from by qew

It was on his Friday, April 1, program, but it was no joke. Glenn Beck, who has announced he will leave Fox News, was blatantly wearing a masonic emblem over his grey sweater, quite a conspicuous clothing accessory.
Included in the imagery is a Mason’s compass, a skull, a scroll & pen, and what appears to be 1681, a possible reference to the year Freemason William Penn founded Philadelphia (later the first capital of the United States) and Pennsylvania. Why would Beck choose this apparel? Is it an obscure reference to colonial founders or a tip-off that his allegiances lie with the secret society-elites who have long wielded power?
the enigma that is glenn beck..why did he wear that logo on his jumper? why did he wear skull and bones? if i saw arnold doing that (think skull belt buckle) we have no hesistation in saying he is “them”..what about glenn?
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