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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Private testing finds high concentration of Plutonium in soil over 30 miles from Fukushima — “Very high radiation that is very different to what the gov’t released” by qew

May 15th, 2011 at 02:06 AM

According to this food manufacturers, and publish the results announced at the moment but is too large to be affected and declined, from soil of rice is likely that high concentrations of plutonium were detected. [...] 
MOX in the Unit 3 nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi had to drive, because it was a mixture of plutonium at a higher rate for fuel, and the accident at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl another half-life of plutonium-long arm and a leg and in 4000 20,000 Risk of contamination spread.
Half-life fear of contamination spread in 4000 Silent 20,000
According to newspaper and television commentator, plutonium is likely to be excluded as a foreign concern since it is populated with a human body do not want any chance.
However, air and soil plutonium scattered all over if you continue to water and the risk of being captured in concentrated form in the human body is well again. After all half-life of 4,000 years is a 20,000. Paper and wood to burn is going to run out.
Plutonium-ray α (a helium nucleus of two protons as two neutrons) to release. Α-ray is an organization deep in the human body because it prevents any piece of paper the negative effects that are not, which is said to cause lung cancer hurt intensive epidermal tissue of the alveoli are inhaled into the lungs in one.
Origin, have an accident once 引Ki起Kose, local residents, causing extensive damage throughout Japan, and continues to be burdened with the risk of contaminating the earth and a very long time.
Translation via yakiniku at Physics Forum
Additionally, a certain food manufacturing company conducted a survey by themselves. In a rice field is more than 50kms away from the Fukushima power plant, it was found that there was very high radiation that is very different to what the government released.
High density plutonium is in the rice field that was mentioned previously.
According to this food manufacturing company, they currently don’t announce these results due to the large influence* that this rice field has high concentration of plutonium.
* Note: It is not mentioned what the influence is but it implies they do not currently release the information as it may have an impact on the media/public.
h/t Anonymous Tip

URGENT: Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bq's/Day and West coast Radiation forecast,Part1 by qew

Third worker dies at Fukushima nuclear plant by qew

PTI | May 15, 2011, 07.29am IST
TOKYO: A worker died at Japan's disaster-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on Saturday as emergency crews continued their operations to prevent a major meltdown, the plant's operator said. The male worker in his 60s was confirmed dead after he was rushed to hospital after falling unconscious at the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co said. He is the third worker to have died in the aftermath.

When he was taken ill, the unidentified worker was carrying chainsaws with another worker inside a facility to treat contaminated water being released from the plant's crippled reactors, the official said.

"He was exposed to 0.17 millisieverts of radiation during the work. But, as he was wearing protective gear, no radioactive substances were detected on his body," Mori said, adding there were no signs of injury on the worker. "We have yet to determine the cause of his death," the official added.

The Chernobyl disaster - the severe days by qew

The NLE 2011 will be conducted on May 16th - 20th, 2011. by qew

National Level Exercise NLE 2011 will be an operations-based exercise centered on the scenario of a catastrophic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, encompassing four FEMA Regions (IV, V, VI and VII) and eight Central U.S. Earthquake States: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. NLE 2011 will exercise initial incident response and recovery capabilities, to test and validate existing plans, policies and procedures to include the New Madrid Catastrophic Plan (currently under development). NLE 2011 will be conducted in May 2011.

Update: The NLE 2011 will be conducted on May 16th - 20th, 2011.

Scenario: On 16 May 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed that a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 occurred on the southwestern segment of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), with an epicenter at Marked Tree, AR (to the northwest of Memphis, TN). A second large earthquake with magnitude of 6.0 occurred a short time later on the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (WVSZ), with an epicenter near Mt. Carmel, IN.

Arkansas Exercise Objectives: EOC Management - Demonstrate the State's and Counties ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to effectively manage a catastrophic earthquake event through multi-agency coordination by activating and mobilizing Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), intrastate and interstate mutual aid agreements (MAAs), and Federal aid.

Critical Resource Logistics and Distribution - Demonstrate the State's and Counties ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to access and establish points of distribution (PODs), State Staging Areas (SSA), Incident Support Base (ISB), and reception centers to receive and distribute critical resource supplies, equipment, and personnel to affected areas throughout the State, including hazardous materials (HazMat) and search and rescue (SAR) resources.

Emergency Public Information and Warning - Demonstrate the capability of the State's and Counties public information officer(s) to coordinate with Federal, State, local, private sector, and nongovernmental agencies for the formulation and dissemination of clear, accurate, and consistent information to the public and media and to establish a Joint Information Center (JIC) to monitor media contacts and conduct press briefings.

Mass Care - Demonstrate the effectiveness of the State's and Counties written plans, policies, and procedures for providing mass care services: sheltering, staffing, feeding, and bulk distribution for the general and special needs population, service animals, and companion animals throughout the affected area in order to obtain access to medical care, physical assistance, shelter, and other essential services.

Communications - Demonstrate the ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to access, establish, and maintain a continuous flow of communications among multiple jurisdictions, agencies, governmental officials, and the private sector for the duration of the emergency while utilizing redundant interoperable voice and data communications systems needed to support mission critical lifesaving and sustaining operations.

Citizens Evacuation and Shelter-In-Place - Demonstrate the State's and Counties ability as outlined in jurisdictional plans to ensure affected at-risk populations are safely sheltered-in-place and/or evacuated to safe areas in order to obtain access to medical care, physical assistance, shelter, and other essential needs and safely re-entered into the affected area.

Bill Clinton Muses About Creating Internet Agency to Combat Falsehoods by qew

Published May 14, 2011

If Bill Clinton had his way, there would be an Internet agency created by the U.S. government or United Nations to debunk malicious rumors that originate and spread online.
"I think it would be a legitimate thing to do," Clinton told CNBC in an interview that aired Friday. He was interviewed alongside Mati Kochavi, a cybersecurity entrepreneur.
But Clinton added that if such an agency were ever created, it would have to be "totally transparent" about where its funding came from and would have to be independent.
"Let's just say the U.S. did it. It would have to be an independent federal agency that no president could countermand or anything else because people wouldn't think you were just censoring the news and giving a different falsehood out," he said. 
"That is, it would be like, I don't know, National Public Radio or BBC or something like that, except it would have to be really independent and they would not express opinions, and their mandate would be narrowly confined to identifying relevant factual errors," he said.
Clinton said the agency would have to have citations so it could be checked in case it made a mistake.
"Somebody needs to be doing it, and maybe it's a worthy expenditure of taxpayer money," he said. "But if it's a government agency in a traditional sense, it would have no credibility whatever, particularly with a lot of the people who are most active on the Internet."

Read more:

Here Are The Refineries And Nuclear Power Plants Threatened If The Morganza Spillway Is [Opened|Shut] by qew

Tyler Durden's picture

As we reported previously, Obama has found himself on the verge of another environmental scandal now that he has no choice but to redirect the Mississippi river via the Morganza spillway - either lose millions in barrels of daily refined production and potentially the impairment of the Colonial Pipeline, two events which would promptly cause gas prices to soar to new records, or redirect the river via the Spillway, and cause the flooding of millions of acres, and numerous towns and cities, and possibly another New Orelans bases crisis. It seems Obama has picked the lesser of two evils: i.e., protect the oil: "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said on Friday it anticipates opening the Morganza Spillway on the western bank of the swollen Mississippi River to divert floodwaters into the Atchafalaya River basin and protect Baton Rouge, Louisiana, New Orleans and refineries from flooding. The Corps of Engineers had been planning next week to open the spillway, about 45 miles (72 km) northwest of Baton Rouge, but could do so as soon as Saturday as high water continues making its way downriver." On the other hand, opening the spillway will also lead to plant impairments: " Opening the spillway will disrupt operations at Alon USA Energy's  80,000-bpd Krotz Springs, Louisiana, refinery. An Alon spokesman said on Friday that the plant was operating normally as crews continued to build a second levee to prevent Atchafalaya River waters from flooding the refinery within 10 to 14 days of the Morganza opening. The new levee will supplement existing levees." And there is more: it appears that not only are refineries in danger, but three nuclear power plants are also in danger of being flooded: Entergy's 1,176-megawatt Waterford nuclear plant in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana; its 978-megawatt River Bend nuclear plant in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, and the 1,268-megawatt Grand Gulf nuclear station in Clairborne County, Mississippi."


No Time to panic!

[link to]

As we reported previously, Obama has found himself on the verge of another environmental scandal now that he has no choice but to redirect the Mississippi river via the Morganza spillway - either lose millions in barrels of daily refined production and potentially the impairment of the Colonial Pipeline, two events which would promptly cause gas prices to soar to new records, or redirect the river via the Spillway, and cause the flooding of millions of acres, and numerous towns and cities, and possibly another New Orelans bases crisis.

It seems Obama has picked the lesser of two evils: i.e., protect the oil: "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said on Friday it anticipates opening the Morganza Spillway on the western bank of the swollen Mississippi River to divert floodwaters into the Atchafalaya River basin and protect Baton Rouge, Louisiana, New Orleans and refineries from flooding. The Corps of Engineers had been planning next week to open the spillway, about 45 miles (72 km) northwest of Baton Rouge, but could do so as soon as Saturday as high water continues making its way downriver." On the other hand, opening the spillway will also lead to plant impairments: " Opening the spillway will disrupt operations at Alon USA Energy's 80,000-bpd Krotz Springs, Louisiana, refinery.

And there is more: it appears that not only are refineries in danger, but three nuclear power plants are also in danger of being flooded: Entergy's 1,176-megawatt Waterford nuclear plant in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana; its 978-megawatt River Bend nuclear plant in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, and the 1,268-megawatt Grand Gulf nuclear station in Clairborne County, Mississippi."



here is some of my first videos!!!xmit

Last Edited by NOFAKE on 5/14/2011 8:26 AM

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice by qew

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Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested.
Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employsdichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects.
This drug doesn’t require a patent, so anyone can employ it widely and cheaply compared to the costly cancer drugs produced by major pharmaceutical companies.
Canadian scientists tested this dichloroacetate (DCA) on human’s cells; it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells and left the healthy cells alone. It was tested on Rats inflicted with severe tumors; their cells shrank when they were fed with water supplemented with DCA. The drug is widely available and the technique is easy to use, why the major drug companies are not involved? Or the Media interested in this find?
In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria, but they need to be triggered to be effective. Scientists used to think that these mitochondria cells were damaged and thus ineffective against cancer. So they used to focus on glycolysis, which is less effective in curing cancer and more wasteful. The drug manufacturers focused on this glycolysis method to fight cancer. This DCA on the other hand doesn’t rely on glycolysis instead on mitochondria; it triggers the mitochondria which in turn fights the cancer cells.
The side effect of this is it also reactivates a process called apoptosis. You see, mitochondria contain an all-too-important self-destruct button that can't be pressed in cancer cells. Without it, tumors grow larger as cells refuse to be extinguished. Fully functioning mitochondria, thanks to DCA, can once again die.
With glycolysis turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, so the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn't break down and seed new tumors.
Pharmaceutical companies are not investing in this research because DCA method cannot be patented, without a patent they can’t make money, like they are doing now with their AIDS Patent. Since the pharmaceutical companies won’t develop this, the article says other independent laboratories should start producing this drug and do more research to confirm all the above findings and produce drugs. All the groundwork can be done in collaboration with the Universities, who will be glad to assist in such research and can develop an effective drug for curing cancer.
You can access the original research for this cancer here.
This article wants to raise awareness for this study, hope some independent companies and small startup will pick up this idea and produce these drugs, because the big companies won’t touch it for a long time.