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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Volcano erupts beneath glacier in Iceland
Australian Federal Police could become carbon cops
The War on Drugs is a War on Consciousness
'Apocalypse Day' peaceful in Pacific, Europe
The Rise of ‘Sovereign Citizens’ (Video)
A slanted, but interesting story from CBS’ 60 Minutes:
This is a story about a group of Americans you’ve likely never heard of: they’re called “sovereign citizens.” Many don’t pay taxes, carry a driver’s license or hold a Social Security card. They have little regard for the police or the courts, and some have become violent.
The FBI lists them among the nation’s top domestic terror threats.
By some estimates, there are as many as 300,000 sovereign citizens in the U.S. And with the sluggish economy and mortgage mess, their ranks are growing.
More on 60 Minutes
Marijuana could be an “exit drug”
By Marjorie Childress 4/29/10 1:04 PM
An often heard assertion about marijuana is that it’s a “gateway drug,” one that leads young people into using more dangerous drugs over time. But new research and programs are now examining its potential as an exit drug.
A recent study of a medical marijuana patients group found that a significant number of them were using the drug as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs
Friday, May 20, 2011
Spain's "Social Network" Protests Enter 4th Day
Statement From the Family of Osama bin Laden
I Omar Ossama Binladin and my brothers the lawful children and heirs of the Ossama Binladin (OBL) have noted wide coverage of the news of the death of our father, but we are not convinced on the available evidence in the absence of dead body, photographs, and video evidence that our natural father is dead. Therefore, with this press statement, we seek such conclusive evidence to believe the stories published in relation to 2 May 2011 operation Geronimo as declared by the President of United States Barrack Hussein Obama in his speech that he authorized the said operation and killing of OBL and later confirmed his death.
Massive Texas Drinking Water Radiation Cover-Up Exposed: Top Gov Officials Knew All Along And Kept Silent
Pro Wrestler Randy 'Macho Man' Savage Dies in Car Accident - Fox News
Fox News | AP Pro wrestling superstar Randy "Macho Man" Savage died after having a heart attack while driving his Jeep Wrangler, Fox News confirms. A source tells Fox News that he "suffered a heart attack while driving and hit a tree." Florida Highway Patrol said ... |
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery
This is getting a little ridiculous, even if they prove obama was born on the moon, it won't change a damn thing. It is all just a huge distraction psy-op. Just as the killing of osama is on their end.
We need to figure out what they are trying to distract us from. Apparently WWIII, with the very real possibility of nuclear war.
Stop arguing over the paperwork!
Video: Obama's Full Middle East Speech May 19, 2011
The subjects that obama addresses in this speech apply to America as well. I think he would be better off worrying about the problems in his own country, instead of "we’re going to start with Tunisia and Egypt."
He is busy talking about the rights of free speech and peaceful protest in the Middle East. Did you see what happened in Pittsburgh?
Americans should take his advice and do what he is talking about in their own country!
Bin Laden speaks from beyond the grave - ABC Online
Special team seizes more than 130,000 marijuana plants in B.C. in past year
They spend 4/5 of their drug budget on marijuana leaving 1/5 for all the Cocaine, Meth, Heroine, Crack and everything else under the sun.
It's time to get our priorities straight.
Strauss-Kahn released on $1 million bail
Busy Atlantic hurricane season forecast
Canadian Forces won't reveal Libya bombing stats
Harper to tour fire-ravaged Slave Lake
Japanese economy slides into recession
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Major Floods Haven't Even Started Yet
Gates Says 'Somebody' in Pakistan Knew about Bin Laden - New York Times
CBS News | WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said on Wednesday that while he surmised that “somebody” inside Pakistan was aware that Osama bin Laden was hiding in a compound in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, ... SEAL Team Six: Pentagon ramps up war of words over White House leaks Christian Science Monitor Bin Laden raid was humiliating to Pakistanis, Gates, Mullen say CNN International No Proof Top Pakistanis Knew of Bin Laden: Gates Bloomberg AFP -International Business Times -Foreign Policy all 348 news articles » |
Here We Go: China, Pakistan joined in bonds of brotherhood
Modern Day Slavery
Canadian postal workers could strike
The breakfast drink that could become a luxury item: Squeeze on oranges sends the price of juice soaring
Canadians secretly added to U.S. security list: WikiLeaks - Canada - CBC News
Man to be released from custody in G20 security case -
Final jailed G20 suspect released on bail WednesdayCityNews
G20 accused Sonne out on bail; strict limits on Web use, leaving homeToronto Star
all 16 news articles »
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Lady Gaga second place to the Truth Movement with just 10 million followers
9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!
Declassified! WMD Intel Fabricated To Justify Iraq Invasion For “Prize” Of Oil
Secret papers, just declassified reveal that top British Officials and Intelligence agents conspired together in a plan to oust Saddam Hussein nearly 18 months before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The classified documents reveal top officials wanted to remove Saddam, not to stop the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction as we have all been told, but instead for the “prize” of new security to oil supplies. In fact, documents show that top British officials fabricated the intelligence reports showing that Iraq was producing weapons of mass destruction to justify invading Iraq. The fabrication of the intelligence reports were all part of a propaganda campaign to convince the public and officials in Britain and the US, who were not part of the conspiracy, that there was an urgent need to invade Iraq.
Conde Nast Publications Is Nearing Deal to Move to One World Trade Center - Bloomberg
Macgasm | Conde Nast Publications Inc., publisher of magazines including the New Yorker and Vanity Fair, said it is near an agreement to move its headquarters to downtown Manhattan's 1 World ... Conde Nast Close to Deal to Move to NYC's One World Trade CenterSan Francisco Chronicle Huge 1 World Trade Center deal nearly doneCrain's New York Business |
Canada's Afghan training mission details revealed
Manitoba flood cost $200M and rising -
Overland flooding along Highway 26 at St. Francois Xavier, Man., gives a small look at the extent of the flooding. The flooding in Manitoba, which has damaged homes and displaced hundreds, has already cost more than $200 million to fight, ... Swollen Manitoba river is slowly subsiding; premier talks compensationThe Canadian Press Soldiers shore up Assiniboine River dikeWinnipeg Free Press Flood Fight Focus Shifts To Lake ManitobaCJOB Vancouver Sun -CityNews all 164 news articles » |
Tax breaks for oil companies likely to continue - CBS News
Bid to end tax breaks for oil companies falls in SenateDetroit Free Press
Big Oil Tax Break Vote Could Hurt Vulnerable RepublicansU.S. News & World Report
San Francisco Chronicle -Ct Post
all 543 news articles »
Manitobans question controlled flood spill
Canadian border a bigger threat: U.S. official
Disney Trademarks The Words Seal Team Six 2 Days After Allegedly Killing Bin Laden
50 Things Every American Should Know About The Collapse Of The Economy
Chemtrails In Hawaii: Investigating Chemtrails And Geoengineering
May 21st Doomsday Debunked and Exposed
The blogoshpere is ripe and a buzz with notions of doomsday and judgement day on May 21, 2011, just days away…Given the curiosity factor as to why this date is popping up on the Internet, a little investigation was in order, and this is the short story.
Apparently this started with someone named ‘Harold Camping‘ who predicts “the Rapture will be on May 21, 2011 and God will completely destroy the Earth and the universe five months later on October 21″.
Astronomers Begin Search For Alien Signals From 86 Earth-Like Planets
Congress Proposes Bill to Allow Worldwide War ... Including INSIDE the U.S.
Americans who have been paying attention are outraged that Bush lied us into Iraq by making up false claims about weapons of mass destruction and pretending that Saddam Hussein had a hand in 9/11.
Many are disgusted that Obama got us into a war in Libya without Congressional authorization.
But as the ACLU noted
yesterday, Congress is going even further ... proposing handing
permanent, world-wide war-making powers to the president - including the
ability to make war within the United States:
Pakistan and NATO Forces Clash
Reports from Bloomberg, Ap, NY Times, and CNN are coming in about a firefight that took place on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border on Monday. Hopefully this situation does not escalate into world war 3! Since the Canadian armed forces are already in Libya on a NATO mission (without any debate), we need to stand strong and make sure that the Canadian government knows that Canadians will not be complacent with our men and woman in uniform taking part in NATO’s quest for domination.
10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship
Toxic Levels Of Barium And Aluminum Found In Several Mohave County Arizona Residents
While You Were Sleeping, They Abolished the Fourth Amendment
Syrian agents break up Aleppo protest
Indiana Supreme Court Dispenses With Magna Carta, Constitution
Monday, May 16, 2011
Please try and get banned from
Make your best attempt to be banned from this site. Come up with the most controversial ail subject you can think of. You will not be banned.
Free Speech rules here, anything goes.
Dichloroacetate and cancer
Category: Science
Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employs dichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects.
Bomb threat received in London
The Death of Osama bin Laden: Results of the survey!
Here are the results.
Letter to GLP regarding free speech bans
to the glp mods
this is getting ridiculous. i am an active member and chat in the room all the time. many of the mods chat with me on a regular basis and none seem to have beef.
i get banned every other day, sometimes it is my fault i admit, once i spoke morris code, another time i posted a banned video. and got caught in the autoban, but the rest i have no idea!! i just want to feel welcome here and contribute what i can, getting banned for no good reason every day is really making it frustrating to use your site.
now it seems chaoticfate has been added to the autoban
can you please inform me of what i am doing wrong so i can fix it. or maybe a link to all the bans and rules you have?
thanks and i hope we can co-exist peacefully, if we can't do it here then what chance does this world have?
For NASA, No Time for Tears After 2nd-to-Last Shuttle Launch
Clara Moskowitz, Senior Writer
Space shuttle Endeavour lifts off at 8:56 a.m. EDT on May 16 on its final flight - STS-134. CREDIT: Pearlman |
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