from Chaotic Fate by qew
INET is pleased to announce that it will hold its annual conference April 8-11, 2011 at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the scene of the great conference that established a renewed global economic architecture as World War II drew to a close.
Today, as the aftershocks of our own Global Finance Crisis continue to reverberate, we face our own challenge of reconstruction. The 1944 conference was, famously, largely an Anglo-American affair, whereas today's reconstruction must engage the larger European Union, as well as the emerging economies of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia. In the years since the 1944 conference, the globalization of production, trade, and especially finance, has transformed our economy, but has not yet transformed our system of regulation or our tools of policy intervention. Indeed, our very habits of thought and speech lag behind the realities that we desperately need to think and speak about.
This conference reflects INET's dedication to inspiring and provoking new economic thinking. More than 200 academic, business and government policy thought leaders from around the world will be attending. Speakers include the former United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Mark Carney, Paul Volcker;George Soros, Adair Turner, Joseph Stiglitz, and Harold James. Scroll down this page to see a list of all confirmed speakers.
Visit this page often as we update our list of confirmed speakers and the conference agenda. At the conference, we will be videoing all the panels and we will interview many of the attendees, and we will make this content available to you here at INET Online. We have no doubt that the conference will produce a lot of high-quality, breakthrough thinking, and true to our mission, we will open this thinking up for everybody to engage and experience.
Significance of the Mount Washington Hotel
In 1944 the United States government chose the Mount Washington Hotel as the site for the first Bretton Woods Conference, which established the World Bank and chose the American dollar as the backbone of international exchange. The meeting provided the world with badly needed post war currency stability.
David Wilcock's Warning...
2011 Events
Annual Meeting of the Trilateral Commission
Washington, DC, April 8-10, 2011
Washington, DC, April 8-10, 2011
Supreme Court rules against the Federal Reserve by April 8th
The Fed tried to argue that this was one of its "trade secrets," but the Supreme Court disagreed. It is an eye-opener, not because of the information that will have to be published, but because the Fed is being treated now as a public institution--a Central Bank of the people--rather than as a private banking institution.
That alone is a huge crack in the Fed which will only widen as time goes on. Mystery Babylon requires secrecy to survive.
It looks like this is the first major step in nationalizing the Fed, which would undo that major foundation of the Federal Reserve Act.
Thanks, Bloomberg, for your lawsuit.
The Supreme Court has given the Federal Reserve a two-week deadline to reveal where the money went -- as of Monday, March 21st. This decision is one of the most significant events in American history. That brings us to April 4th -- four days before the 8th.
Bretton Woods Conference
CRISIS and RENEWAL: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, April 8-11, 2011
This conference reflects INET's dedication to inspiring and provoking new economic thinking. More than 200 academic, business and government policy thought leaders from around the world will be attending. Speakers include the former United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Mark Carney, Paul Volcker;George Soros, Adair Turner, Joseph Stiglitz, and Harold James. Scroll down this page to see a list of all confirmed speakers.
Visit this page often as we update our list of confirmed speakers and the conference agenda. At the conference, we will be videoing all the panels and we will interview many of the attendees, and we will make this content available to you here at INET Online. We have no doubt that the conference will produce a lot of high-quality, breakthrough thinking, and true to our mission, we will open this thinking up for everybody to engage and experience.
Significance of the Mount Washington Hotel
In 1944 the United States government chose the Mount Washington Hotel as the site for the first Bretton Woods Conference, which established the World Bank and chose the American dollar as the backbone of international exchange. The meeting provided the world with badly needed post war currency stability.
David Wilcock's Warning...
I don't like dropping dates, but April 8th is going to be a very, very interesting day. This has gotten a bit long, so I will save the bulk of this argument for an update that will emerge by or before this date.
Three different massive events all coalesce on this one focal-point -- just a week before taxes are due in the US:
SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST THE FED: The Supreme Court has given the Federal Reserve a two-week deadline to reveal where the money went -- as of Monday, March 21st. This decision is one of the most significant events in American history. That brings us to April 4th -- four days before the 8th.
GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: The Democrats and Republicans in Congress cannot agree on a budget. The US government will therefore shut down as of April 8th -- and there is no indication anyone will stop it. That means no paychecks, no services, et cetera -- for an indeterminate time.
NEW BRETTON WOODS: On this very same day, the first meeting to completely overhaul the world's financial system will take place. Other countries will now have much more of a say. This is the literal fulfillment of everything Fulford and I have been saying for so long.
This will create a massive wave of prosperity and directly pave the way for the release of clean, 'free' energy technology.
The final 'endgame' plan of the insiders, as I understand it, is to hit the US with a massive earthquake along the New Madrid fault line during the same approximate time that the government goes into shutdown.
Then, they hope, all the welfare recipients and government employees stop getting their money due to the shutdown. Society quickly disintegrates as all the services stop happening. Meanwhile, the perpetrators flee, or have already fled the country.
I'm frankly amazed the conspiracy media hasn't put all this together yet, but they will soon enough. We'll get to that in Part Two. Suffice it to say I do not believe these events will unfold as they are planning.
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