Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?.
Fukushima may in fact have been caused by an act of war under the cover of an environmental disaster.This site has been all but delisted over this article, THE ONLY WAY THIS INFORMATION CAN GET OUT NOW IS BY YOU POSTING TO BLOGS, LINKING E-MAILS ECT. I permit ANYONE to set up a site mirror of the news section and run it as their own provided the wording remains the same and links are included. I have confirmed my cellular modem has been bricked by someone other than my service provider, and am working on a way to get online that is invulnerable to attack. Back up this site if you are thinking about it, it could be next. THIS SITE, WITH A DIFFERENT PROVIDER IS PAID FOR IN FULL for 636 more days and will not go down unless they take it down. If it goes down you have your answer as to why.
It took them three hundred years and trillions of dollars to build a theatre of darkness, yet the light of only one match can burn it down. Do not let this light go out. Archive and POST!
I discussed this article on Feet 2 the Fire with James Arthur Jancik on May 29 2011 listen here. Someone mailed me having difficulty finding the links referred to in the broadcast, they are here