Posted by Alexander Higgins - April 26, 2011 at 9:22 am - Permalink - Source via Alexander Higgins Blog
NASA has forecasted super solar storms for 2012 and is sounding the alarm it could knock out the Earth’s entire electrical grid and kill 1 billion people. If proper precautions aren’t taken it could lead to nuclear meltdowns around the entire world.
Helium writes in a 2 page article titled NASA issues warning of solar super storm 2012
During a solar superstorm most communication will be blasted out of existence; power will fail. Cities will be left without light and water and food will run out. Civil unrest will surge as society collapses in a matter of days. The US federal and state governments will be hard-pressed to restore order amongst 300 million people as mass starvation sets in and sources of fresh water dwindle.
One billion could die
Restoration of the infrastructure could take years—even a decade or more. During the interim more than a billion people could die worldwide—more if warfare breaks out between countries desperate for scarce resources.
Michio Kaku adds his voice to the warnings
World renown American astrophysicist Dr. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City University of New York and the co-founder of string field theory, is worried about a potential catastrophe and has joined in NASA’s warning.
Appearing recently on FoxNews, Kaku said, “We’re talking about a potential Katrina from space.”
But Kaku sees the disaster as 10 times greater than Katrina-perhaps even worse than that. “We’d be thrown 100 years into the past,” he explained. The transition to the 1800s would occur as quicly as flipping a light switch off.
Fox News – Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012
Nasa says super solar storm coming in 2012. It could knock out all electricity on the planet!
Of course NASA gave similar warnings about last years solar eruption’s which came and went without a single hiccup.
NASA Warns Earth On Collision Course With Unprecedented Solar Flare Eruption
NASA is warning that the Earth is on a collision course with a solar flare that could wipe out electronics, satellites and communication systems across the globe that humanity has become so reliant on in the 21 st century and is calling for the Government to organize the necessary preparations needed to prevent detect upcoming solar activity that can wreak havoc on humanity.

The “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that’s new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press Club on June 8th” reports the NASA article.

“NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a dark rift in the sun’s atmosphere. The spacecraft’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) took this extreme ultraviolet picture just hours ago
It’s a “coronal hole,” a vast region where the sun’s magnetic field has opened up and allowed the solar wind to escape. Indeed, a solar wind stream flowing from this hole is heading toward Earth, due to arrive on June 7th or 8th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on those dates.
The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled “Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts.” It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm, the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.
On the other hand we can not forget that the Fukushima nuclear disaster was caused by a power outage and if a power outage like this does occur, many reactors around the world would be out power and …
When This Happens, Most Nuclear Power Plants in the World Could Melt Down
Whenever there is a disaster, those responsible claim it was “unforeseeable” so as to escape blame.
For example:
- It happened with 9/11
- It happened with the financial crisis
- It happened with the Japanese nuclear accident
The big boys gamble with our lives and our livelihoods, because they make a killing by taking huge risks and cutting costs. And when things inevitably go South, they aren’t held responsible (other than a slap on the wrist), and may even be bailed out by the government.
Are All Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable?
NASA warns solar flares could knock out the world’s entire electrical grid, leading to nuclear meltdowns all over the world.
Much of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex has experienced difficulties because the earthquake knocked out the main power, and then the tsunami destroyed the backup diesel generators.
Of course, many other reactors are built in seismically active areas. But that’s not my point.
Nasa scientists are predicting that a solar storm will knock out most of the electrical power grid in many countries worldwide, perhaps for months. See this, this, this, this,this, this and this.
Indeed, the Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the sun’s most violent radiation, and yet the magnetic field fluctuates over time. As the Telegraphreported in 2008:
Large hole in magnetic field that protects Earth from sun’s rays … Recent satellite observations have revealed the largest breach yet seen in the magnetic field that protects Earth from most of the sun’s violent blasts.
I’m not predicting some 2012 Mayan catastrophe. I am simply warning that a large solar storm – as Nasa is predicting – could knock out power throughout much of the world, especially if the earth’s magnetic field happens to be weak at the time.
What would happen to nuclear power plants world wide if their power – and most of the surrounding modern infrastructure – is knocked out?
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