from by qew
Only in America can a beleaguered company with a checker past such as Monsanto’s, which includes a nasty little habit of poisoning entire towns with toxic waste, battle it’s way to the top of the dung heap to deliver a fatal blow to the people and planet with a deadly and insidious type of chemical and biological warfare via the genetic modification and patenting of transgenic seeds, as well as the coating of our farmland with toxic chemicals.
And to top it all off, the U.S. government, which is supposed to be financed by we the people, is actively promoting this biological warfare by stealthily allowing the rampant infection of approximately 85% of our processed food with unregulated transgenes that Monsanto executives admit will have unknown effects on the environment and life.
Did I mention that these transgenes also include a virus that is 70-90% identical to the HIV and Hep B viruses?
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Only in America can a beleaguered company with a checker past such as Monsanto’s, which includes a nasty little habit of poisoning entire towns with toxic waste, battle it’s way to the top of the dung heap to deliver a fatal blow to the people and planet with a deadly and insidious type of chemical and biological warfare via the genetic modification and patenting of transgenic seeds, as well as the coating of our farmland with toxic chemicals.
And to top it all off, the U.S. government, which is supposed to be financed by we the people, is actively promoting this biological warfare by stealthily allowing the rampant infection of approximately 85% of our processed food with unregulated transgenes that Monsanto executives admit will have unknown effects on the environment and life.
Did I mention that these transgenes also include a virus that is 70-90% identical to the HIV and Hep B viruses?
Because of the limitations of the technology, in most cases the process will also necessarily involve the insertion of genetic material from at least one foreign pathogen, the most common of which (the 35S promoter) is taken from a virus which is very similar to Hepatitis B and related to HIV. The consequences of using such elements have even been questioned by researchers at the John Innes Institute, one of the UK’s premier research establishments in the field of agricultural genetic engineering. Despite this, routine use of such pathogen-derived elements continues.Did you get that? Approximately 85% of the processed food on our store shelves contains products infected with transgenic material containing a virus that is 70-90% identical to the HIV and Hep B viruses. And our government, in collusion with companies such as Monsanto, is in charge of the attack, using “science” as a battle shield to fend off any who would question their tactics. But can what these people are doing actually be called “science?”
The Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter (CaMV 35S) is used in most transgenic crops to activate foreign genes which have been artificially inserted into the host plant. It is potentially dangerous.
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