from by qew
Robot footage of the destroyed plant.
Kurt Nimmo
April 18, 2011
April 18, 2011
The Associated Press reports today that radiation has spiked in a water tank in Unit 2. Robots also report that radiation is so high elsewhere at the stricken plant that it is too dangerous for workers to be sent in.
Robot footage of the destroyed plant.
“Even I had expected high radioactivity in those areas. I’m sure (plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.) and other experts have factored in those figures when they compiled the roadmap,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said.
“The robots can only do so much. Eventually, people will have to enter the buildings,” saidTakeshi Makigami, a TEPCO official.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan took it on the nose. “You should be bowing your head in apology. You clearly have no leadership at all,” Masashi Waki, a lawmaker from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party, shouted at Kan.
“I am sincerely apologizing for what has happened,” Kan said.
TEPCO’s president, Masataka Shimizu, also took abuse from lawmakers.
A poll taken by the Nikkei business newspaper revealed that nearly 70% of respondents said Kan should be replaced. A similar percentage said his government had botched the nuclear crisis.
TEPCO says the Fukushima facility should be in “cold shutdown” within nine months, at which an effort effort to entomb the reactors will be launched.Mike Adams, reporting for Natural News, writes that TEPCO has announced that radiation will continue to leak from the reactors for at least three months, possibly longer. “This is basically a blatant admission that the radiation leaks are going to continue way beyond 90 days,” Adams writes.
The first step of the plan to be accomplished within three months concentrates on cooling the reactors and spent fuel pools that will reduce radiation leaks and decontaminating water that has become radioactive. The second step on a timeline of six to nine months is to bring the release of radioactive materials fully under control, achieve a cold shutdown of the reactors and cover the buildings, possibly with a form of industrial cloth, USA Today reported over the weekend.
Even the corporate media has expressed skepticism for this ambitious plan.
“If I were a gambler, I’d be willing to wager a lot of money that TEPCO’s current wish list of having all this done by the end of the year is no more likely to happen than a household cat sprouting a new tail on its back end so that it has TWO tails to play with. Then again, with all the radiation in the air these days, that sort of mutation might become more common than we’d like,” writes Adams.
Considering TEPCO’s ineptness and the fact little has changed for the better at the plant, it is entirely possible the disaster – now many times worse than Chernobyl – may go on indefinitely.
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