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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Form Letter to Schools for Parents regarding H1N1 Immunization Protection
October is fast approaching and with it the inevitable Inoculation program - more like a military campaign than anything ever. We, the citizens, are being cast in a sea of lies, deception & fear-mongering unheralded since perhaps WW2.
Please stay alert folks and understand what a scam this is. Medical rules have been thrown out the window since the WHO started pushing this terror storm on you. It's ALL built on a bed of lies, the WHOLE Pandemic scare. From day one in fact.
In VIRTUALLY every case you'll find the same pattern:
1 Pre-existing Medical conditions
2 Compromised immune systems
3 Victims come predominantly from countries with basic underlying health problems
So here's where we're at, strategies & proposals I have set up to help encourage all those feeling stuck or seeking to fight back. We are the majority, not the Elites wielding their directives. This must ALWAYS be remembered in times of darkness. And it certainly seems we will be facing some desperate days ahead. We were forced into this corner and it our destiny to rise up and reclaim our inherent basic freedoms.
Here's a PDF to be copied & issued to your child's school Principal asap. It places the onus on the Administrators behind the desks to think twice before forcing your children into the firing squad of vaccines to come. It can be effective and we can discuss this option in depth if you have further questions about it. Make certain you change the location to reflect your own school & city. Also try to supply names of those in charge who should be receiving the form. And please try this method. It can work if we all invest an effort.
Here's an excerpt from the Letter of Notice,
To: The Principals and Administrators of the Elementary and Secondary Schools of ------------------------
From: The Concerned Parents' Health Action Coalition (CPHAC)
Re: Your liability and responsibility for damage to the health of our children arising from your role in facilitating the administering to them of the so-called "swine flu" (H1N1) Vaccine
Dear Principals and Administrators,
Acting on legal advice, our Coalition is informing you through this Letter of Notice that we intend to hold you personally and collectively responsible and liable for any adverse health effects, sickness or other damages suffered by our children as a result of your role in facilitating their inoculation with the "swine flu" H1N1 vaccine, at your school or at other facilities.
The Letter of Notice will also serve to notify you that, because of your liability in this matter, we intend to take appropriate legal action against you in the event that our children suffer damage to their health because of the H1N1 vaccine, including placing commercial liens on your personal property and assets to compensate our families for these damages.
An important event and one I hope you will recognize as an effective lever to shift public opinion while putting pressure on Gov't to derail its eugenics plan before we are forced into a state of civil war. We have supplied a great Activist Tools section to make your job much easier & straightforward.
See this link for more info -
Finally it is with great honor that I now officially launch our bright new website . Much more to come there including a member's forum & several other hard hitting sections demystifying the vaccine industry while offering safe & effective alternatives.... This is OUR site folks! ENJOY!!!
All the best to you and your friends & families out there. We are all brothers & sisters and together we will get through this. Rise up!!!
Joel Lord/founder Vaccine Resistance Movement, Groundswell
October is fast approaching and with it the inevitable Inoculation program - more like a military campaign than anything ever. We, the citizens, are being cast in a sea of lies, deception & fear-mongering unheralded since perhaps WW2.
Please stay alert folks and understand what a scam this is. Medical rules have been thrown out the window since the WHO started pushing this terror storm on you. It's ALL built on a bed of lies, the WHOLE Pandemic scare. From day one in fact.
In VIRTUALLY every case you'll find the same pattern:
1 Pre-existing Medical conditions
2 Compromised immune systems
3 Victims come predominantly from countries with basic underlying health problems
So here's where we're at, strategies & proposals I have set up to help encourage all those feeling stuck or seeking to fight back. We are the majority, not the Elites wielding their directives. This must ALWAYS be remembered in times of darkness. And it certainly seems we will be facing some desperate days ahead. We were forced into this corner and it our destiny to rise up and reclaim our inherent basic freedoms.
Here's a PDF to be copied & issued to your child's school Principal asap. It places the onus on the Administrators behind the desks to think twice before forcing your children into the firing squad of vaccines to come. It can be effective and we can discuss this option in depth if you have further questions about it. Make certain you change the location to reflect your own school & city. Also try to supply names of those in charge who should be receiving the form. And please try this method. It can work if we all invest an effort.
Here's an excerpt from the Letter of Notice,
To: The Principals and Administrators of the Elementary and Secondary Schools of ------------------------
From: The Concerned Parents' Health Action Coalition (CPHAC)
Re: Your liability and responsibility for damage to the health of our children arising from your role in facilitating the administering to them of the so-called "swine flu" (H1N1) Vaccine
Dear Principals and Administrators,
Acting on legal advice, our Coalition is informing you through this Letter of Notice that we intend to hold you personally and collectively responsible and liable for any adverse health effects, sickness or other damages suffered by our children as a result of your role in facilitating their inoculation with the "swine flu" H1N1 vaccine, at your school or at other facilities.
The Letter of Notice will also serve to notify you that, because of your liability in this matter, we intend to take appropriate legal action against you in the event that our children suffer damage to their health because of the H1N1 vaccine, including placing commercial liens on your personal property and assets to compensate our families for these damages.
An important event and one I hope you will recognize as an effective lever to shift public opinion while putting pressure on Gov't to derail its eugenics plan before we are forced into a state of civil war. We have supplied a great Activist Tools section to make your job much easier & straightforward.
See this link for more info -
Finally it is with great honor that I now officially launch our bright new website . Much more to come there including a member's forum & several other hard hitting sections demystifying the vaccine industry while offering safe & effective alternatives.... This is OUR site folks! ENJOY!!!
All the best to you and your friends & families out there. We are all brothers & sisters and together we will get through this. Rise up!!!
Joel Lord/founder Vaccine Resistance Movement, Groundswell
Saturday, September 12, 2009
"The Paradox of our time"
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers
Wider motorways, but narrower viewpoints
We spend more, but have less
We buy more, but enjoy less
We have bigger houses and smaller families
More conveniences, but less time
We have more degrees, but less sense
More knowledge, but less judgement
More experts, yet more problems
More medicine, but less wellness
We drink to much, smoke to much, spend to recklessly, laugh to little, drive to fast, get to angry, stay up to late, get up to tired, read to little, watch TV to much, and pray to seldom
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values
We talk to much, love to little, and hate to often
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life
We've added years to life, not life to years
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor
We conquered outer space, but not inner space
We've done bigger things, but not better things
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul
We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice
We write more, but learn less
We plan more, but accomplish less
We've learned to rush, but not to wait
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion
Big men, and small character
Steep profits, and shallow relationships
These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce
Fancier houses, but broken homes
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom
A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side
Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a thing
Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it
A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again
Give time to love, give time to speak and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
by EddBSmith
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Twenty Minutes with the President
Reported by Charlie Sheen
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.
Charlie Sheen – Good afternoon Mr. President, thank you so much for taking time out of your demanding schedule.
President Barack Obama – My pleasure, the content of your request seemed like something I should carve out a few minutes for.
CS – I should point out that I voted for you, as your promises of hope and change, transparency and accountability, as well as putting government back into the hands of the American people, struck an emotional chord in me that I hadn’t felt in quite some time, perhaps ever.
PBO – And I appreciate that Charlie. Big fan of the show, by the way.
CS – Sir, I can’t imagine when you might find the time to actually watch my show given the measure of what you inherited.
PBO – I have it Tivo’d on Air Force One. Nice break from the traveling press corps. (He glances at his watch) not to be abrupt or to rush you, but you have 19 minutes left.
CS – I’ll take that as an invitation to cut to the chase.
PBO – I’m all ears. Or so I’ve been told.
CS – Sir, in the very near future we will be experiencing our first 9/11 anniversary with you as Commander in Chief.
PBO – Yes. A very solemn day for our Nation. A day of reflection and yet a day of historical consciousness as well.
CS – Very much so sir, very much so indeed…. Now; In researching your position regarding the events of 9/11 and the subsequent investigation that followed, am I correct to understand that you fully support and endorse the findings of the commission report otherwise known as the ‘official story’?
PBO – Do I have any reason not to? Given that most of us are presumably in touch with similar evidence.
CS – I really wish that were the case, sir. Are you aware, Mr. President, of the recent stunning revelations that sixty percent of the 9/11 commissioners have publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack?
PBO – I am aware of certain “in fighting” during the course of their very thorough and tireless investigative process.
CS – Mr. President, it’s hard to label this type of friction as “in fighting” or make the irresponsible leap to “thorough,” when the evidence I insist you examine regarding 6 of the 10 members are statements of fact.
(At this point one of Obama’s senior aides approaches the President and whispers into his ear. Obama glances quickly at his watch and nods as the aide resumes his post at the doorway, directly behind me.)
PBO – No disrespect Mr. Sheen, but I have to ask; what is it that you seem to be implying with the initial direction of this discussion?
CS – I am not implying anything Mr. President. I am here to present the facts and see what you plan to do with them.
PBO – Let me guess; your ‘facts,’ allegedly supporting these claims are in the folders you brought with you?
CS – Good guess Mr. President.
(I hand the first folder of documents to the President)
CS – Again sir, these are not my opinions or assumptions, this is all a matter of public record, reported through mainstream media, painstakingly fact checked and verified.
(the President glances into the folder I handed him)
CS – You’ll notice sir on page one of the dossier dated August of ‘06 from the Washington Post, the statements of John Farmer, senior council to the 9/11 commission, his quote stating, “I was shocked how different the truth was from the way it was described.”
PBO – (as he glances down at the report, almost inaudible) …. um hmm….
CS – He goes on to further state “The [NORAD Air Defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years….”
(the President continues to view the documents)
CS – On pages two and three, sir, are the statements, as well, from commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, commissioners Bob Kerrey, Timothy Roemer and John Lehman, as well as the statements of commissioner Max Cleland, an ex-Senator from Georgia , who resigned, stating:
“It is a national scandal. This investigation is now compromised. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9/11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up.”
He also described President Bush’s desire to delay the process as not to damage the ‘04 re-election bid. They suspected deception to the point where they considered referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation. Mr. President, this information alone is unequivocally grounds for a new investigation!
PBO – Mistakes were clearly made but we as a people and as a country need to move forward. It is obviously in our best interest as a democratic society to focus our efforts and our resources on the future of this great nation and our ability to protect the American people and our allies from this type of terrorism in the coming years.
CS – Sir, how can we focus on the future when THE COMMISSION ITSELF is on record stating that they still do not know the truth??
PBO – Even if what you state, might in some capacity, begin to approach an open discussion or balanced debate, I can’t speak for, or about the decisions certain commission members made during an extremely difficult period. Perhaps you should be interviewing them instead of me. Wait, don’t tell me; I was easier to track down than they were?
CS – Not exactly sir, but let’s be honest. You’re the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, the buck stops with you. 9/11 has been the pretext for the systematic dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your administration is reading from the same playbook that the Bush administration foisted on America through documented secrecy and deception.
PBO – Mr. Sheen, I’m having a difficult time sitting here and listening to you draw distorted parallels between the Bush/Cheney regime and mine.
CS – Mr. President the parallels are not distorted just because you say they are. Let’s stick to the facts. You promised to abolish the Patriot Act and then voted to re-authorize it. You pledged to end warrantless wire tapping against the American people and now energetically defend it. You decried the practice of rendition and now continue it. You promised over and over again on the campaign trail, that you would end the practice of indefinite detention and instead, you have expanded it to permanent detention of “detainees” without trial. This far exceeds the outrages of the former administration. Call me crazy Mr. President, but is this not your record?
PBO – Mr. Sheen, my staff and I authorized this interview based on your request to discuss 9/11 and deliver some additional information you’re convinced I’d not previously reviewed. Call me crazy, But it appears as though you’ve blindly wandered off topic.
CS – Sir, the examples I just illustrated are a direct result of 9/11.
PBO – And I’m telling you that we must move forward, we must endure through these dangerous and politically challenging years ahead.
CS – Mr. President, we cannot move forward with a bottomless warren of unanswered questions surrounding that day and its aftermath.
PBO – I read the official report. Every word every page. Perhaps you should do the same.
CS – I have sir, and so have thousands of family members of the victims, and guess what; they have the same questions I do and probably a lot more. I didn’t lose a loved one on that horrific day Mr. President and neither did you. But since then I, along with millions of other Americans lost something we held true and dear for most of our lives in this great country of ours; we lost our hope.
PBO – And I’d like to believe that I am here to restore that hope. To restore confidence in your leaders, in the system that the voting public chose through a peaceful transfer of power.
(An odd moment of silence between us. Precious time ticking away).
CS – Mr. President, are you aware of the number of days it took to begin the investigation into JFK’s assassination?
PBO – If memory serves I believe it was two weeks.
CS – Close. Seventeen days to be exact. Are you aware sir, how long it took to begin the investigation into Pearl Harbor?
PBO – I would say again about….two weeks.
CS – Close again sir, eleven days to be exact. Are you aware Mr. President how long it took to begin the investigation into 9/11?
PBO – I know it must have seemed like a very long time for all the grieving families.
CS – It was a very long time Mr. President – four hundred and forty days. Roughly 14 months. Does it bother you Mr. President that it only took FIVE HOURS for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after the initial attack to recommend and endorse a full scale offensive against Iraq?
PBO – I am not aware of any such purported claim.
CS – I have the proof Mr. President, along with scores of documents and facts I’d like you to take a look at. Here.
(I hand him another file – much thicker than the first)
PBO – I see you came prepared Charlie.
CS – No other way to show up Mr. President. When in doubt over prepare I always say.
PBO – Now you sound like the First Lady.
CS – That’s quite a compliment sir.
PBO – As you wish. Please continue.
CS – Sir, I’d like to direct your attention to the stack of documents in the folder I just handed you. The first in from the top is entitled “ Operation Northwoods“, a declassified Pentagon plan to stage terror attacks on US soil, to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for war.
PBO – And I’d like to direct your attention to the fact that the principle draftsman of this improbable blueprint was quickly denied a second term as Joint Chiefs chairman and sent packing to a European NATO garrison. Thank God his otherworldly ambitions never saw the light of day.
CS – I wouldn’t be so certain about that Mr. President.
PBO – I could easily say the same to you Charlie.
(the President checks his watch)
featured stories Twenty Minutes with the President
soylent green featured stories Twenty Minutes with the President
Charlie Sheen writing 20 Minutes with the President. Photo by Alex Jones.
CS – The next document reads “Declassified staged provocations.” Now, Honestly Mr. President I wish I was making this stuff up. I’m certain you are familiar with the USS Maine Incident, the sinking of the Lusitania, which we all now know brought us into WW1, and of course the most famous, the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
PBO – Of course I am familiar with these historical events and I’m aware that there’s a measure of controversy surrounding them. But to be quite frank with you, this is all ancient history.
CS – Mr. President, it has been often said; “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” And I concede to you sir, these events are the past.
PBO – A vastly different world young man, shouldering a radically disparate state of universal affairs.
CS – No argument sir, I’m merely inviting you to acknowledge some credibility to the pattern or the theme. Case in point; the next document in your folder. It was published by the think-tank, Project For a New American Century and it’s entitled “ Rebuilding Americas Defenses“, and was written by Dick Cheney and Jeb Bush. To quote from the document sir – (the President interrupts)
PBO – “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”
CS – Touche, sir. Your thoughts on this statement Mr. President?
PBO – I would call this a blatant case of misjudgment fueled by an unfortunate milieu of assumption. For some, the uninformed denial of coincidence.
CS – Interesting angle sir. Nevertheless, Vice President Cheney didn’t stop there. In early 2008, Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh and MSNBC, both reported that Cheney had proposed to the Pentagon an outrageous plan to have the U.S. Navy create fake Iranian patrol boats, to be manned by Navy Seals, who would then stage an attack on US destroyers in the Strait of Hormuz. This event was to be blamed on Iran and used as a pretext for war. Does any of this information worry you Mr. President? Should we just ignore it, until these realities can be dismissed years from now by our children, as ancient history as well?
PBO – Of course this information worries me, yet it’s not nearly as worrisome as you sitting here today suspiciously implying that 9/11 was somehow allowed to happen or even orchestrated from the inside.
CS – Mr. President I am not suspiciously implying anything. I am merely exposing the documents and asking the questions that nobody in power will even look at or acknowledge. And as I stated earlier, I voted for you, I believed in your message of hope and change. Mr. President I have come to you specifically hoping for a change. A change in the perception that our government has not yet made itself open and accountable to the people. These are your words Mr. President not mine. The lives of thousands were brutally cut short and those left behind to suffer their infinite pain are with me today Mr. President. They are with me in spirit and flesh, and the message we carry will not be silenced anymore by media fueled mantras insisting how they are supposed to feel. Deciding for them, for 8 long years, what can be thought, what can be said, what can be asked.
PBO – And I appreciate your passion, I appreciate your conviction. In spite of your concerns, in spite of what your data might or might not reveal, what you and the families must understand and accept is that we are doing everything we can to protect you.
CS – Mr. President , I realize were very short on time, so please allow me to run down a list of bullet points that might illuminate some reasons why we don’t embrace the warm hug of Federal protection.
PBO – We’ve come this far. Fire away.
CS – Please keep in mind Mr. President everything I’m about to say is documented as fact and part of the public record. The information you are holding in your hands chronicles and verifies each and every point.
PBO – You have five minutes left. The floor is yours. Brief me.
CS – Thank you Mr. President. Okay, first; On the FBI’s most wanted list Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When I called the FBI to ask them why this was the case, they replied: “There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,” I later discovered he had never even been indicted by the D.O.J.
CS – Number 2; FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, was dismissed and gagged by the D.O.J. after she revealed that the government had foreknowledge of plans to attack American cities using planes as bombs as early as April 2001. In July of ‘09, Mrs. Edmonds broke the Federal gag order and went public to reveal that Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were all working for and with the C.I.A. up until the day of 9/11.
CS – Number 3; The following is a quote from Mayor Giuliani during an interview on 9/11 with Peter Jennings for ABC News. “I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the Police Commissioner, the Fire Commissioner, the Head of Emergency Management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.”
WHO TOLD HIM THIS??? To this day, the answer to this question remains unanswered, completely ignored and emphatically DENIED by Mayor Giuliani on several public occasions.
CS – Number 4; In April 2004, USA Today reported, “In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.” One of the targets was the World Trade Center.
CS – Number 5; On September 12th 2007, CNN’s ‘Anderson Cooper 360′, reported that the mysterious “white plane” spotted and videotaped by multiple media outlets, flying in restricted airspace over the White House shortly before 10am on the morning of 9/11, was in fact the Air Force’s E-4B, a specially modified Boeing 747 with a communications pod behind the cockpit; otherwise known as “The Doomsday Plane”.
Though fully aware of the event, the 9/11 Commission did not deem the appearance of the military plane to be of any interest and did not include it in the final 9/11 Commission report.
CS – Number 6; Three F-16s assigned to Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles from Washington, DC, are conducting training exercises in North Carolina 207 miles away as the first plane crashes into the WTC. Even at significantly less than their top speed of 1500 mph, they could still have defended the skies over Washington well before 9am, more than 37 minutes before Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, however, they did not return until after 9:55am.
Andrews AFB had no armed fighters on alert and ready to take off on the morning of 9/11.
CS – Number 7; WTC Building 7. Watch the video of its collapse.
CS – Number 8; Flight 93 is fourth plane to crash on 9/11 at 10:03am. V.P. Cheney only gives shoot down order at 10:10-10:20am and this is not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 has crashed.
Fueling further suspicion on this front is the fact that three months before the attacks of 9/11, Dick Cheney usurped control of NORAD, and therefore he, and no one else on planet Earth, had the power to call for military sorties on the hijacked airliners on 9/11. He did not exercise that power. Three months after 9/11, he relinquished command of NORAD and returned it to military operation.
CS – Number 9; Scores of main stream news outlets reported that the F.B.I. conducted an investigation of at least FIVE of the 9/11 hijackers being trained at U.S. military flight schools. Those investigations are now sealed and need to be declassified.
CS – Number 10; In 2004, New York firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi went public to say they had found the black boxes at the World Trade Center, but were told to keep their mouths shut by FBI agents. Nicholas DeMasi said that he escorted federal agents on an all-terrain vehicle in October 2001 and helped them locate the devices, a story backed up by rescue volunteer Mike Bellone.
As the Philadelphia Daily News reported at the time, “Their story raises the question of whether there was a some type of cover-up at Ground Zero.”
CS – Number 11 – Hundreds of eye witnesses including first responders, fire captains, news reporters, and police, all described multiple explosions in both towers before and during the collapse.
CS – Number 12; An astounding video uncovered from the archives shows BBC News correspondent Jane Standley reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. Tapes from earlier BBC broadcasts show news anchors discussing the collapse of WTC 7 a full 26 minutes in advance. The BBC at first claimed that their tapes from 9/11 had been “lost” before admitting that they made the “error” of reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it happened without adequately explaining how they could have obtained advance knowledge of the event.
In addition, over an hour before the collapse of WTC 7, at 4:10pm, CNN’s Aaron Brown reported that the building “has either collapsed, or is collapsing.”
CS – Number 13; Solicitor General Ted Olson’s claim that his wife Barbara Olsen called him twice from Flight 77, describing hijackers with box cutters, was a central plank of the official 9/11 story.
However, the credibility of the story was completely undermined after Olsen kept changing his story about whether his wife used her cell phone or the airplane phone. The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004. American Airlines confirmed that Flight 77 was a Boeing 757 and that this plane did not have airplane phones on board.
According to the FBI, Barbara Olsen attempted to call her husband only once and the call failed to connect, therefore Olsen must have been lying when he claimed he had spoken to his wife from Flight 77.
CS – Number 14; The size of a Boeing 757 is approximately 125ft in width and yet images of the impact zone at the Pentagon supposedly caused by the crash merely show a hole no more than 16ft in diameter. The engines of the 757 would have punctured a hole bigger than this, never mind the whole plane. Images before the partial collapse of the impact zone show little real impact damage and a sparse debris field completely inconsistent with the crash of a large jetliner, especially when contrasted with other images showing airplane crashes into buildings.
CS – Number 15; What is the meaning behind the following quote attributed to Dick Cheney which came to light during the 9/11 Commission hearings? The passage is taken from testimony given by then Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.
During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, “The plane is 50 miles out.” “The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to “the plane is 10 miles out,” the young man also said to the Vice President, “Do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?”
As the plane was not shot down, in addition to the fact that armed fighter jets were nowhere near the plane and the Pentagon defensive system was not activated, are we to take it that the orders were to let the plane find its target?
CS – Number 16; In May 2003, the Miami Herald reported how the Bush administration was refusing to release a 900-page congressional report on 9/11 because it wanted to “avoid enshrining embarrassing details in the report,” particularly regarding pre-9/11 warnings as well as the fact that the hijackers were trained at U.S. flight schools.
CS – Number 17; Top Pentagon officials cancelled their scheduled flights for September 11th on September 10th. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, following a security warning, cancelled a flight into New York that was scheduled for the morning of 9/11.
CS – Number 18; The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004, and even by that point it was only in the trial phase. Calls from cell phones which formed an integral part of the official government version of events were technologically impossible at the time.
CS – Number 19: On April 29, 2004, President Bush and V.P. Cheney would only meet with the commission under specific clandestine conditions. They insisted on testifying together and not under oath. They also demanded that their testimony be treated as a matter of “state secret.” To date, nothing they spoke of that day exists in the public domain.
CS – And finally Mr. President – Number 20; A few days after the attack, several newspapers as well as the FBI reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC. In August 2004, CNN reported that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah’s visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
At least a third of the WTC victim’s bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the perpetrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.
(The Senior aide appears again beside the President whispering in his ear. He then quickly moves off).
PBO – Well Charlie I can’t say this hasn’t been interesting. As I said earlier you’ve showed up today focused and organized. Regardless how I feel about the material you’ve presented, I must commend your dedication and zeal. However, our time here is up.
(the President rises from his chair , I do the same).
CS – Mr. President! One more second!
(The President starts towards the door – I follow him quickly step for step).
CS – Mr. President, I implore you based on the evidence you now possess, to use your Executive Power. Prove to us all Sir, that you do, in fact, care. Create a truly comprehensive and open Congressional investigation of 9/11 and its aftermath. The families deserve the truth, the American people and the rest of the free world deserve the truth. Mr. President -
(He pauses. We shake hands).
CS – Make sure you’re on the right side of history.
(The President breaks the handshake).
PBO – I am on the right side of history. Thank you Charlie, my staff and I will be in touch.
(I watch as he strides gracefully out of the room, the truth I provided him held firmly by his side; in the hand of providence.)
Twenty Minutes With The President
A comprehensive bibliography containing all of the evidence presented above can be viewed at
Get this interview in PDF format here.
Author’s Note: What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet.
This is an open letter to the President requesting a new investigation.
Charlie Sheen.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday, September 06, 2009
WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via ‘Mock-Up’ Vaccines
Saturday, Sept 5, 2009
The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed.
In Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.
According to the website, “Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.”
World Health Organization
Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
On June 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. Phase 6 is the highest level alert, and reflects the speed with which a virus is spreading — not its severity.
This classification also allows for a vaccine to qualify for a “fast-track” procedure for licensing and approval, and this process is now ongoing for the swine flu vaccine.
What you may not know, however, is that WHO, together with health officials, regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers, have been working since 2007 – long before this new “threat” of swine flu emerged – to “explore a broad range of issues surrounding the regulatory approval of pandemic vaccines.”
According to the WHO website:
“Ways were sought to shorten the time between the emergence of a pandemic virus and the availability of safe and effective vaccines.”
One such method used in Europe is to conduct advance studies using a “mock-up” vaccine that contains an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations.
When testing these mock-up vaccines, it is very possible to release the novel influenza virus into the population, as its purpose is to “mimic the novelty of a pandemic virus” and “greatly expedite regulatory approval.”
Full Article here
Saturday, Sept 5, 2009
The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed.
In Europe, some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.
According to the website, “Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.”
World Health Organization
Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
On June 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. Phase 6 is the highest level alert, and reflects the speed with which a virus is spreading — not its severity.
This classification also allows for a vaccine to qualify for a “fast-track” procedure for licensing and approval, and this process is now ongoing for the swine flu vaccine.
What you may not know, however, is that WHO, together with health officials, regulatory authorities and vaccine manufacturers, have been working since 2007 – long before this new “threat” of swine flu emerged – to “explore a broad range of issues surrounding the regulatory approval of pandemic vaccines.”
According to the WHO website:
“Ways were sought to shorten the time between the emergence of a pandemic virus and the availability of safe and effective vaccines.”
One such method used in Europe is to conduct advance studies using a “mock-up” vaccine that contains an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations.
When testing these mock-up vaccines, it is very possible to release the novel influenza virus into the population, as its purpose is to “mimic the novelty of a pandemic virus” and “greatly expedite regulatory approval.”
Full Article here
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
The Invitation
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to
be careful, be realistic, remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can
disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes.'
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Jim Richards on Faith the Missing Pieces
Thanks for this link. I encourage more people to add to this site.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Senate Bill Lets Obama Shut Down the Internet
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 show the Senate bill could give the president a "kill switch" on the Internet and allow him to shut out private networks from online access.
A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks -- a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties.
Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 emerged late Thursday, months after an initial version authored by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., was blasted in Silicon Valley as dangerous government intrusion.
"In the original bill they empowered the president to essentially turn off the Internet in the case of a 'cyber-emergency,' which they didn't define," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which represents the telecommunications industry.
"We think it's a very bad idea ... to put in legislation," he told
Clinton said the new version of the bill that surfaced this week is improved from its first draft, but troubling language that was removed was replaced by vague language that could still offer the same powers to the president in case of an emergency.
"The current language is so unclear that we can't be confident that the changes have actually been made," he said.
The new legislation allows the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and make a plan to respond to the danger, according to an excerpt published online -- a broad license that rights experts worry would give the president "amorphous powers" over private users.
"As soon as you're saying that the federal government is going to be exercising this kind of power over private networks, it's going to be a really big issue," Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told CNET News.
A Senate source familiar with the bill likened the new power to take control of portions of the Internet to what President Bush did when he grounded all aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001, CNET News reported.
Spokesmen for Senator Rockefeller and the Commerce Committee did not return calls seeking comment before this article was published.
But Rockefeller, who introduced the bill in April with bipartisan support, said the legislation was critical to protecting everything from water and electricity to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records.
"I know the threats we face," Rockefeller said in a prepared statement when the legislation was introduced. "Our enemies are real. They are sophisticated, they are determined and they will not rest."
The bill would also let the government create a detailed set of standards for licensing "cybersecurity professionals" who would oversee a single standard for security measures.
But many in the technology sector believe it's a job the government is ill-equipped to handle, said Franck Journoud, a policy analyst with the Business Software Alliance.
"Simply put, who has the expertise?" he told in April. "It's the industry, not the government. We have a responsibility to increase and improve security. That responsibility cannot be captured in a government standard."
Clinton, of the Internet Security Alliance, praised President Obama's May science policy review, which he said would take cybersecurity in the right direction by promoting incentives to get the private industry to improve its own security measures.
But he faulted the Senate bill, which he said would centralize regulations for an industry that is too varied to fall under the control of a single set of rules without endangering the economy and security.
"We think a lot of things need to be done to enhance cybersecurity," he told, but this bill is "not something that we could support."
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Take the red pill, Mr. President!
7/22/2009 He said it again!! "If there's a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that's going to make you well?" -- President Obama
In last night's press conference, President Obama seemed to be reliving that famous scene from The Matrix. The main character is offered a choice between a red pill that makes him see reality for what it is, and a blue pill that allows him to continue living in a pleasant world of illusions.
Swine Flu Deception - The Complete Idiot's Guide
The Swine Flu is an orchestrated attempt to spread fear and chaos into the population and to try to get people vaccinated, which everyone should know contains mercury that damages your nervous system. Mercury, of course, is one of the most toxic substances you can put in a human body. It is a heavy metal known to contribute to neurological disorders, including autism, dementia, and even Alzheimer's disease. Mercury also tends to build up in tissues in the human body and is not easily removed, so even small exposures to mercury can accumulate over time and end up compromising the health of the person involved. Baxter, the makers of the flu vaccines was caught putting live bird flu in the vaccines and making people get more sick and ill with the help of the World Health Organization (WHO). DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE! Unless of course you want to have the possibility of dying and destroying your immune system and have all sorts of side effects and you are determined for your own personal destruction - then by all means get it. If you are an intelligent person and not a sheep who cannot critically think for yourself - research further and you will come to the conclusion that this vaccine is a big scam and should not enter one single human body.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Quote by Max Planck on Matter
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
-Max Planck
-Max Planck
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Forced Mass Vaccinations
In the next few weeks, you could be forced to take a toxic vaccine against the "swine flu“, be quarantined and restricted in your travel because the World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic emergency of the highest level.
In the next few weeks, you could be forced to take a toxic vaccine against the „swine flu“, be quarantined and restricted in your travel and all because the World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic emergency of the highest level, namely level 6, and so triggered global martial law in spite of the evidence that the swine flu is harmless.
As a result of this pandemic level 6 declaration, the USA, Europe and other countries have moved from civil law to military law.
Refusing a WHO-mandated vaccination has been criminalized under provisions related to public health emergencies. Police can use deadly force against "criminal suspects," that means, they can take you to prison or even shoot you if you refuse.
There is, however, scientific evidence that the WHO mandated vaccine will be toxic and potentially deadly.
WHO developed a method to use vaccines to kill people in three steps which were described in memos dated from 1972 in a three-pronged approach, to weaken the immune system, inject a huge dose of virus into the body, which the weakened immune system cannot fight and inject a adjuvant that will create an inflammatory reaction and a cytokine storm and so kill in three steps as outlined in the 1972 WHO memos.
Also, the vaccines will have the adjuvant squalene known to cause the Gulf War Syndrome. The vaccine will be rushed through without adequate safety trials.
SD23 ready for 2nd wave of H1N1 (
by Rachael Kimola - Story: 49078
Aug 27, 2009 / 5:00 am
SD 23 has a plan for dealing with the H1N1 virus as students prepare to return to school.
School District 23 Superintendent Hugh Gloster says as a district they have a three step plan for dealing with the anticipated second wave of the virus.
“We've been working with Interior Health since 2007 on pandemic planning. Obviously with the move to the second wave anticipated to come in the fall, we have also been working with their pandemic response framework,” says Gloster.
He says the first step is what they can do in preparation of the flu season.
“Then, what we will do during the flu season while we are dealing with cases and finally in follow up afterwards. Each of those phases includes and education and training plan that we will be doing, as well as a communications plan to make sure that message is getting to staff and students and parents.”
Gloster says they also have a continuity plan to go into effect should they have significant absences of students or teachers.
“We also have reporting requirements for our schools, staffs and we ask parents to cooperate as well in terms of if they are dealing with sick children at home, so we can keep our local medical health officer, as well as the provincial body, updated in terms of where things are in terms of number of incidents of influenza.”
He says they have to prepare for the worst case scenery.
“From our standpoint, we think we are well prepared, we have been working very closely with our local health authority to ensure we share information and we work very closely together. We are going to continue to adjust our plan as things roll out and new info becomes available.”
Aug 27, 2009 / 5:00 am
SD 23 has a plan for dealing with the H1N1 virus as students prepare to return to school.
School District 23 Superintendent Hugh Gloster says as a district they have a three step plan for dealing with the anticipated second wave of the virus.
“We've been working with Interior Health since 2007 on pandemic planning. Obviously with the move to the second wave anticipated to come in the fall, we have also been working with their pandemic response framework,” says Gloster.
He says the first step is what they can do in preparation of the flu season.
“Then, what we will do during the flu season while we are dealing with cases and finally in follow up afterwards. Each of those phases includes and education and training plan that we will be doing, as well as a communications plan to make sure that message is getting to staff and students and parents.”
Gloster says they also have a continuity plan to go into effect should they have significant absences of students or teachers.
“We also have reporting requirements for our schools, staffs and we ask parents to cooperate as well in terms of if they are dealing with sick children at home, so we can keep our local medical health officer, as well as the provincial body, updated in terms of where things are in terms of number of incidents of influenza.”
He says they have to prepare for the worst case scenery.
“From our standpoint, we think we are well prepared, we have been working very closely with our local health authority to ensure we share information and we work very closely together. We are going to continue to adjust our plan as things roll out and new info becomes available.”
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
NWO Agents of Disinformation 95% Truth, 5% Lies
I would say that is true of this film as well.. being 95% truth 5% lies. It is all just information. Take it all as you will. It is up to the individual to decern truth and question everything. I know my motto isn't order out of chaos. Chaotic Fate to me means something much different. It means that we all have a purpose and we are all special with unique gifts. We all have the potential to reach our fate, as chaotic as it may seem. To understand that we are all one, with God. Through Jesus. This has always been my message, and as a freedom seeker. I surely do not believe in order out of chaos. I certainly as a truth seeker, did not plan 911. This clip has some good points. But be careful not to let it divide us. We are all just people.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Trailer - Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama -
An Alex Jones Film -
Here is a first glimpse of Alex Jones most powerful film yet, to be titled Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama. The globalists want the Republic to fall, and they are trying to use their newest, and slickest ever puppet to destroy the last vestiges of Americas freedom, Constitution and economy, all while helping the bankers loot the country clean. But this film shows how we can turn it around, and restore all that was good and right in our nation.
Here is a first glimpse of Alex Jones most powerful film yet, to be titled Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama. The globalists want the Republic to fall, and they are trying to use their newest, and slickest ever puppet to destroy the last vestiges of Americas freedom, Constitution and economy, all while helping the bankers loot the country clean. But this film shows how we can turn it around, and restore all that was good and right in our nation.
Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P.)
The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when we choose to go on it we think it's real, because thats's how powerful our minds are. And it goes up and down and round and round, it has thrills and chills and its very brightly colored and very loud, and it's fun - for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and after a while they begin to question: Is this real, or is it just a ride? But some people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say. "Hey, don't worry and don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride" - and we kill those people...
"Shut him up! Ive got a lot invested in this ride... Look at my furrows of worry... Look at my big bank account... Look at my family... This has to be real"
But it's just a ride.
But we always kill those good guys who try to tell us that and we let the demons run amok. But it doesnt matter, because it's just a ride - and we can change it any time we want.
All we need is the choice.
No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice - right now - between fear & love.
The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love instead, see all of us as one.
Here's what we can do to change the world to a better ride right now. Take all the money we spend on weapons and defence every year and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space...
both inner and outer...
forever... peace.
- Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P.)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
REMIX 9.11.09 Rock The Planet!!!
Facebook Event
Rock The Planet is not about political affiliation, race, creed or national origin. It is about freedom. Freedom to live life fully without the hindrance of oppressive rule and unnecessary government intervention. This is about less government and MORE opportunity without the corruption that is pushed by world banks and corporations. This matter goes beyond national borders as corporations interrupt the lively-hood of millions of people in this country and across the world.
In your heart you must feel there is something wrong with the world. That perhaps the standards of living mandated by society, government and big business are holding you back? Maybe you are simply tired of too many taxes and the high cost of living or the unacceptable cost of health care set by the medical and pharmaceutical corporations? How about the destruction of our planet by global corporations? Perhaps you are worried about the future of your children and/or the world we are leaving to them?
No matter your concerns, Rock The Planet is a rally of humanity across this planet. Stand with us! On September 11th 2009 at 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard time, 9:00am Pacific Standard time on the main streets of your own town or city. Join us as the people across the world fill the streets of every town, every city across the world simultaneously in peaceful protest for a RALLY OF HUMANKIND!
Let the world know that WE WILL ALL BE FREE! Bring your banners, signs, posters and megaphones and express what concerns you! Please understand that this is not about hatred or violence and there is no room for extremist/hate groups.
In the mean time, help us spread the word! Share the video! Make a video! Post this info in your blogs, emails, letters, local newspapers! Share with family and friends, even people on the street! Download the flyers, print them out and post them all over your local area!

Rock The Planet is not about political affiliation, race, creed or national origin. It is about freedom. Freedom to live life fully without the hindrance of oppressive rule and unnecessary government intervention. This is about less government and MORE opportunity without the corruption that is pushed by world banks and corporations. This matter goes beyond national borders as corporations interrupt the lively-hood of millions of people in this country and across the world.
In your heart you must feel there is something wrong with the world. That perhaps the standards of living mandated by society, government and big business are holding you back? Maybe you are simply tired of too many taxes and the high cost of living or the unacceptable cost of health care set by the medical and pharmaceutical corporations? How about the destruction of our planet by global corporations? Perhaps you are worried about the future of your children and/or the world we are leaving to them?
No matter your concerns, Rock The Planet is a rally of humanity across this planet. Stand with us! On September 11th 2009 at 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard time, 9:00am Pacific Standard time on the main streets of your own town or city. Join us as the people across the world fill the streets of every town, every city across the world simultaneously in peaceful protest for a RALLY OF HUMANKIND!
Let the world know that WE WILL ALL BE FREE! Bring your banners, signs, posters and megaphones and express what concerns you! Please understand that this is not about hatred or violence and there is no room for extremist/hate groups.
In the mean time, help us spread the word! Share the video! Make a video! Post this info in your blogs, emails, letters, local newspapers! Share with family and friends, even people on the street! Download the flyers, print them out and post them all over your local area!

RFID Banking Chips Already Hacked, so much for MORE SECURITY.
Now they don't even have to steal your wallet. Cut up the cards! Protest to the banks.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Swine flu conference in Washington DC predicts end of the USA as a result of swine flu pandemic
Every day the mainstream media in the US and around the world hypes the threat of the so-called swine flu and spends acres of words on every alleged fatality. And yet not one mainstream media outlet has covered the first INTERNATIONAL Swine Flu Conference, which finishes today 21st August in Washington DC.
The conference prepares for a catastrophe in the USA, for mass evacuations, economic collapse and the death or illness of 40 per cent of the workforce. Why, if people are to be given the "swine flu" shot and the shot is allegedly so effective?
The conference covers mass fatality management, the protection (by the police and army presumably) of he "emergency response management center", which will ultimately controlled by WHO and the UN from which orders will be sent to pandemic deployment teams. They will be sent out to conduct forced inoculations as allowed by law in many states (undertaking mass vaccinations effectively) and impose quarantines.
The conference covers evacuation and mass transport. Mass transport to where? To the FEMA camps?
This conference foresees 30 to 40 percent of the emergency responders dropping out from operations. Why? If they are to get the inoculation first, and this is allegedly so effective?
Why does the mainstream media not cover a conference that predicts total economic and social collapse, and the end of the USA as it has been in existence since its foundation, attended by 700 experts from more than 30 countries?
and the swine flu program here
Canadian doctors and nurses mount resistance to forced swine flu jab
Federal agency won't force front-line health workers to get flu vaccination
By Andrew Mayeda and Sharon Kirkey,
Canwest News Service July 23, 2009
The Public Health Agency of Canada has no plan to deal with front-line health-care workers who refuse to be vaccinated against swine flu, a scenario that some infectious-disease experts believe could accelerate the spread of the flu pandemic.
The question of whether doctors and nurses should be forced to take flu vaccines has long been a contentious issue in the public-health community. In 2002, the Ontario government withdrew legislation that made it mandatory for paramedics to get flu shots, after the paramedics' union launched a legal challenge under the Charter.
The Canadian Medical Association, which represents tens of thousands of doctors, will introduce a resolution at its annual meeting next month that encourages physicians to get the H1N1 vaccine, which is expected to be ready in the fall. But the association will stop short of endorsing mandatory vaccinations, CMA president Dr. Robert Ouellet said. "We think there should be informed consent," Ouellet said in an interview. "Everyone should have the right to refuse a vaccination if they think it's not right for them." "We think there should be informed consent,"
But some members of the medical community worry that such sensitivity toward the rights of health-care workers could undermine efforts to fight the flu pandemic.
It is believed that roughly half of all front-line health-care workers take the seasonal flu shot every year -- a higher rate of uptake than in the general public, but enough to leave an alarming gap in the pandemic battle, some experts say.
"Health-care workers have been resistant to flu shots in general. That has been the problem," said Dr. Kumanan Wilson, a public-health policy specialist at the University of Ottawa.
He said he believes hospitals should have the authority to send employees home when they refuse to be vaccinated during outbreak.
But others disagree.
"It's a human-rights issue," said Linda Silas, president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. "You cannot impose it on workers, and you cannot impose it on a community."
Common Sense 2009 Larry Flynt
The Huffington Post
August 20, 2009
The American government — which we once called our government — has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “economic royalists,” who choose our elected officials — indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.
Here’s what Rockefeller said in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” They’re gaming us. Our country has been stolen from us.
This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars. So arrogant, so smug were they that, without a moment’s hesitation, they took our money — yours and mine — to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they continue doing to this very day. They have no shame. They don’t care what you and I think about them. Henry Kissinger refers to us as “useless eaters.”
But, you say, we have elected a candidate of change. To which I respond: Do these words of President Obama sound like change?
“A culture of irresponsibility took root, from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street.”
“And a regulatory regime basically crafted in the wake of a 20th-century economic crisis — the Great Depression — was overwhelmed by the speed, scope and sophistication of a 21st-century global economy.”
This is nonsense.
The reason Wall Street was able to game the system the way it did — knowing that they would become rich at the expense of the American people (oh, yes, they most certainly knew that) — was because the financial elite had bribed our legislators to roll back the protections enacted after the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
Congress gutted the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial lending banks from investment banks, and passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which allowed for self-regulation with no oversight. The Securities and Exchange Commission subsequently revised its rules to allow for even less oversight — and we’ve all seen how well that worked out. To date, no serious legislation has been offered by the Obama administration to correct these problems.
Instead, Obama wants to increase the oversight power of the Federal Reserve. Never mind that it already had significant oversight power before our most recent economic meltdown, yet failed to take action. Never mind that the Fed is not a government agency but a cartel of private bankers that cannot be held accountable by Washington. Whatever the Fed does with these supposed new oversight powers will be behind closed doors.
Obama’s failure to act sends one message loud and clear: He cannot stand up to the powerful Wall Street interests that supplied the bulk of his campaign money for the 2008 election. Nor, for that matter, can Congress, for much the same reason.
Consider what multibillionaire banker David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs:
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Read Rockefeller’s words again. He actually admits to working against the “best interests of the United States.”
Need more? Here’s what Rockefeller said in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” They’re gaming us. Our country has been stolen from us.
Journalist Matt Taibbi, writing in Rolling Stone, notes that esteemed economist John Kenneth Galbraith laid the 1929 crash at the feet of banking giant Goldman Sachs. Taibbi goes on to say that Goldman Sachs has been behind every other economic downturn as well, including the most recent one. As if that wasn’t enough, Goldman Sachs even had a hand in pushing gas prices up to $4 a gallon.
The problem with bankers is longstanding. Here’s what one of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, had to say about them:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father’s conquered.”
We all know that the first American Revolution officially began in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. Less well known is that the single strongest motivating factor for revolution was the colonists’ attempt to free themselves from the Bank of England. But how many of you know about the second revolution, referred to by historians as Shays’ Rebellion? It took place in 1786-87, and once again the banks were the cause. This time they were putting the screws to America’s farmers.
Daniel Shays was a farmer in western Massachusetts. Like many other farmers of the day, he was being driven into bankruptcy by the banks’ predatory lending practices. (Sound familiar?) Rallying other farmers to his side, Shays led his rebels in an attack on the courts and the local armory. The rebellion itself failed, but a message had been sent: The bankers (and the politicians who supported them) ultimately backed off. As Thomas Jefferson famously quipped in regard to the insurrection: “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Perhaps it’s time to consider that option once again.
I’m calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day. The intent? Real campaign-finance reform and strong restrictions on lobbying. Because nothing will change until we take corporate money out of politics. Nothing will improve until our politicians are once again answerable to their constituents, not the rich and powerful.
Let’s set a date. No one goes to work. No one buys anything. And if that isn’t effective — if the politicians ignore us — we do it again. And again. And again.
The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It’s time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
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- World Bank: Food prices have entered the 'danger zone'
- Libya says ready for change, Gaddafi must stay
- The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag
- Hacker Got Personal Data on 77 MILLION PlayStation Users
- Fukushima Fallout Reaches U.S.A.
- Daniel Ellsberg: “Secrets ... Can Be Kept Reliably ... For Decades … Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders”
- Obama Announces Reelection Bid
- Glenn Beck..why?