from by qew
On Thursday April 7 2011 both Michael Ignatieff and Stephen Harper where both in Hamilton Ontario.
Stephen Harper was at the Hamilton convention center at 5:30pm to attend a PC rally. Of coarse we did not get inside of the convention center because we where not on the “list” of attendees, and the building was heavily guarded by the RCMP. Nor did we even get a glimpse of him outside. Because (like usual) he kept himself very well hidden from the public.
Stephen Harper was at the Hamilton convention center at 5:30pm to attend a PC rally. Of coarse we did not get inside of the convention center because we where not on the “list” of attendees, and the building was heavily guarded by the RCMP. Nor did we even get a glimpse of him outside. Because (like usual) he kept himself very well hidden from the public.
The Liberal rally was held at Liuna station at 7pm. This event was toted as being a free for all question period with Michael Ignatieff. You can watch the video from this event below.
The left-right paradigm was in full swing! The Liberals parked their buses directly across the street from the convention center, and even had people dressed up in chicken costumes holding signs that read: Harper why are you scared to debate Ignatieff? When we spoke to people outside of both events the overall mood seemed to be “vote for anyone other than Harper”. Even directly after they has said that no change will come, regardless of who was prime minister. One man even agreed that they probably get together and so for drinks, in the background. But still said a monkey could run this country better than Harper could.
Is this not what we saw in the American elections of 2009? The attitude of anyone but Bush. And look at where they are now!
This tactic has been used over and over again, in country after country. When the popularity of the leader gets very low, that leader rushes a variety of policies that the people do not want. And then the “savior” figure steps in, promising change and hope (both where heavily repeated by Ignatieff).
The truly meaningless topics are pushed by the new savior, while the true issues are still left in the shadows. Ignatieff spoke about, and answered questions about the F-35 fighter jet deal, Harper being in contempt of parliament, about his “family pact” plan, his plan to give college and university students $1000 dollars a year (when asked how that would be funded, he answered “we will create the money for it”), and the long gun registry.
Most Canadians have heard about these topics from the main stream media over and over again. So it has become what they care about.
Ignatieff has been very quite on issues like CETA, the north American security perimeter, and the assault on our health freedoms. All of which have devastating consequences to our way of life and they are happening right now! But that is the game. Play the people against each other on small issues, so they forget about the real ones.
We all know Stephen Harper’s background, and can clearly see where he wants to take our country. But many Canadians still do not know much about Michael Ignatieff.
So here are some quick facts about Michael:
So here are some quick facts about Michael:
Ignatieff has written extensively on international development, peacekeeping and the international responsibilities of Western nations. Critical of the limited-risk approach practiced by NATO in conflicts like the Kosovo War and the Rwandan Genocide, he says that there should be more active involvement and larger scale deployment of land forces by Western nations in future conflicts in the developing world. – His Wikipedia profile.
He is the great-great-great-grandson of William Lawson, the first President of the Bank of Nova Scotia.
Has elite bloodlines on both sides of his family.
Ignatieff was originally a prominent supporter of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.[19] Ignatieff said that the United States established “an empire lite, a global hegemony whose grace notes are free markets, human rights and democracy, enforced by the most awesome military power the world has ever known.”
Ignatieff has argued that Western democracies may have to resort to “lesser evils” like indefinite detention of suspects, coercive interrogations, assassinations, and pre-emptive wars in order to combat the greater evil of terrorism.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper called a vote in the House of Commons for May 17, 2006, on extending the Canadian Forces current deployment in Afghanistan until February 2009. During the debate, Ignatieff expressed his “unequivocal support for the troops in Afghanistan, for the mission, and also for the renewal of the mission.” He argued that the Afghanistan mission tests the success of Canada’s shift from “the peacekeeping paradigm to the peace-enforcement paradigm,” the latter combining “military, reconstruction and humanitarian efforts together.”
He considers himself to be American. Quoted as saying “I believe in America in a way that Canada never allowed”.
I could continue this list, but it would literally end up becoming a 10 hour read.
To put it in the most basic terms. A vote for the Liberals or Tories will be another nail in the coffin for Canada. Both party leaders answer to the elite bankers and corporations, that want to usher in the global government. If we want to see real change, we must free our minds from the shackles of the left-right propaganda and go with a party that DOES have the best interests for our nation at heart.
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