from by qew
"Practically speaking, it is younger Canadians who will inherit the mess we are in now and the failures of previous generations. It is our children who will face the deficits, the divisions, and the damaging effect of winner-takes-all politics in Canada."

A message to the youth of Canada, This is YOUR country, and it's time to take it back from the CRIMINALS in Office.
FORGET the Conservatives, they sold us out.
FORGET the Liberals, they robbed us blind. They will do it again! They plan to "pay-off" the seniors, to get votes, at ours and our children's expense. Don't fall for it.
"The government and taxpayers are on the hook for a portion of their pension obligations."
"Let's do the right thing and give these people what they rightly deserve and introduce essential changes to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act to make sure this injustice never happens again. Don't worry, Big Business will survive."
Vote for the Green Party! It is the only one that hasn't screwed us over, that has a chance to win.
Vote for the Canadian Action Party! It is the only one that has plans to print Canadian Currency Free of Interest. Protect civil liberties and freedoms. Government for the people by the people.
Lets get it right and take our Country back!
"Practically speaking, it is younger Canadians who will inherit the mess we are in now and the failures of previous generations. It is our children who will face the deficits, the divisions, and the damaging effect of winner-takes-all politics in Canada."
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