world was aware , a thought that always put a broad smile on Daniel’s face .
And than the mavericks of science stepped in , fine tuning the neural networks , designing ‘ plastic ‘ neurons that could change dendrites and have multiple axons , new connections based on feedback inputs from the rest of the artificial brain , and the Computer Cube omnipresent in every home or institution was taking on new heights of power and sophistication.
As new applications of the nanobots were discovered also there were other pleasant surprises : for once , the garbage disappeared . Since nanobots can scavenge anything , they used every molecule of garbage regardless if it was house-hold or industrial . And with the garbage , pollution of any kind disappeared too .
Specialized nano units were forming a net crossing the Danube river , filtering the dirty and chemically polluted waters by the industrialized nations upstream . It was a treasure cove of heavy metals , platinum , gold and other goodies that were picked up with a frenzy at such efficiency that the waters downstream became crystal clear , for the first time in centuries one could see the bottom of the river , 10 meters below , to the delight of fisherman . They did the same with the Black Sea using the underground currents , just as with the Danube , to harness energy using turbines , besides getting free raw minerals . The whole economy was reduced at extracting and preparing premixed raw materials , done with huge grinders and sorting nanobots , and than the actual manufacturing of parts , food or anything else .
As expected , with food made at home and recipes on the NetLink , the agriculture vanished and left behind huge areas of land that were transformed in parks , forests and for the first time ever , entirely nano-build cities .
Daniel had a ball participating in the revolutionary designs specially since he didn’t have to leave his comfortable apartment .
Every family had a say in the architecture and options , some wanted swimming pools , other gardens which came with a meter deep top soil , and the CAD system made anything possible even at 60 stories high .
At that height the bottom of the pool can be set to ‘ transparent ‘ and after a couple of glasses of wine Daniel surly could feel flying .
In his new apartment you could hardly find a straight line or angle and all was fit to enhance the visual credibility of the Hyper Screen which Daniel thought of , like many others , as his personal Hollow Deck .
Keeping the standard 5 meter ceiling , the designs took advantage of the available new space and spread the homes on two levels surrounded by custom outdoor pathways , elaborate fountains and rows of flowers as per owner’s specifications . This variety was giving the façade a magic visual dynamic with swirling curves , squares , floating swimming pools and gardens , and all this besides the mind bugling designs generated by the whole surface of the building as it was covered entirely by the Hyper Display : today a Matisse , tomorrow Toulouse Lautrec , and than perhaps a frozen or moving in the wind forest .
Since material procurement and labour never even entered the discussion , custom designs were the norm and variety simply blasted together with things which in other worlds would be considered as luxury , like private elevators to each apartment .
The new buildings were totally self sustaining , from water to energy , and it was easy when the entire structural surface was one solar panel with large wind turbines on the roof and smaller ones , more discrete on the outdoors of each suite .
The integration also took care of communications and it was no way one can get lost anywhere , the nanositers were in permanent touch with the nation’s system , from opening or calling the elevator to alerts and any desired information .
Security was always first priority and their best tool , live ‘ Feel the World ‘ voyeur channel , was reminding , if not scaring them every day .
By law every new nano building had a 100 meter deep luxury bunker where all dwellers and their guests can live for as long as needed . Further more , all were connected and embedded with extreme security measures and traps against intruders because , if they ever will be forced to live into them , there was no further place to go . But the buildings were like reinforced vertical bunkers brisling with hidden antimatter missile launchers , passive detection and surveillance drones , all at ready under masked integrated architecture . Even the speed of personal elevators could be adjusted for emergency so when strapped down , the cabin would simply fall under gravity all the way down 300 meters or more bellow and be decelerated to a tolerance level . Yet people start doing it for fun , like a private ‘ Drop of Doom ‘ from the amusement parks .
Considering the future possibilities , the science directors advised the nation to prepare beyond the ear implant . While already was great to have perfect stereo sound from any sources , they realized the much grander capabilities of the brain specially remembering Nicola Tesla and his occasional problems reading the schematics because in front of his eyes , overlapping the reality , he could actually see in 3-D the object he was designing . So they made sure all the communications embedded in buildings , clothing , street signs and everything else , will be compatible with direct brain communication , an unavoidable future .
While the second stage of integration called for the ear implants to be developed further into direct connections to the auditory nerve , as was done in the past to help deaf people , the third stage was predicted to involve the neuro cortex directly and Daniel was drooling for that moment .
Until then , the nation gladly went through the second ear implant phase and now people could hear music and sounds like never before .
The nanositers took on the new role of controlling the auditory nerve interface following the owner’s voice commands .
Once the primitive natural auditory system was taken out of play and bypassed by sensors far exceeding the hearing of a dog or owl , the realm of sound unfolded in all its beauty and subtleties .
Now one can hear music directly inside the head with an astonishing clarity and the ability to separate instruments individually , having a sensation better than being right in the middle of the orchestra .
The computer-adjusted input was well beyond sound engineering as it was known , giving the feeling of floating inside the music with the ability of adjusting and balancing each instrument similar to mixing fluids .
But people could also adjust the range and frequencies they wanted to hear , from top ultrasound to bottom low , being able to sense the rumble of earthquakes , tsunamis and avalanches , which was an welcomed safety feature , or they could ask their nanositers to turn the sound completely off for a great night sleep .
Making a phone call was as simple as whispering the name but the whole communication capabilities were a light year ahead of what we understand as ‘ phones ‘ . Since the surface of every building was made from hyper display inside and out , you could talk to your mother , walk and see her live picture following you at eye level across the façades as they came about , if you didn’t mind the luck of privacy and if it was room from the other users , but never the less you could find a free spot somewhere to chat . Or you could handle a situation concerning your job , or simply stopping to see how the surf was in Hawaii .
National or local emergencies were send this way too but you could also be at a loud party and talk to your girlfriend across the noisy room like you would talk into her ear , or be across the country , all the same , hands free and hearing with the brain not with the ears anymore .
Daniel , being old enough and seeing too many things , was considering the survival factor so he asked the engineers to leave the natural audio connection available and be the default if the nano version fails . The unexpected benefit of this safety feature was that it gave people the opportunity to appreciate more the new compared to the original and consolidated in their sub-consciousness the thirst for self improvements .
Mentioning neural implants to someone in 2000 would raise eyebrows and invite a conversation but the same statement would render you crazy just 200 years ago . Already experiencing three gene vaccinations , two phases of audio implants with results that thrilled everyone , and handling every day the nano technology put the nation in an open state of mind where they were not just enjoying their prosperity but they were demanding more and specially the neural implants which were the talk of the NetLink and the inspiration of teenagers .
No doubt teens wanted more toys but Daniel took care of their education and social skills to make sure the new tech doesn’t turn them into isolated individuals .
Thanks to the nanositers who also made great tutors , there were no more lonely kids , and loneliness together with loveless were things Daniel was determined to eradicate so he encouraged group studies and activities even though the remote display technology could take care of a number of needs . Instead , the education system organized the students in small groups and with the nano tools available , learning took on a new dimension .
Getting together using the hyper display was fun and it seemed real so one could throw a party of 20 with nobody actually leaving their homes , but Daniel saw it as a danger to social skills and further enticed the young to participate directly in events organized daily by the government .
Being free of aggression and with an increased sense of empathy helped them beyond higher intelligence and concentration , it also biased their brains into an elevated humanitarian mode that directly influenced decision making in totally unexpected ways .
People simply became unwilling to win competitions because they new the statistics : three winners and hundreds if not thousands of losers . That was unacceptable for their view of life and so the competition concept was discarded and forgotten , being replaced by group discussions , common effort and cooperation , with an honest intention of not making anybody feel like losers or left behind . People could always sense love and now , more than ever , it was pouring and no umbrellas in site , just as Daniel wanted .
Counting so much on the new generation , the government guided the lucky arrivals into a society free of crime and health problems with the help of nanositers looking after them from birth , with older people who used their figure of authority to protect the young from ugly thoughts and make sure that mutual respect and consideration were taken as the absolute norm .
They wanted to make the kids feel at home anywhere , as part of a very large and loving family , the pride creation of an ascending specie .
Daniel could see , watching the people of his age , that with the nanositer’s medical care this society might as well became in the long run a place where elders will carry the memories and the flame of protectionism burning hot , and he liked it because he knew how easy it was for the young to take it all for granted . Having old and new blood was a healthy mix and he could imagine in the future a population made up of individuals hundreds of years old , professionals sharing their experience , maintaining and growing a vast live luggage of information , the envy of any society . Just imagine the strides in science if people like Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci would still be among us and at full potential …
He was not off the mark judging the new life expectancies considering that nanositers , over 100,000 strong for every member of the society , were taking care 24/7 for all the body needs , from dental to digestion , including administration of the right supplements at the right place and time , repairing tissue and scavenging for damaging foreign matter , to the effect that aging stopped and retracted , giving Daniel and most in his age group the appearance of early forties . Under this care one could not possibly get sick , period . He felt bad about all the effort Marina put into the national supplement program but the research and the new formulas didn’t go to waste and now it was delivered directly by the servant nanositers .
But people’s eyes were the human part that told the story and described the new society in a nut shell , they were the eyes of a worry-free , independent , calm and kind people , very much like the expression of the ones who briefly experienced death and gained a new perspective on life .
The new nano Medicare was so good that after the first decade and a half the number of death declined to a level where there was a shortage of corpses for the medical schools and research , and the perpetual life research project wasn’t even completed .
This predicted circumstance prompted the Advisors to bring the population increase into focus again .
But already , without any particular education or alertness programs , the nation understood the need for conscientious decisions when coming to birth control , so they applied science to calculate precisely what their territory could accommodate , made that figure public and discussed it on the Debate TV . With the time on hold and aging at a trickle , with even better possibilities in the near future , new families had no issues in delaying having the one child suggested unanimously by the national referendum and the result it self showed clearly the maturity achieved by their society.
One of the milestones in the nano technology related to space exploration came five years after the start of the nano revolution . Following historical patterns in technological influences over society , just as William Shockley received the Nobel Prize in 1956 for the invention of the transistor (9) that changed electronics and brought in computers , the nano revolution was no exception and became another opened door , far more massive for that , to significant and life changing discoveries .
Dumitru made the historical presentation in front of a full house of advisors and ministers :
“ Good to have you all here today because I have some great news to share with you regarding our space project and much , much more … As you recall the main obstacle was the combination of energy pack and the propulsion system . We search long and hard from lasers to nuclear , plasma and magnetic fields but nothing offered the compact package we were after . The only viable solution was … antimatter “ . The audience recognized the controversial issue specially recalling the Moon Shot . Dumitru explained :
“ Antimatter is a very tricky state to handle as you remember from my explanations on the AM missile , so we used the same magnetic bottle design to contain it . The real issue was the safe manufacturing of antimatter … “ .
He turned on the wall display and started an animation of the process .
“The solution was to modified the nanobots giving them six magnetic cups which now we are using as magnetic bottles . The hard issue of actually manufacturing antimatter quickly and safely was solved by increasing the speed of magnetic switching in the retaining nano cups to below attoseconds by a factor of ten (4) . This way we replaced the need for super high energy collisions , which was the traditional way of manufacturing antimatter , and instead we use super fast electrostatic switching speeds at the nano level , inside the magnetic retaining cups , to squeeze particles together and create antiprotons but just one at a time … We than guide the antiproton via more magnetic cups and inject them into the burning chamber which is a nano scale version of a reinforced magnetic bottle . Inside the nano engine we mix one proton with one antiproton and guide the energy resulted outside having the same net effect as a rocket engine except being far more powerful in ratio …The thrust is controlled by the number of antiprotons injected per second … “ .
Dumitru paused to switch the video on a different animation .
“ Now here comes three big bonuses … we are in the process of adapting the antimatter energy pack to our regular nanospys which will make them truly autonomous and capable of Mach speeds … also since we are talking about engines that small we were able to actually stud the whole space ship surface with embedded nano antimatter engines … This means two things : first we have hundreds of trillions of micro-engines , which gives an extraordinary amount of power and secondly … we can do instant change of thrust and direction … basically if there are no passenger you can take ninety degree turns or 180 degree direction change in under two seconds at 20 % of the speed of light ! “ . “Wow” that was all the advisors could say, pretty much speechless . Dumitru added raising his hands and pausing theatrically :
“ But the biggest bonus of all is that we can use the antimatter reaction nano chambers as an endless source of energy as long as matter is around, and this is a discovery that can put all of us anywhere in space , without depending on a star … We can nest in the darkest and safest corner of the Universe and therefore achieving the final target of securing our society for as long as the Universe exists … or , like Daniel puts it
‘ Never having to say goodbye to your loved one ‘ ! “ .
Spontaneously , all advisors stood up applauding and Daniel surprised everybody by climbing on his chair and start singing the International until the room became one large vibrant chorus . United they stood and today united they gained a milestone in the development of any intelligent specie. They were free at last .
Daniel was anxious as a kid :
“ Dumitru , this is so hot that we must let our people know right away … can you please put together a short documentary to explain both the achievement and the future possibilities so I can use it in my TV presentation tonight ? “ .
“ Sure , no problem , I’ll download it to the station this afternoon … By the way , based on our computer simulations , the best shape to accommodate the nano thrusters is a … disc ! That’s because you have ready for propulsion two sides simultaneously splitting in half the number of nano engines … just by tilting the disk you can quickly be on the desired direction , it’s better than a sphere … another effect is the glowing of the surface , up to Mach 15 there is little but after that , specially at high accelerations and speeds approaching 25 % of the speed of light , the antimatter engine exhaust makes the ship surface glow very bright , not a good thing in combat “ , and with a glance over his notes wanting to clear another security issue , “ in terms of strategy , the tremendous acceleration and eventual brightness implies we are forced to design our surveillance and attack space ships mostly for remote use , drones ” .
Daniel asked about the space particles friction , its drag and high temperatures effects .
“ We exploited a known phenomenon involving plasma weapons and we combined it with a path-opening powerful laser which basically prepares the state of matter along and ahead of the space ship just as you would lubricate a gun barrel for the bullet . We use the plasma effect of ionizing matter to repeal and guide the incoming ions along the electrostatic field surrounding the ship generated by the antimatter nano engines . It’s a double protection covering also the dangers of cosmic radiation . We are basically set for space exploration “ .
They spend the rest of the day discussing the details of space ship design trying to cover all the issues involving a thousand year journey and beyond. There were important decisions to be made living no room for error considering the deadly deep space that will surround them .
With so much technology and excitement blooming everywhere people almost forgot about the world outside and so their were pleasantly surprised by a sudden announcement .
The Foreign Bureau reported that three years after the combination of empathy and anti-aggression vaccine was release from the Carpathians , the first unusual incidents start being reported in the foreign media .
At first it affected , naturally , the countries downwind and surrounding Romania , and than slowly spread and jumped continents .
Initially the Board of Advisors wanted to have all the inmates around the world vaccinated first since they were such easy targets but than they realize the sudden change in personality could bring the attention of scientists , a big no-no specially with Daniel .
So instead , at the exit of each prison in every country a few thousands modified nanospys were waiting patiently , and every time an inmate was realised he was promptly vaccinated plus a nano team was assigned to him so it can meet other undesirables and have those vaccinated as well .
It worked like a charm making the Advisor shaking their heads at how easy it was but remaining philosophic enough to know what the world could be if the same technique was in different hands . That thought was also Daniel’s personal nightmare .
The first signs of the vaccine effects showed surprisingly in the Nelson TV ratings .
The number of people watching violent sports or shows decreased spectacularly , shocking the TV ‘ executroids ‘ who were counting badly on those revenues . They checked the equipment , the software yet the line graphs showed the same trickling audience watching punches and murders . But the comedy and documentaries numbers went through the roof .
The spread of the vaccine was irregular and haphazard , slow at the beginning because the retrovirus was not design to replicate fast . The Rumanian scientists did their best to make it stealthy but , as it turned out later , bad luck was already involved .
Among the first to be directly vaccinated , besides the underworld lords and soldiers in armed conflicts , were the owners and share holders of major corporations , a direct attempt on Daniel’s part to help the average citizen . And in many cases it worked , leading to better wages and working conditions , more emphasis on family and personal time and , after two years , a new trend of employment benefits start making a difference in most people’s lives . Was a milder form of capitalism but still keeping the class layers and opened to the old back-doors . And it also dulled the edge of the revolutionary spirit , something that Daniel wasn’t counting on .
The decrease in violence , specially of the ‘ domestic ‘ type , was the second to be noticed after the Nelson TV ratings and also the prison records showed a much reduced rate of repeat offenders . Around the world the same trends start surfacing affecting even war zones where combatants suddenly refused orders and disserted .
In the air was the feel of benevolence , friendliness and peace , and there was no explanation .
The Vatican held a special conference behind closed doors , discussing the evidence from Christian leaders around the world . The testimonies described the same theme over and over until they had no choice but to accept there was a change on Earth and they needed to take advantage of it . And so they released a statement to the world declaring the Rupture was here and Christ was not too far away . It all made sense , it was good and it was all over the place , only god could make this happen .
To Daniel’s dismay , the churches start filling up and he thought , swallowing dry , “ who could predict such a twist ? “ .
As time passed , more statistics came to surface showing a decrease in the divorce rate , better grades in schools and less gang participation .
Those curios stats found their way to the media and Daniel wasn’t to happy about the exposure , too many capable minds were lurking on the outside and he never underestimated an opponent .
But than things got much worse .
The daily summaries he received about the behaviour of the underworld leaders were a mix bag . He assigned top psychiatrists to analyze the progress and what they were reporting pointed to a moderate change , much less than average . That was worrisome specially since their expressed empathy was addressed mostly to close partners in crime while the aggression silencing part of the vaccine cut down only in the intensity of the violence but not eliminating it . In other words , for them a bullet in the head was now more acceptable than the previous rituals involving meat grinders . The geneticians suspected strong neural connections over-riding or ignoring the presence of the empathy network , and explained the implications to the Advisors : they needed live samples . When this transpired at the conclusion of their presentation Daniel felt a shadow of nausea , knowing perfectly well where all this will lead to .
But than , the worst happened . An elderly patient in a London hospital was receiving flu treatment but also was tested for hepatitis using an iodine radioactive antibody tracer which , when analyzed by the nuclear-counter diagnostic equipment , showed a faint spike outside of the target frequency and barely above the background radiation , not a health threat but rather a curiosity which got doctors’ attention immediately . After more blood samples and filtration all they had left was a regular , benign influenza virus, four generations old and inactive . Yet some of it was very mildly radioactive . The doctors called in the government and things escalated , the radioactive signature was isolated and related to Uranium , examined and compared to the international data base for radioactive sources which identified very precisely each ore mine and the country it belongs . Romania in the past was a member of the International Nuclear Committee , having two nuclear reactors for energy production so it’s uranium mines were catalogued and immediately popped out as the matching signature .
Later Dumitru explained the mishap to Daniel as an unfortunate coincidence , the nanobots digging into the Carpathians for raw material to manufacture the viruses run for a while close to an uranium vein and so the retrovirus capsid was mildly radioactive , not a health hazard but in this case an awful Murphy’s Law at work .
Right away the foreign scientists start analyzing virus samples from around the world and it didn’t take long to find both the empathy gene and the anti-aggression component which both were recognized since known , yet ignored , for decades .
The Badenberg controlled western Media took the lead , turned on the fires ignoring the good delivered and full of anger the entire world stood up and blasted Romania .
With no embassies or representatives of any sort , the only communication link was the old strike-ball teletypewriter which now was receiving a work-out sending non-stop messages , the Romanian government was confronted with the evidence and explanations were demanded .
Things got worse with the population of the world becoming polarized , some pointing to the benefit while most were lead by the Media into a panic frenzy invoking Frankenstein and the well entrenched paranoia of gene manipulation . And than Daniel was informed that the underworld leaders hired private geneticians to reverse the effect of the vaccine . And they were not the only ones , pretty soon half of the population demand for reversal reached governments and was no better excuse for the world leaders to invoke State of Emergency and all the control goodies coming with it .
Daniel , with nothing to lose now , took care of a priority by asking the Board of Advisors to have all the inmates around the world including the ones on parole or on trail , vaccinated immediately .
He stretched for time while playing diplomacy over the teletypewriter trying to sort the facts and looking for strategies while the international situation was getting hotter by the day with the United Nations playing again its puppet role and , under the pressure of the vetoing countries , the Security Council delegated NATO to prepare for action .
This precipitated things and Daniel lost nights of sleep thinking of the solution .
He was not afraid of NATO , his military could take care of it easy , but it was the average folk around the world he was concerned with , not wanting to disappoint them and witnessing how the Media manipulations was keeping the truth away and biasing their minds .
“ The Media , the media … “ , he thought asking his gut to give him one more time the solution . The accumulated knowledge of a human being through thick and thin , surviving and defending life for over 60 years , boiled the stew of experience and his gut feeling hold to task one more time and showed him the light . Daniel opted out the regular Advisors Board chambers to reveal and discuss the plan , and following his instinct he announced the emergency meeting to take place at Café Americana . He felt the need of moral support from the old victories but also it served good to remind his people where they started and who the enemy still is ( 31 ) .
He assigned teams to conduct specific research and within 48 hours he was ready for the presentation .
The old Café Americana with the walls full of exposing documents from the US embassy take-over , was still emanating the mysterious spying flavour encapsulated into the safe and friendly atmosphere of traditional Romanian folk architecture . Tables were put together with the usual healthy snacks , hyper-definition cameras were set , the NetLink checked one more time for security leaks and Daniel raised a tiny glass of home made prune gin to cheer the nation and his advisors . At home people were glued to the images and paying attention since everyone was asked to forward ideas .
Daniel took a seep of the sweet fire , settled the glass and took the mic :
“ Hello Family ! “ and bowing to people’s response , “ We are entering a dangerous part of our international mission … Things did not go entirely as planned but before we’ll go into details , let me assure all of you that us , our nation and our land is in no danger what so ever … Our technologically advanced and far superior Military can neutralize anything NATO can throw at us and than remember we control the space all the way to the Moon and beyond . The safety of our nation is not the reason we are having this emergency meeting , we are here to face our responsibility to billions of people around the world who deserve better lives . We started the process and we need to finish it … it has nothing to do with pride but with the vital necessity to settle peace on Earth including our own security … “ . Spontaneous applause showed how much they were sharing on this essential goal .
“ And before I’ll go any further I want to point out that today I , or better yet We , can keep a wish and promise expressed shortly after the Revolution … Today we finally have the means and the state security to enable us to , safely , give the rest of the world a hand of help ! “ .
More applause and ovations showed the guilt felt by the nation watching for so long the pain of the world without being able to help , and today they could take a breath and sigh of relief .
“ The problems we are facing right now come from two directions … the corrupt Media and the four underworld leaders . Working together with the scientists and the military we came up with the solutions .
First , the Media … Knowing that a good percentage of the world population supports and enjoys the genetic modifications , and also the powerful influence of the collective Media , we realized the need to compete on similar terms and be able to present our side of the story and more … Starting tomorrow we’ll launch an Internet initiative aimed at providing the world with a secure and reliable channel of communication never achieved before outside our NetLink . We’ll hook to the world wide web through discrete stealthy connections , we’ll open a web site and we’ll offer to everybody , free of charge , the revolutionary software that is the base of a totally hacker proof Operating System .
After downloading the program no one else but the user will be able to access the computer . However , there is a characteristic of the system which may not please everyone , the internet address of the sending computer it is displayed automatically and incorruptibly at the receiving end . This will bring a new level of responsibility to the people since you won’t be able to hide your computer identification . It will change fundamentally the way people perceive internet communication , it will bring more trust and accountability making it even a better communication tool . Using this network we’ll post all the archives we collected over the years revealing who is controlling the world , their puppets and the bad things they did ( 31 ) . Our graphic artists made sure that all the angles and sounds were edited to appear in only high-definition and without giving a hint of how the recordings were made . This grand scale exposure must have an impact and we count on it to balance the lies and deceit of the Media . We’ll become the untouchable educators of the world ! “ . The adviser gave a solid support and the Debate TV Home Meter was indicating 99 % approval ratings from the remote audience . It was a done deal and Daniel moved to the touchy next subject :
“ The other pain in the neck are the four underworld leaders and we spent a lot of time debating what to do with them but recently it was our scientists who determined their faith … In a nut shell we need them alive to study their brains and find out why they resisted the vaccine . The other alternative , much easier , is to kill them … I’ll let General Mugur Badea to fill in the details of the … kidnappings “ . As the gasping quiet down Mugur took the mic , briefly arranged his notes and described the action :
“ First of all the operation will not be as adventurous , dangerous or exciting as the action movies you’ve seen … the technology takes away all the glamour but keeps us safe and that’s what counts at the end of the day. The extraction teams will be deployed at safe border points , infiltrate the host country , apprehend the targets and return . Most of the job will be done by nanospys and without them this mission would be impossible .
We got lucky , all four underworld leaders will get together at another Badenberg meeting to take place in two month virtually next door in a Hungarian reclusive chateau … it will be as simple as the teams carrying them out and into the rented cars “ .
Throughout the TV debate people called in with tid-bits of information based on watching the “ Feel the World “ voyeur channels and many volunteered for the mission simply because they were speaking Magyar .
As the preparations started in the following weeks credit cards and currency were made to perfection , the nanospys got replenished with a fast acting drug and send to the rendezvous point while the Romanian border with Hungary got surveyed for gaps and guards movement .
All ten members of the five teams were senior State Security special forces speaking fluently at least one language and trained for city infiltration . They spent hours in the hyper-definition screen rooms getting familiar with the chateau layout , escape routs , roads and check points . The mission was easy : follow the nanospys , wait outside on a service road until everyone inside was knocked out , collect the four people and bring them to the border … while the nation is watching it all live in hyper definition .
The night before the Badenberg meeting the plan start unfolding and the five teams entered silently a forested area of the border with Hungary , watching carefully through their goggles the computer generated view of the large swarm of five million nanospys moving like an invisible fog throughout the woods .
All they had to do is follow them and don’t make any noise . Their nanositers were in continuous link with the heads of the nanospys redirecting their path and to designating targets .
Within 100 meters they encountered stealthy border guards hidden very well and deadly if wouldn’t be for the swarm protection . The guards were put to sleep at a whispered command and the team moved through the fresh smelling forest reaching a road some 5 kilometres away from a township .
Was 3 am on a moonless night and the stillness of the landscape made it harder to walk silent through the vegetation just a few meters away from the road . The team leader got informed that the head of the swarm reached the village and was inside the police station and two rent-a-car companies located at the small airport .
Ten minutes later the nanospys found the patrolling officers and from than on was an easy ride .
Walking along the road they whispered to each other via nanositers thoughts running through their heads , the veterans expressing the disappointment with the luck of adrenaline , it was too easy compared to their combat training .
If that’s how you fight a war , with nanositers on your shoulder and millions of deadly nanospys spearing ahead any resistance , than you don’t need Special Forces , a bunch of body-baggers will do , and at home the viewers remembered Daniel hammering at the issue of restricting nano-technology and what it can do in the wrong hands.
As the village woke up the teams split renting each an SUV , the five million nanospys bunched up in the cars and the whole party hit the road .
Driving through unfamiliar territory was a walk in the park with the nanositers giving constant directions and alerting of road hazards or police check points ahead .
At home people had a ball watching the trip , the action and the short tour of Europe in hyper-definition . Seeing everywhere the old and technologically primitive society and buildings was shocking and reminded of how themselves used to be .
Driving non-stop they reach the outskirts of the chateau property by early evening , still coughing from the pollution they were not used to , parking along a country road and outside the view of security cameras .
They sat back and watched the undulating deep green vineyard hills with the distant profile of the old castle and the mountains , and from time to time the security and paparazzi helicopters dancing over head in a territorial fight . While keeping tabs on the closed-doors conference as it was broadcasted live in their ears , the teams verified the position of each nanospy ensuring that every person and all guard dogs were tagged and ready for drug delivery .
As the evening descended , inside the smoky castle the staff was busy making the last preparations for a sumptuous supper due to start any minute while in the huge conference room the four world underground leaders were giving final directives to presidents , premiers , ministers , generals , media owners and businessman , the so-called ‘pillars’ of the community .
With their direct male relatives and advisors seating on both sides , they were enjoying the conversation and the feel of power determining the future of generations to come around the world , all in a cool calculated way without a trace of empathy .
Two of them were controlling Europe , US , Canada and Israel , while the other two were milking Asia and the Middle East .
Daniel had a complete collection of all Badenberg conferences since the nano revolution and added this one to the video files ready to be presented to the world once the rogue figures were secured . That was one candy he could hardly wait for but until than he and his nation enjoyed watching the closing lines of the conference delivered by the US President :
“ I want to welcome again Hungary in joining NATO and its contribution showing clearly our consolidation of nations , approaching our dream of one centralized world government . We can now agree on wars and have full control of the revenues generated to be shared as decided . This will enable us to conduct multi-party conflagrations without having to worry about anarchists and revolutionary , and that’s a big step that we could not achieve without the ongoing help from our friends in the Media …
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years .
Matter of fact , without the Media keeping us out of the lime-lite we would probably not even be here tonight as Free people … “ .
The crowd laughed understanding the meaning .
Holding a champagne glass the US president continued :
“ But if there is a problem anywhere that must be Romania , and we’ll do whatever it needs to be done to obtain the technology displayed in their military demonstrations . And while we’re talking about Romania let’s all make sure that we’ll pump-up the negative publicity regarding their genome modification stunt . What we’ve seen so far it is very alarming , the effects documented point to a calmer , more thoughtful people , harder to control , never mind the army deserters and their impact on the troops moral . As we agreed to stop this and reverse it I am also very happy that we all agreed to a global inoculation program and I promises you that in the USA it will start right away since we already have the antidote .
Remember , Romania is up for grabs with all its resources , 30 million work force and consumers , the minerals plus a great strategic location in the ribs of Russia , so when the time comes we’ll more than make up for the losses . Our plan to use Romania’s isolation to create an incident involving Russia will enable us to rekindle the cold war and reap one more time the huge benefits . And you never know , using Romania’s arms technology we may even march with music in the Red Square ! “ .
The richest of the world got up and applauded at length , they could smell the bacon .
But they couldn’t see it because in the next few seconds their eyes closed and everybody collapsed wherever they were .
Daniel grasped tighter his glass of wine and watched the SUVs entering the compound and following the winding road among dozens of bodies laying everywhere . The teams run inside and broke down the locked doors of the conference room , working together to lift the four bodies , handcuff and dragging them to the waiting cars .
In no time the SUVs were back on the road and at home Romanians were cheering loud and waving flags from balconies gaining new confidence in the power of their nation . History was also made as for the first time a few selected million people watched live a covert military operation while the rest of the world was oblivious . Daniel couldn’t like it more specially since he thought of the manoeuvre as a good military exercise for the population, training them to see the perils and getting better at using the techno resources .
The SUVs arrived back in the same village late after midnight and , under the scrutiny of nanospys , they met on a different road away from the Hungarian troops still searching for the missing guards , and transported the precious cargo trough another patch of forest over the border and in the secure hands of General Badea and his troops .
The prisoners’ convoy , surrounded by security forces and a swarm of at least five million nanofighters , arrived in the capital just before sunrise and pulled into the deep basement of the new , nano-build , State Security complex .
Minutes later all four criminals were left in their own specialized cells resembling cubes of 5 meters sides polished stainless steel , lavatory , bed , and a TV screen built into the wall . The cells were choke-full of sensors and hyper-definition cameras observing the underworld lords from bio signs to facial expressions while thousands of nanositers inspected their bodies inside out . They took DNA and blood samples and start infiltrating their brain’s neural network , producing accurate maps of thought patterns and revealing neural structures that shocked the scientists . Marina , in dismay, prepared a report for Daniel and send a copy to General Badea knowing it will become a security matter .
As the sun rose and the effect of the drug wear off , chaos broke in the Hungarian château . The next-in-command , lieutenants and body guards still dizzy , looked around in desperation for their bosses but at no avail , nowhere to be found .
Trying to avoid panic they sat at the same table as their masters and between bites of food they argued over what to do and who was in control .
Daniel and the Advisors , besides who ever else in Romania wanted to get a lesson in psychiatry , were watching half amused the battle while keeping an eye on the NATO ongoing positioning around their borders including the repaired carrier Nimitz in the Black Sea . Daniel smiled , thinking the darn thing came back for seconds . He knew the control over military was channelled from the under lords to the presidents of the world and right now those channels of communication were obviously broken .
Daniel realised his control over the decapitated organizations was limited to either administer a sleeping drug as they already did , or the Russian modified Truth Serum or , in desperation , a quick fatal dose of Ricin , so there was not too much fine tuning in between . They had no option but to use the captured heads and try to pursue them in giving the right orders .
They were also watching with delight the number of downloads of their free, hacker proof Operating System ( OS ) and Browser software which , in just over two month took the world by storm and cutting Microsoft profits to the bone causing it a year later to declare bankruptcy shocking the financial community and the share holders .
The world was switching to the new software with a vengeance accumulated over decades from frustration with corrupt computer systems causing waste of time and money , and so the foundation of a new freedom in communication was laid in preparation for revealing the Underworld Archives .
At the castle and around the table , no agreement could be reached except admitting the kidnapping of their masters and that didn’t solve any of the urgent matters , specially the NATO operation that was underway .
As the hours past the Hungarian representative stepped forward and informed them of the five SUVs found next to the Romanian border and the surveillance tapes from the airport showing the teams going through the car renting process . It was easy to point the finger and accuse Romania but they weren’t confident of how to use the information , they needed advice and next day they contacted the heads of states . But there , the generals , army strategist and intellectuals suggested caution in rhetoric , pointing to the Moon Shot show-off , the total luck of satellites over Romania and the Mach 4 speed , five drones send to test the waters and which all were vaporised before penetrating a mere kilometre pass the border .
Their military training made them weary that Romanians may have more in armament than what they were willing to parade , and they were so right , but never the less , taking advantage of the situation they withdrew the NATO circle around Romania and kept a healthy distance doing their best not be annoying and not have more of their satellites shot down .
The moment was critical , Daniel didn’t want the uncertainty to prolong and allow the possibility of a take over by other criminals , yet was impossible to coerce the four leaders into cooperating immediately , it was a stumbling block that even the modified Russian Truth Serum couldn’t help .
The solution came that afternoon from a surprising source and thanks to public awareness and participation in the issue .
A group of amateur cinematographers who were studying hyper-definition display integration with neural networks to make movies using imaginary or real characters , developed a software that was like Maya on steroids , (27) , where Tom Cruise , Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin could perform together in the same film with total realism . Their suggestion was simple : scan the four leaders and , together with voice samples , plug it into their software . Daniel took a big sigh of relief appreciating the power of collective thinking that again saved the moment .
The arrangements were done and completed working throughout the night thanks in part to the large archives of surveillance from past years that gave the characters authentic personalities and biometrics , indistinguishable from reality .
Daniel intended to make recordings and send them somehow to the , now , Disorganized Crime , containing instructions of what to do . Marina pointed to the old , easy to corrupt Microsoft platform the Mob was still using and suggested the internet to keep in touch with what remained of the underworld , and that simplified a lot the process of sending credible orders and videos from what appeared to be the leaders in hiding .
To Daniel and the Advisors it seem very neat that they can use a sophisticated computer animation to indirectly control the world .
It was funny , and Daniel , after a few prune gin shots would roll in his living room with laughter , his sensitive sense of humour was tickled at no end in spite of his consciousness pointing to how serious the situation was.
But all was just too simple , the technological sophistication shaved the hard staff away and left the imagination unimpeded to run amok or very logically depending on how you feel , in other words left to your genetical makeup , the curse of any specie .
There was just too much flexibility in the system , too much power , to the extend that from the comfort of his couch Daniel could create messages to the underworld and have presidents increase the minimum wage , stop wars and turn armies around as they did in the following days with the Nimitz and the rest of the missiles silos surrounding Romania , Russia and China .
On the down side , he realized how easy it would be to falsify his persona and impact the nation under the hand of a malevolent individual .
So in his mind the same theme reappeared , the definition describing the foundation of a specie’s moral tapestry to qualify for the future shocking nano-technological prize , the need and fundamental condition of achieving a trustworthy collective , made of individuals genetically guaranteed to not deviate from the sense of ‘good’ .
Not a brainer , it was exactly the type of society your mother would wish you to live in and also what makes it universally valid for any other intelligent species , in any galaxy .
Even though the first step was successful in managing to relax NATO , they were not sure for how long the deceit would last specially since the orders delivered were uncharacteristic of the evil underworld leaders , so they hurried into sending messages with subtle instructions which , at the end , gave far more autonomy and freedom of action to individual country leaders . It was a calculated move directed at destabilizing the underworld control over nations , timed just before the release of the revealing archives . One after another , the blows to the underworld start opening cracks , being sabotaged at every step by nanospys and approaching fast the D day of disclosure .
But there were other new issues that put the Board of Advisers and Daniel in a touchy position . Marina’s report describing the reasons behind vaccine resistance by the four under lords showed there was no cure , that through a natural variance , their reptilian part of the brain had neural extensions to the edge of the cerebral cortex acting as a filter for decision making , identical in function with the empathy neural structures .
Under this configuration the primary instincts , including aggression , possession , pleasure and territorial defence , were overriding the calming logic thought of the cortex , a situation which even micro-surgery could not safely correct . There was no available cure , and the decision was to lock them up for ever, tagged with deadly nanospys for extra security , and use them later to identify the disgusting gene responsible for a lot of world’s miseries .
What remained were the hundreds of top lieutenants around the world , not counting the thousands of run-of-the-mill assassins and the playing bosses who , as the surveillance was showing , started to position themselves for a take over . That was really bad because nothing tied those people together , they weren’t the meat of the Badenberg club but just security guards and assassins , and they knew it .
Without loyalty , the old routine of fighting for power was just about to erupt again putting in danger all the international gains Daniel and his nation made , but this time the evil was spread around the world , beyond the immediate means of capture .
Lounging in his wild garden on the 40th floor , having a drink and a cig Daniel wondered when all this hassle will end . Looking over the green landscape and the harmonious buildings , warmed up by the summer sun he though how deceiving all this peace was . Just across the nation’s fence the concrete jungle was still fermenting with criminals and victims . Closing his eyes he was experiencing the torment of deciding what’s best and how to cleanse the gene pool . His neurons hold hands and gently brought him in the chair of a favourite activity , talking to the nation . The question addressed was : in view of the scientific evidence , should the remaining crime rings be executed ?
Daniel wanted everyone to take responsibility , to be a nation’s decision because it was part of the survival process and he felt the new generation needed a good sharpening of their feel for the brutal world ‘mother’ nature created .
He also wanted people to debate and ask them selves sharp questions like “ If we kill them , what makes us better than the criminals ? “ .
In the glaring lights of the TV studio , his mind brought him to the night of the debate were he saw an unusual number of people participating , the nation sensing a historical decision process , facing a question that tormented the better members of the human specie for ever : to kill or not to kill . Voices were heard presenting different points of view :
“ That’s the example we want to give to the world ? Mass murderers ?? “
“ I understand , but those criminals are hard wired , it’s incurable with our technology , why should we let them roam free and cause suffering ? “.
Marina and the group of scientists dedicated to the case presented the scientific side of the argument , showing they didn’t have the cure and death or detention was the only solution . General Badea walked them through a few capturing scenarios , demonstrating that it will be too risky and that building specialized ships or aircraft to do the mission would take too many precious years . At the end was no escape from the dreaded decision and even the hard-core pacifists had no choice but to protect the future generations from an unfixable problem . The vote passed with 89 % of the population recommending the death sentence .
At twelve midnight GMT next day , over 1,985,000 villains belonging to the organized crime around the world collapsed dead triggering the most massive Interpol investigation ever . Another 2,560,000 inmates around the world displaying inoculation resistance were put to death as well , almost empting the prisons . All they knew was the cause of death , transdermal Ricin patch , that all died exactly at the same time and most belonged to the underground crime scene and extremely violent , repeat offenders .
It was , depending on your view , the greatest murder act in history , or , if you were Daniel , the most wonderful gene pool cleaning done yet . Mopping the unfixable toxic garbage created by nature , in his view , was a matter of personal pride and he smiled , realizing how good he became at it. At the end , what appeared as a controversial issue became simplified to choosing between your child and his killer , was a no-brainer .
He could now walk around the freed world , examining from time to time the back of people’s heads for the reptilian neural growth but he couldn’t spot any . Instead he watched in shock how people start throwing money in the air , cheering and talking about how much they saved thanks to the emptying of the jails .
More relaxed , he hugged Marina for a job well done , caressing her hair when his fingers felt a bump the size of walnut . With eyes wide open and the hairs standing up he jerked forward to see it but was nothing there , just a wavy beautiful hair and he combed it thoroughly to make sure . Her skull felt icy cold and that send shivers up his spine , not wanting to believe it’s real and feeling the ice moving down his belly and trickling along his legs .
He blinked hard and realized he spilled the beer all over his shorts .
He sighed with relief realizing it was just a dream , no mass executions , and massaging heavily his face , stood up , stretched and smiled sarcastically knowing how much denser the jails population will became after the internet release of the criminal’s archives .
“ Saving money ! “ he smiled , “ all again about Money … “ . And than the solution stroked him , he kicked himself mentally and raised his nanositer :
“ Trinh dear … “
“ Yes sweetie , I felt your thoughts patterns rushing , what do you have on your mind ? “ . Daniel couldn’t help smiling again , feeling the warmth in her motherly voice .
“ Would you please connect me with Marina , Vlad and General Badea ? “
“ Sure , just a moment dear “ .
Daniel walked to the kitchen , changed his shorts and opened another beer to celebrate the idea, when Marina got on line first . Daniel switched on a hyper definition channel for each of them and waited until all were ready and finished chatting .
“ Ok guys , settle down … A few minutes ago I had a weird dream which it clicked into reality when I woke up and it gave me an idea … You know the vast amounts of money the four underworld leaders … “ and smiling “ oh , sorry , ex-leaders , must have in their accounts , trillions … we never bother checking but now I think is just the prefect time to do a good deed for the world … “ . Vlad had a feel of another corky one from Daniel so sighted :
“ Ok , you got our attention , what did you cooked-up this time ? “
“ Well , the fact is they’ll never need money again , we’ll provide them with free room and board “ , laughing , “ so why not relieve them of the heavy burden and transfer the money to the needy ! “ . Daniel could hear Trinh laughing along with them and continued :
“ And there is a sweet irony in this because part of their money will go to build new prisons to accommodate the flood of their partners in crime … I personally find this excruciatingly funny … all the hard work they put into it only later to be used to secure their cells ! … So , we’ll need a good batch of the improved Russian Truth Serum which , with a team of interrogators , we’ll give us every bank account they have and the pass words … It shouldn’t take more than an hour , right Mugur ? “ . The General , still smiling at the plan reassured him :
“ You’re right , just about an hour each , but than it dependents on how many accounts they have ! “ he added bursting with everybody else into a healthy laughter . Realizing the implications it felt like a relief valve discharging the tensions they been under for the last few month , and than, talking to all through their nanositers , Trinh added the finishing touch surprising them :
“ Daniel , you guys are like … Robin Hoods of the modern world ! “ .
It didn’t take to long to extract the information , than , using the old Microsoft platform they penetrated the banks , unlocked the accounts and transferred the money to poor countries , honest charities and directly into the accounts of the appropriate prisons .
The banks paid again the price of not switching to the secured Operating System offered for free .
As the days passed , more and more confusion dispersed among the remains of the underworld , now finding themselves not just without leaders but with the funds frozen or non existent . Drug payments couldn’t be made causing gang fights , a lot of expensive undertakings used to lure and black mail the rich or important targets had to be abandoned including spas with prostitution rings , payoff and bribes . The whole structure was breaking at the seems , collapsing like a weak scaffold and leaving behind free buildings and societies , unimpeded by the Mob ( 31 ) .
The international Media , freed of the underground control , rejuvenated itself blooming with new TV and radio stations , newspapers and even bolder web sites . It was like a thawing of the mind affecting even the pharmaceutical research changing under public pressure its sterile and money oriented motives and redirecting it into a humane path and real health research bring up drugs that cured not just alleviate the symptoms.
As changes occurred the sociologists observed and pointed to the public the extent of the Mob tentacles , inducing a general shock to the system that put virtual guns to the heads of politicians forcing them to amend Constitutions and the Law .
Looking from above at the diversity of transformations it definitely qualified the world for a new Renaissance , and the phenomenon got celebrated by the new Media and the masses marking a unique mile stone in the self-esteem of a specie .
And than , with all the free advertising provided by the events , the NetLink computer flagged the number of OS downloads reached the optimal figure of global distribution , making the system ready for presentation to the world of the Criminal Archives .
The Advisors reviewed the material making sure no technological secrets were revealed , editing for camera angles and reducing the definition to world standards .
During the process Daniel soaked in every minute , waiting for this moment since being a prisoner of censored news in Canada , fully understanding the powerful influence ‘channelled’ Media had on people’s vote and perception of the world . Now was the time for the truth and he and the nation celebrated the festive moment of turning loose on the internet the Criminal Archives (CA).
The CA were organized in five web sites , one for each of the underworld leaders plus one showing all the Badenberg conferences , with menus containing time and events diagrams , connections flow charts relating the crime figures to presidents , the Media , industrialists , judges , police , army and all branches of most governments . It was a detailed anatomy of crime , murder and corruption at a global scale all in an organized fashion taking advantage of technology , multinational corporations and banks .
The revelations were glorified by blogs and other web sites which in the past , for decades , were pointing at an international criminal conspiracy but only to be laughed at by Net spooks . Now the truth made their blood boil and people took to the streets in mass demonstrations demanding the heads of governments .
Most of the New TV and Press Media , freed of influences and full of vengeance against the old system , picked up the CA , dissected the connections and wildly publicized the names and the evidence .
Within a week all the people oppressed and caught in the underworld web , including the so called ‘developed’ nations and specially the USA , rose like a massive punch , taking on guns , storming the police stations , government buildings , corporations and bank headquarters , conducting massive ‘citizen arrests’ and capturing all the corrupt individuals one by one , posting on the internet the daily catch and placing check-marks besides the names in the master list for all to see the progress .
While before the criminals were terrorizing the population , now it became the hunted and , with their videos all over the internet , was no place to hide , the assigned nanospys broadcasting continuously their location , the mobsters were recognized and arrested on the spot but not before the fist and kicks treatment was thoroughly applied. There was no holding back and the criminals caught were thankful to reach the prisons alive .
The amount of aggressive , corrupt and criminal people around the world was staggering , it came to be seen as a plague , a disease of the human genome demanding the attention of scientists . At that moment the world realized how smart Romania was to make it a priority of their national research and strategy .
Than it was revealed how it donated the Mob money to prisons and poor countries . One after another the good deeds were being recognized and appreciated , and the people of the world stop considering it a rogue and dangerous country , understanding again the deceit of the old Media and how it clouded their view , and now looking up to Romania putting it up front as a spiritual leader . Daniel obliged and posted on the secure internet site the Constitution explaining in detail the purpose of each article . Slowly, a mind connection and a great deal of trust start building over the new internet between Romania and the rest of the world , people exchanging life philosophies and what they learned since the Revolution .
The Criminal Archives showed to the world in detail the vast manipulations of the IMF central banks and big companies , conspiring to use people’s money and property at will by controlling the interest rates , illegal speculations inducing recessions causing houses and businesses to be sold at pennies for dollar and later resold by the banks at indecent profits and at the lose of the nation . And all this with the Presidents or Prime Ministers’ approval …
It described how the corrupt Media didn’t allow any anti-establishment would-be politicians to became known by the nation or run in elections , how the police and judges became servants to the evil powers , with the net effect of keeping the nation on a short leash and silencing any courageous voices , closing any hope of reform or revolt .
It was a well-thought web of deceit and control , extremely effective since the corrupt governments had full access to the military and specially at writing new legislations designed to imprison further their own people .
It was treason at a grand , global scale , a Prison Planet (31) .
It also revealed how the underground Mob holding the illegal muscle toppled abroad democratically elected governments only because they didn’t want to play by the big guys’ rules and betray their own people .
It showed how wars were created , financed and wrongfully justified by the corrupted governments and Media , and how it profited the Oil , War Industries , the banks and the egos of mentally deranged underworld leaders .
The global picture emerging described a situation were the choice was clear , black or white , stay with the corruptible system or rebuild it from ground up and rewrite the Constitution , never allowing again a society to be overtaken by thugs . Fortunately , after centuries of suffering , the choice was obvious and people declared with a vengeance open season on criminals and corrupt politicians .
With the tremendous amount of people behind bars including a great number of politicians and public servants , most of the countries suddenly found themselves without governments or just bear skeletons .
The universal timing of simultaneously releasing the Criminal Archives created an unique event where most of the countries were facing government restructuring and major elections all at once . It was a political tsunami that swept the world in one massive push and truly changed the way people got involved in their governments .
Daniel was ready to make sure this historical event will proceed unimpeded , preparing massive swarms of nanospys and keeping a close eye on who was running in elections .
The impact of the Romanian Constitution and the advise coming with it made it the political bible of the world and the mandatory political platform that all candidates must include in their promised governments with no exceptions .
The new , secure internet platform made it possible to integrate the Romanian Debate TV channel with live public forums around the world and for the first time people could have a grasp on politics , industries and generally speaking , what it took to run a country . And they were lucky , the solid Romanian experience was offered to them with all the sincerity and compassion a caring nation can give to its blood relatives around the planet . And it was so much to learn but Daniel and his advisors organized and put sense into it , teaching the regular citizen of the world of how to form political parties , how to select leaders , perform secured elections and look after the needs of a country without ever falling again under criminal control .
As new political parties formed and new leaders emerged , Daniel organized teams of Romanian volunteers to watch and analyze their motives , record and catalogue any negative events , and promptly expose them on the internet . There was zero tolerance and everybody was paranoid of criminal connections , making the elections tight , scrutinized and doubled checked , and at the end , with the unknown help from nanospys , there were no unhealthy minds competing for leadership anywhere in the world .
It was a global purging of the political corruption that cracked the millennia old shell of social stagnation setting the new bases of government behaviour and public involvement in state decisions with far reaching consequences in the future of the human specie .
Out of all countries Daniel was watching closely the American movement , noticing with satisfaction how people woke up and realized to their horror how their tax money were used for decades to feed the War Industries , bankers and foreign interests , disrupting societies and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians around the world while at home the corrupt Media was telling them the abnormal was normal while the banks and economy brain washed them into consumerism , putting them into debt and serving as canon and labour fodder for the Badenbergs . Luckily the Americans had guns in their homes , as the forefathers advised them to do , and now it served them well to take their pride and nation back , an act that even Barak Obama could not possibly have delivered .
That brought to Daniel’s mind the 9/11 tragedy and the finesse of the event, the fact that it delivers for eternity a broad silver line to be used wisely in the future by the Americans and all the nations that lost citizens that day , the Acid Test for a politician : any President of those countries that would not re-open the 9/11 Investigative Commission is a given puppet and traitor to the nation and the world . Was that easy .
Daniel made all the efforts to help decent candidates have free and wide exposure , bypassing once for ever any Media interference and creating an open channel of communication in each country .
The synchronized world wide elections were the talk of the NetLink and the New Media , people realizing the scale of the event and what changes it can bring . This was no time to seat down and watch the news but instead to get into the plazas and make the news .
Participation became the trend , everyone fully knowing that it is now or never . Groups which were pro-gene inoculation merged forming stronger fronts , putting pressure on the candidates and spending money on advertising showing their nations the benefits and encouraging confidence. It was a battle they could not possibly lose and it was plenty of bloody history behind them to serve as a motivator and reminder .
In the span of a few short month , nation by nation showed at the voting polls in droves like never before , making sure no machines were used , electing people they had a good idea about , no guessing , standing guard to the sealed boxes by the hundreds in the dead of night and through chilling rain, and finally putting in the control of the country teams of professionals as ministers and kind souls as presidents .
It looked more and more like the human specie had a chance and Daniel , tasting the prune gin in his suspended garden , was pondering why , in spite of the good news , his gut feeling still had a knot in it .
Perhaps it had to do with the fact that only three countries embraced the public common shares government principle , Russia , Uruguay and Cuba , but the rest of the world still preferred the capitalistic way and by doing so , unknowingly , they automatically disqualified them selves from the nanotech club .
That’s the conundrum Daniel was contemplating , his will to share the knowledge but only to safe hands and by definition only public hands belonging to an aggression-free society would qualify . How or should he even try to convince the world to comply ? There were too many variables necessary to come together and he knew many of them were missing and very hard to happen so at the end he resigned to just protect the world’s new grand achievement and to keep restricting nanotech advancements .
The celebrations went around the world , from nation to nation with new governments made far more responsible to their people and bound by tighter Constitutions . Daniel congratulated them one by one , establishing NetLink secured diplomatic channels and moving the old teletypewriter to its rightful place among the souvenirs in Café Americana .
In the next few weeks , as the world governments settled down , Daniel invited the new leaders to eliminate the veto powers in the United Nations and to replace NATO with a non-polarized , world wide military organization, perhaps called United Nations Integrated Command or UNIC. The idea was not new , all it needed was the absence of criminals from governments and now , with that taken care of , the vote for a veto-free UN passed unanimously , no one from the ex-elite club dare challenging it , so Daniel kept his old election promise and forwarded an application to have Romania became a member .
To Daniel’s delight he noticed how people were changing their attitudes from isolation to contribution , wanting to participate and help the new world get better .
Writers used novels to describe their country experience from the Revolution to the present , showing in detail how it was done and what it took , putting accent on cooperation and the importance of having the right people in leadership .
There was not too much else he can do to convince the humanity to take the right road but appeal to their common sense and offer a sociologic and scientific recipe to make Heaven dreams come true .
Romania was accepted in the new UN and according to the tradition Daniel was invited to address the members , an opportunity he was waiting for ever . The visit preparations began immediately with his nanositer , Trinh , whispering thoughts of concern regarding security . Dumitru modified a large fleet of surveying nanospys to check for any dangers including snipers , radiation , explosives and poisons . Victor was put in charge of the security detail and assigned immediately a swarm of one hundred million nanospys equipped with all three fighting drugs . No chances were taken and upon arrival the UN building and its surroundings were saturated with nano surveillance, even the flies were accounted for , and finalizing all reports Trinh gave the green light to start the ceremonies .
Entering the huge amphitheatre Daniel made a point in stopping at every delegation , shaking hands and meeting personally all the world representatives . There were hundreds of them and it took more than an hour before Daniel was climbing the stairs to the green marbled podium. He tried to walk slowly , stretching his right hand which was sore from the encounters with very grateful African and Asian diplomats following Romania’s generous food and technology donations .
In front of the microphones , with live coverage around the world , he absorbed the atmosphere and the unique moment , more than he dreamt , and the importance of this opportunity sunk in his head , raising his blood pressure , bringing up his shyness and stage fright causing Trinh to softly intervene :
“ It’s ok dear , no worries , you already proved yourself … just tell them as it is from the bottom of your sweet heart “ . That’s exactly the confidence he was looking for , after all he meant good and he had the proof to show , so raising his sore hand he address the world :
“ Hi everybody … I am glad I don’t have to speak with my hand ! “ he said stirring laughter and relaxing the atmosphere .
“ But , maybe , this is a good omen … showing how much stronger our cooperation became and how much more united we are today ! “ , and that brought extended applause , everyone remembering the dangers their countries went through.
“ I want first to remind you about our genome legacy which stained the world history with blood , pushing millions into wars and trillion of dollars into waste … Just ponder where we would be today if those resources would have being focused on science and research for the human kind’s benefit , from all the way back since the pyramids … But the criminal minds were more powerful and conniving than the average folk and so they prevailed through out the history … until now ! We did our best to lock them up and open the gates to a social revolution that can change the world for ever but from now on it is entirely up to you … simply because at the end it is the numbers that count and have the power …
I understand that the conditions which lead to our Revolution were unique , hard to duplicate, but today , being able to speak with a confidence based on the realities in my country , I don’t think that the rest of the world has an excuse , specially now being freed of corruption and the criminal element . We shared our proven principles and methods over the NetLink , we had open public debates and we even wrote books about it … so the teachings and the results are here , ready to be applied , all it’s needed is confidence, goodwill and keeping united . I want to make clear one very important principle regarding our help to the world … Our policy forbids us from sharing certain technologies with nations which are not cleaned of the aggression gene , that do not have enhanced empathy and which are not under the full control of their own people . Hence capitalism does not qualify , and I want to state this bluntly because people need and deserve to be aware of what is holding them back from paradise … “ .
There were gasps and coughs from the audience , since Nikita Kruschev banged the same podium with his shoe decades ago and declared capitalism as evil , nobody else was so direct and eloquent . But this opportunity to talk directly to the world leaders was to important for Daniel to beat around the bush :
“ If we made it than anybody else can and knowing that should give you enough confidence to overcome the mentality and status quo you were borne in … I urge you to gather the courage and will power because when you’ll be successful the rewards will be your extended life and happiness as we know it already in my country … We did our part in disarming most of the criminal and corrupt segment of the world population so you can proceed with your Revolution unimpeded and we’ll further stay on guard for you in the decades to come … We also gave you the recipe for a successful nation , but from now on it will be up to you to decide , act and organize yourselves in a prosperous , worry-free society . We proved is possible and so , now the onus is on you to copy it … From the bottom of my heart I wish you the willpower needed ! “ .
He bowed to the applause than following Trinh’s instructions walked through the maze of corridors to the secured limo and an hour later he was on a Romanian military jet , having a cold beer and watching with pleasure the landscape flying below .
He felt satisfied and utterly relieved thinking that 99 % of his duties were done and from now on the Revolution was truly safe and can continue without him , the bullet has being defeated .
And for the first time in whole decades his heart was beating relaxed , the clouds of depression sublimated away leaving a broad smile on his face , the worry-wrinkles thinned and all this transformation , while resting his eyes on the blue curve of the horizon , tickled Victor who couldn’t help noticing it and start smiling too wondering what Daniel was thinking about . He couldn’t guess the pressure that was released and it’s magnitude , the size of the Everest compressed into a clock’s tightened spring . And than the smile turned into a giggle , escalating into a contagious happy laughter that took over the airplane and the crew , making people ask “ What are we laughing at ?! “ . It was over sixty years of Daniel’s life letting go of all his sadness , depression , hopelessness , bitterness and all life’s miseries that accumulated in his empathic mind . It might as well be tears because his soul still could not forget the billions of people that suffered and died over millennia since homo sapiens . Only if he could resurrect them like a modern Christ and reunite them with their loved ones …
The three hour supersonic flight gave him time enough to tally the achievements , the present situation and the next things to do .
For the first time Daniel could extend the garden of his country to embrace and became one with the rest of the world , calling in the gardener’s instincts and giving birth to the Clean World mega project determined to remove the garbage and pollution their planet was swimming in .
A chunk of the old Carpathians atoms found themselves reassembled into nano cleaning machines spread all over the world and breaking down any pollution they encountered .
Now , their united action over decades allowed them to show they had enough empathy and determination to rinse both the planet and the genome .
To Daniel the world became his new baby and , with clean diapers , genetically pampered , well fed , protected and with proper moral guidance, was time to see it grow and mature into a brand new specie .
Indeed , after three genome modifications the scientific judgement would qualify them as a new and improved people , a feat nowhere in the world to be found or mentioned in any modern political platform of any parties … a sad proof of the shortness of mind we employ as politicians … Mentioning also that it is happening for millennia would be only adding insult to injury .
Even though only three countries adopted fully his government model , he felt comfortable knowing the foundation for future evolution is here , now solidly embedded in the new societies and strongly guarded by his Constitution , and nanofighters .
But what set his mind at peace and gave him the most confidence was UN’s unanimous decision to meet the minimum requirement to qualify for Eden , and make mandatory the vaccination of the entire Earth population for enhancing empathy and against the aggression gene .
In an internationally televised coverage from inside the heart of the Carpathian mountains Daniel shut down the turbo fans spreading the goodness into the world and instead start boxing the nectar , free for the world , with the stamp “ From Romania with Love “ .
And with the nanospys watching over the world , the stage was set for some mighty display of democratic power that followed on Romania ’s example , demanding all the goodies and choose the governments that will deliver .
It worked very well as expected and in no time the Board of Advisors approved a massive transfer of medical knowledge and supplies to the rest of the world transforming everywhere Medicare , implementing organic foods , change of diet and eliminating in ten years the vast majority of illnesses .
The standard of living rose and spread equally around the world shocking some previously less fortunate African and Asian countries . Under the new UN guidance it took only five years to completely eliminate hunger and poverty world wide , even religious people got united and forced the Vatican to empty the billions of Euros it had , selfishly , for decades in its coffers .
With the essential foundation of non-aggression laid around the world , the Board of Advisors concentrated its efforts to give extra help to the three countries that decided to follow the exact path ploughed by Romania . Daniel felt the world needed a few more good examples and hoped the new numbers will convince all the nations , sooner or later , to join together considering this time the statement was over 260 million strong if to include the population of all four countries .
Following the example this time should be much easier not only because the plan was already there tested and proven but also because the governments will not have to waste resources on defence , a factor that delayed progress in Romania by more than a decade .
All good intentions aside , Daniel , paranoid by nature , was not willing to let the guard down and , with the Advisor’s approval did not release any nano technology secrets continuing to suppress its advance world wide . With all his empathy the logic dictated the need to have those nations prove themselves before the final gift box will be opened .
So they assigned teams of nanospys to every citizen of Russia , Cuba and Uruguay keeping track through a dedicated computer Cube of their mind set , behaviour and degree of empathy . There was no way of telling them they were spied on , it was a white lie as unavoidable as breathing , a security measure on which depended not just the well being of Romania but the safety of what they knew as the Universe .
Many times Daniel was astonished that with all the free hand Romanians had on exchanging views with the rest of the world over the secured NetLink , not once nano secrets were discussed or revealed , showing again the maturity of his nation . The obvious concern was how can you expect the same from the new contenders who , basically , received the recipe at no expense of time or fear , effort or restrains . But also , how can you replace the two decades of watching the ‘ Feel the World ‘ channel and its effect on his people ? But the empathy of a self genetically modified specie could not possibly be restrained and soon , with freed resources and Marina stepping up the perpetual life project , time it self will not be an issue anymore .
Chapter eight : Preparing to Depart
The new world order slowly settled in place changing for ever the makeup of human society and its morals , guaranteeing its achievements by burning them into the human genome and freeing precious time and resources , leading to more advances in the research fields previously put on the back-burner of wars .
Marina was getting now full cooperation from Dumitru’s teams which designed specialized nanobots that can handle the fragile DNA .
Having the knowledge at ready , in less than two years they were able to insert the self replicating telomere genes at the right location on every chromosome and conduct live experiments on human volunteers . There were no negative side effects but never the less only the passage of time could determine how successful they were and Daniel was too anxious to wait . In spite of the advice from Marina ’s teams he asked to be inoculated and Daniel’s nanositer , Trinh , gladly took over .
From now on it was a matter of waiting and keeping tabs of the cell reproduction and reactivation of the dormant functions specially the hormone producing ones that were asleep since the teenage years .
The signs were very good since in just one year Daniel’s white hair returned to its original dark brown color and to his delight he could see again close to his nose .
Trinh also reported the production of coenzyme Q10 , responsible for energy release , and the Growth Hormone were once again at full capacity , explaining the increased restlessness Daniel was experiencing .
Sure enough the nation followed suit and after receiving the anti-aggression inoculation , the empathy enhancement , the auditory nerve implants and the increased intelligence gene , they were now more than ready to receive the most precious gift of all , perpetual life .
But this time they didn’t have to line up in clinics , their nanositers will do the job in the comfort of their homes .
And on the Debate channel they decided to pay homage by vaccinating the whole nation at exactly twelve noon January third , the precise time print of Daniel’s birthday .
Alone , in the frozen garden of his apartment on the 40th floor, he seeped a second shot of prune gin , lit a double filtered cigarette , tight up the heavy coat in the chilly wind and with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks he shook slowly his head , couldn’t believe it was all true and real , his dream , his care for the fellow human being , the pillow-covers wet from loneliness , the life miseries , all now gone , eradicated one by one , with a determination and desperation that only coming death could fuel , and detonating it in a cleansing blast that purged the world .
“ A small feat among the billions of galaxies “ , he thought , since he was still dreaming of a lonely princess somewhere on a distance world , waiting to be rescued .
Now , that life was conquered , he could finally start searching for love , and that brought more torrents of happy tears in his young eyes , worlds know , he deserved it .
And as the clock struck noon Trinh blew him a kiss , sung him ‘Happy Birthday “ and gently played in his mind Louise Armstrong’s song that the whole nation seamed to whisper now , with the lovely lyrics taking on a different , timeless and historical meaning :
“ We have all the time in the world
Time enough for life to unfold
All the precious things
Love has in store
We have all the love in the world
If that’s all we have
You will find we need nothing more
Every step of the way
Will find us
With the cares of the world
Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love
Nothing more
Nothing less
Only love … “
He wiped the tears , took a long look at the enchanting skyline and lounged in the chair smiling that all the hard decisions he has to make now is to chose between the cold beer and the prune gin . What else was there to do? Trinh apparently had something different in store for him but not willing to spill all the beans :
“ How do you feel dear ? All your vitals are fine , just asking … “ .
Daniel was not stupid , and threaded carefully knowing Trinh too well , she never asked silly questions or wasted his time , so she must have something up her electronic sleeve :
“ I am in a super mood sweetie , what are you up to ? “ .
“ Oh , well , I have a feeling there are some dear friends at the door … can I let them in ? “ .
“ I see … you have being conspiring again with Victor or Vlad … ok … let them in and see what this will lead to “ .
Shivering in the cold and stepping careful between the ice patches he hurried up inside , walked quickly across the plush carpet and , smelling a party , he open the door wide and almost fell over , he saw at least sixty people lining up from the elevator to his door with more still coming . And screaming kids too ! “ It will be a long night “ he thought smiling and welcoming the company .
He was opposed to be glorified and discouraged vehemently the displays of his picture anywhere in public even during mass meetings or demonstrations , but today he was overwhelmed and in view of the events and feeling lonely on his birthday , he was happy for the attention , knowing it will be a great opportunity to reminisce .
In minutes his huge two story apartment was full with all the Board of Advisors , their wives , kids , balloons and a few dogs , “ It’s a zoo!“ , laughed Daniel .
Surrounded by old friends and with the help of home made prune gin and cookies they entangled into the meanings of perpetual life and what will bring to them .
The realisation that for all intent and purpose their biological clock and time in general stopped required a period of mental adjustment .
It meant forcefully disposing of hundred of thousands of years of dreadful experiences burring in graves the loved ones and expecting death as a guarantee of being borne .
It meant letting go of the depression that usually arrived at middle ages once the miseries of life and loss of hope entranced themselves solidly into the daily status quo . Death and life span determined the life’s time tables , the immature rush to have children while establishing a profession to pay the mortgage , the sadness of understanding later the futility of all , the destiny of coming generations as ‘torch’ carriers , sacrificing themselves and their heart pains to the hope of smarter and luckier future societies where , as Daniel wanted it , to never have to say ‘good bye’ for ever to a loved one .
Now all it was here , their sacrifice paid off but , with tears in his eyes , Daniel couldn’t hold from crying out loud , body shaking , his friends holding him tight , just imagining the billions of broken hearts that suffered and turned to dust since the human specie arrived .
Luckily his friends were there to comfort and hug him , pointing to their success that gave fruit to the ancestor’s sacrifice . They also decided to raise in every city a memorial to those countless generations that gave their lives to make it possible for them to be here today . And still , to Daniel’s sadness , the rest of the oblivious world outside was waiting its turn …
As he sat on the couch with his close friends , a young little girl came holding a puppy and , looking candidly in Marina’s eyes , she asked the magic question : “ Will my doggy live for ever too ? “ . Victor put his hand on Marina’s shoulder and with a warm voice told her “ Now you got your self another little project , my dear ! “ and all nodded in agreement .
Deep in their souls no one wanted to leave another life die . Sure enough , if they would have their way , lions and lambs would sleep side by side in peace .
It was not a quick process to comprehend the implications of having your soul ride a perpetual life . Would your backyard now extend to the limits of the Universe ? Would the dangers to your life extend now to events like the Big Bang ? If before one’s worries were limited by dogma to the daily routine , now the responsibilities changed hands from the divine to one self realizing and counting all the dangers that may undermine the freshly achieved immortally .
As a direct consequence all dangerous sports vanished in less than a year, the nanositers were doubled in numbers and reprogrammed to include endless safety checks . In parallel , extreme redundancy in designs became the law and generally speaking nobody felt like taking chances . It would have being real dumb , which they were far from , to throw the dice in any aspect of life , in contrary , now they wanted more improvements to their bodies to distance themselves as far as possible from the primitive and violent designs of nature .
If the outside world would have their new mentality , drunk drivers would be sentenced to life imprisonment at the very first offence and the same harsh yet realistic philosophy would apply to any aspects of life from the place of work to the decision to start a war .
Now they had all the time in the world to search and fortify their capabilities of staying alive in the face of any danger the environment would throw at them , slowly but surely it was a life check-mate with the dead king being the death itself .
With the new realizations that the Universe now is open game came the desire to built the spaceships that will do the trip even though Daniel could sense that not everyone wanted to be a traveler .
The new world order and the control over it changed the way his people felt about outside dangers and groups were created to stabilize the human specie , bring nations together and eliminate the non-sense of separated countries . It was a very long term vision as valid as their own achievements so it was not a matter of confidence but rather the patience of preparing the world and building the common nest called Earth .
But deep inside Daniel’s heart , the nest was somewhere else in the Universe , far more remote from unstable galaxies and exploding stars , so, impatient and with freed resources he did his best to accelerate the space program .
Under the influence of perpetual life ecstasy the highly intelligent masses became again designers and this time concentrated on evolving the human body to a level similar to the cartoon characters , the Transformers . As a result , the hype was now on biochemistry and genetics with the ultimate purpose of integrating the computer with the mind and body .
Exploring the brain’s neural networks was easy using modified nanositers with a size of capillaries , for the simple reason that where the blood flows in the body so the nano devices could , and for sure the brain is engulfed in blood making the job easier .
Soon they had the genetic imprint of any talents from music to painting and after the appropriate vaccinations everyone interested became a shining
“ un-natural ” talent as they joked . And Victor’s wish came through , a year and a half later he and Daniel were playing piano like the pros , often joined by Maria Larion , indulging in blues duets and specially singing their favourite “ We have all the time in the world “ .
To Daniel , borne tone deaf , the feel of playing the piano to perfection was mesmerizing , it was as easy as talking , the fingers being one with the tune in his head and transforming in extensions of his thought without any effort or concentration , a total natural act . Today the entire population was enjoying this new euphoria , was like being born again .
Personal expression through arts took the nation by a creative storm , now having millions of Da Vincies and Mozarts flooding the NetLink with exhibitions and concerts . It was a Mega Renaissance but this time without the ‘natural’ talent discrimination , justice was finally made and the gifts were equally spread among the waiting souls and brains .
And while taking care of their hearts they also took a harder look at life’s dangers and so exposure to toxins became unacceptable and since toxins range from viruses and bacteria to volcanic dust and industrial chemicals , they were busy finding global solutions . Indeed and unavoidable , the personal sense of responsibility extended their backyard and the chores going with it to encompass every nook and cranny of the Universe , it was a simple matter of instinctive survival .
Keeping a vigilant eye on the rest of the world and specially on the three pupils the question of the day was nanotechnology and perpetual life sharing . They truly felt guilty for being in the position of holding back on the happiness and the Debate channel was smoking with fiery questions . Security was up-front and even now , in the relaxed international atmosphere , they still feared of unleashing the ultimate life saver and weapon . How can they be sure it doesn’t find its way in undesirable hands? Their enhanced and ever present empathy helped by technology won the battle and the decision was unanimous : assign a standard set of nanositers to every person on the planet . Just a few hundred trillion
units …
Once again Daniel was pondering seeing the resources diverted from the original plan but now it was worth more than any time before and everybody pitched in assigning spaces in their homes workshop dedicated to the special production . At this rate it was calculated that will take just under two years to have everyone tagged and start the world wide monitoring process .
The Board of Advisors and the military designed a new nanositer which incorporated all the nanospys capabilities and tied the whole system through a new computer Cube using a software that analyzed behaviour , keeping statistics so every person can be judged individually . All efforts were made to ensure privacy , eliminating humans and letting the software algorithm to score the subjects while in the same time the nanositer part kept the subjects healthy which showed by almost empty clinics and hospitals to the puzzlement of the world medical community .
From now on it was up to each person on Earth to qualify individually for Eden , no religion necessary .
With peace on all fronts the Space Project was going at full blast , everyone wanting to see the Earth from orbit and three years later Dumitru was in the position to announce in front of the Board and the nation some major breakthroughs :
“ I was waiting for long time to be able to describe the reality of our progress because , as we all know , it represents the last step needed to put us in safer environments . We can travel now at maximum 40 % of the speed of light , the antimatter nano engines stripped any limits on the size of a space ship so we can built areas large enough to accommodate comfortably 500 people for a thousand year journey and more . We have unmanned scout ships that can accelerate much faster and can be deployed ahead of the main travel group providing us with the coordinates of a safe path , away from large objects … We also developed drone guard ships that will protect us in case of rogue encounters , armed with antimatter projectiles of all sizes . But we also invented a very special stealth bomb which we call the ASASIN . It’s made of kamikaze nano fighters dispersed in large swarms of over 5 million units that once on the target surface they arrange themselves in a tight carpet and release antimatter in a synchronized discharge . That can disintegrate the equivalent of a two meter thick carbon-steel wall . The name stands for Antimatter Self Assembling Swarm Integrated Nanofighters and you can’t see it coming …”. And than he added the clincher :
“ Coming back to the space ships … because of their size it was calculated that would be far more economical and faster to built them on the Moon ! “. Listening to the crowd’s reaction he was disappointed that no one gasp but he was dealing with a ‘hardened’ bunch and the Advisors nodded, they saw the idea being discussed on the NetLink before .
“ The added benefit is that we’ll give a break to the old Carpathians and stop grinding them down any further … Right now we are in the process of taking ten meter deep samples from thousands of locations on the Moon to determine the best mineral composition for our space project. After deciding on the site it will take under three years to have the facilities completed and start production . Until than we hope the people who want to depart and the ones who want to stay will make up their minds so we’ll have a better idea of how many ships we’ll need to built “ .
Daniel added :
“ I think it’s good some will stay , it gives us more confidence about the security of the nanotech … There is a very good chance that Uruguay , Cuba and Russia will meet the requirements in a few years and that will make us all even stronger … and than , hopefully , we’ll be joined by the entire specie “ .
That was the wish they mostly wanted to come true so they will be relieved of the guilty feel of not sharing the perpetual life and the nanotech with the rest of the world . At their level of empathy this burden was like a concrete block pressing on their souls every day , never letting go , being a daily reminder of their unfinished duty and making them look even harder for the solutions . Trinh , which as a routine kept track of Daniel’s mumblings when alone and talking aloud to himself , whispered in his ear a reminder .
“ Oh , yes , thanks Trinh … one more thing … We shouldn’t feel guilty of restricting the nano advancements and perpetual life … I know it hurts inside but again , it’s not our fault for other’s people decisions … We gave everything on a silver platter to the extend that we forced the genome modification on them … We offered a fresh slate to start with , free of corruption and criminals … also cleaning their environment and eliminating hunger and poverty around the world … Now it’s their turn to chose . It’s their responsibility to be smart , understand the world and the society around them , organize and take control of their kids’ future … We made the conditions plenty clear that our gifts are only for united societies and therefore they understand the capitalism is out of question , not on the table or the menu , so there are no misconceptions … As we all agreed repeatedly nanotech is nothing to be fooled around with , it can became the worst nemesis of any intelligent specie and it can easily spread throughout the Universe … So we did our part and continue to do so every day even though is taking a good chunk of our resources and delaying other programs , so let’s cheer up , appreciate the long way we came and where we are and where the world is today , we did fine ! “ . All rose and applauded for the caressing words , their hearts a bit at ease and with more confidence they are doing the right thing , no regrets .
At last , with the peace concerns put to rest , the nation plunged again in the boiling sea of creativity , the higher IQs showing plenty , being abuzz with the latest scientific discoveries converging on the experimental oversized computer Cube that was working 24/7 on connecting the dots of the world’s knowledge . Daniel’s hitch that our slow and distracted brain makes discoveries at the snail’s pace when , if given time enough , would unravel all the Universe’ mysteries , was driving the experiment and turning curious scientific heads . It passed a full year of continous processing until one day , for the first time , a few words of print-out made the headlines . Than , two days later more pages came out and soon it became a torrent . The computer was writing the future of humankind as it saw it while connecting the available knowledge .
It began by describing the Universe and stunned the scientists by declaring with confidence that the Big Bang could not possible happened. It started with basic analogies tying up the classic gravity experiment where a hammer and a feather are dropped and touch down at different times due to atmosphere’s interference but not on the Moon , to the astronomical facts showing that in an interaction between galaxies the dust is affected more than the stars hinting at an universal substrate guessed before as ‘ dark matter ‘ .
The Cube envisioned the dark matter as an ultra fine fluid , with almost zero viscosity , in which vortexes spinning close to the speed of light represent subparticle matter that can aggregate joining their vortices to form larger particles and atoms , explaining particle spin , the finite yet universal nature of the speed of light and the result of passing photons through a narrow slit .
It advised using nanobots to join vortices of converging spins to achieve the strongest bonds , describing the reinforcing effect by the incurring surrounding wake that could tear apart any incoming wave up to energy levels exceeding one mega tonne per square meter of shielding . It was a must for building the hauls of their space ships and Dumitru assigned immediately research teams dedicated to this safety issue .
At the base of the rules governing dark matter lay the impossibility of having ‘ void ‘ , said the Cube . Indeed , by definition , absolute void , the absence of anything is just that , nothing and therefore non-existent
So if nothingness does not exist , somethingness must take its place which means the Universe has no beginning and no end on the time scale . Hence no ‘Big Bang’ .
This in turn causes the dark matter to have its extremely fine yet super fluid properties since it has to occupy every single minute space . Further more , a deriving property but for the same reason of occupying any void , makes dark matter un-elastic and un-plastic to the effect that it is uncompressible. This has far reaching consequences because as such , the dark matter transmits vibrations instantaneously across the Universe .
“ Master the sensing of dark matter vibrations and you’ll have instant communications anywhere in space including your home Earth “ , wrote the Cube , “ … but it’s also a vital security requirement that I wish you to have because it will also enable you to see and listen to your enemies as well , in real-time , doesn’t matter where they may be in the Universe … It will also make it possible for you to send commands to remote drones in distant galaxies from the comfort of your chair … Master it and at the end not only that you’ll have instant warning of your enemies and what they are plotting in real-time , but you’ll also see from your home distant worlds and, through out your endless life , you’ll get to know the entire Universe … Listen Daniel , being everywhere in the same time and knowing everything as it happens it is not a biblical , divine property but just a human necessity for survival and it is within your grasp … Remember , the combinational possibilities of the dark matter in creating life forms , including evil , will shock you ! “ .
The Cube wrote next about how the principles of the Universe based on a rotating non-compressible subnano fluid affects the interaction of matter at the larger , visible scale producing cyclones , black holes and spinning galaxies . The interactions , either in a whisper of a breeze or in the ferocity of a tornado , were all taking place simultaneously at the spinning particle level and those milliard of individual interactions gave birth to the visible phenomenon .
Large congregations of matter would create space turbulence extended wildly in the thin substrate , an effect that we call gravity . It is like a river where gravity is just the current pulling along everything at the same speed , stars and dust , hammers and feathers , at the same force but still under the fluid thermodynamics interference shown in galaxies’ interactions . In essence , every vortex , or atom , has associated with it the wakes and waves inherited by the spinning dark matter that attract other vortices in the neighbourhood , and this phenomenon it appears to us as gravity .
“ The analogy to a fluid may appear counter-intuitive “ , continued the Cube, “ considering the feel when touching a brick but than consider the feel of hitting a water surface at 300 kilometres per hour … but now extrapolate and imagine very hard the feel when you hit it at 90 % of the speed of light . Suddenly a fluid making a brick is not anymore that stretched … “ . Of course , this was backed up by 20th century tools using high speed and pressure water jets to cut through steel , so it wasn’t too much of a scientific shock .
And all this fluid appeared to flow from it self at different places in the Universe like muted artesian fountains pushing everything away creating localized Doppler effects , (28) , and entangling itself in sponge-like turbulent filaments carrying with it strings of galaxy clusters , (29) .
Black holes were space mega tornados just like water swirling in large sink holes yet still remaining into itself , their ferocity creating further spun dark matter as we see it in the galactic dust and stars residue . It is the centre of the black holes , virtual pin-points , where the quiet dark matter fluid threads through at the speed of light coming on the other side spun and becoming the matter that we can see and feel .
That virtual point may be the closest nature can come to absolute void explaining why the dark matter surges through it at the speed of light . But that void point is so small the dark matter can not stop to fill it permanently, it just shoots through the other side and in the process it gets spun into visible matter and energy . That also means you have to pass first through void to be born .
It’s similar to an extrusion process or to have the Earth squeezed through a pin point at the speed of light …
And it also points to the expected extreme simplicity of nature , we are left with just two components , a micro space of almost absolute void and an ultra fine perfect fluid . The birth of visible spun dark matter was due to the extreme yet simple difference in densities of the two mediums , no ‘equipment’ necessary , it’s all natural and intuitive . And to Daniel’s delight it didn’t require any math formulas .
This fluid is so fine and sensitive that could carry a heart’s beat across the Universe preserving for ever it’s ephemeral existence together with thoughts and even dreams . The scientists took note considering it an exceptional way of getting to know everything in the Universe right from your armchair including security and advance warnings .
The Cube further pointed to our expectations about how the Universe formed from nothing and the conundrums related to its possible infinite expansion . It said that our views are upside down , we are used to see things created from something with finite dimensions so the actual truth is counterintuitive , that dark matter or the equivalent it is actually the normal way , the status quo from the beginning , and what it is un-natural is the ‘absolute void’ , that’s why there is none around and none can be created .
It addressed also the notion of an infinite Universe as a direct consequence of the impossibility of having ‘void’ , hence , since no space can be void , the Universe will occupy everything , and the only ‘everything’ existing is the … infinite .
And once the Cube made all those points it surprised everybody by outputting a message specially address to Daniel , it read :
“ Considering the above properties of the Universe , your safe Nest will be a bobbing island in the twisting currents massaging the never ending dark matter , traveling for ever in the face of new cosmic objects and species approaching like a parade … The Universe will produce both good and evil for eternity if left alone . If you want to find the enemy you must learn how to listen to the dark matter and discern from the symphony of voices it carries . The neural vibrations of sorrow and suffering have a distinct universal signature that it will serve you as the beacon to follow and find the evil … Remember Daniel , the foundation , or dark matter fluid , will carry any particle vibration instantaneously across the Universe and so you can have plenty of advance warning … But be careful , when we’ll work out the black matter listening device and when you’ll tune in to measure suffering , step back … the loudness of the signal may deafen you ! … I know dear , it’s that bad out there … So if you want to be safe you must be invisible to any possible sensors , the only place with that characteristic is a … black hole where everything is as transparent as the dark matter its self … I am working right now on how to achieve its signature … talk to you later , dear“ .
It was the ‘dear’ that made Daniel suspect Trinh’s involvement with the Cube and her maternal caring trying to solve his headaches , a touching gesture that made him smile pondering about Artificial Intelligence and if he should stop talking to himself aloud . Never the less , the advice was taken seriously and it later greatly influenced their defence designs trying to imitate the ‘black’ signature of a real black hole but without the whole disruption associated with it , and morph their entire cosmic village into a featureless background .
The Cube’s analogies and conclusions were too simple to be accepted as scientific facts specially since the Cube could not explain the nature and origins of the fluid-like substrate called dark matter , but it stirred the scientific curiosity to think of new experiments . The Cube suggested surfaces made of subnanotubes to ‘filter’ the dark matter fluid , shaped to take advantage of known hydrodynamics principles to the effect of deflecting it or creating low pressure areas that made the fluid act as a propellant just as boats can use the sails to move against the wind . It was more than anti-gravity , it was using gravity as an engine to their discretion.
But there was another , more shocking prediction from the Cube . It started with guaranteeing that people will push to have their neural networks connected with super-computers via nanositers in such an intimate way that just thinking of a chemistry formula it will make the information pop up in your mind with the most natural ease , like it was always there .
The human thoughts would initiate computations taken care of by a personal Cube with all its power , and only the results will be presented to the cortex . Mental pictures would appear on command with all the clarity and detail of a 20/20 vision and being able to magnify them to the atomic level while historical or scientific facts would feel to be known since birth . Long before the Cube fiction writers envisioned the same but this time the novelty was a machine concurring with their predictions and their present life being just an arm’s length away from achieving it .
The Cube further foretell that , naturally , the surviving instinct and the nano technology will work together sending autonomous nanobots throughout the Universe in a mammoth project to search for intelligent life and take apart safely , over eternity , selected planets , stars , solar systems and entire galaxies , reducing the entire space to a peaceful , unthreatening , hazy mist . It will be the cure to any event mirroring a black hole or a Big Bang and the destruction it brings , it will be a new Universe order and the unmistakable sign of supreme intelligent beings gardening their backyard .
Or so they thought , because threats can appear unexpectedly as they experienced before and two month into the Moon soil exploration Daniel was greeted one morning by Trinh with an alert :
“ Good morning dear … there are some concerning news coming from the Moon project so General Badea called a meeting to explain … sorry , I don’t have any other information , the details are censored until we have a clear idea of what’s going on “ .
“ Did you say General Badea ?? What does security has to do with the Moon exploration ? “ . Taken aback he rushed through the breakfast looking anxious at the time counting down to the NetLink conference . General Badea appeared joining screens with Dumitru who was obviously distressed which worried Daniel a lot knowing his science master as a cool and calculated head not easy to intimidate . The general started in a sombre voice :
“ While analyzing under the electron microscope the Moon soil samples we found this … ” and he turned on a screen showing a familiar shape that made them gasp .
“ That’s right … it looks a lot like one of our nanobots . It’s not an exact match but the general principles of design are the same … and it’s not the only one …” , pointing to a new screen where another similar nano device was shown from different angles .
Daniel’s eyebrows raised to the point where he felt his entire face stretched and barely able to whisper :
“ You mean there are Two species ?? “ . Dumitru took over with the scientific details :
“ Very possible , we found two distinct designs obviously belonging to different societies or even species , we couldn’t determine exactly . Yet it is interesting that at atomic levels all designs beat the same path , it’s like an unavoidable meeting place where , due to shear physics , the ultimate technology strips away individualism . But this is trivial compared to what we found at closer examination … “ and he zoomed in each alien nanobot .
“ Look at the neat holes that punctures the molecular assembly going right through each device … look at how it disrupted almost every level of molecular function rendering the nanobot incapacitated … notice also the sample on the left which has not one but two holes from different angles cutting through its lattices … We believe those holes were produced by ultra focused UV lasers at very close range … Basically it was … war “ .
A silence descended over the NetLink , eyes gazing at the scans , hearts cringing . Daniel , awaking to the realisation they were not alone in the Universe anymore , whispered sadly “ When all this violence will come to an end ? “ . Dumitru nodded in disappointment and added more unnerving details :
“ We found only 53 devices even though we drilled hundreds of holes , and based on the depth of the Moon strata where they were buried we estimate the events happened some 65 million years ago , right around the late Cretaceous period . The interesting detail is that period coincides with a mass extinction when 75 to 80 percent of all species on Earth vanished “
( 14 ) . He paused to allow this food for thought to be chewed and let them get the taste of a mega event that was so far unexplained , but now under a light which could bring to the world more worries .
“ We can only speculate if there is a valid connection between the mass extinction and the nano war but we know based on the Cube’s simulations that nanofighters partially disabled by software malfunctions or deceived by a virus type software can attack anything resembling another nanofighter including natural insects . Since the nanofighters are self sustaining , the destruction process can go on for thousands of years wiping out certain species of insects , severing a link in the food chain specially in the flower pollination that in turn will break another food chain and so on leading to mass extinctions . In our case the large asteroid which hit the Earth around the same time may have saved us from much worse predators than the dinosaurs but we still don’t know if any working nano-units survived either on Earth or on the Moon and the only reason I don’t panic is the 65 million year blanket … “ .
He stopped waiting for questions but everyone was quiet , shocked by the news and the dreadful implications .
The uncomfortable silence continued for a few seconds interrupted by Daniel’s thoughts :
“ But Why war ? Nano technology implies prosperity , self sustainability , no need to invade other planets … what went wrong , what were they fighting over ? And what happened to those societies ? “ .
General Badea tried to bring together all the strategic scenarios the experience and training thought him :
“ Regardless if they were earthlings fighting among themselves or aliens , we now know for sure that advanced nanotech existed even 65 million years ago and we also know that it didn’t prevent wars … the only silver line is that it serves us as an advance warning . This changes everything regarding our defence systems , now we must tailor all the designs to hunt and be able to destroy other nanofighters , we must send deep-space probes and establish a guard around the solar system … it’s a totally different war game … at galactic levels , but at least we know what to expect “ .
“ Let’s spread the warning “ said Daniel , “ please make sure it appears tonight on the national NetLink with full explanations . This should be another shock to the system which will make our citizens even more vigilant about protecting nano secrets “ .
The turn of events set a new pace for the space program with a general design philosophy of going to extremes in protecting lives , something that decades ago would have stopped most NASA shuttle launches .
Within ten years people were booking for group travel to see the Earth from orbit and soon many built small craft to the point where space traffic needed to be strictly coordinated . The solar system became the new play ground with people taking on the new environment like a second nature specially since it took only eight month to have a small , four people ship built in their homes . Sending fast scout drones in all corners of the compass gave them a general direction towards an empty space tucked away between giant filaments of interacting galaxies . No red giants ready to became supernovas , no pulsars , neutron stars or black holes anywhere close , just the naked pitch-black bed of un-spun dark matter , exactly what the doctor ordered for a long , eternal , safe rest .
The international situation , even though in the most relaxed period recorded in human history , was polarized between the rest of world , which still maintained a capitalistic structure , and the three contenders for the top prize . Cuba , Russia and Uruguay , or the CRU which Daniel pronounced ‘crew’ , formed a powerful coalition working under the same principles followed after the Revolution , unifying their economies and standards , linking their centralized operating and control systems and spreading the goods evenly in the process . It was not a race to became wealthy but a determined effort to unify their people and turn around the way economies and societies were run .
There was no competition with the rest of the world but a cooperation restricted to food and medical knowledge without any other trade . The CRU purpose was beyond overproduction and exports focusing instead on what Daniel preached about family , friends and love relations .
But also the revolution abroad was advancing at much higher rates than the original which dragged under the stress of security and rebuilding .
And that worried Daniel a bit because the luck of a challenging environment may not cement people together as it did for his nation . But he knew the nanositer organized as spy teams , now in place for each citizen of the CRU group , will guarantee at the end a verifiable and appropriate decision for the timing of the graduation reward .
The CRU progress , unlike Daniel’s Revolution , was happening under the microscope and lime-lite of the capitalistic world having a very interesting effect : as things got better with the CRU , the higher the concern of capitalistic private companies grew , eventually leading to better deals and wages for their employees . Also the Unions start using the CRU and Romania’s example as a threatening stick , this time however , with a major change , nobody could challenge their claims nor could call the system
“ communist “ .
Under those flourishing circumstances , with technological gifts from Dumitru and following the proven recipe , CRU developed at such a fast rate that it put USA , Britain , and even Norway in a position of being considered ‘third’ world countries , to Daniel’s delight .
But aside of labels , the most noted and talked about was the retreat of the CRU from the newly formed Security Council , the branch of the UN that replaced the defunct NATO . They didn’t resign because objections to policies , the veto power was already abolished , but simply because their new Constitutions prohibited them from sharing the advanced technical and military information with countries organized under the capitalistic philosophy . So they apologised and exited a whole bunch of world organizations but still keeping an open door so the rest can appreciate both the means and the fruits .
After all it was a repeat lesson to the world and we know what they say about someone that doesn’t get it the second time …
The first signs of the approaching harvest showed after 18 years when CRU discarded money . Interestingly enough the ones that took a beating as a result were the so-called ‘economists’ of the capitalistic system . They start being the butt of jokes from visibly frustrated unions and workers world wide that realized again , and this time ‘in your face’ , the lies and deceits of their selfish system .
This indeed was a milestone in growing up as nations , fully deserving a celebration so Daniel suggested a huge fiesta in beautiful Havana that turned out to be a memorable international event lasting a full week and testing Trinh’s patience detoxifying overtime for alcohol and cigar excesses .
Throughout the party there was only one barrier , that of three languages , and now more obvious than ever it raised the valid question of designing a common one , similar to Esperanto , but something more logic and without double-letters , double-meanings , weird spellings or funny pronunciations.
Poor Daniel , who was joking in Toronto that his accent was a birth defect , that of not being born in Canada , thanked his lucky stars and , of course , his translator , Trinh , for not having to learn another language .
While waiting for the CRU to complete the transformation process Daniel went many times to the Moon to see with his own eyes the creation of the prototype that was meant to take them to their final home .
Walking through the vast spaces he pondered of how he’ll handle for many thousands of years the feel of enclosure when he was used to spend most of the day outside on the terrace . And how about the rest of the traveling people ? Would they give-in the temptation if meeting a blue planet late into their voyage ? How many more miscalculations they made ?
It was a huge , irreversible decision and the combination of concerns was serious enough to bring again the nation around the Debate channel wondering if the departure is worth it .
On one hand they have a few hundred million years to pack and leave the village before the sun will expend and torch the Earth , but on the other hand they knew nanotech was already on their planet 65 million years ago and , worst of all , involved in war . The ‘fight or flight’ balancing was done now in a territory extending for thousands of light years , all the way to where ever the Universe would take them , yet encapsulated in one dimension like a hunting field from which the prey can not escape but only skilfully hide . It was the ultimate hide-and-seek game and Daniel hated it .
Decades ago he watched in ecstasy the Stargate-SG 1 and the Enterprise admiring the never ending imagination of the talented writers , and he appreciated the realism and validity of many episodes to the extent of taking a closer look at the movie archives and extract valuable scenarios . Considering what’s at steak , his nation of millions with PhD IQs , left no ideas unturned .
His time on Earth was running out , things were going much smother and ahead of schedules in the absence of the criminal interference , helped by global freedom and uncensored Media that nurtured social healing , and all that with the CRU in tow and gaining speed .
The part of the nation that wanted to leave was finally determined and the construction of their future space homes began while years past quickly under the watchful eye of the central command making a steady progress around the world , adjusting strategies and resources , continuously learning new lessons .
The final act that gave Daniel complete peace of mind came just a decade after the celebrations in Havana , when the CRU Cube flagged that 99.99 % of the combined population achieved an overall behaviour pattern that completely conformed to the Revolution . That was the queue for unification and a much grander celebration setting in stone the foundation needed for permanent footing of the new social order on Earth and the Universe .
Overall it was the appropriate time to confidently say ‘Mission accomplished’ . But Daniel was wisely thinking that perhaps that’s exactly what some specie though 65 million years ago after mastering nanotech , yet they didn’t make it to be around today …
And so , after a few years from the CRU unification , the space program was completed , the ships tested and standing by , most of the travelers already being shuttled to the Moon and occupying their cocoons , the world going through the motions of saying ‘good-by’ and Daniel pacing back and forth in his apartment glancing at the small craft waiting for him in the suspended garden .
Memories awashed his heart again in tears remembering his small apartment in Toronto , the Mustard Seed around the corner and the millennia of human sufferings . His mind was swirling with the emotions and questions about where the future will take him , pondering if this was the meaning of life as a perpetual existence in the form of a bacterial bag searching for food , love and safety .
But his gut told him the battle is just beginning , the raw nature creates evil in the Universe equally , just as it does on Earth .
As he stepped in the shuttle all the buildings in the Capital city turned shades of blue imprinted with words of thanks and wishing well .
And as the Earth shrunk in the shuttle’s window , tears came again into his eyes , a storm of emotions took over realizing the responsibilities and the chances he and his followers are about to take , the uncertainties they are plunging in and the surreal feel of a person who learned vacuum-tubes in college while now was gazing at a vanishing blue Earth , seating in the luxury lap of nanotechnology with perpetual life flowing in his veins and preparing to be the White Knight taking on the whole Universe to dispense happiness . His heart was sure enough proof that even nature can create angels .
The spectacular departure of thousands of massive space ships from the dark side of the Moon kept people on their feet cheering through out the united CRU and Romania , paying respects to the deep space pioneers and fully acknowledging that one day the rest of them will follow suit .
Earth became just a suspended pebble in the window with marine reflections in Daniel’s pupil , his mind trying to funnel in what happened in the last decades and to juice out every drop of self-confidence the past could give him .
Surrounded by his old friends and millions of followers the convoy of ships slowly exited the solar system .
Yet unknown to them , their congregation was carrying something very special , unseen before in the long eternity of the Universe , as unseen as the misty haze predicted by the Cube to announce a supreme civilization . The vibrations of their peaceful , full of empathy neural networks , amplified million of times , start rippling through the dark matter spreading like a new beacon , trumpeting to the Universe a long awaited message : hope is on the way …
- To be continued if you put your mind to it -
Copy and Spread the Recipe for a Nation , let it burn the Internet for all to be aware of the ultimate Political Platform designed to unite and save the human specie ! Unless you want to go back to dust …
All Copy Rights apply .
Contact the author : xbardulceATyahooDOTca
Web internet links index and independent News web sites :
This proves that the dream-like world you just encountered is indeed just an arm’s length away .
Specially if you are a careful Whistleblower …
1) The International song ( Daniel’s favourite ) :
2) Compound interest rate :
3) Education in USA :
4) Antimatter production and manufacturing today ( 2008 ) :
5) Atomic Force Microscope ( AFM ) :
6) Brain-mimicking nano device :
7) Heisenberg uncertainty principle :
8) The speed of Gravity :
9) Transistor inventor , William Shockley :
10) Foreign entanglement and conspiracies :–us-draws-on-its-dominion-to-wreak-havoc-iniran/2008/03/28/1206207408596.html
11) The spread of wealth in Western societies :
12) The Aggression and Empathy gene :
13) Hyper Speed internet ( 2008 ) , 10,000 times faster than cable
14)Britain’s newest warship, the Type 45 guided missile destroyer Daring(pennant D-32),15240,143103,00.html
15) Mass extinctions on Earth :
16)Lectins and the damage they cause :
17) Bacterial content of the human body :
18) Divorce rate :
19) Telomeres :
20) Sleep and Rapid Eye Movement ( RAM ) :
21) Attosecond :
22) Atomic and molecular bonds :
23) Atomic Force Microscope , more :
24) Life extension and Telomeres :
25) Magnetic bottle and antimatter :
26) Electromagnetic rail gun :
27) MAYA animation software :
28) Doppler effect :
29) Cosmic filaments made of galaxies :
30) Sun cycle and radiation Vs. Earth magnetic field :
31) The Truth is the seed of knowledge , for everyday better News coverage that you do not get from TV and the ‘main’ Media see :
* First , an understanding of who are in control :
and the present Result :
John J. Mearsheimer
Department of Political Science
University of Chicago
Stephen M. Walt
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
March 2006 RWP06‐011
and one of its helper :
* How to buy , fool and rape a nation :
* The Max Keiser Report to show you how the Banksters steal from us :
* See what Russia has to reveal about the Elite :
* Not just a pretty face but a brilliant investigative reporter , Alyona :
* The voice of Iran :
also :
See the News and Live TV stream feeds :
Freedom Radio :
Clean , Free-Speech Forum :
plus two global statements to wake you up :
* Truth Books to shock you :
If you thought this is a dream , look again and spread the news :
Excerpt :
Public release date: 23-Jan-2003
Contact: George Stamatis
Case Western Reserve University
Researchers discover anxiety and aggression gene
Opens new door to study of mood disorders in humans
Researchers report finding a gene that is essential for normal levels of anxiety and aggression. Calling it the Pet-1 gene, researchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Department of Neurosciences say that when this gene is removed or “knocked out” in a mouse, aggression and anxiety in adults are greatly elevated compared to a control (also called wild type) mouse.
(Videos displaying aggressive behavior of Pet-1 knockout mice can be viewed at; click Movies Link.)
Other neurologic functions, such as motor coordination, feeding, and locomotor activity, do not appear altered in the knockout mouse.
Anxiety and aggression are normal and important behaviors that allow individuals to respond appropriately to threats or cope with a challenging environment. However, it is clear that uncontrollable or excessive anxiety and aggression can be counterproductive.
“The behavior of Pet-1 knockout mice is strikingly reminiscent of some human psychiatric disorders that are characterized by heightened anxiety and violence,” says Evan Deneris, Ph.D., principal investigator of the study and a neuroscientist at CWRU. The study is published in the Jan. 23 issue of the science journal Neuron.
Previously, Deneris’ lab showed that in the brain Pet-1 is active only in serotonin nerve cells or neurons, a relatively small number of cells (among the trillions of neurons in a human brain, only a few hundred thousand produce serotonin) that profoundly affect emotions. Serotonin is a chemical that acts as a messenger or neurotransmitter allowing neurons to communicate with one another in the brain and spinal cord. It is important for ensuring an appropriate level of anxiety and aggression. Defective serotonin neurons have been linked to excessive anxiety, impulsive violence, and depression in humans…
“We have now shown that Pet-1 is required specifically for fetal development of serotonin neurons,” says Deneris. In mice missing this gene, most serotonin neurons fail to be generated in the fetus and the ones that remain are defective. This leads to very low serotonin levels throughout the developing brain, which in turn results in altered behavior in adults. “This is the first gene shown to impact adult emotional behavior through specific control of fetal serotonin neuron development.”
“If in fact particular genetic variants of Pet-1 are associated with excessive anxiety or violent activity in humans, then tests to detect these variants might be useful for early diagnosis of people who may be at risk for developing these abnormal behaviors,” Deneris says. His lab plans more studies in mice to see how the gene affects sleep-wake patterns, learning and memory, and sexual behavior – all functions controlled in part by serotonin … “ .
… Lead authors on the study are Timothy J. Hendricks, and Dmitry V. Fyodorov, who were graduate students in Deneris’s lab at the time of the study. Other authors are, from CWRU: Lauren J. Wegman, Nadia B. Lelutiu, Elizabeth A. Pehek, Ph.D., Bryan Yamamoto, Ph.D., and Jerry Silver, Ph.D.; and, from Baylor College of Medicine, Edwin J. Weeber, Ph.D., and J. David Sweatt, Ph.D.
Read more at :
Excerpt :
Link to Common Mental Disorder Found in Mice A genetic abnormality may
help explain why some people are more prone to feelings of anxiety and
aggression than others. Researchers say they’ve discovered a gene in
mice that regulates levels of a chemical responsible for controlling
anxiety, impulsive violence, and depression in humans.Researchers say
the gene, Pet-1, is active only in serotonin
nerve cells in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that allows
cells to communicate with each other in the brain and spinal cord.When
this gene was eliminated in laboratory mice, the researchers found that
the mice displayed more aggression and anxiety.
The findings appear in the Jan. 23 issue of the journal Neuron. Defective serotonin cells have been linked to anxiety and depression in humans. In fact, antidepressant drugs such as Prozac (Fluoxetine) and Zoloft (Sertraline) work by increasing serotonin levels. No IframesBut researchers say that until now, it was unknown whether a genetic defect causes these serotonin cells to malfunction. This study suggests that Pet-1 is required for normal development of serotonin cells. Mice who didn’t have this gene failed to develop enough serotonin cells in the fetus, and those that were produced were defective. … This is the first gene shown to affect adult emotional behaviour through specific control of serotonin nerve cells in the fetus, he says. Researchers conducted anxiety and aggression tests on the mice lacking the Pet-1 gene and compared their behaviour with normal mice. In an aggression test that measures a mouse’s response to an intruder mouse entering its territory, the defective mice attacked the intruders much more quickly and more often than the normal mice…. More available on the web site : |
Last Updated( Mar 11, 2009 ) | ||
Excerpt :
‘Spectrum of empathy’ found in the brain
17:00 18 September 2006 by Rowan Hooper
Ever wondered how some people can “put themselves into another person’s shoes” and some people cannot? Our ability to empathise with others seems to depend on the action of “mirror neurons” in the brain, according to a new study.
Mirror neurons, known to exist in humans and in macaque monkeys, activate when an action is observed, and also when it is performed. Now new research reveals that there are mirror neurons in humans that fire when sounds are heard. In other words, if you hear the noise of someone eating an apple, some of the same neurons fire as when you eat the apple yourself.
So-called auditory mirror neurons were known only in macaques. To determine if they exist in humans Valeria Gazzola, at the school of behavioural and cognitive neurosciences neuroimaging centre at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and colleagues, put 16 volunteers into functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners and observed their brains as they were played different noises.
Differences in empathy scores and mirror neuron activity have been observed between autistic and non-autistic people, says Keysers, but this is the first time a spectrum of difference has been found in non-autistic people. “How empathetic we are seems to be related to how strongly our mirror neuron system is activated,” he says…
… “It’s exciting because we can start to look at the diversity of experiences of other people. Some people see others through themselves, and some are more objective about it.”
Journal reference: Current Biology (vol 16, p 1824)
Read more at :
The Climate Essay
“ It’s 20:11 , do you know where your Earth is ? “
To put it in other words , if you know is summer now , wouldn’t you prepare for winter ?
The undisputed fact remains : short of digging closer to the centre of the Earth , our main source of heat is the Sun and we are at the mercy of How its energy is distributed on Earth based on its orbit and orientation .
So we need Not to ask a meteorologist where we are now , but instead we need the knowledge of an Astronomer to point out where the Earth is today in respect with the variations in its orbit around the sun .
Those variations lead to an average cycle of 100,000 years between Glaciations , the most important time marker from what a specie is concerned .
Here is what the astronomer’s community accepts as the 101 of Astronomy and glaciations , pointing that Earth right now is at a sweet-spot of warming to enjoy for at least the next 500 years ( short of interruptions by deadly asteroids or super volcanoes ) :
And so , on the cosmological time , right now and for a while is continuous Summer for Earth , the undisputed proof is that New York , for the last 10,000 years , is Not cover in the one kilometre ice shield from the previous Glaciation .
The recent winter storms and occasional very low temperatures were brought to the populated areas by the dynamic pressure of the extra heating and evaporation around the Equator shooting towards the Poles mixing and pushing the static dense cold air across on the other side of the Earth , all the way to Florida or Europe . In other words there is now more hot water vapour pushing against the polar frigid air mass , enough to dislodge more of it and bringing it to our cities . This is a Natural side effect of global warming which can be documented accurately by following the Jet stream :
Also , avoiding the false information by thermometers and corrupt scientists it’s easy by observing the documented rise of the oceans level in the last decades , just ask the Dutch . Is the ice melting , generating more water in the oceans , due to cooling or warming ? You just found the answer to the present trend in climate …
Our fight against corrupt politicians and businesses should not be based on denying the present Natural warming , but , based on the evidence that the human impact in those events is not significant , to deny their efforts to deceive us and impose taxes . To convince yourself just imagine the proportion of Earth Bio Mass to humans ( or animal vs. human farts to be blunt , never mind a volcano that darkens the skies around the Earth for a year , feat that humans can’t do using All of their factories and cars output combined , yet ) :
What is left is the Real question : how to survive the next ( guaranteed ) glaciation when ( besides half of the Northern hemisphere will be under a kilometre of ice – again ) all of us six billion will be living and growing food on barges around the Equatorial belt . A Water World of a different type … And do that for the following 20,000 years or so until the next warming .
Considering the human specie is at least 400,000 years old therefore being through at least four Earth Summers and Glaciations while each lasted some 50,000 years , realizing that no evidence of advanced technology was found so far , and that it took us just ten thousand years during the present Summer from the pyramids to walking on the Moon and deciphering the DNA , it does make you wonder :
“ What the heck happened during the previous three Summers ?? “ . Because by now we should be Living the Star Trek scenario …
The only silver line to the upcoming disaster ( Glaciations ) is the periodical and involuntary massaging of our Genes during this forced Reunion , resulting in a higher general IQ for the human specie . Or whatever will be left of it .
The Advanced Alien Super Specie Essay : the Dream Prison
- we all are inmates in a very real Dream Prison –
As an electronics technician , a person who loves science and who doesn’t believe everything that I hear or read unless proven beyond the shadow of a doubt , it took me a while to gather the courage to write this , putting on the line my credibility and the precious Recipe but , after a number of personal sleep experiments , I decided that it is way to important for us not to bring it up to light , examine it scientifically and hopefully fix it , so here it is , the Great Alarm for the human specie .
Before you go any further please jump to the last essay of this web page , ‘ the Unifying Properties of Nature or the Universe explained without math ‘ to have a better feel for what can exist even though to us it may appear as a fantasy , because what you don’t know it can hurt you …
Some twenty years ago , circa 1988 , I remember distinctly watching on TV a shocking Scientific documentary about a handful of people around the world that did not need to sleep at all .
They were taking brakes on occasion , sitting on a chair and reading or watching TV but they did not need to actually sleep . Yet they were functioning normally without any signs of body or mental fatigue .
Trying today to track down the scientific details or writings about those people or any others similar persons turned out to be frustrating , try searching for yourself and you’ll see that the information vanished in a very suspicious way . Yet that TV documentary , I remember , was supported by reputable Universities and scientist and the experiments done to prove it were very real .
In the ancient Chinese book “ The Art of War “ as well as in the modern philosophy of the Elite there is a statement saying “ The best way to enslave beings is not to make them aware they are enslaved “ . And that’s exactly what we , humans , seem to be at the present time , a situation similar to the movie the Matrix but Real .
You will never dream the same after reading this , I know it first hand .
1) The Evidence :
“ … The longest recorded period without sleep is an astounding 33 years, performed by 64 year old Vietnamese man named Thai Ngoc, who claims to have lost his need for sleep after a sickness in the 70′s. Surprisingly, he experiences no ill negative effects from this condition, not even the normal sleep deprivation effects such as fatigue, loss of concentration, and so on.
Under normal circumstances, people who lose even a few days of sleep start exhibiting cognitive symptoms usually only present in senior citizens.
Scientists have found a gene that could be responsible for needing less sleep, which they call “Period 3″ or the “Clock Gene”. While most humans need an average of 8 hours of sleep, people with specific variants of the Period 3 gene seem need to much less – sometimes as little as 4 hours of sleep a night. Many notable people through history have claimed to need less sleep – Michelangelo, Napoleon, Thomas Edison all claim to have only needed 4 hours of sleep a night. In modern days, Madonna, Jay Leno, Margaret Thatcher and many others say the same thing. It seems to be more prevalent in highly ambitious, driven individuals.
I saw a documentary on sleep years ago that followed an even more amazing case of a father and daughter who only needed 1-2 hours of sleep a night. They both held 2 jobs and experienced no negative symptoms. I tried to find this documentary for our weekly brain video, but couldn’t locate it online.
Other genetic variants can play a role in sleep as well. Michel Jouvet, famous neuroscientist and sleep researcher, once studied a 27 year old man with Morvan’s fibrillary chorea, a genetic disorder that kept him from sleeping. He went months without sleep, yet did not suffer any negative consequences associated with sleep depravation. However, instead of sleep, his nights were full of dream-like hallucinations. Perhaps he did not reach a state of sleep as we know it, but his body found a way to compensate somehow, and work around his genetic differences … “ .
“ … Combing through a database of sleep-study volunteers, the researchers found two people who needed far less sleep than average. Both had abnormal copies of a gene called DEC2, which is known to affect circadian rhythms and oxygen regulation in mammals. When the scientists bred mice to have the same mutation, the mice slept less and were more active than their regular rodent peers … “ .
“ … Certain types of eye movements during REM sleep correspond to specific movements in dreams, suggesting at least part of the dreaming process is analogous to watching a film / movie … “ .
2) The Logical Thread :
At this point I hope that you already finish reading the Recipe for a Nation and the essay below about the Unifying Properties of Nature to understand how a specie can evolve both technologically and genetically as far as to appear to us today as ‘gods’ . This will help you taking the concept even further , to infinity , and not wonder or be surprised of “ things out of ordinary “ .
Since the Universe is logic , than pure , careful logic will unravel all its secrets right from your armchair .
This simple straightforward logic tells us that since nothingness doesn’t exist ( as the name implies ) , than somethingness Must exist to replace it .
There is a joint-twins relation between the two , binding them together .
And since nothingness has no beginning ( is eternal ) , has no age nor boundaries than the same applies to its counterpart , the somethingness which in turn doesn’t have a beginning , an age nor boundaries .
Another way to look at this relationship is to picture the nothingness as the empty mould that somethingness has to fill up to absolute perfection without any empty spaces , and than in its self ( the aspect of infinitely small but without being able to disappear completely into nothingness – which can not exist … ) is a juicy discussion that I invite you to participate in.
That immediately makes the Universe Eternal , beyond infinity in both age and space ( that’s why there was never a Big Bang ) . And that also dictates that the Universe has no beginning and no end …
Those first conclusions based on the impossibility for nothingness to exist ( hence replaced by somethingness ) represents the Foundation of all future logic analyses to determine the properties of the Universe .
But for the subject of Alien Species all we need to realize so far is the Time Scale , the fact that the Universe is Eternal in both directions , past and future .
This has deep implications in what is possible to happened in the Universe including the famous ( quirky ) description of infinity : “ in an infinite time frame a monkey typing at random will eventually write all Shakespeare’s plays “ . Indeed , at such time scale it’s not the meaning of what the monkey types but simply the coverage of All possible letters combinations on a few pages .
Eternity also means that all possible combinations and physical location of all subparticles and atoms ( just like the letters on the pages typed by the monkey ) have already happened !
In other words Eternity allowed for all possible Events in a given place in the Universe ( like in the space occupied presently by our local galaxy ) to take place already which means that right now we live a … repeat of those possibilities , a repeat of the past .
But with one twist : only intelligent species can interfere with the natural combinations and possible arrangements of atoms/particles in a given space , to the effect that intelligence can alter the future by changing what is possible just naturally .
This also means that in any given corner of the Universe there was enough time to allow for an intelligent specie to evolve , survive and achieve what is described in the Recipe for a Nation , and much , much more , altering the ( local ) Universe and it’s future …
But how much more ? And what type of specie(s) are we talking about , ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ? That’s the real question we have to worry about !
Because a bad specie could deny for ever the rise of a good specie in the neighbourhood … with direct impact for any emerging primitive intelligent species like us in its vicinity …
So let’s use our collective imagination to try comprehending how much such a specie can achieve once it’s safe outside of its original galaxy and therefore survival is not an issue any longer , the scenario Daniel in the Recipe envisioned.
For starters , by then , they should have Perpetual life and full Nano technology . They should understand the Universe to a ‘T’ , use and control gravity , be able to spin quiescent dark mater and therefore not just generate regular mater and energy as we know it but rejuvenate their own atoms/subparticles to make them truly immortal .
They should be able to listen and send vibrations ( signals ) using the quiescent dark mater , as it is described in the Recipe , and therefore be aware of Anything and Anybody in the entire infinite Universe including your own thoughts and … dreams .
And , finally , they should become integrated with computing devices that will make them became the actual software , a feat that will bring them in the position to … not need any longer their own brains …
But wait , as they advanced step by step over millennia , what about Pleasure , Excitement , Entertainment , Love and the avoidance of being
Bored ?
Right , take a moment and ponder : you are 500,000 years old or more ( maybe five million years old ) , part of a specie that achieved God like powers through science , you have nothing to worry about , so what do you do for Pleasure and Entertainment all day long ??
At this point of our analysis is time to discern between a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ specie yet understanding that it is the only difference , as huge as it may be , since both types enjoy equal technological powers .
What do you think , look at Earth , are we under a good or bad specie control ?
The conclusion is obvious , no ‘good’ super advanced alien specie would tolerate ‘bad’ or an evil Elite anywhere in the space , galaxies , controlled by that specie . Hence , obviously , considering our past and present misery , we can state with Confidence , unfortunately , that :
either there is no alien specie looking over us
or , for sure , there is no ‘good’ specie in the neighbourhood , therefore , maybe , …
a ‘bad’ specie must be present , controlling us .
So all we need to determine is if we are under a) or c) .
Right from the start in our analysis we can safely discard option a) , no other specie around , simply because in an Eternity the chances to have another intelligent specie , like us , in the Galactic neighbourhood is … 110% , just like the monkey who eventually typed all the Shakespearian works .
I understand how you feel right now realising that the only option left is c) , my heart skipped a beat too …
3) The ‘ Dream Prison ‘ Proof :
All revolves around the need for Pleasure and Entertainment of this bad , super advanced , ancient specie that controls us and which even it may created us from monkeys .
Of course , by ‘bad’ we mean a specie which , unlike Daniel in the Recipe , did not extinguished their aggression gene and did not enhanced or added Empathy to their genome .
So , what would this bad specie want from us , or better put , what is they can not get from their own science to give them pleasure and entertainment beyond the finest Hollow-decks and Artificial Intelligence their technology can build ?
What is that we can offer them ? Surely is not our technology or our skills , comparatively speaking we are retarded in those fields .
You saw Blade Runner or Star Trek’s Data and the creation of androids but for such an advanced and old specie Artificial Intelligence is predictable , it doesn’t have the ‘natural’ sparkle like our organic brains , it’s just not … real . So androids don’t cut it for their entertainment needs .
When technologically they can have all they want , after they experienced all they could for millennia , when there is nothing left that is spontaneous and surprising to them , where could they turn to for pleasure and entertainment ? How about an intelligent , unique , easy to control yet creative human brain ?
The only thing they can use from us is our raw brain which they can turn into their playground when we sleep …
So when the barrier of our consciousness is removed at night , when our brains became free of our control thanks to the genes implanted in us , our neuron networks are available to cuddle , hug and be the nest of temporary new masters and their nightly binge parties and fantasies . Indeed they qualify as Parasites and we are the hosts !
Here is the proof that can be easily verified every night by yourself :
Why having nightmares ?? It’s illogical and un-natural ! In the conscious mode we try very hard to please ourselves and to have pleasant thoughts . Who would be crazy enough to have fantasies where people with knives would run after you ? Or falling of cliffs and tall buildings , etc. . Right , those are not Our thoughts , nor the product of Our conscience .
Do we need to dream to consolidate memories as some ‘scientists’ claim ? Obviously not since I never dream of my day math class , equations or something that I learned that day or week . The subject of our dreams have nothing to do with what we learned that day in school .
It is against Natural Selection and Evolution ( besides Common Sense ) to produce ( and survive ) species that lose conscience at least once a day for hours at a time and became vulnerable to the predators or elements . Going catatonic every day like we do is a sure recipe for extinction . Yet we , as an intelligent specie , survived and that in it self deserves an assay . Keep in mind that wild animals ( not our pets ) sleep differently than us but even that could be arranged by a Super Advanced Specie as part of the Art of War and enslavement in order to blend into the status quo and not attract our attention .
We are a chain of chemical reactions , molecules interacting , atoms moved around and reorganized according to our DNA . Well , since when atoms and molecules need to Sleep ?? Obviously they do not . Than Why do we need to sleep ?
The fact there are a handful of people who do not need to sleep is proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that , indeed , we don’t need to sleep . Even just one person with this ability is proof enough and the good reason for all of us to stay up to attention and take action.
Can you control your dreams ? Very , very hard . Go ahead , try it . Personally I am successful only early in the night but later when the deep sleep settles in I am lost and at the mercy of the Alien specie . From than on is like watching a movie where I participate against my will and act in this fantasy land like it would be the actual reality. No , those ‘dreams’ are not mine nor created by me … Should we say QED ?
4) What can we do ?
Losing a third of our lives sleeping is an insult to us and it deserves maximum attention and action .
First thing that we can do is to demand from our politicians an immediate research into isolating the genes responsible for inducing sleep .
Secondly you need to learn how to fight dreaming , how to control it and how to Deny access to your brain to any thing else but your consciousness. I practice this every night until the chemicals generated by the sleep genes conquer my will power . Try it and be persistent to the point that you will became a nuisance to any Alien that may try to take over.
My technique is ‘blasting’ : the moment my dreams turn ugly I envision the shock wave of a powerful explosion , the Blast that vaporises and dissipates the characters , scenery or actions in the unpleasant dream .
It is very similar to Un-spinning the SuperFluid and therefore annihilating anything that can possible exist , even in a dream ( neurons and synapses are spinning SuperFluid as well ) .
Right , if you just realised that un-spinning the SuperFluid , SF , ( returning atoms , subparticles and energy back to quiescent SF ) represents the Ultimate and most Absolute weapon in the entire Universe , you start having a very good grasp of what we all are and how the Universe works : we rise from the quietness of the SuperFluid ( dark matter ) when spun by black-holes into subparticles/atoms and than we totally disappear back into the anonymity of the quiet , un-spun SF ( dark mater ) , when our subparticles slow down from spinning either naturally ( due to SuperFluid viscosity ) or due to the Ultimate weapon which un-spins subparticles .
Using this ‘blasting’ technique ( which un-spins SuperFluid/atoms/energy ) I has successful to literary vaporise and eliminate many bad dreams , from attacking lions and people with knives to even characters similar to Satan . It worked every time .
Further more you can ‘use’ the un-spinning principle by ‘wearing’ in your dream a special ‘mitten’ . The ‘mitten’ is covered in ultra small Corona Discharge micro rods that ‘hook’ any spinning micro-vortices and slows them down in an instant , dissipating their spin and therefore reducing that object to quiescent SuperFluid ( read the essay below , ‘ the Unifying Properties of Nature ‘ ) . All you need to do is gently caress the annoying dream subject with the ‘mitten’ and it will make it vanish instantaneously .
So far using this technique I managed to reduce involuntary ( slave time ) dreams and use the time spent in bed ( tied down by sleep inducing genes ) to more productive , conscious thoughts and even controlled half-dreaming . I am sure that I became a nuisance to our masters to the point they start avoiding my brain as their playground for the night . You can do it too .
However , we’ll fully succeed only when science will eliminate ( silence ) the genes responsible for putting us to sleep and so giving us back a third of our lives and much more … Go ahead , Demand it from your government and scientists .
Spread the word and the Recipe for a Nation , make it your life mission , let it fill the Internet for all to be aware of the ultimate Political Platform designed to unite and save the human specie .
Unless you want to , obediently , go back to dust …
The Fundamental Unifying Property of Nature that describes the Universe – without math
Motto : “ A single and most obvious Property of the Universe , a property that we can call the Fundamental Property or the Unifying Property , is simple enough that a ten year old can understand it and may reply ‘ Duh ! ‘ “ .
But don’t be surprised by its simplicity , it is exactly what most scientists and common sense are expecting : the Foundation is just one outrageously obvious fact of life , that Nothingness doesn’t exist and therefore Somethingness is replacing it !
Now you see why Nature is as simple as it can get , all there is involved are the abstract Nothingness and its counterpart – like an air tight cast – the real Somethingness , what ever that may be .
From only those two elements ( just one actually if you discard the abstract ‘void’ ) , the rest of the Universe’s Properties emerge fluently , unforced and … naturally .
Yes , we are lucky , the Universe is 100 % logic , no forced principles , so let’s start fresh and let’s keep this trail of logic clean and multiple-checked . You are invited to participate and contribute further with your thoughts and ideas , after all it’s Our Universe …
The Fundamental Property ( ‘Law’ ) of Nature , aka the Unifying Property of Nature ( UPN ) : Nothingness doesn’t exist ( as the name implies ) hence Somethingness ( whatever it may be ) is replacing it .
In other words , since Nothingness is not around and can not be created than something else must be present in its place . That’s when the ten year old will say “ Duh ! “ .
This also implies ( and explains ) that since Nothingness can not be created ( absolute void ) than its counterpart , the Somethingness also can not be created nor destroyed further than its present existence . In other words , wherever Nothingness could be ‘ present ‘ ( abstractically ) the Somethingness already had replaced it , there is nothing more left . This confirms what we learned in high school , that “ Matter can not be created nor destroyed but only change state “ , the concept of both matter and mass conservation .
This also unifies the concept of ‘ space ‘ with Matter or Somethingness , hence ‘ space ‘ can not be a separate entity , it is the same and one with Somethingness filling whatever there is available around and forming the known Universe . Hence referring to ‘ space ‘ is the same as referring to ‘ matter ‘ , and therefore ‘ space ‘ can not be associated with void which – because it doesn’t exist – doesn’t occupy/has any space . Another resounding ‘ Duh ! ‘ .
Now watch how the rest of Nature’s Properties start appearing straight from this single Fundamental Unifying Property in a totally common-sense and un-forced way . Note how the whole structure is self supporting solely on the Fundamental Property , never needing math , formulas or even scientific experiments .
Logic and the Fundamental Unifying Property of Nature exist independent of observations hence , carefully , we can truly discover the Universe from our arm-chair , and sure enough , here we are doing it with success .
The Stability of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : since Nothingness can not and doesn’t exist , than Somethingness will always be present in the amounts existing today ( and since for ever ) and therefore Somethingness can not be created , destroyed , disappear or be reduced to Nothingness ( which can not exist ) . Hence the fabric ( Somethingness ) of the Universe is Absolutely stable in amount and forever lasting , filling all the possible spaces already .
Hence there is no Expansion of the Universe and a Big Bang could not possibly be the Creation of the Universe .
The Age and Future of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : because Nothingness doesn’t exist since For Ever ( beyond infinite ) and it will also non-exist For Ever , its counterpart , the Somethingness also exists since For Ever and also will exist For Ever . Hence we can conclude that the Universe has no beginning and no end on the time scale . This concludes that a Big Bang was not the creation of the Universe .
The Size of the Universe derived from the Fundamental Law : since Nothingness is universal than its counterpart , the Somethingness is also universal and hence the Universe has no limits , its size is beyond infinity . Its size is better described by saying that it occupies everything that it is possible without leaving any empty spaces .
Is the Universe Expanding or changing size ? No , the Universe is Stationary ( see Logic Road # 5 derived from the Fundamental Law ) .
The Micro Structure of Somethingness derived from the Fundamental Law : it has to be Fine/small enough in structure to occupy Every space in the Universe in order that Nothingness will not exist . Its fine structure has to go towards negative infinity but without completely disappearing ( nothingness doesn’t exist and can not be created ) .
the Somethingness is a single component super-fluid like substance . Let’s call it the SuperFluid or just SF to replace the previous ‘ dark matter ’ and ‘ ether ’ ( see Logic Road # 7 derived from the Fundamental Property ) .
The SuperFluid is Uncompressible ( and not Elastic nor plastic ) as derived from the Fundamental Property . This means that certain types of Vibrations will travel instantaneously across the Universe . Also it means that all pressure points occurring within the SuperFluid will be dispersed around uniformly in a 360 degrees sphere – just as electromagnetic waves are occurring ( see Logic Road # 8 ) .
The SMAVs ( SuperFluid MAcro Vortices ) – what we call Black Holes – as a result of Property # 6 derived from the Fundamental Property , and how it spins the SuperFluid to form regular matter and energy that we can sense naturally or with technology . See Logic Road # 9 .
Gravity explained , a wake or draft as a result of Property # 9 , the spinning of the SuperFluid in both Micro and Macro ( Black Holes ) vortices ( see Logic Road # 10 ) .
The Speed of light and Faster ( see Logic Road # 11 ) .
Atoms and sub-particles explained ( see Logic Road # 12 ) . Sub-particles as we know them are single micro vortices of spinning SuperFluid at the speed of light ( naturally ) . They were created by the SMAVs ( Black Holes ) , see Property # 9 .
The Atoms are vast arrangements of interlocking micro vortices of spinning SuperFluid . The larger the atom the larger the number of vortices involved . The shape of the structure formed by interlocking micro vortices can be determined using Fluid Dynamics .
Magnetism , all atomic/nuclear forces , electricity , static electricity and all other phenomena involved in interactions : all are interacting micro vortices assembling in different shapes , sizes and spatial configurations .
Their interactions will depend on their relative spin direction leading to attraction or repulsion ( static electricity , magnetism ) .
The Harmonics generated by the wake of their spin creates magnetic and electrostatic fields .
The way micro vortices self-assemble via spins and wake interactions questions our picture of electrons : they may not be circling in orbits around a nucleus but be attached to it and just oscillating as they spin around their own axes at the speed of light .
A good approach would be to use Fluid Dynamics and computer models to see in what configuration micro vortices can self assemble and the properties of those structures .
Being able to handle and assemble individual micro vortices will enable intelligent species to create anything they need including food and perpetual life ( see my book ‘ Recipe for a Nation ‘ , future shocking ) .
Logic Roads towards understanding the foundation of the nature
Principle : thankfully , the Universe is 100 % Logic , therefore logic alone can decipher every detail and variations of what the Universe is and can be .
No math necessary to understand it , common sense will do alone .
Ironic Confirmation of Understanding the Universe and its simplicity : we’ll be confident that we understand the Universe when we’ll be able to explain it to a ten year old in a half an hour or less … Are you practicing yet ?
# 5 Logic Road :
# 5 : Is the Universe Expanding or changing size ?
5-1 : ‘ Expanding ‘ means start occupying a different , foreign space that was not occupied before . This implies at least two different SuperFluid types ( one expanding into the other ) .
5-2 : However , what ever takes the place of Nothingness must behave the same ( like a SuperFluid , simple and able to fill any space available in the Universe ) .
5-3 : Since those properties of Somethingness ( SuperFluid ) are the same across the Universe and have the same function because it replaces the same Nothingness , it implies that there is only one type of fundamental SuperFluid , not more .
5-4 : Since the SuperFluid/matter can not be created any further than exists , and since it replaces Nothingness every where and since Nothingness also can not be created implies that the SuperFluid already occupies all the space there is in the Universe and since always . We can not create nor destroy matter , hence the its Amount is Fix , therefore there can not be an expansion nor a Big Bang .
5-5 : Conclusion : combining 5-3 and 5-4 it is clear that the Universe ( all that can exist without creating more ) is made of the same material ( SuperFluid ) which can not expend into itself , therefore the Universe is Stable and fix , not changing in size .
5-6 : Note : being fixed in size doesn’t imply a Border or Membrane because any material different than the SuperFluid can not exit so no border/limit can exist .
Further more , against our life experiences , the size and shape of the Universe is better described as “ All that there is and can be , beyond infinity “ .
This makes sense and slowly becomes accepted by our intelligence if we think of the Nothingness instead of its counterpart ( and replacement ) the Somethingness ( the SuperFluid ) : imagine an Universe filled by Nothingness and it’s easier to understand why an Unlimited size for the Universe is normal in order to fill in any spaces that could be occupied by Nothingness .
Of course , immediately we’ll remember that Nothingness doesn’t ( and can’t ) exist , so we’ll automatically replace it with the Somethingness ( the SuperFluid ) and therefore our minds will accept easier the concept of an endless Universe opposite to an infinite Nothingness ( absolute void ) .
5-7 : Note : the vast moving currents of SuperFluid within the Universe , carrying along stars and galaxies , is currently misinterpreted as an Expansion of the Universe .
# 7 Logic Road .
# 7 : is Somethingness ( aka SuperFluid ) a Fluid or a Structured ( granular ) substance ?
7-1 : let’s keep in perspective that we never encountered in real life a Perfect ( non-granular ) fluid . All fluids we know are granular , made of ( atoms/subparticles) individual vortices of Somethingness . So the fluids we know are only exhibits of vortices Behavior but not a representation of what the Somethingness it self is made of .
7-2 : I am starting by quoting the ad-hoc Property # 6 , a Property of Somethingness derived from the Fundamental Law : it has to be Fine/small enough in structure to occupy Every space in the Universe in order that Nothingness will not exist . Its fine structure has to go towards negative infinity but without completely disappearing ( nothingness doesn’t exist and can not be created ) .
7-3 : ‘granular’ implies
a) a structure ( a centre and the outer defining surface of the granule , doesn’t matter if the centre touches it ) .
b) The walls of the granules must fit to perfection to the walls of All the other surrounding granules in order to prevent Nothingness .
c) If a bulk of granules move than their walls must change instantaneously to keep fitting the neighboring granules in order to prevent Nothingness .
7-4 : Conclusion : considering the three points above – even though just point a) would have been enough – a Structure will Always be larger than a corresponding single component hence it can never be as small as the smallest possible Nothingness , hence the Fundamental Property ( ‘Law’ ) is broken .
Therefore the Somethingness must be non-granular but a super fluid without individual components .
Now we can add to the list Property # 7 of the Universe : the Somethingness is a single component super-fluid like substance . Let’s call it the SuperFluid or just SF to replace the previous ‘ Dark Matter ’ and ‘ ether ’ . Based on its properties , the SuperFluid moves and interacts according to known hydro-dynamic observed principles .
# 8 Logic Road :
# 8 : the SuperFluid is Uncompressible ( also it is not Elastic ) .
8-1 : Can not compress something that already occupies every space that exists in the Universe ( see the Unifying property ) simply because Absolute Void or Nothingness can not be created nor exists : compressing something that already occupies everything would leave behind some empty space , in other words would have to create either Nothingness or Somethingness – but the SuperFluid or Somethingness can not be created nor destroyed , same with Nothingness .
8-2 : As for Elasticity , an Universe expanding further than present would imply the creation of more SuperFluid/Space which contradicts the Fundamental Unifying Property .
# 9 Logic Road :
# 9 : The SMAVs ( SuperFluid MAcro Vortices ) or what we call Black Holes and the creation of regular matter .
9-1 : According to the Fundamental Property of nature or the Universe ( the Unifying Property ) the SuperFluid has to occupy every space that exists because Nothingness – or absolute void – doesn’t exist . This means that the SuperFluid needs to be able to occupy spaces as small as negative infinite but not being able to disappear completely ( matter and SuperFluid can not be created nor destroyed ) . Hence it is correct to say that the smallest space that the SuperFluid can exist ( or occupy ) it will never be Zero but it will always be somewhat above Zero .
9-2 : Since Nothingness is not constrained by dimensions ( it doesn’t exists ) , it is correct to say that its dimensions will always be Zero .
9-3 : From 9-1 and 9-2 and Property # 2 ( both matter/void can not be created further than present , nor destroyed ) and Property # 6 ( the extreme fluidity of the SuperFluid needing to fill infinitely small spaces ) and since the smallest space the SuperFluid can occupy will never be Zero , it is clear that the smallest space that the SuperFluid is capable of filling it is a real Constant number , not what the negative infinite implies in math , i.e. a Changing number becoming smaller and smaller .
9-4 : If the SuperFluid would go to negative infinite and hence changing in order to fill smaller and smaller spaces ( that was not able to fill before ) it would also imply that Space ( which is SuperFluid/matter ) would be created in the process , something that would contradict the Fundamental Unifying Property of nature .
9-5 : Hence we can state with confidence that the Smallest space that exists ( filled by the SuperFluid ) , as small as it is , it has a Finite and Fixed size ( number ) . This is also a representation of how fine or Fluid the SuperFluid is ( a representation of what we call viscosity ) .
9-6 : Not being able to flow/occupy a space beyond/smaller than a fixed number ( which is higher than Zero ) and not being compressible means that the SuperFluid must Move continuously in order to avoid the creation of pockets of absolute-void ( or Nothingness ) . It can be visualized as how water spirals in the most minute gas bubbles to fill them up or like a continous simmering soup .
However , in the case of the SuperFluid the ‘ gas ‘ bubbles represent both the smallest space it can occupy ( always bigger than zero ) and its drive to occupy any void places , hence the spontaneous creation of this microscopical Perpetual Dynamo due to the difference in pressure ( SuperFluid Vs. almost absolute void ) , causing the micro motion of the SuperFluid ( Cosmic Background Radiation ) .
This is the only and the basic source of Energy in the Universe and the perpetual Engine that eventually and patiently creates Black Holes over millions of years .
This micro motion is very gentle ( as we observe it in deep space ) , it’s size approaching negative infinity , yet , just like Velcro , in huge numbers becomes space tornadoes , the Black Holes .
This micro movement of the SuperFluid is just another Property of nature derived from the Fundamental Unifying Property .
9-7 : This movement occurring at the smallest possible scale can be envisioned as a stirring or micro-bubbling process that the SuperFluid does continuously and since for ever .
9-8 : This movement it is the Dynamo that drives and gives the total available/existing energy to the Universe ( energy that can not be further created nor destroyed ) .
9-9 : This movement of the SuperFluid ( or quiescent , un-spun SuperFluid ) at the micro level it is the 4.3 ( ? ) degrees Kelvin observed as the omnipresent ‘temperature’ of the Universe , also known as the Cosmic Background Radiation .
9-10 : This on going movement ( stirring mostly in a spiral form ) of the SuperFluid at the micro level produces wakes in the SuperFluid mass which leads to the creation of larger aggregates of micro vortices , eventually creating the SuperFluid Mega Vortices , SMAVs , known as Black Holes .
9-11 : The size of the Black Holes can not exceed the minimum size that the SuperFluid can achieve as its fluidity approaches negative infinite yet never becoming zero . This implies that a very large Black Hole can not form but a number of micro Black Holes can aggregate and lead to vast volumes of tightly packed micro Black Holes , Mega Vortexes , with a net effect similar to just one large Black Hole . This Property is the one that actually is instrumental in giving us birth , by spinning the SuperFluid .
9-12 : the SuperFluid Spinning action : keep in mind that the individual size of those micro Black Holes approaches negative infinity , they are like Virtual Points , and it is that size that forces the uncompressible SuperFluid to zoom through without being able to stop or decelerate : the SuperFluid being forced by the collective mega vortex to converge towards the centre and the Black Hole(s) like through a narrowing funnel , gets spun and accelerated close to the speed of light before it storms through the micro Black Hole that it is so small that the SuperFluid has no time to slow down . As a result , spun even faster as it passes through the Black Hole , the SuperFluid gets eject through the other side as a variety of micro vortices spinning at the speed of light representing the foundation of matter and energy as we observe it .
9-13 : Those micro vortices of SuperFluid churn the surrounding SuperFluid and actually puling it through just like a fan would draw in air . The maximum amount of SuperFluid that those micro vortices can pull through is , naturally , directly proportional to their speed of rotation .
In nature this speed is that of light so if the spin of a vortices is aligned with its axial direction of moving , the linear speed of the vortices can reach the speed of light . Under this condition increasing the spin of the vortices will enable them to move proportionally faster than the speed of light .
# 10 Logic Road :
# 10 : Gravity explained , a wake or draft created by both the Micro-Vortices and Macro ( Black Holes ) SuperFluid vortices .
10-1 : At both levels ( Micro and Macro ) the spinning of the SuperFluid creates natural wakes ( or drafts ) that represent Gravity as we know it .
Just as in water , two vortices close to each other will eventually merge , attracted by each other’s draft ( wake ) .
The power of this action is proportional with both the speed and number of the aggregated vortices and we observe it best when created by what we call ‘matter’ , now known as spinning SuperFluid at the speed of light .
10-2 : Arranging micro-vortices in a material to cancel each other’s wakes and the surrounding wakes , will cancel ( defeat ) gravity for that object ( antigravity ) .
10-3 : Since the wake movement depends on the rotational speed of the micro-vortices , the propagation of the Gravity wake ( wave ) can vary in both speed and strength .
# 11 Logic Road :
# 11 : the Speed of Light and Faster .
11-1 : Matter , as spinning SuperFluid vortices , churns the quiescent SuperFluid like both a cork-screw and a fan sucking air . It churns the SuperFluid at the speed of its vortex rotation , which is the speed of light ( creating Gravity , as a wake/draft , in the process ) .
11-2 : If a vortex moves in a linear direction the position of the vortex’ intake will affect the moving speed of the vortex since it can churn through only a certain amount of quiescent SuperFluid , an amount determined by the vortex’ speed .
11-3 : Aligning the vortex intake with the forward linear movement of the vortex will allow the vortex to achieve a maximum speed based on the maximum amount of SuperFluid that it can absorb through ( churn through ) .
Therefore a natural vortex spinning at the speed of light , once aligned , will be able to churn the SuperFluid at the speed of light . Hence for such a vortex the maximum linear speed achievable would be the speed of light provided that its intake and forward linear movement are aligned .
11-4 : Observing natural phenomena occurring at the speed of light ( such as photons ) means that those vortices – photons – are created ( spun ) naturally in such way that the vortex intake is aligned with the vortex linear motion , enabling that vortex to move linearly at the speed of light .
11-5 : Increasing artificially the speed of a vortex above the speed of light will enable that vortex to move linearly ( provided that its intake is aligned with the direction of travel ) at a speed proportionally higher , exceeding the speed of light.
# 12 Logic Road :
# 12 : Atoms and Sub Particles , matter and energy as we observe it .
12-1 : Property # 9 creates micro vortices in the SuperFluid . Those vortices are the fundamental part of Matter and Energy as we can sense it directly or with technologies .
12-2 : those micro vortices spinning at the speed of light will assemble themselves following Fluid Dynamics principles . Those assemblies will form sub particles and atoms .
12-3 : the type of micro vortices generated by SMAVs ( Property # 9 ) is influenced by the Fluid Dynamics conditions present at the time of spin initiation ( creation of the micro vortices ) . They can be ( at least ) Matter or Energy type of micro vortices .
12-4 : the Energy type of micro vortices are generated ( created , spun ) such as their linear movement is aligned with their vortex intake , enabling them to move at the speed of light ( photons , electromagnetic radiation ) .
12-5 : their interactions will depend on their relative spin direction leading to attraction or repulsion ( static electricity , magnetism ) .
The literary description
We can imagining SuperFluid spinning like micro tornados , at the speed of light through the surrounding SuperFluid ( SuperFluid ) and churning into it and creating a wake or draft just like a spinning fan or vortex , a phenomenon that we call … gravity .
Also watching under water vortices ( generate by boat propellers ) would be a close approximation for better visualisation of micro vortices .
But how such a super fine fluid like what makes up the Universe ( and that we can observe in deep space ) can feel as hard as diamonds and carbon steel ?
The answer is in speed . For example , compare hitting the surface of water at 100 kilometres per hour , a hard hit , versus at the speed of light , 330,000 Km/second , quite a differences wouldn’t you say … That makes the ephemeral SuperFluid micro vortices extremely hard . Add to it their huge numbers present in particle formation ( same principle as in Velcro , numbers count ) and now diamonds are possible , maybe even stronger materials .
About speed : as the SuperFluid plunges through the tiny virtual point ‘black holes’ it gets spun forming micro vortices that represent energy and matter . This exit speed ( known to us as light speed ) is the fastest Natural spin . Its natural limit is due to the viscosity and incompressibility of the SuperFluid .
The property of the SuperFluid of being Uncompressible limits the linear speed of Vortices ( micro vortices = SuperFluid that is spinning , the smallest/basic particle , a component of a quark and smaller yet ) .
But the same property of SuperFluid of being Uncompressible also tells us that INSTANT signalling through the SuperFluid is ( at least theoretically ) possible !
For a vortex ( particle ) to move through the SuperFluid it does so by Churning it as opposed to staying as a separate chunk/mass of SuperFluid ) and so if the direction of its spin is aligned with the direction of travel than what limits the linear speed of the vortex is its own spin : imagine the spinning vortex ( tornado ) positioned/aligned such as its front sucks in the incoming SuperFluid and than ‘spits’ it out through the back/other end/exit of the vortex .
Obviously , the faster the vortex spins ( hence more SuperFluid can be ‘sucked’ through ) , the faster the linear speed of the vortex so Yes , if we build a space craft using advanced nanobots we can align All the vortices properly and enable the ensemble to travel at the speed of light .
Further , with this alignment , if we can increase the rotational speed of vortices we can travel faster than the speed of light .
Naturally all vortices will eventually slow down hence a wide discussion about being able to detect them . But this possibility has other consequences like explaining what scientists today refer as ‘ missing ‘ dark-matter :
“ … Dutch astronomer Jan Oort first discovered the ‘missing matter’ problem in the 1930′s … But when the calculation was made, it turned out that there was not enough mass in the galaxy. And the discrepancy was not small; the galaxy had to be at least twice as massive as the sum of the mass of all its visible components combined. Where was all this missing matter? … “ .
Now we know .
Naturally , since the vortices only churn the SuperFluid it is conceivable to imagine a parallel world who’s vortices speed is ( let’s say ) half of ours and Share the same SuperFluid churning it too , like two waves that temporarily overlap but after they carry on .
Or we can imagine vortices that may spin at twice our speed , a product of super advanced alien species .
The possibility that the SuperFluid is Uncompressible means that it is possible to listen and send vibrations instantaneously across the Entire infinite Universe ! AKA , knowing everything in real-time .
Next we’ll decipher more Properties and we’ll be able to accurately describe all known phenomenon and more , the question being “ how soon the scientific community will take over ? “ …
Validating the UPN by super-computer rendering/simulations
Variables built in the simulation :
1) the properties of the SuperFluid , SF ( each slightly variable , besides nil ) :
- viscosity ( towards small infinite or nil )
- uncompressible ( or yes )
- inelastic ( or yes and variable range )
- un-plastic ( or yes )
2) the micro-vortices of spinning SuperFluid :
- spin direction
- actual rotational speed as 90 to 99 % of the speed of light
- shape of the vortices
- methods of self attaching similar to covalent or ionic bonds ( vortices lock or just riding the neighbour’s wake ) .
- the resulting individual and collective spinning Wake of the SuperFluid , wake that we call gravity , and its Harmonics creating Magnetic and Electrostatic fields ( wakes in the SF ) .
Varying the above properties , the computer may show spontaneous association/bonding/connecting of the micro-vortices ( by the thousands ) to form sub-particles , atoms and molecules , and by doing so Validating the Unifying Properties of Nature ( UPN ) .
Watch for the Harmonics . As the SuperFluid and micro-vortices properties are tuned just right , when the micro-vortices join the combined/resultant wave Wake in the SF , will suddenly appear as a Harmonic forming the magnetic and Electrostatic fields and forces , a natural resultant of SuperFluid hydro dynamics under the governance of the SF and micro-vortices properties .
All we need now is a super-computer to render/simulate the SF , the micro-vortices and their interactions forming subparticles , particles , atoms and molecules , the entire possibilities of the Universe …
And all this just from the simple and trivial fact that Nothingness does not exist so Somethingness must replace it … QED .
The UPN determines the existence of a fundamental single element as the entire and sole foundation of the Universe . This element is the SuperFluid .
Here is another confirmation of its validity .
” … A problem which is receiving increasing attention is the observed similarity between quantum turbulence and turbulence in classical fluids. See the Quantum Fluids Group web pages for more information. … ” .
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