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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Survivalists Motto

from by qew


A survivalist motto could read, “If you don’t prepare, you could lose everything. If you prepare for the worst and nothing happens, you’ve lost nothing.”
These two sentences actually are credited to Gerald Celente, words that he spoke during a recent interview. It really does sum it up though, the logic behind a survivalist mindset.
Are survivalists becoming the new trend-setters? Survivalist-preparedness type of talk is being heard more and more in casual conversations amongst friends, and even during other surprising conversational circumstances. More people are ‘getting it’. They are becoming more aware of an impending economic catastrophe as most all signs point towards the end of the road from massive fiscal irresponsibility and the thievery that has been taking place at every level of government and financial institutions.
The survivalist minded will not go through the future blindly, not requiring to be led, but instead leading themselves and thinking for themselves.

In America, the power structure knows that most people have lost their backbone, remaining passive while the two-headed one-party system keeps the swindle going as long as they can. The swindle has been the largest transfer of wealth in human history – unknown Trillions from the working middle class straight to the power structure of the global institution.
The survivalist knows the price that will be paid, including what has already begun, the rapid devaluation of the dollar which is happening right in front of our eyes.
The survivalist takes charge of their own future. They commit the time to learn the truths beyond the main-stream-media, allowing precious time to prepare before an unsuspecting public catches on.
Staying one step ahead of the pack can not only reap financial rewards but will reap an emotion that is little known to many – one of fulfillment knowing that you are prepared, you can make it without the support of the system. It is a feeling of freedom. At least as free as freedom can be within the system we currently live within.
By not preparing, you are preparing to fail. By not preparing, you could lose everything.
By preparing though, not only will your life be with less pain after a collapse, but if there were to be no collapse whatsoever, you will have lost not a thing. You will have gained a spirit of liberty and freedom to depend on yourself instead of being enslaved by a system that is designed to enslave you.


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