from by qew
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2011 09:06 -0400
And so with each passing day the veil of lies at Fukushima is being lifted. For all those who had been scratching their heads how it is possible that Fukushima would have a (very high to begin with) radiation level in the millisieverts if indeed the plant had experienced a Chernobyl style meltdown and "inadvertent recriticality", when it should have been far higher, here is your answer. According to NHK, "a radiation monitor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says workers there are exposed to immeasurable levels of radiation." Unfortunately for the workers present, the monitor is not being metaphoric: "The monitor told NHK that no one can enter the plant's No. 1 through 3 reactor buildings because radiation levels are so high that monitoring devices have been rendered useless. He said even levels outside the buildings exceed 100 millisieverts in some places." Perhaps it is time for the discredited Japanese government to form a committee to investigate whether TEPCO, with or without the complicity of the NHK, was counterfeiting radiation reading over the past month, and thus sacrificing the lives of the 50 brave TEPCO workers who are committing an act of suicide by continuing to stay at the plant. Who knows: maybe they would have a different opinion if they actually knew their presence there is a guaranteed death sentence.
From NHK:
Pools and streams of water contaminated by high-level radiation are being found throughout the facility.
The monitor said he takes measurements as soon as he finds water, because he can't determine whether it's contaminated just by looking at it. He said he's very worried about the safety of workers there.
Contaminated water and efforts to remove it have been hampering much-needed work to cool the reactors.
The monitor expressed frustration, likening the situation to looking up a mountain that one has to climb, without having taken a step up.
At this point we are growing increasingly more confident that soon we will see a tipping point among the so far very peaceful and complacent population, which will result in unrest and possibly worse, demanding a government that will stop sacrificing people's lives to the "greater good" of market stability.
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